Amy Was Once My Best Friend by DG Hear,DG Hear

I decided to go with them for two years. I could take business courses and get a degree in Business Management. I really had no interest in being a movie star or anything like that.

The way the course worked was you would be a cheerleader for the school while training as a professional. An example that everyone knows is the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. The second year you would be obligated to be on the traveling squad with them for at least one season. We made decent money but it was really hard work.

People don’t realize how much practice and exercising we were put through. Also, it was not all fun and games. Cheerleaders couldn’t date any of the players. If caught the school would throw you off the squad and out of school. We cheered for many large crowds of people. That is where you maybe got noticed for a future job. For me it was to get my year in, return home, and lead a normal life.

We could date but rarely had the time. I didn’t even date once a month. Brenda, Beth, and I went to a couple of parties. I got drunk one time and had sex with a business executive. I regretted it the next morning. I promised myself no more sex and stuck to it.

In the two years I was gone I went home twice to see my family. My mom told me I had a couple of visitors. She said Ray had stopped by and told her he made the football team. Mom said all he did was talk about himself. She then told me that Jerry stopped by to ask how I was and what I was doing. She explained to him everything that I had told her about getting a degree in business. She added that Jerry said I was always his best friend and then left.

At the end of my two years, I got my business degree and decided to go home. Cheerleading was fun but it ran its course for me. Beth and Brenda both signed up for another year of cheerleading. They liked being in the limelight. I wished them both the best. My parents were coming to my graduation but we had to figure a way to get my things home. In two years, I acquired a lot of stuff.

* * * * Jerry Again

I finished my studies and headed home to start my own welding business. I had saved a lot of money during school. I found an old discarded gas station with the pumps removed. It had two stalls, an office, and a bathroom. It would take some cleaning up but it would work for me.

Behind the station was a mobile home. I called the realty company and found out a woman whose husband had died owned it all. After she closed the gas station, the company pulled out their pumps. No one had lived in the trailer for about three months. I told her I would be interested in the station and trailer both.

She made me a good offer and I accepted it. I went to the bank and my dad co-signed a loan for me. My parents always helped me out when they could. I needed a couple of weeks to set up business. I contacted the phone company and some distributors of the equipment I’d need. I had a few signs made with the name “Jerry’s Welding Shop” on them. They also had the business hours and phone number on them.

I had my welding truck and enough equipment to get started. My dad and mom were proud of me. They told their friends and a couple of them came over right away with small welding jobs.

Business was getting busier than I expected. The welding wasn’t bad but I had to answer calls and make appointments. I hadn’t even cleaned up my place yet. I knew I had to get a secretary. I started work at eight in the morning and was working until as late as eight at night.

I had gotten out of school about a month before most colleges had their graduation. It was because I started about a month earlier. I went by to see Mrs. Dillon–she was always one of my favorite people. I told her about my business and that I had a trailer to live in behind it. I asked her about Amy and she said she was graduating the following weekend. She was receiving a degree in Business Management. Mrs. Dillon said she and her husband were going to the graduation. They were going to fly there but they still had to find a way to get Amy’s personal things home.

“Would you mind if I went along?”

“Oh my god! Would that ever surprise Amy.” Mrs. Dillon had a tear in her eyes.

“I could fly down with you and Mr. Dillon. Amy can fly back with you and I’ll rent a small u-haul and drive it back. That should solve most of the problems.”

“We can’t ask you to do all that.”

“You didn’t ask. I suggested it. As I told you before, Amy is my best friend and always has been. I’m doing this for her. Just don’t tell her. I want it to be a surprise.”

Mrs. Dillon gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I’ve always liked you.”

I went back to my station and made a few phone calls. I set up a couple of jobs before flying to Texas. I knew it would take me a couple of days to drive back.

I talked to my old welding teacher from school and he told me how proud of me he was. He even said he would send some small jobs my way and if I ever needed a third hand he would ask some of his students. They always liked making a few bucks.

Things had been so hectic I was happy to get time off just for the rest. Mr. and Mrs. Dillon had bought three round trip tickets. The return ticket for me was in Amy’s name since I would be driving back. Mr. Dillon said he was paying for my ticket seeing I was helping them out.

We arrived in Texas and took the courtesy bus to our motel. Of course, we had separate rooms. We would only be spending the one night because the graduation was the next day. Mrs. Dillon called Amy and told her they arranged to have her personal items taken back to Ohio. They would explain it when they saw her.

The following day we went to Amy’s graduation at the designated time. When she crossed the stage, I stood up and whistled. With such a big crowd there, I guess she hadn’t noticed me. She and her parents met up in the greeting zone. I walked up behind her before I said anything.

“Congratulations, Amy.”

She whipped around and stared at me.

“Oh my god! Jerry, what are you doing here?”

“My best friend graduated and I wasn’t going to miss it.”

She hugged me and I hugged her back. It brought tears to her eyes.

“Besides, I rented a u-haul to take all your stuff back. You’ll be flying home with your folks. We’ll explain more later,” I said.

Beth and Brenda came over and said hello. They told me they were going to hang out for another year. They wanted to be part of the Dallas Cowboy’s cheerleading squad.

We all headed back to their apartment and gathered up all of Amy’s furnishings and clothes. Boy, did that girl have a lot of clothes. Her parents were taking us out for dinner. Beth and Brenda came along but in their own car. Mr. Dillon drove a rental car and I was in the trailer with all her things in it.

After dinner, I left the restaurant and told them I’d see them in two days. Amy came up to me, said thank you, and kissed me lightly. I had a lot of thinking to do on the drive home. I actually wondered if Amy would want to work for me. She had her degree in Business Management and I needed a secretary and bookkeeper. I wondered how she would feel about that. If nothing else, maybe she would help me out a little until I found someone else.

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