Rape and The Highland Fling!

The door was stuck tight and had not been opened for some time! Desperately she pushed harder and harder as she did she could hear voices of men talking and coming towards her, in a moment they would be on her! She in naked panic and with all of her might made one last effort to push the door open, slowly it moved just a little,.. and once past a certain point swung wide open! But as it did, an alarm sounded as it was a fire door emergency exit! She was just barely through the door when the men rounded the corner, with her beautiful bra less breasts flying and her bare bottom jiggling obscenely she was in seconds out into the safety of the dark paring lot!

Her husband Dan relaxed some, and waited, but still no Tess? Then no longer able to stand being without her had inquired,.. giving a young attractive woman exiting the ladies room, a description of his wife Tessa ? The woman said no, that she was not in there. But earlier said, she had seen a woman dressed as he described, in a blue velvet dress being escorted forcefully by a man towards the back of the dance hall, then pointed towards the dark hallway! Her husband now somewhat alarmed started to quickly investigate, it was not unusual at all, for couples to neck or be groped in this dark hallway between dances!

He could see the green exit sign in the dim light as he entered the hall and had quickly found the door to the small room ajar, after opening the door and upon investigating further, had found Tessa’s ripped and sopping wet silk panties! They were in a pool of cum that was obviously left from what had been some kind of incredible sexual encounter OMG! They were hers alright, as he held them up to his nose! The unmistakable smell of her perfume and the ambiance of female and male sex had easily confirmed that sex, and lots of it had taken place in this small room! Looking further in the dim light he spotted a lone sparkling diamond, this now confirmed that Tessa had indeed been the victim of forceful and foul sex play, that to him was obviously rape!

Now alarmed and scared to death for Tessa, her husband thought that something dreadful might have happened to her, and had used his mobile phone to alert the authorities! Dialing the 112 number, the system took what seemed and eternity to connect to an operator! Once connected he tried to explained in detail what he thought had happened expecting the police to quickly respond! But the operator after hearing the location, and that it was a dance hall where young couples went to drink and be part of sexual adventure told him she would alert the local authorities, but suggested that she was probably outside in the back seat of a car with another young man willingly having sex as things like this had happened at this dance hall before! The woman was technically correct, however it was not so willing,.. at least at first!

For Tess once out in the lot, she was not sure where the car was parked, she looked for the beautiful black Jag and the safety of it, as she crouched down between cars in the first row. She heard the emergency exit door close and a man say, I think some drunk wanted to take a short cut to the parking lot! As her eyes became more accustomed to the dark, she stood for a moment and looked at the sea of cars in both directions? Their black car looked the same as any other in the dark, she made her way passed the second, and finally into the third row of the dark lot where she thought the car was parked?

Finally she spotted it, and for the moment was relieved, but as she got to the passenger side door, she was stunned with the realization that it was locked tight, and her small purse with the keys, were probably still on the chair in the dance hall where she had been setting? Now in a panic and outdoors in the dark wearing nothing but stockings suspenders and her red heels she was again scared to death someone might see her!

Thoughts of breaking a window crossed her mind, but it was a beautiful car her husbands pride and joy, besides she had nothing to break the glass with! The bushes behind the parking lot was a place she could hide, but it was really dark back there as she tried again desperately to open the car door! Then heard voices, talking in low whispers coming towards her? Now Tessa had no choice but to enter the dark wooded area and what she thought was the safety of these bushes!

The men she heard were a group of young black gang bangers that had been looking for expensive cars or things in them to steal! One said, are you sure you saw a naked woman go between these cars, your just bull shitting us brothers, aren’t you?

Yea,… I really saw her the voice said! They were quickly approaching the spot where Tessa had been only moments ago. She was now on her knees hiding in the dark bushes unable to see them clearly but close enough to hear their every word. Her heart was pounding as she tried to hold her breath, and not make a sound! The footsteps came closer and closer., almost directly toward her for a moment!…
One of them said, your seeing things? You been drinking to much, …no the voice said I saw her she was naked swear to god, bare titties and all, I think she was trying to get in this black Jag!

Then one said, maybe she is hiding in the bushes and again walks directly towards where Tessa is hiding! No man, your seeing things as his attention was again focused on their beautiful car! Lets take it and get the hell outta here before someone shows up! He then takes a spring loaded center punch and snaps it against the glass just outside of the car alarm strip, and waits several seconds expecting it to go off! At first he is surprised as all is quiet, except for the breaking glass! Apparently her husband in his haste to get back to the dance hall, and be in her company has only locked the car, and failed to set the alarm! For Tessa she could not help herself, and had with out thinking blurted out loud the word no!… As the side window of their beautiful car shatter’s,…just enough for him to reach inside and open the door!

One of the big black brothers then points his maglite into the bushes where the sound had came from, and in doing so the diamond neck less still around her neck sparkled brilliantly easily giving her hiding place away! With in seconds and with her still on her knees one said as he trained his small light on her naked.backside “Damn, look at that ass.” !
It was nice alright, accented by her stockings and suspender belt, now ripe red well used and bare! He grabbed her quickly by the hair and stood her up. She was scared death and trying with little success to cover her nakedness with her only her hands, and could not bare to look the young man in his face! Then with her struggling against his grip marched her to the car, all she could say was, please, no,..oh no don’t hurt me, just take the car and I wont tell anyone!

One of them said “Hold on baby, we wont hurt you, and another said like hell we wont,” Tess could smell the booze on this ones breath. He then placed his black hand on her bare bottom and lovingly squeezed it, and at the same time remarked dam, that’s nice! What the hell a hi class bitch like you doin out here naked? Then before she could answer, another said . “You love big black cocks don’t you?” If not , your going to by the time we get through with you! This would latter,…turn out to be a very accurate statement!

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