A Mother Returned Pt. 01

An adult stories – A Mother Returned Pt. 01 by rawlyrawls,rawlyrawls All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

“Let me out! Let me out!” Penelope Nisha leaned her dark face against the small window in the cell’s only door. The room they had her in was so antiseptically white and bright that she had a hard time seeing through the glass out into the hall. She would have beat on it with her fists, but the heathens that ran the hospital wouldn’t let her wear gloves for “safety” reasons. She had begun to suspect that the doctors and nurses garnered some sort of perverse joy by undressing their patients so. “Please let me out!” Penelope choked back the sobs that wanted to spill out of her. She wouldn’t give them the satisfaction. I’m brave. I’m loyal. I’m a loving wife and mother. I just want to go home.

There was noise from the other side of the door. She could hear faint voices and the sound of metal clicking on metal. They were coming in again. Penelope stepped back from the door, trying to tidy her raven hair. They wouldn’t allow her a pin or a hat, so it fell past her shoulders. She straightened her bodice, smoothed her skirts, and fixed her green eyes on the door hopefully. Her hands went behind her back again for modesty.

There was a loud click and door swung into the room. Two doctors strode in wearing a white coats.

Penelope put on her best smile and curtsied. She recognized the taller doctor with glasses. “Dr. Montgomery. I assure you I am no threat to myself or anyone else. If you could please notify my husband, I’m sure he would -”

“She is a beauty, you were right,” said the doctor Penelope didn’t recognize.

“She is.” Dr. Montgomery nodded to his colleague and turned his attention back to Penelope. “Your husband is at the hospital, Mrs. Nisha.” Dr. Montgomery consulted the screen that hovered over his hand. “Do you still remember nothing since the night of January thirteenth, 2196?”

“My husband is here?” Penelope’s heart thumped in her chest. “Please, can I see him? Can I have a pair of gloves?” I love Felix so much. I am a loving wife.

“Your memory, Mrs. Nisha.” Doctor Montgomery frowned. “Please answer the question.”

“Yes, I remember that night. The next thing I know, I’m in your hospital. I don’t know how I got here. I told you…” Penelope tugged at her fingers behind her back, her body tense with anxiety. She’d had a fight with her husband that night. But then again, she and Felix often fought. Poor Theodore and Winifred had witnessed the screaming match, and she had turned her vitriol on them. She felt ashamed at the way she’d acted. Her back straightened, and she stepped closer to the doctor. “My son. Is Teddy here, too? I would very much like to see him.” I love Teddy so much! I would do anything for my son.

“I’m sorry, Penny. Teddy is at home. But I’m here.” Felix Nisha walked into the room wearing one of his flawless checkered suits with a striped tie.

“Oh… Felix.” Penelope wanted to run into her husband’s arms, but she was too overcome with emotion to move. Her forehead beaded with sweat, her mind swirled, her bare palms became damp, and her vagina hummed, becoming a veritable cascade. “I feel… so strange.”

“I’m here, darling.” Felix closed the distance between them. He wasn’t a tall man, but he was rotund and strong. His wife was about four inches shorter, and fourteen years younger, than him. Despite the weight of her ample curves, he lifted her off her feet and hugged her tightly. “Promise you won’t ever leave us again.”

“I promise, darling.” Penelope’s mind spun faster. What did he mean? Did I leave the house and check myself into the hospital? An ugly thought occurred to her. “How long have I been gone?”

“Two and a half years. Where have you been? Where have you been?” Felix put her back on her feet. His inscrutable brown eyes searched her dazed green ones.

She was frozen by his words. They had taken the breath right out of her. Years? I’ve been gone years? It felt like the fight on the thirteenth was no more than a day ago. “How… how… how…?” She put her hands on his shoulders, forgetting her modesty.

“Yes, Penny?” There was so much joy written on Felix’s face. He had the expression of a man who had discovered lost treasure.

“How… old is Teddy?” She finally managed to get the words out.

“He’s nineteen, taking a gap year after school. He can’t wait to see you. He’s…” But Felix wasn’t able to finish his thought before his wife’s eyes rolled backward, and she fainted into his arms.


“Your parents will arrive soon, Teddy.” Winifred stood in the doorway to Theodore’s bedroom. She was the house’s AI, and often took the form of female robot. She had some biological parts, but was more mechanical than anything else. At one point, the home’s master, Felix Nisha, had offered her an Alternate’s body. This was an extravagant offer. Alternates were outrageously expensive, and looked completely human. But Winifred had declined. She had been created in a world without Alternates and was programmed to be herself. She wasn’t human and was comfortable with that fact. She waited with her gloved, polymer hands clasped in front of her skirts. “Did you hear me, Teddy? Your mother is almost here. Perhaps you should put on a jacket and tie to greet her.”

“She left us, Freddie.” Theodore didn’t look up from the book he was pretending to read. His shirt was partially unbuttoned, and his trousers pulled up past his calves, showing his plaid socks. His pudgy body was propped sideways on the armchair by his bed. The window near his right hand was open and dark. Crickets thrummed outside. He scrunched up his face, waiting for Winifred to say something. The house AI had practically raised him, and she knew when to wait him out. He raised his green eyes toward her, brushing back his black hair. “Dad shouldn’t bring her back. She left us. She should stay left.”

Winifred offered her mechanical smile. Her robot body had the same dark skin as the family she worked for, which made her smiles seem particularly white. “We don’t know why she left. Give her a chance to explain. She loves you, Teddy.”

“You love me, Freddie. She… is fond of me… maybe. That’s the most you can say.” Theodore shrugged.

“She brought you into this world.” Winifred walked over to his closet, opened it, and picked out a suitable jacket and tie. She folded them neatly over her arm and turned back to him.

“Any animal can have a child. It doesn’t mean they can be a mother.” Theodore sighed, put down his book, and stood. “Fine, I’ll wear the jacket and tie. Give them to me.” He dressed himself and went downstairs. Somehow, his mother was returning.


On the car ride home, Penelope couldn’t contain herself. She planted kisses all over her husband’s neck and face. The windows were tinted, and the car’s AI was rudimentary, so it couldn’t spy on them. She reached into his trousers. “Ohhhhhhh… Felix… your thing feels magnificent. Has it really been so long since I touched you?”

“Calm yourself, Penny.” Felix removed her now gloved hand from his trousers and sat her upright next to him. “The doctor said you might experience some odd mood swings do to whatever caused your amnesia. Try to remember that you’re a proper lady, and we’ll have plenty of time for intimacy in our bedroom this evening.”

“Oh… yes, of course.” She nodded. I am a good wife. “I don’t know what came over me.” It was true, she didn’t know. In the last decade, they hadn’t spent much intimate time together. But now she had to reign in the urge to pounce onto his lap and ride him like a stallion.

“We’re almost home. Do you have any questions before we see Theodore, Winifred, and Cora?” Felix gave her an encouraging smile. He could see she was working hard to control herself.

The mention of their terrier, Cora, brought back memories of arguments over getting the puppy. She hadn’t wanted the extra responsibility and had never warmed up to the dog. But now, she was almost looking forward to seeing her furry little face. I am brave. The thought of the little canine gave her courage. “The doctors didn’t say what happened to me. Where was I? Was there some sort of accident at the house? Was I in a coma all this time?”

“Hmmmmmm.” Felix pressed his lips together and chastely held her hands. “I wish I had answers for you. All that I know is that we had a fight, and you left us in March of 96. You packed a suitcase and departed for gods know where. I searched for you but found nothing. Then, two days ago, the hospital informed me that you admitted yourself. They scanned your face and called me right away. You had total amnesia at first, but some of your memories returned. Dr. Montgomery said that extreme trauma can cause this sort of gap in memory, and your amnesia might be temporary. Or, you might never remember what happened over the past two and a half years. The important thing, darling, is that you’re home with us. And that you won’t leave again.”

“No… I would never… I can’t believe I… are you sure I wasn’t kidnapped?” Penelope tried to fathom why she would leave. She remembered that things had been rocky, but looking at her husband now dispelled any doubts she had about her marriage.

“Winifred saw you leave on your own and enter a hired vehicle.” Felix shrugged. “Try not to be upset. I know our marriage has had its troubles, but that’s behind us now. And look, up there…” He pointed through the windshield. Their large home came into view, rising between the trees like three stacked boxes that were all perfectly out of alignment. “Welcome home, Penny.”

“It’s so hard to wrap my mind around all of this. My last memory is months before I left. In my mind, I was here a few days ago. But… I can see things have changed.” She squeezed his hands, suddenly nervous to see her son. Would he welcome her? Would she be a good mother?

“Things have changed. But perhaps this will allow us to begin anew.” Felix kissed her chastely on her dark, round cheek. The car pulled into the drive and parked in the roundabout. The door opened. He stepped out and pulled her out of her seat. “I am so happy that we’re a family again.”

“Me too.” Penelope nodded. There were tears in her eyes. It was true, joy swelled inside her. Whatever had happened, she knew it was right that she was home. She could feel the truth of that in her bones.


Of those assembled to welcome Penelope back home, only Winifred’s greeting was warm.

Theodore was laconic and withdrawn. He offered a perfunctory hug and nothing more. When his mother commented on how he’d grown into a man, he scowled.

Cora gave Penelope a few cursory sniffs and walked into another room. She had never cared for the woman.

It was late, but Penelope insisted on making supper. She went upstairs and put on her own clothes. It spoke to her husband’s undying faith in her that he hadn’t disposed of her things after she left them. I can’t believe I would leave my family. There has to be some other explanation. Seeing her familiar outfits brought a smile to her face. Everything was a bit dusty, but otherwise in order. Only a few things were missing. She must have packed light the night she… I can’t believe I would leave. She shook her head, removed the borrowed clothes from the hospital, showered, and dressed. She placed a pinafore over her bodice and skirts, pinned her hair, and returned downstairs.

“You’re cooking, Mom?” Theodore was letting Winifred lead him into the kitchen by the hand. “You hate cooking.”

“Well, I thought I’d give it a try. I good wife and mother cooks, right? Maybe Winnie will help me. You know your way around a kitchen, don’t you, Winnie?” Penelope smiled at the robot. “You can teach me.”

“Yes, Mrs. Nisha.” Winifred nodded and offered her eerily bright, mechanical smile. “I would like that.”

When the robot let go of him, Theodore stuck his hands into his pockets. “I have a date on the feed with Victoria. I have to go.”

“Who’s Victoria?” Penelope cocked her head.

“My girlfriend.” Theodore didn’t make eye contact.

“You have a girlfriend.” Penelope clapped her hands with enthusiasm. “That’s wonderful.”

“We met in high school. But she went off to college, so we’re doing long-distance dating. She’s really…” Theodore hunched his shoulders. “If you cared about any of this, you would have met her before she left town. This fucking sucks. We were doing fine without you.” He waited a beat for her to explode, but instead she put a hand to her mouth like she was scandalized. Theodore shook his head. “I already ate supper. I’m not hungry.”

“I’m sorry.” Penelope put the hand not covering her mouth to her breast. “I’m so sorry, lambkin. I wish I had met her. I’ll make it up to you.”

“Lambkin! The fuck with all this.” Theodore turned and left the kitchen, passing his father who was strolling in.

“Oh, my sweet, delicate flower.” Felix pulled his wife into an embrace. “It’s been hard on us men here without you. Teddy will come around. Don’t you fret. We just need to give him some time.”

“Thank you, darling.” Penelope held his jacket tightly, breathing in the masculine scent of her husband. She sniffed back tears. I am brave. I have courage. I am a good mother. “I… I wasn’t always the best mother, was I?”

“We all make mistakes, darling.” Felix drank up the feeling of her once familiar curves pressed up against him again. Something relaxed deep inside him. “What’s important is who you will be now. I’m confident the gods returned you to us so that we might be a better family.”

“Yes… I feel that way… too.” Penelope nodded and pulled away from her husband, wiping tears from her eyes. “Okay, Winnie, fetch us some wine and teach me how to cook.”

“Yes, of course, Mrs. Nisha.” Winifred hustled off to the wine cellar.

Husband and wife smiled at each other as Felix settled onto a stool by the counter. He would enjoy watching his wife work in the kitchen.


“Ohhhhhhhh… Felix… Felix… thrust it in me… you’re driving me crazy… oooooohhhhhhhhhhhh.” Penelope was deep inside intimacy time with her husband, naked on all fours while he had his way with her from behind. Her body was winding its way up to big orgasm. She clutched the sheets tightly. She dropped her head and looked down at her bare hands. There was no ring on her left hand. One of the many things she must have lost in the last two years. “Ooohhhhh… are you…?” She looked over her shoulder to see her husband’s belly shudder and jiggle as his hips slowed. His face was scrunched tight. “Are… you…?”

“Aaaahhhhhhhhhhh… that’s… good.” Felix finished cumming in his wife. He pulled out of her and flopped to his back on the bed. “We should… do that… more often.”

“Ohhhhhhh…” Penelope lay down next to him and stroked his hairy chest. “Was that… really good for you… being inside me?” She desperately needed him to say yes.

“It was wonderful.” He sighed.

“Great, perhaps we could… go again?” She gripped his softening penis.

“Not tonight, darling.” Felix brushed her hand away. “It’s been an eventful day. I need some rest.”

“Yes, of course.” Penelope got up and tucked her husband under the covers, her pendulous breasts with black nipples swaying as she worked. “There now. Are you comfy?”

“Quite so. I do love seeing you so domestic.” Felix smiled up at her.

Penelope’s breath caught in her throat. A sudden feeling of being suffocated accompanied her husband’s uttering that phrase. She had a sudden urge to defenestrate herself from the third-floor window and join the crickets. But the impulse quickly passed. I’m a loyal wife.

“I can see that you’re still riled up.” Felix took her bare hand and patted it. “In the basement, I recently added an entertainment room. Since I was lonely, I added adult settings. If you wanted to pleasure yourself there, I would not consider it cheating. I want you to be happy.”

“Are you… talking about masturbation?” Penelope’s cheeks heated. “I only want to be with you, darling. I can wait for tomorrow evening’s intimate time.”

“You’ve had a big day. Go blow off some steam. It would make me happy to know that you were satisfied.”

Penelope’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Okay… I suppose I could give it a try.” She was quite riled up, and an orgasm might help. “But I think I’ll just touch myself in the bathroom.”

“As you wish.” Felix kissed her hand and pressed his palm to her warm cheek. “I’ll be up early tomorrow. I’ll try not to wake you.” He watched as she retreated to the bathroom, the round half-moons of her butt rolling with each step.

Penelope paused at the bathroom door. “I’m happy to be home, Felix.” She wanted to linger with him, but the more she thought about masturbation, the more she needed to douse the fire between her legs.

“We’re beyond ecstatic that you’re back, Penny.” Felix rolled over and closed his eyes.

Penelope entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her.


Time spent sitting on the toilet lid and massaging her clitoris didn’t scratch the itch that Penelope had hoped. She jerked through a couple of minor orgasms and stopped. After a shower, she put on a long robe, gloves, and slippers. She was still too wired to sleep, so she left their top-floor bedroom suite and descended down past the second floor, that housed her son’s room, Winifred’s room, a music room, and several other rooms the family hardly used. Once on the ground floor, she felt lost.

The kitchen was nearly quiet, with Cora softly barking in her sleep from her round dog bed in the corner. Penelope sighed. She thought about trying the room in the basement that her husband had mentioned. She’d heard one of the neighborhood wives mention that she and her husband had used immersive pornographic environments as a marital aid. At the time, Penelope had judged the woman harshly. But looking back, she had sympathy. Shouldn’t wives want to get close to their husbands? She shook her head.

Penelope decided not to visit that new, special room in the basement without her husband, no matter how much her vagina kept leaking at the thought. “Winnie, can you come to the kitchen please?”

“Yes, on my way, Mrs. Nisha.” Winifred’s voice came through the house speakers when her robot avatar wasn’t in the room.

Thirty seconds later, Winifred walked into the room. “What can I do for you, Mrs. Nisha?”

“We… weren’t ever friends… were we, Winnie?” Penelope sat at the counter and poured herself a glass of wine.

“We’ve always got along well enough, Mrs. Nisha. And I’m thrilled to have you home again.” Winifred walked over to an empty stool and sat, facing Penelope. She could tell from the tremulous tones of Penelope’s voice and her mistress’s body language that the woman of the house needed someone to talk to. “What’s on your mind?”

“That’s just it. You don’t call Teddy or Felix ‘Mr. Nisha’, you call them by their first names. But I’m always the ‘Mrs.'”

“I’m sorry.” Winifred lowered her head in contrition.

“No, it’s my fault.” Penelope sipped her wine. “I think I must have figured some stuff out while I was gone. I hope that’s why I left, to do some soul searching. Please call me Penny.” I’m a caring friend. Penelope thought. I love spending time with my friends.

“Of course, Penny.” Winifred offered her bright white smile. “You never told me you were leaving, so I don’t know why it happened. But maybe you were on a journey of self-exploration as you suggest.”

“I’m sorry.” Penelope sipped her wine and frowned.

“It’s quite alright, Penny.” Winifred nodded.

“Tell me about the time I missed. Tell me about Teddy and Felix.” Penelope glanced at the snoring dog. “And Cora. I’d like to know about all of it. Teddy’s girlfriend. His graduation. Felix’s job. Everything that I missed.”

“I would be honored to share all that I know.” Winifred smiled and began relaying the experiences of the past two and a half years.


It was very late when Penelope thanked Winifred and finally headed for bed. She was a good mother, so she stepped off the stairway to check on her son’s room. A thin line of light stretched from under the door into the hall. He should be sleeping, it’s the middle of the night. A burst of something scorching and consuming hit her mind. This is anger. It was like being visited by old friends that quickly take their leave. Her mind cooled, but still she knew she must do something. She opened the door to chastise her son, but stopped when she saw what he was doing. She put a gloved hand to her mouth, and her eyes went wide. He really had grown into a man.

Theodore had his back to his mother as he pumped his cock. Victoria was naked on the screen that floated in front of him, one of her bare hands holding her large boob, the other working furiously on her pussy. She was pale compared to her boyfriend, with long flowing ruddy brown hair cascading over her shoulders and a triangle of chestnut brown hair between her legs. She wasn’t quite as plump as her boyfriend, but she had the round, youthful body of a Rubenesque nineteen-year-old. Her blue eyes went wide when she saw the intruder. She quickly covered her boobs with her arm and pussy with her other hand. Although, since her fingers were bare, it was barely better than going full frontal.

“What is it?” Theodore swiveled in his chair. He stopped fapping, his face quickly twisting from surprise to anger. “What are you doing? It’s the middle of the night. Don’t you knock?”

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Penelope’s mind tried to take it all in, but her eyes fixed on her son’s enormous penis. It jutted up in the air, turning slightly to the right, standing proudly in front of his ample belly. The veins were gloriously large and prominent, not like any Penelope had seen before. The head was much fatter than the shaft, mushrooming out ridiculously at the top. He looked so much like his father in other ways, but not in their manhoods. “I… I… I’m so sorry. I thought… that a loving mother checks in on her son. So…”

“Why are you still here? Stop looking at it!” Theodore covered up his dick with a shirt from the floor.

“Hello, Mrs. Nisha.” Victoria recovered herself enough to smile at the absurdity of being caught by her boyfriend’s mother. It was almost sweet. These were the sorts of moments that Theodore had missed when his mother had disappeared. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Penelope tore her eyes away from her son and looked at the screen. His girlfriend was beautiful. There was no denying it. A thrill went up her spine at the happiness her son had found with Victoria. “I’m so sorry for intruding, dear. It’s very nice to meet you, too.” Her cheeks grew warm, and her vagina redoubled it’s efforts to wash them all away in a deluge.

“You’re still here, Mom. Go!” Theodore pointed at the door, his cheeks fiery hot with anger.

“So, sorry… very sorry. I’ll knock in the future.” Penelope turned and quickly closed the door. She stood in the hall, her heart thundering, her chest heaving with each breath. She was tipsy from the wine and drunk from the flood of young body parts she’d just witnessed. Images flashed in her head. She tried to push them down. Why have I been so horny? I need intimate time with Felix! She raced upstairs but paused before waking her husband.

Felix had said that he needed to wake up early for work. He wouldn’t be happy if she woke him for sex. But she needed his wonderful penis so badly. She was trembling thinking about him entering her. It couldn’t happen. His rest came first. I am a good wife. She escaped to the bathroom. Soon, she was naked on the toilet lid again. She masturbated herself as best she could. She couldn’t ever remember touching herself twice in one day before.

It was unsatisfying at first, but then she thought about what Winifred had told her. Both her son and husband had missed her terribly. Even if Theodore didn’t show it, he was happy to have her back. Pleasure surged. And Felix had been so sweet ever since he’d retrieved her. They want me. They want me here as a wife and mother. Bliss moved through her nerves. She thought of having her husband’s penis inside her, and she convulsed with an orgasm. A satisfying one this time.

Penelope’s fingers didn’t stop on her button. She could hear the sloppy sounds from down there as she continued to drive herself to another orgasm. This time, in her confused mind, her son’s long, fat penis took center stage. Somehow her love for him, his love for her, and that massive, ugly tool jumbled together for her. She tried to banish those thoughts, but her ecstasy rocketed. The second orgasm wasn’t just satisfying, it was mind-bending. She bit her lip to keep from crying out, rolled her black nipple with her fingers, and rubbed her clitoris like her life depended on it. “Mmmmmpppppphhhhhhh… mmmmmmmmppphhhhhhh.” Her eyes crossed, and her body spasmed.

When she descended from such dizzying heights, confusion seeped back in. And… self-loathing. How could she think of anyone other than her husband at such a moment? Especially my son! On shaky legs, she stood and entered the shower. She let the warm water wash away her dirty thoughts. It’s been a long couple days. I’m just going insane with exhaustion. It’s normal for mothers to walk in on their sons. It happens all the time. I’m a normal mother. I love him, and he loves me. She thought of her perfect husband. And I love Felix more than anything. Everything is okay.

When she stepped out of the shower, she took stock. She wasn’t so riled up anymore. Her vagina had finally quieted down thank the gods. She would be able to get some much-needed sleep. She slipped into a long nightgown and curled up next to her husband. She vaguely remembered that his snoring had driven her crazy in the past. But now, it was as soothing as waves hitting the shore. She quickly fell into a restful sleep.


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