Best sleepover ever by Some randomguy

A literotic sexstories: Best sleepover ever by Some randomguy ,

Best sleepover ever
by Some randomguy

True Story

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Gender: N/A   
Age: N/A   
Location: N/A

Posted Sun 23rd of October 2011

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A teenage boy sees up his uncut friend’s boxers

Just another normal sleepover at my friends house, and we were watching a movie home alone. We decided to go get our pjs on in the ad break and he came back wearing very loose fitting boxers and no tshirt. We then went and sat back down on the couch to watch the rest of the movie. It was a very hot summer night so we didn’t have a blanket over our laps. I was just enjoying the film when I glanced down and got a glimpse of his thick bushy pubes through the large leg hole of his boxers. A shot of adrenaline raced through me and I needed a better look. So I slid down off the couch so my head was at his waist level and subtly turned around. I could see one of his giant, hairy, sweaty balls hanging down, just in view. I couldn’t help getting a boner at this point. We have been friends for as long as I could remember, so we both used to take baths together as kids, and so we  knew that we were both uncircumcised. I do remember his cock being particularly pale and thick and I wanted to be sure that it still was. I sat there just out of his sight staring through his shorts. As it was a hot night, his sack was hanging low and I could make out the outline of his ball through his sweaty scrotum. Just as I was getting a good look, he moved over to the other side of the couch. I painfully sat through the rest of the movie hoping to peek through his boxers again but he stayed on the other side. After the movie finished we decided to go to bed which is when I realized that we would be sleeping in the same bed. I Desperately needed another look so I waited until he was asleep and took out a small torch from my bag. I climbed under the covers and it smelled strongly of sweat, but it was a good kind of sweat, like you could tell it was coming from his balls. He was laying on his back and I slowly crept between his legs with my torch. There they were again. The biggest balls I’ve ever seen. With the torch being so close I could see a lot more detail and I instantly got another boner. I carefully ran my finger over his scrotum and it was very squishy. That was when I realized the long, thick bulge running under his boxers toward his belly button. I placed my hand on top of the bulge and felt his hard pulsating cock, which was leaking precum at the tip.  I sat there for a while looking at his masculine body and following his fine beginnings of a snail trail down to his waistband. I decided that it was time to finally see what his looked like so with my quivering hands, I carefully pulled away the waistband to around the underside of his balls. I just sat there staring at his thick, pale cock which had a very long foreskin and was leaking precum into his belly button. I pulled down my own pants to compare our cocks and his was significantly thicker and a bit longer. Also, his foreskin stayed over his head but mine slid back on its own. The shape of his head was easily visible through his foreskin and it was massive. I slowly reached my hand out and peeled back his thick foreskin to reveal his pink, wet, slimy head, whick smelled incredibly strongly and I loved it. I put his cock in my mouth and it tasted salty and it was warm. I pulled his foreskin foreward and stuck my tongue inside, licking around the inside of the skin. I pulled it back again and licked the underside of his foreskin where it is the most sensitive. I moved his foreskin up and down, revealing his wet slimy head over and over again. I sucked his pulsating cock repeatedly until a hot burst of salty cum exploded down my throat. I swallowed all of it and put his his giant cock back into his shorts and went back to sleep. To this day I do not know if he was awake or not. 

Just another normal sleepover at my friends house, and we were watching a movie home alone. We decided to go get our pjs on in the ad break and he came back wearing very loose fitting boxers and no tshirt. We then went and sat back down on the couch to watch the rest of the movie. It was a very hot summer night so we didn’t have a blanket over our laps. I was just enjoying the film when I glanced down and got a glimpse of his thick bushy pubes through the large leg hole of his boxers. A shot of adrenaline raced through me and I needed a better look. So I slid down off the couch so my head was at his waist level and subtly turned around. I could see one of his giant, hairy, sweaty balls hanging down, just in view. I couldn’t help getting a boner at this point. We have been friends for as long as I could remember, so we both used to take baths together as kids, and so we  knew that we were both uncircumcised. I do remember his cock being particularly pale and thick and I wanted to be sure that it still was. I sat there just out of his sight staring through his shorts. As it was a hot night, his sack was hanging low and I could make out the outline of his ball through his sweaty scrotum. Just as I was getting a good look, he moved over to the other side of the couch. I painfully sat through the rest of the movie hoping to peek through his boxers again but he stayed on the other side. After the movie finished we decided to go to bed which is when I realized that we would be sleeping in the same bed. I Desperately needed another look so I waited until he was asleep and took out a small torch from my bag. I climbed under the covers and it smelled strongly of sweat, but it was a good kind of sweat, like you could tell it was coming from his balls. He was laying on his back and I slowly crept between his legs with my torch. There they were again. The biggest balls I’ve ever seen. With the torch being so close I could see a lot more detail and I instantly got another boner. I carefully ran my finger over his scrotum and it was very squishy. That was when I realized the long, thick bulge running under his boxers toward his belly button. I placed my hand on top of the bulge and felt his hard pulsating cock, which was leaking precum at the tip.  I sat there for a while looking at his masculine body and following his fine beginnings of a snail trail down to his waistband. I decided that it was time to finally see what his looked like so with my quivering hands, I carefully pulled away the waistband to around the underside of his balls. I just sat there staring at his thick, pale cock which had a very long foreskin and was leaking precum into his belly button. I pulled down my own pants to compare our cocks and his was significantly thicker and a bit longer. Also, his foreskin stayed over his head but mine slid back on its own. The shape of his head was easily visible through his foreskin and it was massive. I slowly reached my hand out and peeled back his thick foreskin to reveal his pink, wet, slimy head, whick smelled incredibly strongly and I loved it. I put his cock in my mouth and it tasted salty and it was warm. I pulled his foreskin foreward and stuck my tongue inside, licking around the inside of the skin. I pulled it back again and licked the underside of his foreskin where it is the most sensitive. I moved his foreskin up and down, revealing his wet slimy head over and over again. I sucked his pulsating cock repeatedly until a hot burst of salty cum exploded down my throat. I swallowed all of it and put his his giant cock back into his shorts and went back to sleep. To this day I do not know if he was awake or not. 

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