Sandy Gets Even by firstimewonder

Sandy Gets Even by firstimewonder

During the summer when I turned fifteen, a neighbor approached me with a request to help care for his terminally ill mother in Centerville, roughly fifty miles from my town. The pay was significantly better than what I could earn as a lifeguard or flipping burgers, so I accepted the offer. My responsibility was to cover the night shift and look after Mrs. Goldsmith. It wasn’t too challenging; she slept soundly after receiving her strong pain medication. My hours were from 10:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M. the next day. I had the option to rest in the large recliner, but I set an alarm to wake me every hour to check on Mrs. Goldsmith and administer her medication. Roxy, a registered nurse, handled most of her care but required someone to stay with her at night to ensure she could rest well. After Roxy took over at 8:00 A.M., I typically spent about four hours in bed before being free to do whatever I wanted for the rest of the day.

After the first few days, I discovered a little park about a block from the house. It was right beside a stream of fresh water, and was nicely shaded. During the week, it was quiet, so I started going there after lunch every day to sun bathe and read. The third day, some high school boys came to the park to swim in the stream and toss a football. I ignored them for a while, reading my book and soaking up the sun. All at once, the football bounced over where I was sitting, so I picked it up and tossed it back. One of the guys, who seemed to be the leader of the group, yelled his thanks and went on playing ball. Just before they left, he trotted over.

“Hi, I’m Troy, what’s your name?” He said in a friendly voice.

I gave him my first name and turned back to my book. He smiled and said he might see me around again sometime, and joined his friends as the piled into cars and screeched off. Twice more that week, the guys came by to swim and toss the football around. Before long, Troy was obviously the undisputed leader of the group of guys, and equally as obvious that he was very good with the football.

The third time they were back, Troy came again and struck up a conversation. I didn’t tell him what I was doing in town, or tell him my last name. We just kind of talked and got acquainted. He was really good looking, but something about him bothered me. He had a kind of superior attitude and seemed to be used to getting what he wanted when he wanted it.

The next week, I continued coming to the park, swimming hard for about an hour, then sunbathing and reading. From time to time there would be groups of people coming to the park for picnics and swimming, but most of the time I was able to do pretty much as I wanted with not much company. Of course the guys came by to play football, and before long I got to know their names just by listening to them hollering back and forth. I learned that Troy was going to be a senior at Centerville High, and was the running back on the football team. I also learned that he had high hopes of going to the State University on a football scholarship. The third week, Troy came by on one of the days that the boys didn’t usually stop. He was alone and immediately came to where I was reading.

“Hi,” he said as he flopped down beside me. “You want to go swimming?”

I kind of shrugged, which Troy took as agreement, and jumped up pulling me up with him. He took my hand and we trotted off to the river and dove in. We swam for perhaps a half-hour when I told him that I had already worked out for an hour and was tired.

We got out of the water, dried off and lay in the sun. Troy kept pressing me for information, but something kept me from telling him why I was in town or where I lived. I just told him that I was only visiting for the summer and would leave in a few weeks. After a while he got tired of trying to pry information out of me and left. The next week, the guys came over as usual, but on the other days Troy came alone and kept trying to get a date with me. I told him that I couldn’t go out in the evenings because I had responsibilities, but refused to elaborate.

After several weeks, I finally consented to go to the movies with him a couple of times, but insisted that we go right from the park and that he drop me back there. I just didn’t want him coming by the house in the evenings when I had responsibilities to help Roxy. On those times, I either put jeans and a blouse over my one-piece bathing suit, or didn’t swim that day, so was dressed in casual clothes. By then, I had gotten a little more comfortable with him, and had even done a little light kissing and cuddling. Nothing serious, just a few kisses and some hugging.

Two weeks before I had to go back home to school, Troy said he wanted to show me something special. We got into his car and he drove about two miles up the river, pulling into a driveway. There was a locked gate, which he opened. I drove the car through then he closed it behind us. We drove about three hundred yards into the thick trees, coming out on a little building on a small cliff above the river. Troy led me into the building, which turned out to be a little fishing cabin. There was a table for cleaning fish, a small apartment sized gas stove and refrigerator and a lot of fishing gear.

He explained that his dad and uncle had built the cabin several years ago, and often would spend the night fishing, playing cards, and having a few drinks. They curtained off one side of the cabin, and I could see that there were a couple of beds. Troy went to the refrigerator and took out two cans of beer, popping one open and handing it to me. I shook my head telling him that I didn’t drink beer.

“We got wine, brandy, and even harder than that,” he grinned.

“No Troy, I don’t drink. Now, I want to go!” I insisted.

Troy took a long hard pull on the can of beer.

“Oh don’t be a spoil sport, go ahead and try a little.”

“I want to go now,” I said.

“Not just yet,” Troy replied as he finished the second can.

With that, he pulled me roughly to him and kissed me hard. I could taste the beer on his lips and smell it on his breath. His hands were on my bottom, pulling me tight to him. I could feel his erection pressing against my tummy, and felt my heart go cold. I pushed away telling him I wanted to go right now. His face grew dark, and before I could formulate a plan, he was on me. He grabbed me roughly and shoved me through the curtains into the sleeping areas. I couldn’t believe how strong he was!

“Please, I want to leave now!” I exclaimed. In answer, Troy grabbed the straps of my bathing suit and before I could react, he jerked them off my shoulder and peeled my suit right down to my feet. I screamed, but he just grabbed me and shoved me back onto one of the beds and jerked my suit off.

At first I was terrified, and too scared to think. I had attended some lectures at school where a rape counselor had given advice to the girls on how to deal with a developing problem called “Date Rape.” I didn’t pay much attention, because I only went with boys I knew well and didn’t think I would ever be in that situation. Now, I wished I had listened! Troy was on top of me, feeling my breasts and forcing himself between my legs. I fought hard, screaming as loud as I could.


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