Being Neighborly Ch. 08

An adult stories – Being Neighborly Ch. 08 by fitfidelityfifty64,fitfidelityfifty64 Donnie continues to take his wife hard and often, unmercifully turning her body over to others when she does not please him. She had come back from orientation with Supreme Mistress Gladys committing to the Second Circle of Hell – Lust for Hades Night on Saturday

The “Longest Night” concluded with Donnie stabling Mary, Jill added Nikki, Jill and Mel (but only until Midnight Saturday). Tina was offered and she needed to consummate and agreement with her husband on Monday, fortifying his stable

Donnie’s submissive, Mistress Jill, knew and continued guiding Donnie and the slow pace of the week will bring odd couples closer through their preparation.

Brian was doing things for his wife Jill, though still possessed by Gladys and pursed by Carol Sutton.

This is the start “Unholy Week” the days preceding Saturday’s “Hades Night” on Halloween, into All Saints Day.

————————————————————————————————-Monday, Oct. 26 – “Unholy Week”

I had breakfast and sat reading the paper online.

Having retired, selling my businesses six months ago, I had plenty of time to get started in the morning.

The previous night I made it clear to my wife Mel she was to go into work after two weeks off. She was begging to call in sick, still lying in bed feeling the effects of so much training and sex.

I got a glass of water doused her face and slapped her hard on her left cheek.

“Get up NOW!” I said, landing the slap and pulling the covers off her naked body. She looked at me with distain rushing to the shower.

I screamed “You’ll pay for this later!”

Meanwhile, the texts came streaming in:

“Daddy, I NEEEEEED U…,” was one from Camilla.

“You were, purrrfect last night” – an unknown number I assumed was Mary- “Hildy” who manifested a cat personality as a pet submissive.

“Meet us at 5 p.m.” was from Nikki.

“We may need to talk” – a text from Gladys, Mistress Night herself.

“Drinks tonight, say 7ish?” was from Jill.

“Noon?” Tina’s asked.

I responded ‘Yes’ to all the specific times, gave a thumbs up to Gladys and instructed Camilla to masturbate thinking of me and I’ll stop by before lunch.

I was planning out the week, double checking the lists I had created earlier when Mel appeared at the door of the bedroom showered, naked, walking into the kitchen, window shades open, to get coffee.

“Morning,” I said to her, if anyone was walking they’d get a good view of Mel’s naked body. She didn’t immediately react, sipping her coffee, looking out the window, then to me, then turning away, showing me random ass bruises.

“Hey,” I said firmly but softly, “What are you thinking?”

She stopped without turning, facing the mudroom halfway down the island, just feet from where I took Jill, where I’ve taken Mel hard, where I had set it up for later in the day four men penetrating her mouth and cunt.

“This is an altar,” she said, running her hand on the smooth granite. “We’ve entered, and in ways created, a new religion right here.”

Metaphorically she as spot on, speaking symbolism to truth both blasphemous and delicious. The society crafted within Cardinal Bay and Cardinal Creek worshiped both deity and process, inside the politics of the organization – the definition of religion.

“I should take you there right now, you’ve been so lazy this morning,” I sternly said, showing her my displeasure, but knowing she needed to get out the door. “Your body will get what it deserves.”

“You’re a son of a bitch” she said matter of factly to me, getting her things gathered for work, knowing she’s paying later.

I followed her on Life360 to be sure she went to work, not in the neighborhood, or just out of the house somewhere and park.

“I’ve got so much to do,” I said out loud and went to the shower.

Driving Mel was numb, the orientation just a day ago, Donnie turned into a dick of a Master her thoughts had her depressed, self conscious and paranoid arriving at work.

“Good to see you, I hope you couple weeks off were refreshing” Frankie the male secretary at the front desk said, and Mel nearly fainted. “Oh Dear, you okay?”

She mumbled something like ‘they were good’ and quickly went to her desk didn’t interact much with anyone the office scrambling on a Monday.

“You look amazing today, Mel,” her closest friend at the company Lillian said stopping by at 10 a.m. “Let catch up at lunch and you can tell me about your two weeks off.”

Mel nodded and made a little small talk with Lillian, the 45 year-old actuary, kids in high school, husband left her 10 years ago. Her wavy auburn hair, freckles and broad smile infectious and bright. She was in decent shape, large breasts that pushed the D cup boundaries.

The two hours melted away and Lillian was at her office door ready to eat.

“Puttered around the house mainly,” Mel told Lillian once they sat at the small table on the heated patio at the local pub. “Amazing we’re sitting outside. Indian summer…whoops, Native American summer.”

The girls giggled at their political correctness and the server came over to take their order.

“I like your adornment,” said the server, a slight (90 lbs. at the most) lovely girl in a lace top, tattoos on her chest, arms, and a leather decorative collar with a small ring on the front, motioning to Mel’s neck.

Donnie had collared Mel a couple nights ago, the subtle mesh that held close to the skin, a series of letter ‘d’s in lower case. The server knew it could be just stylish jewelry, or it could be something else.

“Thank you Dear,” Mel said bowing her eyesrespectfully, the servers soft ‘knowing’ look comforting. She got their drink order and spun away. Mel was smiling, had drifted to a world in her mind where the young server was beside her on the floor, or suspended from ropes, possibly side by side with her taking cock.

Mel turned to Lillian, who saw the her friend’s body language change in the moment, she saw the wanton in Mel’s eyes towards the server when the drinks came Mel givng a small touch on the young woman’s forearm.

“What did you do for two weeks?” Lillian asked, her eyes catching a shine from the adornment the server complimented. “I want to know what ‘puttered around’ means?”

“Oh this? My husband gave me this, kind of a game,” Mel’s finger around the collar, looking intently into Lillian’s eyes, noticing she noticed too. “Role play, puttered around, same thing really.”

“Role play, as in torture or….” Lillian started.

“Stimulation…” Mel said, not wanting to lie but not wanting to get too deep into the subject.

“Stimulation….hmmm,” Lillian said, looking into her glass and then up.

“Hey! Tell me about the kids,” Mel said changing the subject.

The rest of their lunch was catching up with how everyone was doing, Mel’s adult daughter and son weren’t coming back until Thanksgiving, Lillian’s were finishing Fall sports and getting ready for the Winter seasons.

Mel got the check and went back to work, feeling good about sharing something about what she’d been doing, yet not going to deep into the subject matter.

She was productive all afternoon and looking at the clock that said 3 p.m., she contemplated her options.

Lillian burst in the small office with a pile of work, shut the door and sat down next to Mel.

“What?” Mel said, her friend was wide eyes, licked her lips, was nervous and looking around, straight into her chest like a middle schooler.

“Forgive me, but…” Lillian stammered, putting down the file folders, her head fell into her hands. “I suck at this, I mean I should go…”

Lillian stood up, but Mel grasped Lillian’s arm.

“Sit down and speak, geez, you’re scaring me.” Mel said, looking into the anxious eyes of her beautiful friend lowering into the seat next to hers.

Their gazes locked and Lillian slowed down.

“Do not hate me for what I’m about to say. Just understand I….” Lillian started, stopped looking down for a moment, then looked back up into Mel’s eyes and took a deep breath. “I have been involved in a ‘role play’ for years.”

Lillian used air quotes for ‘role play’ and her voice was slowing and her nervousness faded with every syllable. She began to open up to Mel, sensing they were sisters in a lifestyle.

“I’ve been afraid to wear my ‘adornment’, and if there’s any chance it’s more than play I have to say something because, well, I need to tell somebody. Hell I NEED somebody to know” Lillian said, her head bowed forward. “You are special, Mel I can tell.”

Mel felt something for Lillian before that moment and the connection grew Mel thinking of the depths of their lifestyle neither knew, now they were tethered in thoughts.

“Lillian, I don’t know where this came from,” Mel said, Lillian’s heart began to sink, expecting the rejection from any ‘normal’ person in the world. Mel still holding her forearm, slid down and grasped her hand, turning it so their fingers could interlace, Lillian’s eyes widening.

“You’re not wrong,” Mel said and began to talk. “Grab some things and let’s work in here the rest of the day.”

Mel and Lillian worked in the same room for the next two hours, each sharing very vague preferences and examples of their kinks in between cost analysis and business plans.

“I don’t know what my limits are,” Lillian said, bashful and impressed at Mel’s detailed examples of her pain play. “My partner, we really just played around, nothing that official except for the variety of collars he gave me to wear. He was Masterful.”

“It sounds like it was more about appearance and illusion, with a taste of pain” Mel said smiling, looking up from her computer. “That’s all any of it is at the start, until the lines are crossed. What lines do you need crossed Lillian?”

“I want to be owned sweet Mel,” Lillian bowed her head. “I want to give up total control.”

“Do you now?” Mel said a little frown appeared. “You do not know the price of giving up total control.”

“Have you paid it?” Lillian said, getting up and putting her hand over Mel’s, looking into Mel’s eyes, they grew soft and her head went down.

“100 fold..” And Mel broke down in her colleagues arms sobbing uncontrollably.

Mel thanked Lillian for the chance to share and left to go home. She rushed into the bedroom, not seeing her husband Donnie anywhere, got changed and went to do her strength training video.

————————————————————————————————-My day was busy and I let the morning get away from me.

“Shit!” I said seeing the clock at 12:01. “Tina!”

I raced out in a t-shirt and my sweats, getting Kaiser to go for his noon walk. Tina, the saucy neighbor who I walked in on while she was sucking her husband’s dick during the red-light time last night, was to be sitting on her porch.

It was four houses down and I jogged, pulling my 14 year old schnauzer behind me, he was not pleased.

“Hey neighbor!” Ron, her husband, said excitedly and came off the porch. Tina was no where to be seen, and I thought he was going to tell me she wasn’t interested.

Ron was 5’9″ to my 6’2″, getting real close and saying quietly. “Let me walk your dog. Tina wants to see you in private.”

He motioned with his head to the door like he motioned me to her ass last night, we sandwiching her between our two dicks. My heart leap with excitement, I hoped this was going to be the start of something.

“Thank you,” I said to Ron, one of my centurions, handing him the leash. I walked up the step, looking back, his smile was wide.

I entered like I did just 12 hours prior, just after midnight, the door closing. She was not on the couch and then I heard her call from downstairs.

“I’ve been BAD, Sir!” she hollered, her words echoing up the stairs.

I moved to the sound, down the steps, turned the corner and she was in a stock, naked, her ass to me.

“I need punished,” said said, her hands spread, her head tight in padded restraint. I tried to noticed if she had my collar on, her perfect ass showing, plump and ripe pussy lips waiting.

There were an array of paddles, canes, whips and the like hanging on a rolling cart.

“Are you mine, slut?” I said moving to her front, leaning down to her face, still searching for the gold woven metal proclaiming my ownership.

“You’d better pump the brakes,” I was startled by a woman’s voice.

I did a heal turn and saw a redhead, in heels, red velvet bustier, her make up fierce, black hose with no panty, holding a whip. She walked around to Tina’s back side, taking her the tool back quickly and snapping it forward.

The sear of flesh to the tip sharper than any blow I’d delivered.

“GAHHHHH!!!!” Tina cried out. “GAHHHHH!!!! GAHHHHH!!!! GAHHHHH!!!! GAHHHHH!!!! GAHHHHH!!!! GAHHHHH!!!! GAHHHHH!!!!”

I quickly placed her as Wendy, from one house down from Tina and Ron, her husband Kenneth a fit, perfectly hairy man, who jogged in just shorts.

She continued unmercifully.


During Mistress Jill’s teaching, she included co-dominance, telling me when walking into a scene with another domme to observe first. ‘Wait for an invitation and if one doesn’t come, request to join asking why they were being punished.’


“Mistress?” I asked opened ended with a question to get her proper name.

“Consommé” she finished, moving to the red marks on Tina’s ass.

“What did you slave do to displease you Mistress?” I asked, moving around her, respectfully nodding and catching Mistress Consommé’s eyes.

“Nothing….She loves it,” Mistress Consommé said. “Pick something to continue her enjoyment of our dominance and don’t hold back.”

I chose a Cat O Nine tails, it was older, the tips were hard, Tina was full on Masochist in the BDSM scale.

“Schhhhhhhh!” the tails whistled through the air and struck Tina hard. “schWACCCK!”

“OGGHFFT!” The submissive wailed, getting a glimpse of her wearing my collar. “OGGHFFT! OGGHFFT! OGGHFFT! OGGHFFT! OGGHFFT! OGGHFFT! OGGHFFT! AGGFFTTTTT!”

I dropped the device, moved to Tina’s head and did what Mistress Jill told me to do and dropped my pants once I saw the collar visibly.

Mistress Consommé nodded and I moved forward to Tina’s drooling mouth, her eyes were closed when I pressed the head of my cock to he lips, pushing them open. I slid in, her ability to take her husband’s monster head allowed me inside her throat quickly, and I was balls deep.

I put my hands on the stock and began to relentlessly fuck her face.


My stamina kept me there, rhythmically using her like I’d done to Mel twice on my island. Tina was a vesicle of pleasure, the the pleasure was elevated to a given right, the callous, coldness brought the coupling to a respectful AND humiliating level.

Mistress Consommé had sat on a table, hand was buried deep in her own snatch, pleasing herself, watching my barrage of thrusted, balls flapping on her chin. My face was contorted, my deed needed to finish.


“OHhh YES! YES!” Mistress Consommé climaxed, her fingers rubbing her clit furiously.


I looked down to see the pleading eyes of my cock’s host, wanting it to stop, feeling the power of punishment, pushing a Masochist towards her limits, the rush suddenly came.

“Oh YES!” I exclaimed, holding in deep and cumming in several large spurts, the orgy of sensations pulling the fluid from deep, sending multiple streams.

My eyes rolled forward, the lights bringing my consciousness back, I slithered my cock out of her body cavity, picked up my sweats I walked to Mistress Consommé. She was half naked, I leant in kissing her, she quickly slid down and cleaning my cock in gratitude for my servicing her submissive, in respect and partnership.

Rising she kissed me, with my taste, sharing and smiling as I left.

I slipped my sweats on, exited the house and Ron handed me my dog’s leash and patted me on the back.

“Come to my house tonight at 7 p.m., my wife needs to be taught a lesson,” I commanded my centurion.

Ron smiled and gave me a fake salute

————————————————————————————————-Camilla sat in her basement, waiting for Daddy (Master Donnie) to text back, but none came. It was 1 p.m. and out her window she saw Ron. She got tired of waiting, she needed dick and texted Ron.

“I’m a little tired of being your number two,” Ron said quickly coming into her house, sliding his shorts off, his long cock with large head flopping out.

“Shit, I hear you banged Mel and did you just turn Tina over to Master Donnie?” Camilla said, whipping her hair to the right while kneeling, holding his cock out in a squat and putting her lips on the head and sucking just the tip, looking up at him.

“Ohhh, God…yes…Mmmmm.” Ron moaned then opened in eyes while Camilla swirled the head with her tongue smiling up at him. “You…Ohhhh….you think she’s…Jesus Girl…she’s going to leave him?”

Camilla slipped off his cock, looking down and spitting down, knowing his head was tough to take. She jacked it a little, spit again and then moved down.

“Mel’s going to be living with the Supreme Mistress, guaranteed, Gaagghhfft!” She said then pushed hard on his cock and pulled back. “Tina will be Wendy and Donnie’s, I can move in. GAAGGHFFFT!”

Camilla pushed her mouth over him, brought her hand to his balls, took the whole thing, it expanding her throat, the spit letting it slide deep.

“Jesus Camilla…soooo temppppttinggg…..Ohhhh,” Ron moaned, his hands moving to her head, pushing it on him she expertly got to his balls, pushing as he pulled her onto his shaft. “Ohhhh….”

“Gafffttt….Shit…I need this in my cunt,” Camilla said pulling off him, slipping down her shorts, her sports bra and got on all fours. “Come on Daddy, give it to me.”

“Be careful if you’re not going to mean that,” he said, knowing the ground rules of possession, she couldn’t serve two Masters in any form. He slid behind her and pushed his cock to her flesh, sliding it in her cunt wet and ready.

“Oh God! You are so much…….OHHH! YESSS!” she screamed orgasming immediately, acknowledging he was bigger than Donnie, pushing onto his cock, down his shaft. “OHHH FUCKE ME! HARD!”

Ron pulled back, numb from satisfying Tina in her stock, ripping his wife’s pussy apart.

“YES! HARDER! YOU FUCKing StUD!!!!” Camilla orgasmed again, Ron pulling her hips onto him, thighs and balls slapping into Camila on each thrust. “”GODDD! OHHH FUCK YESSSSSS!!!”

Sensing her orgasm Ron quickly pulled out, pulled on her hips, turning her over onto her back, quickly kneeling between her leg, her climax contorting Camilla’s face. He grabbed both legs pulling her ass off the floor, sliding her sloppy wet cunt back on his monster, her shoulders dragging on the carpet.

“STUD! OHHH! FUCK!” she exclaimed, Ron tossing he side to side, getting deeper in her sexual crevasse, seeing her breasts bounce, the strain on her face. “JESUS SHIT!”

Ron worked out every day and Camilla was a dancer who did yoga, palates and other home workouts (naked of course). He reached out their hands met and she quickly folded up, forward suspended on his cock, he was on his knees, they were face to face.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned into his mouth kissing him, hands on his head, his cock deeper with the pull of gravity. “OHhhhh YOU GOD!!!!”

Ron could squat 300 lbs. low and spreading his feet he rose up, Camilla’s legs wrapped around his waist, her mouth on his, her breasts pressed against his chest. Rare are moments in life when sex turns transports two people into an ethereal plane. Camilla was there and Ron joined her lowering, feeling her slide up and down as he squat lifted her repeatedly.

Kicking her head back, sitting on his thighs nearly at 45 degrees, Camilla orgasmed again.

“YES! RON! YES!” she exclaimed, her body quivering, fluids dripping from her cunt to the floor. He lifted her, set her on her feet, he folded her body forward, her hands on her ankles. “Oh God….”

Camilla moaned while Ron leant in and began devouring her wet cunt, sucking the fluids and flesh, lapping at her ass, spitting there, pushing his tongue in her tiny hole then her cunt.

“I’mmmm….I…I….I Can’t even…OHHHHH!” Camilla’s eyes were closed, bend over, his hands pulling at her thighs back getting some penetration. “Jesus, fuck me Ron, Fuck my ASS!”

Ron ingested so much of Camilla, ignoring her pleas, his hand coming up, think long fingers entering her cunt, his mouth on her hole, sucking the rim, penetrating the tight muscle.

“OH GODD! RONNNN!!!!” Camilla exclaimed the quick orgasm surprising her, his fingers finding her spot, feeling her breathing change, rubbing and penetrating. “FUCK! OH MY! RON I’m YOURSSSSSS! OH FUCK!!!!”

He thrust fingers inside her cunt to get the wetness there, bend over, then he pulled her back to him, backpedalling to the wall, anchoring his ass there, fitting her on him.

“OHHHH! AHHH!” Camilla cried out, Ron pulling her upright then back into his body, hard. She bounced and fucked his cock, pussy numb and wet, the multiple orgasms amazing, but she wanted his seed and she wanted it deep in her ass.

She pulled off him just an inch, slid down a couple and thrust backwards on the hearty meat.

“AHHHGGFFT!! OHH! AHHHH!” she screamed, the thickness lubricated, popping inside, siding up the ol’ dirt road, she pulled back a little and then with all her weight took him all the way inside. “AHHHHHGGGTTT!”

The screams, the scent of pussy, the multiple positions, his brain was swirling, the tightness on his cock in her ass, she pushed back while he was braced on the wall.

“Oh Camilla!” He exclaimed, pulling her to him, going deeper, thrusting back sending her up his shaft, she pushing back sliding down. “JESUS SHIT!’

He almost came, his stamina as legendary as his shaft and head, holding it, wanting more, knowing it would end sooner than later.

“GOD DAMN!!!!” Camilla exclaimed, now finding the rhythm, holding his arms to get more leavage and quickly sliding up and back, the weight sending him balls deep. “FUCKK YES! YOU FUCKIng STUD!”

“OHHH MY CAMILLAAAA!” he exclaimed, the lights dimming in his head the load shooting from deep inside, spraying the walls inside her ass. “OHHH YESSS!”

She pushed back, her body quivering, his relaxing, still inside as she stood, his face nuzzling her neck, gently kissing her. She took a step forward, his cock slid out, she turned and they kissed, running hands over each other’s body.

Ron realized his eyes had been closed.

“Oh shit, Babe,” He said caressing her cheek with his hand, her body melting perfectly into his. “That was…Fuck…amazing.”

Camilla smiled and led him to the couch where they intertwined sitting, she laying in his lap, they kissed and caressed, his hands loving her breasts.

————————————————————————————————-Jill told me the whole story, that Carol Sutton had an affinity for Brian, Jill’s husband and Jill knew Carol had to be back in town as eager as Brian was to leave that morning.

Mistress Jill was furious with her husband, renewing the possession agreement with Gladys (Mistress Night) without discussing the arrangement, turning his services 100% over to Duvessa’s whims. It was half the reason she seduced me, turned submissive and captured Mel.

Carol shared beds with Jill, Brian and Gladys, though she didn’t have skin in the game for the weekend. Not living in the community, she could only sway how Gladys played the game during Hades Night and ‘Unholy Week’.

Brian and Jill currently own and manage three accounting offices in the “corridor”. They came to Iowa from Minneapolis, brought in to take on the development of Cardinal Bay and Cardinal Creek for Gladys and Rylan.

Jill explained Brian’s genius created the ‘tally’ method for their society, culminating in developing software to track involvement of the members. His algorithm allowing input factors from the Masters and Mistresses, affecting each persons entry, establishing a ‘truth gradient’ that Jill didn’t fully understand.

She was tallying the confirmed encounters she had led the past couple months, currently documenting all of my body bending, dominant scenes. She also had to reenter the stable members, watching some in the neighborhood shift after the weekend on the ‘big board’ feature of the ap.

Mel was a huge multiplier for both her and I, the men that ravaged Mel’s body were streaming in, pushing my stable to #2 behind only Duvessa’s

“That will change soon, Gladys,” Jill said aloud to herself smiling.

Together Jill and I were in better position that Camron and Anne 10 years ago, stronger than she could ever have dream. Jill was nervous and knew from her experience at past Hades Night ceremonies, what looks good on paper doesn’t often translate 100% to the twists, turns, emotions, drinks and the indescribable fervor that develops when you enter the “Nine Circles”.

“I’ve seen Duvessa down big going into the circles and then trounce the opponent because her stable was so strong and dominant,” She told me.

“So it’s all about the dommes?” I asked.

“No, I mean dominant in executing whatever role they have,” Jill said looking at me, wanting me to get upset with her, she hadn’t felt his hand or his body against hers in over a week. “Nikki the Imp, scores big, even the centurions that just plow through flesh, their stamina. If you are who you say you are, and stick to protocol you are rewarded in the app. It’s Glady’s strength.”

“The formula was designed and she understands it best,” Isaid, getting a shrug from Jill.

She explained how they would have an “almost insurmountable” lead going into “Circles”.

“This week you have to embed your loyalty,” Jill commented and then asked bout my punishment of Mel. “How many centurions did you want, three of them? Including Ron?”

“Yeah, I felt I owed him for doing his wife twice,” Donnie giggled.

I was truly smitten with my Mistress submissive Jill, we were hitting it off on a real level and her experience heightened my role as Master, subtly suggesting things to do to her, expanding my repartee.

She knew how to push me and push my wife, having controlled us both, knowing our deep, dark sides.

She observed Mel’s car drive into the garage, fucking my Mistress sub in her guest room, looking out it’s front facing window while watching my wife go into the house.

“I think she’s home,” Jill said looking out the window.

“She has a work out to do for me,” I said moving towards Jill. “Come here…”

Her hands met my face, pulled me in for a kiss, my hands ran down her neck to her chest. My wife was entering the house to change to workout and my hand was slid down entering Jill’s cunt, two fingers sliding inside.

“Ohhhhh, Master…Ohhhh,” Jill moaned into my neck, I kept them there, exploring, we fell into the couch, her into my lap, her back on my hard cock. “MMmmm….”

I played with Jill’s clit, finding the notes, hitting the spots, she slid her hand back and rubbed my cock, each just playing, kissing while our hands fondled.

We spent 1/2 hour just grasping and pushing into spaces, tongue mixed.

“She’s about done,” I said. “I’m going to go give her this gift you erected.”

“Be hard on her Sir,” Jill said. “I will summon your centurions.”

I walked across to my house and in to Mel getting water after her workout.

There was no hesitation I pushed her into the island, she was sweaty and the musk from her body radiantly filling the kitchen, she was going to pay for her indiscretions this morning and prep her for her weekend.

“Sloppy whore!” I screamed, she was startled, scared about what she owed me from her sassiness this morning.

“Master??!!” she yelped with a little surprise, I pulled her yoga pants down, kicking at them to free one leg, slipped my shorts down and plunged my hard cock in her pussy, while pressing her head down on the granite counter. “GAHhhhh! OHHGG!!!”

“My cock was wet from Jill, I hope you can feel it bitch!” I said humilating her, pumping her pussy.

It was callous as I began to ritual-fucked my wife, turning her head with my hand, grinding her cheek into the stone. She was meat, not even an appetizer to me, the buffet of quality I had commanded over the past three days more savory than her bland flesh.

“I’ve invited some friends over,” I said hearing the door open, I pressed her into the countertop, pulling out and pivoting as soon as Kenneth, Wendy’s husband, walked through, unbuttoning his jeans, pulling out a nice cock, a little longer than mine and thrusting inside of Mel’s dank cavity.

“OHhhh! OHHHH!” she moaned, his hand replacing mine then leting her head go to look back at the bearded, 6’4″ man, slender and hairy. Considering he was part of the ritual on Mel a week ago, he had every right to pound her pussy. “JESSSUS!!!! OHHHH! YESSS!”

I pulled up my shorts, I had poured a tall glass of whiskey, because I was going to be there for a while, Jill and I had lined up four centurions to come fill her cunt, then force her to swallow their load.

I watched Kenneth, he looked up at me every now and again, giving me a wink, a smile or just a glance. He was pushing in and out quickly, not ready to cum at all. The door opened and a few minutes early, Andy, a neighbor from the end of the street Jill called at random pulled down his shorts, sported a cock like mine just a little thinner.

Kenneth pulled out and wheeled around to the side of the island, reaching out he moved her shoulders closer to the edge and pushed her head down below the surface and pushed his cock to her mouth.

“Oh that’s it, cock sucker, do it right…” Kenneth moaned, while Andy pushed his dick in her warm cunt.

“MGGfffttt! Gmffggggtt!” My wife wailed with the cock stuffed down her throat, the men now fucking her on both ends.

Kenneth reached down, pulled at her tank and her sports bra, getting her naked letting her release him while she got them stripped off. The two fucked and bucked into her body for about 15 minutes, she getting little time to relax.

On cue the door opened and it was ShaNique, Camilla’s large lineman friend, it was his turn so Andy moved to her mouth, replacing Kenneth, Andy’s his wet shaft over her lips.

Kenneth moved to her right, cock hanging wet, placing her hand to his meat.

Clumsily she stroked Kennth while Andy pushed in her throat, and ShaNique pushed a nice thick cock into her. I sipped my whiskey as she received the longest of the three.

“EEGHHFFTTT! OHFFTTTT! OH! AGGFFTT!” her distress echoed in our kitchen. The second cock in her mouth and third dick in her cunt.

I reveled in the control I had, having the power to bring these men her, the control of my wife, control born from having her lose control, giving me the keys to her body. She was totally mine to do with what I please, or for whom I wanted to her to please.

The door opened again, Andy stepped away from Mel’s mouth and ShaNique quickly replaced him in her mouth, her body now slid over to the corner of the island.

It was Ron’s turn and he smiled quickly disrobed, his mammoth head visible in the early evening light, shades I had covering 2/3rds of he window letting light in, not letting full images out.

Mel had Andy’s dick in one hand, holding Kenneth’s in the other, taking ShaNique in her mouth and slowly Ron pushed and slid inside my offering to him, part of a larger transaction.

Our instructions to the buffet of dick were to finish on or inside my wife. Ron starting to hammer her wide pussy, his cock plowing through flesh, pushing her against the large, black cock ShaNique was forcing down her throat.


I watched thinking if Mel was so naive to think she could survive Circle Two “Lust” she would have to survive me opening the doors of our house and she sacrificed three or four times on our newly proclaimed “altar”.

I had to rub myself a little, though holding back, the noises and smells of sex stimulating.


Ron slammed in, his eyes rolling back, his hands on her hips pulling her forward. ShaNique pushed forward and his orgasm came, Mel letting the two other cocks go from her hands, Kenneth stroking his moving to her face and it released spraying all over her cheek, shoulder, in her hair.

Andy slowly massaged his, watching Mel clean ShaNique her hand finding cock pushed all the cum out. Kenneth replaced him, letting Mel suck his dry, finally, when Kenneth stepped aside, Andy inserted his into Mel’s weary mouth, held her by the hair, pulling her forward.

“AHHGFFFTT!” she wailed, the sudden pain on her scalp, he thrust forward balls deep. “GGGHFFFTT!”

He came immediately, the other three men gathering their things, his hips straining forward. Andy pulled out, leaving the tip on her quivering lips she licked and sucked, drying him out, the cum on her flesh cold and sticky, he took on his fingers and fed her.

“Very good, maggot,” he said surprisingly confident, looking over at me. “Andy is the name…call any time for needed services.

I nodded, went to my wife limp body, letting her roll into my arms and I took her into the bathroom to care for her. Sitting her on the edge of our large soaker tub I started the water, took a washcloth and wetted it, wiping the cum off her face.

Silent I slid her in, letting the water fill and went back into the kitchen, picking up her phone that fell off the ‘altar’ during her ‘sacrifice’.

I noticed a notification, typed in her code and I saw a text from a “Lillian” that read – “I would love to join anyone’s ‘stable’, it sounds delicious.’

I went back to the chair, hearing the water stop and Mel washing herself. She had let the secret out to Lillian, someone outside the community, If and when this got out it would affect my standing.

I sipped the whiskey, my anger grew. Thirty minutes later she came out in a robe.

“You worthless CUNT!” I exclaimed charging her, holding the phone out. “Who the FUCK is Lillian! This isn’t the PTA! Not anyone can join!!!”

“Master I thought…” Mel said confused backing up. “AHHFFGGGTT!”

I slapped her hard enough to have her body collapse on the floor at my feet.

“You thought? Did I ask you to think??” I asked figuratively. “You are only good for one thing.”

My carnal rage erupted, having just strengthened my position within the society, I had grown tired of my wife’s antics and couldn’t wait to trade her off to Mistress night like livestock at auction.

“Get on your knees wench!” I reached down and pulled hair, her hands finding the floor, pushing upwards.

“AGGhhhh! MASTER! I…” she started to exclaim, my shorts were down and I shoved my semi-limp cock into her mouth, all of it, balls too. “GAHFFTT! Gugguhhh…”

“I hope you can taste Jill and Tina on my flesh!” I said reminding her I commanded a large stable.

It didn’t take long, I pushed her against the bottom of the island, I swelled in her mouth, my cock extending out and soon she was holding the base on her knees and taking it balls deep in and out of her throat.

“MMGFFT! MMGFFT!” my cock entering and exiting where several had just left their deposits in her stomach.

Getting the gurgle of her throat, my rage centered around telling a stranger God knows what, and opening her feelings to this unknown woman. I pulled out of her mouth, reached down and lifted her up, almost off her feet when I turned her and threw her on the island, my hands pulling at her slacks, off and down her legs.

“Master I didn’t tell her much, I didn’t I swear I… AGGHHHH!”

My cock penetrated her ass without much lubrication, just he saliva from her mouth. I pushed forward, the resistance strong and somewhat painful pulling on the flesh of my shaft.

“Don’t speak slut!” I commanded pushing her face into the cool granite.

I had violated Mel’s ass for a half-hour and left her crying on the bed, the unholy treatment of my wife was necessary, breaking her down to her instinctual being.

“She has to be in survival mode all week,” Mistress Night told me on the phone, I checked in since I could meet her today.

Jill had cautioned me this was more than any other submissive she’s trained has gone through in a year, much less just two months.

“Mel’s strong, but she’s going to have weak moments. Ride them out, or force them out of her mind,” Jill said, helping me read her after each session. “The circles will redefine her role and her ability to process sex and love.”

I wanted to care for her and I wanted to destroy her more, but I had unfinished business just down the street.

Ron had texted me with an ‘offer I couldn’t pass up upon’. It had to do with Tina, Wendy and possibly Kevin.

I rushed out of the house after getting the text.

“Hey Ron!” I exclaimed seeing him come out of Camilla’s house, curious as to the reason. “How’s Camilla?”

“Sir, permission to have an audience” Ron said, somewhat eager and glad to see me.

I hadn’t had much training in regards to the centurions. They were essentially Jill’s., but mine through transitive dominance.

“One second I have to make a quick call,” I said walking steps away. “Wait right there.”

“Hello,” Jill said confused having just seen me. I explained I had Ron here wanting an audience. “Okay, ask him his purpose and listen. He’s going to ask for something, out of something or make an offering. Just be sure anything you agree to strengthens the stable, because he’s aware of his role in things.”

“Okay,” I said and hung up.

“Ron, let’s go out front of my house,” I said, he nodded and moved up the sidewalk with me. I replayed our sharing of his wife, his indoctrinating mine, him walking my dog while I met Wendy and Tina in the basement and he coming in and finishing off Mel on the island this afternoon.

We arrived and I asked him if he wanted a beer, and he did. I emerged with a IPA for both of us and we sat on the pair of rocking chairs out front of our house. I could see Jill positioned to watch us from across the street, she was to be ready for me afterwards.

“What’s on your mind, Ron?” I asked, his gaze into late afternoon told me I had appropriately started the “audience.”

“I want to propose a quid pro quo,” He said, some sort of exchange that was to benefit us both.

“I’m listening,” I said, sipping at my beer, noticing the sweatshirt tight on his body held back some nice muscles.

“I want to offer you Tina, and her mistress Wendy for Camilla,” he said, then extrapolated. “You are her Daddy, and Tina is Wendy’s submissive. If I give you permission to engage you will have many delightful sessions with them both.”

Wendy was alluring and Tina was older than Camilla and her sexual appetite, as hard as it was to imagine, heartier then my Baby Gurl’s.

“Can you gather the women be ready for my answer?” I asked, not confident this was a proper way to engage.

“Of course, Sir,” Ron said bowing his head and getting up. “Thanks for the coffee.”

I watched Ron head down the street and went back to Jill’s to discuss my options with Ron and Tina.

“It’s complicated,” Jill said, disrobing the minute I walked into her house and kneeling at my feet and I had already given her permission to speak freely. “That is an exchange that would benefit your standing, thought there may be complications we’re not thinking about.”

I inspected my former Mistress she bend over naked. She had trimmed and she smelled amazing, I was just inside her earlier but couldn’t finish. She was understanding of my position and need to continue Mel’s training, punishment and preparation.

I had intended on finding reason for punishing her and just finding something to get her off on in her drawer of devices, but while we were speaking freely an allure, a continuation of a form of companionship developing.

“You please me,” I said crouching down, rubbing her bare back. I slipped out of my sweats and shirt and covered her with my body.

“Mmmmm, Sir,” she cooed. “I do not deserve your high praise, but thank you.”

I moved my hips behind her and gently probed her with my cock. Her legs spread and she pushed her hips up allowing me access.

“Ohhh, Sir…Master….Ohhh….Mmmmm,” My cock slid inside her pussy, slowly, my body upright, her head in her arms, face down. “Push…that’s it…yes….mmmm.”

We were making slow love, tender and gentle with small movements looking for the pleasure spots.

“I’m going to agree to the request,” I said holding my cock deep inside her, letting her hips take what they needed.

“Wise, Sir…Ohh! OHHH! YES!” she said and I felt a rush over my shaft, she had climaxed and I pulled out and quickly laid on the soft carpet beside her gathering her in my arms.

We fell asleep together there, 30 minutes passed and Jill had to get up for the bathroom. Putting on robes we went to her sunroom and sat, we had a mutual satisfaction that wasn’t there before. She poured two coffees, mixing in a little rum and we sat in silence just exchanging smiles and sipping.

“This is nice,” I said breaking the silence. “I don’t think we’ve ever shared time like this before.”

“Seems natural,” she said.

“In the midst of everything unnatural,” I joked.

She didn’t respond right away, her expression didn’t change, but she was thinking.

“Is it really unnatural, Sir?” she said giving me back permission to dominate in her words. “I feel there can be tenderness in the fabric of obedience.

“Help me understand how to approach gaining control of Tina if she has a Mistress,” I said. “I need a review of domme on domme etiquette and submissive protocol.

“What is something you enjoyed that I did to you when you were my sub, Sir?” Jill asked, moving to my lap, putting her coffee on the end table beside my chair, her hand slipping down to my cock.

“Hmmm….besides giving up control, I enjoyed being brought past my threshold of pain and the endorphins on the other side.” I admitted, her hand now under my balls.

“Respectfully, Sir, those are two things,” Jill started and slid to the floor on her knees. “You remain equals through any power exchange if entered into with neutral statements.”

She slipped her mouth over my cock, cupping my balls, pushing down on it running her hand up now on the shaft.

“Ohhh, so…mmmm…like…I want you to control me….ohh,” I moaned, she slipped her mouth off of me and looked up.

“Sir, it’s just direct…’control me'” she said. “Leave any word that admits submission, that you have desires and needs. “For your other ask you’d simply say something like ‘whip me, or spank me, or rain down pain upon my body.”

She was jacking me now, wanting the seed I didn’t want to give her.

“Oh shit…MMmmmm,” I moaned and she climbed up on my lap and lowered her cunt upon my shaft, wrapped her legs around my torso as I scooted forward. “FUCK…OHHH…Jill!!!”

I exploded deep inside her, she riding my cock for just a moment, the sharing of information and the tender lovemaking earlier sending me into orgasm quickly.

She smiled, kissed me again, her hips grinding every moment out of my receding cock, her hand now on my cheek, our eyes probing for the second tender moment of the morning.

“She can do the same to you,” Jill said, then kissing my neck, my cock almost out of her body. “Take the deal.”

————————————————————————————————-I texted him I was coming and walked into Ron and Tina’s house, they were both sitting on the living room sectional, flanked by Wendy (Mistress Consommé), Camilla and sitting on a separate chair was Wendy’s husband.

“Master Donnie, my husband Kenneth,” Mistress Consommé said formerly and I shook his hand. “Will you acknowledge with me this is an audience session for the purpose of determine roles and transfer of verbal or written contracts.”

“Acknowledged, Mistress” I said without bowing and looking directly at her, the slight grin telling me I was addressing her appropriately.

“My husband is a centurion for the development at Cardinal Creek, he is a mediator in case negotiations stall without resolution,” she said. “Does this meet your satisfaction, Master Donnie?”

“I trust he is an honorable man, and I will respect his fair ruling if it comes down to his judgement,” I said again getting a positive response from Mistress Consommé.

“We will hear from everyone,” Mistress Consommé said. “And then we will state our views, mine being last. We can have two rebuttal statements from those on the sectional, one each for us, you will get the last rebuttal, Master.”

I nodded.

“If we are in agreement it stops there, if not Kenneth will get to rule.” She said and sat down. “Oh, and it goes by rank, lowest to highest, you may start Camilla.”

“I am indifferent, Mistress Consommé,” Camilla said, head down while standing up to deliver her statement. “My body, mind and soul are here to serve.”

I was a bit confused watching my Baby Gurl sit down. Camilla was a strong woman who was obligated to serve me by contract through Mistress Jill, I thought she’d expresses her viewpoint given the chance.

“Very well,” Mistress Consommé said. “Centurion Ron, what say you?”

“I am aspiring to advance my role at conference this weekend and I want to benefit us both by exchanging Camilla for my wife Tina,” Ron said, head down.

“You realize that comes with at minimum a sharing agreement between Master Donnie and myself,” Mistress Consommé stated blankly. “Understood.”

“Child, what say you,” Mistress Consommé said to her submissive Tina, who quickly stood.

“I am first and foremost here to satisfy my Mistress, who so graciously allowed me to wear Master Donnie’s collar,” Tina said and I thought she would sit down, but continued. “By your act of understanding Mistress, with all due respect you have entered a sharing agreement with my Master.”

There was silence.

“I will rule now,” Kenneth said standing up. ” Mistress Consommé, Master Donnie, without hearing your side or rebuttal from anyone, the simple act of collaring, and the allowing of said collaring means at this moment in time you share an agreement to own and control the submissive Tina.”

Mistress Consommé looked fiercely at her husband, the anger brought redness to her face, but no verbal response. Kenneth was still standing.

“Furthermore, in regards to the exchange of contracts, I have one question to be answered because through ownership of Mistress Jill, Master Donnie has controlling interest with any contract with anyone in the society,” He referenced Camilla’s contract to serve me. “Master Donnie, are you in favor of trading submissive rights to Centurion Ron in exchange for submissive rights to Tina, and the binding shared agreement with Wendy?

“I do Kenneth,” I stated, looking over at Mistress Consommé who looked away, her anger very, very apparent.

“Very well, then it is my duty to elevate you, Centurion Ron to the rank of probationary Master, with your first submissive. All duties and liens on Camilla’s service are now binding to you.” Kenneth said. “Transitive domme control of Tina has been transferred and will be shared with Mistress Consommé.”

Camilla looked at me and then I saw the affection in her eyes looking at Ron. I was a little jealous, just for a moment, and it went way.

“This meeting is officially recorded and finished.” Kenneth said.

————————————————————————————————-I’d returned to Jill’s house, she was finally dressed for the day, a tight t-shirt, jean (ripped) combo, looking like she was headed to a concert somewhere, hair done up nice and make-up.

“That’s outstanding!” Jill exclaimed when I told her of the results and Ron’s elevated status. “How do you feel, Sir?”

I was surprised by the caring in her voice and the soft eyes, knowing I had been with Camilla more than anyone the past month.

“I feel powerful,” I admitted, enjoying the thought of the new challenge. “Takes a little pressure off while still maintaining the stable.”

“Correct!” Jill exclaimed. “I didn’t see this all coming a week ago, man you have an effect on people.”

“Good thing I’m retired,” I said then asked. “Where are you going tonight?”

“Brian and I are going out with Gladys and Carol,” she said.

“You’ll meet her eventually I promise,” Jill said, straightening her hair. “Since she used to be an investor in the place and may be Duvessa’s Pet or something on Hades Night.”

“I didn’t think anyone from the outside was allowed,” I said, confused and wanting to punish Jill for holding information from me.

“Master, there are rules for Duvessa that do not apply to us, including taking in outsiders, though Carol may still hold shares in the event center,” Jill said, then seeing my expression. “Respectfully, Sir…”

“I’ll let it go, you look too good to mess up right now,” I said, then stating the obvious. “If you can gather any information, or leverage that’s useful, you have my permission.”

“Of course, Sir,” Jill said. “May I ask if you know that you do not need to serve Camilla anymore and two days of cool down for Tina.”

“Yes, Kenneth filled me in thank you,” I said, in a tough tone, wanting to take my hand to her ass.

————————————————————————————————-Mel slipped out of bed, her body naked and worn from multiple cocks on multiple days, the soreness of pulling and pushing. The clock read 11:58, I was fast asleep, the dog didn’t move and Mel walked out into the kitchen.

“Our altar…” she breathed, closing the bedroom door, crawling up onto the cool surface, avoiding the pendant light and sitting in ‘easy pose’. Her cheeks spread on the hard surface, she visualized a hard, granite cock rising up to insert. “If only…”

She was just a few days away from being turned over to Gladys as an offering to advance Mistress Jill, and ultimately her husband Master Donnie. He took Jill on the spot she was sitting, and then asserted his dominance first alone, then bringing the four men that evening.

“I am worthy…” she said, her mind moving from the dark thoughts of taking her own life, not because of what has happened, it was the anxiety of performance, she didn’t want to let Mistress Night down. “I can do anything…”

In Mel’s mind she could smell the fresh cut flowers of the grand estate Mistress Night owned and would be Mel’s home soon.

Mel smiled.


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