Watching by itiswhatitis

Watching by itiswhatitis

Indulge in the tantalizing erotic tale 'Watching' by itiswhatitis. Explore themes of desire and passion as the story unfolds with steamy encounters and captivating characters. Perfect for lovers of adult fiction, this narrative will leave you breathless. Dive into a world of seduction and fantasy today!<br/>

… I woke up in a fog…an alcoholic haze; eyes seemingly glued together…
Opening these eyes of mine, I see a young guy moving into the kitchen to my left…
[Closes eyes…]

…Hearing a noise…I peep…the same young fellow looking out the window.

…It-s very early AM and the sun had just made an appearance, or so it seems… The windows in the kitchen are allowing the sunshine in thru the slats even though the blinds were closed for the benefit of us drunks sleeping about the house…
I glanced around and notice a few people sleeping in various places…, the sofa…, one in the foyer…, on the rug… the aftermath of a good party.

…I had the big arm chair…all good.

There is a developed basement in Clarke and Maggie-s place, furnished quite tastefully by the way. With three bedrooms on the main floor plus the two in the basement, we partiers can find a place to sleep most anywhere.

Clarke and Maggie are older, mid forty-s; they obviously take the master bedroom, well most of the time anyway.

I am in my early thirties and try to find a comfortable place when it comes to sleeping… I work in construction so I am fit. Usually I have no problems with aching muscles no matter where I sleep; this holds true for tonight as well.

The majority of people at these parties were in their early twenties. Clarke and Maggie throw a great house party and their reputation for being good hosts is well known.

…So, here I lay…no, here I slouch in this big chair…, ass near the edge of the cushion, legs sticking out straight. Comfortable…, except for my head… OUCH!
…Hangover…, fucking Canadian Whisky, I cannot resist that poison.


I watched this lad for a bit…nothing going on so I closed my eyes after awhile… I guess a few minutes passed, or I dozed off, in either case time moved on; when I thought I heard an – Mmmmm -… I opened my eyes to see him feeling up a woman sleeping on the carpet, her back to me so I do not know who she is… nor do I care…, really, I don-t… I watch him for a half minute or so then close mine eyes…, again.

I hear movement so I peep again. She had at least partially awoken, turning, rolling away from him slightly…she pulled the light cover she had over herself and fell back to sleep. I recognize her. She is quite the boozer… The young man leaves the room. [One pussy felt up.]…

I close mine eyes again… I am just about asleep when I hear him again. He slithers through the room going somewhere; my guess is hunting for a sleeping woman…
…I power down again, trying to get some sleep.

A ray of sunlight strikes my left eye, reflecting off something I guess. I roll to my right getting that early morning sun out of my eye.
I do not know what time it is but the party had only ended an hour and a bit ago, the last one falling like a tree in a gale. Clarke enjoys having a piss-up as he likes to call these parties. He enjoys people, as does Maggie. They like mingling with the younger set… adds to life Clarke says.

These piss-ups usually go off without a hitch. Sometimes, like tonight, there is an interesting aside. I do not recognize this young fellow…for all I now he is a neighborhood kid who just crashed the party to feel up drunks. Sex Ed practicum 101.

— Go ahead, I say to myself, these cunts won-t remember it anyhow.

I was brought back by a male voice;
— Get the fuck outta here ya little prick. …

I here muffled voices, a female quietly laughs…then quiet.

I smiled, remembering an incident a couple of years ago when Maggie got laid, or was in the process of getting laid when Clarke intervened. That one nearly ended Clark-s open house piss-ups. Fortunately the girls, four actually lead by Kerry moved in on Clark when they found out he was pissed and going to stop these parties.

I remember watching them rub up against, – Clarkie baby – … Coe-ing and drooling all over him…he never stood a chance… The girls steered Clarke into the basement were Kerry gave him one of her patented bj-s. Kerry loves cock. She can really give good head.
…I think about half the men here have had their cocks in Kerry-s mouth.

As I recall at the next party Clarke laid down the law before things got going…
… My wife is off limits, he said.
No one and I mean no one got out of line with Maggie after that announcement. Things eased off though after a time and the parties returned to their normal, drunken debauchery.

I take some responsibility for Maggie getting fucked, or nearly getting fucked though… Ya see I tried a few times unknown to all, long before the Clarke-ster found her with Ted, the attempted fucker of his wife. Ted reaped the benefits of my attempts on Maggie. Dam I loved it so, try-ing to fuck Maggie; dirty bastard that I am.

I brought my legs up into the big comfy chair again trying for some sleep. I looked across at a couple on the sofa…memories flood my mind…
The only time I saw a woman get fucked by someone else was about three years ago… in the basement.
…My one and only and favourite time.

I had gone into the basement to get some coke for my drink…which was…, I have forgotten. Whilst I was down there I heard some noise, not loud but still… I heard it.

I quietly walked toward where I thought it was coming from; I could not see a thing. I walked slowly up to the still crated refrigerator Clarke had delivered into the basement just yesterday. Beside this crated appliance was a smaller crated something or other … It was just the right height for me to place my drink on, which I did. I was three sheets to the wind and did not want to spill my drink. Then I saw them.

I recognized her right away. She was one of Clarke and Maggie-s neighbors, three lots down I believe. This woman and her husband where the oldest couple at the party; her name I believe was Grace.

The other person was male, much younger than she.

I had seen her before at these parties. Her husband would start off not drinking and then get into it heavily as his wife flirted with the younger men. It seemed harmless enough to me but I did not monitor it so who knows. But I digress.

Clarke kept a few scattered pot lights on in the basement, dimly lit; plus the bar lights… Clarke-s way of encouraging debauchery… Clarke and I were the same that way.
WE loved people fucking around as long as it was not with someone we were with, aka Maggie.

Although…, I had been known to bring some pretty attractive woman to his parties and let others fuck them… This little tactic did wonders for my reputation.

The bar was around the stairwell from where I was and were this young man and woman were…so lighting was to my advantage. Add 75W ceiling spot lights or accent lights, two of which pointed at the mantel. The third one was strategically aimed at the centre of the couch … Like I said, lighting to my advantage.

When I got there she was on the couch trying to sit up. He kept pushing her back… Her dress was a Spanish slash Mexican kind of thing…not a clue really. ALL I remember is that the bottom was pink; the top was red with some kind on black pattern on it. The dress was to her ankles. This I remember because I thought it in good taste when she entered the house….I mean an older woman should dress conservatively.

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