Alice's Sub School Pt. 02: Steve 01 by Howardw41,Howardw41

She came to the next five of my tutoring sessions and the experience was wonderful. A beautiful woman was telling me how to help her. My shyness with women would have never allowed me to start a conversation with her. She was driving our meetings and the conversation by telling me what she wanted of me. We covered all her subjects and she said she was pleased with how well I helped her in each. I would have loved to spend all my tutoring hours with her, but we couldn’t spend more than an hour with the same student each day and we were limited to spending no more than half our tutoring hours with just one student each week.

Then during my next tutoring session, she didn’t show at first, so I started helping another student. When she came in during my last hour of tutoring I could see the look of disappointment on her face when she saw I was helping another person. She went to another tutor. I finished with my last student with about 15 minutes left in my office hours. I pulled out a textbook and started reading.

When there were about 5 minutes left in my tutoring window she finished up with the other tutor and came over and sat at my table. I looked up and I saw an unhappy expression on her face.

“Steve, in the future, you need to figure out how I can own you for tutoring. The other tutor was terrible. ”

I replied, “I am sorry Jessica. You are my priority, but the department says I must take whoever comes first. Today you weren’t here when I started so I had to help the first person who asked for help.”

Jessica angrily replied, “I had to work a longer shift that overlapped into your first hour, so I could not come. Since my Dad died, I don’t have anyone to pay all my college costs. My sister and I both are working retail jobs twenty hours a week because Mom’s job doesn’t bring in enough to cover our college fees.”

I got up my courage and said, “Miss Jessica, may I ask you to share your available times for the coming week with me, so I can see when I could be available, then you pick the days and times?”

Jessica suddenly had a surprised look on her face. She exclaimed, “You are serious about making me your priority. That is so sweet. Yes, you may ask and the answer is yes I’ll send you my available times.”

Then she looked at me with sultry eyes and continued, “I am going to enjoy owning your tutoring hours and telling you when you can serve me.”

My cock was standing at attention when she finished those words.

That week we started the process where she would send me the words “Here are the windows of time when you will be allowed to serve my tutoring needs.”

I would then tell her which hours I would “serve” her. I think she got a real kick of me saying serve instead of being available.

I remember the day during the fall when it was obvious she had been crying. I asked her what was wrong. She held my hand as she shared that her dad had died in a car accident on that day a year before. Eventually, she was crying into my shoulder. She cried about how hard it was for her family. To allow her and her sister to attend college. Her mom was working a full-time job along with her and her sister working part-time at a retail shop downtown near the mission. All she had time for was classes, studies, and work. We talked for a few hours about how she had looked forward to having fun at college and even dating. Unfortunately, a cruel twist of fate had killed her dad. It was all her mom, her sister Michelle and she could do to make ends meet and the truth was they were slowly falling behind.

When she finished getting it all off her chest, she did have a magnificent chest, she kissed my cheek and said, “You’re my best friend here in college.”

We became good friends as the year progressed. It turned out we had both gone to the same high school.

It didn’t take long for me to have a big crush on her. But I never suggested we get together for something other than tutoring. Just the thought of asking her made my stomach do flips.

We met for tutoring my entire senior year. Usually two days a week, but occasionally she’d tell me she needed me for extended time on the weekend. I never turned her down. I wasn’t being paid for weekends, but I didn’t care. I got more time with this Goddess and we talked about everything. I loved it when she told me what to bring for our lunch for our weekend sessions.

We got along so well.

After sessions with her, I would go back to my apartment and masturbate, thinking of her while watching dominatrix and CFNM porn. My fantasy was for me to be completely naked, kneeling in front of her, while she was fully clothed as I tutored her.

She came to my graduation to wish me well. I had gotten a great job at the Navy Base near our hometown, so the future was looking good for me. The best part is that she kissed me on the cheek and said, “You’re the reason I made the honor roll. I will be lost without you next year. The Navy Base is lucky to have you.”

Then she leaned in and whispered into my ear, “I hope you realize that If I hadn’t been still grieving about losing my Dad, I would have made you take me on some dates. Some girl will be lucky to get you.”

And that was it. I didn’t say we’d stay in touch, and I never reached out to her. What a fool I was.

Because of Jessica, I knew what I was, but I had no idea how to find a woman to serve but now I had the chance.

It took a while but eventually, I sent this.

“Mistress Alice, I am a 24-year-old white male. I am in good shape. I’m six feet tall and 165 pounds and it’s all muscle. I got a degree in computer engineering three years ago and have worked at the local navy base since graduation..

I have known since college that I am a submissive, but I’ve been too shy to explore my desires. Since high school, I haven’t even dared to ask someone to go on a date with me. And in high school, it was always the woman who asked me out. ”

After sending that message, I started getting ready for my picture shoot. It was easy to take pictures of me in the mirror in my bathroom for the first three pictures.

-Wearing a formal suit as if going to a fancy gala,

-Wearing my Batman Halloween Costume,

-Wearing my bathing suit,

I thought about what I should wear to clean her house. I decided that I should be naked with a ball gag in my mouth holding a feather duster. I set up a timer shot and it came out perfect.

Then I set up my phone to have a timer for the two naked on the bed pictures, and after a few tries with the phone’s timer, I had the two nude pictures.

-Lying on your back naked on the bed,

-Lying on your stomach naked on the bed.

For the final shot I needed a picture to prove I was a submissive. I tried to recreate a typical pose that was in most of the Dominatrix porn that I enjoyed. In the picture, I was naked, kneeling on the floor. My cock was proudly erect between my spread legs, my head bent, hands clasped behind my back. I hoped it would show Mistress Alice how serious I was about exploring my submissive side.

I immediately sent the pictures to Mistress Alice with the following message,

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