She ran, making a circle around the stage, pretty little ballerina steps that made Brenda wonder if she had been to classes. She stopped near a flower, a fragile bloom poking up between the rocks, which had somehow come to bloom on the most exposed part of the hill. Her hands crossing, she touched her knees and began to squat down, then, legs apart and torso forward, began to mime a caress just above it.
Barely a minute in, the music was now picking up intensity, with more wind instruments and a harp joining in. She stood and repositioned herself centrally facing the couple. She through her arms up and brought them down as if a catching a rugby ball and holding it to her stomach. She stepped backwards in a little running motion. The arms when up and then down again, then, just as Brenda was worried she would dance herself off the end of the peak, she stopped and, in three long strides, was back in her starting position.
The music changed and so did her movements. Everything was all in circles, arms tracing the radius of a circle and her body twisting round and round. She did that thing dancers do where their body spins, but their head stays pointed the same way until the last moment when it snaps around again. Yes, Brenda was certain she’d trained, though to what level she couldn’t say. She’d have to check in with Mrs Thanet, who until recently held classes above the Working Men’s Club.
Her hands went down once more to her thighs, and then she brought them up, this time never breaking the contact of flesh and flesh. They lingered on her hips then on her breasts, reaching the nipples before she broke away and flung her arms out. It was the first move of hers that felt sexual in nature, though her face was still stone. Brenda thought about tossing her clothes to the wind and joining her, but she wasn’t sure she was invited and knew she’d never keep up with the pace or artistry anyway.
The orchestra freaked out, as Brenda, in want of a better word, would have described it. The flutes ran up and down the chromatic scale and now Emily ran one hand up and down the other arm, from fingers to shoulder. Gone was the sexuality and now she looked like a lunatic in the midst of an escape from a straight-jacket, spinning all the time as she did. A lunatic, Brenda noted, with exceptional balance.
Then her arms came back to her sides, remaining taunt and motionless and suddenly all her motion was in her feet. Her first kicks reached level with her knee, but soon they went higher, up to breast height. With her legs moving freely, her pussy was now frequently visible. She was unshaved but not naturally hairy. It was difficult to see in the darkness, but it seemed as though her hair there matched that on her head, blond wisps forming a triangle. She was spinning, but less now than before, the kicks being more difficult. But as the momentum of the orchestra intensified, she spun round as a she kicked the air higher than she had done before.
It seemed to Brenda, that time slowed down and she hung suspended in the air, but when she did come down she landed badly, her left foot, the first to touch the ground, slipping backwards on the rocks and her ankle twisting and she lost all grace, tumbling forward with arms outstretched to break her fall and those then buckling too. There was a crack as her head hit the rock.
As she fell, Ted moved forwards, but suddenly the two dogs were awake and between them. One let out a deep growl of warning. Ted stopped in his tracks, trying to get a good look at how Emily was and if she was hurt badly enough to risk angering the dogs further by rescuing her.
The girl lay there motionless for a second, but then looked up and for the first time in the wild dance she smiled. The fall became part of the routine, her lying there hugging the ground, arms at out in front of her and then returning to her sides. She pushed herself up from the ground a few inches only to fall back to it a second later. She rolled over, breast pointed skyward and thrust her arms out, then instantly she was back on her belly and kissing the rock. The dog still stood between then, but seeing she was okay, Ted backed away, right arm outstretched in mollification, and, taking Brenda’s hand in his left, they both made a seat for themselves on the rocks.
The music switched to a cacophony of attacking strings. She continued to spin around and around, belly then back facing downwards, but she also moved in a horizontal circle, till her feet, and notably her pussy, were facing Brenda and Ted. Now she pushed first her knees up and then her hips, thrusting her sex towards them, again and again, in a frenzied simulation of love making.
Finally, she fell backwards, as if simulating a climax. There was a momentary lull in the music. She got to her feet and was suddenly unsteady, her knees almost buckling underneath her. Brenda looked at her. Was that from the fall just now, or did you cum for real just now? As she straightened out, Brenda could see blood pouring from both her left knee and from the right side of her head, but she was laughing and danced her way to right in front of the couple.
“Why do you not release your sexual energy? The Great Goddess demands it.”
Ted raised a hand up and was just about to touch the girl on the breast when Brenda slapped it away. “She means wi’ me, you great ‘nana.” The girl was gone anyway, dancing her way round the edge of the mountain.
“Bren, what’s going on here?”
“Seems like I’m blowing you, that’s what. By order of her nibs, the Great Goddess.”
“Oh, well if there’s a goddess involve it’d be rude not ta. You going to do it to the music?”
“Am I heck as like.”
They struggled to their feet and Ted let his trousers fall. The moors were chilly even in high summer, so neither felt like undressing further. The performance had excited Ted already, so Brenda had naught to do but drop to her knees and take him straight away. As she started, he looked down at her and caressed the back of her head. She took him out of her mouth long enough to speak.
“You’re alright. I’ll not be offended if ye watch her. Performance of a life-time if you ask me.”
The girl was now taking great leaps round the edges of the platform. Even while in active service, Brenda tried to keep half an eye on her in case she fell again. The girl may have the movements of a ballerina, but her figure was fuller and without proper restraining, her breasts flew all over the place as her momentum and gravity fought over them.
Brenda focused on her husband taking him deeper and deeper in her mouth. She’d normally tease him before starting in earnest, licking around the edges, working her way up, but now she began at the half-way point, the dance already having served as ample foreplay. She’d said she didn’t mind, but she was acutely aware as she worked that her husband’s attention was fully on another woman. A woman who was dancing in front of them — somehow for them, but also somehow not for them. A woman, no a girl, at her most desirable age, skin soft and figure full, alluring to all. Even now, the blood that pumped round his shaft, holding it erect, came from want of her, not from want of his old, tired wife. You could cry or you could be happy to be alive. It was the most excited been since the first time they’d gone to the woods together. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw the girl perform a cartwheel. What a show-off!