How I Became a Lesbian Slave by Laffalot

Emma’s middle and ring finger slid inside me and she used them like a hook, pulling me forward so I bumped against the side of the sofa, she was also putting pressure on the inner wall of my clitoris and I think she was touching my g spot.

I felt my pussy contract around her fingers and suddenly Emma was pinching and twisting my nipple painfully. I moaned as my orgasm began, then clamped my mouth shut halfway through the moan. I was cumming again and the pain in my nipple was somehow intensifying it.

I heard muffled words coming from the floor as my husband started asking Emma if everything was alright. I guess he must have heard me moan or something, but I couldn’t take it back, all I could do was make sure I didn’t do it again. Emma told him to stop talking and keep licking, then she added “And don’t you dare try to peek up here and see what I’m doing to myself, or I won’t let you cum.” A brilliant touch I thought.

Emma kept tugging away with her fingers buried deep inside me, draggin my orgasm out until I finally collapsed and nearly wound up on the floor. Her whole palm came out full of my cum, a white milky mixture that she rubbed all over my face as I knelt beside the sofa catching my breath.

Dave was still unaware of my presence and still munching away on the bottom of Emma’s sole while jerking on his swollen member. I looked at my sexy neighbor sitting on the sofa and mouthed the words ‘Thank you’ to her, then smiled the smile of the perfectly content.

From the floor we heard Dave’s muffled voice call out “Please ma’am, may I cum now?”

“Yes slave, you have earned your orgasm.” Before she had even finished saying the words, Dave grunted and a thick wad of semen flew from the tip of his cock and landed in a plop on his chest. Several more squirts followed, with one large drop landing on the side of Emma’s foot.

I was enthralled with the show and couldn’t take my eyes off all the cum that was covering Dave’s chest and stomach.

Emma took my face in her hand and turned me so I was facing her. She leaned in, put her lips to my ear, and whispered just barely loud enough for me to hear, “You have five seconds to leave the room, starting now.”

An ice cold chill shot up my spine as I realized what she meant to do. I didn’t wait around to see if she was telling the truth or not. I somehow found the strength to push myself up onto my legs which felt like they were made of gelatin, and quickly rush out of the room.

As I was heading around the corner, I heard Emma saying “You’ve made a mess all over yourself and on my feet David, I’ll expect you to clean my feet with your tongue.”

I made my way down the hall and into my bedroom where I quietly closed the door, then jumped into my bed and covered up. My heart was beating so fast from the adrenaline of nearly being caught and from the intense orgasm that I just had.

As I lay in my bed steadying my breathing, I couldn’t get the sight of my husband masturbating himself on the floor while Emma’s feet covered his face, out of my head. Things had taken an exciting turn, and I wondered where it was all headed.

I laid there for a while before I realized that I still had my cum drying on my face. My first instinct was to jump up and run to the bathroom so I could wash the mess, but then I was worried that I had waited too long and Dave would soon be coming in to bed. How long had I been there trying to calm my nerves? I really didn’t know, but I knew that it had been at least a few minutes. Which was more than enough time for Emma to leave and Dave to be headed in my direction.

Of course if Dave caught me in the bathroom, I could just say that I woke up and had to pee, a perfectly plausible reason to be in the bathroom, but what if he was in there washing himself of all his cum?

At that moment, just about the time I decided to go clean the mess off my face, and as I started to roll over to get out of bed, I heard the squeak of the floorboards right outside the door of the bedroom. I dropped back on the bed and froze just as the bedroom door opened and Dave crept into the dark room.

Doing my best to pretend to be asleep, I focused on keeping my breathing slow and steady, not easy with my heart racing. Dave carefully climbed into bed beside me and I decided to use that opportunity to pretend to wake up. That way I could say that I had to pee and go wash my face. Doing my best ‘waking up’ impression, I sucked in a deep breath and stretched my arms over my head.

I hoped that Dave would just pretend to be asleep while I quietly climbed out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, but as I started to sit up, I heard him say “Hey hon, how are you feeling?”

Still pretending, I sleepily replied “Mmm I feel better. Have to piss.”

The last thing I expected was for Dave to kiss me, but that was just what he did. I was leaning on my elbow in the dark, trying to play the part of a just waking person, when he leaned in and kissed me on the lips. For a split second, I didn’t even realize the implications of that kiss, then he pulled away and I heard him smacking his lips like he was trying to distinguish what he had tasted.

My first thought was ‘oh shit!’ because I thought that he must know the taste, but then I noticed a taste from his mouth and after licking my lips I realized that it was a mixture of Emma’s feet and semen. There was a sticky but creamy, bitter tasting flavor on his lips, one that I was not totally unfamiliar with, and beneath that was just a hint of foot funk, or so I thought. It wasn’t extremely pleasant, but I’ve never been a fan of the taste of semen.

I scooted to the edge of the bed and climbed to my feet on still shaky legs, wondering why Dave hadn’t cleaned his mouth before coming to bed and kissing me. I would find out the next day from Emma that she had scooped up all his semen and fed it to him, smearing it around his lips like she had done to me, then ordered him to leave it and kiss me on the lips when he got in bed.
She really had a certain kinkiness to her, that much was certain.

Once in the bathroom, I looked at my weary face in the mirror and shuddered. If the light had been on and Dave had seen my face, he would have thought that I had put on face cream but didn’t rub it in. I turned on the sink and used a washcloth to scrub my face clean then brushed my teeth and peed before heading to bed for some much needed sleep.


This morning, Dave is headed out for a week long trip to Austin Texas where there is a huge annual convention being held. I’ve heard some crazy stories about this particular convention, and I always wondered if Dave had partaken in any of the extracurricular activities that went on in the hotels after hours, but I didn’t let it worry me too much.

Emma knew all week that Dave was leaving, and she had secretly made it clear to me that she and I would be spending a lot of time together while he was away. She also told me that she was going to have a surprise for me that I should be ready for something completely different. Of course I am curious and excited, and maybe just a little bit nervous because she has been giving me hints all week as to what the surprise is.

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