As Nature Intended Ch. 04

An adult stories – As Nature Intended Ch. 04 by klampet,klampet My name is Lloyd. When I got home late on Wednesday I called out to my wife to let her know. She left the kitchen to kiss me on the cheek, then said, “darling.”

I groaned, that usually bodes Ill for me, what now I wondered?

“Darling,” she repeated, “My sister is here, She’s left her boyfriend and wants to stay here for a while if you agree.”

I quite like her sister, Julie, she’s a down to earth young lady who looks like her younger sister so I had no problem with that.

“Hello,” I heard Julie call out.

I turned round and saw Julie standing by the kitchen. Like her sister, she was nude also like her she was very pretty.

I went upstairs and showered, then went to the lounge and poured a glass of red that I took into the kitchen. The sisters sat at the table waiting for me. Pam stood up to serve dinner.

While eating dinner, Julie, explained to me the reason for her being here. She worked in a printers office as did her boyfriend. Recently they hadn’t had much sex and yesterday she discovered why. He was having an affair with a woman he met in a pub six months ago.

He only told Julie about it when she asked him why they were not having sex. He said he was sorry but it was not something he could help and he said he was very much in love.

Julie was not very upset, their relationship had not developed but breaking up caused her to be homeless and was more inconvenient than than anything else.

After dinner we took our tea to the lounge. Julie explained that she would find somewhere in the area to live and get another job. It would take a while and would like to stay with us till then. Pam instantly agreed.

I’m not very keen of living in a house with two women but I couldn’t disagree with Pam. In any event Julie is family and I couldn’t say no.

After Julie went to bed later I asked Pam how having her sister here would affect our lives.

“You don’t object to her being being here do you?” she asked.

“Oh no, it will seem different with another woman in the house.” I replied.

“You mean, will it interfere with your sex life, don’t you? ” she laughed.

I shrugged my shoulders, we have only been married a few months and we did have a very active sex life and it did not only happen in the bedroom.

“Never mind, Julie is very sensible and won’t intrude into our privacy and it won’t be for long.” she said.

On Friday, I got home fairly early as I try to do every Friday. I called out to let Pam know I was home, as usual she left the kitchen to greet me with a kiss.

“Darling,” she said and I shivered with apprehension, “The family is coming over for the week end to see Julie, hope you don’t mind.”

Pam has been arranging my weekends for some time now so I wasn’t surprised.

“Just who is coming?” I asked.

“My parents and Betty, we are using this to discuss the logistics for our birthday bash.” she said

“We will have to meet my parents soon but not at our birthday party, they may be shocked at all the naked flesh on display, it’s been a long time since we have seen them.” I told her.

“It’s a pity that they are not nudists, it would save a lot of problems.” she said.

Our birthdays were not for a few weeks so I will ring my parents and arrange to take them out for a meal.

Later we watched telly, Pam and Julie sat on the settee and I sat in an armchair. I was distracted from the telly by two beautiful, naked young women, they were whispering to each other and giggling.

They were totally relaxed, so much so they sat very casual with both of them allowing their legs to open exposing their vaginas. I tried to concentrate on the telly. I poured another glass of red, then another. Then I managed to relax enough to begin to doze off.

Pam shook me awake to go to bed, I was tired and needed a good nights sleep.

“Are you very tired,” Pam asked, “we haven’t had sex since Julie arrived and my fanny feels neglected.”

That woke me up fully, my cock started to react. “OK,” I said, “where?”

“There’s a lovely table in the kitchen, I fancy that right now.” Pam replied

“Right then, go there and assume the position.”

She went into the kitchen and I followed. Pam. bent over the table opened her legs as an invitation. I was ready to give her a good fucking. I put my hard cock in her moist cunt, grabbed her tits and pounded hard.

She came quickly, then again. I was getting close but held back. I wanted to enter her arsehole, she likes that a lot. I withdrew from her cunt and lined up my cock at the entrance to her arsehole and eased into her.

Once fully in I rammed her as hard as I could till I felt myself coming. Pam called out to me that she was close and we came together with gigantic shudders from both of us.

We stayed coupled until my cock slipped out of her arse. We stood, faced each other and I pulled her towards me and kissed her hard, tongued her mouth and felt her tits. I took her hand and lead her to our bedroom. We showered and went to bed and slept peacefully.

We were woken by Julie who brought us a cup of tea.

After breakfast, the sisters stayed in the kitchen and started talking about preparations for the party. I slumped in front of the telly and chilled out.

I must have dozed off as I felt my shoulders being shaken. I opened my eyes and I saw Betty standing in front of me with a cup of tea.

“Hello, Lloyd, pleased to see me,” she smirked.

“Hi Betty, how long have you been here? You are looking good, is John here with you?” I asked.

I looked around me and noticed Charlie and John were seated on the settee drinking tea.

Hi guys I called out, they both said hello.

Betty handed me my tea and went into the kitchen to add her two pennies worth to the discussions about the upcoming party.

I heard the phone ring, it was picked up in the kitchen. Ten minutes later Pam handed me the phone saying, “it’s your mother.”

“Hi mum, I was going to call you later, how are you and dad?”

“We are fine, I rang because I hear you are having a dual birthday party and wondered if we were being invited.”

I was unable to speak, how did she know. The invitations had been sent to those concerned, mum and dad were not invited.

“Pam and I were going to invite you out for dinner to celebrate our birthdays.”

Mother was chuckling to herself, “it’s okay, son, I was shopping in Exeter yesterday and met mutual friends. You remember Ken and Paula Hamilton-Smythe? I had a long conversation with them and learned some interesting information.”

Speech left me again, I didn’t know how to reply.

After what seemed a long time I heard her calling, “are you still there, Lloyd?”

“Yes mum I’m still listening.”

“Lloyd, your dad and I holiday in Greece on nudists beaches. We are not hardcore nudists, we sometimes don’t bother to dress at home and attend a lot of parties. If we hadn’t been on holiday last week, we would have met you at Ken and Paula’s place.”

She continued, “can I now assume that we will be sent an invitation.”

“Certainly, mum, I’m not sure how I will come to terms with seeing you and dad naked.”

“You’ll get used to it. Pam already knows that we are going to your party, we spoke earlier. I’ve been teasing you to see how you would react to us coming to your party. I’m surprised that Charlie didn’t mention the fact he knows us. We met at your wedding and we have met at a few parties.”

“I think I’m incredibly naïve, I didn’t know Pam was a nudist till three weeks ago and I’m still learning about the rest of her family. As for you I’m gobsmacked, pleased, but gobsmacked.”

“We kept it secret from you, we didn’t want to make you uncomfortable with our nudity. Right then, I must go and get ready, we are off to another party tonight. Bye son, see you soon.”

I said goodbye and hung up. “Charlie, you didn’t tell me my parents were nudists, why am I the last to know anything?”

“I didn’t know you were not aware and anyway it’s none of my business. it’s your mothers place to tell you not mine, I didn’t tell her about you.”

I looked at Charlie, sheepishly, “You are right, but it would have saved me a lot of angst had I had known.”

I went into the kitchen, I hadn’t seen Brenda and wanted to say hello to the girls. The girls, girls? one was eighty two, were sat around the table deep in conversation when I entered but stopped and looked at me.

“How was your mother?” Pam asked with a smile.

“Great,” I replied. “Has the coven sorted everything out for the party?”

“Cheeky bugger,” Betty said, “For your information, everything is under control, all you have to do is provide the money.”

“That’s great, I only came in here to say hello to Brenda. Hello Brenda.”

The weekend passed very sociable, the weather was not warm enough to go outside so we spent our time playing cards and watching telly. It was a very pleasant family weekend.

The next weekend we all went to Bettys’ naturist club, I was to be vetted by the committee and we were to meet up with our new friends.

I picked up Charlie, Brenda, Betty and John and got to the club about midday on Saturday. Julie I learned was already a member of a club in Somerset.

My meeting was at 3pm that afternoon. This time we had two cabins, one for John and Betty and Julie and the other for Charlie and Brenda and Pam and I.

The meeting of the committee was easy, they all knew Betty and they were only following procedures. I was welcomed as a new member, given a handbook for guidance for new members. Disregarding the guidelines would result in being rejected from, not only this club, but all clubs worldwide.

I re-joined my family and we went into the clubhouse for a celebratory drink and meet our new friends.

I bought a round of drinks, first though, I had to show my membership card, non members cannot purchase drinks in the clubhouse.

We carried our drinks and followed Charlie to where our new friends were. I recognised some but their names were lost to me for the moment.

“Hello, Lloyd,” I heard a female voice and I saw a woman I recognised,. It was Anne Taylor, I knew her because she was shaven and I had that on my mind since meeting her. She approached me and I noticed her pubes were still shaven. She hugged me and gave me a huge smile.

We chatted for a few minutes till Charlie called me to meet someone, I excused myself and went to Charlie. He was talking to a young couple who I didn’t recognise.

“Lloyd, these are my bosses daughter and son in law. Jane and Alan, and they are also new members. Apparently, unknown to me my boss is a naturist and I’ve only ever seen Jane fully dressed before.”

I shook their hands, I’m not sure whether it is the done thing to hug another nudist who are strangers, and I noticed that they were both shaven.

Jane smiled at me, “It’s nerve racking facing the committee isn’t it?”

I agreed, although there was no tension when I met them. “Have you been naturists very long,”

“I’ve been one for years but Alan is a recent convert.”

“I’m getting used to it but I don’t mention it to my mates, they may take the piss out of me. Not that I mind but it’s better to be discreet.” he said.

Charlie looked at me as if to say I told you so.

After chatting to people we had met at Ken and Paula’s, Pam and I went to have a swim, the weather wasn’t great so we didn’t hang around long once we finished our swim.

Charlie had been busy meeting friends and he told me that next Saturday there was a big do at Eric and Ruby’s place and the family was invited. It was an indoor event at big house near to Charlie’s place.

When I talked to Pam about it she told me it was a ruby wedding, apropos, considering the name of the hostess. She had met them once and she remarked that she must add this couple to our birthday party.

We dressed for dinner, the ladies put on their knickers and the men their shorts. It was a great atmosphere in the clubhouse and the meal was very nice. The chef was a magician with food, he was not a nudist but he enjoyed the laid back work conditions. There was no pressure to get food prepared and served to demanding patrons.

We drank too much and after the meal disco started up. The tables were pushed back and a dance floor appeared. I was interested how nudist acted when dancing as now the food had been cleared the knickers and shorts came off. Towels were now placed on chairs and the members sat on them waiting to dance.

Charlie and Brenda were among the first on the floor, the music was retro, no modern stuff. Charlie and Brenda were dancing close together, their bodies touching. Pam cocked a finger to me to make me dance with her. As usual I complied. We danced without touching, the modern way?

The lights had been dimmed and the floor became full with naked dancers. I watched Pam as she moved, her tits jiggling and I began to feel movement in my cock. What man wouldn’t. The music changed to a slow song and Pam moved into my arms and we smooched to the music.

This made me get harder, Pam smiled and held me closer, “I think we should retire, I need you badly.”

We waved to our friends as we left, my cock was nearly fully hard showing that I was getting excited. Betty noticed and smiled at me.

We got back to our cabin and started to fondle each other in the living area, not bothering to go into the our bedroom. Pam knelt in front of me and enclosed my now hard penis in her mouth. She touched my balls and sucked me, deepthroat, while I stood there.

I heard a click behind me as if the door opened behind me but my attention was fully on Pam’s mouth movements, it was only when I felt something touch my arse that I realised we were not alone. Startled, I turned to see a smiling Julie standing behind me her hand on my bum.

I was still attached by my cock to Pam’s mouth, she held me firmly and I didn’t want to break free but I wanted to know what Julie was doing here. “Why are you here, Julie, you are in the wrong cabin and can’t you see we want to be alone.”

Pam released my cock and stood up, “Julie is here at my request, she is so frustrated after leaving her boyfriend and hearing us making love,”

“But I’ve been bollocked by Charlie for having sex with you in the presence of other people, nudists don’t that. That is the naturists mantra.”

“You are right, but like textiles, we do have sex in privacy. And like textiles we do have sex with others than our partners but it’s done very privately. Julie needs you and we’ve agreed that you should be the one to help her.”

“We?” I asked.

Pam smiled, “You are very naïve sometimes, yes we, meaning Charlie, Brenda and Betty. Tonight we will not be disturbed but do you think you could fuck Julie?”

I was gobsmacked, I was being offered a beautiful woman by my wife, my cock was as hard as a rock and we are all naked. Since Julie came to stay with us we have all been nude but there was nothing sexual but now there was. I was having trouble coming to terms with this new aspect of my lifestyle.

I never envisaged having sex with anybody other than my beautiful wife yet here I am in a nudist camp with my wife and her sister.

“Well,” Julie said, interrupting my thought processes, “are you going to fuck me or not?”

I looked at Pam and she smiled and nodded as if giving consent. I still wasn’t sure if I wanted to. Pam has always been sufficient for me and although I have seen hundreds of nude women recently I’ve never considered them in a sexual way.

“Come on, Julie, let us help him make up his mind.”

Pam knelt before me and, and as before, engulfed my raging hard cock in her mouth. Julie stood behind me and placed

her body on my back, her tits pushing into my back as the heat from her groin burning my arse cheeks. At this moment I was being lead by my cock.

Julie moved her hands to my bum cheeks and pulled them apart and inserted a finger in my rectum, moving it gently in till it was in fully. Then she put another finger in. This was getting to be too much and I told them so. Fingers and mouth were withdrawn and Julie replaced Pam on my cock. She took it into her throat while cupping my balls but not for long.

She stood up and turned her back to me, then bent forward with her legs open and gave me a perfect view of her arse and vagina. She opened her arse cheeks inviting me to fuck her. Reluctantly I did as I looked at my wife who smiled her encouragement

Julie was moist, she grabbed my cock and put it into her cunt. Then I took over, ramming her hard, so hard she nearly fell over. We adjusted her position till she was resting against the settee. I continued banging her hard, she moaned loudly as my pounding sent her into ecstasy. “Fuck me, Lloyd, give my poor neglected cunt a good fucking.

Her tits were hanging down and were swinging uncontrollably as she encouraged me in my exertions. I continued but I felt my orgasm building. “I’m coming, Julie, I can’t stop now.”

We came together, shuddering in unison, until my balls emptied. Julie collapsed on the settee, her cunt leaking our juices. Julie reached between her legs and scooped up as much come as she could. Then she licked her hands, putting as much come into her mouth as possible.

I rested on my chair and Pam sat on my knee. “Thank you, darling, my sister was becoming so frustrated, you’ve sorted her out for now, I will reward you later, rest now till we go to bed. Julie will sleep in Charlie and Brenda’s room.

We went back to our normal nudist lifestyle as if nothing had happened. Julie and Pam sat on the settee while I watched telly. Eventually Julie said goodnight and went to her room and we went to ours.

We laid in bed cuddling when Pam said, ” darling, now Julie is happy there is one more person we would like you to sort out.”

I grimaced, what now? My concept of naturism was being shattered. I waited for Pam to continue with trepidation.

“Betty, as you know is old and she hasn’t had good sex for years. John and her play at sex, he hasn’t been able to fuck her properly even with toys. She wants you to have sex with her, you are her number one hero. Would you like that?”

Pam never ceases to surprise me. Sex with a woman nearly sixty years older than me. A granny! Whatever next. I dearly loved Betty, she’s a lovely old lady but I have never imagined her as a sex object.

“That’s for later,” she said.

I put my hand on her arse to draw her close, her tits pressed into my chest, She kissed me hard, tongue deep inside my mouth as I put my hand on her vagina. She opened her legs allowing my fingers to penetrate her moist sex and I began to finger fuck her. Pam put her hand on my cock which was beginning to harden.

I pulled away from Pam’s hot body and asked her to get on her hands and knees so I could fuck her arsehole. She quickly got in position, opening her legs to give me easy access. Pam really loves anal sex and I try to oblige but it’s not my favourite, I love her lady parts but I try to please my beautiful wife.

Pam waited on her knees patiently while I played with her vagina, my fingers getting wet with her fanny juice before inserting my cock into her eager arsehole. Once inside her I reached to grip her tits and started to fuck her, slowly as she pushed her bum into me. It wasn’t long before Pam moaned and strummed her clitoris, “make me come, darling, I love your big cock in my arsehole.”

Her breathing was getting heavier as I pumped my cock harder and harder into her tight arsehole. We were both sweating with our exertions and I could feel my orgasm building so I stopped. I was enjoying my wife so much I wanted to delay coming for as long as possible. To her dismay I withdrew from her bum and I filled her mouth.

She sucked my cock dry and licked up and down tasting her own arsehole juice. I was getting near to an orgasm so I had to pull out of her mouth and return to her arse. She pushed back at me and she came, her body reacting so violently she made me come also.

As we shuddered together and with my cock still inside her I slapped her arse cheek.

“Oh God, darling, slap me again.”.

I did twice more and she came again.

“Again,” she said,” again, hit me again.”

I slapped her twice more, her excitement was increasing. Her arsehole was making my cock hard again and I rammed into her as I slapped her.

Pam was coming and coming, she screamed, “fucking hell, darling, fuck my cunt and keep slapping me.”

I did as requested, her cunt was so wet with her juices that I slipped easily in and out while smacking her arse cheeks. I don’t know how many time she came but in the end I could no longer hold out and spurted copious amounts of come into her throbbing fanny. We came together and collapsed onto the bed exhausted.

We lay there till we recovered our breaths. Her arse was bright red, I can’t recall how many times I had smacked her but it was a lot.

Pam lifted herself onto her arms and looked me the eye. “That was wonderful, darling, you really are a wonderful lover. I’m so pleased that you married me.”

She touched her arse and winced, “Bugger, that hurts but I really loved you hitting me.” She kissed me and rolled over and promptly fell asleep. I followed her, it had been a long day.

We were woken next morning by Julie banging on our bedroom door and Pam called come in. She came into the room with two cups of tea, a lifesaver if ever there was one.

“You two were noisy last night, the whole camp must have heard you, I know I did. Did you enjoy it? Everybody here must have been turned on, so goodness knows what else was going on.”

Pam’s face was red and I hid my face. “Do you two want this tea or should I throw it away?” Julie asked exasperated.

Pam took the tea from Julie and she departed. We drank it then went to the shower room to clean up. The shower was too small for both of us to get in. Pam showered first then I did. We dried ourselves and went into the living room where the rest of the family had gathered.

Charlie looked at the clock and said, “good morning, have a late night did we?” sarcasm dripping from his tongue.

I looked at the clock which to my surprise was showing just past ten thirty. “Oh.” I said, “I must have been tired to sleep this late.”

Brenda smiled and said, “we know why you were tired, but that’s besides the point. I want to have a game of tennis if Pam is up to it. It will be the last one this season, Are you up for it Pam?”

Pam agreed, she was dying to get her own back for losing the last time they played, this time she was determined to leave no prisoners.

“I’ll just put on my trainers and give my mum a thrashing.” She walked to the bedroom and there were loud gasps. Her arse was bright red. Betty smirked at me, “that was the cause of all that noise last night, lucky Pam.

Umpiring the game between Pam and Brenda was interesting, Nobody told Pam that her arse was red so she was oblivious of that but a few more members than usual turned up to watch. The two women were fairly well matched and the game was fiercely fought. In the end Brenda won but she was at the limit of her endurance, fitness wise. They were drenched in sweat and went to their cabin to shower.

Charlie called to me as I was leaving the court and I went to him. “You’re in big trouble if anyone tells Pam her bum is like a ripe tomato. You must hope no one mentions it to her,” he said with a chuckle.

“Charlie, I’m confused, you know the situation with Julie, I was under the impression that no hanky panky was the done thing among nudists. Am I wrong to think that?”

“What are you talking about, I’ve no idea,” he said.

“Oh, come on Charlie, you do know. You lot set me up to have sex with Julie.”

“Young man, what people do in the privacy of their homes is of no interest to me or any other naturists, it would only be a concern if the persons concerned made it public knowledge by mouthing off to all and sundry. We are like textiles, we love having sex like they do but they don’t have sex in front of the the general public, nor do we.”

“I appreciate your concerns and I know you and Pam are very much in love but if you are both in agreement, and feel it won’t affect your marriage, and want to share with others, do it, but in private.”

Then with an enormous smile be said, “as I understand it you have a date with a decrepit old nudist very soon.”

He laughed loudly at my discomfort. then he turned serious “don’t let Betty down, the family would be very upset.”

Charlie laughed again, slapped me on my shoulder and offered me a drink so we went to the clubhouse.

We had our Sunday lunch at the clubhouse and went home soon after. We were tired and we decided on an early night. Pam’s bum was still red but she seemed unaware of it so it looks as if I’ve got away by not telling her

As we laid cuddling in bed Pam said, ” you really tanned my hide yesterday, if it hadn’t been for the stares I was getting I would never have known how red it was. When I looked in the shower room mirror I was surprised. That knowledge gave me the will to beat my mother at tennis and it nearly worked.”

She continued, “I enjoyed the slapping you gave me, it’s not something I want all the time but yesterday was most wonderful. You don’t hit me too hard as you are a big softy but we mustn’t do it when we are at public places as other people don’t need to know that you beat me up.” That made her laugh out loud.

My wife is a remarkable woman, she was aware that her arse was bright red and of course everyone who saw her knew how it got red.

It’s Friday again and I got home fairly early, dinner wasn’t ready but Betty had been dropped off by John who was going to Kent to see his daughter. His daughter didn’t know about Betty and he was due a visit. It would give him a chance to tell her and see the reaction.

Betty was her usual feisty self, eighty two year old nudist grannies can be like that. She was happy staying overnight with us as she was going to the party at Eric and Ruby’s place.

I now had three ladies nude in the house and it’s always nice to have them around, at my age, it’s a bit risky. My little bits tend to react with so many tits facing me at meal time and as for when we are relaxing in the lounge it’s even riskier. They are so casual how they are sitting.

It’s different at parties or at the nudist clubs, it seems more impersonal there somehow. In my home seeing three ladies exposing their vaginas, casually, seems more intimate.

Dinner as usual was tasty, the conversation was noisy and we enjoyed each others company. It’s easy to be comfortable in the company of other nude people, something I couldn’t imagine a few weeks ago but now it seems natural yet I still get stirrings in my little bits. Time will cure that I expect.

We took our tea into the lounge, the ladies sat on the settee and me in an armchair. While the ladies discussed the upcoming birthday party I concentrated trying to read the paper. After an hour, Pam and Julie stood up and went into the kitchen, I didn’t know why but after they left Betty spoke. “I understand you are prepared to fuck an ancient nudist granny,”

Now I know why the sisters left, crafty buggers, I thought. Nevertheless I was bit nonplussed by Bettys direct approach. I looked at her, she smiled and said, “Lloyd, I’m getting old and haven’t had a man since my husband died. John is wonderful to me and we enjoy intimate experiences with toys and he can give great head, but I really miss having real full blown sex.”

“You are the only man I could let touch me, I’ve taken a great liking to you since we first met. Your love for Pam is apparent to all who know you and, of course, I wouldn’t ask you to fuck me if she didn’t agree. We have been left alone for that to happen.”

I listened to her and watched her closely, I loved this old lady so much, I couldn’t refuse her. As I stared at her she opened her legs displaying her wet hairy cunt and touched herself. “Betty, you are my favourite ancient nudist and have a great body for your age, it would be an honour for me to grant your request.”

“Right then,” Betty said, “lets not waffle. get over here and let me suck your lovely cock.”

I moved to her, her legs opened wider and she opened her mouth to take my cock in. Her mouth proved she was a very experienced cocksucker. I was quickly hard and played with her tits, tweaking her hard nipples. I think she had an orgasm. She took her mouth off my cock, and said “Pull my nipples harder, I love them treated rough.”

I kissed Betty on the mouth and put my tongue into it, she kissed me back fiercely as I pulled her tits hard. Her legs open showed me just how hairy she was, her vagina was hidden under so much hair that even a foot away her vagina lips were concealed. I pushed the hair aside and saw that her fanny was soaking wet. “Why do you not trim your bush, you hide your beautiful vagina from view.”

“What do you suggest, John has never complained.”

“If I were you I’d go upstairs and shave some off or better still get your granddaughters to do it.”

She looked me then down to her crotch, “yeah it might be pure white but there is a lot of hair there, I haven’t thought about how it looks until now.” she stood up and went upstairs. I watched her bum as she walked away from me, it is not as tight as Pam’s but it moved wonderfully as she walked.

Twenty minutes later she returned, sat opposite me and opened her legs. I knelt before her and pushed her legs wider. The sight of her cunt was amazing now, the lips were shaved exposing her sex for all to see it in all it’s glory. She now had a landing strip that stopped before her slit.

“Stand up and let me see what you look like now.”

She stood and faced me, her legs together, just as she would stand in front of other nudists and family. The hair that previously covered her pubes had been shaved off and now she had a landing strip, pure white, which allowed her slit to be seen. It was a very sexy sight and my cock, that had softened in her absence, grew rock hard.

She sat down, legs open and said, “you look pleased to see me, come and kiss my ancient shaved cunt.”

I knelt before her, this time the sight was more erotic, her sex so exposed. I parted her lips and stuck my tongue as far as I could into her vagina, licking up and down her slit and when I put her clitoris between my fingers she came in my mouth. Her juice tasted salty and slightly bitter but there was a lot. For a eighty two year old woman she was very hot.

After she stopped her orgasm, I put a finger into her arsehole causing her to moan. I continued to tongue her, tweaked her clitoris and finger fucked her arse.

Betty was very excited by now, “slap my arse please, Lloyd, slap it hard, I’ve never had a man hit me before, please do it hard.”

I hit her buttocks and with each slap she screamed. Ten times I hit her arse cheeks and her arse was red, “Fuck me in my arsehole.” she cried.

I stuck a finger in her wet cunt to lubricate her arsehole, she was very wet by now and her juices were flowing. I put another into her gently fucking her until my fingers were wet, I put them into her arse, easing them in. “Have you been fucked in your arsehole before.”

“Of course, don’t be so fucking gentle, I’m not a china doll, I won’t break.”

I smiled to myself, right I thought madam, you have asked for it. I slapped her arse twice more before inserting my two wet fingers into her arse, I didn’t treat her gently anymore. My fingers passed her sphincter and I put another in. As her arsehole relaxed I pulled my fingers out and inserted my cock in. I pushed in hard and rammed her hard till she came. “Oh God, that is fucking great, keep going make me come again, harder, fuck me harder.” she moaned.

I was enjoying having Betty on the end of my cock, her arse gripping me tightly pushing back at me excitedly and screaming, “fucking hell, I’m coming again, keep fucking my arsehole hard.”

I didn’t comply with her demands instead I withdrew from her arse and started on her cunt, she may be old but her vagina gripped my cock like a vice, she smiled at me as I drove into her banging my balls against her arse. “That’s it, Lloyd, fill my ancient old cunt with your big young cock, be rough with me, bang me hard till you empty your balls inside me, fuck me, just fuck me.”

Her tits, old as they were, jiggled fantastically on her chest as we fucked frantically, her breathing became ragged as we were reaching our orgasms. With a scream that could be heard throughout the house she came just as I did, come spurted deep inside of her.

Betty quickly got hold of my cock and took into her mouth all the come she could find on me and then she held her hand at the opening of her vagina and let come drop onto her hand before swallowing it, smiling as the come went down her throat. “That was a great fuck.” she said. “Thank you.”

She sat back on the settee with no pretence of modesty, her legs open.

“You should try to be a bit modest in case the girls return.” I suggested.

“You are so naïve Lloyd, they are not coming here tonight. We have the rest of the night to indulge in sexual pleasure.” She grinned at me, “you are mine for the night. When you are recovered, and by the look of your cock, that won’t be long. I want you to smack me some more and not just on my arse but on my tits as well.”

Those words gave my cock the extra incentive to make my erection rock hard. I walked over to where she sat, her legs as wide open as she could get them, and I slapped her tits, left and right, twice. Her grin deepened so I slapped her twice more on each tit.

My cock was waving, pointing to her face. I ordered her to bend over my knee. She hurried to get into position, her bum over my lap. She opened her legs and I took advantage of her position to spread her arse cheeks and closely examine her arsehole and her soggy cunt. I put two fingers in her anus forcing them roughly and then finger fucked her till she came. I could feel the liquid come on my knees.

I told her to lick it off my knees quickly then get back in position which she did readily. Then I took a few minutes to examine her now bald fanny, I poked two fingers into her crack masturbating her till she came again pouring more fanny juice on my knees. This time I let it stay there, she can clean it up later.

“I am going to slap you hard now, Granny. If it hurts too much I will stop.”

“For fucks sake get on with it, you talk too much.”

I hit her hard on her naked arse as she wriggled while moaning. Nine more times I hit her arse, it was really red now so I stopped and made her stand up. “OK, Betty, stand in front of me and finger fuck yourself till you come.”

“A pleasure Lloyd, then I’m going to ride you cowgirl.”

She spread her legs and bent her knees showing me her shaven fanny as she put two fingers into to herself. With her eyes fixed on my cock she slowly began to push her fingers in and out of her cunt. Breathing heavily she increased the speed of her fingers and I could see her climax building till with a scream she came again. Fanny juice spurted out of her, trickling down her legs as her tits shook with her shuddering orgasm.

“That was nice, I’ve never done that before, John may like me to do that for him. Exhausted she sat on the floor leaning against the settee. “Give me a minute to recover before I continue, if that’s OK with you.”

Betty leaned back with legs open, I watched as come drippled out of her vagina. She was tired but I don’t think she is ready to call it a day yet. For myself my cock was waving in front of me. Betty had my cock in her eyesight and it remained there as she recovered, as she said it takes longer as you grow older.

Betty was feeling better now, “you would like to fuck me, wouldn’t you, Lloyd.”

I did and I asked her to bend over the arm of the settee, she did and used her arms to reach back and open her arse cheeks. I had two holes in front of me, I fingered her arse but my target was her shaven vagina with it’s swollen lips. I pushed hard into her and began fucking her roughly with no regard to her needs while slapping her red arse.

This time it take us longer before we were ready to come and I told her so. “Come over my face and tits, please, I want your come on me.” She came with a gigantic orgasm, I withdrew as her body shuddered and turned her round to face me so that my orgasm, which was near, would hit her. I rubbed my cock hard and I came. almost immediately. She opened her mouth as I ejaculated come onto her face and tits. As my come reduced to a dribble she put my cock into her mouth to take the last drop.

She raised herself to kiss me on my lips giving me a taste of myself. Slowly Betty collapsed to an armchair where she laid back with legs brazenly open. “You can look, Lloyd, I’ve always enjoyed you looking at my nude body, it makes me feel like a woman again.”

“You are a remarkable woman, Betty, I love you very much and now I’ve fucked you, you have a special place in my heart.”

We rested, I sat on an armchair opposite her. I turned the telly on but I was more interested in the nude body opposite me. We stayed there until Pam called out to ask if we wanted tea. We both shouted yes. Betty closed her legs and sat modesty in her chair. Her open legs had been for me, and me only.

“Hello, you two, did you have a good time and have you finished?”

Betty smiled at Pam, “no not yet I want to say goodnight to Lloyd. but thank you, Pam. I’ve been fucked good and proper. You are a very lucky young lady, Lloyd is a marvellous lover and you have him all the time.”

Pam only smiled and sat down to drink her tea. “I’ll just finish my tea then I’ll go upstairs and talk with Julie.”

Pam went upstairs and as Betty heard the door shut her legs opened, smiling at me lecherously.” Well, young Lloyd, it’s time for me say goodnight if you are up to it.”

Not knowing what was coming I just looked at her, “goodnight, Betty, sleep tight.”

“Bugger that, I want the use of your cock, get it up for a poor old granny.”

I felt a twitch that resulted in my cock that stood up, Betty eyed it and said, “that’s the idea, make yourself comfortable I’m going to sit on your lap.”

I settled myself on the settee, my arse on the edge and I leaned back. Betty straddled my thigh and with a moan lowered her arsehole onto my cock. When she was fully filled she sat motionless smiling at me. “Lloyd I know you like looking at my naked, ancient body, I’ve always enjoyed how you look at me, it turns me on as you stare at me. Look at me now, you may never see me like this again, unless Pam allows me to use you in the future. You will see me nude hundreds of times so in your minds eye, when we are socially naked. I want you see me as I am now.

Betty sat with my cock embedded fully in her arsehole, straddling my thighs, her old cunt was wide open sagging but beautiful, sopping wet as come leaked out of her. Her body was a bit flabby and wrinkled, not bad for he age, she had looked after herself. Then she put her hands behind her head lifting her slightly sagging tits up. She looked amazing, so sexy and sensual. I drank in the vision of her, something I would never forget.

She stayed like that for two minutes, motionless, shamelessly exposing herself for both of our gratification. “now fuck me one more time, I want to go to bed.”

Betty released my cock from her arsehole and laid on the floor, She opened her legs and bent them back on her chest presenting her cunt and arse to me. I was so hard now that I knelt between her legs and roughly pushed my cock deep inside her vagina.

“Fuck me hard, Lloyd, this may be the last time I ever have a cock inside before I die. Fuck me, hit me, use my old cunt till I come and then pour your spunk into me.”

She was so aroused that I could feel the walls of her vagina sucking me in. I hit her arse cheeks as I slowly began to fuck her, her tits were wobbling like jelly moulds. I smacked her tits till they were red, then I slapped her arse till that was also red. By now she had had two gigantic orgasms.

She recovered and looked at me with a satisfied smile. “Now come for me, I’m getting tired, so come in me or on me.”

I was on the verge of my own orgasm so it only took a few strokes before I ejaculated in her before pulling out and spurting on her tits and face. Still smiling she rubbed my come on her tits and then gathered the come on her face and put her fingers into her mouth.

I helped her to stand up, she kissed me, said thank you and went upstairs to her bedroom. Pam entered the room and smiled, “thank you, Lloyd, I saw granny as she went to bed, she looks so happy even with your come all over her. By the look of your cock I’m going to be out of luck tonight. I will lick it clean for you.”

Pam held my flaccid cock and removed all evidence of her granny off my cock but in doing so she she changed the condition of my cock from flaccid to erect. “Oh, my goodness, how did that happen?”

She knelt on the floor, opened her legs, pulled her arse cheeks open and said, “There you are, take your pick.”

I picked her arsehole, she had been so good to her sister and grandmother, she deserved a treat and Pam loved being fucked in her arse. For myself I was feeling a bit tender after fucking Betty. I took my time as Pam pushed back at me. My tender cock was very hard and the heat from Pam’s arsehole was becoming too much for me. I began to ram her hard and I could feel my orgasm building, the feeling of her tight arse made me forget that I was feeling a bit sore.

“I’m coming, I can’t hold out any longer.” I shouted at her. I ejaculated into the depths of her bowels just as she climaxed. I stayed inside her as long as I could till I softened and I exited her. She feel face down on the floor moaning quietly.

“My goodness, that was fantastic, you really have excelled yourself today. I don’t know about you but I’m ready for bed.”

I stood up and helped her to her feet and we went upstairs to the shower after which we collapsed on our bed. I was knackered, Pam and I quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Betty brought us a cup of tea about eight thirty next morning, she was full of the joys of spring and mocked us for sleeping so late. “That’s the problem with the young of today, lazy sods.” She smirked at us, handed the cups to us and left. I heard her laugh as the door closed.

Today was going to be a trial for me. I was to face my parents at the party tonight, naked. I’ve never seen my parents less than impeccably dressed. My mother was a slave to fashion and she loved designer clothes, i don’t think she has any clothes that could be described as leisure wear unless it was the vogue. Even at breakfast she would be dressed to the nines. Her make up was perfect and I never saw a hair out of place and I’ve never seen her in a dressing gown..

The fact that they were naked on the beaches of Greece and went to nudist parties shook me to the core. And today I will face them nude. That thought made me shudder.

It was a lovely autumn day, it was warm enough to spend a short time outside. We had a restful day, Pam and Betty prepared lunch which we ate indoors in the kitchen. Afterwards we went to the lounge and relaxed in front of the telly where I dozed off. Betty woke me with a cup of tea, smiling at me. “Wake up, it will soon be time to leave for the party.”

Pam was upstairs preparing for the party, although it was not the clothes as she wouldn’t be wearing any but she took time with her makeup. Betty on the other hand only had to put on a skirt and T shirt and she would be ready,

“Thank you for yesterday,” Betty said, “I really needed that, if I never have proper sex again I’ll remember yesterday for the rest of my life.”

I nodded at her, she looked so happy and I loved her so much. I don’t want to have sex with her again, or anyone else for that matter, as I loved my wife very much. It was nice fucking her yesterday but it wouldn’t happen again.

Betty sat down on a chair opposite me and sat demurely with her knees closed. She smiled at me again and concentrated on the telly. She was a remarkable old lady.

Pam had finished her makeup and told me to shower and dress as it was nearly to leave to pick up her parents.

We arrived at her mothers house where they boarded my car and directed me to Eric and Ruby’s house which was about ten minutes away. We parked in the grounds and walked the sort distance to the house. The door opened quickly after Charlie rang the bell. “Hello Eric, congratulations on your anniversary, you’ve met my wife and daughter and of course you know Betty, let me introduce you to my son in law, Lloyd.”

I shook Eric’s hand and congratulated him. He turned to Betty, Brenda and Pam and embraced them. “Come on hang your clothes up and join the party.” He was nude.

We all stripped off and put our clothes on the pegs that ran round the large hall. There was already lots of clothing on pegs so the party was in full swing. Eric lead us into a large ballroom where a huge table was laden with food near to a large bar. Twenty or so guests stood around, glasses in hand, chatting causally all of them stark naked.

Eric took us to meet his wife Ruby. She was a small, slightly overweight, woman with red hair and her body was fantastic. Her tits were large but with little droop, her nipples were large and hard. With her rounded belly and lovely shaped legs she was adorable. She gave us a huge smile as a greeting. To me she said,” welcome young man, I’ve heard lots of good things about you. I’ve known your parents for years and of course Betty and her family are old friends.”

She stood back and looked me up and down slowly. I felt like an object that a buyer was appraising and I was uncomfortable till she said, “Yes, I can see why Betty adores you.” Your parents are not here yet and I understand this will be the first time you have been undressed in their presence. Don’t worry, they will be proud of you and they are lovely people.”

Does everybody know my about my circumstances, I wondered. I caught Bettys eye and that gave me the answer, Her smile told me all I needed to know. I mingled with the other guests after getting us all a drink Pam and I greeted those we knew and Pam introduced me to those I didn’t know.

It was very a pleasant environment, the wine was superb and the food was delicious with quiet background music. I was talking to Anne Taylor when I heard my mother say, “hello Lloyd, good to see you, it’s been a long time.”

I turned to see my parents standing, glass in hand, about two yards away. Dad as usual looked fit and well. It was the first time I had seen him naked, his body was good for his age with very little excess weight and his hair was beginning to turn gray but time had been good to him He reached out and gave me a gentle hug, our bodies touching briefly.

Mother watched smiling. She was also in good shape, her face showed no traces of time, it looked as good to me as when I was young. Her body was gorgeous, if that is how a son should describe his mother. Her body was that of a young woman, her breasts stood proud with large brown nipples. Her stomach was flat and she had shapely legs. She had no hair on her pubes.

“Do I measure up,” she said, “do I pass muster?”

I realised that I had examined her for longer than I should have and blushed, “sorry mum, you look amazing, you both do.”

‘”That’s alright son,” my father said, “that’s how many men, and women, look at your mother, I know I do.”

That was twenty four or so years ago, we are still nudists, I met my parents many times as nudists, sometimes on holiday with them and other family members, We even went walking in the Alps where nudists and textiles mixed. Julie met a man she adored and who adored her. I fucked Betty again about a year before her passing. Her death upset me terribly, John had gone two years before, and I took a long time to get over that. I loved her dearly in spite of our age difference.

Pam and I had twins, boys, that curtailed our lifestyle, but now they are at Uni. They always phone before coming home, I suspect they know something but have never mentioned it to their mother or I.


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