A Tribe For Tethys, Part 2 Chapter 9 by MimiRay

Introduction: Megan and Tethys spend a day together, and Megan is introduced to Henri, Sonia, Hera, and Carl. , A Tribe For Tethys: Part 2

Chapter 9: All In, and Out

The Monday morning alarm doesn’t care who hears it, it doesn’t care how much fun you had the night before, and it doesn’t care if you find it annoying. Its sole purpose is to drive Taylor out of bed so he can get to work on time. Any effect on Megan and me is unintended but unapologetic collateral damage, as long as it does its job on Taylor. And so it does.

He rolls out of bed and is in the bathroom in two seconds – two seconds after silencing the alarm, which takes at least ten. I hear the tinkling stream splashing into the targeted toilet bowl, and momentarily regret – minimally – that I’m not there to help him aim. Normally I make it my business to ensure he doesn’t miss, although in reality I don’t do much for his accuracy. On a morning like this I’d probably put it at risk.

He re-enters the room momentarily, and stands at the foot of the bed, looking amused at the sight of two naked women on top of stained covers, covering their eyes with pillows, but not their exposed and vulnerable pussies. He grabs each of us in turn by one knee, pulling them outward for better access, then leans in and plants a big sloppy kiss on each clitoral hood.

“Don’t mind me, girls. I’ll be fed, showered, dressed and gone before you two register my voice. No rush, relax, eat what you want. If you leave, lock the door behind you. Megan, I had a grand time, and I hope its not the only time. Tethys, be nice to Megan, don’t chase her off!”

“I’m registering,” I moan as I slowly remove the pillow from my face. I look over at Megan, who’s made no response except to sprawl on her back into the unoccupied space where Taylor had been. There’s a smile on her face, but I don’t know if that’s recent or if she’s slept like that all night. I know I was smiling when I went to sleep.

Moments later I hear clattering in the kitchen, the hiss of cereal entering a bowl, and other little busy noises that I recognize as the slicing of fruit, the pouring of milk, and the quick smacks of rapid chewing. By the time Taylor returns, passing through back to the bathroom to reach the shower, I’m awake, but relaxed as per instructions, lying back on the bed, still immersed in the afterglow. Megan still hasn’t stirred, she’s breathing deep and slow, the smile still decorating her already flawless face. She’s the one that should be having the real afterglow. It was a life-changing experience for her last night, her first orgasm with a man. And her second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth. I was mostly observer, cheerleader, coach, and backfield. She and Taylor were both worn out. I’d gotten a couple of my own in earlier, but last night was for Megan, and while I could have had more, I know that I will have more later. So will she, but she couldn’t have known that when we started.

Megan is beautiful, almost impossibly so, petite to the point of tiny, her olive Mexican skin unblemished, her hair dark brown with just a tinge of red. It will hang straight to the middle of her back, but now it’s tousled, wrapped around her face and the pillow, with strands draped over her shoulder and arm, falling across her chest. Her breasts are perfect: small, but round and firm, riding high on her chest, with little buttons of nipples poking forward from round brown areolas. Her waist is lean, her belly tight, hips well curved but narrow, and legs slender and graceful. It’s a narrow frame she has, and if she wasn’t so damn muscular she’d be skinny. But she’s muscular and athletic, and it looks great on her. I’m a sucker for muscles, whether on men or women.

Her legs remain spread where Taylor left them, and I spend a few moments gazing into that lovely fleshy flower between her thighs. The swelling of sexual excitement has long since faded, but it looks plump, soft, and inviting still. The opening is small and mostly closed, I can see how Taylor marveled at the tight fit. Her nubby clitoris is barely visible underneath a graceful hood that sweeps smoothly into neat rims of pinkish brown inner labia decorating the shiny opening of her pussy. Her mons, her plump outer lips, and her brown orifice are all shaved silky smooth. This wasn’t my doing, she came this way!

At eighteen going on nineteen, Megan is young. Almost too young. I feel a tinge of, if not guilt, maybe discomfort of bringing someone into our circle who hasn’t had enough sexual experience to truly know what she wants or needs. But she knows she doesn’t want or need what she’s already had, and how’s she going to figure those desires out without trying a few of them?

No, I didn’t have anything like what Megan just experienced at her age, and I didn’t know what I wanted then, but within a few years I was sure that this was exactly what I wanted, and it took a few more years to actually find it. If this is how she wants to live, then we can save her years of frustration and disappointment. If she decides it’s not for her, she can make that decision from a position of knowledge. In the meantime, I intend to make it worth her while.

Taylor is out of the shower quickly, and dresses even more quickly. I’m up and active before he leaves, and make sure I get a proper kiss before he’s out the door.

“Fuck, you smell like yesterdays orgy!” he chuckles as we disentangle. “Nice!”

With Taylor gone, I begin my morning absolution. The flushing of the toilet is what finally wakens Megan, and she comes stumbling into the bathroom as I’m getting ready to shower.

“Mind if I take advantage of the facilities?” she asks groggily.

“Sure, you wanna join me in the shower when you’re done?”

After a good, thorough, gentle, and erotic washing, we’re both much more awake and alert, and feel a lot fresher.

“What do you do for breakfast?” I ask.

“Anything but pizza!” That’s a good thing, because we had pretty much destroyed it last night. There wasn’t enough left to lick the box.

“Would you like….” I peruse the refrigerator and the cabinets. “Sausage, eggs, toast? Cereal and milk? Coffee and donuts?”

“Ewww,” she responds to the latter. “You don’t strike me as the donut type. So I’ll have what you’re having.”

Sausage, eggs and toast sounds good to me, and she pitches in to help. She seems completely comfortable moving around in the kitchen totally naked.

“Do you go naked at home much?” I ask casually.

“When I’m by myself and I don’t have any place else to be, I try to. Actually, you’re going to think this is weird, but… well, you guys are kind of weird yourselves, so I guess I can confess things. I like being naked because I like touching myself. Not just my pussy, but everywhere. I like the feel of my skin on my fingers.”

“Mmmm, that’s not weird, that’s delicious!” I smile. “I do that too. Although I like it better when somebody does it for me.”

“Until last night that never happened for me,” she says. She’s on a roll, now that the confessions have started. “And you know what else? I like to masturbate in front of the mirror so I can see myself cum. It helps me imagine I have a hot body, and I feel totally sexy.”

“Megan, you… shit girl, you DO have a hot body. Totally hot. You’re one of the most beautiful, sexy women I’ve ever seen in my life. You drove Taylor wild, and I know a few other guys you could drive wild too.”

She blushes, which looks nice on her olive brown skin. It’s not just her face, but there’s a bit on her chest, just above her breasts, and I somehow intuit, even if I can’t quite see it, a little bit of new stimulation between her legs.

She’s smiling when we sit down to eat, and I immediately realize she’s one of those people. Yes, she scoops up her food like a backhoe, dumps it down her gullet like a storm drain, and obviously won’t gain an ounce. I start to wonder if this might not have been a mistake. We can fuck her all day long, but can Taylor – or I – afford to feed her?

It’s worth the expense, I decide, and when we’re done we wash up and leave the kitchen sparkling. Taylor has a set of unopened toothbrushes in the bathroom cabinet, and I take one out for Megan. I have one that I keep here. Once our teeth are as clean as the kitchen, it’s time to decide what to do next.

“What are your plans for the day?” I ask casually but not too subtly.

“I don’t work today, and school hasn’t started yet, so what I usually do on Monday is go to the gym, then clean the house up and fix dinner for Mom to eat when she gets home. And yeah, Monday is usually a good day for being naked and watching porn and masturbating in front of the mirror,” she smiles slyly.

“That sounds like a good day!” I grin. “My workout is tonight, and I have a couple of friends visiting this afternoon, and I definitely need to get some progress made on my painting, so I can’t stay here all day any more than you can. But if you have a few minutes to spare, maybe we can take care of part of your routine here.”

“Ok!” she chirps, “I don’t mind hanging out with you. First let me call my Mom, though. She probably expected me to be home by now, but she’s at work and as long as I’m good she’s fine.”

Megan fulfills her daughterly duty, and I lead her into the living room, where we plop down on the sofa, the same sofa that Megan had seen Taylor and I fucking on when she arrived last night. On the far wall next to the entryway is a large screen, and I connect it to the video box and start sorting through the collection.

“I want to introduce you to some of our friends,” I announce. We start with Taylor and Hera, which I’d been able to view for the first time yesterday. I don’t mind watching them again. It’s wild, kinky, and spectacular. Megan is mesmerized. Hera is a petite redhead, almost as small as Megan, but of course not as muscular, a little skinny in fact, with creamy white skin, pink nipples over small breasts, a pretty pussy with a gold ring piercing her clitoral hood, shaved bare as are all of our friends, and a cherubic face with green eyes. She fucks like a banshee.

“She’s Greek like I am,” I comment along with some other narration I’ve been providing. “Our parents came from the same island in the Aegean, but obviously our more distant ancestry is different.”

Taylor and Hera are both visibly enjoying themselves, and from the sound of Phoebe’s voice over the video, her mother is enjoying it as well.

“I know my Mom would not want to see me do this, much less record it, and I would die if I thought she was going to!” Megan laughs, but her eyes never leave the screen.

Taylor’s ejaculation into Hera’s pussy is worth the wait, Megan shivers a little as she watches his cock and balls pulsate, then the milky ooze dripping out of Hera’s cunt and flowing down over his balls.

“That is wild,” she finally murmurs. “It’s sure hotter than the porn I’ve seen.”

“Funny thing is, I only met Hera on the morning of the day we met you! I went to her house on Friday morning, and we had wild sex, Taylor and I had her over here on Friday night, and we had wild sex, and then Taylor took her home on Saturday, and you see the wild sex they had then. None of our other friends have met her yet, but I know she’ll fit in just fine. And so will you.”

“Do you have anything of your other friends?” Megan asks.

“Funny you should ask!” I giggle, as I was just sorting through the many possibilities. We spend the next hour or so browsing through various photos and videos that we’ve all shared with each other. Megan’s eyes widen at every one of them, starting with Henri, tall, trim, the blackest man I’ve ever seen, handsome high cheekbones, charming smile, his poetic and sonorous way of speaking, and an anaconda of a cock that in isolation would confirm the most extreme of black-man stereotypes.

‘Oh my God!” Megan’s hand covers her mouth. “How does that even fit inside anyone? “Can you take that in you?”

“I sure can,” I nod proudly, and quickly provide video proof. “I can even deep throat him!” Another presentation of evidence follows. Megan shakes her head in wonder.

“I want to learn how to do that.”

“No guarantees,” I tell her. “Not everyone has the genetics for it, I guess. But you never know until you try. If you want to, I’d love to help you with practicing!”

Then there’s Sonia, Henri’s girlfriend. Or is she his partner? It’s hard to say, because as devoted as they are to one another, they both revel in their sexual independence. Sonia is the most purely sexual woman I know, with the possible exception now of Hera. Her libido is monstrous, encompassing well more than Henri’s monster cock. She loves Carl and Taylor and Joe, not to mention myself and Joanne. She’s supremely photogenic, whether clothed, naked, or captured in mid-fuck. She’s quite similar to Megan in build, maybe even a little more compact and naturally muscular. That may soon increase even further now that she’s started lifting weights with Carl and me. She’s almost as black as Henri, short black hair, big doe eyes, delicate nose, with shining smooth and perfect skin everywhere. Her legs, her ass, her arms, her belly, her breasts, all are perfectly proportional, no flab, no sag, no blemish at all. She’s the most completely beautiful woman I have ever seen, and to have that flawless package house such an intense store of raw sexuality seems almost too good to be true. I’m sure Hera would agree that she is also part of the Goddess Incarnate.

Megan licks her lips at the scenes of Sonia riding Carl’s cock, her gleaming black legs wrapped around his bronze waist, her arms around his neck, as he stands tall and erect. Carl is the epitome of the Greek God, but better proportioned and more muscular than any of the sculptured masterpieces. He has that ideal balance between mass and leanness, not the unhealthy diuretic-induced striations of a professional bodybuilder, nor the mountainous bulk of a powerlifter, but of a healthy, vital masculine man who responds naturally to lifting weights, and lifts them with volume, intensity, frequency, and pride. His entire body and scalp are shaved clean, except for his eyebrows, and his graceful muscularity pulses just beneath his deeply tanned skin, especially in the scenes where he’s vigorously fucking Sonia, me, or Joanne. And then there’s his “rocket cock”, the almost perfectly cylindrical, straight thick shaft tipped by a foreskin that stays in place even when he’s fully extended, giving it the appearance of a nose cone on an inclined missile. The well-separated testicles enveloped by his ball sack look like the drop tanks carried by a fighter jet. Our men have some unusual cocks, and I love them more for it. With Carl, it merely cements my vision of him as the most physically beautiful man in the universe. He may not be the most intellectual, or the most confident, or the most charming (that’s Henri’s department), but to look at, he’s amazing, and as a sexual artist, he’s doesn’t yet even recognize or appreciate his own abundant talents. He will.

Lastly I focus on Joe and Jo, or Joanne, a couple that I’ve only gradually gotten to know in the last few weeks. As of now, though, they’re as much an integral part of my tribe as any of the others. They’re in their forties, but they’ve taken good care of themselves, and while not the spectacularly beautiful, youthful specimens that Henri, Sonia, Taylor, Carl, Hera, and Megan are, they’re quite attractive, trim, and have kept their lean active builds. Joe’s cock is conventional, average size, average shape, but still what I would call beautiful, and it is as skilled as any I’ve ever known. He knows how to use it to the maximum effect. They’re average height (I sense a theme here), both with pleasant faces and broad smiles that they share generously. Joe has a light brown skin tone and brown hair, while Jo is more of a dark reddish brown with jet black straight hair that reveals substantial native American and Latin ancestry. Both have been nudists their entire lives, raised in nudist families, by parents who were best friends with each other and freely sharing sexual partners. Joe and Jo grew up knowing they would be lovers and spouses, but their enthusiastically open relationship has short-circuited whatever boredom they may have developed for one another, and their sex life together is not only exciting, but it’s been a joy for me to witness and share. They’re a dozen years older than me, but it doesn’t show in their approach to life or love. Joanne is joyfully bisexual, her tongue is skilled and experienced, and Joe can control his own orgasm for what seems an infinity, while giving Sonia, myself, and Joanne repeated spasms of ecstasy.

If Megan wants to be part of this, I can only see beautiful things resulting.

She’s silent for a few minutes after the show is complete. Finally, she speaks up.

“Tethys, you’re weird.” I can only nod in agreement.

“Like me,” she continues. “I always thought I was weird, because I wanted all these sexual experiences so bad, but then I hated the ones I did have. You and your friends have the kind of sex I’ve always wanted, but I didn’t know it existed in real life, and guys call me names like slut and whore if I even pretend to enjoy having sex with them. So I just assumed that something was wrong with me, and I’m just a pervert. But you’re a pervert too, and you have such a happy life because of it!”

She fades into a contemplative silence for a few minutes, seeming absorbed in her own world.

“Tethys, can I ask a favor?” she finally speaks, almost plaintively.

“Sure, if I can I’d love to help.”

“Can I taste you? I’ve never been with a woman before, but seeing you with Sonia and Hera and Joanne is so hot. I mean what I said earlier about sex being best with more than one person like you and Taylor, but since we’re the only ones here…”

I smile and lean into her, pressing my lips into hers. Her dark eyes are liquid pools of invitation, and her body sinks into mine as our tongues intertwine. She gasps gently and moans softly, then she stiffens and pushes herself back.

“This is what I want,” she declares as she slides off the couch beside me and positions herself on her knees in front of me. Her hands reach out and gingerly push my legs wider. “Please?”

I open my thighs to her and scoot my hips forward, leaning back further into the sofa. Her first touches are tentative, almost imperceptible, but I know I’m oozing copiously. I stare with wonder at the rapturous expression on her face as she explores me slowly with her lips, tongue, and fingers. I gasp in pleasure, and she responds by increasing the energy of her explorations. The sensations are incredible. It does not matter, not in the slightest, that she lacks the confidence of Sonia, the expertise of Joanne, or the aggressiveness of Hera. She is expanding her world, and I get to be the vehicle of her discovery. She’s also a quick learner, and intuitively responds to my reactions. And she gives every indication of being delighted by the taste of my sex.

“Tethys, this is so good!” she murmurs when she pauses for breath. “Like a fruit salad, but more seasoned.” We both giggle at the comparison, and she shrugs and continues sampling my ambrosia.

Her enthusiasm and obvious pleasure amplifies the wonderful sensations of her touch, and it doesn’t take long for me to convulse in a sweet orgasm. It’s not the strongest one I’ve ever felt, but but it’s beautiful, and feels like it fits the event perfectly.

I take a minute to catch my breath, and then take charge. “My turn,” I order. I have an idea. The door to Taylor’s walk-in closet has a full length mirror, and if Megan gets off watching herself masturbate, she’ll love the view as she gets eaten out. I lead her to the bedroom, and arrange her on the edge of the bed facing the mirror, propped up by the right height of pillows. Now I can take my station between her legs. Peering deeply into the dripping work of art that is her pussy, I inhale deeply at the fresh and healthy aroma of young passion. I feel like I could almost orgasm again just from the scent, the taste, and the sounds of her pleasure.

I give her my best, which has gotten pretty good recently, tonguing deep, nibbling on the exposed lips, slurping, lapping, flicking… I’m receiving as much pleasure as I could possibly be giving. She’s wonderful. When I look up, her eyes are sometimes closed in her intensity, sometimes staring glassy at me, and sometimes focused on our reflection in the mirror. Soon she can’t resist, and her hand reaches down to add its finger to my tongue and lips. Her orgasm is deep, throaty, loud, bucking, and very wet.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” the moans slowly fade into gasps as she collapses backwards on the bed. I climb over her and begin gently kissing her face and mouth, returning some of her own liquid passion back to her.

“We taste a lot alike,” she smiles with gleaming eyes. “Between you and Taylor… fuck, I don’t think I can be the same person I was before.”

“There’s no need for you to be,” I agree. “You’re your own person. You can discover your own passion, your own loves, and embrace them and celebrate them. It’s a good thing.”

“So does this mean I’m bi? I’ve always kind of wondered.”

“Whatever you are, if it makes you happy and makes your lovers happy, then it’s a beautiful thing to be. You don’t even need to label it.”

We extricate ourselves, and return to the bathroom for another toothbrushing session. I miss the musky, salty sweet and slippery taste of her cunt in my mouth, it tastes so much better than toothpaste. But it’s time to rejoin the outside world. Reluctantly, we get our clothes back on. Megan looks best naked, but I have to admit her pizza delivery outfit looks better than a deep dish supreme.

“One more thing I forgot to mention,” I remember to mention just before we walk out the door. “My friends that you met on video… Joe and Jo are having a party on Sunday at their new house, and we’re all invited. I know they haven’t met you, and they haven’t met Hera either, but I’d like you to be there. I know they’ll fall in love with you, and so will all the others. You are so much our type of woman. Maybe if you’re working you can find someone to trade shifts with. You won’t regret it, I can guarantee.”

“I’d like that,” she responds. “Actually, the other delivery guy does owe me a swap, because I took his shift a couple of weeks ago. I’ll try to make it.”

“I’ll call you and give you the details,” I add. “Oh, and if you’re off tonight, would you like to come with me to Carl’s house and do a weight lifting session with us and Sonia? It’ll be just like the video.”

“You’re inviting me to that?” she squeals excitedly. “Hell yes!”

The rest of the day is bright, shiny, and gorgeous. I stop by the gallery and collect a small check – a couple of my prints have sold, but I need to buckle down and get my major painting completed. Getting home, I strip off and continue work on my Sea Goddess canvas. I have the background mostly blocked in, and the waves, headland, and sea floor details are beginning to take shape. The Goddess herself will be added at the end. I thought I knew what she would look like a few days ago, but now, with visions of Megan dancing in my head, there will inevitably be some minor changes.

Around lunch time, just before leaving to go on my run, I decide to call Hera. Even more spontaneously, I put the camera on. I hardly ever do that. But now, I want Hera to see me naked, and I want to see her that way too.

She picks up quickly, and my spontaneity is rewarded. Not only is she naked, but she’s covered in white clay up to her forearms. Her upper arms, breasts, shoulders, and even her cheeks have a few splatter marks on them.

“Be careful, girl,” I laugh. “You might mistake yourself for a sculpture and bisque-fire yourself in the kiln!”

“Too late for that,” she smiles. “Right now I’m glazing.”

“I take it Taylor showed you our Saturday videos,” she continues cheerfully. “I watched them again last night with my Mom and Dad. That was one intense adventure!”

“You showed your Dad?” I’m a little shocked. “I thought he didn’t go for that kind of thing!”

“He doesn’t want to be there in person. But he doesn’t mind watching the recordings, especially if my Mom’s involved. In fact, I think I’m just now discovering what their kinks are. He’s a voyeur for her perverted pleasures. He likes to see her getting wild and crazy. I honestly think he’d love for her to fuck another man, as long as he only got to watch the video after the fact and didn’t have to be present for it. I guess I’m either starting to rub off on them, or else they’ve always been this way and they’re just now willing to include me in it.”

“It may be more you including them,” I suggest. “But yeah, I did see the videos, and you look so beautiful and sexy and hot I got super wet watching. So are you on for Sunday afternoon at Jo and Joe’s place?”

“You betcha! If you and Taylor will be there, so will I.”

“Not just us, but the whole gang you haven’t met yet. Sonia, Henri, Carl, and maybe somebody else you don’t even know about yet.”

Her curiosity is aroused, and I tell her about Megan.

“I like women just as much as the next girl,” she muses, “but it looks like we have a lack of balance between men and women. The guys may think that’s their dream cum true, but then they blow their whole load on the first female they get it on with, and some of us ladies end up out in the cold.”

“We’ll make sure that doesn’t happen,” I insist.

I make sure she knows the phone number for Jo and Joe, and driving instructions to their house. I hope they’re correct, since I haven’t been there myself. But we do have our map apps.

I get another good hour of work in on the Sea Goddess, and then there’s that knock on the door. If it’s who I think it is, I’m slightly annoyed. They shouldn’t be knocking, they should be waltzing right in. I scold them mildly as they take their clothes off in the entry hall, and then we can greet each other in the proper way with hugs, squeezes, kisses, and fondles.

Sonia and Henri – my God, they are beautiful! Henri towers over me, tall, handsome, gentle, classy, well bred and well spoken, with massive hanging balls and a long thick cock that makes the myth of a black man’s endowment seem like an understatement. His skin is the darkest black I’ve ever seen on anyone, yet it has rich undertones that reveal true depth and solidity.

Sonia is flawless, shiny black, petite yet powerfully constructed, with visible muscles that are sure to pop into magnificence with only a little more training from Carl. No older than Hera, but she has a presence, a strength, a command that gives the impression of a maturity beyond her youth.

I feel exalted to be in their presence, but they owe me. I haven’t tasted or felt Henri’s cum inside me in an entire week, and nobody fills me more completely, or gives me the opportunity to really clamp down tightly with my cunt muscles than he does. I’d had a little taste and touch of Sonia only two days before, but her attention had been divided with Carl, Joanne, and Joe. I want to be the focus today, or at least this afternoon.

I lead them into the living room, and sit them on the sofa. Henri already knows what’s in store, and his cock is responding manfully and appropriately. I kneel in front of him, push his knees apart, and crawl in close. I grasp his fast-rising cock, gently squeeze it, caress it, and examine it. It’s lovely. Women talk about the features they admire most on men’s bodies, and nearly always they’ll mention things like a muscular chest, nice shoulders, a flat stomach, a tight ass. I like all those qualities too, but for me, the icing on the cake is a nice, thick, substantial cock. I love how they look, I’m fascinated by the transition from flaccid to full erection, I love it when they twitch as the blood pulses trough them. I love the texture of the skin, the variety of shapes and colors, the filigreed tracing of veins along the shaft, and the shiny bulb of the glans with the slit at the tip through which fountains of pleasure flow. Sometimes when Carl or Taylor are asleep and I’m lying next to them, I’ll spend my last waking moments with my head resting on their bellies, examining their cocks, playing with them, and often suckling them until I fall asleep. I love the beauty of a woman’s blessed sex as well, but overall I’m definitely a cock girl.

Even more with Henri, the contemplation of his genital aesthetics comes with the enjoyment of my ability to apply my skills to him in ways no one else can. I can take him all the way down my throat. I can flick my tongue against the base of his scrotum while my upper lip is pressed into his smooth shaved pubis, his cock inserted to its full length down my esophagus. It drives him wild. It’s taken me a lot of practice to gain this talent, but there must be an underlying genetic capacity that’s unique to me. Sonia can’t get him halfway down, and even after a lifetime of swapping, swinging, slutting, and determined effort, Joanne still can’t quite accomplish it. For me, I suppose it’s a gift from the Goddess. I would like to see Hera try to take him, and I know she would want to, but she can’t quite get Taylor in all the way, so it won’t happen with Henri, at least not right away. From Megan’s reaction to him in the videos, I’m sure she’s like to give him a try as well, but she’ll need some extensive training if she’s even inherently capable of it. For now, I’m the only one that can do Henri completely.

I spend some quality time savoring his cock… such a short and dismissive word for such a complicated and rich source of excitement and delight, but “penis” feels flaccid on the tongue. Rod, dick, phallus, schlong, johnson, pecker, manhood, tool, wood, willy, lingam – none of them begin to do it justice. Maybe if I spoke Entish, the word would take hours to say, because it would encompass all of the ways in which it thrills, fills, chills, heats, meets, speaks, satisfies, pokes, prods, invites, excites, poses, postures, and pleases me. Not all cocks do, of course, but those of the chosen men in my life, my tribe, supply me with all that and more.

Whatever it might be called, it’s now coated with a thick and slimy concoction of saliva and throat mucus, and Sonia is looking on with admiration. I’m ready to take him inside me, but I realize they just got here, and the polite thing to do would be to extend the pleasure for each of us.

“Sonia, get on top of him and face me. I want to lick your clit while you fuck him,” I order.

“Your command is my wish!” she responds with a smile, and almost leaps onto his lap. She’s already very wet and lubricated, obviously watching me deep throat her man is a stimulating event. Her throat may not be the deepest, but her pussy has no difficulty taking him all in. The sight is almost incongruous, those petite, delicate-seeming cunt lips wrapping comfortably around that monster shaft that pushes them out all the way to her thighs, bottoming out without so much as a whimper. It does rate a sigh and a moan, though.

For a moment, I lose myself in the fucking beauty of it all, watching my goop being mixed with her goop, and the wet black shiny male and female flesh merging in a gleaming liquid monument to joyful lust. The heady aroma soon brings me back to my senses, and my desire to touch and taste them overcomes my desire to watch them. I sidle closer and lean forward, timing the dips of my tongue and lips with Sonia’s up and down rhythm. Within a few moments, I have a cycle of my own working. When Sonia bottoms out, I take licks or nips of her clit or her labia, when she pulls up, I quickly attack Henri’s shaft or his balls. It’s tremendous fun.

If Henri cums soon, it might bring the game to an end too quickly, but that possibility doesn’t worry me. Henri, like Taylor, has exquisite control, and knows how to pace himself and his partners. I feel lucky to have fallen in with friends who are so sexually skilled, not to mention beautiful and wonderful human beings.

My goal is for Sonia to experience at least three orgasms from this diversion. I know her well enough by now to have a good sense of how long it will take, and how I can help it along. She has four. She’s gasping and limp by the time she climbs off of Henri’s cock. I take just the head in my mouth and give it a gratuitous squeeze, then abandon it. It can fade naturally over the next few minutes while we casually visit and chat.

I’m eager to tell them all about Megan and Hera. Sonia’s heard a little about Hera, but there’s a lot more to add since our last visit. She and Henri both want to see the videos of her with Taylor on Saturday, and I’m only too happy to show them.

“That’s a hot girl!” Sonia appreciates. Did you invite her to Jo and Joe’s place on Sunday?”

“Of course! And I know she’s looking forward to meeting the two of you. She’s seen your video, Henri, and I know she wants to try out that cock of yours.”

“Who doesn’t?” laughs Sonia.

“Well, you have to be there to meet her. You ARE going to be there, aren’t you Henri?”

“How can I resist such an emphatic request by such a beautiful woman?” smiles Henri.

“Cut the crap, Henri, you ain’t even considering resisting. You don’t get a choice anyway, ‘cause if I have to I’m going to drag your ass over there myself, cock first!” Sonia slaps his thigh.

“Yes, Ma’am!” Henri chuckles at the two of us.

“Well for that promise, I think one of us needs a reward. Henri, are you ready to reward this so-called beautiful woman with a big cunt load of hot sticky aromatically musky cum? Or do you think the reward is going to be all yours?”

“I had my reward earlier,” interjects Sonia. “But I know he has plenty set aside for your fullness.”

“The reward IS mine,” Henri breathes musically. “Or at least it will be, as long as we don’t get in too much of a hurry.”

I’m in no hurry to have him cum in me just yet, but I AM in a hurry to get filled by that black monster. Watching the Hera video made me start to ooze wetness again, and as long as I get to set the pace and the position, the fucking will be the same act as the foreplay. Sonia does me the favor of giving Henri’s cock a few very wet and sloppy sucks, then I climb on his lap facing her, and she guides him into me, sealing the entrance with some more wet kisses and licks.

Oh, it’s nice. For a few moments I forget my plans, I want to be pounded, taken, blasted with semen. But once the initial burst of pleasure evens out, I’m perfectly happy to set up a nice slow rhythm, Henri’s shaft sliding out about half way before drilling me deep again every few seconds. Sonia watches transfixed, as she so often does. She takes a special joy from pimping out her man to women she likes, as long as she gets to enjoy the close up view. She’s not all that different from Hera’s mother, I muse, with her soft words of comfort and joy, although she does give a bit more active physical assistance with her fingers and her mouth.

I’m good for about half an hour this way. There are a couple of minor orgasms, but we’re trying to keep it relaxed and casual, and even manage to carry on a few conversations. I talk about my progress on the Sea Goddess painting, Sonia talks about her upcoming rehearsals with the band and some songs they’re working on for their next tour, and what they hope will be their first album. She even sings, softly, a few fragments of some of them, and they somehow seem to harmonize perfectly with the thrust and stroke of Henri’s movements inside me. My forehead is tingling and Henri’s moaning gently. He tries to talk about a new recipe he’s developing for the restaurant, it sounds like almost a Mediterranean-Polynesian fusion. He doesn’t have it finalized yet, and it’s still risky, but he thinks it might work. He tries to gesture, but as his hands are firmly attached to my tits, kneading and squeezing them, the best he can manage is a few directional tugs. If it tastes half as good as what he’s doing now feels, it will be a smash hit.

It’s Sonia who initiates the final buildup. Something in those big shiny black eyes tells me that she’s ready to be part of the money shot. I’m not opposed to the idea, and I get the feeling Henri is ready to cooperate. I pick up my pace, and Henri responds in kind. The sensations spew outward, radiating from my tingling cunt through my thighs, my chest, my shoulders, my forehead, my earlobes. Henri begins to grunt, I begin to pant. I’m sweating now, and I know my skin is glistening.

It’s a big shot, maybe the biggest I’ve ever gotten from him. And it’s deep. The hot cum splatters directly against my cervix, maybe even beyond, coating the walls of my pink tunnel and dripping thickly down his textured shaft. He comes to a halt, breathing deeply, and I clamber off of him and lay back, making sure the entrance to my pussy is facing upward. I want to hold in as much of his seed as I can. I know someone who wants to use it as lube.

Sonia takes his slowly flagging cock in her hand, and begins cleaning it off.

“You did good, Honey,” she purrs at him. “Make sure you’re recharged for tomorrow night!”

“You know I will be, Princess,” he smiles.

I grab my phone and take a quick picture of Henri’s re-constituted cock resting on Sonia’s lower lip. I attach it to a text, and send it to Megan, with the reminder “ready to work out?”

I follow up with a call. She answers immediately. “Oh my God, is that Henri and Sonia? Are they with you?”

“At the moment. Sonia’s going with me to Carl’s to work out. Do you still want to come with us?”

“I really, really do! What about Henri?”

I turn to Henri. “Wanna stick around a little and meet Megan? I think she already has a crush on you.”

“I can stay until she gets here,” Henri nods. “I wish I could stay longer, but I need to get to the restaurant. I have to finish cleaning, and there’s a drain that’s threatening to clog. I can’t imagine why that should be more of a draw to me than the sexy, exciting company of three lovely goddesses. Hell of a business I’m in!”

She’s only about ten minutes away, and none of us have any intention of getting dressed before she arrives. I particularly want Henri to be displaying his finest. I also feel like Sonia’s been neglected so far, and I want to correct that. She’s the first woman I ever tasted, and she’s still the sweetest. She lays back on the sofa, one hand on Henri’s cock, the other clutching the fabric of the cushion, while I kneel between her outspread legs. I have two challenges, one to keep Henri’s cum from leaking out of me, the other to use whatever skills I’ve accumulated to drive her wild. I’ve gotten pretty good at both.

Megan walks through the door just as Sonia has tilted her head back in a joyous orgasmic scream. Henri’s cock is at full height, my glistening cunt lips are facing the door. It’s just the scene I’d hoped for.

“Wow, I can’t believe this!” I hear her voice squealing from behind. “This is the sexiest, raunchiest, most erotic place in the world!”

Sonia is too overwhelmed to react immediately, and I’m not quite done with her tongue-lashing. I turn my head towards her and smile, then go back to my sensual task. Henri frees his cock from Sonia’s grasp, stands, and steps towards Megan, extending his hand in greeting.

“Megan, this is such a pleasure! I’m Henri. I’ve only heard a little bit about you, but not only is it all good, it doesn’t begin to do you justice. You’re more beautiful than I imagined!”

She takes his offered hand, maybe expecting a friendly handshake, maybe simply awestruck as she stares unblinking at that humongous, thick, long, black shiny tall-standing cock in front of her eyes. Instead, he bows, lifts her hand to his lips, and kisses it like the gentleman he is. I hear her gasp.

Finally, Sonia and I disengage. “Megan, meet Sonia,” I wave her over, and the two grasp hands, Sonia wearily, Megan still in wide-eyed wonder, now at the glistening, sloppy, wide-open cunt exposed by the still-sprawled Sonia in front of her.

We make a little introductory small talk, and then Henri takes his leave. “Ladies, I’d love to continue to enjoy your charming and truly irresistible company the rest of the night, but I know you all have things to attend to, as do I. I’ll see you all as soon as I can. Megan, I hope to see you at our upcoming event on Sunday night?”

“Oh yes,” Megan grins. “I already talked to somebody about taking my shift that night, and he’s got it covered.”

“Beautiful, my week just got better with something extraordinary to look forward to.” Megan’s eyes have rarely left Henri’s cock this whole time, and she continues her open fascination with it until it’s once more hidden within his pants.

“I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven,” she finally breathes after he’s departed.

Sonia laughs. “This is probably as close as we’re going to get in this world!”

Megan’s outfit is not really appropriate for gym wear, but I suspect she’s already gotten the hint that she’s not going to be needing it where we’re going. Sonia had arrived wearing white gym shorts, gym shoes, a sports bra, and a white t-shirt, which she’s now donning. She’s obviously overdressed for the upcoming session. I pull on my usual light romper, no bra or panties necessary, with minimal sandals. It’s risky, because if Henri’s cum starts to leak out of me in route, the dress will be visibly stained, as will the seat of the car. Well, the dress is washable.

Henri and Sonia had come together, so she’s stuck with me for transportation. Megan has arrived in a rather worn-looking Ford Echo. I invite her along with Sonia into my car. I expect that we’ll be spending the night, and Carl doesn’t even know yet what he’ll be getting into.

The fifteen minute drive is a pleasant diversion. Traffic is not too bad, considering that it’s Austin on a weekday, and the conversation in the little Hyundai is entertaining. Megan is squirming in the back seat, she can barely contain herself. Sonia is “adjitatin’,” passing her phone back and forth after pulling up the most graphic pictures she owns of herself fucking and sucking Henri, Carl, Taylor, and Joe. There are a lot more photos in there than can be examined on such a short drive.

I try to expand the subject matter a bit. “Sonia, why don’t you show her some pictures of your Asia tour? In fact, you can show me too. I don’t think I’ve seen hardly any of them.”

“I’d almost forgotten about that!” she answers, with what might be just the faintest hint of sarcasm. “As much fun as that was, I missed my sexy friends so much that by the time I got back I was ready to forget about it. And now I’ve made some new sexy friends, and I hate to think about leaving them again.”

“I think you’ll get your excitement back,” I remind her. “You were sure enthusiastic last week.”

“Well that was about the record contract,” she says. “Yeah, I’ll enjoy the next tour, especially with Carl coming along – that’ll make it ten times better –but it’s mostly going to be to support the album. I’ll be glad to get home again.”

“Record contract?” Megan inhales. “You’re in a band?”

“Don’t get starstruck, darlin’. I’ll like you better as a gropie, not a groupie.” Sonia pulls up a few photos of her on stage during her Asian tour, and passes them back. I have to pull over to look, I haven’t seen these yet. They’re fantastic. The outfit is bold and erotic, a brown leather top that accentuates the blackness of her skin, a feathered headpiece with yellow and red plumes, a black, red-hemmed miniskirt, big black boots, hooped ear rings, an Egyptian-looking necklace, and a clustering of bangles and chains. Her eyeliner is red, and swept back to her temples, her eyebrows enhanced and arched upwards. She’s barely recognizable. The overall impression is of somewhere between Lady Gaga and Tina Turner. But it has plenty of its own originality. Even in the still photos, you can see the stage presence, the confidence, and the showmanship. Megan and I are both in awe.

“Wow, I can hardly tell it’s you!” I say.

“Let’s keep it that way,” she laughs. “The last thing I want is for somebody to recognize me at Hippie Hollow while I’m impaled on Carl’s rocket cock!”

“As long as you’re not singing any of your songs at the time, you’ll probably be safe,” I laugh.

Speaking of Rocket Cock, we arrive at Carl’s a few minutes later, and as usual, walk unhesitatingly through the unlocked front door. Sonia leads the way, and I’m in the back, both of us shepherding Megan, who is visibly shaking with nervous excitement. We casually remove our clothes, showing Megan where in the living room to toss them, and walk naked back to the sunken den, where Carl has put together his fully equipped home gym. The house is uncharacteristically quiet, usually when I arrive it’s to the sound of slamming plates or barbells, with a backdrop of inspirational music, meaning heavy metal.

Carl is naked as usual, but unusually for him, is seated at the desk on the far wall, in front of his laptop. Even from across the room I can see the screen, and immediately recognize the application that Taylor had built for him, a tool to design, track, and plan customized individual workout programs. It’s obvious he’s taking his new career seriously, and Sonia will soon be in the best shape of her life.

“Carl,” I begin my traditional greeting. “I have a cunt full of another man’s cum, and I need you to push it all out and replace it with a cunt full of yours.”

Carl pushes the chair back with a smile, turns, and his jaw drops. He’s not looking at me! He sees Megan standing there, ravishingly beautiful as she is naked, completely unexpected. I’ve never mentioned her existence to him, and for a long moment he’s speechless. Carl has never had the best social skills, he rarely had dates and almost never fucked anyone until he met me. For all his magnificent physical assets, his self-confidence had been practically nonexistent, and his conversational skills minimal. A painfully shy nudist and exhibitionist may seem an impossible contradiction, but that has been Carl’s story. He would not have dared try to seduce me, or even approach me, I was the one who had taken the initiative. For two years I’ve shaped him as a friend and lover, as surely as Hera shapes her erotic porcelain figurines, and only in the last few weeks has his experience with Sonia and Jo expanded his world to the point where he dares show a bit of swagger. Now he’s right back at the beginning, and staring at Megan he begins to stammer incoherently before clamming up, turning red, and looking terrified.

“Carl, this is Megan,” Sonia announces with easy authority. We’ve told her all about what a talented and studly trainer and lover you are, and she’s here to find out for herself. One more woman for you to keep strong and satiated, at least until we head out on tour together. You’re not going to let her down, are you?”

“Uh, n-no,” Carl gasps, still sounding a little panicky. He steps forward anyway. “Hi, Megan?” He offers his hand. “I’m Carl.”

Megan reaches out and takes his offer, uttering only an introductory “Wow.”

This isn’t right. I’m the one that arranged this, but I wasn’t intending to be replaced. “What about me?” I whine. “I have a cunt full of cum, and it’s not going to last all day. I need to get fucked right now, you guys can go over the introductions later!”

“That’s our ambassador of good will,” Sonia chuckles. “Always wants to know what’s in it for her.”

“I know what’s in it now, and I know what I want it replaced with!” I answer.

I suddenly realize how much it means to me to have Carl fucking another man’s cum out of my pussy. Originally I thought of it as Carl’s kink, I enjoyed it because it was kinky, naughty, and a bit creative. But I was doing it for him, not really for me.

Or so I thought. Sloppy seconds is an ego thing for Carl. It makes him feel dominant when he pushes another man’s cum aside, flushing it out and replacing it with his own copious load. In another culture, one that didn’t assume monogamy or the ownership of females, it might seem a logical and common strategy, a form of reproductive sperm competition that the human anatomy, both that of men and women, is perfectly designed for. But I’m now struck by the realization that Carl is not the only one who finds it meaningful.

For the last year, once or twice a week I’ve been submitting my cum-filled pussy to Carl for his domination. Saturday mornings I run out of Taylor’s door as soon as I politely can after he’s given me my sacrificial load, and Monday evenings it’s been either Taylor or Henri providing the offering. I’ve mastered the art of holding it all inside me, even while driving, until I can open my legs up for Carl and feel him slosh it aside. I’ve become an expert at preventing leakage. I’m proud of what I can do, and even more, I feel beautiful, desirable, and the ultimate icon of femininity when I have sperm from multiple sources vying against each other in the futile race to reach that egg that they will never find. I need to be fucked by multiple men. Now I realize that more than two would be better. And it would be nice not to have to drive across town from one to the next. I realize more clearly than ever, although not completely for the first time, that I want a man spewing his semen deep into my cunt, pulling out spent, and having another man immediately continue the fucking until he too adds his seed to my garden. And if there is a third man to keep it going… Oh my god, I want to be gang-banged! What had once been a passing fantasy is suddenly a clear and present desire, but now that it’s here, can I ever send it way?

I begin to dwell on the idea. It’s a thrilling prospect. And I can arrange it. I have four men who would, I’m sure, be willing. Carl, especially, although he would insist on going last. Joe would be happy to help, I’m sure. He and Jo have been swingers all their adult lives, there’s nothing they haven’t done at least twice. Joanne has been on the receiving end of gang bangs, I’m going to have to discuss it with her. Taylor and Henri are the unknowns. They’ve always given me a first load, so I can’t say how they’ll react to the sensation of another man’s slick jizz on their cocks. Most men would be repulsed, of course, but none of my guys are most men. I have technical considerations as well. I decide Henri should go first. His cock is so monstrously huge that he even pushes most of his own cum out if he keeps thrusting after he ejaculates. He probably wouldn’t add much, if any, to the total. Maybe that’s one of the evolutionary reasons that huge cocks aren’t universal.

“Earth to Tethys…”

Sonia is waving her hand in my face. Carl is grinning and patting my ass, and even Megan is looking at me with a very amused expression.

“Nobody’s going to deny you your traditional jizz over jizz shake,” Sonia rolls her eyes. “We know Carl’s good at recovery. I’ll get my share. Megan, you might just want to sit back and get comfy. Watch and learn. You’re still new to this kinky pervert shit, you know.”

“I’m a fast learner,” Megan responds.

“You’re beautiful,” says Carl. “Wow, I just wasn’t expecting this. “But Tethys is right, she comes first when she’s carrying perishable items.”

“You got him trained, girl!” Sonia snickers. “But hey, Carl’s gonna need a little preparation himself first, and that’s my job.”

Carl never needs much preparation, Sonia’s dedicated volunteer effort is a bonus, not a necessity. The rocket cock is already on the launchpad, and Megan giggles as she watches it take on a life of it’s own, lengthening, thickening, and pitching upward without a single outside touch. Not that Carl is going to complain when Sonia kneels in front of him and takes him in her mouth. I’m not going to complain either, as long as she doesn’t take too long. I’m already wet, partly with Henri’s still-patient cum within me, and partly from my own juices that start flowing every time I anticipate being Carl’s launchpad.

Sonia’s a trooper, she knows what she’s doing. Her dick-slathering mouth coats his head and shaft with a nice frothy sheen, and when she judges he’s ready – and her judgment is impeccable – she puts one hand on his butt to push him towards me and the other on my hip to pull me towards him. In the meantime, he’s been caressing my back, my shoulders, and my tits, and I’ve been standing in one of my customary positions, on the side of the squat rack, leaning over the safety bar.

I feel Carl parting my lowermost, innermost gates, probing upward, sliding through the wetness that’s been awaiting him. Once he’s all the way in, he herds me around the uprights to the bench, putting both my hands and one knee on the vinyl cushion. The view is certainly best in that position, and Sonia and Megan both crowd in to watch. Sonia, of course, does more than watch, as she claims the territory below and behind Carl’s balls, putting her head in close to lick them as they pull away from me on the out-slide, and reaching up with her hand to fondle them and press them into my clit an the inward thrust. It feels so much better when there’s an extra helper involved.

For now, I’m paying no attention to Megan, as she’s holding back. Later she will relate how unsure of herself she felt. Not being acquainted with Carl, not knowing her boundaries or his, all she can do is watch, but the desire to touch and explore him, to join Sonia in her participation, is powerful.

Other than the extra company, the situation is familiar to me, comfortable and joyful. I know how long I’ll last, I recognize the different subtle movements and pulsations in Carl’s cock as his passion evolves. The sloshing sounds, the delightful musky aroma, the gasps and grunts, the sweat, the tingling, and the rapid buildup of tension just before the big release, all are known to me, expected, anticipated, and completely wanted. We cum together, and Megan and Sonia squeal in unison as the thick goo accumulates around my vulva opening, and coats Carl’s shaft and the front of his scrotum as he finally flops out. Sonia goes back to her duty, using her tongue and lips to remove the manly excess, while Megan looks on with excitement. I have no doubt she’ll get her turn soon enough.

As we habitually do, Carl breaks out his camera as soon as he’s free, and I assume a walkout position under the barbell that’s already been set up and waiting for me. It’s got a twenty-five pound plate on each end, giving me a decent ninety-five pound total warmup weight. I secure the bar, step back and squat downward. At the bottom of the movement, I hold it a couple of seconds, while Carl takes pictures of the cum dripping out of my squatted cunt onto the rubber floor mats below. Sonia has her phone out, and she’s snapping photos as well. Megan is simply watching in awe, unaware of the excited clasping of her hands together, probably aware that I can easily hear her heart pounding in her chest.

I finish the drip set, rack the bar, and Carl puts his camera away. Now we can greet each other properly. Megan has seen several pictures and videos of Carl in action, but it’s nothing compared to the real thing. Carl, on the other hand, knew nothing about Megan until now, and they spend some time getting acquainted, Carl asking her many of the same questions that Taylor and I have already discussed with her. His calm, shy demeanor, his genuine interest in her and his sincere friendliness, go a long way towards reassuring Megan that she’s in a safe place. Much of what she tells Carl, Sonia has never heard either, and she nods with a deeper respect as she listens.

What Carl really wants to know is the type of training she needs, and when the introductions are complete puts her through the same kind of test that he had given Sonia only two days before. For her small stature and dainty appearance, she’s surprisingly strong, and Carl is beaming as she goes through her routine.

“This kid has some potential,” he nods approvingly to no one in particular and all of us in general. “In fact, all of you are strong and athletic and hot bodied. I’ve got some kind of team here, but I’m still not sure which sport we’re playing.”

“You know what sport I’m playing, man,” Sonia corrects him. “You are coaching an exhibitionist singer who wants the hottest stage body she can get. I want to look sexy and powerful in my outfit. I hope that’s sunk in to you by now!”

“I put my notice in this morning,” Carl says. “And I’ve already signed the contract you gave me. As of today, I’m your employee. Thank you for letting me fuck Tethys on the job!”

“Fucking Tethys is part of your job,” Sonia informs him. “And anybody else that might turn out to be a good match,” she smiles at Megan. I see Megan shiver with excitement. “You’re my hot stud now, giving master classes in good sex is going to be one of your duties. I hope you can pull it off. But mainly, you’re going to be fucking me whenever I want. And training me on a flexible but demanding schedule. Don’t take it easy on me. And that sloppy seconds kink you’ve got – I think Tethys has inspired me. I want sloppy seconds with you too. Only problem is that I don’t have the talent Tethys does, and I can’t hold it inside me until I get here. So we’ll just have to get Henri, or one of the other guys when they’re available, to fuck me right in front of you. And when they’ve filled my cunt you need to stick your cock in my cum-soaked pussy right away and start splashing it all around.”

Sonia’s getting inspired. Her nipples are as extended as I’ve ever seen them, and the swelling and darkening around her padded cunt lips is obvious.

“Damn, that’s too intense a visual for me,” she continues. “I think I need you to fuck me right now!”

“No can do,” Carl chuckles, knowing he’s not completely without authority. “You also hired me to train you, and to whip your muscles into elite condition. You need to get through this training session, and then you can have all the fucking your hungry little cunt desires.”

“You have no idea yet how much it’s going to desire,” she responds, but she winks as she speaks. Megan walks up to me, puts her arm around my waist and pulls herself up to me, leaning into my ear. “I’ve been wanting friends like this all my life,” she whispers.

It’s a tough workout, and the three of us keep Carl busy for more than two hours. He’s demanding, but confident and decisive, and obviously knows what he expects us to do. Each of us is given a different group of exercises, with different expectations, and as each of us completes a set, he enters the numbers into the database that Taylor had built.

“Megan, you’re not here as a one-off are you?” Carl asks pointedly. “Because you already have a great body, it’s strong and it’s aesthetic, but you can look like a superhero if you stick around and work through a program. Or if you want, you could be a strong power lifter in your weight class. You could do Olympic lifting too, but you’d need another coach for that. I don’t have the knowledge base to take you in that direction.”

“I’d love to work out here and start training,” Megan sounds hesitant. “But I don’t have the money to pay for coaching. I sure wish I could, though.”

“Money’s not going to be an issue,” Sonia pronounces. “Carl’s working for me, and he’ll train who I tell him to train. I like you, kid, and Tethys thinks you’re something special. I think she’s right. If you want to hang out with this crowd and be part of our tribe, then Carl’s weight room here is available anytime you want.”

I’m thrilled to be hearing this, I love that Sonia is referring to us as a “tribe”, which is exactly what I’m hoping for, and I definitely want Megan to be part of it. She still hasn’t met Hera (neither has anyone else but Taylor and I) or Jo and Joe, but there’s no doubt in my mind that she’ll like them. She’s undergoing a transformational experience, and whatever life for her was like before, she has an inner kinkiness and desire for debauchery that will serve her well in our little world. But still, something is not adding up.

Sonia intercepts my thought. “Carl and I are going to be gone in a couple of months, and you two will be on your own. Tethys, you already have a pretty good handle on your training, but if you help Megan out I think she’ll do fine.” She redirects to Carl. “They’ll have access to the gym here, right?”

“Tethys has a key to the place already,” Carl points out. “They’re welcome here any time. I have the programs for both you and Megan already entered into the app. I’ll copy it so you can use it on your computer if you like, Tethys.”

I’m reassured. I wonder if I can talk Hera or even Taylor, or Henri, or Joe and Joanne into working out here as well. I’m not sure how that will go over with Carl, but hey, a tribe’s a tribe, right?

It’s time for a shower, but of course there’s only room for two at a time in the stall. First dibs go to Carl and Sonia, she’s been desperate to be fucked by him all evening. Now’s her chance. They play a little in the shower, but it’s after they dry off and race to the bedroom that the real fun begins. Sonia is screaming within minutes, and Carl is using all his talents to not only keep her cumming repeatedly, but to prevent himself from blasting off before he’s ready, and putting an end, however temporarily, to the fun. In the meantime, Megan and I share the shower.

Since my recent experiences starting with Sonia, then Joanne, and most recently Hera, I no longer have any doubt or hesitation about my ability to enjoy a woman’s body. I really want to go down on Megan again, and I wonder if she would want to do the same with me, but for now we settle for a leisurely and sensuous soapy massage. After all, Carl and Sonia are out there in the bedroom, and we don’t want to leave them neglected. As I stroke across Megan’s sudsy pussy, I can feel the skin is still silky smooth. She doesn’t need a shave just yet. Neither do I. We caress each other just enough to be breathing heavily, and produce a few pleasurable gasps, and then we step out and dry each other off. My pussy and my nipples are tingling as I lead Megan to the bedroom, where the sight that greets us is exactly the one we expected. Sonia is on top of Carl, facing his feet, but leaning back over his chest while his fingers massage her tits. Her legs are spread wide as she straddles his hips, and the view of his shaft buried deeply in her cunt is directly in front of us.

I don’t hesitate. I take up my position between their legs and dip my head down and forward, taking Carl’s balls gently into my mouth. He grunts in happy surprise, and thrusts more vigorously into Sonia.

“Can I help?” Megan is kneeling beside me, and I can tell I’m hogging the access to the sacred alter of ecstasy.

“Make yourself at home,” I scoot over and make room for my young disciple. She focuses on the spot just above me, zooming in on Sonia’s clit, and sucking on it with surprising skill, especially considering the need to keep her head moving in time with Sonia’s rhythm. Sonia reacts well, gasping and squealing with pleasure. Megan and I conduct an ad hoc choreography, using our fingers, lips, and tongues to enhance the sensations of Sonia and Carl wherever we can reach, and whenever we feel they may need it. I hope it’s as much fun for them as it is for us, occasionally we will look at each other and smile in triumph, once or twice even high fiving each other when something has an especially obvious effect.

The play gives us abundant opportunities to touch our lips together, and we take advantage to give each other numerous kisses. Occasionally I pull Carl’s cock out of Sonia just to taste it, to wrap my lips around it, and I offer it to Megan, who takes it gladly. She’s getting more and more skilled at sucking on it, and then sliding it back into Sonia’s impatient cunt. In a short time, I’ve become completely convinced that Megan is another soulmate, she belongs with us just as much as do Sonia, Joanne, and Hera. I’m overjoyed by how our little tribe is taking shape.

Sonia’s orgasm is sudden, loud, and very wet, the flowing juices are more than enough to give both Megan and I plenty to lap up. For a moment she stiffens, quivers, and then collapses back onto Carl’s chest. His dick slips out of her again, and Megan and I both grab for it. While Sonia recovers, her breath gradually slowing from almost wheezing gasps to deep, satisfying lungfuls, Megan and I are having fun alternating our bobbing on Carl’s cock. I take a suck, Megan rapidly follows, then gives it back to me. He’s experiencing not only staccato lip and tongue attacks, but the rhythm sends his cock quickly to the left and right, being pulled for each suck. We can see it’s driving him crazy.

Sonia soon puts a stop to it. “He’s not done fucking me yet girls, give him a break. I’ve had mine, sort of. Get on top of me Carl, and fuck the shit out of me!”

Carl pulls away from us, and rolls over onto Sonia. There is no need for preliminaries now. His cock plunges its full length into her immediately, and true to his instructions, he’s now pounding her cunt with his pubic bone striking hers, and his balls slapping against her ass. I’m mesmerized by the sight, and it’s obvious Megan is just as fascinated. She whispers what I’m feeling.

“It’s beautiful!”

Sonia’s had two more orgasms in quick succession, the last one had her sounding a little hoarse. Neither one has caused Carl to change his tempo in any way, his endurance and control is becoming legendary in my mind, but it seems now that he’s fucking multiple women, it’s improving further. He’s close, though. His face is bright red, he’s drenched in sweat, and both Sonia’s pussy and their bodies are making squishy sounds as he thrusts into her and across her front.

Suddenly Megan does something completely unexpected. She leans forward, reaches in, and inserts her middle finger directly into Carl’s asshole. She twists it, and it sinks down all the way to her knuckle. Carl tightens his cheeks, shrieks in surprise and confusion, and then roars as he erupts into Sonia. If he had depleted his semen volume in any way from his previous loads, he shows no sign of it now. His mouth is wide open, and drool dribbles onto Sonia’s forehead and into her hair. Only after his twitching has quieted does Megan pull her finger out from his anus, and then squeeze and massage his butt cheeks with both hands.

She turns to me and smiles brightly, her eyes shining.

“I read about that just yesterday,” she chirps. “It worked better than I expected!”

I laugh, Carl groans, and Sonia gasps as he backs his cock out of her and flops onto his back. He stares blankly at the ceiling, breathing hard, for several very long moments, then eyes Megan suspiciously.

“Nobody's ever done that to me before,” he pants. “I don't know what to think.”

“Well,” I wonder, “what was your orgasm like?”

He shakes his head. “Unexpected, for starters. It was completely sudden, and it felt like the biggest load of cum I ever shot!”

“I'll second that,” Sonia sighs, propping herself up on her elbows. “I got so much fuckin' jizz in me right now I don't think that even you could hold it all in, Tethys.”

“Looks like I'm going to have to find out sometime,” I laugh. “Megan, I think I'll need you to help us out when we do.”

“Make sure you get a warning first,” Sonia sounds a little grumpy. “I wasn't done yet!”

“I can help with that,” I offer generously, “since you need to get cleaned out anyway.”

“Oh goody!” Megan squeals. “I'll take care of you, Carl. You're a little messy too!”

I lean into the gap between Sonia's shining black thighs, and position myself on my hands and knees, like an eager honeybee dipping into the nectar of a flower at the peak of it's bloom. I have the best of both worlds. First, I love the taste of Carl's cum under any circumstances. He was, in fact, the first man whose semen I truly enjoyed savoring and swallowing. A healthy, hale, fit man who eats right and doesn't pollute his body with noxious toxins has a distinctly better flavor than a sedentary drinker or smoker. Maybe that's just me, but that's all it needs to be. And Sonia's juices are sweet, enticing, aromatic, and exciting. Mingled as they are, oozing out of her opening now, this can be nothing less than a luscious treat.

That first gentle lick, intercepting a creamy bead just as it begins to drip across her rear opening, confirms my expectation. It is every bit as delicious as I hoped. Encouraged and inspired, I focus on Sonia's flawless pussy with renewed energy, and immerse myself in luxurious, greedy tastes, textures, and aromas. I don't notice right away, but Megan has taken the same approach to Carl's temporarily deflated, slimed, and still-leaking cock. Her experience may be limited, but her enthusiasm promises to bring her up to speed very quickly.

Immersion is what she’s doing. It’s not the teasing playfulness that we had been torturing Carl with earlier. Now she’s focused, intense, completely involved in loving the flesh that she’s caressing. She doesn’t hurry, she intimately experiences every inch. She doesn’t take him in her mouth right away, instead she lifts up his ball sack, covered with sweaty, creamy goo, and nuzzles it with her cheeks, her chin, and her nose, inhaling deeply to take in all of the musky sex odors as she moves. The last few drips collecting on the outside of his spent slit get distributed across her temples, her forehead, her eyes, and the bridge of her nose. She wallows her face back and forth over his cock, smearing every secretion into her soft facial skin.

Only when the messy coatings have been thoroughly worked into her face, and the cock flesh again looks bare and brown, does she start to very slowly and gently take the head and shaft into her mouth. At first it’s easy, still limp from exhaustion, there is plenty of room between her palette and her tongue. She works it round in her mouth for a while, then pulls back up. She looks at Carl, and Sonia, and me.

“Thank you guys, all of you, and thank Taylor for me too. Or I’ll thank him if you’ll let me. I’ve been wanting to do this for so long, but I thought I never would. I thought it was just a perverted secret that nobody would ever know about.”

Carl raises his head to look at her, then drops it back on the bed.

“Shit, girl, you are so unbelievably good at this that it’s hard to imagine you not having years of experience.”

“It’s been a day, hasn’t it?” I chime in. Megan nods, and then spends a few more seconds lollypopping on Carl’s gradually stirring rod.

“But in that time it’s changed my life. You people have changed my life. Who can stay the same the day after experiencing a miracle?”

I pause my worship of Sonia’s cunt, and even she is taking more interest now at the young girl beside us.

“I thought nobody really did this kind of stuff, and all the boys I knew just wanted to cum and go,” she continues as she plops free of Carl’s further expanding glans. “If I hadn’t met you all, especially you and Taylor, Tethys, when I did, I probably would have gone through life thinking I was a freak, and that what I was getting from the guys around me was the normal, the way it was really supposed to be. I’ll never go back to that kind of life again.”

Sonia laughs, “Well we are freaks here, baby, and your experience with thoughtless and selfish guys pretty much is normal, unfortunately. But it doesn’t have to be. At least with us you can be a freak without being lonely.”

“Consider yourself a sexual gourmet, or an artist,” I offer. “Artistic people tend to be outside of the mainstream, and we learn to deal with it. Your sexuality is a beautiful thing, and I’m glad you’re finally getting a chance to express it in your own creative way.”

“I love it,” Megan mumbles as she sucks Carl’s now rapidly lengthening cock back into her lips. “I feel like a new person, and I’m in a new universe. I could explore it forever.”

“Well, save some for the rest of us,” Sonia smirks. “But for now, feel free to go to town. I want to watch.”

Carl’s cock has experienced it’s own miraculous transformation, and is now completely resurrected. Megan seizes the moment, and slithers her body over the top of his, her breasts sliding across his shaft, then his belly, then his chest as she comes to a halt with her face just above his, staring down into his eyes.

“You’re beautiful,” she breathes, and lowers her lips to his. Lips and tongues come together and explore each other’s depths, and she pulls back smiling. “Do I taste like cum? I hope I taste like cum.”

“Fuck yes you do,” he chuckles.

“Good. I like cum. I want to always taste like cum, and smell like cum, and feel like cum. Did I mention that I like cum?”

As she speaks, she moves down and positions her hips directly in line with Carl’s up-angled rocket cock. With a slight wiggle, she sinks down into him, and bottoms out onto his pubes. She sits motionless for a few moments, her eyes closed, her face raised slightly towards the ceiling. A slow smile appears on her face, transforming gradually into a broad grin. Then she begins, slowly, gently, moving up and down on his cock, pausing again each time she bottoms out. Leaning forward, she takes his nipples between her fingers and squeezes them gently as she goes. Carl reaches up and reciprocates the act on her own nipples. She whimpers happily. The rhythm is stable, relaxed, it could pass for a ¾ time signature, as she bottoms out on the third beat. It’s entrancing, and not only to Sonia and I watching. Megan’s face is glowing, even angelic. I think of Hera, and her mother, and how they describe the blessings of the Goddess working through her sexuality. Megan shares that blessing, and the power of it is palpable. I feel a sense of peace and of reverence, even in the midst of our excitement. Megan’s joy shines through her and into everyone in the room.

“Oh, God this is so wonderful, so beautiful,” she moans. “I feel like singing right now.” Read 4335 times | Rated 80 % | (20 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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