Rape and The Highland Fling!

She thought to herself what on earth was happening to her, and what might happen next ?…………………. Tess was at the edge of the dance floor, the slow dance and dim lights had taken the crowds attention off their sinful wild dancing,.. at least for the moment. Everyone was no longer bothered with the spectacle of her beautiful bare legs and shapely bottom that had been on display so sinfully, and erotic for all to see!…

She knew she was arousing him; she had seen the glimpses, the signs of it; the way he’d looked at her as if his eyes were easily trying to seduce her, the way she, had inadvertently and innocently been aroused by his forceful and self assured advances!. The flash of her bare legs and stocking, and perhaps her panty silk, had she led him on? Oh My!.. She had reluctantly felt herself moistening even more!. He was a forceful arousing, and a very handsome man; perhaps, just perhaps if she wasn’t already a married woman, she would have been less reluctant and a bit more receptive to his most forceful advances?

Now, on the dance floor, had convinced herself that, she had not led him on? But then she was an attractive desirable young woman! . Perhaps it was the red wine, maybe if she had resisted more? But he had almost dragged to dance floor?. In a way she was flattered; he was so dam good looking, and would be catch for most any girl. But it was she, a married woman who had perked his interest and aroused him so!. Tessa trembled as she felt his fingers release the grasp they had on her buttocks and slowly slip down the sides of her short velvet dress, tracing the outline of her suspender belt. She was even more shocked!…When his hands had worked her dress up, and were now inside her panties roughly squeezing the tender skin of her bare shapely bottom as they danced! For Tess “This was going too far”!…. She told herself, she had to be more forceful and assertive!…..

“No”,… she whispered firmly. “I’m a married woman, don’t do this”, please!…..Tessa again felt his breathing deepen, as his hands squeezed her posterior even tighter. Slowly she tried desperately to push him away. But his hands would just not let go, and again pulled her tightly too him!…

“Noooo she cried out again and tried to resist”. But her eyes were even wider as she felt his ever larger hardness press against her now over moistened pussy folds! He whispered softly.”Please, Ive fancied a girl like you for sooooo long, make love to me”… please,.. I want you, I really want you! Almost pleading!…..

This time Tessa was stunned by his bold remarks and was even more determined,…to pull away. She shook her head vigorously no! But she had nowhere to go; the dance floor was completely packed, a sea of moving people, over 20 to 30 deep. Startled she cried out; “No” as she stumbling a bit on her red heels frantically looking for help, and her husband? Then it happened so, quick she could hardly think much less remember…?…

Tessa like many women in her 20s, and just married to a wonderful loving husband. Only had several sexual experiences before marriage and both were innocent awkward and unfulfilling, but this had only whetted her interest for further sexual adventure!

She had feelings, fantasy’s and thoughts of perverse sexual encounters ones of rape, and of dreadful sexual abuse she dare not tell anyone! Least of all her loving husband, and one was now forming in her naive over stimulated young mind? One about a dance like this, where she has no choice in what is about to happen!
Before the dance was over this strong hansom man puts his arm tightly around her waist and still holding her other hand firmly escorts her towards the bar, but instead of the bar he bundles her into a darkened hallway and moments later into a smaller side room! She is aghast at first and tries to resist and fight him with all her strength!…

Her husband Dan after finally finding a place to park has anxiously returned to the wild music and crowed dance hall, spotting her small purse on a chair next to several empty wine glasses had assumed that she has been asked to dance, and is smugly content with the fact that another man has wanted to enjoy her beauty and company. The thought pleased him as the lights were still low from the first of several slow dances. The songs were long, agonizingly long, as he tried to catch a gimps of her in the dark dance hall wanting to enjoy the thought of seeing her romanced sought after and in the arms of another doting man!

But his attention for the moment was drawn to the sound of a fire door alarm, that quit almost as soon as it started? Then to other couples with attractive shapely women that waltzed by showing a lot of beautiful legs and cleavage! As he watched these couples the lights finally came up,.. he expected to see Tessa on the arm of a hansom man emerge from the crowed dance floor and introduce him to her new dance partner! But with her no where in sight, after a slight intermission, and now a bit more concerned had slowly worked his way through the crowd of dancers to the other side of the dance floor. Still without finding Tessa had finally surmised that after several glasses of wine she must be in the ladies room?

In the dim light, this forceful man has locked the door, and placed his hand on her throat! He so hansom and amorous only moments ago has quickly turned into a beast! He snarls at Tess to be quiet, then squeezing her throat so tight she can hardly breathe slaps her hard several times across the face telling her to keep quiet and not to resist!… Tears from the stinging slaps start to trickle down her beautiful flush cheeks, as she still tries to fight, what is about to happen! But he wants her badly and is a very strong man that wants her to see and feel everything, especially the power he has over her! There is nothing she can do, her vision fades.as he chokes her even harder,.. his other hand has found her soft pubic folds and her helpless wetness, she seems to have no control of!

Tessa standing there in her red hi heels, can feel his hands, and its grip, one on her throat and the other on this most sensitive and intimate place! His hand is so firm, so assertively down in a place where few other male hands have ever been!

Suddenly his grip their has tightened and he has a much firmer hold on her, and her very wet pussy folds! His other hand, has left her throat for the moment and yanked her beautiful blue velvet dress, from the neckline, down! Just missing the sparkling neck less! At the same time she screams, but it is timed perfectly with the loud horn of the dance band and the noise of the crowd, that easily drowns it out! The dress so thin,and tears easily away,… the fact that she is wearing no bra leaves her bare breasted naked , and ever so helpless and sinfully exposed!
Then this pervert has pulled her to him, by only this painful nasty grip of her privates! Tessa is frozen,.. frozen for the moment in total fear. His grip has easily found her swollen clit! In a harsh uncaring voice he tells her, turn around,.. helplessly she does,..as his fingers pull free of this most tender treasure! But as they do, they have pulled her silk panties, easily ripping them as they come! Once she is facing the wall, he through clenched teeth in her ear tells her to put her hands up,.. spread her legs,.and .then in no uncertain terms said,.. not to move, or scream!

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