Farm Girl – part 2 by Dark Dreamer

I could feel a trail of wet perspiration left by his fat fingers as he slid right over my buttocks, squeezing them softly, softly, then he moved his hand between my buttocks and slid it right down the center of my ass crack, over my crinkled asshole, and then down between my legs to cup my pubic mound in his hot, slimy palm.

“This is the problem.” he whispered. “This is the center of the problem right here. The tempter of mens souls…” he paused. ” The spoiler of the righteous…” His hand rubbed my pussy mound lightly. I could feel the sweat oozing from his pores.

Suddenly he squeezed brutally on my mound, putting enormous pressure on the soft tender flesh. I cried out in pain, and swayed forward as he sprang back.

“NO!” he shouted. “You foul seducer! You tempt even me! You shall be curbed in your foul lust!”

He moved to the desk and pulled out a long thin object. At first I couldn’t see what it was. I was still gasping from the sharp pain in my crotch. I tried to rub my thighs together to ease the pain, since I couldn’t touch it with my hands.

He walked back over and I saw the thing he had grabbed was a riding crop like some of the richer people used on the ranches. My mind exploded in fear and disbelief.

“This was made for you seducer!” he gritted. “It will teach you the true faith.”

I shook in confusion and terror as he talked, trying to understand him. The pain in my crotch was fading but the continued and steadily increasing pain in my arms, wrists, and shoulders was making it difficult to concentrate.

Then there was a whistling sound behind my back, like the kind you hear when you whirl a rope or stick through the air. A loud crack echoed through the room just as my back was slammed with tremendous force, knocking me forward.

My back lit up in agony. A terrible shock and burning pain lanced a trail across my shoulders and upper back. I screamed in shock and agony as he drew the whip back.

“So brings lust down.” he chanted.

Again the crop whistled down, this time sideways across the middle of my back. My body jerked and twisted as i shrieked in pain. The crop left a fiery hot trail across my back, a trail that burned and burned.

“Oh God! Please Stop!” I shrieked.

“Though shalt truly know God when we are done!” He said.

The crop lashed down again and again. It ripped a trial of fire wherever it landed, that lingered long after. He alternated his strokes, sometimes he would whip up and down so the whip would score a vertical welt down my back, other times he would swing the whip in a sideways arc so it would crack down along a horizontal line.

I jumped and twisted and jerked in pain and terror, shrieking and yowling in agony and torment,. Lines of pain ripped up and down my back. Each stroke bringing a sudden shocking burst of new pain from outraged nerve endings, each adding to the background wall of building pain.

Then he swung the crop sideways and lashed down at my bouncing ass cheeks. My crotch jerked forward, and my legs flew wide, straining hopelessly to escape. Again, and again, and again the whip smacked down on my beautiful little ass. My pride and joy was bruised and cut. I knew how soft and warm the skin was, knew how good it looked naked or clothed.

Soon my whole ass burned like it was on fire. The cruel whip criss crossed my buttocks with lines of brutal pain until the agony drove me unconscious.

I woke only seconds later as the Sheriff waved foul smell salts under my nose.

“You don’t go to sleep on me girl! I aint finished with you.” he snarled.

My head hung down, my sweaty hair hanging damply across my sweating face in a tangled mass. I looked down at my rounded breasts protruding from my thin ribcage. Sweat beaded out on them now, and all down the smooth white flatness of my belly and across my hips. I could feel drops sliding down into my light pussy hair.

The crop whistled through the air again and again. Now it brought only a shallow grunt from my lips. My senses were so overwhelmed by agony, my back already so afire, that the renewed lashes brought only short stabs of pain.

The sheriff seemed to realize this. He didn’t like my just hanging there not responding properly to the blows. He stopped and moved around me. His hand gripped my sweat damp hair, yanking my head up. Angrily he pulled my head way back between my arms, thrusting my chest outward.

I whimpered at this new abuse, at the pain coming from my hair at his brutal pulling. My throat tightened and hurt from the pressure of being forced so far back. Then the crop cracked down across my right breast.

The thin leather landed with stunning force on the soft fleshy orb, the force of his blow mashed the whip deep into the center of my breast, parting the meat in two halves, and smashing against my ribs.

I shuddered in renewed agony from this outrageous attack. My head jerking against his grip on my hair. He slammed the whip down again, this time against both breasts, slashing down right across the pink nipples.

My legs kicked feebly against him and my mouth wailed its terror as he slashed and beat at my breasts with the crop until they were criss crossed by swollen red welts. He whipped them like a madman, striking first one, then the other, then both together, as my legs and hips twisted and flailed helplessly. Tears poured from my bleary eyes as the burning, shattering pain of my breasts mounted.

He let go of my hair and my head jerked upward and then forward, hanging down over my burning tit meat. I looked up dazedly and cold see drool and spit flying from his mouth as his bulging eyes stared down at my nakedness. He lowered his attack and slashed down at my belly again and again, seemingly intent to leave not a square inch of unmarked flesh on my body.

He stopped. I could hear his gasping breaths even over my own. I was hardly aware of what was happening any more. I saw without noting it, the Sheriff hanging a wide horizontal bar from the same hook as my arms.

I groaned as he lifted my leg up high, folding it up and back against my chest. I felt something slide around my ankle and hold it there. Then the same thing happened with my other leg, until I was hanging from both ankles and wrists, folded in two.

My ankles were then moved apart, and hooked to the ends of the bar, so they were wide open. I noted this, sort of, through a thick daze. I could see him as I looked out from between my legs, leering at me.

Then the crop came down in a terrible ark that seemed to move in slow motion. It tore through the damp cool air and landed smack in the middle of my gaping crotch, right along my slit!

My throat was raw with screaming already, but this blow brought a terrible wail of agony which I didn’t even recognize as my own. It was a howling scream of animal pain and suffering. The crop raised high, again as if in slow motion, then slashed down once more, in nearly the same place…

The sheriff seemed to take satisfaction from landing blows right against my slit, my clit, and my asshole. The pain was indescribably, agony in its purest, rawest, most terrible form.

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