The Producers by hooksforhands

“I’m going to feast on you,” continued Tucker. “You are prey for my cock! And for my knife!”

“How melodramatic,” whispered Margie to Bosch.

“Yeah, but he backs it up,” he replied.

After five minutes of straight fucking, Bosch said, “Whenever you’re ready, Tucker.”

Tucker was ready. As he continued to grind his cock into the helpless girl, he brought the razor to her chest. He punctured her flesh at the clavicle, then drew the razor downward, slicing through inches of fatty breast meat. Through a combination of skill and luck he was able to bisect the breast perfectly, cutting through the nipple in the middle. The girl now had three breasts.

“Get a close-up of that,” instructed Bosch.

Tucker then turned his attention to the girl’s smooth, flat stomach. He cut into her navel, planning to disembowel her. But suddenly he realized that he was going to cum within the next thirty seconds. He didn’t have time to gut her, so instead he brought the razor to her neck. Pistoning his cock into her as fast as he could, he pushed the blade with all of his strength into her soft throat. There was a popping sensation and a spray of blood. He felt his orgasm approaching. Using the razor like a saw, he cut back and forth until the girl’s windpipe was completely severed, her throat cut from ear to ear. Looking into her glassy eyes he came, emptying his balls into her dead womb.

Bosch approached to admire his handiwork. The girl was nearly decapitated. The razor had cut into her spinal cord and now her head was hanging loosely from her neck. Putting his hands on her temples, he twisted until it came all the way off. He gave the head a deep, passionate kiss, then tossed it aside.

The medical team quickly arrived with their cooler and began working on the body. Their job was to harvest the organs for sale on the black market. They slit the girl’s belly open and her intestines spilled out messily.

Bosch wasn’t quite done filming, though. There was one last scene he wanted to get, and he knew he would have to be the one to perform it. As the organ harvesters continued their work, he unzipped his jeans and forced his cock into the severed windpipe where the girl’s head used to be. It was a tight fit, but there was a lot of blood for lubricant. The film ended that way, with a fade out.

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