A Lady called Fire by TheDok,TheDok

This story is set In Bath in England and Lima and Cuzco in Peru. I have visited them all and prefer to write about places and subjects I know something about.

As I sometimes do, I have included endnotes for those who want to read them.

A Lady Called Fire

Bath, England

Felicity had a body to die for, the face of an angel, and the mind of a whore. Her body and face made her beautiful, but it was her mind that caused sex to ooze from every pore of her flawless skin and made her so desirable. It would have been a perfect combination if I had been screwing her, but I wasn’t. Instead, it was my housemate Ben who was bonking her.

How you may ask, can I describe her this way?

Well…., her physical attributes were there for all to see. She was five feet eight inches tall with big tits and a large round bottom, dark-haired, with big brown doe eyes, and cherry red lips set into her innocent pale-skinned face.

But innocent she was not. The summer I first met her, her preferred casual mode of dress was tight blue jeans and a tee shirt with sandals. She wore no socks but painted her toenails bright red to match her lips. Neither did she wear a bra, her big nipples visible under the thin fabric of her top. Most provocatively, around the house, she often wore no panties. This I knew both because she told me and because her camel toe was easily visible, the blue denim spray-painted jeans she wore, clinging to and outlining the lips of her sex.

Felicity didn’t wear panties for several other reasons. I soon realised that she was an exhibitionist. She liked people to look at her and it excited her that both men and women could see what was on offer and want to fuck her.

I had only known her a few weeks when one Saturday evening she told me her other reason. That evening, she and Ben were going to a party. I had already told them that I had alternative plans but, in truth, I did not want to be a third wheel.

It was around ten o’clock when Felicity appeared in the lounge. She had already been drinking and was tipsy and disinhibited. Unusually she was dressed in a mid-calf-length red skirt with stockings and boots. She wore a white lace blouse and a bra.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” she asked.

“No thanks, Felicity,” I said. “You look nice.”

She smiled and chuckled.

“You mean in my party clothes? I’m still not wearing my panties though. It makes me feel so deliciously naked and so ready for action.”

I didn’t know what to say. Her words had shocked me.

“I’m sorry James I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I was only teasing you.”

Which, of course, she was. But it was at that moment I knew she also wanted to fuck me.


Felicity did not live with us but had her own flat on the other side of town. Ben had picked her up at a discotheque about three weeks earlier, and up until that evening, he had gone to her flat to fuck her. I knew that she was an organised individual and worked hard during the week so that she could let her hair down at the weekends.

I thought I knew the reason why Ben and Felicity spent Saturday and Sunday daytime at our place and then went back to her flat, a couple of miles away, to spend the night.

Firstly, Ben was a keen football supporter and we had cable tv and a sports subscription. He and Felicity would cuddle up on the couch and watch on the large wall-mounted plasma television in the lounge. Felicity appeared to enjoy the games as well although, at first, I wasn’t sure how much of her interest was feigned. I later found out that she was a true Liverpool supporter. I suppose that was inevitable since that was the city she came from, and her father and brothers still had season tickets.

Secondly, I supposed the reason why they returned to Felicity’s to screw was that they wanted their privacy. Or at least Ben did….

Although Felicity had a flatmate I assumed that the rooms they occupied were more soundproof than those of Ben and mine. We had adjoining rooms that the landlord had made by partitioning one larger room with a flimsy plywood wall. Our beds sat almost adjacent to one another on opposite sides of the thin wooden sheet, and we could easily talk to one another when we lay in bed at night.


After Ben and Felicity Had left for the party I switched on the television to watch “Match of the Day” and around midnight I went to bed and soon fell asleep.

I woke suddenly with the distinct impression that somebody was talking to me. For a moment I lay in the dark and listened and could hear nothing. I looked across at my alarm clock and the fluorescent hands indicated it was just after two in the morning. I had decided I must have been dreaming and had turned over to go back to sleep when I heard Felicity’s voice. Her soft Scouse (Liverpool) accent was quite unmistakable and in the quiet of the night and from a distance of only a foot or two away I could hear every word she said.

“Do you think he’s awake?” she asked.

“If he isn’t yet he will be soon,” I heard Ben say. “Keep quiet girl.”

She giggled and spoke.

“I want you good and naked and then I’m going to suck your dick. With my mouth full I won’t be able to talk will I? Then I’m going to give you a tit job and you can imagine licking my slit. When you’ve cunnied me to my first few orgasms and when I’m good and wet you can put your dick in me and give me what I really need. A good hard fucking. I am so fucking horny.”

As she spoke I tried to imagine what was happening just inches away and my penis started to grow and harden. I threw my bed sheets to the floor and lay naked on my back on the bed. And then I heard her voice again. She spoke softly but very clearly.

“Oh, look at you. So long and hard. I think I’ll start with a hand job. You know how good my hand jobs are. All my boyfriends tell me how good I am with my hands. Do you know why I’m so fucking good? It’s because I love dick.”

I heard Ben groan and Felicity continued to talk.

“Cut or uncut and the longer and fatter the better. My favourite is to tie a man down, face sit him, and give him a very slow hand job. That is what is waiting for you when I get you home. Only then, are you going to put your prick in me.

Are you paying attention,” she said urgently.

Ben groaned again. As she slowly stroked his dick he may have imagined she was talking to him, but I knew she was now talking to me.

I grasped my penis between my thumb and two adjacent fingers and slowly drew the foreskin back and forth over the swollen tip whilst Felicity kept up her commentary.

“Is that good? Is that good?

Is your dick good and hard?

Do you want me to wrap my tits around your shaft?

Do you want to feel my lips around your penis head and spurt into my mouth?

I want to taste your salty sperm.

I know you want to fuck me…..

You will. You will.”

And all the time I continued to slowly work my prick. It felt like a steel rod in my hand.

“Now I’m going to wrap my big tits around your penis and suck you whilst you watch.”

In my mind I visualised her kneeling, inches from me on the other side of the wall, with her tits wrapped firmly around Ben’s dick and holding the tip between her lips, with her head bobbing as wide-eyed she watched him take his pleasure… and I continued to wank.

For a few minutes, she remained silent until I heard her speak again. Her voice was dripping with desire.

“My turn. I’m so wet. I want you to lick my slit. Lick my slit. Make me come. Fuck me. Fuck my brains out. Fill me with your load.”

I heard the bed creak and soon Felicity started to talk again.

“Yes like that. Just like that!

Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Don’t you dare fucking stop!


Over the next five minutes or so she continued to entreat him for more, to lick her bald slit, make her come, and noisily took her pleasure, climaxing over and over again.

And I imagined it was me lying with my head between her thighs lapping her moist sex and erect clitoris.

Then the bed next door started to move and knock against the wall. slowly at first, and then harder and faster.

And my hand moved faster on my dick.

I heard Felicity moaning and babbling in her passion until she screamed.

“Yes! Yes! Ohhhhhhh Fuuuuckkk Yessss!!!!!”

And as she came so did I.


The following morning was a Sunday and I slept in. I got up in the late morning and was sitting at the kitchen table eating a slice of toast and drinking a cup of black coffee when Felicity appeared. She was dishevelled and “slept with” but still beautiful. She had her back to me and was boiling the kettle to make tea when she spoke.

“I hope we didn’t wake you when we came in last night?”

“No,” I lied. “I’d had a few beers and was fast asleep.”

She finished making the tea, added milk and sugar, and sat at the table opposite me.

“I’m glad you didn’t hear us. It might have been embarrassing.”

“Felicity, somehow I can’t imagine anything embarrassing you,” I replied.

She sipped her tea and then looked quizzically across the table at me.

“Don’t you like women?” she asked.” There were plenty of nice girls at the party last night. You should have come with us.”

“I didn’t want to cramp your style.”

“That was very considerate of you but quite unnecessary. Tell you what. Ben and I are going to see the new Tom Cruise film this evening and I promised my flatmate Nina that she could come too. Why don’t you come along?”

“Thanks, Felicity, but I don’t think so. I don’t do blind dates.”

“Come on. Who said anything about a blind date? She isn’t very pretty anyway and probably not your type. We’re going to watch a film not snog in the back row. I’m past being groped in the back row of the cinema. I do what I like in bed. If you know what I mean?”

As she said this she smiled across the table at me, and I knew exactly what she meant. I also knew that she was aware I had heard all of her performance the night before.


I met Ben, Felicity, and Nina at the cinema just before seven o’clock that evening. It was June and the evening was warm and bright, and they were standing talking inside the large entrance foyer. Nina and Felicity had their backs to me and turned as I approached, and Ben called to me over Felicity’s shoulder.

“Over here, James. We’ve got your ticket.”

As Felicity and Nina turned I got my first good look at the young lady who was not my date for the evening. Felicity had not lied. She could not be described as beautiful or pretty, but she was exceptionally attractive. Her facial features were sharp and chiselled, her cheekbones high and well defined, her chin was strong, and her look determined. Her lips were full, her nose pert, and her intelligent green eyes met mine as we appraised one another. Her short black hair framed her deep-olive oval face. She was shorter than Felicity by an inch or two with slightly smaller breasts. Her waist was narrow, and before she had turned I had seen her large round bum cheeks outlined by the long yellow and white maxi dress she was wearing.

“Nina, this is James. James meet Nina,” said Felicity.

Nina demurely held out her hand for me to shake and then shyly looked away.

“Popcorn anyone?” Said, Ben.

“My treat,” I said. “I’ll meet you inside.”

When I arrived at the row they were sitting in, clutching two large round paper cups full of popcorn, Felicity pointed me to my seat. The ladies were sitting side by side with Ben adjacent to Felicity. My seat was next to Nina’s.

“Salt or sweet?” I asked.

Felicity and Alice spoke simultaneously.

“Salt,” said Felicity.” Caramel please,” said Nina.

“I don’t mind,” said Ben.

“Sorted then. I’ll share with Nina, and you can share with Felicity.”

I spent my first two hours with Nina, in the dark. holding a cup of popcorn into which she periodically dipped her dainty hand to retrieve its contents.

When the film finished it was still early and we went to a pub close by in the city centre. It was not particularly crowded, and we were able to find a table. Ben and Felicity did most of the talking. I chipped in when I had something useful to contribute whilst Nina sat quietly and listened attentively.

At some stage, I cracked a joke and she smiled. It was then that I decided to ask her out.

After we had left the pub, Ben told me he was planning to spend the night at Felicity’s flat and they would take Nina home with them. When he excused himself to go to the toilet and Felicity followed him I took my opportunity.

“Nina,” I said. “Would you like to come out for a drink with me sometime?”

Nina smiled and thought briefly about what I had asked for a moment before she replied.

“That would be nice. When do you have in mind?”

“Do you have anything on this week?”

“I’ve got to study but how about Wednesday? We can meet at The Barley Mow. It’s my local. Do you know it?”

“Of course. How about eight o’clock?”


Just before eight, I was sitting in The Barley Mow cuddling a pint of bitter and watching the door. Bang on time Nina entered the bar and stood for a moment scanning the room before she saw me and crossed the room towards me. it was apparent that she had taken the time to look good for our first date. She was wearing blue jeans and a gypsy blouse; the jeans accentuating her curves, and her perfect bum.

“Hi,” I said as she sat down opposite me. “I’ve got you a dry white wine. It’s what you were drinking on Sunday, but I can get you something else if you like.”

“No that’s lovely thank you. How are you anyway?”

She smiled.

That Wednesday evening Nina proved more talkative than she had the first time we met. I soon learned that she was a naturally shy individual who preferred to listen, but by the end of the evening, she was relaxed and talking freely.

She told me that she was from Peru. Her looks were a product of a mixture of genes from her parents; her mother was a native Peruvian and her father was a Brazilian with Spanish, English, and native Brazilian grandparents. She spoke four languages from birth. She learned Spanish and Quechua from her mother and Portuguese and English from her father. She had a degree in English and Portuguese and was studying for a doctorate In English. She had met Felicity, who now worked as an interpreter, when they studied together for their first degrees.

Unlike Felicity, she did not like football but had learned to like rugby after moving to the UK from South America. She liked travel, theatre, cinema, reading, and cooking.

“My name’s not really Nina, It’s short for Ninapaqari which means “Cascade of fire” in Quechua. I suppose that means lava flow. Plenty of active volcanoes in Peru. People here find it easier to say Nina. That means “Fire.”

“I suppose my name, James, has a meaning but if it does I don’t know it. It was the name of two of the disciples of course.”

And, in turn, I told her about myself.. my job as a science teacher which often involved more crowd control than the imparting of knowledge… and my love of music and astronomy.

By the end of the evening, I knew that Felicity had been wrong. Nina was definitely my type and I wanted to see more of her. Preferably naked.

Just after closing time, I walked her home. We had already agreed to meet the following Saturday for lunch. I did not wish to rush things, so I Kissed her chastely on the cheek before I bade her goodnight, watched her close and lock the door behind her, and walked away.


When I got back home Ben was watching television. He appeared to be unhappy and didn’t look up when I came in but continued to look glumly at the screen.

“What’s up, Ben?” I asked.” Is everything OK?”

“I finished with Felicity,” he said, with his eyes fixed firmly on the television screen.

“I’m sorry. You guys appeared to be getting on so well. What the fuck happened?”

“Don’t ask. It’s for the best. It would never have worked. Now’s a good time anyway. I’m away for the next three months anyway. She’d never have stayed faithful anyway.”

Then he swore under his breath.

Then, I remembered that Ben was soon going to Princeton on a sabbatical break. He was a postgraduate researcher in mathematics and was employed at the University. He was travelling to the States to meet a joint researcher.

I heard him speak again.

“Plenty of other fish in the sea.”

Not like her, I thought, but I said nothing.

You might have thought that I would have considered trying my luck with Felicity, but it never (seriously) crossed my mind. There were lots of reasons for this, not least that I liked Nina and thought she liked me. I wasn’t about to hurt her by seducing her flatmate. And quite possibly making a play for Felicity might result in me losing out on both of them. Neither did I think Ben would forgive me if I started to screw Felicity. Leastwise not whilst we were flatmates. I didn’t know why they had finished and wasn’t about to ask. He would tell me if he wanted me to know. Nonetheless, it was obvious he was not happy. Felicity couldn’t complain about me and Nina. After all, she introduced us.

So, I decided, Felicity would have to remain a pleasant fantasy and I would move on with my life.


Next Saturday Nina and I had lunch in the King William Pub. I had made reservations as the Bath Festival was full of flow in June, and the city was crowded. We shared a bottle of wine and then went for a walk to clear our heads. Despite both of us having lived in Bath for many years neither of us had visited The Herschel Museum of Astronomy situated in the house where William Herschel, the musician and astronomer had lived, and we spent time there before continuing our walk.

“It’s funny really,” said Nina wistfully.” Whilst I’ve been in England I’ve missed the stars. You can’t see them here, or at least not like you can from Cuzco… that’s where I come from. It’s over two miles high in the Andes and in the dry season, when there are no clouds, is so dark and the stars are like jewels. The name Cuzco is from the Quechua word “Qosqo” which means “navel of the world” or “centre of the universe.” When you stand there and look up at night it’s easy to believe that the heavens totally surround you and you are at the centre of everything. It’s so easy to see why my mother’s ancestors, the Incas thought it was.

They worshipped the sun and the moon…… and the stars. They had to be able to see them clearly.”

“Will you go back?”

“Maybe one day. But life is full of compromises. There are things I want that can be found only In Peru but other things that I want that can only be found outside of Peru. Time will tell.”

She fell silent and became thoughtful. I said nothing but took her hand and waited for her to return from wherever her mind had taken her.

After a minute or so she spoke.

“Sometimes I still feel homesick. When I do, I cook myself food from home. It’s not so easy and some ingredients are impossible to find around here but I can normally do a half-decent job, and whilst nothing ever tastes quite like the real thing it makes me feel better.

A little later we walked hand in hand to Victoria Park and visited the Botanical Gardens before sitting in the warm (ish) June sun and talking. In the late afternoon, we walked over the River Avon at Victoria Bridge. I had invited Nina to a local tea house where both the tea, coffee, and biscuits were free and she had accepted, and shortly we arrived at my house.

The house was empty and just as I had left it earlier in the day when I had tidied and cleaned the lounge and kitchen. I am naturally clean and tidy and keep my bedroom that way all the time, but Ben was a different character, and I spent my life clearing up after him. Fortunately, he had gone to Bristol to see his parents the previous evening and had not yet had the opportunity to turn the house into a tip. He would soon be gone since he was flying to New York the following Wednesday.

She sat at the kitchen table as I busied myself making the coffee.

“Your house is nice,” she said.

“It wouldn’t be if Ben was here I said. He’s a nightmare. Bloody messy and untidy. Still, he’s away for three months from next week. The good news is that he’s going to pay the rent whilst he’s away and I’m going to have the flat to myself. Did you know that he and Felicity are finished?”

“Yes,” she said. “I’m not surprised. He was very possessive, and Felicity doesn’t do possessive. She’s strictly a good-time girl.”

She smiled. “But she’s also my friend and is mostly a nice person although sometimes she can be a bitch. She’s too beautiful. Men can’t see past it…… Now, how’s the coffee going?”

We carried our coffee into the lounge and Nina sat on the sofa whilst I sat in the armchair in the corner of the room. We sipped our coffee and continued to talk until Nina stopped mid-sentence, looked across at me, and patted the sofa next to where she was sitting.

“James, please come and sit next to me.”

I crossed the room and sat down, and as I settled into the chair she leaned across and kissed me open-mouthed on the lips. That first kiss was long and deep and hinted at her passion. We kissed for maybe thirty seconds before Nina drew back, looked into my eyes, and smiled.

“Thank goodness that’s done. I felt so awkward waiting for you to make the first move. Now, it’s so much easier. Now we both know where we are. You’re not shocked, are you?”

“Of course not.”

“That’s exactly what Felicity said about you. Not easily embarrassed were the words she used.”

She continued to speak. Her manner was business-like but slightly hesitant. She took a deep breath.

“Here goes then. I’ve been rehearsing this. Please hear me out. This is what I would like to happen. I want to sleep with you; but not quite yet. Tonight, can we go to the pub? You can take me home and kiss me goodnight. I am free tomorrow and next Friday evening if you’d like to take me out again. Pub, cinema, theatre… I really don’t care. You’re good company and I like you. Then If you’ll let me, next Saturday I’d like to use your kitchen to cook you a Peruvian lunch and afterward you can take me to bed. How does that sound?”


She smiled broadly and clapped her hands in childlike glee.

“Shall we go get a drink?” She asked.


They say that anticipation is better than realisation, but don’t you believe it. I took Nita out on both Sunday and the following Friday. On both occasions, she took care to make herself as attractive as possible. On Friday evening she wore tight jeans and a white tee shirt and a blue denim jacket. The jeans accentuated her perfect arse and narrow hips and as we walked into the pub I started to imagine what she would look like without them, and the panties I assumed, she was wearing.

A little later we were sitting at a table with our drinks when Nina giggled.

“I saw you undressing me with your eyes.”

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“Don’t be. I’ve been doing the same to you. And when a man I don’t know or don’t like looks at me like that, it makes me feel cheap. When you look at me like that, I tingle….in all the right places… Not long now, James.”


At nine o’clock the following morning I was in the shower when I heard the front doorbell ring. I quickly put on my bathrobe, and with my hair still wet, ran to the front door and opened it.

Standing on the doorstep was Nita. She was carrying two large plastic shopping bags; one in each hand.

“Am I early?”

“Of course not. Come in. Give me those. They look heavy. I’ll make you a cup of coffee and then put some clothes on.”

I beckoned her inside and took the bags to the kitchen. They contained several herbs and vegetables, and a large chicken which I put in the fridge. When I returned to the lounge she was sitting in the armchair but then stood, took the coffee I was holding, and put it on the table before raising her lips to mine and kissing me.

“You smell of soap. I love the smell.”

“And you taste nice and look even better, I replied.”

She kissed me again.

“Dammit. I can’t wait any longer and I’ve made you wait too long already. I’m no prick tease. I had my reasons but now I’m far too horny to cook. The food will either taste like shit or if it doesn’t we will be so fixated on going to bed later, that we won’t taste it. Don’t put any clothes on. Take off what you’ve got on and go back to bed. I’ll follow you. Can I use your shower? I brought my toothbrush.”

“I’ll get you a bath towel. The bathroom is upstairs at the end of the corridor. My room is second on the right. Don’t go into Ben’s room.”

I wasn’t sure he had even changed the sheets before he left. I was planning on checking the following week and tidying up properly.

I towel-dried my hair and slipped naked under my bed sheets and waited for Nina. Shortly, the door opened, and she appeared. Her hair was slick and wet, and she had wrapped herself in the large white towel I had given to her.

She stood self-consciously at the end of the bed and looked down at me and smiled.

“Can you remove the bedclothes and let me see you first? ”

I pulled up the sheets and threw them onto the floor and looked her directly in the eye. I had a good physique back then and was in good shape and perfectly comfortable in my naked skin. I watched Nina look back at me and continue to smile.

“Your turn,” I said.

I’m shy, she said.

“Don’t be.”

Hesitantly she dropped the bath towel to the floor and stepped away from it, and then stood with her legs slightly apart. I saw that she was trembling.

Her body was perfect. Her coffee-coloured skin was smooth and flawless. She had a narrow waist with broad hips and firm strong muscular thighs. Where they met, her crack was smooth and hairless. Her breasts were perfect half hemispheres the size of melons. She was not thin, but just slightly plump and well-rounded. And then she turned and showed me her arse. It was the most beautiful I had ever seen, two smooth plump domes of flesh accentuated by her narrow but well-covered waist.

I stared transfixed.

“You are so beautiful,” I said.

It was a lame comment. Albeit true.

“I imagine you say that to all the girls,” she said.” But some part of you does appear to be impressed.”

She had seen my rapidly growing and hardening penis.


She lay beside me on the bed.

“I went to the clinic last week. I’m on the pill,” she said softly. And then, “I’ve never been with a man before. It’s time.”

Despite my surprise at her confession, I could wait no longer and drew her to me and kissed her, I felt her breasts firm against my chest and her soft belly against my hard dick. I reached down and held her bum cheeks in my hands, and we continued to kiss.

She rolled onto her back, and I kissed her neck and eyes…. small gentle kisses…, and then in turn I took each nipple between my lips. I took my time. She moaned gently and spread her legs invitingly and as I reached down with one hand, I took her hand in the other and placed it on my dick.

I worked her clitoris slowly. Her slit was wet, and her bud was stiff beneath my touch. She in turn held me in her fist and, tentatively at first, and then with growing confidence, she started to stroke me.

“Slowly. slowly. There’s no rush,” I murmured.

As we mutually masturbated one another, she turned her face toward me. Her mouth was open, her eyes wide with pleasure and longing, and as I continued to rub she softly moaned. I gripped her bum cheeks with one hand and felt them start to clench as her orgasm approached.

My right hand was a blur as she came. Her thighs quivered and clamped around my hand as she bucked and jerked in her ecstasy. For thirty long seconds, she continued to come and then she lay still.

That first time, Nina was not a screamer. She took her pleasure quietly. Open-mouthed she moaned throughout, her eyes rolling in her head.

I rolled between her thighs and placed my penis head between her lips. Then I looked down at her and watched her closely as I slowly entered her. She was sopping wet, and I easily entered her with no resistance, and she sighed gently as I penetrated her. The fit was perfect. She was tight enough to grip me firmly whilst allowing easy entry.

I fucked her. At first, I moved slowly but then I moved more quickly, and soon Nina began to moan again. I watched as she looked up at me, her face contorted in passion and then she started to writhe beneath me, her thighs tightened around me, and I felt her fingernails digging into my back. Her mouth formed a perfect O as she came once more, and as her vaginal muscles clamped and relaxed around me, I shortened my strokes and filled her with my cum.

Shortly afterward she lay with her head on my chest as I lay with my arm around her.

“I never thought it would be so good. It was wonderful. When can we do it again?” She asked.

“You’re probably good to go straight away, but I’ll need an hour or two. So after lunch. After that, we can go to the pub and then come back to bed again. Then, in the morning, we can start again. If you are still interested, that is.”

“Sounds like a plan,” said Nina, and she giggled.


We didn’t get back to bed until mid-afternoon when we had prepared and eaten lunch and done the washup. I would have foregone the clearing up, but Nina was adamant we should tidy up “first.”

Lunch was delicious. It was surprisingly easy to prepare We had roasted chicken in a spicy green sauce with an avocado and tomato salad and she baked sweet ripe plantains for dessert. Nina was at pains to tell me that not all Peruvian food was as simple as this to prepare.

“And you have to come to Peru for the real thing.”

“And to see the stars,” I replied.

Back in bed, Nina was eager to please.

“What do you like?”

“Sex with a beautiful woman, hand jobs, blow jobs, sixty-nine… You do know what that is?”

“Oh yes. And I know I’d enjoy that with you.”

“Lie back,” I said.

Then, as she lay naked with her legs spread wide and knees bent, I lay between her fleshy thighs and licked her pussy. Again her come was long and hard, her entire body trembled and convulsed as she did.

She knelt and I slid inside her from behind. I was afforded the sight of her beautiful perfectly rounded bum and as I moved in and out and her pussy gripped me tight, her cunt lips puckered rhythmically.

I moved cautiously at first and for the first time, Nina started to talk.

“Oh, that’s good. So good. So fucking good.

You’re in so deep. So deep.

I’m so full. So full.

Fuck me. Fuck me hard.

Faster! Faster!

Until, as I drove myself hard and fast against her, she announced,

I’m going to come! I’m going to come!



We didn’t get to the pub until Sunday lunchtime. Nina kept me busy on Saturday evening and again when we woke on Sunday morning. I introduced her to sixty-nine (with a man, I supposed) and she rode me energetically to several orgasms grinding herself rapidly back and forth as her tits jiggled.

“That was wonderful,” she said afterward.

I was knackered but wasn’t about to admit it.

“You are the most passionate woman I have ever met,” I said. “Your name describes you perfectly.”

“I’m a twenty-four-year-old woman and simply making up for lost time,” she replied.


Two weeks later, early on a Saturday evening, we were watching television when Nina turned to me.

“There’s nothing but rubbish on TV tonight. Why don’t we go for a drink?”

I wasn’t keen to go out, but she had been restless and in a funny mood all day, so I agreed.

“As long as we’re back home for Match of the Day.”

In the pub, we found a table and I bought the drinks. When I returned to where Nina was sitting she was sitting thoughtfully looking into space.

“Ok, Nina, spit it out, I said. Something’s troubling you?

“How do you know?” she asked.

“It’s obvious. You’ve been worrying about something all day.”

She frowned and took a breath.

“There are things I need to tell you about myself. I really like you James and it’s time to be honest. If our relationship is to continue it has to be based on trust. It’s complicated; so let me tell my story in my own way….If that’s Ok?”

I nodded and waited for her to start.

“And don’t worry. I don’t want to finish with you. It’s because I care that we’re having this conversation.

The first thing to say is I know why Dan finished with Felicity. She told me. Felicity is bisexual and was two-timing him with another woman. I don’t know how he found out because she told me that she didn’t tell him, and she was very surprised when he confronted her with the truth. It doesn’t matter how he found out anyway, but he couldn’t deal with her seeing someone else behind his back.

He told her that her bisexuality was not the reason for his anger and hurt. It was her dishonesty he could not accept.

You remember I made you wait a week before I would sleep with you. I told you I had my reasons. Well, I did. That week, I finished with Felicity. I’m bi too.

But I wasn’t about to make the same mistakes she did. I’m a very moral individual. I believe in fidelity in a relationship. I’m a God-fearing Catholic. You can look at other people, but you must never ever touch.

I slept with Felicity for over a year, and she was my only sex partner before you. I don’t know why she introduced us, but I know she fancies you like fuck, and I think it was one more way of keeping you close by so that she could make a play for you. I don’t think it crossed her mind you would like me.

I knew she was being unfaithful to me with Ben, but I didn’t much care. I knew I wasn’t going to marry her, and our relationship had no future, but the sex was good and convenient. She used Ben and wasn’t bothered when he finished with her. I think you were next on her list, and It was then that I realised that I would be upset if she got you into bed and that I wanted you for myself.

So…., after I met you, and you became interested in me, I had to choose. There was no contest. You are by far the nicer person. I told you she can be a bitch. After all, she was fucking Ben and made no effort to hide it from me. Sooner or later I would have had to finish with her anyway. Meeting you simply gave me a push.

In all honesty, I have wanted to sleep with a man for some time and I knew I wanted you from the first time I set eyes on you. And I wasn’t disappointed.

I may be bi, but I know that in the end, I’m going to marry a man, not a woman. I want a family and babies, and for a Peruvian Catholic from my family, it’s really that simple……”

She stopped talking and looked imploringly across the table at me.


I reached across the table, took her two hands in mine, looked her directly in the eye, and smiled.

“Oh Ninapaqari, you’ve done nothing to be ashamed of. What you or I did before we met is unimportant. After all, I wasn’t a virgin before we met.”

As I watched, a tear rolled down her cheek, and she smiled back at me.

“Now, I said. I do have one last question. How has Felicity taken this?”

“Badly. Didn’t Congreve warn us “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?” Well, it happened to her twice inside a week, and she is the one who normally does the scorning. She has stopped talking to me. I’m planning to move out of the flat. I’ve given notice but can’t move out for six weeks. The atmosphere in the flat is awful.”

As she had been talking a thought had been forming in my mind. I am sometimes impulsive and that evening this was certainly true.

“Come and stay at the flat. Ben doesn’t return for two months so he can’t complain and that will give you time to find somewhere of your own.”

Nina stared incredulously across the table toward me.

“Did I hear you right?”

“I’m sure you did.”

“You are giving me the choice of fighting with my bitchy ex-lover or staying with you?”

Then she grinned.

“Well, that’s a difficult choice. I’ll stay with you if that’s Ok. When can I move in?”

“From now. We’ll collect your belongings in the car tomorrow. We can brave the wrath of Felicity together.”

We finished our drinks and left the pub arm in arm.

“You’ll miss the football,” she said.

“Don’t worry I’ll watch it later on i player. I can think of something much better to do,” I said.

Then she said something I didn’t understand.



Ninety minutes later, we were naked in bed and Nina was lying next to me in a state of post-coital bliss. I had fucked her in the missionary position, doggy style, and she had ridden me to multiple seemingly satisfying orgasms.

“Now it’s your turn. Lie back. I’ve got a treat for you.”

Facing me, she knelt astride my thighs, took my penis between her thumb and adjacent finger, and slowly pulled my foreskin down to expose the glans. I watched as a long glistening string of her saliva fell from her mouth and moistened my penis head before, ……ever so slowly…… she moved her digits up and down.

She was slow and unhurried, oblivious to my moans of pleasure, staring down at me with an enigmatic smile on her face as she slowly edged me. My prick was rock hard, it felt harder than I had ever felt it in my life. My swollen and engorged mushroom head was a dark purple-blue…and still, she slowly stroked.

Whenever I got close she stopped, gently, squeezed my shaft below the head, and wet it with her spit. Then ever so slowly she started to move her hand again.

It was both torture and ecstasy. The pleasure was indescribable but so was the need for release from it.

I tried to push myself onto her hand but her weight against my thighs held me firmly in place until finally, she changed her grip formed a fist, and moved her hand a little faster.

I felt my shaft start to pulse and then a jet of sperm erupted from my prick, arcing into the air, and splashing onto my belly. I came strong and hard. As I groaned, the rhythmic pulsing continued, and a second and then third stream of cum sprayed my belly, and then oozed over the tip.

I saw Nina smile. The look on her face was one of triumph, as still holding my prick, she bent her head and kissed the tip.


A little later we lay together and I held her tight.

“Where did you learn to do that? It was wonderful and you were incredible.”

Nina giggled.

“You can find out anything on the internet nowadays,” she replied.

“I just searched for “edging hand job” on a few porn sites and watched the ladies doing it. And before you ask, I sometimes like to watch porn; lesbian and straight. And most especially when I’m having sex.”

We lay quietly together. words were not necessary. And then I heard her start to cry.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing I’m so happy. I cry when I’m happy.”

I kissed her tears away and held her tighter still.


One day the following week I came home from work to find a brown paper envelope lying on the front door mat. It had been posted two days previously in Bristol and was addressed to me. There was no note inside but when I opened it and held the envelope upside down a USB flash drive fell out.

I was both intrigued and very suspicious and, at first, I was reluctant to examine the contents of the drive which I left on the table in the hallway. Eventually, my curiosity became too great, and after I had placed our chicken casserole in the oven and whilst I was waiting for Nina to arrive home from the university library I plugged the drive into my computer.

The USB stick contained a single mp4 file which, after scanning for viruses, I opened. At first, I wasn’t sure what I was looking at but then I saw a naked woman with a big arse lying between the outstretched legs of another woman and licking her pussy. I continued to watch, wondering why somebody would send me a video showing lesbian porn, and for a moment I even wondered if Anita was responsible. It was only when the woman performing the cunnilingus turned and I saw her face that the penny dropped. It was Felicity, and I was now sure the other woman was Nina.

Instinctively, I stopped the video. I did not want to intrude on Nina’s privacy. It was obvious that Felicity was now intent on destroying our relationship and I wasn’t going to let that happen.

A little later, whilst we were eating, I asked Nina a question.

“Can I ask a personal question? It’s important.”


“Did Felicity video you and her making out?”

Not that I know of. But why do you ask?”

“Because a USB arrived today in an envelope addressed to me. It showed you and Felicity.”


“Don’t worry I didn’t watch it after I realised what it was.”

“The bitch!” said Nina. “What a fucking bitch.! She must have filmed us secretly. Shit! What if she posts it on the internet?”

“Don’t worry, She won’t. I’ll speak to her later.”


An hour later I phoned Felicity. I put the phone on speaker so that Nina could listen in. Felicity answered on the third ring.


“Hello, Felicity. This is James. I got your video.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

“I didn’t watch it. Why did you send it?”

“To let you know she’s a lesbian.”

“Actually, she’s bisexual. No Felicity, I think you wanted to break up our relationship. And you can never do that. I Love Nina.”

“You hardly know her. She’s mine and I want her back.”

“She knows you well enough and she doesn’t want you.”

Just then, Nina started to talk.

“Felicity, it’s over. I am not coming back. Move on and try not to be such a bitch. Filming me secretly was a low trick.”

There was silence at the other end of the phone line, and I took my opportunity.

“One last thing. Sending me a copy of that video was an invasion of Nina’s privacy. I don’t know if it was illegal but don’t consider posting it on the internet because that is, and It would virtually guarantee a jail sentence. Let’s face it, there is so much lesbian porn out there that it’s highly unlikely anybody who knows Nina will ever see or recognise her, and posting would be pointless.

I don’t think there’s anything left to say. Goodnight.”

And I put the phone down.

I turned to Nina who was looking at me with a broad smile. Her mood had rapidly switched from anger to happiness during the course of the short phone conversation.

I was still annoyed.

“To think I wanted to fuck her,” I said.

Nina didn’t respond to my remark. Her focus was elsewhere.

“Did you hear what you said? You told her you loved me. Did you mean it?”

“James, Do you love me?”

I looked her in the eye.

“Yes, Ninapaqari, I love you, I replied. With all my heart.”

Nina kissed me on the lips.

“I’ve never said this to anybody in any language but now I’ll say it in four.”

“Te amo.

Eu te amo.


I love you.

I Love you so much. Enough to forgive you for wanting to fuck Felicity before you met me. After all, I

did fuck Felicity before I met you. You’ve got the proof of that on that video she sent you. I’d rather

we didn’t watch it though. I want to forget her.

Please turn the oven off. I need you far more than I need supper. Take me to bed now.”


That evening. she first made me sit and watch, as naked, legs splayed wide, knees bent. and with a dildo deep inside her she applied a wand vibrator to her clitoris. I sat and watched, my dick hard in my hand as I watched her.

Within minutes she took her first orgasm, her thighs trembling, her toes curling, and her mouth open in a long drawn-out sigh. After that, she just kept coming and I lost count of how many times she climaxed before she shuddered for one last time and lay still.

She rolled over onto her front and lay on the bed before kneeling on all fours exposing her swollen sex, the slit glistening with her juices, to full view. Her body was already slick with sweat when I slid inside her tight tunnel, and she reached down and started to finger her clit.

“Hard,” she said.

“Fuck me hard and fast.”

And so I did, plunging my penis balls deep on every stroke as she screamed in ecstasy until finally I could wait no longer and groaning loudly came inside of her.


Lima, Peru

Just over a year later, early in the morning, and after an overnight flight from London via Madrid we arrived at Jorge Chavez Airport outside of Lima. We were met at the airport by a transfer service who took us to the Sheraton Hotel close to the town centre.

After we booked in, Nina was too excited to sleep. She had not been home for over two years and was in a hurry to “just walk in the streets.” They were starting to get busy as people went to work and not far from the hotel we found a small café where Nina ordered us both a pejerrey sandwich with onion and avocado washed down with a cup of hot coffee.

“Real food,” she said.

Nina was impatient to travel to Cuzco but also concerned that I might suffer altitude sickness after arriving there, eleven thousand two hundred feet high in the mountains. So, we had decided to try and arrive as rested and un-jetlagged as possible and planned to stay two nights in Lima before flying to Cuzco, three hundred and fifty miles inland. We would need to avoid alcohol for the time being. rest for the first twenty-four hours after arriving in Cuzco, and I planned to take acetazolamide tablets to combat the risk of illness.

We had two days in Lima and Nina was determined to show me as much as possible. The Plaza de Armas was a twenty-minute walk away and there we entered the Cathedral of Lima where Nina prayed quietly. She later told me, that amongst other things, she was praying I wouldn’t suffer from altitude sickness.

Later, we visited the Convento de San Francisco. The church and monastery are probably most famous for their catacombs containing the bones of twenty-five thousand people. We walked in the beautiful gardens, and I was particularly interested in the large mural on the wall of the dining room which depicted the Last Supper with a difference; Jesus and the Apostles sit with women and children, around a round table and eat guinea pig, whilst the Devil stands behind Judas.

Nina laughed when I raised my eyebrows and told me guinea pig was a Peruvian delicacy and she had eaten it on many occasions.

“My mother may prepare it for you…. Just joking. We Peruvians know that lots of foreigners are put off by the idea.”

“I’ve eaten crocodile, rabbit, and snake, so I’d try guinea pig but there’s no need to serve it just for me.”

Later in the afternoon, it took us forty minutes by taxi to drive to Parque Kennedy in Miraflores. This small neighbourhood park is home to a population of cats who are cared for by a group of local volunteers who feed them daily. Nina said she wanted to show them to me, but I believe her real motive was to sample the street food on offer. She introduced me in turn to Butifarra, Churro, and Picarones.

“No Guinea pig in any of this and one hundred percent safe, she said. The street sellers in the park are all licensed.”

We sat on a bench to eat our Butifarra and I was immediately befriended by a large ginger cat demanding to share some Peruvian ham. He was only one of what seemed to be hundreds of friendly felines variously resting, walking about, or hassling tourists for a share of their sandwiches.

We spent several hours in the park and the surrounding shops. I was able to buy a colourful painting of three women in traditional dress from a local artist, and we listened to the street musicians and ambled around the park.

Then, half an hour before sunset we walked to the nearby Parque del Amor (Park of Love) and watched the sunset over the Pacific Ocean. As the light faded Nina turned to me,

“Thank you for coming home with me, tú eres mi vida….. you are my life.”


It was after nine o’clock when we reached our hotel, and we were both exhausted from our long flight and busy day. We showered and went to bed and when I woke at half past six the following morning the sun was about to rise.

We had an early and leisurely breakfast in the hotel before setting off on a second day of sightseeing.

The highlight of the day was the Museo Largo with its huge collection of pre-Columbian art dating back five thousand years.

Part of the collection was some Moche pottery artifacts that were highly sexual in nature. They depicted figures of men and women in all manner of sexual positions, anal sex, masturbation, threesomes, and even a kneeling female figure giving a male figure a blow job.

In a shop, not far from the museum, we found a shop selling replicas of the pottery and Nina was keen to buy two vessels, one depicting doggy-style sex and the other the kneeling fellatio. The shopkeeper wanted six hundred sol or around two hundred US dollars each, but eventually, Nina was able to haggle him down to four hundred sol for both.

In the street, Nina told me she had to have them.

“My two favourites On a fifteen hundred-year-old pot. Who would believe it?”

That evening, back in the hotel, Nina carefully packed them in bubble wrap but not before she put them on the writing table opposite the bed, showered, and flaunted her naked body in front of me.

“We’re not going to be able to fuck for a week after tonight.”

She knelt on all four on the bed. There was no foreplay. She didn’t need it, and I fucked her animalistically, hard and fast. That night, she was very vocal and screamed each time she came.

Then, in a parody of the figures on the table, I stood, and she knelt in front of me and took my penis in her mouth. Head bobbing she slowly and skilfully sucked me to climax and swallowed my milk.

“Welcome to Peru,” she said smiling up at me.

Cuzco, Peru

We arrived in Cuzco early the following morning and Nina’s parents met us at the airport. Her father was a tall, dark-haired, and distinguished-looking man in his late forties or early fifties whilst her mother was short and stocky and a little younger. I think I half expected her to wear typical Peruvian dress, but she was dressed in a smart skirt blouse, and jacket. I shouldn’t have been surprised since Nina had told me she was an accountant at the university where her father was a lecturer in archaeology.

After the initial hugs and kisses. I was introduced and we set off to their home on the outskirts of the City.

Her parents were adamant that we should both rest. I was soon aware that the air was thinner than In Lima and found myself breathing faster and deeper, even whilst sitting still. Resting didn’t mean a lack of visitors and, all day and into the evening, a stream of friends and relatives; aunts, uncles, nephews, and nieces, came to visit and say welcome.

At first, Nina tried to translate but it soon became impossible, Nearly everybody spoke Quechua and Spanish. Nina spoke to her mother in Quechua, and to her father in Portuguese, and if she was speaking to both of them she spoke Spanish. A few people including her father spoke English and he sat and politely conversed with me whilst I drank bittersweet coca tea given to me to help prevent altitude sickness. Eventually, I sat quietly and listened to the excited throng as they welcomed Nina, albeit fleetingly, back into the fold.

Finally, on the third day, I was acclimatised enough to visit the Inca citadel of Sacsayhuaman in the north of Cuzco. We spent a half day with Nina’s father, Senor Ruiz, as a guide. The following day he took us to Machu Picchu by train and I was able to tick one item off my bucket list.

The following evening we borrowed the family car and drove North out of Cuzco. Then, Just after midnight Nina and I sat twenty miles outside the city and looked up at the heavens. It was a dark moonless night, and the stars were shining bright. It was easy to understand how the Incas thought this place to be the centre of the universe.

I felt so small and insignificant as I sat next to the beautiful woman who had become the centre of my own tiny universe.

Looking west the Milky Way stretched out in front of us. It was a bright glowing band of light. Jupiter was low in the west in Libra, the star Antares above and slightly to the right in Scorpio, Saturn higher in Sagittarius, and Mars higher still in Capricornus. I pointed these out in turn to Nina.

“The Incas had very different names for the stars,” she said. “They described the night sky differently. Maybe here in the Andes, we should use their descriptions. They talked about the Llama, the Serpent, the Toad, and the Partridge. Do you see those two bright stars”….and she pointed southwest.

“Yes,” I replied. “Alpha and Beta Centauri in the constellation Centaurus. They point to the Southern Cross.”

“You are such a smart arse. The Incas believed they were the eyes of the Llama. They do point to the Southern Cross which they called Chakana, so there is something they had in common with you.”

And then we sat in companionable silence alone with our thoughts. And I thought about what Nina and I had in common and then our differences. Nina had been so very happy since arriving home in Peru close to her family and the culture in which she had grown up. She had not yet talked about returning to South America to live. I thought she soon would.

I resolved to start learning Spanish…. and then I turned, took her hands in mine, breathed deep, and asked her to marry me. and……. In the darkness, I heard her sob with happiness….just before she said yes.



William Herschel (1738-1822) was born in Hanover, Germany but moved to England when he was nineteen. He was both a musician and an astronomer and often collaborated with his sister Caroline who was also an astronomer. They lived together in New King Street in Bath between 1777 and 1782. In 1781 using a six-inch telescope he had made himself and mounted in his back garden in Bath, he discovered the planet Uranus. He was a skilled telescope maker and built a 40-foot telescope which was the largest in the world for half a century. Amongst his many achievements, He discovered infrared radiation, two moons of Uranus (Titania and Oberon), and two moons of Saturn (Enceladus and Mimas). In 1820 he was elected the first president of the Royal Society of Astronomy.


William Congreve (1670-1729) was an English playwright who wrote the lines, “Heav’n has no rage, like love to hatred turn’d, Nor hell a fury, like a woman scorned”, in his play The Mourning Bride. This is often paraphrased as “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” and wrongly attributed to Willian Shakespeare.


Quechua is the language spoken by the Incas and is still spoken in the central Andes. by over eight million people who speak it as their first language. In Peru, an estimated four million people (12% of the population) are fluent with ten million (30%) understanding some Quechua. Around Cuzco nearly fifty percent of the population speaks it and almost all of them also speak Spanish. Quechua, with Spanish and Aymara, is an official language of both Peru and Bolivia. Quechua words that have entered English through Spanish include llama, vicuna, alpaca, condor, puma, guano, and Inca.


The Moche culture dates to between 100 and 800 AD and was situated in coastal northern Peru with its capital city near present-day Moche. They are renowned for their pottery and were skilled metalworkers producing high-quality jewellery. They were highly proficient in agriculture engineering and used complex irrigation systems to divert meltwater from the Andes into the arid desert region in which they lived. They built several ceremonial structures in the form of pyramids called Huacas.

It is believed that human sacrifice played a major part in their religious ceremonies.


At its height, the Inca empire extended from modern-day Quito in the north to Santiago in the south and extended several hundred miles inland from the Pacific coast. It was established around 1200 AD and was conquered by the Spanish in 1533. Even though they never discovered the wheel, use draft animals, had no access to iron, and had no written language they were master builders with an extensive road and irrigation system. The capital of the empire was Cuzco. The emperor ruled by divine right and was believed to be the son of the sun.


Astronomy played an important part in Incan life. The Incas are one of a small group of cultures to describe both light and dark constellations. The light constellations were formed by the patterns of the stars visible in the night sky and were of animals, gods, heroes, and other objects and were considered inanimate. The star cluster of the Pleiades (the Seven Sisters) was of particular significance to the Incas and was called Qullqa or “storehouse. This was because in the southern hemisphere, it disappears for a period between April and June and its reappearance was associated with the harvest, a time of plenty. For the Incas, the Pleiades was a sacred site to which sacrifices were offered.

The Incas believed the milky way was a river and they identified animals within the dark patches where there was no light. They believed that these were living animals who lived in the river. Among these were the Serpent Toad, Llama, Fox, and Condor.


Inca cosmology and their religion and culture were dependent upon their being able to see the stars and the Milky Way clearly, A study published in 2016 reported that, because of light pollution, 60% of Europeans, and almost 80% of Americans had never seen the Milky Way at all. Over one-third of the population of Earth can now no longer see the Milky Way.


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