The Producers by hooksforhands

“Let’s get that shirt off her,” said Bosch. “Use the razor if you can. And take your time.”

Tucker grabbed her from behind. Putting one arm around her throat, he slid the razor under her tee shirt, the cold steel grazing her abdomen and chest.

“Shit!” she cried.

Tucker then cut through the thin cotton from the inside out. It was difficult, as the girl was struggling, but he was strong. He finished by ripping the shirt the rest of the way open with his hands, leaving only rags handing from her shoulders.

“Make sure we get a close up of those tits,” said Bosch. “Hold her still for Christ’s sake!”

“Should I start cutting skin?” asked Tucker.

Bosch thought for a moment. “Let’s get a BJ first. Our German friend won’t buy anything without a BJ.”

“Suits me,” said Tucker.

Bosch brought a box of toys and laid it at Anna’s feet. Her eyes fearfully took in the objects of torture within: a cattle prod, a garrote, a drill, various knives. Bosch wasn’t looking for these yet. All he needed was a mouth clamp. Finding one, he looked back at Tucker and nodded. Tucker punched the girl in the stomach and she keeled over, wheezing. “Open up, Sweetie,” said Bosch, prying her mouth open. Her slippery tongue reflexively tried to push the clamp out, but Bosch had done this before and soon had it fitted nicely. “There you go,” he said to Tucker. “You should be safe now.”

“Is it worker’s comp if she bites my dick off?” Tucker asked, a joke he always made. Pushing Anna to her knees, he pulled his pants down, revealing a full erection.

“Rub it against her face first,” directed Bosch. Then, to the cameraman, he said, “I want a close up of her head for this whole scene.”

Tucker did as he was told, rubbing his cock against her cheek. She turned away in disgust, but couldn’t avoid the contact. He ran it over her forehead, down her nose, over her exposed teeth, then under her chin. A tiny driblet of pre-cum appeared just under her eye and quickly dried.

“Okay,” said Bosch. “Stick it in.”

With that, Tucker grabbed the back of the girl’s head with both hands so she couldn’t pull away, then pushed his cock past her lips and into her mouth. She recoiled violently, but he didn’t slip out at all. Gripping her hair as close to the roots as possible, he began to pull her head violently forward and back while simultaneously thrusting his hips. A nonconsensual blowjob is a difficult thing to do well, but these people were professionals. Tucker fucked the girl’s wet mouth for five minutes, his cock pushing the inside of her cheeks out, before he felt himself starting to cum. He knew without being told what shot they needed to get, so at the last moment he pulled out and came for the camera, splattering sticky goo over Anna’s face.

“And… Cut!” remarked Bosch. “Clean her up for the next round,” he said to an assistant. “We’ll let Mr. Tucker rest up for a half hour before we resume. I hope you’ve taken your Viagara today, Tucker, because I need you to cum in this bitch twice more before you kill her. And maybe once after. For fifteen thousand, I’m going to make damn sure I get my money’s worth.”


Margie had missed the first act of the show because she was making sure the money was properly deposited into her bank account. Satisfied that the transaction was complete, she returned to the studio. It was a slow day and she had nothing better to do. She was looking for Bosch when she heard someone call her name. It was the girl. She was handcuffed to a pipe in the ceiling, completely nude. Her eyes were wide with hope or terror, Margie couldn’t tell which.

“Well, Hello,” said Margie. She couldn’t remember the girl’s name.

“Please help me,” the girl pleaded. “Don’t let them rape me again!”

“Oh… Sweetie,” Margie replied softly, wiping a tear from the girl’s face with her thumb, “that should be the least of your worries.”

The girl started crying. “What are they going to do to me?”

“I think you already know the answer to that question. They’re going to fuck you ‘till they’ve had their fill, then they’ll probably torture you, and then they’ll kill you.”

Tears were streaming down her face. “But why?” she asked in a shaking voice. “Why?”

“Money,” Margie answered simply. “You’re a commodity. A short term investment.”

“I can pay you if you help me,” the girl started to say, but Margie cut her off.

“The money I’ve made from Mr. Bosch has put my children through college. I’m not about to jeopardize our relationship.”

“But, but…” the girl couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You’re a woman! How can you do this?”

Margie thought for a moment. “I’m a businesswoman.”

Just then Bosch appeared with a security guard. “Bring her,” he said to the guard. “We’re ready.”

“Mind if I watch?” Margie asked.

“Of course not, my dear. Glad you could join us.”

They led Anna back to the studio. Tucker was waiting, his manhood having recovered from their last excursion. Someone had drug a dirty old mattress into the middle of the room.

“We’ll go for the ass this time,” said Bosch. “And feel free to get rough with her. Don’t kill her yet, but have some fun.”

“Can do,” said Tucker. He led the terrified girl to the mattress and pushed her onto her stomach. Then he sat on her legs so she couldn’t move. She had a firm, round little ass, and Tucker began to massage it, pulling the cheeks apart and finally probing the rectum with his fingers. He unsheathed the straight-razor and looked at Bosch, who merely nodded. With that, he placed the razor against her left buttock and slowly pulled it down toward her thigh. The razor sunk an inch deep into her flesh, and Anna screamed her first real scream of the night. Tucker took a moment to admire the wound, pushing it apart to get a better view. Despite all the blood, he could clearly see the meat of the girl’s ass.

“Good,” said Bosch. “Now keep that up, but start fucking her.”

Tucker pushed the head of his cock against the girl’s ass and slowly pushed it in. As he sodomized her, he continued to cut her. Digging the razor into her ribcage, he sliced a path all the way to the small of her back.

“Careful not to injure her spinal cord,” said Bosch. Tucker had once accidentally paralyzed a girl in the middle of one of their shoots. The video had sold well, but the feedback from his clients had been sub-standard.

Tucker continued to rape her, taking periodic breaks so he wouldn’t cum, for another ten minutes. Evidently, Bosch thought this was enough anal footage, because he directed Tucker to “flip her over.” Tucker gladly complied. For all of his bizarre sexual experience, he was still a missionary man at heart.

This was especially true when he snuffed girls; he liked to look into their eyes as they died. Spreading her legs, he roughly shoved himself into Anna’s cunt and began to work up a nice rhythm.

“Mmm… that’s good pussy,” said Tucker, clearly enjoying himself. After a couple of minutes he was really getting into it, and he started talking to the girl. “You’re about to die, sweetheart,” he panted. “I’m going to eat your heart.”

“Not literally, I trust,” said Bosch.

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