Predator Series: The Beginning: Chapter 3 by dsnabsp

Damn it to hell. Why do I always forget the littlest details. My mind started to work in overdrive thinking of ways I could untie her and not have to much fight out of her. Their were many ways I could go about this and may ways she could cause to much struggle in doing so. Just as I was about out of ideas I figured it out. I would tie one hand off to the bed post and then free her hands. Then take off one side, tie her hand up to the post, free the other side, and repeat processes. Yes there will be struggle, but not as bad as both hands being free. Last thing I need is her throwing punches with both hands and actually landing a decent hit.

Getting up off the bed, and heading towards the door I glance back to see her head turning away from me. Chucking as I leave the room I think to my self, she must be a curious cat and not having any control is probably killing her right about now. Just as I was about to shut the door and go grab the rest of the rope, an idea struck me like a mack truck. I open the door and goto my closet. Scouring through my closet I find what I am looking for, wasn’t that hard to find it. I walk back over to the bed, with my arms behind my back and a grin from ear to ear. Since turning around she has had her eyes glued to me and now a look of fear is covering her face.

“Close your eyes, and I will give you a surprise” I say under a low voice,

She did not respond how I wanted her to. She just kept starring at my wide eyed and did not move for a second.

“It’s okay, it’s something that will help.” still grinning from ear to ear,

She kind of blinked a couple times, and finally closed her eyes I went for the kill. I took the tie from behind my back and put it over her eyes. As I did that she kind of jerked her head. I scolded her for the twitch, and she kept still. I lifted her head up and tied it behind her head. I know it wont block her vision entirely but its good enough for now. I leave the room and head to the garage for the rope. After a little searching I grabbed the rope that was beside the jaguar I also grab a box cutter to cut the rope. The rope was decently long. Just about 30 or so feet. As I go to leave the garage, I admire the jaguar once more. That is a work of art. I shut the door and move through the house and hear some struggling in the bedroom. Shes not trying to get free again is she? I get to the bedroom and fling open the door, and there she is trying to get the tie off of her head by bending over and scooting her forehead on the bed.

Must be claustrophobic? I don’t know, nor do I really care. I walk in to the room and she stops and looks up and lays back down. She had managed to move the tie up half way off of one eye. I go to the side of the bed , set down my tools and fix the tie back over her head. Gettng the tie straitened out I smack her forehead, and scold her once last time.

“Next time I have to fix it you will never have to worry about me blind folding you again.”,

Hopefully she got what I ment and things that I would do something like that. No way would I ever draw blood.

Now that I have the tools I needed and how I needed her, I picked up one end of the rope and rolled her over. Remembering earlier that day what hand she used to rub her leg with I tie that one down hopeing that it was her dominate hand and I would not have to worry to much about her landing a blow to my face. I get a nice and snugg tie around her wrist above the previous rope and run the rope up to my headboard and find a spot that I can tie her off to. Satisfied with my work, I cut off the rest of the rope and go around the other side of the bed. I tie her other hand the same way as I did to the other and then ran the rope to the headboard. I then reached for the rope that bound her wrists together. Grabbing it and managing to loosen the knot a little, I half expected her to start to flail and make my job more difficult, but all she did was lay still. Fully untying her hands I pulled the other rope in my hands that was looped though my headboard and tightened her arm to the headboard. I tied off the rope, the moved to the other side.

Looking down at my prize, her clothing all about her and halfway tied up. Oddly feeling guilty in what I was doing but more aroused then anything else, I went back to what I was doing. I grabbed her arm and untied it. She tensed up as I worked, and made my job difficult. After about a minute of struggling I managed to slip her jacket, top and bra off of one arm. Tying her wrists back, I untied the other end from the headboard and pulled her arm snug and tied off the rope as I did with the other side.

Staring at her, I was actually content in what I saw. She had beautiful breasts, and slender, yet curvacious body, my perverted side starting to get the better of me, I move to the bottom of the bed, move my hands towards her legs, and run my hands up her legs. They are so soft and smooth, as I run my hands along over her thighs I move my knee on the bed to steady my self. As my hands make contact with her skirt fabric I cant help but lick my lips in anticipation. I move along to her hips and onwards to her back side. My hands meeting up with the zipper I managed to grab the zipper and slide it down till it was unzipped.

Starting to feel the pressure of my pants as I noticed I am mostly hard at this point. My penis is begging to feel her most tender of places, I slide her skirt down, leaving her panties on. The sight of her skirt sliding down those beautiful legs is almost to much. Starting to lose it a gain, I crawl on to the bed, and up to her exposed breasts and take one in hand, and the other in mouth. I started gently, with my hand, I caressed her breast and rubbed her quickly hardening nipple in between my fingers as my tongue and mouth licked and sucked on her nipple, areola, and the surrounding area. She lets out a satisfying moan as I pleasure her breasts.

My tongue slides over her nipple, as my fingers roll her nipple between them. Each time she lets out a small moan, exciting me further, driving my lust. Having her tied down, blind folder, half naked in my bed, with me on top has excited me to the point of losing control and letting my internal desire take over. Looking up while this is all going on I see she is biting her bottom lip. Smiling I switch breasts and start sucking on her other breasts while my other hand works on her wet nipple. As my mouth latchs onto the dry nipple I take the nipple between my teeth and give it a little nip.

“Ahhhh.” she let out,

She was not expecting that I assumed. So I went ahead and did it again and this time I also squeezed her nipple with my fingers.


Was all I heard this time around as I noticed she bit her lip again. Having had enough and wanting pleasure of my own I gave her nipples one last nibble and pinch and then sucked in and lifted my head up and my hand at the same time, pulling both breasts up with me. Hearing a sloppy pop and feeling her breasts fall out of my grasps, I moved my hand down between her legs, where she tried to cinch her legs closed but was only able to press them together and overlap one leg with the other. Running my hand down her pelvic region I slid my fingers down over her panties right over her vagina. Much to my suprise she was soaking wet already. Must have been from the foreplay. Letting my fingers linger and rub around, I then pull them to my face and give them a sniff.

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