No One Notices the Hired Help by YDB95

“This is the last time, Troy,” Carleton said as he shoved Troy out onto the grass. “One more time and you’re banned for good, you got that?”

Troy stumbled and fell backwards onto the grass, but only his pride was hurt. He got up and dusted himself off with a dirty look at Carleton but no words. Straightening his tie, he looked around for a place to walk to and regain a bit of dignity. But all the passers-by had seen everything, and most of them didn’t even look surprised.

Troy’s glance landed down on the next corner, to a sign out front that had lately been repainted, and stood brightly against the scrubby grass and rocks: “Fliss’ Place Tavern and Hotel”. Troy laughed through his humiliation — why would Fliss bother pretending her house was a hotel when everyone in Candover knew what it really was? But the stately looking old house behind the sign looked respectable enough to fool anyone who wished to be fooled.

After what he’d seen at the lake and the anticipation of what he’d planned to do to Ruth, Troy concluded, for once he was willing to be fooled. He had always prided himself on not needing to stoop to such things. But he needed to fuck someone and he needed to do it now, and it would serve Celestine and her ice-queen mother right. Troy dusted off his trousers and ignored the knowing looks he was sure he was attracting as he marched up the path to Fliss’ front door.

Though Troy had never been inside before, he’d heard from many of his friends that the waiting room could pass for an ordinary tavern, albeit a low-class one. Stepping into the dimly lit room, he found that just right: a fully stocked bar and a crowded clutch of tables set against three walls decorated with various obscene drawings and paintings, and a doorway at the far end of the bar with a glint of bright light and a pastel-coloured couch beyond. Most of the tables were occupied.

A heavyset wench in a dress much too tight for her held court at the bar. “Bit of a wait this afternoon, I’m afraid, Troy,” she told him. “Two ships just put in today, y’see.”

“How’d you know who I am?” Troy demanded. “Are you Fliss?”

“It’s none of your nevermind, but I am,” she said. “And you really don’t want to know how I know who you are, Troy. Let’s just say I do.”

“Fine, but could you please stop saying my name out loud in this place?”

“I can if you buy a drink and a girl, Troy. Otherwise you’d best get lost.”

Troy slapped down a wad of cash on the bar and said, “A beer, please, and have you got any blondes?”

“Ah, right, you’re marrying a brownie, aren’t you?” Fliss chuckled, but true to her word, she did not call Troy by name again. “Yeah, I’ve got one, but you’re third in line after two of our sailors over there. You want to try to pay your way to the front of the line, be my guest.” She took his money and offered no change, but Troy was just as glad she didn’t ask for more.

The sailors she had pointed to laughed and raised their glasses to him. “Come on and join us if you want,” one of them said. “You ain’t cuttin’ the queue but you’re welcome to drink with us in the meantime.”

“Gee, thanks.” Troy decided he might as well try to be agreeable now — he’d come in here on his own; he was no better than the rest for the moment. “So you just got here today, did you?”

“Yessir!” one of them said. “On the Reprise. Never been here before, but our captain –”

“Ain’t you in enough trouble with him already, Stradlater?” said one of the others. “No offense, young man, but our captain wouldn’t want anyone else knowing what he just said.”

“My lips are sealed,” Troy said. “I know how to keep a secret. Especially if you pretend you didn’t hear my name just then.”

“Deal,” said the sailor. “But I did hear it. You’re James Russell’s boy, aren’t you? Marrying Portia’s kid?”

“Yeah.” Troy felt like crying in his beer. Instead he took a long sip of it.

His three new friends laughed. “Don’t worry, boy, what happens in this place stays in this place,” said the one who hadn’t spoken up yet. “My name’s Ben, by the way.”

“Troy, but you knew that.” Troy shook his hand.

The other two shook hands with him as well and then fell back into the conversation Troy had interrupted, but Ben remained focused on Troy. “I take it you had a fight with the little woman? Sorry to hear that, I just met her at Portia’s and she is one fine little dish!”

“Not a fight.” Troy tried to leave it at that, but he was bursting to let it out to someone, and hadn’t Ben said it wouldn’t leave this room? “No, but I saw her up at the Green Lake with another man. Swimming naked!”

“Oof, that’s a bad break, my friend!” For a wonderful moment, Troy thought his new friend might let him have his turn at the popular blonde first. He didn’t, but he did say, “Can’t blame you for comin’ here, then. Maybe you’ll learn a couple of tricks that’ll keep Portia’s kid at home from now on, huh?”

“I already know plenty if she’d let me near her,” Troy groused. “I mean, once we’re married she’ll have to let me. But until then…”

“Ah, ain’t nothin’ to be ashamed of,” Ben said. “No decent lady’d ever understand, would she?”

“Got that right.” And Troy raised his glass to clink with Ben’s.

He did eventually get his turn with the blonde, and was surprised to learn she was a girl he’d known at school years before, though he couldn’t recall her name. (He had little doubt she did remember his name, having spotted the same resentment in her eyes that he had earlier seen in Ruth’s; but he didn’t care.) He did enjoy the encounter well enough to stop feeling guilty about paying for it, especially now that he knew what Celestine looked like naked. With that thick brown hair, he had always suspected his betrothed sported a monstrous jungle between her legs, and now that his suspicions were confirmed, he was more than happy to enjoy a round with a lady who knew how to groom herself properly. Confident as he was that he would be able to persuade Celestine to do something about her personal hygiene, he welcomed the chance at a fling with someone who didn’t need to be talked into being bare and smooth around her feminine treasures.

That lovely look and feel were still fresh in his mind when he arrived at Portia’s door that evening, having made a detour to his own home for a shower and shave. He hoped Portia wouldn’t notice, but as Jameson led him into the sitting room, her first words were, “You too, Troy?”

“Me too what, Portia?” Troy did his best to look innocent.

“Your hair is wet. You weren’t with Celestine when she fell in the lake, were you?”

“She fell in the lake?” Troy was at least able to look surprised. “I mean, no, I wasn’t with her. I just had a shower before I came over.”

“Oh, you really don’t need to do that for me, my dear,” she said. “You are nearly family, after all.”

“Is Celestine all right?”

“Yes, but I have to be frank here, Troy; I was rather hoping you were with her when it happened.”

“Well, I never would have allowed her to fall in, Portia, you know that!”

“You’re right. You’re quite right.” Portia drained the last of her before-dinner aperitif. “But you see, Troy…” She abruptly left her sentence unfinished when Celestine blossomed forth from the foyer, also having washed up and changed into Troy’s favourite of her dinner frocks. At least she was trying to make amends, he allowed as she let him kiss her good evening. “Thank you for blessing us with your presence, Celestine,” Portia said, standing up. “Shall we?”

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