“Put these back in your pocket, I don’t have any.”
Brandon put the panties in his pocket, helped Sarah fold the blanket up and they walked back to the house holding hands and talking about the beautiful weather.
Ch. 11-Monday and Tuesday
Monday was uneventful. Sarah took Mia to school and stayed to volunteer in her classroom, it helped that a friend from high school was the teacher. While she was volunteering, Brandon spent some time with Jim, mending fences on the property and clearing brush. It gave them a chance to get to know each other more. As they wound down and headed back to the house for lunch, they climbed into Jim’s truck, Jim said, “Brandon, thank you.”
Thinking he was talking about the work, Brandon said, “No problem, it’s the same type of stuff I normally do at my parents, will probably have some trees to deal with when I get back on Wednesday night.”
“Not about that. Well, I appreciate your help with that, but I’m talking about Sarah.”
“What do you mean?”
“Obviously, you knew I was skeptical about you when we met but your answers Friday night impressed me. Getting to know you and seeing how you interact with her and with the rest of my family, shows that you can walk the walk and talk the talk. I really appreciate it, that’s all.”
He extended his hand, Brandon shook it, “You’re welcome. Thank you for welcoming me into your home for the past few days. It’s going to be hard to leave the warmth and sun, when I talked to my dad last night he said they were expecting snow, already had 2 hard frosts.”
Jim laughed as he put the truck in gear, “Better you than me.”
Brandon woke Tuesday morning to the thoughts of his last day in Mississippi before heading back north. He and Sarah ate breakfast with her mom before heading into town to pick up a couple of things and Sarah had a chance to show Brandon around a bit. As they finished the tour, Brandon remarked, “It reminds me of the town closest to where I’m from.”
Sarah smiled, “It’s not much, but it’s home. Speaking of your hometown, tell me about it.”
“There’s not much really to see or talk about. Just a small town of less than 1000 people, so everyone knows everyone. Couple of restaurants…OH! We did just get a Dollar General a year or so ago. I went to school about 20 minutes away at the county seat and that’s about it. It is one of the darkest places in the US, no light pollution.”
Sarah nodded, “Sounds like a colder version of here.”
Brandon laughed as they pulled back into her parents driveway, “Pretty much. I was telling your dad that my parents are expecting snow tomorrow night, I’ll see if I can beat it.”
As Brandon put the car in park, Sarah reached over, put her hand on his and said, “What would you think about me coming with you when you leave tomorrow?”