Raising Little Tabby Jack Part Three by BikeWriter

Rex had done the coordinating with the Police Motorcycle Division, and he spoke up, “Okay, listen up! We move out in thirty minutes to meet up with the cycle cops at Police Headquarters. We’ll ride from there and we’ll be parked behind them at the city auditorium, and then be in the procession to the grave site after the services. Anyone needing gas, get it now, That means you, too, Maynard.” Maynard had run out of gas at a previous service.

My life, my love may have been feeling the increasing tension. I saw tears in her pretty eyes, and I thought I’d surely die, she is just that precious to me. I told her, “Darling, once we get through this I’ll do anything I have to to keep tears from your eyes. I’ll even put the icky bait on our hooks when we go fishing without arguing!” The little dear may have seen the distress on my face, she grabbed me, and kissed me then told me, “Jack, my darling, now I know your love is true!“ Have I mentioned she’s damned near as crazy as I am? I’d stopped her crying for a while at least.

The ride to Police Headquarters was pretty cool, despite the reason for it. It has always been my opinion there are few sweeter sounds than the rumble of a Harley. The more Harleys there are rumbling the better. My Tabby loved them, too, she’d been packing behind her dad and me on Harleys since she was big enough to reach the pegs.

Before that she’d ridden in those kangaroo or papoose things on our backs or chests you put babies in, or straddling a fat bob gas tank in front of us. I could remember a couple of runs during which we’d made her a bed in saddlebags, being certain they were properly ventilated, of course. Bob and I had also stuck our precious little critter into our jackets against our chests to keep her warm when she was an infant more times than once. She had looked more like a turtle without a shell then, instead of the elegant creature she’s grown into. We had loved her even then though.

I didn’t want her dwelling on the tragedy so when we got into position to wait I turned around on the bike seat and asked her, “Can you teach me to kiss like you and Marcie do, Love?” She laughed, and began instructing me in the fine art of good kissing.

A few minutes later she had my dick hard as a rock and I was nearly out of breath. “You are a fine Professor, my Love. You could make a fortune tutoring Kissing 101. I’ll give you all of my business!” That comment got me laughed at, slapped, then kissed again. “You’d better,” she told me, “remember, I’m armed and dangerous!”

My tutoring joke got her thinking about school, which was fine with me, as long as her mind was off the funeral. She asked me, “Could we look into home schooling for at least this next year, Jack? I’ve always made straight A+ in advanced classes and wouldn’t need much help. Every school kid in the country has heard about what was done to me. You know how cruel some adolescents can be and if they hurt me I’ll have to hurt them back. I’d also be terrified of the men teachers.”

I slapped my own face! “I hadn’t thought of the schooling you need several more years of, Love. There’s also the consideration I’d be in severe Tabby withdrawal after two hours without a fix of you. Everyone knows that can be fatal, first your lips dry out from no sweet kisses.” I buried my face into both of my hands. “I can’t bear to even think about the other terrible symptoms! I’d say the chances are very good we will be home schooling you. With a good laptop with the right programs and a long-range wifi antenna it could also be done on cross-country bike rides and hunting and fishing trips. How does that sound to you, Dear?”

From the kisses she gave me I could tell she approved the plan! I knew Tabby soaked up knowledge like a sponge. Both her parents had had Mensa level IQs, as I do, but they’d been like I am about AA and alcoholism, they’d never bothered to join. She was a voracious reader and net surfer and curious as a kitten about everything. I was willing to bet my Harley title she could pass the GED and college entrance exams with flying colors already!

Rex made a walk through of our group. “Warm them up! We leave for the City Auditorium in five minutes!” That gave anyone with cold starting engines time to kick them over. Our “Bitch” as I’d named the bike, started on the first kick. Rex’s “wrench”, as a bike mechanic is called, had done a good job on the tune up.

When we rode out this time it sounded like a thunderstorm. Motorcycle police officers and bikers from at least three states were with us. I was seriously affected by this awesome respect shown for my friends. I’d stuffed two pockets of my leather jacket with handkerchiefs and packets of tissues. I gave some to my Tabby, who was hugging tightly to me. I knew she’d need them.

When we got to the designated place at the auditorium and parked Tina and Rex quickly found us. I felt like the cavalry had arrived when Tina hugged Tabby! Tabby returned her hugs just as fiercely and told her, “Tina dear, I am so glad you found us!” That’s how we made it through that service for her parents, with Tabby crying in Tina’s and my arms.
We rode in the procession to the gravesite then. Tina and Rex stayed beside us there, too. I was watching Tabby closely for signs of her collapsing, but she’d recovered somewhat in the wind on the ride out.

There were several pauses for prayer, but I’ll just describe the most serious events. We formed up around the site and the military detachment fired a rifle salute and a bugler played Taps. The Pipers began their mournful bagpipe refrain. When the Lone Piper marched away from the rest and played a solo my poor Tabby wailed! I held my darling to me and kissed her knowing at any moment her legs might collapse! I mopped bitter tears from both her face and mine. The Police Department Dispatcher held a Last Call for Bob’s Unit, calling his unit number three times, with a dramatic pause between each call, then declared his Unit out of service over police radios all around the site. I doubt there was a dry eye in the crowd of several thousand people!

I’d seen Judge Thomas watching us from a group of city and state officials. His face looked as strained as my own must have. He held a handkerchief in his hand, as I did. Have I mentioned he’d been the Captain in charge of our Unit in Kuwait and Iraq? As soon as the ceremony was over he walked over to us. Tabby saw him approaching and shocked me for a moment by reaching for him, but then she’d known him since her birth, too. The big man put his arms around both of us and gave us his condolences. He told us he was glad to see we were there for each other and said he had known she was with me.
Tabby asked him, “Judge, would you please marry us if we can get a license? I love Jack and we want to do this today to honor mom and dad. They both died fighting trying to save me and Jack is protecting me now!” The Judge kissed her cheek and told her, “I would be honored to, Tabby Jack! You wrapped my heart around one of your little fingers years ago. Come to my office, I’ll call ahead and your license will be there waiting for you, or heads will roll! Jack, we’ll get ‘er done!” The Judge shook hands with all of us, kissed Tabby fondly again then left.


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