Protected Pt. 07 by SanityCheck

Protected Pt. 07 by SanityCheck

Discover the steamy erotica of "Protected Pt. 07" by SanityCheck, featuring sizzling scenes that will leave you breathless. Dive into a world of passion and desire with this must-read story. Read now for an unforgettable sensory experience.<br/>


I settled onto the bike behind Colt as his Harley rumbled into life. As we pulled out of the parking space, I leaned into his back and wrapped my arms around him, not because I was afraid, but because I wanted to feel his closeness.

“Left,” I said as we rolled to a stop at the road. We pulled away, going in the opposite direction of how we’d arrived, his bike murmuring its road song into the night.

“Right here?” he called over his shoulder as we began to slow for a traffic light, the vaguely heart shaped blue and red sign with an arrow under it pointing the way to Interstate 10. “This will take us back to the interstate, right?”

“Yes. Right here, then west on 10.”

He patted me on my thigh, and I smiled. Colt was simply… amazing. Perfect and amazing. I liked the fact he let me buy my Jeep without butting in or trying to tell me what I should look for or needed. He let me look, and then buy, without mansplaining. Not many guys I knew could have resisted that temptation in a car lot, but he seemed content to let me make my own decisions.

Even better, though, was at the office today. Every woman in the place was making doe eyes at him, and Hanna, bless her heart, could hardly keep her eyes off him… and yet he didn’t seem to notice. It was the same in the Wicked Horse. After we started dancing, I was sure nearly every woman in the place would’ve gladly open her legs for him if he’d given her half a chance. The Wicked Horse was where I went when I was looking to get laid. It had a well-deserved reputation as a meat market for the cowboy and cowgirl type, but I’d never met a single guy there that came come close to the raw appeal of Colt. I smiled into his back, enjoying the boost to my ego from being the woman on the arm of the man that every other woman wanted to fuck.

I’d been a little bleary from the lack of sleep near the end of the day at work, which probably contributed to me getting loopy at dinner, but the excitement of buying a new Jeep, plus the dancing, now had me wired. The last two dances, especially. I’d taken him on the floor, intending to embarrass him as payback for him enjoying my embarrassment at work a little too much, but it hadn’t worked out the way I intended. Our penultimate dance, with us grinding together, had been hot, hot, hot! I’d felt his hardness through our jeans, and I’d made my panties damp, but then he’d completely switched gears, and our final dance had been even better. We’d slow danced like lovers, and I’d melted when he’d held me so warm, tight, and close. He’d heated me up, then made me feel special, and I couldn’t wait to get him home and into bed.

The warm night air flowing over me as I held him close began to relax me. Gone was the overheated lust from the dance floor, replaced by a deeper desire. There was no doubt we were going to fuck, but beneath it would still be the tenderness. No matter how hard we fucked, and we’d fucked very hard several times since I first felt our connection forming, there was always something deeper and more meaningful, something that pleased my soul in addition to my body.

He pulled to a stop in my drive, and while he turned his motorcycle around, I opened the garage door. By the time he’d kicked the machine back into the garage, I already had my helmet off and was waiting to shut the door. The moment he was inside, I pushed the button to start the door closing. I turned away and entered the house, wanting to get a head start on taking care of Mafic so I could then focus on taking care of Colt. Imaging all the pleasure ahead of us was causing me to bubble with excitement and desire.

I cuddled with Mafic a moment before I put him down and filled his bowl with food and freshened his water. When I made it upstairs, I could hear Colt’s razor purring in my bedroom as he shaved. Sometimes we couldn’t wait and went straight to the action, but when we did slow down, he always shaved. It was another of those little things he did that made him so damned perfect.

I cleaned Mafic’s litter box and hurried to the backyard to toss the plastic grocery sack containing his waste into the trash. Now that Mafic was taken care of, it was time for us to take care of each other, and I bounded up the steps, eager to get started. When I entered our room, he was undressing. He was already shirtless and shoeless and was pulling his belt from his pants. Standing there, bare foot, his sculptured chest and muscular arms on full display, he tossed the belt onto the bed before he began opening his pants.

I felt flushed and on edge. I began undressing immediately, dropping my clothes where they fell. When he was fully erect, like now, his cock was granite hard and pointed proudly north, something not all my lovers could say. He tossed his pants into the hamper and then retrieved his belt from the bed, folded it in half, and then snapped it tight to make it crack like a whip.

The loud clap of the leather made me jump. “What are you going to do with that?” I asked as I flopped in a chair and tugged my boots off.

“I’m going to use it on you,” he growled.

My heart began racing, hamming against my ribs as I prickled with fear and tingled with excitement. I froze, and as I stared at the belt, he bunched the ends together then snapped the folded loop tight again, the pop of leather against leather loud in the room. I wasn’t into pain or BDSM, but despite my apprehension, or maybe because of it, I was strangely turned on.

“How?” I asked softly as I finished tugging off my boots.

“You’re going to find out.”

I knew he wouldn’t intentionally hurt me, but the tingle of fear increased… along with my need. Swallowing hard, I stood and slithered out of my pants and undies. “Show me,” I whispered.

It worried me that he didn’t smile with my willingness to submit to whatever he was going to do, but I was confident that if things started getting out of hand, I could warn him off and he’d stop. He popped the belt a third time, and I almost changed my mind, but I was so turned on by the thought of what he might do I decided to let the game play out a little more.

“On your back,” he ordered while pointing at the bed with the belt. Panting with fear and excitement, I complied. “Hands over your head,” he demanded as he joined me on the mattress. I again complied. He draped himself over me, balancing on his knees as he fed his belt through the decorative metal trim of the headboard and my fear increased again. “Hold this. Both hands. Don’t turn it loose until I tell you.”

Relieved he wasn’t going to bind me, I gripped the ends of the belt and held it, wondering what he was up to, but now that I knew for sure he wasn’t planning on whipping me, the flames of my passions began to roar. He settled over me and then kissed me slow and gentle. I moaned softly into the kiss, incredibly turned on by this new experience. I’d had a satisfying sex life before Colt, but he was by far my most adventuresome lover, and this was the latest in a series of things I’d never tried before.


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