After a Broken Heart

An adult stories – After a Broken Heart by SirAuthor,SirAuthor AFTER A BROKEN HEART


I met and married my wife while I was still in law school, and we had our first son before I graduated, then our second son, right after. It wasn’t ideal, and we struggled at first, but I excelled in school, nailed the bar, and was hired by a very large company as a corporate lawyer.

The company I work for mostly contracts with the federal government – the State Department and DOD, primarily. They also work with foreign governments and in the private sector with various entities, usually in conjunction with federally mandated or sponsored projects.

Early on, my job was challenging, interesting, and financially lucrative, which allowed my wife to be a stay-at-home mom, and for us to live a comfortable, upper-middle class lifestyle. However, after my third year with the company, five years into my marriage, I became an international rep for them which required me to travel – a lot. Five years later, I was promoted to a lead counsel position. Each step brought more money, and more travel, which meant more time away from home. Naturally, this impacted my ability to be a husband and a father. Then in my twelfth year with the company, I was promoted to ‘the’ lead counsel position – which meant I spent even less time at home. By my third year in that position, my wife had had it. We had grown apart. She had fallen out of love with me, and after fifteen years of marriage, she divorced me. That was three years ago.

I don’t blame her for leaving me, but it still broke my heart. When she left me, I was lost, and felt completely alone. And while I was used to the loneliness of the road, I always had the touchstone, the anchor of my home and family when I returned from my travels. That was gone. And though my job defined me in many ways, it was still like half of my identity was stolen from me – erased overnight. That’s the way it felt.

I had essentially sacrificed my marriage and my family for my career. I loved my wife deeply. She was and is a wonderful woman. And to this day, I still have feelings for her, and I am hounded by regrets.

As far as my sons go, I have a good relationship with both of them, but I guess I would have to characterize it as one of an uncle or good family friend. My oldest son still calls me ‘Dad’, but my youngest calls me by my name, and calls my wife’s new husband, ‘Dad’. My oldest son just graduated high school. And while I still attend some family events, like my son’s graduation, I’m the ‘other father’, the ‘ex-husband’.

As I start this story, I’m still in limbo, unable to return to what was, unable to move forward…But where do you go after a broken heart?


I’m Brian, turning 42 years old in a couple months. I am an attorney specializing in international business law. My company sends me wherever they have major deals that need my expertise, or where they have contractual or other problems that require my specific skills. For that, I get paid handsomely. But I’ve been doing this for almost fifteen years, being a road warrior, and I’m tired – tired of living on the road, tired of the lack of continuity in my life. When I first started, it was exciting, interesting, challenging, then just challenging – now, just a grind. Enough whining for the moment.

For my age, and in spite of the stress of my job and my unorthodox lifestyle, I’m in pretty decent shape and have aged well. Dogged devotion to a good physical regimen has helped me keep fit, and my nature is to handle stress well – very well. That’s one of the reasons I was and am so successful – and why it has been so difficult to move away from the work that I’ve been immersed in for so long. I’m too good at it, too valuable to my company; as I am reminded every time I broach the subject with corporate of decreasing my current role.

I’m about 6′-2″ and 200 pounds, with a reasonably good physique. I am devoted to a good physical regimen, and hit a gym whenever one’s available. I run at every opportunity, averaging around five klicks for regular maintenance. I was a runner in high school and college and still get out and do up to 15 k runs when I can (my ‘knee-limited’ distance).

I won’t be coy about it; I am a fairly handsome guy. I have a medium complexion, tan easily, and have thick, sandy-brown hair, slightly wavy and worn in a standard business cut. I have a sprinkling of gray coming in at the temples. I can grow a nice-looking beard and mustache, and have in the past, but am clean-shaven these days. When I was younger, I wore facial hair to look older. Now, I don’t wear it, in order to look younger. Yes, I am vain enough for that to matter.

I have medium-brown eyes, with kind of unique irises that have a prominent pattern in them. I mention it because people often do – ‘like cat eyes’ is the most common remark. I have a strong jawline and chin with softly-chiseled facial features, including a straight nose that fits my face well.

I’m very even-tempered; perhaps too even-tempered. My wife, sorry, ex-wife, would get upset at me because I didn’t react to things as strongly as she did. I just have a tendency to take things in stride – work through what I can, not overreact to what I can’t control, accept the unavoidable and move on. Don’t get the wrong idea. If there is something that needs done, and there is any way I can do it, I’m tenacious. I just don’t get rattled that easily. I guess that made me seem emotionally distant to her at times.

Anyway, this story, my story, begins right after my oldest son’s graduation. It was a great event; he graduated third in a very large class, and is a prized wide receiver in football. So, he got a full-ride scholarship to a very good college. I’m very proud of my boys; but this event, like others, only served to remind me where I fit into the family circle – on the outside.

While I was happy for my oldest son, and happy to get to see my youngest, I was left feeling down, afterwards. And seeing my ex-wife with her husband is still hard. I have tried to move on. I’ve had brief affairs, but again, my job complicates things. However, honestly, I haven’t met anyone that I feel that way about yet. Which brings us to my story…yeah, I know, finally!



As fate would have it, I had to leave straight from my son’s graduation party for Kuwait. I left on autopilot, putting my emotions aside and my personal life on hold (not that I have much of one), as I have so many times before.

I flew out of Atlanta, where I’m based, and caught the overnighter to Amsterdam en route to Kuwait City. With airport time, it’s a grueling twenty-plus hours, but by no means the longest or most arduous of trips. I was only going to be on the ground for three days, but the round trip would take almost a week – with more time in transit (doorstep to doorstep) than on the ground working. We call them ‘grinders’. I usually travel with an associate, but this final meeting didn’t require it, so I was flying solo. The trip was uneventful, went smoothly, and no travel hiccups; but on my return trip, something out of the ordinary did happen.

Saturday, the last leg of my journey required a layover and plane change at JFK. I went to the Delta lounge for a drink and to relax. It was already a 24-hour day for me, so I was beat and not at my best. As I headed for a seat in the first-class lounge, I caught my carryon bag on a counter leg, and turned to see what I was hitting, but kept on walking as I jerked it free, not looking where I was going. I promptly collided with a person trying to get by me, almost bowling them over. I turned and grabbed, catching the woman’s arm and up righting her, before she toppled. I was mortified.

“Oh gosh! So, so sorry. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” she laughed. “Good catch, though. I was headed for the carpet if you hadn’t grabbed me.”

“Well, I feel terrible…”

“No, goodness. It was just an accident. I saw what happened. They never leave enough room to maneuver with luggage in these places. They’re worse than women’s clothing stores,” she joked.

“Well, thank you for your understanding.”

“No problem. So, I was making my way to the ‘convenience’…”

“Oh, of course,” I quickly replied and nodded. She smiled and headed to the restroom.

I found a table near a wall and out of the way, so some clumsy oaf wouldn’t come along and knock my drink over (tongue firmly in cheek). The lounge hadn’t been too busy, but after I sat, one or more arrivals brought a fresh group of travelers and the place filled up, especially the ‘good’ seating areas. (I don’t know who designs some of those chairs, but you would have to be built like one of the characters in the Star Wars bar scene to sit in them.) I pulled my cell phone out and surfed email and text messages, catching up on things, and tried to ignore the crush as people jostled around, getting seated and fussing with their luggage.

Someone approached and cleared their throat, “Hm hmm, excuse me sir, I think you’re in my seat.”

Startled and surprised, I looked up, quickly apologizing, “I’m sorry, I didn’t think anyone was sitting here…”

The woman laughed, “Just kidding. Actually, I lost my seat while I was in the restroom. I’m hoping I can join you…”

“Oh, of course!” I quickly stood, offering for her to sit. It was the woman I’d tried to bowl over.

“Thank you.”

“Least I can do after trying to flatten you,” I remarked.

“Well, consider us even. I hope I’m not intruding; you looked busy.”

“Oh, no. Just wading through messages – nothing important. So, where are you headed?” I asked, adopting the standard ‘traveling-strangers’ dialogue.

“Atlanta. You?”

“Yes, also. End of a long trip.”

“Oh, where are you coming from?”


“My, I guess that is a long trip. I’m coming from Milan, myself.”

“Business or pleasure?” I asked, continuing with polite dialogue.


“So, are you based in Atlanta, too?”

No. Actually, I’m based here in New York. See, my last day in Milan, I got a call that my mother passed, so I hurried back here, wrapped up business, and now I’m going to take care of her affairs, and finalize arrangements for her.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Was it unexpected?”

“Not entirely. She was only 78, but had heart disease, and has been frail for the last two years. I saw her in late April and she was motoring along. She lived in an assisted-care village, and they called Thursday – heart attack. So, not unexpected, but it still caught me by surprise.”

“Well, my condolences. May I ask, did she have a will?”

“Yes, I’m the executor.”

“Good. I asked because when there’s no will, it can be a real trial dealing with the state.”

“Yes, that’s exactly what my mother’s attorney advised when we were faced with her failing health.”

“Good advice, and I don’t say that just because I’m an attorney.”

“Oh, you’re an attorney?”

“Yes, but I’m not a bad guy.”

She laughed, “No, I wasn’t thinking that. Honestly, I thought you looked like you might be in broadcasting; you know, like a news anchor or something.”

“I don’t know if that’s better or worse…”

She chuckled, “Neither. Um, I’m Kimberly…Kim,” she offered her hand.

“I’m Brian; it’s a pleasure, Kim,” I replied, shaking her hand.

“So what kind of attorney are you?”

“Oh, your standard ambulance chaser.”

She laughed again, “I don’t believe you. So, really…”

“I specialize in international business law and represent my company in business dealings around the world.”

“Sounds exciting, like a pretty big deal.”

“I don’t know about exciting, but yeah, I am a pretty big deal,” I cracked, feigning a smirk. The joke was out of character for me. I’ll blame it on fatigue and Kim’s easygoing manner.

Fortunately, she got my humor and laughed.

“Sorry, bad joke,” I demurred. “So, how about you, Kim; you look like you could be in television.”

“You didn’t have to say that because I did…”

“No, that’s not why I said it. You are very articulate, very attractive…Sorry, didn’t mean to sound fresh,” I replied, trying to extract my size 12 from my mouth.

Thankfully, Kim wasn’t put off, “Thank you. That wasn’t fresh at all, and I complimented you first. I did mean it as a compliment when I said you looked like you could be in broadcasting – that was code for ‘you’re handsome’. And I’m a buyer for a boutique women’s clothing chain.”

“Oh, well, thanks, and that sounds like a pretty big deal, too.”

“Not really, but I do get to travel some, also.”

I asked, “So, how long will you be in Atlanta?”

“I don’t know. This happened so suddenly. I have to sort it out once I arrive. I meet Monday morning at the retirement home, and this was the only open seat I could get through the entire weekend. I still have to make arrangements to meet with my mother’s attorney and the funeral home; don’t know when those will be. I can’t call for appointments till Monday morning.”

“Well, if you need help with anything, anything at all, call me. I’ve lived in the Atlanta area for over fifteen years.” I handed her a card.

“Thank you, Brian. You might get a call. I’m flying blind at this point, no pun intended,” she smiled.

As she said that, they announced the pre-boarding for our flight. We rose and gathered our belongings to head to the gate. Once on the plane, I learned we were seated in different areas, and we didn’t speak again until the disembarking process. After deplaning, we walked together to the airport tram for our ride to baggage claim.

“Um, Brian, do you think I’ll have any trouble getting a hotel at this hour on a Saturday?”

“You don’t have a hotel?”

“No, I barely got on this flight. I wouldn’t have made this one except for a cancelation in first class. No, once I collect my luggage, I have to arrange a car and a place to stay.”

“Well, let me help you. What’s your destination in Atlanta?”

“I have to meet with the retirement village staff in North Buckhead on Monday morning.”

“Well, I can help with all of that. It’s Saturday night and it would take you forever to get a car at one of the kiosks in the terminal. Listen, my car is in airport parking at the Marriot. They’ll send a car to pick us up, and we can go from there.”


“Yes, and I live in Sandy Springs, just north of Buckhead. It’s on my way. I can take you to a hotel there, get you situated and arrange a car for you in the morning.”

“No. Goodness, I couldn’t impose like that…”

“Nonsense, it’s no imposition. Besides, let me help; show you what a ‘big deal’ I am,” I joked.

“Well, that is very kind of you.”

As soon as we got to our luggage carousel, I called the Marriot and requested a ride (I have a longstanding arrangement with them, and don’t have to wait on scheduled shuttles or deal with taxis). Our luggage showed up in under ten minutes, and within forty, we were in my car and exiting the Marriot, headed to the 75/85. As we drove, we chatted.

“So, Brian, you travel a lot?”

“Yes, quite a lot.”

“Is that hard on your family?”

“Not anymore. But, yes it was. I divorced several years ago, and my travel and the separation it caused were major factors.”

“That’s unfortunate. I’m divorced now, too. My ex-husband and I called it quits last year. I guess you could say travel played into our problems, too…It’s sad, but I don’t know anybody that stays married these days. My mom and dad were married 56 years, till he passed two years ago. ‘Till death do us part’ used to mean something,” she lamented.

Then she interrupted her musing, “Oh, I need to find a hotel.” She pulled out her cell.

“Kim, why don’t you let me help with that. And I don’t know about you, but I’m famished. Would you like to get something to eat?”

“Yes, now that you mention it, I haven’t eaten since lunch, just a snack in the lounge.”

“Well, I know a couple places near me that are open late enough for us to get dinner – a steakhouse and an Italian restaurant.”

“I haven’t had a pizza in a while. Can you believe, a week in Italy and I managed one pizza? Does your Italian place do good pizza?”

“The best pie outside of New York…well, at least in my neck of the woods.”

“Sounds like we have a plan,” she remarked, flashing a bright smile.

After we were seated and had ordered, I searched my travel app for a preferred hotel in the area. I found a couple that were convenient, with vacancies, but pricey, and I got to thinking. I gave Kim the results, then made a suggestion.

“Kim, please don’t take this wrong, but if I may suggest; why don’t you put up at my place, tonight? I have a nice guest room that I use for visiting business associates, and it’s yours for the taking. And to simplify things, I can have a car delivered to my house, tomorrow.”

“Well, um…” she hesitated.

“Really, no funny business.”

“I’m sorry; I know I can trust you. It’s just, instinctive, you know…”

“Totally understand. And if you’re not comfortable with my suggestion, after dinner, we’ll get you a hotel, and I’ll still arrange a rental for you.”

“Um, no, I’m fine; I’ll take you up on your offer. Thank you again for your kindness.”

With that settled, we continued to chat. I asked Kim about her occupation, “You said you are a buyer for a women’s clothing outfit?”

“Yes, I’m a buyer for a brick-and-mortar chain of women’s fashion clothing. We have boutique stores in most major cities in the northeast, and are building a pretty significant online presence now.”

Our pizza arrived and we dug in.

“You were right, excellent pie,” Kim remarked.

After a bit, I questioned, “You mentioned travel?”

“Yes, I and a couple other buyers make quarterly trips to overseas suppliers; and yes that did play into my marriage problems, but there were other factors.”

“Mm hmm, there are always other factors, but honestly, in my case, If it hadn’t been for all my absences, I think I would still be happily married today,” I remarked.

“Mmm, sorry to hear that, and you couldn’t change your job?”

“Well, early on, I was ‘climbing the ladder’ and it was essential – the travel. My promotions were based on my usefulness in the field…and by the time my marriage was in trouble, I was really in an untenable situation. I was a lead attorney and negotiator, and the when I requested changing to a different position, it was met with great resistance, and they threw so much money at me, that I abandoned any thought of not continuing. Anyway, by that time, my wife was out of love with me and my marriage was history.”

Kim explained, “My husband had an affair while I was traveling. He was remorseful. I tried to be forgiving, but I never could bring myself to trust him again, so we never recovered.”

I shook my head, “That’s unfortunate. Well, they’re going to close up on us. Let’s get going.”

I paid the bill and we headed to my house. When we arrived, Kim was surprised.

“I didn’t expect such a large home. When you said you had a guest room, I was thinking a two-bedroom townhouse or such, but not this.”

“This was our family home. My ex-wife lives in her husband’s home. Actually, I have three guest rooms, all updated for use by visitors.” I smiled, “So, you can pick which one suits you.”

We unloaded and did the bag drag. I got Kim situated; we agreed on a late breakfast, then I hit the shower, and promptly, the bed.


Sunday morning, in spite of jet lag, I was up early; ran to the grocery store; came home and arranged for a car to be dropped off for Kim; then busied myself with mail and such, till I heard her stirring. I went and knocked on her door.

“Good morning, Kim. Just checking on when you might like breakfast?”

“Good morning. How much time do I have?”

“Long as you need; no hurry.”

“Twenty minutes? I just got out of the shower.”

“My wife would have needed at least thirty.”

“Thirty would be nice.”


“You are a lawyer, aren’t you?” she kidded.

I laughed and headed to the kitchen. When Kim joined me, I was taken aback – not that I hadn’t noticed how attractive she was before, I guess I just hadn’t taken it in yet, but she was, is lovely.

At close to 5′-9″ and maybe 125-130 pounds, she is tall and slender, but not skinny. The blouse and slacks ensemble she was wearing showed a nice figure – moderate-width shoulders, slightly narrow torso tapering to a narrow waist, with a moderate flair to her hips. The blouse was kind of billowy, loose-fitting, but hinted at a fairly full bosom, and she had an obviously flat tummy, and long slender legs. Her dark, curly to wavy hair was gathered in a scrunchy thing – whatever they’re called, and her long locks hung over her right shoulder to below her bosom. Her large, dark eyes are deep and soulful, with long lashes; and her well-shaped, dark eyebrows frame them in a striking manner. Her long, oval face is perfectly complimented by a long, slender nose and medium-sized mouth with full lips – quite attractive. Her tawny, kind of latte complexion hints at some mix between African, Anglo and Hispanic or Mediterranean heritage – a lovely combination.

“Well, good morning. Looks like you’ve been busy,” she greeted me.

“I was up early; needed to get some groceries, do a couple things…Oh I have a car coming for you. It should be here in about an hour.”

“So they’re delivering it here?”

“Oh, um, yes – our company’s contracted service. You’ll just fill out the paperwork when it arrives and you’ll be set.”


“Told you I was a big deal,” I kidded.

She grinned, “Well, Big Deal, what are we having?”

“I hope scrambles, country potatoes, bacon, toast and orange juice are okay. I haven’t made coffee or tea yet…”

“Perfect, and coffee would be nice…Quite a spread; I guess you’re not handicapped in the kitchen like some bachelors.”

“No, I’m pretty handy in a kitchen. We can go coffee or espresso drinks.”

“I’d love a latte.”

“Know your way around a Nespresso machine?”

“I’m on it.”

“There’s the machine, pods underneath, and there’s milk, half and half, and a vanilla dairy creamer in the fridge. Knock yourself out. I like half and half – no sweetener.”

As the potatoes and the bacon were finishing, I got the eggs on while Kim finished setting the table and getting our drinks. It was kind of nice having company for a change, especially present company.

As we ate, Kim remarked, “You have a lovely home here.”

“Thank you. We bought it when my company moved me here. The move came with a significant promotion, and a home purchase assistance program was one of the perks.”

“So your wife didn’t take the house in the divorce?”

“No, not even alimony, all amicable, so to speak. She was already with her husband to be, and he was very well off, so…”

“Oh, so she was already seeing someone?”

“After we separated, she started dating him. She swore they never consummated anything till after our separation, but I had my doubts.”

“Sorry to hear that. My situation was a little different…We were married thirteen years, and I came home from a quarterly buyer’s trip. My first night home, I found an earring in the bedroom. I was devastated. He swore it was the first time, that he gave into temptation with a woman from his office that had been after him. He said she showed up at the house the day after I left and he caved. She backed that story up later. Anyway, as I said, I could forgive, but I couldn’t forget. I had to go on these buying trips, and I didn’t trust him. It ate at me; it alienated him; drove a wedge between us. After two years, we called it quits.”


“We couldn’t have them. He had a fertility problem – low motility, and I had, have a problem. Even when I have managed to get pregnant, I’ve never made it past the first trimester.”

“Sorry. Guess I shouldn’t have pried.”

She smiled and patted my hand, “No, it’s fine. Actually, I’m pretty comfortable talking with you about this stuff.”

“Ditto,” I replied.

Right as we finished clean up, Kim’s car showed up. After taking care of that, we returned to the kitchen nook and had another latte.

“Well, I need to find a hotel. So, Mr. Big Deal, where do you recommend in your ‘neck of the woods’?”

“If you’re comfortable here, why bother with a hotel? I’ll give you a key and you can come and go as you need.”

She grinned, “I was hoping you would say that. This is very comfortable, and far better than any hotel. But are you sure I won’t be an inconvenience?”

“I can’t imagine how you could be,” I remarked.

Kim responded with a sincere smile, “That’s sweet, Brian.”

“What’s on your agenda for the rest of the day?” she asked.

“Nothing today; decompressing, recovering from jet lag. I might clean the pool and do some work in the back yard. If you’d like to get some sun, hang out on the patio…”

“Well, I didn’t bring any clothes for that, you know, shorts, or anything.”

“If you’d like, I could take you to a nearby mall. It was Dannie’s ‘go-to’ with upscale shops.”

“Dannie was your wife?”

“Yes, Danielle.”

“If it’s not too much trouble.”

I suggested, “Well, why don’t we go now. I’ll take you to do some shopping and I’ll run a couple more errands.”


We piled in my car and headed out. When we got to the mall, I dropped her off and ran my errands. By the time I was done and headed back to the mall, Kim called and said I could pick her up. After retrieving her, I picked up some deli sandwiches to take back to the house for lunch.

When we got home, I asked, “Do you want to eat on the veranda? It’ll be a little warm, but I was going to go native – t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops.”

“Yes, I’ll go change, too; try on my new clothes.”

I put on a t-shirt and swim trunks, and took iced tea and our sandwiches to the patio table, turned on the overhead fan, and waited for Kim. She joined me shortly, wearing a pale-yellow, sleeveless, lightweight blouse with matching shorts in a darker yellow. She had on a light-yellow, wide-brimmed, straw hat and matching sandals. The blouse revealed her full bosom, and the shorts revealed her stunning legs.

“What do you think?” she asked as she walked up.

“I think you look terrific, ready for the afternoon heat.”

She smiled, removed her hat, and joined me at the table.

I couldn’t help but comment on her long, tawny, nicely muscled legs.

“Those are some killer legs you have there, Kim.”

She grinned, “Oh, I bet you say that to all your lady guests.”

“Only the ones with killer legs.”

“Well thank you. Um, speaking of legs, yours aren’t so bad, either, very strong looking.”

“I was a runner in school, and have kept up with it after a fashion. I get out and hit the bricks whenever I can.”

“I like that. I mean, I like it when a man keeps in shape. My husband was very fit. But I know a lot of middle-aged men who start to let themselves go, especially those who are tied to office jobs.”

“Yes, well, it’s a fight. With all my travel, there is often not enough time to hit the gym or get my running in.”

“Well, you look good,” she remarked with a smile.

“Right back at ya. You know, I have to revise what I said about you being on television. I think you could have been a model.”

She smiled, “Actually, that’s how I got started, but with my big boobs, I was limited a little, and I didn’t actually like it, so I got in the women’s fashion end of things.”

After our sandwiches, I got up and cleaned the pool. I have a pool cleaner robot, but the pool still requires some attention. Kim got a book and sat in the shade reading.

After a bit of work in the yard, I headed in and Kim joined me.

I brought up dinner arrangements, “How about we go out, tonight? And after dinner we can stop at the store, and I’ll pick up some filets to grill for tomorrow.”

“That sounds like a lovely idea. So what’s on the menu for tonight?”

“Are you up for Mexican? There’s a pretty good place not far.”

“Sure, I’ll try that.”

“You’ve never had Mexican food?”

“No, I’ve had Cuban.”

“That’s different. Well if you’re up for it, we’ll go for fajitas and some fishbowl margaritas.”

“I’m game,” she answered, flashing her megawatt smile.

I told her I had to shower beforehand, and she concurred.

“Yes, I got a little sweaty out there. I’ll join you.”

“If you want to get to dinner anytime soon, we should shower separately,” I joked.

She laughed, and playfully slapped my shoulder, “You know what I meant.”

“Rats. I was afraid of that.”

We showered, changed and went to the restaurant. I ordered top-shelf margaritas, in the ‘fish bowl’, schooner-type glasses. After our steak fajitas, we sat and had one more round, getting pretty silly, especially Kim.

“Brian, are you trying to get me drunk?”

“I wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing.”

“Too much of a gentleman?”

“We’ll go with that,” I smiled.

“I am enjoying your company. This is…a pleasant surprise,” Kim revealed.

“Ditto; glad I ‘ran’ into you.”

After dinner, we stopped by the store and bought fixings for grilling steaks on Monday, then headed home. I made espressos to help us counter the alcohol. After a pleasant evening, we retired to our rooms and I couldn’t help but think about Kim. I was quite taken with her, and I felt the attraction was mutual. But I thought, “Don’t get ahead of yourself, she lives in New York.” Though I still wondered if perhaps there could be something there.


Monday, after breakfast, I headed to the office and left Kim to her run at her business. After a busy morning finishing up reports, I spent lunch locked in my office contemplating something that had been on my mind for a while – making a change in my employment. Kim called at one to tell me she wasn’t meeting with the funeral home till Tuesday, and the attorney Wednesday morning.

“Brian, my attorney visit will conclude my business, so I need to arrange my return after that.”

“When do you need to leave by?”

“Well, I talked to my boss, and she said it would be good if I could be back Thursday, so Wednesday afternoon or so, I guess. I hope I won’t be in the way till then?”

“Of course not. I look forward to your company, and I’ll get you a flight for Wednesday, if you like.”

“Thank you, I appreciate it. Do you know what time you will be home?”

“I’m wrapping things up here. I should be home by three.”

“Oh good. I’ll see you then,” she replied, sounding pleased.

When I arrived home, I found Kim on the patio, sitting under the fan, sipping tea and reading. She was wearing an attractive, diaphanous kaftan done in light, pastel blues and yellows.

“Oh, you’re home,” she greeted me with a bright smile.

She looked great, and I knew enough to compliment her, “That’s really lovely, Kim.”

“Thank you. I had trouble finding something that worked, but I was happy with this…Um, Brian, I was thinking of braving your pool.”

“Certainly. the water should be perfect. Go for it.”

She hesitantly remarked, “Um, well, I have a small concern…I have a bathing suit on under this, but um, I’m a little nervous about, you know…”

“Oh, I gotcha. Well, I can’t say I won’t look; kind of impossible not to, but I will try not to stare,” I kidded.

She chuckled, “Thank you. It’s just that I couldn’t find a tasteful one-piece. No one was carrying any in my size. Predictably, they were stocking one-pieces for larger women, so I had to go with a two-piece, a bikini,” she finished, emphasizing ‘bikini’.

“We’re grownups, I think we can handle it. Um, tell you what, I wouldn’t mind a dip myself. So, if you don’t mind me joining you, I could go change while you get in the pool, and I’ll bring us some chilled bottles of water.”

She smiled, “Thank you, counselor, good solution. That will help.”

I changed into trunks and a t-shirt, then returned with the water. Kim was doing a lap when I got back. I walked up to the edge and waited for her.

“Is it okay if I join you?”

“Oh, of course, and you were right; it is fabulous.”

I pulled off my t-shirt and tossed it on a chaise. Kim gave a small wolf-whistle.

“Wow, counselor, nice physique,” she grinned, looking up and shading her eyes.

“Okay, now who’s gawking at whom, here?” I playfully groused.

“Sorry, but couldn’t help it,” she smiled, “You’re looking pretty buff there, Big Deal.”

I laughed and dove into the cool water, swam down the length of the pool and surfaced at the deep end. Kim swam down and joined me.

“You really have a nice place here. The grounds are lovely, all the trees, the pool of course, and your house is very well appointed, well decorated.”

“That was Dannie. All that fell to her when we moved here. I was off and running before we even finished moving in.”

“Well, she did a marvelous job,” Kim remarked.

“Yes she did, at everything…” I paused, a little emotional.

Kim put a hand on my arm, “Brian, things happen the way they happen. We can’t go back. I’m learning that. We just have to move forward, learn from the past. That’s all we can do,” she softly said, holding my eyes with her penetrating gaze.

Then, after looking at me for a moment, she questioned, “Um, Brian, you know, I can’t figure out how old you are. Your history makes me think late forties to be where you are today, and with what you’ve gone through, but you look early to mid-thirties, except for the smattering of gray in your hair, and your body definitely looks younger.”

“I’ll be 42 in a couple months, and thank you for the compliment.”

“You’re 42? Damn, counselor, you look hot for…Sorry, I’m embarrassing you,” she realized.

“Well, okay, now that you’ve embarrassed me, I’ll do the forbidden and ask how old you are.”

“I don’t mind. But let’s see if I can embarrass you a little more. How old do you think I am?”

“That’s not fair, but okay…You said you were married thirteen years before that incident with your ex, then two years later, you divorced, and that was about a year ago…”

“You were listening.”

I nodded and smiled, “Well, that means you should be between 34 and 37. I’ll guess 35.”

“How did you come up with that?”

“Well, first, without knowing anything, I would have guessed you to be early thirties, but figuring a marriage age of between eighteen and twenty-one, doing the math leads to those figures,” I finished a bit smugly.

“How much you wanna bet you’re wrong?” she grinned.

“I’m an attorney; I don’t bet; I investigate, evaluate, then based on relevant facts, I surmise.”

“Well, what if your one of your relevant facts is incorrect?”

“You mean how old when you were wed?”


“Yes, that would obviously affect the outcome, but it couldn’t be by much. There is no way you’re over 36…is there?”

She grinned, then gleefully exclaimed, “I’m 45!”

“No f…oops, I mean, no way!”

“Sorry, counselor, the court finds for the defendant!”

I laughed, “Well, I submit that the court was presented with misleading evidence, your honor.”

“Misleading? How?” she asked, eyeing me.

“Well, you look way too hot to be ‘that old’!” I kidded.

She smacked my arm, “I object, your honor!” then splashed me.

“The defendant is out of order! Splashing counsel is forbidden!” I joked.

She laughed, “Well, thank you. I was sort of fishing, but I’m glad you think I look that young. I also try to take care of myself.”

“You’re doing a heckuva job of it,” I remarked, “But again, doing the math, I figure you were 29 or 30 when you married…”

“I was married before, my third year in college. It was a tumultuous relationship and we divorced after five years.”

“Well I guess we both have plenty of history.”

“Yes, and some of it, not the best,” she lamented.

“Well, I think both your husbands were crazy for not hanging onto you,” I commented, then blushed.

“Thank you, Brian. Um, I’m a little cool now. How about getting a little sun?” she asked.

“Good idea,” I replied, and we went to exit the pool.

When we got to the steps, Kim paused, arms across her chest. I went ahead, got a towel and held it up for her as she exited, but I still got a look at her spectacular body. There was no way this woman could be 45 years old. Her long, svelte, but shapely body was quite fit. And her face was flawless, with only the slightest character lines.

Her tawny skin glistened with beads of water dripping in little rivulets down her subtle curves as she exited the water. I tried to be as casual as possible as I held the towel up, but I was quite affected by her beauty.

“Thank you,” she smiled nervously, and quickly wrapped up, tucking the towel around her bosom.

I handed her another towel for her hair, and watched as she damp-dried her long mane. She laid the towel down and began to shyly untuck the other towel from around her bosom. I averted my eyes. After she toweled off, she spread the towel on the chaise lounge and stretched out. I couldn’t help but notice her sleek, well-toned body next to me.

Gradually, the heat got to us as the afternoon sun blazed down, and we jointly rose to get in the pool again. When we stood, I took in Kim’s body as she walked to the steps ahead of me.

The prominent muscles of her long sleek back led to the most perfectly rounded, firm derriere I think I ever laid eyes on. It was nicely cradled in a pastel blue panty that matched her kaftan coverup. It looked like it was painted on. She stopped at the edge of the pool and turned, momentarily facing me. Her full bosom filled her slightly narrow chest. The matching bikini bra cradled her large, plump breasts creating a dramatic cleavage and displaying them perfectly. I could make out the puffiness of her areolae and the thick points of her nipples through the fabric. Her narrow, flat stomach was lightly muscled with a small round navel, and her bikini panty rode high on her moderately-flared hips, dipping down to tastefully encase her pronounced vulva, obviously covered in a thick mound of pubic hair. I felt myself getting aroused, and had to divert my gaze from her body. I met her eyes. When I did, she gave me a coy, questioning look.

I smiled, “You are a stunningly beautiful creature, Kimberly.”

She returned my smile, then turned and descended the steps into the water. I quickly followed to cover my growing erection, hoping the cool water would help. It gradually abated as we swam and lazed in the pool, cooling our bodies down. As we relaxed in the water, I decided to share with Kim what I had been thinking about; especially because meeting her, had prompted me to give it more consideration.

“Kim, I want to share something with you.”


“I am thinking of making a change. I’ve been considering it for a while; and it should give me a fighting chance, a chance to change my life, my lifestyle for the better. I’m working on a proposal for my company. I’m going to tender my resignation…”

“What?” she exclaimed.

“Yes, and make them an offer – I’ll contract as a consultant, work with some of our senior attorneys, passing on my corporate knowledge and expertise, but diminishing my role as lead counselor on projects. This job is going to make me old before my time, and before I know it, the second half of my life will have passed me by. I’ve already wasted the first half…” I choked up a little on the last part.

Kim laid a hand on my arm, “Brian, what matters is what you do now, and I think you are doing the right thing.”

I patted her hand, and she leaned up and gave me a kiss on the cheek, getting embarrassed in process.

“Um, I think I’m ready to go in,” she informed me in soft voice.

“Sure. Why don’t we shower and change?”

“Sounds great,” she smiled shyly, only briefly meeting my eyes, then headed for the steps.


After we showered and dressed, we met in the kitchen. I asked what she would like to drink.

“Something a little stronger than tea, but refreshing. Any ideas?”

“How about a tequila sunrise?”

“Never had one, but it sounds good.”

“It is. It’s made with orange juice. I think you’ll like it and I’ll make them on the light side.”

After I made a small pitcher, I moved us to the living room, and put on some soft jazz. We sat and sipped our drinks in silence for a bit.

As Kim finished her drink, she remarked, “That was yummy. May I?” she gestured with her glass. I poured us each another.

Then she surprised me.

“Brian, I think it’s obvious we are attracted to each other. The question is, what does that mean, what can it mean?”

“Well for me, it means this is the first time I’ve been genuinely attracted to a woman in quite a while. And I can’t express just how comfortable I feel with you in this very short time.”

“Me too, Brian. And I’ll be honest; I’m more than a little attracted to you,” she quietly explained, “but I’m afraid to do anything about that. I mean, I live in New York. You live here. I don’t think I’m ready for a one-night stand…”

“No, of course not. But, consider this: I have the means to travel just about anytime I want, and I am going to change my job to give me more free time. I don’t want to get ahead of things, I just want to point out we have possibilities here, beyond just a one-time encounter.”

“Yes, and I like that – possibilities. I haven’t had any in a while.”

“I haven’t either, not for a long while.”

After an amazing afternoon, I suggested we get the steaks going. I had worked up an appetite, as had she. We set about preparing dinner. Once we had things going in the kitchen, I fired up the grill. I was still taken with how comfortably we worked together.

Over dinner, I told Kim about my sons, my wife, the early years, the good times – vacations we took together; the bad times – when I would come home and feel like I was visiting someone else’s household.

She told me about her husband, Tomas, an Italian-American that worked for a designer that her company did business with; about their happy years, the passion, the waning of the passion – something I could relate to. The more we talked, the more familiar history we shared, and the more connected I know we both felt. I began wondering, was our accidental meeting providence – an opportunity for both us to have a second chance. I know it was too early to think that way, but that sure was the way it felt.

I was drawn to Kim in every way – besides her physical beauty, she was a lovely person, a charming, sincere woman with a wonderful sense of humor. I loved her rich, sometimes husky voice that changed with mood and need for expression. And I got lost in her dark, sexy eyes. I would find myself transfixed by them.

“…our lovemaking became abbreviated; that’s when I first felt something was wrong…Brian?” She caught me staring.

“Sorry, I got distracted.”

Kim blushed, “Brian, I’m not looking forward to leaving after I’m done here. I am very much enjoying my time with you.”

“Likewise, Kim. You know, I have some long overdue vacation time coming…just something to think about.”

“Are you talking about us taking some time together.”

“If you are interested.”

“I am interested,” she replied, placing a hand on mine.

We ended the evening on that note. I was excited by the possibility of being able to see Kim again, but we would have to see whether that was wishful thinking or not.

Tuesday, I spent the morning working on a proposal for my boss. Other than that, I thought about Kim. I didn’t really understand what was happening there. I can’t remember being so quickly attracted to and enamored with a woman before. Even with my wife, it wasn’t like that.

Kim called after her appointment with the funeral home, and I suggested we meet at five p.m. for pizza.

At the restaurant, over drinks, Kim brought up our conversion from the night before.

“So, Brian, are we serious about trying to do something here?”

“Kim, I hope so. Let’s try to make something of this. I’m willing to risk it.”

She reached for my hand, “Yes, I think we should.”

On the way home, Kim disclosed, “I was with one man after Tomas, kind of revenge sex, I guess. We only got together a couple times. It was a mistake. I haven’t been with anyone, since.”

“I haven’t been with anyone, recently – my flight attendant friend a couple months ago. I haven’t had a real relationship with anyone in over a year, and only a couple um, liaisons, besides that.”

“I hope we’re not just a liaison…” Kim expressed.

“I don’t see how. And if you have doubts…listen, let’s just continue to get to know each other, tonight. Let’s not rush. I can’t tell you how excited I am by the thought of being with you, but I don’t want to…make a misstep here.”

“Right, right,” she replied, squeezing my hand, “thank you for understanding.”

When we got to the house, we had an after-dinner drink and I talked about the plan I had come up with for my employment. Of course, my company could balk at my proposal, but I had decided that if they did, I would go independent. I was pretty certain that there were plenty of companies that would not hesitate to employ my services. I was at a point in my career, where I was confident that I was pretty much in the catbird’s seat.

“When’s the last time you took a vacation, Brian?”

“Um, let’s see…not in conjunction with a business trip…six, seven years, I guess.”

It surprised Kim when I said it, and it surprised me. I didn’t realize it had been that long. It was the last time we did anything as a family, before my wife left me. It was a good trip, a good memory…the last good one, come to think of it.

“I have vacation time saved up,” Kim stated.

I said, “I’m going to present my company with my proposal. I’ll do that tomorrow. I have a trip scheduled next week, then when I return, I can probably clear my schedule for say a ‘two-week’ vacation…”

“Really?” Kim asked, looking at me. “When I get back, I can probably arrange to take my time off pretty soon. I could call my boss and float a tentative schedule…”

“I’m not looking forward to you leaving,” I reiterated.

“Brian, would you…dance with me?”

“Of course. Let me put something on.”

I put on a cd with a mix of standards.

The soaring vocals of “Unchained Melody” came on and I pulled Kim to me. Holding her close, I was taken with how natural she felt in my arms, with her head lying on my shoulder, her warm, firm body and soft breasts pressed against me. She tipped her head up and our lips met in a gentle, tender kiss. When her lips met mine, I was lost to the soft, sensual feel of her full lips. I felt her body tremble. I felt her hands wandering over my back, and I reciprocated. She pressed more firmly into me, and I felt a stirring as I became aroused.

After the kiss, I whispered, “That was lovely.”

She responded, “I’ve been like you, Brian, unable to move forward, avoiding doing so, not trusting myself, not trusting others…I, I trust you.”

In response, I hugged her more firmly to me. This was the most sublime moment I had experienced with a woman in years. It felt natural, comfortable, and I was incredibly impacted, emotionally.

“Brian, is it just the travel that’s kept you from finding someone?”

“No. Besides that, I have been reluctant to get out there and mix. I mean, I don’t go looking, you know, to clubs or anything.”

“No, I haven’t either. I went a couple times with girlfriends, but ugh, what an experience; all these desperate guys hitting on you, and expecting you to just instantly be interested in them. I couldn’t do it.”

We sat and I poured another drink, then lifted my glass in a toast, “Well, here’s to us meeting the old-fashioned way – by accident!”

She laughed, “Yes, a fortuitous accident!”

Kim cuddled up against me. She reached a hand behind my neck and pulled me in for a gentle, but passionate kiss, which became more passionate and I felt her slender tongue invade my lips. We soul-kissed, lingering, relishing the feel of our tongues intertwined, our lips pressed together. I wrapped her up and crushed her to me. I felt her hand on my leg, then searching out my ever-growing erection. She grasped it and firmly stroked it through my slacks.

I broke the kiss, “Um, unless you don’t want to stop…we need to.”

“I don’t want to stop,” she replied, breathily, “but, you’re right. I’m sorry. I got caught up in the moment.”

I hugged her to me, and spoke in her ear, “Maybe a good time to call it a night,” I reluctantly suggested.

“Mm hmm, I agree. Goodnight, Brian…and thank you.”

We kissed and went to our bedrooms. I was about to explode. I promptly got in the shower and masturbated.


Wednesday morning, I presented my proposal to my boss. As expected, he did not react well. I didn’t tell him I would take my services elsewhere if we couldn’t reach an agreement. I was saving that till I got an official response after he kicked it upstairs. I had detailed the scope and limits of my consulting duties, especially travel and time commitments. I would not entertain more travel, more time away than I outlined. And there had to be a progression, less dependence on me over time. At the end of the day, I honestly didn’t know what their decision would be, but assumed it would take some time for them to reach one. I took off at noon, and headed home. I had secured an early evening flight for Kim.

When I arrived, Kim was waiting; she had concluded her business with the lawyer. And it felt like home; a home I hadn’t had since Dannie, since the early years. Dannie…I could feel her hold on me melting away.

Kim was having a profound effect on me; one I didn’t entirely understand. We barely knew each other, but we quickly connected, achieving a rapport that required no effort. And there was no denying how we already felt about each other. How do you react to something like this – do you trust it and go with it, taking a chance on a big fall if it goes wrong; or are you cautious and guarded, maybe not giving it a fair chance to develop?

Kim had fixed chef salads for our lunch. As we sat and ate, I looked at the woman sitting across from me, and I was contemplating where we were heading; Kim caught me gathering wool.

“Penny for your thoughts, counselor.”

I smiled, and decided to speak honestly, frankly, “I was thinking about us, Kim; about how I feel, how I think you feel, and what we do about it. I was debating on how much stock to put in those feelings, whether to trust them; whether to hold back or go all in…”

She put her fork down, pushed her salad bowl aside, and placed her hands on the table in front of her, palms up and reached across for mine, “What was your conclusion, counselor, your decision?”

I put my hands in hers, “My conclusion is that I don’t understand how I can feel about you the way I do; but I know I do; and that I’m scared, afraid to make a mistake – by not doing what my heart tells me…or by doing what my heart tells me. My decision…my decision is this…do what my heart tells me.”

A tear leaked down Kim’s cheek, “What does your heart tell you, Brian?”

“To give itself to you, consequences be damned.”

Leaking more tears, Kim stuttered, “I don’t understand this, but my heart tells me the same thing. I’m afraid not to follow this feeling I have; afraid that if I’m too cautious, this opportunity could be lost. I don’t want that to happen.” She squeezed my hands hard, “But I am afraid of being hurt, being disappointed.”

“I won’t disappoint you, Kim.”

“But what if I disappoint you, what if…”

“How could you?”

We stood in unison and walked around the table to each other and simply embraced, Kim laying her head on my shoulder. I wrapped her lithe body up in my arms and cradled her head with my hand.

“Are we moving too fast?” she asked in a small voice.

“Probably. Ask me if I care?”

“You don’t. I don’t either,” she answered, looking up.

I met her lips with mine, and felt the wetness on her cheeks from her tears. I was almost moved to tears myself; so strong were the feelings I had for this woman that I’d known for such a short time.

“Brian…is it freaky scary how we click, how we mesh so naturally?”

“Freakishly freaky,” I quipped.

She laughed, “So what dark secret are you hiding from me, what flaw that is going to shatter this connection we have, this affinity we have for each other.”

“I always liked Superman better than Batman…and I always wanted Wiley Coyote to catch the Roadrunner and strangle the living crap out of him.”

She cracked up, “Me, too! I thought Batman was too dark, and that damn roadrunner was too flippant. I felt sorry for the coyote. You knew the writers were never going to let him catch that damn bird.”

We shared a laugh, but again we naturally connected, even if it was over something silly.

We decided to retire to the patio for pool ops.

After lying out a while, Kim exclaimed, “I’m hot,” and rose to go to the pool.

I watched the strong muscles in her legs and stomach flex as she stood. She saw me watching and reached for me.

“Quit ogling and join me,” she grinned.

“I’ll join you, but I’ll be damned if I’ll quit ogling,” I grinned back.

We dove in and cooled off. When we tired of the water, we climbed out of the pool, and as we headed for the towels, Kim turned and threw herself on me, wrapping me up.

We kissed deeply, passionately; our wet bodies mashed together. I became aroused. Kim pressed against my erection, then looked up at me questioningly.

“Kim, honey, don’t make me choose.”

“Oh, whew. I know what I want to do, but I don’t want to mess up. I mean, if things don’t work out, if something happens before we can get together…”

Fortunately, or unfortunately, time worked against us.

“We need to get ready to go,” I said, grudgingly.

“Oh, yes, you’re right.”

We took our showers, dressed, and Kim packed.


As we headed to the airport, we talked through our plans on the way.

Kim had frontloaded her boss and they tentatively agreed on two weeks off starting the second week in July, a little over three weeks away – not an ideal time to travel, but I would try to find something that wasn’t too overrun by the summer crowds.

I still had my employment situation unresolved, but was confident I would have an answer on that before we left. I had the one trip scheduled starting next week, but that was not an issue. I would be back in plenty of time to prepare for our getaway. Regardless of my company’s decision, I was taking my two weeks off.

The next three weeks were some of the best and worst I have ever had – the best because of my anticipation at what those three weeks would bring; but the worst because, since taking Kim to the airport, I was in a constate state of flux. I couldn’t help but dwell on the possibilities that the future held. At the same time, I was desperately missing Kim; and concerns and doubts would creep in about whether our feelings for each other were as profound as they felt, whether they would survive our separation. And my company informed me they would have a decision when I returned from Kuala Lumpur, so I had that hanging in the balance.

It was a long three weeks.

In the meantime, I was in communication with Kim, and we discussed where we should go, what we should do. She dumped it squarely in my lap.

“You’re the world traveler, you decide. I’ve been to Italy, The Philippines, and Mexico. Other than that, I’m open,” she offered.

There were so many options, I spent the three days before my trip trying to come up with an ideal getaway. I ruled out a cruise – no chance of getting decent accommodations this late. I looked at a South Pacific retreat, a European-based vacation, and a couple others. In the end, I decided for our first (hopefully ‘only’ our first) excursion to go with Europe – either Southern Germany, Scandinavia, or a Mediterranean destination. I made some calls, and an associate in Iraklion, Crete, told me about a villa overlooking the Mediterranean that was available on the north coast, west of the town of Khania (pronounced Han-ya’ with a guttural ‘H’).

I decided that was the ticket. I had been to Khania before and it is a picturesque and pleasant place to visit, though this time of year, it would be very busy, and quite warm. Of course, the beaches would be covered with topless, European women, but some inconveniences had to be expected…

Kim was thrilled with the selection, so I made travel arrangements and took off on my 10-day trip to Kuala Lumpur. It was an exhausting but ultimately fruitful trip, and it kept me somewhat preoccupied and not thinking constantly about Kim.

I returned to ‘Hotlanta’ on a Tuesday, and it was blazing. I spent my first night passed out in the air conditioning for twelve straight hours, recovering from jet lag. Kim was arriving on Friday, and I couldn’t wait.

In the meantime, I had a meeting scheduled with management to discuss my proposal. I met with them on Thursday, and with a few minor adjustments, they accepted my terms. My new arrangement would be instituted upon my return from vacation.

I was elated and couldn’t wait for Kim to arrive, but I had plenty to keep me busy, meeting with various people in the company to frontload my new situation for when I returned. Though, Friday night couldn’t come too soon.

While waiting for Kim at the airport, I was actually so nervous that at one point my palms were sweating. It is very unlike me to be nervous, but I was, worrying about the what if’s.

I was standing by the carousel when she arrived. I spotted her in the knot of people that arrived with her, and she stood out from the crowd – not so much because of how she was dressed or anything, though she did look lovely, but because of her fabulous smile, her countenance – she practically glowed. Call me a sap if you like, but I was gone for her. My time away from Kim had only reinforced my feelings for her.

When she saw me at a distance, she smiled and waved, and as she got closer, her smile broke into a grin and I hurried to close the distance between us. We threw our arms around each other, and for the first time in three weeks, I felt whole again.

“Oh baby, I missed you. I hope you missed me, too,” she cooed in my ear.

“Kim, honey, I can’t begin to tell you how much I missed you, and how much I worried.”

She leaned back and looked me in the eyes, “You worried? About?”

“Whether you would still feel the same…”

“Oh, Brian, I have been going crazy, worrying the same thing. I guess we’re okay, though?”

“Yes, I think we’re better than okay,” I replied, then hugged her to me again.

While we waited for her luggage, we caught up.

“So, you said we leave tomorrow?”

“Yes, on an overnighter that leaves in the evening. We have sleepers so it’s not too bad. We do have a long layover in Athens, where we catch a short commuter flight to Crete.”

“Sounds wonderful. I am so looking forward to this,” then she grinned, “I’ve never flown in a sleeper before.”

“Well, I’ve never flown with such a beautiful woman, before.”

“Oh, stop it…There’s one of my bags,” she exclaimed, and I maneuvered through people to grab it. “The other one’s coming – just like it,” she informed me.

I grabbed it and we headed for parking.

“You said you’ve never traveled with such a beautiful woman before. What about your wife?”

“Dannie is beautiful, but very honestly, she is not as beautiful as you.”

“Really,” she grinned, “so I don’t have to be jealous?”

“Not at all…So I expect you’re hungry.”

“Oh yes, that smidgen of pretzels on the plane didn’t quite fill me up. Why do they even bother?”

“Yeah, the packaging costs more than the contents.”

“So, for dinner, what did you have in mind?” she asked.

“I was thinking Italian, again.”

She squealed, “Ohhh yes! Pizza, has to be pizza!”

I laughed and we headed for the restaurant, though, at six p.m., traffic was a bear on the 75 and 85. It took over an hour to go the less than 30 miles to Sandy Springs. On the way, Kim and I had a lot to talk about.

“Brian, I can’t tell you how excited I am about this vacation, about going to Crete. It sounds fantastic; and you said we have our own villa?”

“Yes, it sits on a small cliff overlooking the sea, with a small, private beach below. It has an infinity pool right on the edge of the cliff. It looks pretty nice. It’s not large as villas go, but I think we’ll be able to rough it.”

She laughed, “Not too rough, I hope.”

“Well, except for the antiquated plumbing, spotty hot water, and lack of air conditioning…”


“Kidding. It’s fully equipped, modern, with all the amenities…and the wait staff should help take the edge off things,” I blithely revealed.

“Wait staff? You’re joking, right?”

“Nope,” I grinned, “we have our own housekeeper and a cook, a husband-and-wife team as I understand it.”

“Oh, that’s so decadent…I love it!”

She continued, “So are we close to a town?”

“About ten minutes by car, which we will have. The town is lovely, by the way.”

“Oh I can’t wait…Um, this all sounds very expensive, and I know we haven’t talked about finances, but I take it this is affordable for you?”

“I’m in pretty good shape, financially…well, very good shape.”

“Are you saying you’re wealthy?”

“Sort of. Besides a very good income, I’ve had the opportunity in my job to be exposed to some excellent financial opportunities over the years – investments that have panned out quite well.”

“Brian, I want you to know, that your money doesn’t matter to me…but it doesn’t bother me a bit that your loaded!” she cracked and started laughing. “I see a lot of clothes shopping in Greece!” she kidded.

“Oh, not necessary, I don’t need any clothes,” I kidded back.

It was so good to see Kim again. The last three weeks, she almost hadn’t seemed real to me. But now, sitting here next me, she couldn’t be more real.


Saturday, we left Atlanta on a late afternoon flight to Athens, where we had a seven-hour layover before our short flight to Khania (internationally referred to as Chania). We went out on the economy in Athens, grabbed a bite and did a little sightseeing to kill some time, then returned to the airport. After a short flight to the small airport in Khania, we picked up our rental. It was already after seven p.m. when we headed for the villa.

“Will we need to do some shopping, stock up on things?” Kim asked as I maneuvered through the busy, narrow streets of the town.

“I don’t know what they have at the villa. I figure we’ll find out when we get there, then make a trip if we need to. They should have the basics on hand. The staff will be there to greet us.”

Kim was grinning from ear to ear as we headed out of town to the two-lane highway that would take us west to our villa.

“What a lovely town, and the sea…it’s all so beautiful,” she remarked as we drove into the evening sun.

In the glare from the setting sun, I almost missed the private lane that led down from the main road to the villa, a traditional white-plaster, multi-level building with bright-blue accents – very Greek, very lovely. As we unloaded, we were met by Christos and Thea, who greeted us in thickly accented English. They helped us get our luggage into the villa. At that point, I took Kim aside.

“Would you like a separate room?”

She gave me a small smile, and kissed me on the cheek, “No, but sweet of you to ask.”

I directed Christos to take everything to the master suite.

“Sir, we have a meal for you – salads, breads, cheeses and meats, a cold platter is called, yes?” Christos informed me.

“Yes, and call me Brian, please, and this is Kim.” We shook hands all around, and I thanked them for having food ready.

They served us on a veranda overlooking the sea as the sun slowly set, and the Mediterranean sparkled below. It was an idyllic start.

Christos explained, “We come in the morning for your breakfast. What time would you like us?”

“No sooner than eight o’clock. We are tired from our trip and will probably sleep in. Breakfast at nine will be early enough, I think…make that 9:30.”

“Good, we will have ready. We make American breakfast for you, yes?”

“Excellent, thank you.”

He explained that the kitchen was stocked and we should find anything we needed.

“Okay, we leave you now.”

“Thank you, Christos. I think we are all set.”

After they left, I went to see what there might be to drink. I found a bottle of retsina, a Greek white wine that is made with pine resin accents. It is an acquired taste for some, but I love it. I asked Kim if she wanted to brave it.

“When in Crete…” she smiled.

I poured the chilled wine in glasses and we returned to the veranda as the sun set.

“This is really different,” Kim remarked after taking a sip.

“Yes, for some it’s an acquired taste. Give it a bit and see if you like it.”

“Brian, I can’t tell you how happy I am we are here.”

“Yes, I’ve been so looking forward to this, too. Just to be here with you, knowing I don’t have to worry about work.”

“You said that went well…so?” Kim queried.

“I pretty much got what I asked for. Over the next year, my workload, my travel will decrease. Then, I will move into a strictly consulting contractor position, however, working exclusively for them.”

“That sounds terrific. This wine is so different, but it is growing on me.”

“Good, I’m glad you like it.”

After we finished a glass of wine, Kim said she was getting tired.

“Honey, I don’t want to disappoint you, but I’m pretty worn out. Could we get ready for bed.”

“No, not at all; it was a long trip. Why don’t we get showers and call it a night. We have two weeks ahead of us,” I assured her.

We headed in, and I asked if she wanted to go first.

“Let’s shower together,” she requested.

Who was I to say no. We undressed in the bedroom, down to our underwear, then went to the bathroom which featured a large tub for soaking, and a large, walk-in shower. I could tell Kim was nervous, but after hesitating for only a moment she removed her bra, then paused.

Her full breasts filled her chest, lying on it with the nominal declination for their size. They were beautiful, and I was captivated by her dark, plump areolae and prominent nipples. I closed the distance between us.

“I hope you’re not disappointed,” she murmured.

“Not at all. You are beautiful,” I remarked and took her in my arms, pressing up against her, kissing her gently, relishing the feel of her firm, warm body and soft, full breasts.

After the kiss, Kim said, “Brian, um, I quit shaving after I left Tomas. He liked me shaved clean…”

“I prefer natural,” I remarked.

“Well,” she laughed, “I’m pretty natural, right now. I groom up a little, but…”

I couldn’t wait. I slid down her body and grasped her panties, pulling them down to reveal her vulva, and her thick, full bush. I buried my face in it and kissed it, taking in her lovely scent. She put her hands on the back of my head, pressing me into her.

I stood, removed my boxers and guided us to the shower. We took our time, soaping and rinsing each other, exploring each other’s bodies. After we rinsed, Kim knelt down and gently took my semi-flaccid penis in her hand and gently stroked and examined it.

She looked up, grinning, “That’s a pretty amazing tool, Big Deal.”

“I’m glad you’re pleased,” I replied.

“Oh, I’m pleased; and that is a pretty amazing head, quite large.”

“Yeah, I guess I’m a little different than some.”

She smiled, “I like the difference,” then engulfed my head in her warm mouth.

I ran my hands through her hair as she gently worked my cock, lightly stroking and sucking, making me swell. Then she stood and wrapped me up and kissed me, pulling me tight against her.

“Brian, I feel invigorated from the shower. I can’t wait; take me to bed.”

We left the shower and dried off. Then I swept her up and headed to the bedroom. She giggled and kicked her feet.

“You are strong,” she remarked as I carried her light, lithe body to the bed, setting her down on the edge.

My cock was becoming engorged with the passion, with the anticipation I had for bedding this woman.

She giggled, “Happy birthday to me!”

“Is it your birthday?”

“It is now,” she remarked and grabbed my erection with both hands and stroked it as she dropped to her knees, “Oh, I love that big head. My gosh, it’s like a plum!”

“That’s exactly what my wife, my ex used to say.”

“You’ve been hiding this from me all this time!”

“Not anymore…ungh, shit!” I exclaimed as she sucked my head into her warm mouth.

“Ugh, mm, baby, that’s…um, before you make me cum, I want to pleasure you.”

She released my cock and grinned, “Oh, that’s what I like to hear, baby; I love cunny. Go down on me; love me.”

She crawled on the bed, fluffed and stacked some pillows, then laid back, spreading her legs, exposing her vulva to me. I was mesmerized by the sight of her dark, plush bush next to her creamy, latte-hued skin. She spread her legs wide, opening her labia up, exposing her long, slender, inner labia and pale, pink vagina. I slipped my big hands under her firm, muscular buttocks and tilted her pelvis up, then attacked her sex, plunging my tongue between her lips deep as I could into her warm hole – divine. She grabbed my hair, mashing my face into her. We were in tune. No gentle play here. I was on fire; she was on fire. I attacked her vagina and began aggressively licking up and down, sucking and nibbling on her lips, probing her hole with each pass. Then I attacked her pucker, licking and probing. Her hips went nuts.

“Oh, fuck yes,” she exclaimed.

I usually check before engaging the anus, but I instinctively knew she would like the play. As she moaned, grunted and cooed her satisfaction, I began to engage her clitoral area more aggressively, licking and sucking. She pressed more firmly on my head, mashing me into her sex. I licked, sucked, tongued her orifices and worked vigorously to bring her off. She was becoming more and more animated, hips shaking as she spasmed. Her clitoris peeked out and I attacked it, sucking and tapping it with my tongue. Simultaneously, I worked a finger into her anus, burying it, then slowly stroking as I worked her clit.

“Oh, yes! Fuck me with your finger…shove another one in…suck me, harder…oh, oh, yessss!”

I accommodated her request – or should I say, command, inserting another finger. I looked up and she was nodding her head and roughly working her nipples, pinching and twisting them. Her head was bent forward, the cords in her neck standing out as her face and chest colored red with her approaching climax.

I began rapidly jacking my fingers and sucking vigorously on her clit. Her hips started shaking, her head snapped back, and she arched her ass up off the bed. I stayed latched onto her clit, as she screamed out her orgasm.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…AGHHH!”

Her hips went crazy and she yanked on my hair dislodging me from her clit as she shook and spasmed in orgasmic release, then dropped to the bed, splaying her legs out.

She panted, “Oh, baby, that was…that was sooo awesome!”

I slowly slid my fingers from her and climbed off the bed, heading to the bathroom to wash up. Kim jumped up and followed me on shaky legs.

“Gotta pee, now! I came so hard, I almost peed on you!” she laughed as she planted herself on the toilet and let a stream go.

As soon as she was done and washed up, we quickly returned to the bed. She flopped down and spread her legs.

“Get your cock in me now, baby.”

I quickly scooted my knees up around her hips and aimed my rigid pole at her slick, wet opening, pressing the head against her vagina. She impatiently grabbed my shaft and started working my bulbous head up and down, slathering it with her moisture.

“Push now. Push…yes, yes…Oh fuck, that damn thing is big…Push, ungh, ugh, fuck!” she exclaimed as the head popped in, spreading her tight opening.

Her hand hit my stomach, pausing me as she adjusted, relaxing her vagina, then she nodded and I pressed forward, slowly sliding into her hot, grasping tunnel, until I pressed firmly against her cervix, our pelvic bones coming together, my cock buried in her. I shuddered from the feeling, and began to slowly slide back till my head stopped against the ring of her vaginal opening, then thrust forward, smacking into her cervix. She nodded and brought her long legs up, wrapping her heals behind my buttocks and urging me to thrust harder, faster. I set up a strong, steady rhythm, firmly stroking in and out as she nodded her approval. I braced my hands on her big, soft tits, mashing them into her chest, then roughly grabbed her nipples and pinched and twisted them like I had seen her do. No gentle lovemaking, just hard, intense fucking. I began pounding her, ratcheting my hips faster and faster in response to her physical and verbal cues.

“Ugh, ungh, yeah, yeah, oh damn, so fucking full, un, un, un, fuck, fuck, faster now…oh, oh, close, close, close, ah-ah-ah-ah-fu-u-u-ck-ye-ess-ss…”

I went full tilt as I felt the cum boiling up in my balls, “Gonna cum…” I warned her.

“Fill me, aghh, now…NOW-NOW-NOW-AGH-H-H-H!” she shouted as I felt my balls contract and the semen shoot out of me, filling her deep channel, stream after stream as I unloaded into her shaking, spasming body.

Panting, I rolled us over, keeping my still rigid pole in her grasping tunnel. She lay on me, pressing her heavy breasts against my heaving chest, and engaged me in a warm, passionate kiss. I struggled to breathe but kissed her back, crushing our lips together. Then she sat up, and looked down at my cock buried in her.

“That was wonderful, baby, wonderful,” she softly panted, as her vagina continued to contract on my rod.

She rocked back and forth on my cock, “Are you going to stay hard?” she asked.

“Maybe. Keep doing what you’re doing.”

I had started to soften a little, but as she worked me with her incredibly warm, wet vagina, I felt my shaft start to stiffen. Then she started lifting and dropping, stroking my erection. Cum and fluids squished out onto my groin, promising, a messy coupling.

“Play with my titties, baby,” she directed.

I began working her nipples, roughly rolling and pinching them.

“Oh yes; I can cum again…Mmm, oh, oh, yes…feels good, feels so good,” she cooed.

She started dropping harder, smacking her firm ass against my thighs as she rode me, eyes closed, head bent forward. As she stroked up and down, she reached and found her clit, and started jilling, rapidly. After a minute or so, she stopped jilling, leaned forward and began jacking her hips.

Then she barked out, “Take over, baby, fuck me.”

I grabbed her hips and started slamming up into her, hammering her, fast as I could, my hips a blur. She mashed her breasts against me, grasping the sheets and cussing.

“Oh fuck-oh-oh-oh-cumming-don’t-ungh-fuck-stop…cumming…Ah-ah-ah-ah…OH YES, NOW! NOW!” she screamed, and bit into my shoulder.

I buried my cock in her and held still while she rode out her orgasm, shaking, jerking and trembling.

When she calmed down, she remarked, “You didn’t cum, did you?”

I shook my head, and she immediately lifted up, releasing my cock. More cum and fluids leaked out onto my pubic hair and stomach. Then she turned and getting beside my hip, grabbed my slick pole and began giving me fellatio, jacking me like crazy, forcefully sucking my head. Next, she took her slick hand, reached between my legs and worked a finger into my anus while she jacked me with her other hand. The stimulation from everything she was doing was working.

“Going to cum; don’t stop…close…close…okay, cumming!” I warned her.

She just kept sucking and jacking till I exploded. When I finished cumming, I had to stop her as my head got sensitive. She lifted up and wiped her lips with the back of her hand, then crawled back on top of me, and engaged me in a hot, sloppy kiss.

“I guess that did the trick,” she joked as she broke the kiss and sat up.

“That was amazing. I’m spent,” I remarked, and she laid down on me, pressing her fat breasts into my chest and tucking her head into my neck and shoulder. We lay like that for the longest time till our breathing calmed down; then slowly made our way to the shower.

As we dried off, she remarked in a soft, husky voice, “I guess that answers the question whether we are compatible in bed,” then flashed a devilish smile.

We went to bed, spooned together and passed out.


In spite of getting over eight hours of sleep, eight o’clock came early. But that is when Christos and Thea showed up, as promised. Kim woke me and said she was jumping in the shower. I told her I was going to get a quick run in, threw on shorts and running shoes and headed down to the beach. It was a beautiful morning, not too hot yet, and with the Mediterranean next to me, it was a pleasant jog. When I got back to the villa, Kim was out of the shower, and drying her hair, wearing nothing. I could get used to that sight.

“You’re ripe,” she kidded, as I came in.

“Think I should shower before breakfast?”

“If you want to eat with me.”

We made our way to the kitchen where we were greeted by wonderful aromas, including fresh-brewed coffee.

After exchanging ‘good mornings’, Thea offered us a cup. The coffee was exceptionally strong, but delicious.

“Breakfast ready in a little. You like service outside?” Thea asked.

“Sounds excellent,” Kim replied, taking my hand and leading me to the patio. We sat and enjoyed the morning sun, the sea and the view.

“Honey,” she started, “this is magical, almost too good to be true. Thank you for this.”

“It wouldn’t be magical, if you weren’t here with me,” I replied.

Kim looked at me, studying me for a moment, “Brian, what are we going to do? I mean, when we get back. I’m in New York and you’re in Atlanta. I know you said you could come see me whenever, but realistically, we are going to be apart a lot, even under the best of circumstances.”

“Well, I’m not sure, but we have to work on that. I will certainly have more freedom, but it is going to take a while to reach a point where I am less committed, where I have fewer demands on my time.”

“Right. And I don’t want to spend that much time away from you. I’m worried about that.”

“Well, let me give it some thought.”

Christos interrupted us, bringing out fresh fruit, juice and toasted bread.

“We are ready to cook the eggs. How would you like them?”

“Kim?” I questioned.

“Over medium would be nice.”

“Of course,” Christos replied.

“I’ll take the same.”

“Very good; eggs over medium.” Christos confirmed and headed to the kitchen.

Within a few minutes, they brought out the rest of our breakfast, and it was fabulous. We realized we were both starved, and fortunately, they had made enough for an army.

After we were finished, Christos asked if we would be eating lunch in. We decided we would go into town for lunch and dinner. Then he asked what we would like for the pantry as they would do the shopping. We worked up a list for them, which included plenty of retsina and bottled water. They set about straightening up, changing bedding and stocking the bathroom with fresh towels. We made arrangements for breakfast, then I suggested they could take the day off when they were finished with everything.

Kim and I dressed for town and headed out. It was very busy and we had to park a ways from downtown, but the walk through the quaint streets was enjoyable. We wandered through the downtown area, ending up at the waterfront, where the breakwater wraps around making a small bay. Near the end of the seawall is an old lighthouse that adds to the charm of the place.

For lunch, I recommended souvlaki which we found at a small kiosk. We both had pork souvlaki and enjoyed it thoroughly. After lunch we perused the many shops that line several of the downtown streets. Some are very touristy, with the typical trinkets, but others are nice, mom-and-pop places with handmade jewelry, ceramics, and other craft items. We found one clothing store that had a good selection of beachwear, and Kim bought several items, including a new pair of swim trunks for me.

She tried to get me to buy a speedo, but I refused – that’s one thing I won’t join the locals in. Yes, many of the Greeks, and European tourists alike, wear speedos. I offered Kim the option of going topless at the local beach in return for me wearing a speedo but she balked at that.

All in all, we had a wonderful time, and ended up at a restaurant that is built into a large grotto by the sea, and featured fresh fish, as many of the restaurants do. As the sun began to set, we headed back to the villa.

After getting back, we decided to try out the pool and changed into swimwear. I put on my new trunks, and Kim put on one of her new bikinis. She hadn’t modeled any of her purchases for me at the store, so I was surprised by how skimpy it was. The all white with gold trim bikini looked stunning on her. The bra cups barely covered her large areolae, and the panty just covered her mound. When she turned around, I realized the panty was a thong, and her round, firm buttocks were completely bare.

“So what do you think?” she asked after doing a pirouette.

“I think you won’t be wearing that at a public beach.”

“Oh, spoil sport; you already tried to get me to go topless.”

“I was kidding. If you go to a public beach wearing that, you’re going to make the women envious, and the men rip their speedos!”

She laughed, “Thank you honey; that was sweet. It’s pretty warm out here; let’s get in the pool.”

The pool was narrow but long, and when you were in the water, the infinity edge blended with the view of the sea, giving a truly ‘infinite’ look. The water was just the right amount of cool for the current outside temp. Though the sun had set, it was still very warm.

Kim brought up our dilemma. She swam up and wrapped her arms and legs around me, “So have you given any thought about our problem?”

“Being separated?”

“Yes. What can we do?”

“Well, I can’t relocate to New York, not yet and not without greatly increasing my travel, but I thought of something that you may or may not be interested in…”


“Okay, now that I’m a consultant, and basically an independent contractor, if I wanted to hire an assistant, it would be entirely up to me…”

“As long as it isn’t a female!” she playfully groused.

“Well, that was precisely what I was thinking.”

“Are you serious?” she asked, not hiding her disapproval.

“Dead serious. But before you lose it, hear me out. I was thinking I could hire you, if you were willing, I mean, to give up your job. I could pay you well, and you would be able to travel with me…”

“Brian, just a second. I don’t know anything about international law, and I’m not sure I want to give up my job…”

“I understand, but so far, it’s the only solution I could come up with.”

She chewed her lip and thought for a minute, “I don’t know. You’re right; it would solve our problem, but I’m not qualified…”

“Not a problem. I would teach you everything you need to know to assist me. You wouldn’t have to know any law, just how to help me with travel, scheduling, appointments, organizing briefs, that sort of thing. Oh, and you would be required to provide sexual favors to the boss on a regular basis.”

She smacked my shoulder, “That would be sexual harassment!”

“Yes, I hope so,” I grinned, “and lots of it.”

She laughed, “Well that’s one skill I could bring to the job.”

“I’ll say!”

“Seriously, honey; if I did leave my job, and we did this; do you think it would really work?”

“It would work for me. I have no doubt. It depends on what will work for you.”

“Well, let me think about it.”

“Take as long as you like…Okay have you decided?” I kidded.

She smacked my arm, then tried to dunk me. I let her, then grabbed her under the water and came up, tossing her over my head. She came up sputtering and laughing.

“You rat, you let me dunk you, didn’t you.”

“Well, I didn’t want to disappoint you,” I grinned.

She wrapped me up and kissed me.

Then looking up, she commented, “It’s a beautiful night. You can’t see the stars like this in the city.”

“No, you can’t.”

As we exited the pool, a warm breeze came up, drying us off as we stretched out on a couple lounges.

“Brian, I’ve been thinking…maybe I could do that, make a change. Maybe it’s time. I’ve gone about as far as I can go with my job. And it sounds very enticing – your proposal.”

“Would it help if I told you I love you?” I said, without thinking, and immediately regretting it. What if she didn’t feel the same way?

“Brian, do you mean that?”

“I do…Yes, I do.”

“I love you, too, baby. I was afraid to say it. And I don’t mind telling you, it scares the crap out of me…Doesn’t it you?” she asked, concern in her voice.

“Yes, I mean, I get that, and I can’t say I’m not a bit nervous, but I’m going with my heart here, not my head,” I replied.

“Oh, me too, honey, but I’m still afraid of the what if’s…I don’t know; it just all seems too good to be true. It seems so soon.”

I asked, “What does your heart tell you?”

“That I’ve never met anyone like you; that I think it is destiny that we ran into each other; that when I was away from you, I was sick to my stomach; that as impossible as it may seem, it’s true.”

I reached for her hand, and we laid there looking at the stars. After a while, Kim released my hand, sat up and ran her hand over my chest and down my stomach. Then she got on her knees and grasped my trunks. I lifted my hips and she pulled my trunks down. Next, she stood, unclasped her bra and tossed it aside, freeing her big breasts. Then she slid her thong down and kicked it off. She straddled my chaise, hands on hips and looked down at me.

“Brian, my love,” she said in her huskiest tone, “I’m going to fuck you, here under the stars. Don’t move. Don’t touch me. Don’t do anything, until I tell you to.”

I nodded.

She bent over, her heavy breasts swaying above me, and placed a hand on my chest, then reached with the other and found my cock, straightening it, laying it flat on my stomach and pointing towards my head. Next, she sat, straddling my shaft with her already moist vagina. After she was planted on my cock in that fashion, she started sliding her pussy lips up and down the length of my shaft, teasing me into an erection. When I was hard, she slid forward till her vagina was planted on my cockhead. She stuck several fingers in her mouth and wet them, seductively sliding them in and out, then she lifted up and simultaneously grasped my cockhead with her wet fingers and began working the head into her hot, wet vagina. As she was suspended over me, I was mesmerized by the sight of her leg muscles working, holding her up as she gradually worked my cock into her snug tunnel. Ever so slowly, she dropped down, till she planted herself on my groin. She sat there, not moving her body, but only flexing her vaginal muscles, working my shaft with them, squeezing and releasing. Then she started slowly rocking backwards and forwards in small, incremental movements, while continuing to contract her vaginal muscles.

I so wanted to reach for her breasts, but settled for locking my fingers together behind my head. After what seemed like an eternity, Kim leaned back, bracing herself with a hand on my knee, and started scissoring her legs, lifting up and down, riding my shaft, in long deliberate strokes, bringing my cockhead to the edge of her vagina, then sliding down till it was fully buried in her warm, grasping tunnel. As she set up a slow rhythm, riding me this way, she took her free hand and began jilling herself, running her fingers around my cock over her stretched lips and up over her clit, up and down as she continued to ride me. All the while, she maintained eye contact with me, staring, watching my reaction to her ministrations. After a while, she started jilling just her clit, rapidly rubbing it in a circular motion. Then she dropped on my cock, planting her buttocks on my legs, and sat there, jilling herself with the one hand, reaching up with the other and wetting a thumb and finger, then grasping a nipple and beginning to work it. Now she closed her eyes and focused on jilling her clit and working her fat nipple.

“Talk to me…talk dirty to me,” she softly commanded in a husky voice.

“I love the feel of your tight cunt grasping, massaging my big cock, stuck up your hot, wet tunnel. Work your clit…faster, harder; pinch your fat tit, harder; make it hurt.”

Eyes closed, brow knitted in concentration, she slowly nodded her head as I continued, “Feel my big, veiny cock, pulsing inside your hot cunt. I so want to cum, to shoot my hot semen in you, but you have to earn that; you have to cum first. I want to grab your hard, muscular, ass cheeks and pound you with my fat cock, but I’m a slave to you right now, a prisoner to your word. Fuck my cock, work your clit, cum on me. I want to feel your cunt spasm around my…”

“Ungh, un, un, fuck, I’m close…I’m close…don’t move…” she grunted, as she started rocking a little on my cock, as she intensified the jilling motion on her clit, her hand a blur.

“Oh fuck, your cock feels so big in my pussy. I love the ungh, ugh, fuck, the way your cock, ah, ah, feels in my cunt, my hot, tight cunt. OH YES, GONNA FUCKIN’ CUM!”

She kicked it up a notch, frantically masturbating herself, pulling and pinching her nipples, switching back and forth.

I began again, “Come on baby, cum all over me! I want to feel your hot cunt spasm, your juices on my balls. I want to see your body shake as you cum on my cock…”

As I continued my dialogue, she bent her head down, and started shuddering, while wildly jilling her clit. Her vagina contracted hard on my cock, squeezing it like crazy. Then she exploded, shaking, cumming, spasming.

“CUM, YOU FUCKING BITCH; CUM ON MY COCK!” I shouted as her hips went crazy, jinking back and forth, while she climaxed, her vagina spasming.

A sheen of sweat had formed on her body and she looked amazing in the light cast by the pool and the deck lights, her body glistening, her stomach muscles rippling with her spasms. She slowly came down, periodic tremors pulsing through her body. She leaned forward, planting both hands on my chest, her big breasts hanging over me, her dark nipples, pronounced and puffy from the abuse they received at her own hands. Her long, wavy locks fell around me as she leaned forward, and she opened her eyes to look at me.

“Now, I’m going to fuck you. Don’t move.”

I ever so slightly nodded my understanding, and kept my eyes locked with hers, as she very slowly leaned forward more, sliding up my hard shaft till my head was at her opening, then she rocked back till the head hit her cervix, and repeated this slowly, over and over. She moved her hands to the sides of my chest, and gradually dropped her body down, till her fat, swollen nipples were dragging up and down my chest. The feeling was wonderful, and her vagina never stopped squeezing, periodically clamping down, then relaxing, as she rode me, almost imperceptibly increasing her speed, leaning slightly lower, till she was dragging her full, fat breasts up and down my torso. Faster and faster she stroked the length of my rigid pole, bringing me closer to my own climax.

Then she sat up and started jacking her legs, bouncing up and down on my cock, forcefully slamming my head into her cervix. Her long locks danced around her head and her big tits flopped up and down as she rode me. The physical and visual stimulation was all I needed.

“Going to cum, baby,” I grunted out as her butt and thighs wetly slapped against me.

“Come on, Brian, shoot me full of your cum, unload that big cock in me,” she huffed.

Sweat was running down her body in little rivulets, and dripping off her chin, but she kept riding me, fast and hard, smacking her tight ass on my legs.

“Oh, baby, I’m gonna cum, too…Take over!” she barked, and fell on my chest.

I grabbed her hips and started pounding her. It only took seconds before she climaxed, and I followed immediately, thrusting through my own climax. The long, glorious buildup led to an explosive release, emptying myself in her hot, spasming vagina. As I dropped my hips, Kim flattened out on me, spent, huffing and sweating.

After a sublime coupling, she climbed off me on shaky legs.

“I have to go drain, baby, then I want to get in the pool. Will you get us some water and something to drink, some of that Greek wine.”

“Cold water and retsina coming up,” I answered and rose up from the chaise as she headed into the house, hand squeezed between her legs.

She came walking out, still completely nude, and I handed her a chilled bottle of water. After she drained half of it, she wiped her mouth and smiled, “We wore out my poor pussy.”

“You’re something, my little sex fiend.”

She grinned, “Something good, I hope.”

“The best. And what you did was amazing. But let’s get in the pool and cool off.”

We descended into the pool and went to the infinity edge, and looked out at the sea, sparkling from the light of a half-moon. A light breeze wafted off the water, and the sounds of the waves lapping at the shore, broke the silence. It was a truly magical setting. After finishing our waters, I went and retrieved a chilled bottle of retsina, which we shared straight from the bottle.

“This is divine, the night, the wine, everything,” Kim mused, “and I’ve decided, honey; I’m going to give my notice when we return.”

I hugged her to me, expressing my silent approval. We had a plan…a plan for the future, for a future, a future I hadn’t imagined was possible.

As the days passed, we divided our time between shopping, people watching, eating out, swimming, walking on the beach, and talking through things, developing plans. I took her to see the ruins at the Palace at Knossos, and we made a trip to Iraklion to visit my friend who had suggested the villa. Oh, and we managed to squeeze in some sex, now and then.

By the end of the second week, we were dreading returning to our jobs, but we had a plan in place. Kim would give a 90-day notice to her employer, then move in with me, and start training to assist me. Everything else we agreed to let happen naturally, and make no specific plans beyond that, though I believed we both knew where we were headed.

Over the next three months, I was busy as hell establishing my new routine and introducing my training program to the attorneys the company had selected for me to mentor. But I still had enough time to miss Kim every day. We talked on the phone and video conferenced. When Kim’s last days approached, I made a trip to New York, to help her pack and sort things out. We hired a professional mover to load and transport her belongings. It was an exciting time for both of us, and we could hardly wait to move her in with me.

Once she was settled in, I started training her to be my assistant. It went swimmingly, though at first she was very nervous, but quickly adjusted to her responsibilities. She was a big hit in the office, to say the least. It took two trips to iron out some wrinkles in our routine, but we established a splendid working relationship, and as Kim’s fears subsided, she became a dynamo and I had never had it so good in my job.

It’s been eight months now since I became a consultant, and my travel requirements have diminished. I asked Kim to marry me, and she said yes. We have a fall wedding scheduled and I couldn’t be happier.

Where do you go after a broken heart?

To an airport lounge, pick out a beautiful woman, and knock her over.

Hey, it worked for me.



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