How I Became a Lesbian Slave by Laffalot

“Of course honey, I’ll turn it on right away.” Dave said, rising from his chair with a look of concern on his face.

“Maybe she could use a glass of cold water while you’re up.” Emma added.

“Yeah of course, I’ll get that, and some acetaminophen to help lower the fever.”

I held my breath until Dave walked out of the room, then all the air hissed out of me at once. I slumped down in my chair and my hips started moving all on their own, humping shamelessly on Emma’s foot. She had slid lower in her own chair and pushed her heel up against my whole pussy, letting me grind against her.

“Are you going to cum slave?” Emma whispered.

“Oh God yes!” I enthusiastically whispered back.

“Better hurry before Dave gets back.”

I grabbed her foot with my hand, not caring about anything anymore except my own pleasure, and ground my pussy even harder against the soft underside of her foot. I was moaning and gasping and grinding her beautiful, sexy, soft foot, and if Dave walked back into the room at that moment, I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself because… I… was… finally… cumming.

Considering the unique way I reached the plateau, it was a powerful, intense orgasm that ripped through my whole body, sending me into spasms like a seizure. I was dimly aware of Emma pulling her foot away from me and sitting back up in her chair, a knowing grin on her face.

As my orgasm subsided and my brain came into focus, I realized how I must look, all slouched in my chair with my legs spread wide open. Just then, Dave entered the room and I noticed a bit of a cool breeze hitting my back from the duct pumping more cool air conditioned air into the room. I had the presence of mind to close my legs and since my legs were covered by the tablecloth I knew that Dave had seen nothing.

Emma had picked up a placemat and was using it to fan me as Dave hurried to my side and handed me the glass of water and two pills. I set the pills on the table and took a drink from the tall glass before saying “I’ll take them in a few minutes, but I want to go lay down right now.”

“Hey Dave, just put her to bed and let me clean this up.” Emma offered.

“Oh ah, thanks Emma, but you don’t have to do that. I’ll…”

Emma cut him off “I know I don’t have to do it, but I want to do it and I really don’t mind at all. You take care of Kate and don’t worry about this mess.”

“Are you sure?” Dave asked.

Emma was already standing and stacking plates “I used to waitress, I’m an old pro at this stuff Dave. Put her to bed. I’ll do what I can and I’ll lock the door on my way out.”

‘’Thank you so much Emma. I owe you one.”

Emma, the little minx, winked, smiled and said “Oh goody, I hope it’s a big one.” then she quickly made her way out of the dining room and into the kitchen. Dave just stood for a few moments staring at the door she had exited before he realized that I was still sitting there and quickly helped me to my feet and led me down the hallway toward the bedroom.

As I walked, I could feel two drops, one on each leg, slowly making their way down my inner thighs. I had cum so much, and the further we got away from the dining room, the more I could smell my pussy juices. In fact the smell was so strong that I worried that Dave might smell it, so I stopped him in the hallway and said “Oh shit, I left the pills on the table. Would you mind…”

“I’ll grab them, you go get undressed and lay down.” Dave said, turning back the way we had come. He was so good to me when I was sick, waiting on me hand and foot, and I felt guilty about using him like I was, but I needed to clean myself before he noticed the mess.

I quickly rushed into the master bathroom and mopped up with a washcloth. I stripped out of the dress and turned to see Dave standing in the doorway watching me. As naked as the day I was born, I squeezed past Dave and climbed into bed, pulling just the sheet over my body. I could see that Dave wanted to say something and I could imagine what it was, but he just sat on the edge of the bed and passed the pills and water to me.

Dutifully, I swallowed the pills along with a gulp of water, and said “Why don’t you go help Emma clean up, I’m just going to fall asleep anyway.”

“Are you sure hon?” I could see in his eyes that he really wanted to go back out there with Emma, but he was still worried about me.

“Of course. I’m going to be fine. In fact I’m already feeling better.”

“If you need anything…”

“I know, I know, I’ll yell if I need you.” I assured him, then kissed his cheek and laid back on my pillow.

He left me alone and I lay there replaying the events of the evening over and over in my head until I fell asleep.

That night I had a dream, and what a dream it was. I was woken up in the middle of the night by the feel of someone crawling between my legs. When I looked down, I saw that it was Emma, and she had that smile on her face that I’ve grown to love. Without saying a word, she began licking my pussy.

I looked to my left and saw my husband beside me sleeping soundly. Emma’s tongue work on my pussy was wonderful, but I was terrified that Dave was going to wake up, and there was no table blocking his view of what was happening between my legs.

“Emma,” I whispered urgently “what are you doing? What if my husband wakes up?”

Picking her face up out of my crotch Emma licked her creamy lips and loudly said “So what, let him wake up and see what kind of a lesbian slut his wife really is.”

I was aghast as I felt Dave stirring next to me, as if he was waking up. “Shhhh” I shushed her as she went back to licking me and I was praying that Dave stayed asleep.

“Please,” I began whispering again when the movement to my left stopped. Dave had rolled onto his side and was now facing me, but still sleeping. “don’t do this Emma. You’ll wake him and he’ll kill us both.” I really wasn’t afraid that he would actually commit a double murder, Dave was a pacifist after all and wouldn’t intentionally hurt anyone. I was more worried that he would be devastated that I would betray him. I didn’t want to hurt him is what my concern was.

Once again Emma poked her head up and, without lowering her voice said “Nah, he’ll be fine. Maybe he’ll want to join in, then I can tell him to shove his cock in your mouth so you’ll shut the hell up.” She dipped her face back down and began really going to town on my pussy.

Dave snorted and his mouth opened and closed a few times. I bit my lip as his hand came up and scratched his forehead, then nearly yelped out loud as his other hand slid across and landed on my tit. I held my breath and waited for him to open his eyes, but he never did.

My problem now was that I was getting closer and closer to climax and I was unable to stop it for fear of Dave finding out my secret. I couldn’t pull away from Emma, Dave would surely wake then. All I could do was lie there and wait to be brought to orgasm by Emma’s delicious tongue.

Since Dave hadn’t woken up with Emma talking so loudly, I hoped that maybe he would sleep right through my orgasm. Then Emma would climb back out of bed and sneak out the way she had come, leaving Dave none the wiser. I knew it would be difficult to go through an orgasm without moving or making a sound, but I was determined to do it. I had to for the sake of my marriage.

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