Bad Girl Pt. 03 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

Sophia takes a quick shower and comes out in a towel. After all, we have done, that seems odd. However, when there is a knock at the door, I instantly understand, it’s not for my benefit. She has the woman drive the cart of goodies into our bedroom. I am under a sheet, but it’s only up to my waist.

The woman stops dead in her tracks at seeing me, and Sophia bumps into her and then giggles at the woman’s shocked face.

Sophia pushes her into the room and says, “He’s amazing. Four hours of sex so far. These snacks are the halftime show. Say, I’m worn out, and I need a drink and to eat something. Would you be a dear and help the boy to eat something. He’s a bit weak right now, so don’t take advantage of him.”

They both giggle, and I don’t understand why.

The lovely young lady is eyeing my body. It’s obvious she’s never seen a man like me, and that strokes my ego. Otherwise, she was very friendly and professional. She poured the juice into a cup, got a straw, bent the straw, and it’s easy to drink. One at a time, she then grabs a chocolate-covered grape, raisin, strawberry, or a petite cake cube with fancy decoration, leans over and places the delicacy into my mouth, then leans forward to push it into my mouth, ending in a kiss.

Every time she leans forward, her hand goes down for stability. Every single time, her hand lands squarely on my growing cock. Not once does she give the slightest hint that she’s doing that or enjoying it. Sophia is utterly unaware until my cock starts pointing up. Now Sophia watches as the lady leans forward and pushes my cock down, and then leans forward.

Sophia says sharply after a few views to make sure it wasn’t an accident, “Ok lady, that’s my man. I think you’re done here. I hope you enjoyed that; we’re not ordering again. Please leave; thank you.”

After the lady leaves, Sophia looks at me, “I don’t mind her having some fun but geeeez.”

We fuck three more times in three different positions with my second wind, with the last in the shower. 8:30, we have breakfast in the dining room, and both of us are worn out.

As we near home about 10:30, Sophia sheepishly tells me, “If you ever want to do that again, I don’t care who you’re married to, sign me up. Anywhere, any time. I had a fabulous day, and I will probably soak for an hour and then sleep all day. Thank you for the best day of my life.”

She kisses me, and I step out of the car. I watch as it smoothly drives away. Damn, I am worn out. I would agree; that was probably the most fun I’ve ever had in a day.

I walk inside and smell breakfast going. I’ll peek in, say Hi, then go to bed. At seeing me, everyone is startled at how worn out I am.

Mom says to me with a sly grin on her face, “I picked well?”

Jane asks, “Where were you all night?”

As I sit down to eat again, I am honest, “I had a blind date last night.”

Vickie’s eyes pop open. She knows, and she probably knew her mother had a blind date as well. She stays in character and doesn’t say anything, Jane is curious.

Jane smiles at me, “Soooooooo. Someone, we know?”

I look from Jane to Vickie. She knows Vickie was home all night; the two of them look worn out. I am positive that I feel tremendous, but I probably look ghastly.

Janes figures it out, “Mommmmmm. How could you?”

Mom won’t have any of her lip, “What? It was a good safe date for Bill, just what he needed. From the looks of it, I think I picked it well. Look at him; he’s all worn out. I bet he sleeps until dinner.”

That is precisely my plan.

Jane hands out orders, “After breakfast, Bill, go to bed. You look worn out and about ready to fall asleep. Did you sleep at all?” I shake my head no. “Vickie, we had a late-night ourselves. I want you in my room and sleep until I wake you. I am going to climb in bed with Bill. Oooooo. You know what? You were REALLY good last night. How about we both sleep in his bed and keep him warm.”

Vickie doesn’t say anything, but it’s evident by her smile that she likes this idea very much. I find that I am hungry already, and I have a large second breakfast. Mom is amused to no end.

Mom’s parting shot before going to work out, “Bill. Same place, same time, different date. Expect more of the same.”

Nothing is killing the mood that Jane and Vickie have right now. By Friday, that will change.

Chapter 12, My Second Blind Date

So far, today is an exact repeat of last week. Vickie prepped me with shaving, blow job, showering, and dressing me in a different shirt and tie. It’s colder, but I skip the coat.

Same time, Tony’s, I’m early, and I am sitting at the same table. I vow to eat something different.

I hear the hostess behind me say, “Here is your chair, and there is your man, have a nice dinner.”

Two lovely breasts press into my next, followed by Libby saying, “YES!”

She sits down, and the hostess smirks as she places menus in front of us. Neither of us will use them.

Libby smiles as she says, “I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time. Your mom keeps me up to date on everything, and I won’t make you rehash anything you don’t want to.”

I ask, “Can you explain about Jane and Vickie? I thought it was to get us back together again, but all they have done is have sex and send me out on dates. I’m a bit confused.”

Libby suggests, “Look deep in your heart. Is Jane a lesbian? Do you think she prefers Vickie over you?”

I sigh, “That’s the confusing part. She still takes her turn with me.”

Libby’s eyes bulge out of her head, “Wait, what?”

I blush, “I guess mom doesn’t tell you everything.”

Libby softly laughs, “It appears she doesn’t. You said taking turns, and that means …” Her mouth hangs open. I nod my head yes.

Libby is all smiles, “That bitch. Here I thought I was the black sheep of the family. I’ll tell you what. I am sworn to secrecy. However, I suspect within a month, an opportunity may come up. Grasp it. She’s a good girl. We have experienced each other several times, either alone or with others, and she is one of the good ones. As you know, some of those women are downright mean.

“I go for fun. I won’t let people do anything to me nor let many people near me. I don’t have a gold membership, and I am OK with that. I go from time to time and have fun. I had no idea she had such a problem. Her heart was in the right place but getting a group of friendly people for you. However, the cardinal rule is that everyone must know and be consensual with whatever they do.

“There are lots of freaky people out there, and there is a whole host of things I won’t let people do to me. I’m glad she got help. In a way, the lifetime ban is the best thing for her, making it harder to go back. Places like NSA attract people like that, just like a lightbulb draws the moth. It’s terrible for them, but they’re compelled.

“Tonight, though, it’s about having fun. No Vickie, no club, no guns, nothing but fun. We’re going to the same club. Less drinking and rowdy kids. I like the music and the dancing. There, we won’t have to worry about kids hitting on me and slipping us drugs. I prefer a different hotel. They’re similar, but I like the people better at the Marriott. Plus, I own 10% of them.”

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