Rape and The Highland Fling!

The traffic police had noticed the Jag that seemed to be a bit out of place in this part of Brixton, and had been following at a distance? As the Jag slowed down, they quickly discovered what was occurring. Sex in public was against the law!
The officers dick started to twitch in his pants as he saw what he thought was an attractive young white woman giving herself to a number of black men, and it appeared without a struggle.
As her head bobbed up and down, it revealed a neck less that sparkled brilliantly along with doing it from the back seat of this expensive sedan, had perked the officers interest! The officers assumed she was a woman of substance that was getting her jollies and doing so as a dogger! This was something that seemed to occur more often over the last several years, and most anywhere! It was not that unusual in south east London, but here in this part of Brixton was, a bit unusual! Normally these infractions were not enforced as the laws were quite ambiguous and normally unenforceable. The progressive legal system in the UK over the last several years only seemed to convict those that had performed grouse public sex acts in front of young children!

The officers earlier had heard a comment from dispatch about a missing young woman, an expensive Jaguar, and that the husband was quite distressed about both and had assumed that his car had been stolen and his wife raped! The dispatcher then said she thought it was just some kinky sex play as the report came from a dance hall where this sort of thing had occurred in the past! The officers thinking they had solved the mystery had decided to pull the car and assumed they would find a half naked young woman and some over sexed young men that had been drinking a little to much, that were now having the time of their lives!

As the overhead blue lights came on and started flashing the driver of the Jag in a panic floored the powerful car and the tires smoked away at great speed! The officers had assumed the car would just stop, and at first were caught off guard, but within moments were in hot pursuit! The Jag had a good lead and after several blocks quickly turned into a dark alley screeched to a stop with all four doors flying open and the young black men fleeing in all directions!

This had left Tessa alone in the back seat wondering what had happened! When the officers finally pulled up and approached the car in the dark alley they found a naked quivering woman, with a lustful look on her face as if she was ready for ‘more’ ..she bumbled breathlessly…
”Cock, More Cock, I want Big Black Ones”!… It was as if she had been drunk or high on something. In reality she had been well and truly used,..and then used again, and again,… degraded in every way. Raped,..then by an oh so cruel twist of fate Gang Raped… on the same night!!

It must have been near midnight when the traffic police called Tessa’s husband who was so distraught and worried sick about his young wife Tessa, explaining as candidly as he could that they had had not only found his wife, but they had also found his car, and asking if he could catch a ride and come to the Brixton police station and pick them both up! When her husband Dan entered the station he was directed to a private room where a conversation about what had happened occurred? This conversation was between him and one of the officers that found his wife. The officer said we called a rescue ambulance and tried to have them take her to the hospital to be checked out, but she would not go and declined saying she needed no care or concern from anyone! This statement shocked her husband to his core. He’d suspected she’d been raped,..but not to hear anything like the full circumstances of the rest of Tessa’s night.

Then he is taken to another room, Tessa is almost incoherent laying with a blanket wrapped around her on a wooden bench blubbering that she is “a whore, a filthy whore!” He is shocked and more than concerned about what she has said, as she is the love of his life? As he sits down next to her she opened her eyes and looks up at him. She has the most humiliated ashamed look on her face that of a beaten dog, as she sits up, the blanket comes open! The fact that she is still naked and wearing the red high heels, soiled stockings and suspender belt! The two officers try to look away but even under the perverse circumstances, she is still a sinfully attractive young woman! Her husband has pulled her over and into his arms trying to comfort her as she babbles on in tears. Going on, occasionally sobbing and convulsing, that she has been a slut, a filthy whore for black men and that him her husband, or any real man would never want her again! She then confesses to him with others listening,..and her trying to choke back tears of resigned humiliation! Says she tried her best to fight back and to resist, saying over and over honest I did! I tried with all of my might!

They really hurt my pussy but it was,..OMG! I am so ashamed and embarrassed to tell you what they did. The extreme nature of the gang rape had meant she’d yet to tell of first being raped at the dance hall! This would be another wound to her husbands heart and he would later discover the horrid truth.
“The first black man made me suck his cock, they those black men made me do those awful things? They kept me so helpless and used me, but the more they forced me the more my body betrayed me, I tried holding back , but I couldn’t and had one helpless orgasm after another.”

Sheepishly looking around as the officers listened! “Oh!.. I feel so used so dirty cheap and worthless”

“One kept playing with me (she gestures to her clit) , it was like a drug of sexual pleasure that just drove me up the wall, to the point that I would do anything they wanted! OMG! I just could not help myself!” Looking away from her husbands eyes embarrassed and then looking down past her bruised breasts at her swollen clit! After that she said I did what ever they wanted in almost in a whisper, “I truly am a whore!” She continued to babble on, barely speaking… still in a whisper that she,… really liked it even though she had no choice! She still shuddering and telling this story is getting her aroused again by the thought of perverted sex with these young black studs!

She sobs openly again and looks up at her concerned husband as her abused breasts jiggle most obscenely! He holds her tight,and tells her truthfully that he does not think any the less of her, and that he would love her no matter what horrible things they had done to her, and that as her husband, he understood and none of what had happened would change his love for her!.

Telling her truthfully that he loves her dearly, Tessa then goes on to say that she has been with so many black men tonight, how could he ever overlook that? She then says look at me, look at what they did as she pushes him away opens the blanket wider and spreads her legs
Her clit is so swollen it is still sticking almost straight out! For him to see it so abused and still a dark pink has perversely made his cock throb also! Again he tells her and is quite convincing as for him it is true. Saying that to him she could have the most hideous and vile sexual things done to her along with being brutally gang raped by 100 black men, and that he would still love her, and that even if she liked having something so sadistic or abusive happen! He would never use it to hurt her!

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