A Question of Her Value Ch. 03 by uk_writer_53,uk_writer_53

There was another round of laughter and to one side of the audience I saw Ahmed and his son Tariq both smirking broadly.

“Enslaved only today she is unbred. An excellent specimen she is to be recommended to anyone looking for a breed mare.”

His final statement made the reality of my situation suddenly abundantly clear to me. Hanif had changed the time of my sale on purpose. My husband wasn’t here and as the slave trader had told me he wouldn’t be until closer to my planned auction time of seven o’clock.

There would be no rescue.

“How delightful would it be to have such an accomplished representative of the west in your harem, yours to command, obedient, dancing for you, sucking you with those bright red lips, tirelessly entertaining you…and your friends. Being bred by you!”

He continued to commend me to the audience before starting the bidding.

Then just to demonstrate I was ‘an excellent specimen’ as he put it, the auctioneer ordered me to turn around and kneel down on the block with my thighs spread wide apart. With me in this humiliating position I showed my juicy slit and dark puckered rectum to the gathering.

“Who amongst you would not want to enjoy the delights this western slut offers you?”

He teased around my rectum and then between my pussy lips with the handle of his whip, exhibiting me to the buyers.

Hardly daring to breathe I could feel my cunt leaking, the sticky cream trickling down my inner thighs as I was forced to display myself so wantonly.

My heart was thudding against my ribcage and my pulse racing as the feelings of despair and arousal competed inside me. Part of me desperate for my husband to arrive and put a stop to my shame while another part wanted the humiliation to continue forever.

Horrified I felt the handle of his whip press slowly deeper, opening me up and sliding into my pussy until it was a good six inches inside of me.

“Please…. no…. no…. I…. aaahhhhhhh!” I shuddered and moaned, the thick grip pushing deeper and sending me towards the edge.

“Tariq.” He called on the eighteen-year-old at the back, “Please give us a testimonial as to the pleasures to be found between her long legs and in her slutty, salacious mouth.”

“I can highly recommend her. She is most enthusiastic.” The young man shouted back raising more laughter from the crowd.

“There you go gentlemen.” The auctioneer continued.

Working the handle of the lash in and out of my slit I could feel myself surrendering to the sensations the auctioneer was creating in me, biting my lip as I tried to resist them.

“Please… oh please… noooooooo!”

Several comments came from the audience as they watched me, bringing tears to my eyes and making me even wetter while I remained in my embarrassing position.

“Oh…. fuck…. aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” unable to stop myself I came, my body shuddering as I climaxed in front of the assembled crowd.

“Up.” The auctioneer eventually commanded.

Obediently I got to my feet, my legs like jelly, turning slowly around until, my cheeks scarlet with the ignominy, I faced the gathered group of buyers again.

“Who will start the bidding at three thousand?” his shout sent a tremor of expectation and arousal through me.


I turned my head towards the sound to see Masood, the brothel owner, grinning lustfully back at me as he held his arm aloft.

With a shudder I realised that he wanted me and so did the rest of the buyers. If he was successful and my rescuers didn’t arrive, I would be destined for his whorehouse.

“Four thousand.” Another purchaser called.

“Turn around and bend over slut.” the auctioneer whispered.

Doing as he commanded, I spread my legs, my back to the crowd as I once again put my sex on display to everyone.

With the bidding started, he took advantage of my exposed pussy and slowly started to masturbate me again, lightly rubbing his fingers along my slit, to the delight of the men gathered in front of the platform.

“Oh please…. n… no… please…aaahhhhhhhh!” whimpering I felt the sensations start to circulate through my body once more.

As he had hoped, the sight of me wiggling my arse helplessly while trying not to orgasm on the block for a second time, drove the bidders into a frenzy.

“Five!” Masood countered.

“Six” another voice, a new one called out.

“Seven!” it was Masood again.

By now my legs were trembling as the fingers teasing my pussy were driving me closer and closer to another climax.

“No… oh god no… nooooooooo!” I jerked, my whole being on edge as I tried to resist the feelings surging out from my core.

“Eight thousand.”


I no longer cared about the bidding as I came. Mortified as my body betrayed me for the second time and my humiliation was utterly complete.

“Fuck… oh shit…. oh fuck…. Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” my backside wiggled urgently and my juices gushed down my inner thighs as I orgasmed hard, muscles tensing in my thighs when my whole body stiffened.

“Ten… eleven…. twelve thousand… thirteen….” The bids kept coming as my climax radiated out from my clit and sent ripples of pleasure through me.

“Twenty thousand!” one last bid from somewhere at the back bought a gasp of shock from the audience.

There was a long moment of silence as the auctioneer made me stand up, my legs barely supporting me, and turn around to face the crowd.

“Anyone else? Or I will sell the whore for twenty thousand.”

I looked around expecting to see that the successful bidder, with his arm in the air, was the brothel owner Masood. However, it wasn’t and he was looking more than a little dejected.

Where was my husband?’

‘Was anyone going to save me?’

‘Had I just been bought for twenty thousand?’

My eyes searched the faces before me without success.

I was finally led from the block, my legs like jelly, still weak in the afterglow of my orgasm. As I shuffled down the steps, I saw the brothel owner and several others grinning at me.

“No! Please, where is my husband?” I screamed in horror, the sudden realisation that I had actually been sold into slavery and no one was going to save me finally dawning on me.

Amira walked up, smiling as I was led back to the blacksmiths barn.

“You’ll get what you deserve now whore.” She cackled looking up into my face.

“Please where is Hanif. Where is my husband. This isn’t what was supposed to happen.” I whimpered, tears coursing down my cheeks.

She smirked, “It appears he will be too late to save you.”

My expression was one of total shock. They really had planned this all along.

“Nearly ready to go my dear?” Hanif joined us, his look of smug satisfaction making me feel nothing but hatred for him.

“Why have you done this?” I searched his face trying to find an answer to my question.

He laughed at my request, “Because I can my dear. I have lusted after you ever since you married that pathetic excuse for a man. Now I have you and I can enjoy you anytime I wish.”

“Dan won’t just give up. He’ll look for me.”

The slave trader smiled sympathetically.

“Of course he will. And I will help him but by then Amira will have disappeared with all the details of your sale.”

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