Game of Thrones Chapter 1: Daenerys Targaryan: The Dragon’s Bride by Voldemortslave

Drogon kept pushing more of his dick inside her until only the knot remains. Daenerys Targaryan felt completely full of cock. Weirdly, she wasn’t feeling any pain. Drogon’s cock was so hot it send her waves of pleasure in her brain.
She thought she had his entire cock in her and fear he would start to fuck her hard so when he remove his claw from her back to steady himself, she made a move forward to dislodge herself from her son.

Drogon growled but, didn’t stop her . Slowly and with shaky limbs, she edge forward. She wasn’t smelling the pile of shit under her nose anymore as she moved over it. She only had two inches of the cock out when she felt the little ribbon on the cock expand in her slowly. It was like the cock was becoming even fatter. Her pussy quivered near orgasms. She moved not even an inch, when she felt the most blistering pain in her poop chute. It was like dozen of needle where gripping her bowel. If she had move just a little more she would have ripped herself open. She pushed back and the ribbon felt back in the cock. Too bad for her that Drogon took this as a sign she had resign and accepted her place and rammed his knot inside the shaking bitch.

Dany launched into the biggest orgasm of her life. Sensing his slave spasm around his cock made Drogon roar powerfully. His knot, already too big for the Mother of dragons to escape swelled to the size of a pineapple.

Dany’s eyes rolled back into her head as her world became the cock in her ass. Her mind was blank and empty, filled to overflow with pleasure. It was like Drogon’s dick was up to her brain. Her tongue drop from her mouth, panting. She came like a volcano.

Feeling the hole he was fucking grip his dick, Drogon came too… Wanting nothing but to empty his balls into his bitch. Too bad for Daenerys Targaryan that she wasn’t a dragon…

Tyrion would have explain, if asked how dragon can give birth with anal sex, that dragons have a chamber pocket in their body, which is connected to the bowel and which sole purpose is to collect the sperms. Then, in this pouch, the eggs would forms and when ready, the dragon would only have to shit them out like taking a dump.

But, the mother of dragon did not own such a pouch in her ass. There was not special place in her to collect all the cum Drogon was about to shoot in her anus. She didn’t care at that point, her mind was fucked by Drogon’s dick and she could not anticipate what would happen now even if she knew about it. Her mind was still cumming all over the dick in her.

When Drogon had push his knot in her, she was push down against the ground, her breast and tight belly were press hard in the pile of Drogon’s dung. The shit has smear all around her when she was force down into it. At least her face was free but, she was now cover in dragon’s dejection. Her overly pleasured mind was already making strange connection. Her subconscious was rewired, connecting the smell of beast foul crap to extreme pleasure. If the monster in her had given her the time, she would have bury her face back in the shit and bask in the smell just to achieve orgasm again… But, she did not had to…

Drogon knew it was time to impregnable his mate. His cock started to spasm making Dany entire body shook with it.

The small girl felt a hot torrent explode inside of her. It was burning like lava but for Dany, the extreme heat was pure pleasure and her mind was overloaded with the sensation of hot dragon cum packing all her inside. The heat also made her able to feel the cum as it made it way to her stomach. In a matter of seconds, she was packed full of dragon’s sperm and could almost feel them swim inside her. But, Drogon kept cumming and her belly started to expend. A couple of minutes later, she was looking like a month pregnant and he kept going…

Soon, there was no more place for the cum to store. Daenerys Targaryan thought she was about to explode as she felt the cock spasm in her once more and again an orgasm took hold of her body, destroying the last human thought in her mind. The Mother of Dragons was reduce to being a dragon’s fuck sleeve.

Since, no cum could leak pass the tight fit of her ass, seal shut by a massive dragon’s knot, the sperm could not go anywhere but farther up the quivering bitch. It was force back into her stomach, packing her belly from the wrong side.

The former dragon queen, now dragon’s fuck toy, felt sick even as her mind was melting with orgasms. She began to throw up semen. The cum was push inside her ass and each time, she puked some out of her mouth but, Drogon was packing her more rapidly then the flow could get out. She had become a cum fountain. As sperm started to leak from her nose too, Dany’s brain came back down to earth as it realized she would soon suffocate, drown in cum. She was not feeling the pain and the pleasure anymore, only panic and the desire to live, desperate to take a breath.

Daenerys Targaryan thought it was the end for her, the end of the Targaryan line. Still frantically trying to inhale some air, she was crying until she felt pressure behind her eyes and understood that her tears were made of cum. The liquid trying to find ways to get out was now leaking from her eyes too. He last conscious thought was that it was the end now.

And then she felt it, the gushing inside her stopped, Drogon was now finish and after a couple of second, she could finally draw some air in her lung in between the last gush of semen coming from her mouth. She was still lock on the cock, pack full of cum but, she felt life running into her. Too live was now her only goal, the only thing on her mind. She was not feeling the cock not think of her predicament, she was breathing hard from fatigue, all her orgasms and the suffocation and her body and mind were just trying to get some strength back.

Dany did not hear the rolling thunder of the thousand horses rapidly approaching the seclude spot her and Drogon were hiding to. The dragon did heard them coming. He was not afraid of horses nor man but, it was a full kalasaar coming at them. By instinct, the beast knew he had to fly away. He was done, he had made sure his linage would survive with a good breeding and now it was him who needed to assure his own survival.

Not minding that his mate was still knotted with him, he took off, flapping his great wings to go up. Daenerys was lift by the butthole in the air. Each swing of his wings would give a hard stroke, the gravity pulling her down. When they were about two meter high, Drogon’s knot finally swell down, from his pineapple size to a fist size and with a loud plopping sound, Dany dislodge from him and came crashing down. She landed directly in the pile of Drogon’s poo and all the cum she had puke, knocking her unconscious. A couple of minutes later, the first riders arrived at her sight. They found her lying in shit, with cum oozing from her ruined ass.

-Get her to the Khal!, said one of the Blood rider in Dothraki. I guess she can make a good fuck toy for his horse.


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