Schoolhouse by alcaira

Schoolhouse by alcaira

Not for the lighthearted , Wiley03 Karen frowned as she opened the door to her room at the end of the day. She had been at The Covenant Boarding School for Young Women two weeks now and was terribly homesick. She hated it!

Why did her parents have to get divorced? And then to pack her off to this School while they fought over their possessions was no fair. She missed her old house, with its stables out back and its open meadows stretching for miles.

She thought longingly of how she used to saddle up Countess, her mare, and ride for hours, the wind pulling her long auburn hair out behind her, her trim thighs clenching and unclenching to the natural rhythm of the horse. Sometimes she would bring a basket of food, maybe some bread and cheese with a little wine snuck out from the wine cellar, and lay out among the grass, eating and sipping the wine, and imagining the clouds above her were imaginary lovers come to take her away to imaginary lands of beauty and fullfillment. She even missed her old high school, Bokker, pronounced Boker, High.

She hadn’t liked it too much, but managed to get mostly B’s with a couple of A’s her freshman year; and her Sophmore year was shaping up to be a great one before her parents had decided to destroy everything. She had been assigned the same classes as her best friend Sandy, and she had just begun to become interested in a “guy,” as Sandy would say. She had even made the second to last cut on the cheerleading squad.

She hadn’t expected to make it, of course, since she was only a sophmore, but it was fun, and she loved the exercise. But now she was _here_, she thought as she dropped her bag on her desk and flopped down on her bed, her plaid, checkered skirt flying up to reveal trim, well-muscled thighs, just losing their tan and becoming once more their natural creamy ivory. Her auburn hair, now, away from the sun, a darker brown, fell in a halo about her face, framing it.

A year ago her face might have been called boyish, but it had been softened by her maturation: her small, squarish chin had given away to a rounder, almost dainty one, perfectly accenting her full, dull pink lips; a small, sharp nose filled out, and revealing some old asian blood, did not turn up, instead remaining faintly southern European in look. Large brown eyes, which also revealed a hint of Asian blood, sat above high cheekbones and pale, full cheeks, completing the picture. Everything, she had to admit, wasn’t so bad here.

It was a great school, with fully 80% of the girls going on to an ivy league school. And the accomidations were great. She shared a nice large room, larger than her room at home, with Su Lee Chen, who, because she too had joined the school midsemester, had quickly become her best friend there.

The other girls at the school were not friendly at all, but she thought it must be because they were new. She had seen a definate heirarchy among her fellow schoolmates, with the senior and juniors bullying the freshman and sophmores. Neither she nor Su Lee had been bothered yet though, and Karen hoped they would just be left alone.

She thought again of Su Lee, and was glad she had at least some company. Not this weekend, of course, since Su Lee had been picked up earlier in the day by her parents, but she would be back Sunday night. Su Lee, she reflected, was a small, attractive young woman, four inches shorter than her own 5’6″.

Karen envied her hair, long, straight, black hair hanging down to her thighs, which she kept in a french braid most of the time. Her face was not completely Chinese–Su Lee claimed her grandfather on her mother’s side was white–and it showed, lightening what would have been a dark olive complexion to a mellower color. Her eyes also revealed the caucasian blood, being large and lidded.

Her body, though, was typically asian, slim with small breasts (she wore a size A bra, Karen thought, remembering when she had accidently thought it was one of her own. She herself had just switched to size B) and a firm if flat behind. She was not as athletic as Karen, but her body showed the firmness of youth, and although at 16 she was a year older than Karen, she looked two years her junior.

She turned onto her side and looked at the clock: 7:00 o’clock. She sighed and decided she’d better start studying soon, since she really had nothing better to do. Sitting up, she started unbuttoning her blouse with one hand while slipping off her shoes with the other.

Shucking off her shirt, she stood and unclasped her skirt, letting it fall down her shapely calves to the ground. She stepped out of it, and reached behind herself to unclasp her bra while standing in front of her dresser. When she had pulled her bra off, she straightened and looked at herself in the dresser mirror.

She was, she knew, attractive in a clean-cut, athletic kind of way, her firm breasts, with medium-sized pink nipples, perfectly porportioned with the rest of her body. Sometimes she wished she could have the willowy, exotic beauty of Su Lee, but she shook her head and started to rummage around in her drawer for her sleeping t-shirt. She found it, pulled it over her head, and smoothed it down until it fell to mid thigh.

She sighed, thinking of the long, boring weekend in front of her, grabbed her toiletries, and headed down the hall to the commen restroom. She was happy to find that none of the other girls were there, and finished quickly to avoid them. She made it safely back to her room and sat down to study.

Three hours later she was tired and burned out. Leaving all her study materials on her desk, she turned off the light and crawled into bed, almost immediately falling asleep. She was dreaming.

..she was swimming in a large pool of water.

She couldn’t see the shore and she was very tired. She slipped under the water..

.she couldn’t breath..

.. Her eyes popped open–she couldn’t breath!

Laying on her stomach, her face was pressed into her pillow, suffocating her. As she struggled, she came fully awake and realized that someone was sitting on her lower back and had pulled her arms behind her back! Someone else had two hands on the back of her head and was pressing it into the pillow.

She panicked, thrashing around–what was happening to her, what did these people want? flashed through her mind as she felt a thin cord being wrapped tightly around her wrists and quickly tied off. A hand on the back of her head gripped her hair, and a second later her head was pulled high off the bed, straining her back.

As she gratefully sucked in a mouthful of air and prepared to scream her lungs out, what felt like a large rubber ball was pressed against her mouth. She reared back, almost dislodging the person sitting on her back, but the hand gripping the back of her head pushed violently forward, while the other hand slammed the ball into her mouth. She made gagging sounds around the ball as her face was pressed back into the pillow, and she felt someone pull two straps across her face and connect them behind her head.


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