Raped by Pep 1- 4 by tastykkake95

Shwapp Shwapp, Shwapp, I felt the cool air brush past my clit before I felt the terrible sting.

“Oh my godddd, Please help me” I cried

“ Nobody to help you here” Mike said appearing from the kitchen area.

He carried a jump rope tied a lot like a noose. He slipped it over my head and started pulling. He pulled so hard, I thought my head would pop off. Gasping for air, I struggled against the restraints. He eased up and removed the rope. He slapped the rope across my back.

Ding Dong. Ding Dong

Superfreak, superfreak, superfreaky now. My phone sung.

“Who the fuck is that Bitch? You expecting someone?” Billy asked with the homemade noose back around my neck.

“My sister! She wants me to babysit the twins. If I don’t answer, she will know something is wrong and call the police. Mike Both four cars are outside.” I managed

“Great more black nigress pussy to demolish, Let that black whore in Mike. And her bastard babies.” Billy said getting excited.

Billy always wanted to abuse a black woman. And the thing he would do to them bastard babies. He couldn’t contain his excitement.

“Please just be quiet and let them leave. Please don’t hurt them. They are not babies, they are 7 years old. Mike come on let them go” I begged.

“Billy get her untied quick and in the bedroom. You stay there too. I will handle this out here. We don’t need the drama so I will try to get rid of her.”

Billy freed my hands and feet and covered the bloody couch with his coat. Throwing me over his shoulder, we retreated to the bedroom as I silently prayed for my sister’s safety. I heard the door close.

“Where’s Aunt Janie uncle Mike?” Angie the female twin asked
Billy’s heart sped up. He hopped up of me and rushed to the door, waiting for the little voice to enter the room.

The door opened and the twins walked in with a confused expression on their face as they took in the scene before them. I was naked laying on the bed, bloody, staring at them. The huge white man in the corner stared at them as if He would make a pot of stew with them. 2 huge dogs with big pink things hanging out their privates. And uncle Mike. They started crying, as if they knew the torment I had went thru. Or what they were about to go thru.


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