Bad Girl Pt. 03 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

“I don’t know what we do, but no way I cut you out of his life. Right now, you two are keeping him alive. At times, like tonight, he’s his old self. All too often, though, I see the sadness in his heart. This needs to work for us to save him. Remember, he has bigger demon than just me in his head still.”

I feel sorry for this girl. I can tell she has endured a lot of pain and heartache. It’s all self-induced, so it’s hard to feel too sorry for her. If it didn’t affect Bill, I wouldn’t even be talking to these two, and I would be getting ready to ride Bill tonight. As soon as he gets home, he will take a shower and go to bed. He’s mad at all of us. I think Vickie is right; I don’t know what else to do.

I try to force a smile, “I agree to this. Unless someone has a better idea, I think this just might work. I don’t like what Vickie will have to do, but since it’s for Bill, I say let’s give it a try. Have your legal team draw up a suitable document.”

Sophia adds, “It won’t be an issue. The thirteenth amendment makes it illegal. No document will stand up in a court of law. Therefore, it can look as authentic as possible, and I can get it notarized to make it look official. That means that Vickie can legally walk away at any time.

“How about I drop her off after dinner, say 8:00 PM? That gives everyone time to get home, have dinner, and get prepared. I will drop off her toys and some clothes.”

Vickie gasps, “MOM!”

Sophia laughs, “Of course I know about your collection. I clean up your room before the maid does. No way I let them see that stuff.”

That’s way too much information for me.

Jane is surprisingly mature, “I am going to use you. I don’t care if you like it, but I will help do anything that I think will get a rise out of Bill. I will tease him for a month before I start prompting him for a bet. Either you or I will howl loud enough to wake him up. If all goes well, he will be fucking you soon after that.”

I am somber, “It sucks that we have to resort to this. You better not screw up Vickie; we have too much at stake. He can’t ever learn about this agreement, or we will all be cut off.”

Vickie is surprisingly confident, “We will restore him. I have the most to gain and lose; I’m motivated.”

Chapter 11 — Ensnaring Bill

Bill’s point of view:

I am disgusted with the whole lot of them. As I pull up to the house, the front door light is on, but the door is locked. Good, they went to bed. I am tired from a long day. I run-up to my room, happy at not being stopped, and then take a nice hot shower. I am sore and NEED a pain pill. I did too much. I go to bed, but sleep does not come easy. My mind is still unhappy about tonight.


It’s Tuesday morning. I get up early before Jane and mom. I am out the door grabbing fast food on the way to work. I am way behind in my work. I will need to follow up with Syracuse soon. All reports are positive but seeing is believing. The dog food company is in the middle of a shutdown as new equipment is being brought in.

Jane and mom come into my office at 9:00.

Mom starts with, “We’re sorry. We want you to be happy. That’s all.” Jane moves to me and is on her knees, turning my chair towards her. “We both love you more than you will ever know. I need to make sure you understand this.” Jane unzips me and pulls out my cock. Immediately she is eagerly blowing me. “There will be no more match-making. As of last night, that ended. You will understand tonight. Thursday, I want you back in Syracuse. I want an update.”

Jane has undone my belt and button; she can now deep throat me. I love that sensation. Work has never been so fun. Jane does this occasionally, so this isn’t something new. The amount of suction she uses is new. She is rushing this along before my secretary gets in. Mom locked my door, but Kim has a key. Kim is bright enough that if mom and Jane aren’t in their offices, I probably don’t want to be disturbed.

Mom continues to talk, but Jane has all my attention as she swirls her tongue on my cock. Her smile is amazing. With so much suction, she’s drawing the cum from my balls. I feel they want to release. My job as a man is to hold out. I can’t shoot after so little time. I need to show off my stamina.

Unfortunately, Jane is too motivated today and does get me off much sooner than I would have liked. Her eyes are on me, in a very desirable and submissive position. She inhales my entire cock as I shoot my first salvo down the express. Such a waste of sperm. She giggles as she pulls back and catches the next shot. Her eyes light up at tasting my cum. I fire again, and again, and again. Her smile is ear to ear.

Mom pushes Jane away and cleans my cock. She doesn’t get much of my seed, but she’s happy to get anything. Jane turns around and kisses mom. Mom’s eyes explode with surprise as Jane shares her breakfast with her.

I am ashamed as I find that so hot and kinky that I shoot two more salvos onto the back of Jane’s legs. She full-out laughs at my folly. Mom is thrilled. Even in an expensive dress and shoes, she is on the floor licking up the cum from Jane’s legs. As Kim hangs up her jacket, mom and Jane go back to their offices.

Ten minutes later, Kim has a coffee for me. As she walks into my office, she stops, smells, then smiles before delivering my coffee. I blush and want to hide somewhere. I am so embarrassed.

As Kim walks out, she stops at the door, waits until I look at her, and she says, “Mom said this place was … interesting. I must say, I wholeheartedly agree.” She walks back to her desk.



Dinner that night is interesting. I can tell Jane is excited about something. They’ve already hinted that someone is coming over. Does she have a boyfriend? Did she get tired of me? I have so much self-doubt that I brood about my situation all through dinner. I’m watching the Yankees game when the doorbell rings. They didn’t invite me, so I didn’t get up. I don’t want to meet this guy. I do the considerate thing and turn off the TV.

Jane is at the door and is excited. Is she that tired of me that should pick out some random guy? Now I really feel terrible. I am near tears and am about ready to go upstairs.

I hear shuffling of feet, so I stay in my chair to see what the commotion is about. Vickie would not have been one if anyone had asked me what the first 1,000 guesses would have been for what came around the corner.

I want to object, but I have no words. She is looking at the floor and seems sad. What the hell is going on here.

Jane says, “Before I sign the contract, I want to see that she is healthy. Strip slave.”

What the fuck did she just say? HOLY SHIT! Vickie is slowly taking off her blouse. She folds it and sets it on the table. She pulls down her skirt, folds it, and stacks it on her blouse. She takes off her shoes. Next is reaching around to unfasten the bra. She takes the straps off her shoulders and then pulls the cups out. Her beautiful breasts fall out of her bra. She has longer than normal nipples but is far from crazy. Her areolas are larger than average as well.

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