No Brand on My Pony by NotWise

Hope’s pussy stretched to take my thrust. I set a slow rhythm, but the sensations from my cock inside her forced me faster.

I bent over her, wrapped her in my arms, and held her. Her body was tense. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “How can you enjoy sex like this?”

“I’m excited. That’s all.”

I stopped deep inside Hope and felt her move and breathe. She sighed when I slipped out of her and sat back with my shoulders against her headboard. “You shouldn’t be so tight. It’s like you don’t trust me.”

Hope climbed to her knees and followed. She straddled my hips and kissed my lips. “It’s our first time,” she said. “Maybe I know what you’re going to do, but I don’t know how you’re going to do it. It’s natural to be tense, isn’t it?”

I stroked her arms and her shoulders and felt her body soften. “Let’s do it your way.” I reached for my cock and held it up between her legs. “You won’t have to worry about how I do it.”

Hope looked down before she realized what I meant, and her breath tickled my ear when she laughed. “The pony rides the cowboy?” She reached down to take my cock in hand. “I don’t know what to do on top—you know, how to make you happy.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll get mine when it’s time.”

Hope raised a doubtful eyebrow at me, but she bit her lip and settled on my cock. Its smooth head slipped into her, and Hope’s breath burned hot on my shoulder. She laid on my chest with little more than the head of my cock inside her, and she moved her hips in a slow, undulating grind.

I tasted Hope’s skin under a sheen of sweat, and inhaled her scent. Her braid fell over my shoulder. Her breath was calm and deep at first, and then it came in ragged gasps. I urged her on with my hands and my lips.

Hope went rigid for the moment at the peak of her climax. She relaxed on my chest when her spasms passed but still moved her hips as I held her. She picked her head up to ask, “Good?” and a tear rolled down her cheek.

“Are you crying?” I asked and touched the tear off her cheek.

“No! It’s just from the release.” She watched me suck her tear off my fingertip. “You’re a little oral, aren’t you?”

“Gettin’ to know you from the way you taste—your pussy, your sweat, your tears. It’s all you, isn’t it?”

A little shudder went through Hope. “Yeah, it’s all me.” My cock slipped out of her as she climbed my body, and she smiled at me nose-to-nose. “Open up, Cowboy, and you can get to know me better.”

A stream of saliva flowed off Hope’s lips and into my mouth. I pulled us together and explored her with my tongue and with my free hand—over her side and down her back. I caressed her butt, and slid my hand over her hip and between her legs.

Hope broke our kiss, reached between us to wrap my hard cock in her hand, and she laughed against my chest. “I might be able to do this all night.” She guided my cock into her, and I groaned at the pure pleasure of our bodies coming together again.

Sure as hell I couldn’t do that all night, but I could try. Sometimes I rode my pony, sometimes my pony rode her cowboy, and we rode into early morning.

Hope was still and soft when I laid her down for the last time. I pulled her braid to tip her head back. Her eyes were closed. Her mouth and her thighs were open, and my cock filled her. I stopped with our bodies locked together. She lifted her legs around me, and—even after all that time—I shuddered at the thrills she gave me.

We writhed together—slick skin sliding over slick skin. I could feel her excitement build just as it built in me. I whispered in her ear, “Come for me little pony. Come for me.” She laughed and tightened her grip on my shoulders. Her body stiffened, and she clenched her teeth.

Hope arched her back when her climax came, and spasms wracked her body. She groaned against my throat while fireworks went off behind my eyes. I squeezed her hips against me and emptied myself into her. I rolled away when I was drained and pulled her with me.

We slept that way until nearly noon when Hope untangled herself and climbed out of bed. Kibble rattled into Barfy’s bowl, and water ran in the shower. I turned off the bedside lamp and laid back to figure out the rest of my day before Hope opened the bathroom door.

“I have coffee, bacon and eggs,” she said. Hope was still naked, but with a towel around her head. “How do you want your eggs?”

“Scrambled.” I knew parts of her inch-by-inch, and there were parts of her that I planned to get to know better. She seemed suddenly self-conscious, and closed the door to dress.

I found a chair in front of the rhodochrosite on Hope’s dining table, and I noticed the small desk in the corner for the first time. The coffee was ready first, and toast came after that. Hope didn’t have much to say while she worked, and I was catching up on my messages. She didn’t settle down ’til the eggs and bacon were done.

“So how are the mind, body and spirit this morning?” I asked.

“They’re together—they’re very well pulled together.” She seemed to study every detail of her breakfast without saying more.

“Is this your office?” I asked, and gestured toward the little desk. Hope answered with a glance and a nod. “You have something on your mind,” I said.

Hope looked up without smiling. “The pony thing last night? That was all fun, but I’m not going to be your pony.”

It seemed like a blurt, and I was surprised. “Fun’s all that was.”

She took a bite before she looked up at me again. “Last night was great, but I’m too busy to hammer together a relationship that I don’t need.”

My thoughts hadn’t gone that far, so I stopped, finished my bacon, and digested what she said. “We said last night that you weren’t looking for a boyfriend, and I’m not looking for a girlfriend. This morning I’m not thinking different, but you know? I don’t want to be your one-night stand.”

Hope smiled, and used her fingertip to wipe a little egg yolk from the corner of her mouth. “I don’t want that either.”

* * *

Farolitos lined the street and topped the walls of the restaurant where I waited for our table. Susan said, “It’s cold tonight,” and dug her hands deeper into her jacket pockets.

“Shouldn’t be long now,” I was speculating. I pulled her close with my arm around her waist and watched the golden light flicker in her eyes.

A woman stepped out of the restaurant hanging on a man’s arm, and I barely noticed until Hope called, “Cowboy!” Her breath swirled round her. I shouldn’t have been surprised. You spend time in the popular places downtown and you’re bound to see the same people.

She hadn’t changed her look, and her long braid swung across her shoulders when she motioned to the man she was clinging to. “This is Steve, my ex. He came in for Christmas.” Steve’s dark suit made him seem far out of place. Hope turned to Steve, waved toward me, and said, “Adam’s a cowboy lobbyist.”

I let go of Susan to shake Steve’s hand and introduced her. Hope touched Susan’s arm while I talked to Steve, and she asked, “Do you mind if I talk to Adam for a second?” She barely waited for Susan’s nod, then leaned close to me. “Give me a call when you have time. After Christmas would be good. Next week?”

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