The day I died by Joining_Julie

The day I died by Joining_Julie

Discover 'The Day I Died' by Joining_Julie, an exhilarating erotic sex story that explores passion, desire, and the boundaries of pleasure. Immerse yourself in this captivating tale that promises to ignite your fantasies and leave you wanting more. Read now for an unforgettable journey into sensuality!<br/>

Basically just a wierd fantasy of mine, if you like the story I might make more… PS I hope it never happens to me though… , A Saturday night out, what could be better? That’s right, a Saturday night out in Vegas! I had saved money for this trip for a little over a year and I had finally ordered the trip from Europe to the US and the first stop had been New York followed by a long line of parties all across the states.

Now I was at my final destination, Las Vegas and I was going to party like there was no tomorrow. I had found a nice little dress in a shop down town and mixing that with a pair of high heels and a long and thick pony tail I was ready to head out and conquer the world. Even though I was travelling with a friend, I had to go alone this night as Marie (my travel companion) was too busy talking on the phone with her boyfriend back home.

To be perfectly honest, I didn’t really mind that.

During the day I had found a nice looking place in the city center. Not too big, so it would probably have a nice and cozy atmosphere, but also not too small so there would definitely be a good chance to meet some attractive young guys. I knew I was committed to the party once the sound of my heels was covered by the loud bass of the place and as I strode inside I looked around in awe.

The place was like the biggest place in my town back home and still had the feeling of a small and close place and it was decorated to look like a place for millionaires. With the amazed look still printed on my face I walked up to the bar and ordered a beer.

I gave a shy smile to a handsome young guy who at the same time just got his drink before he disappeared into the crowd with a nod and a look that told me that I should definitely come see him later this evening.

I moved away from the bar and found a place to sit, it was near the wall and even though I hadn’t completely sucked in every impression of the place yet I took out my phone and send Marie a message.

I was telling her how awesome the party was and that she should come down and have fun. Since no reply came I put the phone back in my purse with a smile on my face.

She was no doubt still blabbering on with her boy about nothing what so ever. At times like this I was glad that I was single. I looked back up and corrected the fit of my dress a bit so I displayed just a little more cleavage and then I leaned back, taking a sip of my drink.

It didn’t take long before a guy took the bait and placed himself next to me. He introduced himself and we spoke for a little while, or rather shouted to each other for a while before I had to get up and get a refill. When I got back he was gone. Or perhaps I had returned to the wrong table, I honestly don’t know.

Luckily though the night was young and I didn’t mind letting a smaller fish back into the sea if it meant catching a bigger one so to speak.

Of course this never happened but more on that later. I spend the next few hours circulating between the bar and the dance floor where I had the chance to get a bit closer to a few more guys. But nothing ever evolved to more than a little small talk. I wasn’t even drunk yet and I was actually ready to head back to the hotel and call the night a bitter disappointment compared to the rest of the places we’ve visited when something happened.

The bartender came to me with a drink from what he called a ‘secret admirer’. I curiously took it and looked around to see if I could spot the guy but in the crowded room that was impossible.

Alright so technically I knew that I wasn’t supposed to drink something that I hadn’t been ordering myself or kept a watchful eye over at all times. I should probably just have said no thanks and rushed back to the hotel. Perhaps that would have allowed me to see another day. But I didn’t.

I took a sip and I loved it. I had no idea what the drink was called but it didn’t take me long to wash it down. I tried once more to find the guy who had bought the drink for me but had to give up when I started to feel tired. I didn’t realize it at the time but I was too tired to really be naturally tired. I decided to go to the hotel and stumbled out of the nightclub. I didn’t get far though. Just a few hundred feet down the road I had to stop for a moment.

I placed my hand against the wall and closed my eyes for a moment. I was so incredibly tired and all my limbs felt like they were weighing a ton or something like that.

At first I didn’t hear the guy speaking to me, and even once I realized that someone had walked up to me and offered to walk me back to my hotel, I wasn’t quite sure who he was or even what he looked like. I managed to tell him the name of my hotel and my name and we started walking.

He had placed his arm around my waist to support me, but I doubt that was the real reason. I am also pretty sure that he touched both my ass and even my breasts during the walk but I really didn’t comment on it. I wasn’t even sure I didn’t just dream it. I had to stop though as I suddenly almost blacked out of tiredness and quickly the, at the time, kind man put both arms around me and made sure I didn’t fall. Sure I didn’t fall flat on my face onto the sidewalk.

But I did fall asleep…

When I woke up a few hours later I felt neither rested nor even well. I had no idea where I was and my eyes were still foggy. I could hardly move and even if they felt lighter than before, my body still felt heavy. I groaned a bit and blinked a few times before I could really see anything. I was not at my hotel. I looked around and had to admit that I started getting a bit scared. This place looked like an old auto shop or something.

Lots of old tools hanging on the walls and concrete walls and floors. Something was not right. I tried to get up, when I realized that not only was I somewhere unfamiliar and scary, I was naked and from the feeling of it, I had been raped while passed out. In fact the cum that was dripping out of my pussy was a pretty good sign that this night of party had turned down a wrong way. Now I just had to get out. Fast!

That however proved to be a lot less simple than I wanted it to be.

Whatever drug had been in my drink was still not out of my body and something as simple as sitting up took a long time. The table I had been on, or workbench or whatever it was didn’t seem to want to let me go just like that. I looked around for my clothes but I couldn’t find it. It had to be there somewhere and I really had to find it, as well as my phone. I wasn’t really sad or scared as much as I was angry. Some guy had drugged me and taken advantage of me.

I was furious and that feeling covered to fear in my mind quite well.

I was just about to put my foot on the ground to get up, when a hand grabbed my shoulder and forced my back down. With my back against the workbench once again I could now see the guy who had raped me. He was old and his eyes were cold as ice. “You should lie down babe, we’re not finished with you yet… He said and took one of my hands and tied a knot around the wrist and fixed it to the table.

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