IT XXX by jayskarsgard

IT XXX by jayskarsgard..,

My first proper go at writing any kind of story. I’ve had this idea for a while now but I live a pretty regular life and I’ve been nervous to explore this side of me but finally I wanted to give it a go. Get in touch with kink ideas for the characters and any other comments you have – – hopefully I can find people as strange/kinky as me! , Chapter One: Public Indecency

Mason Blake died on June 16th 2004. His death was ruled as a violent hate crime, for which Harry Tanner was arrested at the end of that summer – he was convicted for this and several other teen murders, none of which he committed. During the summer of 04, Rivington saw some of the highest crime rates it has ever seen, particularly as far as missing and murdered teens go. The bodies that were found were almost all teenage boys – 18 or 19, and occasionally a 20 or 21 year old would vanish or be found dead. Police were stumped and had no leads – the boys had no connection as far as schools, personalities or friendship groups or anything else. Anything else that is, apart from something that Mason Blake violently discovered on a Wednesday afternoon.

18 year old Mason had spent that morning trying to convince his older brother Teddy to come see a movie with him. Their local cinema had copies of ‘Dodgeball’ and Mason’s friend Freddie Patrick could sneak them in for a staff preview. Teddy bottled out – said he wasn’t feeling well, but Mason knew it was because he was scared. Not once had he seen Teddy get into trouble. Not even a little bit. Not at school and rarely ever at home, either. But Mason couldn’t blame him – he knew the one thing Teddy really wanted was their father’s approval and he never seemed to get it. Though he would never admit it, Mason knew he was his dad’s favourite. Always has been – even when they were little. Teddy was a year older than Mason, but Mason was ahead of Teddy in pretty much every way. Athletically, popularity-wise and his grades were better. Hell, even his hair was nicer.

Mason knew he needed to piss before he left the house, but he was that irritated with Teddy he ended up storming out. He wasn’t far from the theatre, but he knew he was passing a public toilet a little ahead. He doesn’t normally like to use them, but that April something had happened that sparked his interest.

Similarly to today, Mason needed a piss before he left his college building but un-similarly, the reason was that he was avoiding Harry Tanner. That boy was a psycho and everyone knew it, and that particular day he was on a rampage over some boy in Teddy’s year – Kieran something. Mason thought it best to avoid him altogether, and instead settled for a dirty, smelly toilet a few streets away. The toilet was empty when he entered, and he decided against going into a cubicle after catching sight of the state of it. He stood at the urinal furthest from the door and unzipped his trousers, and as he began to piss he heard the door open and close. Startled, a glance over his shoulder saw an older man approaching the urinals. He was pretty average height, wearing a pair of loose shorts and a white vest. They made eye contact and Mason quickly turned his attention back to aiming at the urinal. The man stood two urinals down from him and Mason shortly heard a stream of piss hitting the urinal. Mason had never been in this situation before – he knew it was a pretty standard and common one but something about it struck a feeling inside him, and he couldn’t quite work out if it was excitement or fear. Sweat was forming on his brow, and all he could concentrate on was not turning his head to look at the man. He became aware after a while that the other man had stopped pissing, but he showed no signs of moving. Instead, Mason could swear he saw his head turn in his direction out of the corner of his eye. What was he doing? Mason thought to himself – was he some sort of pervert? Oh god, how am I going to get out of this one? Why is he not moving – does he think I’m a fag? Fuck! He’s a pretty big guy, what if-

His train of thought was cut off with a sudden realisation – in all the panic, Mason hadn’t realised that he too had stopped pissing, and some time ago – definitely before the man had. Not only that, his cock had grown hard. For no known reason, Mason turned his head and made direct eye contact with the man. He was right, the man was looking directly at him – stroking his cocking and grinning in Mason’s direction. Upon making eye contact, the man turned his whole body towards Mason.

“Shy?” The man asked.

Mason couldn’t even get words out. His body was feeling something he’d never quite felt before. He’d never been with a man, but he’d never really been with a girl either. Not unless you count a couple of quick hand jobs here and there. Oh, and there was that time Leah Hayworth let him slip his hand up her skirt.

“Come a little closer” the man said, but Mason was frozen on the spot. The man moved a little towards him and Mason suddenly had control over his body again. He gave in to his urges, and slowly took a step towards the man. He just wanted to know what it felt like to touch another man’s cock, that’s all. Nothing gay about it, just curiosity. He didn’t want anything else. He definitely didn’t want to taste it. But even if he did put it in his mouth, it’s just curiosity. Definitely not gay. Mason cautiously began to reach out, and after what felt like eternity his fingers were almost touching that thick, 6” cock. This is it, Mason thought. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this nervous and excited all at once. But before Mason could quite reach, the door to the toilet suddenly opened and Mason felt a fear rush over him. Without thinking, Mason whipped his throbbing cock back inside his pants and darted back towards the door, where a slightly older man had just entered and was approaching a cubicle. He didn’t dare look back to the man at the urinal; he pushed open the door and ran, not stopping until he got home.

But ever since that day, curiosity (and hormones) washed over him every time he thought about the run–in he had. He thought about it every night as he lay in bed, and often masturbated over it, imagining what could have been. Mason knew if he had this encounter again he would know what to do. Almost every day after college he used that same toilet, hoping to see the man again but to no avail. He would be sure of what he wanted this time.

So that’s why, on June 16th, Mason Blake entered that same public bathroom for what would be the last time. He approached the same urinal, and stood to attention, praying for the door to open. It did. Mason felt a buzz rush through his body. Please be the man. Please. Please. Please. Footsteps approached behind him but he daren’t turn around. It felt like he was waiting forever, but eventually the footsteps ended two urinals down from Mason. He still didn’t turn. He didn’t want to be let down, but out of the corner of his eye he could swear it was him. The off-white vest and the baggy shorts. He was almost certain.

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