The Price of Admission by Erotic Yahoo

The Price of Admission by Erotic Yahoo

The car slid to a stop on protesting gravel that paved the rarely used back road, far from the lights of civilization. Turning the headlights off he switched off the key and opened the door. Stepping out into the still air of a late summer evening he smiled up into the night sky.

Two in one night! He almost couldn’t believe his luck. Not just two, but two really choice ones at that.

Maybe I’ll have to visit singles clubs more often, after things cool off a bit. He smiled again as the door closed behind him, heading for the trunk. Turning the key in the lock he lifted the lid and the trunk light came on, revealing two female forms tied hand and foot with blindfolds and gags.

Both began squirming harder when they heard the trunk open, though neither could possibly wiggle free. The closer of the two was a young brunette of Asian descent with a petite, though toned figure. He decided she couldn’t have been over five feet tall.

The blonde had to have been at least a head taller and had a more robust figure to match her height. Both had hair past their shoulders, and had been wearing a lovely assortment of jewelry until around an hour ago. He had also removed their high heels, stockings and panties before tying them up.

Their belongings, including purses, were lying in two separate sacks in the back floorboard of his car. Minus these accouterments the two now lay with their hands tied behind their backs with smooth but strong silk ribbon that would keep them from escaping but not leave any unsightly burns on their attractive anatomy. Both girls were clad in slightly rumpled, but form fitting black party dresses, the oriental brunette in a short strapless one while the lankier blondes dress had thin spaghetti straps.

Their legs were tied together at the ankles and knees and their escape attempts were further restricted by the fact that their legs were drawn up behind them and tied to the silk that pinned their wrists. All told it made for an effective, and erotic, pose that kept them out of any trouble they might desire to start. He watched them struggle for another several long seconds, allowing himself the pleasure of gloating over his conquests.

“Hello, ladies.” He greeted finally. “I trust your time in the trunk hasn’t proven too uncomfortable.

” Both girls held still at the sound of his voice, but only for a moment. He reached down and helped the Asian girl rise to her knees, steadying her until she was able to balance on her own, then used his pocket knife to cut the silk keeping her knees together. This allowed her to assume more or less a kneeling position with her head and shoulders up and out of the trunk itself.

That done he lifted the blonde to a similar position, cutting her bonds at the knees and allowing her to kneel in front of him. “You both really are quite lovely.” He confided, lifting the straps of the blondes dress from where they had fallen back onto her shoulders.

“But what really made me choose the two of you over the other lovely bachelor-ette at that singles get together are those black dresses. I trust you will forgive me, but I just had to get to know you better.” He steadied the blonde before she could she could lose her balance and topple her young friend before continuing.

“Such beauty and diversity and all in the same neatly bundled deal. I really am glad the two of you decided to go out together tonight, you know travelling alone can be such a dangerous thing for a young girl in the city, what with all the perverts out there.” Both girls began struggling for all they were worth, and he let them, turning instead to the small toolbox that held the powerful battery powered drop lights.

“Lucky for me I found you first, don’t you think?” He hung a light from each end of the raised trunk lid, then reached into his shirt pocket for his sunglasses. Slipping them on he turned each of the lights on in turn, filling the trunk with their intense glow.

Even through the blindfolds both girls winced at the suddenness of the added illumination. He angled the lights so that it was focused one on each of them before going on. “In case you are wondering these lights bright lights are the better to see you with.

” He chuckled at his weak joke before going on. “I’ll bet the two of you are probably wondering why I have brought you here tonight? If you are guessing, you might be in for a surprise.

Actually, ‘brought’ might be too weak a word, drugged and snatched might be better ones, but that is really beside the point. I’m a rather lonely guy who finds the whole dating thing a bit tedious and would rather give a girl the opportunity to please me in exchange for something she desperately wants: Her freedom. I understand completely that neither of you wants to be here right now, and I actually find that helps to further the arrangement.

You see, I like getting head from beautiful young girls on back roads in the middle of nowhere, and they like to be free and back safely in their houses. I find it works out nicely, kind of a gentleman’s agreement you could say. Since neither one of you can speak right now I’ll take your vigorous movements to mean that you agree.

” Both girls shook their heads even harder ‘no’, screaming into their gags. “Excellent.” He pretended not to notice.

“Now, your choices are either indulging me here and now, or satisfying my more intimate fantasies back at the house. Now I really don’t have a lot of time to wait, since there will be a game on soon, and I would rather not miss it. The answer is still no?

” He sounded incredulous. “Now, girls, you agreed fair and square, if you go backing out I’ll just have to take you home with me. Think of it as the price of admission or better yet, as posting your own bail to gain your freedom, a get out of jail almost free card.

The alternative is a weekend with me getting to know each other better. Both of you are probably too emotionally involved to realize this yet, but neither of you are wearing your pantyhose or your panties.” He paused to let that sink in.

“I removed those earlier when I picked the two of you up.” He reached down and patted the brunette on the arm. “You should be commended on how well you shaved your pussy, and your legs are as smooth as silk.

” He turned to the blonde. “You on the other hand, were you going for a Mediterranean look with that thick muff and stubble all over your legs? For shame, to think that a red blooded American male would even want to stick anything in there with you looking like that.

Now if you aren’t interested in shortening your sentence, we can go back to my place, get you shaved and spend some quality time together. Which will it be, quick and easy or long and drawn out. Either way I have fun, especially if you stay the weekend.

Remember there’s no holding out for a better deal. Let’s review the situation a moment shall we? The two of you are tied up quite tightly in the trunk of a car on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere with no cell phones and no one to rescue you.

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