Big Boobs And Butt Fucks Ch. 02 by DickThePimp,DickThePimp

Fake… Fantasy… Fiction… Filth

“He really surprised me in the laundry room. It was kinda fun, actually. Nice and freaky. Hehe. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Not nearly as fun as riding this gorgeous cock of yours though, baby. Mmmmm, Hmmmmmm.”

Mom (The Queen Of Porn Kelly Madison) always knows how to make her son smile. Whether it’s on camera, or off. In a restaurant for lunch, or chillin’ at home on her bed. She always makes me smile.

Her pussy has something to do with that as well. Oh yeah. A little summin’ summin’ to do with it. Oh hellz yeah. It’s massaging my pussy pounder so damn good as she fucks it, my dick has now reached a new level of hardness that was previously thought unattainable. (And a big happy grin to that)

Mom shoves her hanging 34FF boobs in my mouth, licking her lips and laughing as I suck away on her boobs, and wildly and loudly growl like a crazed dog knawing on two big ass bones, as I do. Those very tasty, heavenly melons overflowing my mouth. They’re so huge and soft and hefty and awesome. Just perfect in every single way.

Her description of the laundry room sneak faux fuck by Newman makes my dick shake excitedly in her dripping wet pussy while she so happily bounces on it. All of those sweet coochie juices soaking my monster meat, tenderizing it so perfectly.

“Good thing you had your sweatpants on or his dick may have just slipped in your booty hole.” I wink. Mom laughs, then kisses me. She’s still giggling… and now moaning so hypnotically also… into my mouth while we lip lock, and tongue fuck.

(Slapping mom’s beautiful ass with both hands, squeezing both jiggly booty cheeks as well)

“Mmmmmmmmmmmm. You’re right. It just might have. Haha. Yum. I love your lips, baby. Just like I love your cock. Hahaha.” Moms going kiss crazy on me. My lips. My cheeks. My neck… both sides. My nose. My forehead. And, I fucking love it all. Sweet sexy kisses raining down on me. Oh yeahhhh.

I squeeze that booty and smell my mom’s long blonde hair that’s hanging down in my face. (Sniff, sniff)

Sweet smelling hair. Sweet, gorgeous mother. Great fucking ass! I slap it again and shake it all around.

“God, yes!”

Mom’s digging it. She’s still going kiss crazy all over my face. Smooches everywhere. Those super sensuous lips leaving gorgeous, blazing hot, cherry red kiss prints all over my insanely happy smiling face.


“OH MY FUCKING GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!! YES, BABY!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!” She squirts. Real hard. Real fucking hard!

“Good God, mama!”

“Hahahahahahaha!” Mom licks up on my face, laughing at my immense joy from all of that milky pussy jizz splash blasting my fourteen inch cock. Shit! My dick is drowning in heavenly pussy milk. Hot fucking damn! Mom’s 55 year old pussy shakes violently on my dick, beautifully drowning it non freaking stop with a massive barrage of wild, delicious pussy honey. And mom… dances that cum spewing cunt on my excitedly twitching cock so dirty, naughty, and nasty. Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!

“WOO!!! That was fucking fun, baby! Hahaha! Now… it’s your turn. MWAH!” Mom gives me an extra large smooch on the lips, then crawls down my body, winking real slutty at me. Kissing softly, and wickedly smiling all the way down.

My massive grin just beams, dude. My cock jumps, and I keep on grinning.

Mom wraps those all natty 34FFs around my cum soaked cock and starts pumping. Fast and furious. A huge cock/huge titty sandwich. Soon to be slathered with my very special sauce. Ha. Mom fucks my massive hard prick with those massive, soft melons with such intense, cock fucking delight. Grinning so happily. So wide and bright and happy. Licking and sucking up all the pussy jizz/precum on the super sensitive head of my dick. It’s twitching, and mom’s sucking it. Then nibbling on it. Then licking it. Her incredible lips tantalizing me so perfectly. Her lips, so full and luscious, puckered tight around my crown, slurping away on it as her titties fuck my tattooed monster senseless. FUCK, IT FEELS AMAZING!!!! JUST FUCK!!!!

“UGHH!!!” That’s it. I start cum dumping. Mom totally… and I mean totally… engulfs my meaty monster. The whole fucking thing. Fourteen massively fat inches of gold stars covered dick meat right down her freaking throat in one enormous gulp. No gagging. No coughing. No nothing, but the best fucking dick suck job imaginable. My barrage of sticky sperm shoots bazooka force like down her throat the entire time. Mom smiles, her eyes bouncing around in her head in cum drinking euphoria. She coos so blissfully as she very, very eagerly swallows my entire load. Every extra gooey, pearly white drop.

I almost jump off of the bed from how fucking good it feels. Mom laughs hysterically around my cock. Her perfect lips smooshed down into my crotch. She winks up at me, then slowly, very slowly sucks her way back up my excitedly twitching dick. Her voluptuous lips rippling their way back up every last inch of those gold stars inked all over my enormous shaft. I lean up on my elbows and watch. Growling incessantly. Wow! My mom’s the best cocksucker ever.

Mom lets my spent cock fall from her sensuously perfect lips long enough to blow me the sexiest/horniest kiss ever. Then, she slowly licks the tip of her tongue all the way around my giant, softening prick, swirling all around it, winking at me and smiling. Softly kissing every shiny gold star she can. She rubs those mega melons all over my tattooed cock and balls too. Making me growl again. She laughs, blowing me another incredibly sexy kiss. I grin and laugh. So content, and so in love. So fucking in love with my mom. The blonde goddess of all blonde goddesses. Tall, trim, perfect, wonderful, sweet, sexy, beautiful, gorgeous, the most perfect woman ever to sashay her huge titty, insanely sexy ass self on this fucking planet. Period! Ha. Hellz yeah to that fact, baby!

“Beth told me that Andy asked her out. They’re going to the movies this afternoon.”


“Mmm hmmm.” Mom hands me a beer from the bed side mini fridge. She gets one for herself, and we pop ’em at the same time, tapping bottles and laughing. We’re chillin’ In the bed. Post fuck. Nothing better than that… Except for the actual fucking part of the equation. Ha.

Watching mom suck on that bottle neck as she drinks her beer is such a turn-on. That woman can make anything sexy as fuck. Cleaning, cooking, washing dishes, eating, beer drinking… you name it. It’s a gift. And a very much appreciated gift by her very loving son. (Big, horny thumbs up)

“Beth told me she let Andy eat her out last night. She said he’s really good at it too. She told me I should try him out. Hehe.” Mom winks over at me. Grinning so flirtatiously. She sips her beer, again, sucking on the bottle neck for my enjoyment. She playfully shakes her eyebrows for me too. The sexy little minx. Ha.


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