Adventures with My Mexican Mother by Messy_Stephanie,Messy_Stephanie

Hello, my name is Stephanie (last name redacted). I wanted to speak on the wild and crazy adventures that I’ve been on with my mother, Maria. Other than the occasional (but necessary) details that I may have changed in order to ensure our anonymity, everything I’m about to speak of is 100% true and I’ve tried my best to transfer these memories of mine into these written stories. Everything I write about has been proofread by my mother and of course, I’m uploading this with her permission.

This is a first for me so please bare with me as I’m sure my writing skills will improve over time. I have several stories that I’d love to share with all of you but we’ll see just how much traction these first stories get. This story is the first of many adventures that I’ve been on with my mother and the first to set us on this path filled with love, lust, and laughs.

Like any good story, a little background information is required to provide context. My parents were both born in Mexico but I was born in the United States. When I was just a toddler, my father was granted a work visa to work in this extremely well paying job here in the United States. This was the whole shebang, it had great benefits, great pay, and it gave us the opportunity to live in the promised land. We had been planning on moving for years now but a problem occurred when my mother was denied her visa. After a slight run in with the law in her past, she wasn’t allowed to return to the United States for a unknown amount of time. This tormented my parents.

With my mother being denied entry, they were forced now to choose whether to opt out of a job of a lifetime or to split the family apart. My mother did what any loving mother would do and she sacrificed her very own family in order to ensure that we had a better life. She did the hardest thing a mother can do and let her family go on without her. Despite essentially breaking up, my father took care of her as best as one can by buying her a house completely paid for. However, upon finishing the payments, they went their separate ways. As for me, the only “relationship” I had with my mother was the yearly phone call that I would have only because my father forced me too. I desperately desired to have a connection with my mother but it was physically impossible to do so when you’re limited to just phone calls, which is why I ultimately gave up in the end.

My father and I have an okay relationship, as good as one can be considering the circumstances. My father is what I like to call an OG Mexican. He is, for the most part, emotionally unavailable to me and he doesn’t allow himself to ever open up; all he knows what to do is to work. However, the fact that is he took me in on his own and raised me from infancy is more than enough proof of his love and admiration for me. However, one can’t deny that I always longed for a motherly presence in my life.

Upon graduating high school, I had the option of taking college abroad due to the preemptive planning done by my father years prior. His college fund that he saved up for me allowed me to choose really anywhere in which I desired. Upon taking a week to allow the idea to settle in my mind, I told my father that I was going to complete my studies in Mexico.

It worked out perfectly for me. Firstly, I’m fluent in both English and Spanish which is a must have in my field of studies. Secondly, I’ve always wanted to get in touch with my native roots and to connect with my culture. And most importantly, the university that i was going to apply to was thirty minutes away from where my mother lived.

This was my chance to finally connect with my long lost mother after all these years, to finally have a feminine influence in my life and to finally connect with the person that birthed me. I’ll be the first to admit that I was EXTREMELY nervous. I knew that reconciling with someone who was forced to let you go was difficult for the both of us and I just didn’t know what to expect.

Once I moved in to my new house and settled down, I gave my father a call and asked if he could give me her address. His voice was surprisingly shaky as he told me where she resided in, almost as if he was about to cry. To this day, I don’t know if he was about to cry happy tears or sad tears. I originally wanted to give her a call ahead of time but if I’m being honest, I hated calling her. I hated it growing up and I hated it then. I refused to do so not because I didn’t want to talk to her, but because it hurt me too much when I did. The main reason why I never called her growing up was because we never knew each other on a personal level… we were strangers. This was something I was bound to change.

I felt so nervous making my way to her home. I hadn’t told her that I had moved back to Mexico nor did I tell her that I wanted to meet her face to face. My legs wobbled as I nearly had a panic attack making my way up to her house. I shit you not, I almost backed out at least a dozen times on the car ride there! But instead of doing so, I put on my big girl pants and I knocked on her door. She opened up her door to me and her breathe was instantly stolen from her.

She knew it, I didn’t even speak a single word to her and she knew that it was me. I suppose even living without their daughter, a mother never loses her motherly instincts. Before I had the chance of saying anything, she grabbed me and gave me the most tender and loving hug I ever had received in my life.

For context, I was 18 at the time so I was slightly skinnier than then I am now. I was on the taller side being 5’9 and around 110 pounds with c cup breasts. However, the thing that I admire the most about myself is the big ol’ dumpy that I sit on. Because I have a very slim figure, my ass is gigantic in proportions to my skinny body. As for facial features, i think it would be easiest to refer to the many friends of mine that have said that I resembled a young Penelope Cruz (google the actress is you want a point of reference).

My mother on the other hand, she was slightly bigger than me but for a 38 year old, she looked extremely lean! She had DD breast sizes with an ass that I’ll admit, it put mine to shame. As for facial features, I would say that she resembles Eva Mendes (Again, take to google for reference). I was extremely stoked upon seeing her sexy figure. She had me when she was only 19 which put her in her late thirties, pretty young for having a daughter that was 18. But I’ll admit, she was extremely attractive for her age. I was especially excited upon realizing that we shared the same genetics, meaning that I’m going to have as sexy of a body as she does when I’m her age.

We pretty much spent the next several hours just catching up with one another, filling each other in (not that way, that part comes in later of the story). There were several moments throughout that day in which I was in absolute disbelief that the woman sitting in front of me was my very own mother.

Upon reconciling, something strange happened. This woman, in which I had never recalled meeting as a child, the woman who I was terrified of seeing after all these years; we fell instantly in the roles of mother and daughter. We were like two peas in a pod, she was my exact replica which is surprising considering the circumstances revolving around my childhood. Finally, after all these years, I had my mother!


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