Big Johnson Trucking Ch. 03 by Ghosted1974,Ghosted1974

Chapter Three

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The next morning, Rig awoke to cool wetness being gently rubbed across his body. He was hot, so hot that he felt like he would catch on fire if he didn’t get some relief soon. He groaned and opened his eyes to see Jasmine wiping his body down with a wet washcloth in one hand. Her other hand was wrapped around his rigid cock, stroking it softly. Seriously!? Even sick, he had this big of a hard-on!?!? If it hadn’t been for him feeling like utter fucking roadkill, her ministrations on his shaft would feel amazing. As it was, however, it just felt like a pleasing side effect of what he knew had to be a fever.

“What–” he started, but Jasmine cut him off.

“Shhhh,” she said as she placed a finger on his lips. “You’re burning up, Master. You have a temperature of one oh two point two. I called the hospital, and they’re expecting you. In the meantime, they told me to wipe you down with a cool, wet rag until I could get you up there. Do you think you can stand?” Concern painted her beautiful face.

“I–” he started to say. He looked down at her hand, slowly jacking him off. “Not like this,” he grumbled out an uncomfortable chuckle. He could barely keep his eyes open; he felt so bad. He felt her move down between his legs, and then cool wetness enveloped his cock. He peeked out of one eye to see her head bobbing up and down on his shaft, her hand moving up and down in a matching rhythm.

He moaned at the sensations. Pleasure and pain battled for his attention as her mouth worked him. It was an interesting twist. On the one hand, he knew that her mouth should have been warm. Yet, it was cool. The fever was indeed high, then. She suckled on the head, her tongue rolling around the rim, causing him to jerk slightly in pained pleasure as her hand twisted up and down on his shaft.

On the other hand, though, he felt like utter dog shit wrapped in a paper bag and lit on fire. Although, as inexperienced at sex as she was, she was an absolute master…mistress??…whatever, it didn’t matter at this point…at sucking cock and soon had him blowing his load in her mouth. She sucked him dry, swallowing every drop of his cum. He started to pull her towards him.

“Your turn,” he said, not feeling like it, but it was only fair she get pleasured as well.

She pulled away from him and shook her head. “I don’t need one,” she giggled, winking at him, and climbed off the bed to get him some clothes. “Besides, you’re too sick for it to be pleasurable for me anyway. I might not even get off because I’ll be too concerned about you.”

He didn’t have the strength to argue with her. Not that he would have, anyway. He did feel a bit better after his orgasm. She returned and helped him to the side of the bed as she started dressing him.

“Gotta call Sal,” he said, sitting up and sneaking a grope for her pussy. “She’ll know what to do.” She looked at him, confused, for a moment. “She’s one of my brokers and gets loads for my drivers. I trust her to take control of my company whenever I’m indisposed.” He wavered slightly, and she grabbed him by the arms, holding him steady. He nodded. “Will you get my cell for me?” She went to grab it and, returning, handed it to him. He placed the call.

“Rig!” Sally answered. “Are you ok? You never call me from your cell unless something’s wrong. What do you need?”

Rig chuckled to himself. Ever the intuitive one, Sal. “Sal, I’ve got a pretty high fever and am headed to the hospital. I assume they will test me for the virus, and I may be out of commission for a while. Can you take over for a couple of weeks until I can get back on my feet?”

“Is the ambulance there yet? You’re not driving, are you?” she worried.

Rig looked at Jasmine and pointed to her, then the phone. She nodded. “No, Sal. I’ve got a new, er, roommate, and she’s driving me.”

“She, huh?” Sal asked mischievously. Always quick on the uptake, Sal was nobody’s fool.

“Yeah, Sal,” Rig answered. He put it on speaker and pointed it to Jasmine.

“Hi, Miss Sally. I’m Jasmine,” she introduced herself. “Nice to meet you.”

“Miss Sally!!” Sal tittered. “Oh, honey, keep that up, and we’re gonna get along just fine! You take care of my boyfriend dearie, you hear?” she asked playfully.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Jasmine answered, playing along. “I’ll keep you updated as I get information.”

Sal got serious. “Okay, sweetie. And don’t worry about a thing, Rig, baby. I’ll take care of everything while you’re down.”

“You’re a gem, Sal, as always,” Rig replied. “Let everybody know to go through you before coming to me this time, will ya? I’ll make sure you’re duly compensated, as usual.”

“Oh, honey, we’ll work out all the details later,” Sally answered. “You just concentrate on getting better.”

“Will do, Sal,” Rig said. “What would I ever do without you, babe?” he asked playfully.

“Work yourself into the grave, maybe,” Sal answered, playing right back. “Take care, sweetie. And Jasmine, I’ll be looking for your call when you know what’s going on with our man here.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Jasmine replied, smiling. “As soon as I know something, you’ll know something.”

They said their goodbyes, and Rig ended the call. “Okay,” he stated, “let’s see if we can get me up and walking.” She helped him stand, and he swayed on his feet momentarily before righting himself. He made it outside with Jasmine’s help, and he folded himself in her itty bitty car. “Jeez, how do you fit in this thing?” Rig asked.

She shrugged. “It may be small, but it’s just my size.” She winked at him as she pulled out of the drive and took off down the road.

They got to the hospital and saw a wheelchair waiting for them. They donned their masks, and Jasmine helped peel Rig out of her passenger’s seat and got him in the wheelchair. They got into the foyer of the ER and signaled they needed assistance. A nurse promptly came out and got Rig checked in. Then, they were allowed into the waiting room.

A few minutes later, he heard his name. “Rig Johnson?” the nurse called. Jasmine stood up and started to wheel him back when the nurse stopped them. “I’m sorry, ma’am,” she apologized. “But you’ll have to wait out here.”

Rig spoke up immediately. “The hell she is. She’s coming with me.”

“Sir,” the nurse began, “your daughter will have to stay in the waiting area until you’re finished. It’s hospital policy during the pandemic. No one is allowed in back except spouses and significant others.”

“Well, then, let’s get going,” Rig said, a bit more haughtily than he intended. He was feeling like shit, and he was quickly losing his patience. “She’s my girlfriend, not my daughter.” Rig noticed Jasmine’s eyes widen, and she blushed at his proclamation, but she didn’t say anything.

The nurse’s eyebrows rose visibly before she composed herself. “This way, please.”

She started walking towards the back, stealing glances of disapproval now and again at the couple behind her. They arrived in a room, and after taking his vitals and verifying why he was there, the nurse put his ID wristband on his wrist and left the room. Rig laid down on the bed and closed his eyes while Jasmine sat next to him, holding his hand.

He ripped off his mask and threw it across the room. “I hate these goddamned things,” he complained. “Can’t breath in them.” Jasmine pulled her mask off and, after picking Rig’s mask up off of the floor and putting them in her pocket, returned to her place beside his bed just as someone knocked on the door.

The doctor came in and pulled up short just inside the door, taking a deep breath through her nose. Jasmine noticed her cheeks flush before she sat down on the little rolling stool in the room and cleared her throat.

“Rig Johnson?” she asked, voice a bit husky. Rig could only nod. “I’m sorry. I know you’re not feeling well, but can you verify your birthday for me?” She scanned the wristband the nurse gave him as he answered her. Jasmine, meanwhile, also couldn’t miss the fact that her breathing had quickened, and she was squirming slightly in her seat. “I’m Dr. Shannon Wilson.”

Rig opened his eyes and took in the doctor, then smiled. She was good-looking. Gorgeous, even. With short, platinum blonde hair styled in a pixie cut over an oval face with high cheekbones, a well-defined jawline, and thin lips that Rig just wanted to bite. She had long eyelashes hovering over bright, opal-blue irises that made his heart skip a beat, even in his ill state. She had a long neck that sat atop a torso that would make a model turn green with envy. He couldn’t see much of her torso’s definition because of her lab coat, but he could tell that her breasts were big, but not so big as to be overly disproportionate to her body. She wore a thigh-length navy blue skirt that wrapped around her wide hips, perfectly displaying her impossibly long, shapely legs.

He looked down at her feet. Stilettos? Seriously? She must not have planned on being here very long. He looked back at her face to see that she was blushing while looking down at his chart. She looked up at him, and his heart stopped beating for a second again. He laid his head back on the pillow. [The fuck is wrong with me!?] he chastised himself. [Jasmine is sitting right fucking there!!]

“Okay,” the doctor said. “We’re ordering a virus test for both of you. After that, I’ll be able to decide how best to proceed, but either way, I’m ordering bed rest through the weekend and plenty of fluids. Push as many as you’re able to.” She pointedly looked at Jasmine. Jasmine nodded. “The nurse will be in to administer the test shortly.” Rig noticed the doctor seemed a bit flushed as she got up, and while trying to be calm about leaving, she failed miserably as she all but bolted out of the room.

“Well, that was weird,” Rig said.

“She’s a bit young to be a doctor, don’t you think, Master?” Jasmine asked.

“Rig in public,” he corrected. “And yes, I have to agree. She’s, what, maybe thirty? If that?”

“Sorry,” Jasmine apologized. “But yeah, that was my thought as well. Maybe it’s because she’s so young, but did she seem flustered to you?”

He waved her apology away. “I thought…maybe. I don’t know. I feel like a shit salad with a side of diarrhea.”

Someone knocked on the door again, and as it opened, a nurse much younger and prettier than the one that led them back came into the room and stopped, staring at Rig. She also inhaled deeply through her nose. Rig eyed her up and down as well. Although she had on scrubs, they seemed tight enough to get a feel for her body type. He’d describe her as a bean pole, albeit a pretty one. Long, thin legs. Narrow hips with an even slightly slimmer waist. Small, almost nonexistent, titties but a nice, round ass. A thin face with a pointed nose and puffy lips. Adorable fawn-like brown eyes and short, dark brown hair barely passed her shoulders. She smiled at him, seemingly coming back to herself.

“Rig Johnson?” she asked while scanning his wristband.

“Only one I know of,” he replied with a grin.

She giggled slightly, blushing. “I’m Felicity Townsend, and I’ll be administering your virus tests.” She gloved up her hands and picked up a small, plastic vial with a long, round stick with a wad of cotton attached to the end, showing it to him. “Would you please verify your information is correct on the side of the vial?” He nodded that it was. “Have you been tested before?” He shook his head, but Jasmine nodded hers. Rig noticed her grimace before turning back to Felicity. “So, what I’m going to do,” she explained, “is to swab the back of your throat, as far back as I can get, then in your nostril as far back as I can go.”

“With the same swab!?” he asked incredulously.

“Of course not, silly,” she stated, giggling. “Ready?” His face turned sour, but he nodded. “Okay, handsome, open wide.” Her face flushed slightly. Rig opened his mouth, and she stuck that damn thing down his throat, literally, and swabbed it around. She stuck it so far back he started to gag. She pulled it out and, using her other hand under his chin, closed his mouth. She winked at him flirtily as she placed the swab in its little plastic container and snapped it off. She snapped it shut and put it on the tray.

She grabbed another swab and, winking at him again, stuck it up his nose. It went back, back, kept going back until he could feel it at the back of his nostril, almost to the back of his throat. She swirled it around for a second, then pulled it out as she grabbed a towel off of her shoulder that she had brought with her and put it to Rig’s face. He grabbed it and immediately started sneezing. He must have sneezed for a good thirty seconds.

When he finally stopped and pulled the towel away, there were tiny droplets of blood on the towel. His eyes went wide as he looked at her in horror.

“That’s normal, hon,” she said as she put the swab in the vial and broke the end off, closing it. Rig quirked an eyebrow at the terms of endearment she so casually directed his way. She blushed again and shied away, looking toward Jasmine.

“Ready?” she asked as she grabbed another swab and winked at Jasmine playfully. Jasmine looked green but nodded and opened her mouth. Rig couldn’t help noticing that Jasmine didn’t gag, like, at all, when that damn thing tickled the back of her throat. She gave Rig a sidelong glance and winked at him. He sighed and rolled his eyes. Felicity pulled back and closed that swab. She grabbed the second of Jasmine’s swabs, placed her fingers on Jasmine’s chin, and tilted her head back slightly. Rig looked stunned when Felicity winked at him and kissed Jasmine lightly on the lips before jamming that damn stick up her nose.

Jasmine looked even more shocked and didn’t even sneeze when Felicity finished up with her and gave Rig some ibuprofen. He took it and watched her wiggle her ass at both of them when she left the room, glancing over her shoulder as she closed the door.

Rig snapped his mouth shut as he looked at Jasmine. She had her fingers to her lips with a look of absolute disbelief. She looked at him, and then she blushed to her roots. Then, a look of absolute terror crossed her features as she went suddenly white as a sheet. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t…I don’t…I’m….”

Rig put up a hand to stall her needless explanations. She quieted and looked down at the floor. That’s when the sneezes started, and they didn’t stop for a full minute. She hurriedly snatched the towel from Rig’s hands as the first sneeze loudly left her beautiful lips. Rig laughed. He couldn’t help it. The timing was so funny to him, and he just lay there, laughing while trying not to because every time he did, his head throbbed.

When they both calmed down, Rig said, “Was the kiss unwelcome? Did you enjoy it?”

She thought about it for a moment. “No,” she finally answered. “I did like it. But I didn’t get permission from you first.”

“Did you initiate the kiss?”

“Well, no.”

“Did you kiss her back?”

“Not really.”

“What do you mean, ‘Not really’?” Rig asked, confused.

“Well,” Jasmine started shyly, “when her lips touched mine, it was almost second nature to pucker my lips slightly. I was just so shocked it was an automatic reaction.”

“Then you have nothing to apologize for,” he reassured her. “Besides,” he winked, “I thought it was kinda hot!”

Her eyes went wide, and she looked down at his crotch to confirm. Yep, he was pitching a tent in his shorts. She blushed again, deeply. “I’d, uh, say that you’re not all that sick if you’re sporting a flagpole downtown, except I took your temperature this morning, and you were sprouting a pretty big piece of wood then, too.” She giggled.

He looked down at his crotch and back up. He grinned. “I didn’t hear you complaining as you drank from the tap.”

“Goddammit,” she said as she placed a hand over her eyes and blushed an even deeper shade of red, if that was possible. He roared with laughter before stifling it with a moan of pain.

About an hour later, there was a knock at the door, and the hot nurse came back in, followed by the even hotter doctor. They both blushed profusely as their gazes trailed over Rig’s crotch. He was still pitching a tent in his shorts. His erection hadn’t gone down yet, and he couldn’t decide what was worse, the pain from the blue balls or the fever still burning up his body. [Wait, why are they blushing?] he wondered. [They see things like that all the time, right?] He tabled that thought for another day.

“So,” Dr. Wilson cleared her throat uncomfortably, stealing glances at Rig’s hard-on through his shorts, “both of your tests returned positive.” Felicity was biting her bottom lip and eyeing Rig’s cock like she was about to pounce on it. “You’re both going to have to, um, self-quarantine,” she took a deep breath as she fanned herself, “whoo, for no less than ten days. Is it hot in here?” Dr. Wilson said to nobody in particular, then went on. “I’m prescribing you some ibuprofen for the pain and fever, and I want to see you back here as soon as your quarantine is ov- oh!!!”

She gasped, and Felicity whined and bit her bottom lip in apparent longing as Rig suddenly pulled his shorts down, his cock springing upward. Both women squirmed where they stood, and Rig could smell their arousal. He couldn’t differentiate between the two, but there was a definite aroma of honeysuckle and musk. His cock hardened further, and the women’s breathing quickened.

Rig looked at Jasmine. She also was squirming but with an amused smile on her face. Rig winked at her. She gave him a sly grin. “Everything okay, doctor, nurse?” she asked playfully.

They both started at the question. “Um,” Felicity said. “I don’t…” she paused.

“Think I can, um, concentrate…you know…right now,” Shannon finished.

“Agreed,” Felicity said, licking her lips. “I mean, well…oh fuck it!” She threw up her hands in exasperation. “I-I want his cock!! There, I said it!!”

Shannon nodded her head in agreement. “So do I.” She blushed deeper as she stared at it. “I don’t know why, but I want to suck on it and feel it going in and out of my mouth until it spurts hot cum down my throat.” She bit her bottom lip now, blushing profusely but with a coy look on her face. “You know,” she said, her voice suddenly husky with lust, “if it’s been like that for a while, it could be detrimental to your health if it isn’t taken care of, possibly ending in permanent damage to the penile tissue.”

Rig raised an eyebrow at her. “Really?” he asked with a knowing grin.

“There are many ways to treat the problem, but the most common is to…ummmm,” she said as her ‘um’ turned into a moan. She looked at Rig and licked her lips. She reached out for it. “May I?”

He looked at Jasmine and, seeing her nodding eagerly, looked back to Shannon and nodded. She walked over and placed her hand around it. She started stroking it softly. Then she leaned down and placed her lips around the head, and suckled slightly.

Rig moaned in pleasure as Jasmine calmly got up, walked to the door, opened it, looked around, then closed and locked it. She pulled a chair over to the door and, placing it in front of the door facing the bed, removed her shorts and panties before sitting down. She spread her legs and, putting her middle finger deep inside her pussy, pulled it out and started fingering her clit as Shannon’s head bobbed up and down on Rig’s cock.

Felicity just stared, open-mouthed, at what was going on. Jasmine moaned deep from her throat, and Felicity turned, gaping at Jasmine’s naked pussy being worked over by her fingers. Jasmine looked at Felicity, then looked down at her pussy, a silent invitation. Felicity hesitated briefly before going to her knees before Jasmine’s glistening snatch. She pushed Jasmine’s hand away as she dove in, licking her pussy like a pornstar.

She was definitely experienced at it, licking her folds like her tongue was a hot iron, and Jasmine’s pussy needed to be pressed. Jasmine moaned even louder as her breathing quickened. “Oh, god. Oh fuck, yes! Oh, god, Felicity, you are so good at this!!” She ran her fingers through Felicity’s hair. “How are you so fucking GOOD at this!?” she whined, moaning louder.

Rig was too busy enjoying Shannon’s hot mouth on his cock to pay attention to what was going on by the door. Shannon was sucking his cock in earnest like it was the biggest lollipop she’d ever had. She’d take him to the base, Rig reeling as the back of her throat spasmed on the head when she tried to keep from gagging. Then she’d pull back and suckle softly on the head while she stroked him.

“Oh, god,” he moaned. He was close, feeling that familiar tingle on the head of his cock. “Doc, oh god, I’m about to cum,” he warned her.

What she did next, Rig had never felt in his life. She took him to the base again, but this time she exhaled sharply through her nose as she sucked with her mouth. Rig felt her mouth seem to ‘lock’ around his shaft. It felt like she was trying to suck the skin off; it was so tight. She started bobbing up and down so fast that Rig’s brain couldn’t process what he was feeling, only that he needed release.

He heard Jasmine whine his name. He looked over, seeing Felicity’s face buried in Jasmine’s pussy. Jasmine had a death grip on the back of Felicity’s head, grinding her hips against the nurse’s face. Rig and Jasmine locked eyes, and he saw her brow furrowed, mouth open. She was about to cum, he knew. Just before Rig went over the edge himself, Jasmine mouthed I love you.

Rig lost control of his body. His eyes went wide, and his mouth opened in a fixed ‘O’. His hips bucked into Shannon’s mouth as his body arched in climax. He started unloading down Shannon’s throat, and his body jerked every time she swallowed. She hummed in pleasure every time she gulped his seed down her throat, savoring the flavor. His body went limp, and he passed out.

Shannon continued to suck on his dick, draining him of every drop of cum he produced. As she finished, she heard moans behind her, and, releasing Rig’s beautiful cock, she turned and stared in wide-eyed wonder as she witnessed Jasmine’s orgasm.

Jasmine’s pussy clenched up, and her body spasmed as her orgasm hit her. Her pussy gushed juices so hard they splashed around Felicity’s face and coated her scrub top. Felicity didn’t stop licking. Jasmine bucked and moaned, trying to keep as quiet as possible as she rode her orgasm. After what seemed like an eternity, she came down from her high. She pulled Felicity’s face away from her pussy and stared at her in abject adoration. She cupped Felicity’s cheeks. “How are you so good at that?” she whispered breathlessly.

“Because I taught her well.” Shannon grinned, blushing sheepishly. “Come here, love.” She helped Felicity to her feet. “I have a present for you.” She stuck out her tongue, which had a bit of Rig’s seed. “And I want to see what she,” she motioned to Jasmine, “tastes like.” They kissed each other then, both moaning as their tongues entwined, mixing flavorful juices from their respective partners. They pulled back from each other and turned to an astonished Jasmine.

“Are you two…” Jasmine trailed off.

“A couple?” Felicity asked. “No.”

“More like fuck buddies,” Shannon added, winking.

“Although, after that little incident….” Felicity shrugged her shoulders, trailing off. “I want more of that. And I want him.” She pointed to Rig.

Shannon nodded. “He was absolutely delicious.”

“What is it about him, do you think?” Jasmine asked as she pulled her panties and shorts back on.

Shannon and Felicity both shrugged simultaneously, but it was Felicity who spoke. “I don’t know. He smells absolutely divine, though.” She had a dreamy look on her face before continuing. “I do know that I’ve never felt like this before. Especially with someone I just met.”

“I know,” Jasmine agreed. “I felt the same way, and I only met him yesterday.”

“It is something to be explored further,” Shannon said. “If you’re willing.” She smiled warmly. “And, yes, he smells wonderful!”

“Oh, there’s no doubt about that!” Jasmine exclaimed. “Maybe you two would like to come over for dinner tomorrow, and we can ‘explore further’ the topic then?”

They both agreed, and Jasmine gave them the address. Shannon went back to her clipboard and got some papers off of it, handing them to Jasmine. “Here’s his prescriptions and his discharge papers. Let him sleep for now. He probably needs it. Hell, if I weren’t working, I’d lay down with him.” She smiled warmly. “We’ll see you tomorrow,” she said, then walked to the door.

Felicity lingered a moment more, then took Jasmine in her arms and kissed her softly, yet in earnest. She broke the kiss and then placed her forehead on Jasmine’s. “I can’t wait for tomorrow,” she whispered, winked, then joined Shannon at the door.

Shannon tried to open the door, but it was held fast. She immediately received a phone call on her cell. “Hey, Janice, we can’t get out of the room. Something’s wrong with the do-.” She was cut off. “Oh. Uh-huh.” She rolled her eyes. “Well, shit.” She looked over at Rig. “It might not be so bad, I guess. Okay, I’ll call you back shortly.” After hanging up, she looked at Jasmine and Felicity.

“Well, it looks like we’re stuck with each other for much longer than we expected.” She looked over at Rig before looking back at the two women. “Apparently, his test, while coming back positive, was also abnormal. They think it’s a new strain of the virus, and they’re treating it like a Level Four Biohazard Event until they know more.” Felicity gasped.

“What does that mean?” Jasmine asked, worried. “We haven’t covered that in school yet.”

“It means,” Felicity explained, “that we’re not going anywhere for a while.” She sighed audibly.

“I need to draw some blood from Rig and have it delivered to the nurses outside,” Shannon said. “Then, we wait and see what the next phase of the plan is. It could be a few hours before we know anything. Until then, we’re stuck in this room. May as well get comfortable.”

Rig was still passed out, and Shannon had to pull his shorts back up to avoid getting distracted by his exposed manhood. At least it was returning to a normal flaccid state. She took two vials of blood and went and knocked on the door. Her phone rang a moment later, and she answered it immediately. “Hey Janice, I’ve got the blood…uh-huh…what!? Already!? Wait, what!? Are you fucking serious right now!?!?” She sighed in defeat. “Ok, make it happen, and we’ll be ready.”

After canceling the call, she looked back at Jasmine and Felicity, tears brimming in her eyes. “They’ve already got a plan. Jasmine, I need a key to Rig’s house. They’re sending a biohazard team over to ‘sanitize and clean it’,” Shannon said, ending with air quotes. Jasmine gaped. Felicity looked stunned. “It looks like we’re staying with you guys for a while.” She looked at Jasmine, a weak smile on her face.

“I need to make a call,” Jasmine said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and called Sally.

“This is Sally,” Sally answered.

“Miss Sally, it’s Jasmine.”

“Oh, Jasmine! How is our boyfriend?” she asked, teasing.

Jasmine blushed slightly. “Well, we both tested positive for the virus, and the doctors think it’s some new strain. We’re gonna be cooped up at home for a while.”

“Oh my, honey, I’m so sorry,” Sally said, concerned. “Is there anything I can do?”

“Well, Rig’s asleep right now. But, if I had to guess, maybe just hold down the fort for the time being,” she said. “I’ll see what he wants me to tell you after he wakes up.”

“Sure thing, doll,” Sally said. “Keep me posted, huh?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Jasmine said and ended the call after saying goodbye.

“Um,” Felicity started hesitantly, “I don’t mean to pry, but hold down the fort?”

Jasmine looked confused for a second. “Oh,” she said when she realized what Felicity meant. “Yeah, Rig owns his own trucking company, and Miss Sally is one of his brokers he deals with regularly. He trusts her, so she’s running the company until he gets better.”

“Ah,” Shannon said. “He must be doing pretty well, then, with the pandemic going on.”

“Not so much,” Jasmine replied. “I caught a glimpse of his company finances when he was showing me around the house. Let’s just say he didn’t build that house on the money he was making from the trucking company,” she mused. The other two women looked confused for a moment, but Jasmine broke their reverie. “OH! The house!! Wait till you guys see it! It’s fucking HUGE!!”

“How huge?” Shannon asked.

“The way he explained it to me,” Jasmine replied, “is it’s ten thousand square feet.” Shannon and Felicity gasped. “Whatever that means, and it’s on three hundred acres.”

“Ten thousand square feet!?” Felicity barked. “That’s ten times the size of my apartment!!”

“Over four times the size of my house,” Shannon quipped.

“And I thought your house was huge,” Felicity said, astonished, as she looked at Shannon.

“Let me just put it this way,” Jasmine chimed in. “I drive a Honda Accord, and I could drive my car down the hallway without hitting any walls.”

The other two women looked astonished. “I have to see this house now,” Shannon said.

“Ditto,” Felicity added.

“Do you guys like Avatar?” Jasmine asked.

“Blue elves or ATLA?” Felicity asked.

“Both,” Jasmine grinned.

“Why?” Shannon asked, brow furrowed.

“You’ll see.” Jasmine winked conspiratorially.

An hour later, Rig still hadn’t woken up. The girls tried everything they could think of, even smelling salts, but to no avail. Shannon had a worried look on her face as she picked up her phone and made a call. “Janice, Rig’s not waking up. I need an ambulance and a week’s worth of necessary equipment and supplies to keep him monitored…No, I know. They can bill me or take it out of my pay if they want. Just make it happen.”

She hung up again and went to Rig, checking his vitals. The other two were at her side, ready to assist if needed. “Pulse is slightly elevated; blood pressure is just above normal, fever at one oh one point five.” She looked at his chart. “Down slightly, so that’s a good sign. So, why isn’t he waking up?”

She looked at Jasmine, who looked so scared she was about to cry. She reached over and took Jasmine’s hand. “He’ll be okay. I’m sure of it,” she reassured her. There was a knock at the door, and Felicity opened it. She pulled a gurney inside, and the door was closed behind her. “Okay, girls,” Shannon said, “We’ve got to transfer him from the bed to the gurney. Jasmine, can you help us with that?”

Jasmine nodded. “We’ve done some bed transfers but not many. I’m only majoring in sports medicine, so there’s not much need for a lot of hospital training.”

“Well, you’re getting plenty today,” Felicity quipped. About that time, Rig started to stir. They rushed to his side.

“Rig!” Felicity said, relieved.

Rig groaned. “What…what…happened? Why…am I…so hot??”

Shannon retook his temperature while Jasmine got a washcloth and wet it with cold water. “SHIT!” Shannon exclaimed. “His temperature just spiked to one oh four.”

Jasmine started wiping him down with the rag to try and cool him off. When she reached his stomach, she noticed his penis was rock hard again. She pulled down his shorts to confirm and try to wipe his crotch. “Uh, Doc. You might want to take a look at this,” she said, pointing as Shannon and Felicity both came over. “That’s not normal so soon, is it?”

Shannon shook her head in confusion. “Honestly, I’m not so sure what’s considered normal about any of this right- OH!!” She jumped as Rig grabbed her breast and squeezed it, rolling the nipple around. She moaned. “What the fuck…mmmm…is going on?”

Felicity went to Rig’s other side, and immediately Rig grabbed her by her pussy, rubbing it vigorously through her scrubs. “Ohhh, MMmmmmhh, fuck, that feels good,” she moaned.

Jasmine tried to take his hands off the other two women, but he was persistent. “So hot,” he mumbled. “So horny. Need…release.” He started grinding his hips up and down as if he was fucking someone and looked at Jasmine. “Oh, fuck. So fucking horny. Why can’t I cum?? I need to cum!!! Please, let me cum,” he whined.

Rig kept on like that until Jasmine took off her clothes and climbed on top of him. She pulled his shorts down around his knees and positioned her pussy just above the head of his cock and, guiding it with one hand, slid slowly down over him, sheathing his manhood in her pussy. She moaned loudly as she started moving back and forth like he taught her. “Fuuuck! So fucking good!!”

Rig suddenly let go of Shannon and Felicity. The two women whined in disappointment as he reached up and grabbed Jasmine’s small breasts, kneading them as she rode him. His breathing quickened, and he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down on top of him, holding her fast as he started bucking into her. Every thrust sent a shockwave of pleasure through her, and she yelped and moaned in perpetual bliss.

His hold tightened on her back as he began pounding into her, holding her body close to his chest. Each slap of his hips into hers threatened to launch her over his head, but he held her close as she started to scream with every thrust. “OH!! FUCK!! OH!!! OHHH!! OH!! MY!! GOD! I’M! GOING! TO! CUMMMMmMMMmMm!!!” And her orgasm hit her like a freight train. She couldn’t do anything but let it roll over her like a crashing wave threatening to drown her in depths of erotic bliss.

Rig’s orgasm hit next, and as she felt his cock spasm and spurt deep inside her, she came again, just as hard as the first. She wasn’t aware of the concept of time as her body jerked and spasmed. It may have been a few seconds or hours, she didn’t know, but eventually, Rig’s body went limp under her, and she just lay on his chest, panting heavily and trying not to pass out.

She felt soft hands take hold of her on each side of her body and lift her off her lover. Her body went rigid and spasmed again, threatening to orgasm a third time as she felt Rig’s cock slowly slide out of her. She could make out voices associated with the hands that held her, and they tried to stand her up, but her legs wouldn’t work. They lay her down on something soft, and she felt warmth running over her body just before she lost consciousness.

“God damn,” Shannon whispered in awe as she absentmindedly cleaned Rig.

“You got that right,” Felicity added as she cleaned Jasmine.

“Have you ever…” Shannon trailed off.

“No,” Felicity answered.

“That was worse, or better depending on how you look at it than any hardcore porn I’ve ever seen,” Shannon said. “And I’ve seen some pretty rough shit.” She pulled Rig’s shorts back up over his hips, covering him. “She’s going to be sore for a couple of days, at the very least.”

“Can’t argue with that,” Felicity said. “Did you see how hard he was pounding into her?”

“I did,” answered Shannon. “That poor girl. I don’t envy her, but, yet, I kind of do.” She blushed, rubbing her thighs together.

“Why is there so much semen coming out of her?” Felicity asked, confused.

“What do you mean?” Shannon asked.

“There’s like, a fuck-ton,” Felicity said. “No pun intended. But look at this. There has to be, what, at least a fourth of a cup here. Don’t most guys only ejaculate a couple, maybe three tablespoons at a time?”

“Is ‘fuck-ton’ a medical term of measurement I’m not familiar with?” Shannon quipped as she walked over to the gurney they lay Jasmine on to take a closer look. “And are we baking a cake?” she joked and winked at Felicity. “Wow.” Her eyebrows shot up to her forehead. “That is a lot.” She stopped joking as she saw how much of Rig’s cum was oozing out of Jasmine’s pussy. “Okay. A fuck-ton it is.”

“See?” Felicity said.

Shannon looked genuinely perplexed. “I know that in times of sexual depravity, men have been known to produce above average amounts of ejaculate, but never that much. Especially considering he just came earlier.” She blushed.

Felicity was biting her bottom lip in thought. Then, without warning, she bent down and started licking Jasmine’s pussy clean.

“Well, that’s certainly one way to do it.” Shannon giggled.

“Mmmm,” Felicity moaned as she finished up. “You were right. He is delicious.” She giggled. Jasmine started to stir, and they leaned over her, concern written all over their faces. “Hey there, sexy girl. How are you feeling?”

Jasmine held her forehead. “Did somebody get the license plate of that big ass cock after it speared me?” she joked. The other two laughed. “God damn. If that’s what sex is like all the time, I’ll have to dial it back to once a week.”

Shannon and Felicity looked perplexed. “Is that the first time you’ve had sex with a man?” Shannon asked.

Jasmine shook her head weakly. “That was last night. With him.” She smiled warmly at the memory.

“Wow,” Shannon said as Felicity gasped.

“Yup,” Jasmine started. “Fucked it up, too. Well, at the start anyway.”

“What do you mean?” Felicity asked, brow furrowed.

“Later,” Shannon interrupted. “We’ve got to get ready to go.”

“Jasmine, are you okay? Can you grab a top sheet from the cabinet over there?” Shannon asked as she and Felicity walked back over to Rig.

Jasmine stood up. She wobbled slightly but righted herself, holding onto the gurney until she got her legs under her. She took a step, and pain shot through her pelvis, but not so much that she couldn’t function. She ambled stiffly, with her legs slightly apart as she did as she was asked, and handed the sheet to Shannon. Shannon unfolded it all the way, then placed it longways beside Rig. She bunched it up from head to toe right next to his body, hanging it off the edge of the bed slightly.

“Wait.” Felicity stopped her. “Aren’t we gonna try to wake him up again? Maybe he’ll wake up after….” She looked over at Jasmine.

“No time,” Shannon said simply. Felicity got on Rig’s other side, opposite Shannon, and, grabbing his leg closest to the bunched-up sheet, bent it at the knee and placed it over his other leg, keeping that leg straight. She then grabbed his arm closest to the sheet and put it over his chest. She grabbed him by the butt with her forearm against the side of his leg and grabbed his shoulders, and pulled, turning his body to face her. Shannon pushed the bunched-up sheet as far as she could under Rig and motioned for Felicity to lay him back down.

Then, Shannon did the same thing from the other side, allowing Felicity to pull the sheet out from under him on her side. Once they had the sheet entirely under him, they bunched it up on both sides, then pulled the gurney alongside the bed. Shannon reached across the gurney and grabbed the sheet just above Rig’s head and below his butt. Felicity did the same on the other side.

“Okay, Jasmine,” Shannon said. “What we need you to do is from up top, keep your hands on the sheet just above his head. When we lift and slide, you lift and slide, but try to keep his head from moving as much as possible, okay? We don’t want to give him a concussion on top of his sex coma.”

She winked at Jasmine as she nodded, grinning at the jab. Shannon looked at Felicity and nodded. “On three. Ready? One, two, three!” They lifted slightly and slid Rig from the bed to the gurney in one swift motion.

Felicity started putting the safety restraints on him to keep him in place while Shannon called Janice again. “Okay, we’re ready to go. Is everything loaded up in the ambulance and ready? … No, that’s okay. Felicity can drive. She used to be a paramedic before becoming a nurse. … Okay, we’ll wait for you to open the door. Oh, are our purses and personal belongings from our lockers in there, too? … You’re awesome, Janice. Thank you. We’ll keep in touch. Bye.”

A minute later, the door swung open, and they started out, Shannon and Felicity wheeling Rig out the door. What Jasmine saw reminded her of that scene in the movie E.T. where they had those paper-looking tubes going in and out of Elliot’s house after they found the adorable little alien.

She rushed to catch up with the others as they loaded Rig into the ambulance. Felicity went upfront to get ready to leave while Shannon stayed in the back with Rig, getting the gurney locked in. Jasmine had to ride up front with Felicity to give her directions. The ambulance was already running, so all Felicity had to do was put it in drive and take off.

Arriving home, they pulled the ambulance into the drive and backed it up to the small dock by the side door that led into the hallway next to Rig’s office. They got Rig out into the house and wheeled him straight to his room.

Shannon and Felicity gaped at the size of the hallway. “Come on,” Jasmine said to them. “I’ll give you the full tour, I promise. Just try not to orgasm when you get to his room.” She winked. They looked at her, confused, but gasped loudly when they entered the door of Rig’s room.

“Is this for real?” Felicity asked in an awestruck whisper.

“This is fucking amazing!” Shannon exclaimed excitedly. “You sleep in here?”

“Well, I did last night,” Jasmine answered, blushing. “But my room is across the hall. Come on, let’s get him in the bed, then unload the ambulance.”

They got Rig settled in and then finished unloading the ambulance, placing all the equipment in the kitchen for the time being. Felicity went back out to move the ambulance. A minute later, she rushed back into the house. “There’s someone outside!” she exclaimed.

“What?” Shannon and Jasmine said in unison. “There can’t be,” Shannon said. “They already cleared the area. There’s not supposed to be anyone anywhere near here!”

“Well, there is.” Felicity countered. “Two women walking from the parking lot where that big truck is over there behind the house.” She pointed in the direction as they all walked to the side door where they’d brought Rig in from.

Two women were walking briskly from the truck straight to where they were/ “Brittany!?” Jasmine exclaimed. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Brittany was the shorter of the two women, but only by a few inches. She was a busty little beauty standing at about five foot seven inches tall with caramel chocolate skin and ebony hair down to the middle of her back. She had grey, sparkling eyes and a sloping nose above a mouth with full lips painted purple. High cheekbones and a square but petite jawline framed her face. She had on a sheer white half-shirt that hung off of one shoulder and barely covered the bottom of her large breasts, which were being held up by a lacy black bra that accentuated her cleavage. She had on a pair of hot pink boy shorts that fit tight around her wide hips but were so short you could see the bottom of her juicy round ass sticking out. Long legs ended in a pair of hot pink Nike Airs and no-show socks.

“I came here to see you, bitch!” Brittany grinned.

“Yeah, but how’d you get here? You know what, never mind, you need to leave. Both of you,” Jasmine said as she looked between her and the other girl. Brittany looked hurt.

The other girl was about five foot nine inches tall with yellow-blonde hair cut shoulder length; a round face with sea-green eyes; a sloping nose that was slightly upturned and adorned with a simple silver ring in the left nostril and an inviting mouth with pert lips. She had a simple black leather choker on around a slender neck that was clasped in the front by an elephant charm. She had on a black tank top that left almost nothing to the imagination and barely covered her torso. Her breasts were small and perky. She had a tattoo of a roaring lion on her left shoulder and halfway down her arm. Her shirt stopped just above her belly button, and that was sporting a silver-colored rose belly button ring. She wore high waist tight jeans accentuating her small ass and long legs that ended in a pair of brown, flat-tipped cowboy boots.

“Where’s Rig?” the girl demanded. “I want to see him, now.”

Jasmine raised an eyebrow at her. “First of all, who the hell are you, and second, what do you want with my boyfriend?” She immediately disliked this girl.

“Your boyfriend!?” the girl shrieked.

“Ladies,” Shannon stepped in between them, “calm down. Both of you. And I’m sorry, Jasmine, they can’t leave now. Let’s just all go inside and-”

“What the hell do you mean I can’t leave?” the blonde asked.

Shannon looked at her with measured patience. “My name is Doctor Shannon Wilson. If you’ll both come inside, we can sit down in the living room, and I’ll explain everything.” The rest went inside, but Shannon stopped the blonde with a hand. “I don’t know your relationship with Rig, but if you care for him, you need to prepare yourself for what you are about to hear and see.” She held up a hand to forestall the barrage of angry questions about to be spewed her way. “Just know that Rig is sick, and all of us are now involved.” She raised a stern eyebrow at her. “A little patience is all we’re asking for?”

The blonde hesitated, then nodded, still angry, but kept silent as she walked into the house and to the living room. She made her way to Rig’s chair but stopped, glaring at Jasmine, who had already occupied it with a smug look on her face. She sat down on the couch just as Shannon came in and found a seat.

They all sat facing each other, and Jasmine broke the uncomfortable silence. “I think we should first introduce ourselves, so we’re all acquainted, at the very least. I’ll start if that’s okay.” The others nodded, except for the blonde, who just rolled her eyes. Jasmine ignored her. “I’m Jasmine Barton. I’m a twenty-year-old college student studying Sports Medicine. The short version of why I’m here is there was a change in the scholarship awards, and I needed a place to stay. My dad and Rig went to high school together, and daddy contacted Rig, who was kind enough to let me stay here.”

She looked at the blonde, who rolled her eyes again before speaking. “I’m Kayla Foxx,” she said gruffly. “I’m twenty-three and a bartender at the tavern here in town. Rig and I have been seeing each other on and off again for about six months.” She looked at Jasmine, a challenging look in her eyes. Jasmine didn’t take the bait. “I finally ended it a couple of months ago because I felt he wasn’t ever going to be able to get over his wife.”

Her eyes took on a pang of sadness for just a moment before she quelled it. “As to what I’m doing here, I haven’t seen him around for a couple of weeks, so I dropped by to check on him.” She motioned to Brittany. “I saw her at the front door about to knock when we heard what sounded like a fuck-ton of vehicles coming towards the house. We booked it to the truck on the back side of the house, and luckily, the door was unlocked. So we climbed in the truck to hide and see what was going on.” Felicity eyed Shannon in triumph at the use of the curse word. Shannon rolled her eyes and grinned. “All these people came in wearing all these hazmat suits, and there was so much activity, we didn’t know what the hell was going on.”

She went silent after that, and Brittany spoke up. “My name is Brittany Jackson. I’m also a twenty-year-old college student. Jasmine and I go to the same school together, and while we have different majors, we have some basic classes together. That’s how we know each other. I’m studying computer programming. I took an Uber here because my dad works for Rig, and he told me about Jasmine coming to live here. I wanted to surprise her.”

She looked at Jasmine and grinned. Jasmine’s brows rose. Brittany then looked at Kayla. “I saw Kayla get dropped off, and we barely had time to introduce each other before she dragged me off to that truck. As she said, there was so much going on that we had no clue what was happening.” She paused and, just before Felicity started to speak, cut her off. “Oh! I’m sorry,” she apologized to Felicity. “I just remembered. Whatever else they were doing, they installed a network relay node to the back of the house.”

Jasmine looked confused. “Why would they do that?” She looked at Shannon. “Weren’t they supposed to be sanitizing and cleaning the house to get ready for our arrival?”

Shannon looked thoughtful. “I have a theory, but let’s get through introductions first. Okay?” Jasmine nodded.

“My name is Felicity Townsend. I’m twenty-five and a nurse at the hospital. Before that, right out of high school, I became an EMT to get out into the work field quickly. I eventually went to nursing school and graduated last year with a Bachelor’s degree in nursing.” She went quiet, not sure what else to say.

Since she was the last one, Shannon introduced herself. “My name is Doctor Shannon Wilson. I’m twenty-nine years old.” At Jasmine, Brittany, and even Kayla’s wide-eyed looks, she continued. “I graduated High School at sixteen. Knowing I wanted to be a doctor, I immediately enrolled in school and started taking classes. I graduated with my doctorate at twenty-five. I’m a resident at the hospital here.” She sighed and looked at Jasmine. “Does Rig have any alcohol here? I’d really love a beer right about now.”

Jasmine nodded and got up. “Anyone else want one?” They all nodded.

“You two aren’t old enough yet,” Kayla spat out, pointing to Jasmine and Brittany.

Jasmine’s eyes hardened. “First of all, I live here. Second of all, I won’t be babied by anyone, including you.” She pointed a finger at Kayla. Kayla’s eyes went wide then she fixed Jasmine with a glare. “And lastly, since we’re all going to be stuck in this damned house for the foreseeable future, I’ll drink whatever the fuck I goddamned well please, thank you very much!” She stormed off. “You’re up, Shannon,” she called over her shoulder.

“Bravo, girlfriend.” Felicity clapped, chuckling, and looked at Kayla, who was staring daggers at the revolving door Jasmine had just disappeared through. “Kinda brought that one on yourself, there, girlie.” She winked at Kayla.

Kayla opened her mouth to respond, but Shannon cut in. “Aaanyway. As to the reason why we’re here. Rig woke up this morning running a fever, so Jasmine tells us, and brought him to the hospital, where Felicity and I were administering his care.”

“Yeah, we administered to him alright,” Felicity joked, blushing slightly.

Kayla looked at her, but Jasmine returned with five beers and handed them off, glaring right back at Kayla as she handed the girl her beer. Kayla took it reluctantly, and Jasmine went to sit back down as Shannon went on. “We tested for the virus, and he and Jasmine tested positive. Before we could discharge him, however, the lab had discovered a possible new strain of the virus in Rig’s test and put the hospital on lockdown. They’re treating it like a biohazard event, so, as Jasmine said, we’re stuck here for the foreseeable future until we know more.

The reason we’re here is due to the pandemic. There’s an extreme shortage of available medical facilities to house us. Felicity and I are here because we had the most contact with Rig and can monitor him and document any changes to report to the CDC and WHO.” She left out the fact that Janice had contact, albeit minimal, but Shannon and Felicity had exchanged bodily fluids with Rig and Jasmine, thereby increasing the chance of infection. She would tell them shortly. She took a long pull of her beer and sighed in satisfaction.

“Where’s Rig?” Kayla asked pointedly. “I want to see him.”

“He’s sleeping,” Shannon answered. “I’ll take you to him, but there’s something else you need to know before going in there.”

“Like what?” Brittany asked tentatively.

“Who the fuck cares?” Kayla retorted. “Just hurry up and spit it out so I can see him!”

Shannon narrowed her eyes at Kayla as she set her beer down. “I’m not sure if this is just who you are or if it’s because you’re worried about him, but you need to calm your tits because, like it or not, we’re all stuck together, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to deal with your attitude twenty-four-seven for the next few weeks or even, God forbid, months. Got it?”

“Fine,” Kayla said. “Like you said, I’m just worried about him. Please tell us what else you need to tell us so I can go see him,” she stated mockingly.

Shannon sighed and rubbed her temples. “He’s done something to us. We planned to try and talk it out, try to rationalize what it is, but the best way I can describe it right now is he’s drawing us to him.”

“What do you mean?” Brittany asked, concerned. “Like, hypnosis or something?”

“Not really,” Shannon answered. “Let me see if I can put it this way. I’m a medical professional. I’ve seen a lot of crazy shit in my short four years of practicing medicine, and while yes, there have been times when a patient aroused me,” a blush started creeping up her cheeks, “I’ve never been drawn to a patient like I am to Rig.”

“Bullshit,” Kayla huffed.

Shannon stood up angrily and then lit into Kayla with a vehemence that belied her station, pointing at her, something Felicity had never seen before. “Listen here, you little bitch!” She went off on Kayla, voice rising in pitch as she spoke. “I’ve seen shit in that emergency room that would make you crawl up in a ball and never want to get up again. I’ve dealt with blood and guts and death and even the occasional drunk asshole trying to feel me up as I tried to take care of him. And in all that time, I never, not ONCE, cracked, broke, or lost my cool.”

She pointed towards the bedroom. “But one LOOK at that man, and my pussy went Niagara Falls. I got so wet and horny I had to finish up quickly and tear out of that room before I stripped off all my clothes and fucked his brains out right there! Even still, when I went back to give them the test results, HE WAS FUCKING IRRESISTIBLE! I BLEW HIM RIGHT ON THE HOSPITAL BED. I SUCKED HIS DICK AND SWALLOWED EVERY BIT OF CUM THAT HE SHOT DOWN MY THROAT!! AND I! FUCKING!! LOVED IT!!”

Shannon was screaming at Kayla now, and the poor girl shrunk back in her chair like she was about to be beaten. Jasmine almost felt sorry for her. Almost. “I GAVE A COMPLETE STRANGER A BLOWJOB WHILE I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HELPING HIM!” She lowered her voice to a dangerous whisper. “And the worst part about all of this is I’m a fucking LESBIAN!! I’ve never been attracted to any man, and I’ve seen some men more beautiful than him!” She pointed towards Rig’s bedroom.

“So, you don’t get to call bullshit on something you don’t know a fucking thing about.” She backed off and sat back down. “But, since you don’t believe me,” she picked up her beer bottle and tilted the open end toward Kayla, “you go ahead and go in that room. You’ll see just how much I am bullshitting you.”

She took another long pull of her beer. The other three girls sat there, stunned at what just happened. Kayla looked like a frightened child just beaten by her headmistress at a medieval orphanage. Tears started falling down her cheeks. No one moved to comfort her. She cried softly for a few minutes, whether out of embarrassment or anger, the others didn’t know. The room was silent as they all stared at the nothing in front of them.

“He’s drawing us to him,” Shannon said softly. “That’s the only way I can describe it. And whether it’s intentional or not, I don’t care. That’s what scares me about this. I’d like to think it’s all in his subconscious, but I just don’t know him that well to be sure, and I’ve never been attracted to men. But I’m attracted to him, and I like it. I like, no, love the idea of being his.”

She looked at each of them in turn, a loving smile on her face. “Having his warm arms wrap around me in a loving embrace. Having him take me, claim me, use me in whatever way he sees fit.” She blushed profusely as she whispered. “Bearing his children.” She suddenly looked stricken, bolting up in her seat. “I never wanted children.” They all chuckled slightly. Even Kayla smiled a bit. The chuckles soon turned into a fit of giggles before evolving into raucous laughter. The effect was contagious, and even Kayla joined in.

As the laughter died down into a comfortable silence, Kayla cleared her throat. Four sets of eyes turned to look at her, and she blushed slightly in embarrassment. “I’m, um…sorry,” she apologized. “I know I can be an asshole, and while feeling a bit threatened, I crossed the line. I’m just really worried about him, is all.”

She looked at Shannon. “You say he’s drawing you to him. That may be scary to you, but not to me. I welcome it. I love him. I have loved him for a while now, I guess. I just never told him how I felt. I guess because I didn’t want to burden him with another thing that would weigh him down. Not sure how I feel about sharing him, though.” She looked around at the other four women. When her gaze went to Jasmine, she looked down, embarrassed.

“I thought only guys could be assholes.” Felicity suddenly said, grinning. That sent the room into fits of laughter again.

“Last question,” Shannon said as the laughter died down again. “What kind of birth control are you all taking, if any?”

“IUD,” Jasmine answered.

“What brand?” Shannon asked.

“Um, I think Paragard?”

“That’s probably the best one out there right now. Anyone else?” Shannon asked, looking at the others.

“Okay, really not trying to be an asshole this time,” Kayla said, “but why do you need to know?”

“Because if what I think is happening with him is actually happening,” Shannon explained, “we’re gonna need to make sure we don’t get pregnant.”

Brittany piped up for the first time, almost frantic. “Are you saying I’m going to have to fuck him?” She looked at the others in turn. “I don’t know if I can do that. He’s my dad’s boss.”

“Not if you don’t want to,” Shannon answered. “But once you’re around him, I think you will want to. Badly. Are you seriously telling me you can’t smell him all the way in here? This is his house, after all.” She motioned around the room at nothing in particular.

“Is that what that smell is?” Brittany asked. “That’s just weird. I’ve never smelled a man before. Well, not like this. But are you sure? Maybe I’ll be immune.”

Felicity got up and walked to where Brittany was sitting. She knelt in front of her, and Brittany looked warily at her. Suddenly, with almost deadly accuracy, Felicity darted her hand to the inside of Brittany’s shorts and brushed her fingers across her moist pussy. Brittany cried out and jumped back in her seat. “Nope,” Felicity announced to the room. “Not immune.” She winked at Brittany as she licked her fingers and walked back to her seat.

Shannon just shook her head and sighed. “So, birth control.”

Brittany whimpered slightly, uncomfortable. “IUD for me as well. Skyla.”

“I’ve got the Paragard, too,” Kayla added.

“You still on the pill, love?” Shannon asked Felicity. She nodded. “How many days do you have left?”

“Twelve.” She answered. “You?”

Shannon sighed again. “I’m…well, I’m royally fucked, I think.” She sounded defeated. “I’m not on the pill.” The others looked at her with raised eyebrows. She pointed to herself. “Lesbian, remember? Never saw the need, and my cycle is so accurate I can tell time from it,” she said with a grin.

“Wait,” Kayla said, and Shannon seemed to slump farther in her seat. “You mean to tell me that at no point in your life because you’re a lesbian, you never worried about being raped? Are you fucked in the head?”

Shannon blinked. That wasn’t the direction she thought this conversation would go. She was caught off guard and speechless. “Uhhh.” Kayla took it as an affirmation.

“You didn’t, did you?” Kayla looked shocked. “You mean to tell me that the way the men of the world today are conditioned to perpetuate rape, not once did you ever think, ‘I’m a fucking beautiful goddess. Men might want to take advantage of me. I better at the very least make sure I’m on some form of birth control’!?!?!?”

“You…think I’m beautiful?” Shannon asked, confused.

“NOT THE POINT YOU SHOULD BE FOCUSING ON RIGHT NOW!!” Kayla yelled. “But, yes. You’re gorgeous! I’m not hitting on you; just telling you the god’s honest truth. Jesus Fucking Christ!” Kayla threw up her hands in exasperation.

“Thank you,” Shannon said meekly. “And you’re right, unfortunately for me. I should have known better. I’ve just never put myself in a position to be a victim of sexual violence potentially.”

Kayla growled. She dug in her purse and pulled out a sheet of birth control pills. “Will these do?” She asked as she tossed them over. She sounded annoyed, and a bit put out. “My mom sends me some regularly. She doesn’t know I have an IUD.”

“Yes, thank you again,” Shannon said, genuinely grateful.

“Just remember to-”

“I’m a doctor,” Shannon said with a smirk as she cut her off. “I think I know how birth control pills work.”

“Good,” Kayla said, and her lips turned up into a half-smile. “Now, can I go see Rig now?”

Shannon chuckled and nodded. “Sure. And…thanks again,” she said as she held up the pills.

“No problem,” Kayla said over her shoulder as she walked to the revolving doors and disappeared through them.

“I’m fucking starving,” Brittany suddenly said. “What time is it?”

Felicity’s stomach took that exact moment to rumble loudly. “Apparently, dinner time.” She giggled.

Kayla softly opened Rig’s door and called out to him. “Rig? Baby, you awake?” No answer. She heard his soft breathing, so she walked the rest of the way in, closing the door behind her and stopping at the side of the bed. He was on his back, breathing evenly, apparently in a deep sleep. She felt his forehead and caressed his cheek. He was burning up. Her heart almost broke seeing him like this, and a single tear trailed down her cheek. She wiped it away. Her only saving grace was that he seemed so peaceful. “I’m sorry, baby,” she whispered. “I should have been here for you. But I’m here now, and I’m not leaving this time.” She started taking her clothes off.

She realized that Shannon was, indeed, telling the truth. She was drawn to him like metal to a magnet. Her pussy began to moisten as she continued undressing. Once fully nude, she climbed into bed and lay next to him, pressing her body to his, almost as if she was trying to mold herself to him. She ran her hands up and down his stomach, stopping and holding his soft shaft in her hand. She felt it start to stiffen. “Well, apparently some part of your body isn’t in a coma.” She grinned. She started slowly stroking him as he grew harder. He groaned as he stirred. “Hey, baby,” she said as his eyes fluttered open.

“Sky?” he asked, confused.

“No, baby. It’s Kayla,” she answered.

“Kayla.” He drawled her name like he was drunk. “Why am I so hot? So…hot. And horny. I never get horny like this. Why?” He slurred his words.

“I don’t know, baby, but I can take care of it for you if you want,” Kayla said as she leaned up and looked into his eyes. They were unfocused, almost as if he was seeing some other time. “Do you want me to take care of you, baby?”

“Mmmhmmm.” He nodded absently, then grabbed her small breasts and squeezed them, rolling her small nubs between his fingers.

“MMmmmm, that feels so good, baby,” Kayla cooed.

“Are you gonna make me cum?” he asked. “I need to cum. Can I cum? Please?”

“Sure thing, baby,” she said as she sat up and, moving down, licked his shaft from base to tip, pointing her raised ass towards his face. His body vibrated as she did so. She took his cock into her mouth and began working up and down, relishing his taste. He began raising and lowering his hips in time with her bobbing head as a finger pushed through her wet pussy and into her hole. She moaned loudly as she arched her back further, allowing him total access. “Mmmm.”

“Get off him,” Jasmine said from the foot of the bed.

Kayla froze and looked her way as anger flashed in her eyes. She pulled Rig’s manhood from her mouth with a loud pop. “Jealous?” Kayla asked.

“You don’t understand-” Jasmine began, but Kayla cut her off.

“I understand completely,” Kayla said bitterly as she stroked his shaft. “You want him all to yourself. Well, so do I.” She took him back in her mouth and started repeatedly bobbing, eyeing Jasmine the whole time.

“No, you don’t understand,” Jasmine said, sounding worried. Something in how she said that gave Kayla pause. Oh, she continued sucking this beautiful dick but mentally, she paused and waited, relishing the feel of Rig’s fingers caressing her insides. “He could hurt you if you suck him off. He could break your jaw, and he wouldn’t even know he did it. He’s not himself. I don’t care if you fuck him. I don’t care if you blow him. I’m more than willing to share, but the last thing we need is to have another person in this house incapacitated. If you’re going to be with him right now, as he is, especially alone, then you need to fuck him. And let him fuck you.”

Kayla backed off of him, stroking him again as she spoke. She noticed Rig’s hips bucking slightly faster, harder. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

A single tear rolled down Jasmine’s cheek. “Very,” she said with a hesitant smile. “I love him, too, and it hurts me to see him like this. Something’s going on. Something that we can’t explain right now, so if one of us is going to be alone with him when he wakes up, we have to let him fuck us, whether it be pussy or ass; it doesn’t matter. But no blowjobs or hand jobs unless others are in the room to help.”

“Sky?” Rig mumbled. “Why’d you stop, Sky? I need to cum, baby. Please let me cum.” He fingered her pussy greedily.

“MMMmmm, I’m sorry, baby,” Kayla answered, moaning. “Here I come.” She moved down to straddle him reverse cowgirl style. She guided him in, and he began to thrust up as she fell down on him, impaling herself with his shaft. Her eyes never left Jasmine’s as she worked him, leaning back and placing her hands on his chest. Jasmine smiled warmly back at her and nodded, leaving the room.

“Good luck,” Jasmine said over her shoulder as the door closed.

Kayla didn’t know why Jasmine said that or why she had a mischievous grin on her face, but she began to pant and moan. It had been so long since she’d had a cock, and she was already on the verge of orgasm. Rig’s hips thrust faster, harder into her. It would have been painful if not for the mind-numbing pleasure he was causing. His cock hit her in all the right spots with every thrust, and suddenly she crested that wave of orgasmic bliss and came so hard she thought the sheer eroticism would tear her to shreds.

“OH! GOD! WHAT! THE! FUCK!” she screamed as Rig continued to pound into her. His hands groped the front of her body and found her breasts, kneading and squeezing almost painfully.

Then, he pulled her down on top of him, her back resting against his forearms as he gripped her shoulders from behind. He angled his hips upward slightly. Then, the pounding really began. He was hitting her so hard she thought he’d break her. It hurt. But the pleasure was greater than the pain. She relaxed her body and let him take total control of her. She was his, for the moment. She gave herself to him. Her mind and body were his to do what he wished.

She could feel he was close, and so was she, again. For the first time in her life, she was going to orgasm twice in one night. She relished it. She welcomed sweet surrender with open arms. Her body was his toy, now. When she came this time, there were no moans, screams, or cries of bliss. Only the eternal pleasure slamming into her repeatedly as her body jerked and spasmed as if she was in her death throes. She felt his seed hitting her insides like lava pouring out of an erupting volcano, and she lost touch with reality.

The next thing Kayla knew, she was slowly waking in a cocoon of warmth and silk. Her eyes fluttered open to see she was in a bed. This wasn’t Rig’s bed. It was far too small. It wasn’t Rig’s room either. Ah, the water tribe.

“Good morning, sleepyhead.”

She looked over to see Shannon sitting on the side of the bed. “What?” She was momentarily disoriented, even though she knew where she was.

“Don’t worry,” Shannon said. “It happened to Jasmine the first time, too.” She giggled. “How do you feel?”

“I feel fine, I think,” Kayla said, then she tried to move. It felt like everything below her waist was on fire. “OH! GOD! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME!?” she gasped in pain.

“Uh-huh. Thought so.” Shannon chuckled. “I believe that’s what’s called getting your brains fucked out.”

“Fuck!! Why do I hurt so much!?” Kayla wondered aloud.

“Well, from how you two sounded from the kitchen, I’m surprised you don’t hurt more,” Shannon said with a laugh. “You took quite a beating. But since I don’t hear you complaining too much, I’m gonna say you rather enjoyed it.” She winked.

“It was fucking amazing,” Kayla said dreamily, a goofy smile on her face.

“Come on, love,” Shannon prodded. “Let’s get you up and walking around. It helps somewhat.”

“Love?” Kayla asked, bewildered.

Shannon shrugged. “You may be an asshole.” She winked at her. “But, you’re one of us now, asshole and all.” She laughed. She helped Kayla sit up on the side of the bed.

“What time is it?” Kayla asked.

“Nine PM,” Shannon answered. “And before you ask, yes, he fucked you into a four-hour coma. Luckily for you, though, you slept right through Felicity’s turn. That horny bitch moaned and screamed so loud you would have thought he was killing her with his cock. She’s still asleep, too, and it’s been almost two hours. She might sleep through the night. We’re hoping he does, too.” She chuckled wryly. “He’s like a god-damned monster. And we’re the prey that goes willingly into the jaws of death to please him.”

Kayla took the proffered panties, but before she could put them on, she looked at Shannon in a panic. “Bathroom, now!” She interrupted Shannon before jumping up and hobbling towards the door. Shannon helped her onto the toilet, and before her ass even touched the seat, a torrential downpour of piss gushed out of her, and she cried out in pain. “OH, FUCK, THAT HURTS!!” She leaned forward into Shannon, and she let herself be held as she powered through it. When it was over, she blushed deeply as she felt Shannon dabbing softly at her pussy to clean her up.

Shannon offered her the panties again, and she gingerly put them on. She stood up and wobbled as Shannon babbled on as if nothing had happened. She righted herself, with Shannon’s help, and pulled her panties up around her hips. She took the plain white t-shirt Shannon offered and pulled it over her head. She then began the slow process of working blood back into her lower extremities by taking small steps towards the bedroom door.

They got to the door and opened it, walking into the hallway, and Kayla’s stomach suddenly rumbled as she smelled the aroma wafting from the kitchen. When was the last time she ate? “You’re babbling, you know,” Kayla said.

Shannon went quiet, then whispered, “I know. I tend to do that when I’m scared or nervous. And this time, I’m both.” She chuckled again. “The sad part about it is, I’m looking forward to it. It’ll be only my second time having a real cock in my pussy in my life, you know?”

“I’ll go with you if you want,” Kayla said nervously, surprising herself with her declaration as they made their way slowly down the hall to the kitchen.

“Will wonders never cease?” Shannon teased. “The asshole being nice.” She winked, then looked suddenly crestfallen as a tear threatened to escape her eyes. “I’d like that,” she whispered again. “But enough about that. Let’s get some food in you. Turns out, Brittany isn’t just good with computers. Girl can cook better than Gordon Ramsay. Ok, maybe not, but she can cook. Rig will wake up soon, and she’s offered to go next. She went into the room after your turn to help clean you up and get you into the bed across the hall. Should have seen her. Pussy dripping like a leaky faucet. Smelled so good I…well, you don’t want to hear about that.”

Shannon motioned her to sit on one of the barstools in the kitchen as she made a plate for her. “Any ideas yet?” Kayla asked. “About why we’re so affected by him?”

Shannon shook her head. “Not yet. We think it has to be something to do with the virus.”

“Makes sense,” Kayla said. “Wonder if anyone else has the same side effects.”

“Look at you talking all medical jargon and shit,” Shannon teased. “Sorry, still nervous. The truth is, we don’t know yet. I got a call from the CDC for an update, and they couldn’t, or wouldn’t, tell me much, only that this new strain of the virus has mutative properties.” She shrugged. “Honestly, I kind of figured that was going to happen when he didn’t wake up the first time. I mean, I hoped it wouldn’t, but when he about broke Jasmine on that hospital bed, I knew.”

“You mean she went through this, too?” Kayla looked stunned for a moment.

“Yup. Poor girl. Honestly though,” Shannon said, “you had it worse than anyone so far. And before you try to act all fe-macho and get your ego bruised, I don’t think it had anything to do with you. It’s like he’s gone feral or something.”

“Is that even a word?” Kayla asked with a chuckle.

“Nope. Just made it up.” She handed Kayla a plate of grilled chicken with broccoli and carrots. “I know it looks bland, but wait till you taste it. Now eat up. You’re gonna need your strength.” She winked again.

“Has anyone tried to just, I don’t know, not fuck him to see what will happen?” Kayla asked between bites.

Shannon paused in thought a moment. “Hmm, how to explain. You know how when you’re sick, your momma makes chicken noodle soup for you to eat?” Kayla nodded. “What most people don’t realize is that it’s not necessarily the soup that helps you get better, other than to keep you hydrated with a minimal amount of nutrients. It’s the comfort the food brings that helps you get better.

“In the same way, you’ve heard the phrase ‘laughter is the best medicine’. There are four types of hormones that the body produces to promote well-being: Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphins. The short version of how each hormone helps promote healing is thus: Dopamine is associated with pleasurable sensations. Serotonin helps regulate your mood. Oxytocin, while not necessarily doing anything to help promote self-healing, it does help with bonding, and building relationships, which in turn releases Endorphins. Endorphins are the primary healing hormones released naturally when we are in pain or stressed. However, they also tend to increase even more when engaging in reward-producing activities. Ergo, sex. Sexual activity releases all four of these hormones and, when combined, boosts self-healing.

“All in all, Rig’s body is fighting to stay alive. Why he’s so aroused at waking, I still don’t know. We may never know. Have you ever been able to explain the reasoning for the aptly named ‘morning wood’?” Kayla shook her head, swallowing the last of her chicken. She left the vegetables on the plate. “Neither have I. But he’s fighting to stay alive. If we did nothing, I’m fairly certain he wouldn’t get any rest, and combined with the absence of the hormone boost we give him by fucking him,” she shrugged one shoulder, “he’d most likely die. By us taking turns with him and allowing him to rest, his chances of survival skyrocket compared to if we did nothing.”

“Did you read all that out of a book?” Kayla asked with a chuckle.

“Actually, yes.” Shannon winked. “I am a doctor, after all.” She bent and kissed Kayla’s cheek as she walked off to head to the living room.

“So,” Kayla said, following, “are you, er, we, basically having sex with him to keep him alive?”

Shannon paused at the door and thought about that for a second. “I would say yes, but at the same time, no. As I said earlier, we are drawn to him.” She turned around to look Kayla in the eyes. Kayla could see the woman’s conviction, desire, and love for Rig. “I love him. It’s maddening that I can’t explain why, but I do. I want to help him because I am a doctor, and this is all new territory with the virus and all. But, first and foremost, I will fuck him because I love him.” She shrugged and turned, continuing out the door. “If he breaks me, I will welcome it, no matter how much pain I have to take to make him feel good and heal. Yes, I am scared shitless, but I will do it because I love him.”

“I love him, too, Shannon,” Kayla said.

“I know you do, love,” Shannon responded. “We all do, whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not.”

“That’s not…that’s not what I mean. I’ve loved him from the moment I laid eyes on him. Before all this virus crap and being drawn to him,” Kayla explained. “I loved him first, I guess, is what I’m trying to say. I can’t help but be a little possessive of him. I’ve always been in monogamous relationships. I’ve never even entertained the idea of polyamory. I’m entering new and dangerous territory here by sharing him with you all, Jasmine, especially.” She whispered that last part.

“Because she looks identical to Rig’s wife, who passed away?” Shannon asked.

Kayla’s head shot up in surprise. “You know?”

Shannon nodded as she sat in the living room next to Felicity on the couch, placing Felicity’s head on her lap. Felicity was just stirring. “We found her pictures,” Felicity said weakly.

“Hey, love,” Shannon said, looking down into her beautiful brown eyes. “How are you feeling?”

“Like death warmed over,” Felicity replied. “Seriously, I’m so glad there are five of us taking turns. I don’t think I could live through that every two hours.” She cocked her head as they heard moaning coming from the hallway.

“He’s awake,” Kayla stated flatly, sitting in a seat opposite the two women.

“Jasmine must be in there with Brittany,” Shannon said.

“Every two hours?” Kayla asked.

Shannon said, “We have a preliminary theory. A hand job puts him out for about thirty minutes; a blow job, about an hour; full-on vaginal or anal intercourse, about two hours.”

“Anal?” Kayla said, looking shocked.

Felicity grinned weakly. “Well, we’ve decided not to test that theory yet. But, it’s not completely out of the question.”

“We’re thinking,” Shannon added, “that the more pleasure we can induce, the longer he’ll stay asleep. That’s partly why I’m glad you volunteered to go with me on my turn.” She blushed.

“You did!?” Felicity’s eyebrows shot up.

Kayla nodded. “Seeing as the good doctor here hasn’t been with a man in some time, as I understand it, I decided to go with her, to lend my physical and emotional support where I can.”

“Well, I’ll be damned. I’m going, too, of course,” Felicity said.

“Only if you’re feeling up to it,” Shannon told her as she stroked her hair. “There’s no guarantee that this will work, so we need everybody to be in the best shape possible for their turn. I’m going to ask Jasmine to come with us as well. It’ll be her turn after me, but I’ll see if she can do some passive foreplay to enhance his pleasure. You as well, Kayla, if you’re up for it.”

“I’d be more than happy to.” Kayla smiled warmly.

“Even still,” Felicity said, “I’m going regardless of how I feel. I want to be there for you. I know how scared you are about this.”

Shannon smiled warmly down at the nurse and leaned down, kissing her, their tongues intertwining lazily, before pulling back and looking at Kayla. She blushed slightly, noticing Kayla blushing as well. “Sorry about that,” Shannon apologized.

Kayla waved away her apology. “No need. I’m not a homophobe or a prude.” She bit her lower lip. “I’ve never been into women, but that was kinda nice.” She knit her brows together. “Do you think that’s a side effect of what’s happening with us?”

“It’s possible,” Shannon answered, feeling Felicity’s warm breath caress her pussy. She looked down and smiled, moaning softly. Felicity had fallen asleep again, her face buried in Shannon’s lap, mouth inches from her panty-covered pussy. Shannon closed her eyes and lay her head back, enjoying the innocent yet erotic sensations.

Kayla noticed that Shannon and Felicity both had on the same skimpy outfit that she did. A simple t-shirt and a pair of panties. She was surprised to feel wetness between her own legs. Was she turned on by what she was seeing? She put a hand in her panties and lightly caressed her pussy, shivering at the unexpected pain dulled by pleasure. She was wet, and it felt so good! She closed her eyes and leaned back, breathing deeply and moaning softly as she gently rubbed herself. Her hips started responding by gyrating in small circles. She stopped suddenly as she felt warm hands on her thighs. Her eyes shot open, and Shannon was there, gazing into her eyes. Kayla suddenly got lost in her beautiful blue eyes. “What…what are you…”

“Shhh,” Shannon interrupted her with a finger on her lips. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do,” she whispered, her voice husky. “But I think you secretly want this.”

Kayla bit her bottom lip in desire. She warred with herself. She’d never been attracted to women before. Why did this one so turn her on? “I’ve never…been with a woman before,” she finally said.

“You don’t have to do anything to me if you don’t want to,” said the sexy doctor with a sultry voice. “But I’d love the chance to taste you. If you’re willing.”

“I’m not sure…” Kayla trailed off as she bit her bottom lip again. She desired this woman. Shannon was gently caressing her thighs, coming closer and closer to her pussy as she rubbed back and forth. This was wrong, though, wasn’t it? Women weren’t supposed to lay with women. She was so, so horny, though! Shannon’s fingers started absently stroking her clit, and she moaned. “Ohhhh, godddd.” She decided to go for it. If it became too awkward, she’d just stop. She lifted her hips, and Shannon pulled her panties off.

The smile on Shannon’s face was eager, almost predatory. She wanted to devour this woman. She looked at Kayla’s neatly trimmed bush and couldn’t wait to rub her face all over it. She had a beautiful little pussy covered in a peach fuzz of dark blonde hair, with inner labia that barely peeked out of her outer lips. She reached up and pulled Kayla’s hips towards the edge of her seat, lifted her legs, and placed one on each arm of the chair, spreading her legs wide to get a better look at this fantastic pussy she was about to taste. “Are you sure?” Kayla looked uncertain but nodded slightly, still adorably biting her bottom lip. “You’ll tell me to stop any time it becomes uncomfortable?” she asked.

“Please,” Kayla begged, “eat me out before I change my mind?” Her voice became a tentative command. Shannon obliged, grinning broadly. She took a slow lick along her left inner thigh, just outside the valley between her pussy and leg. Kayla shuddered, her breath hitching slightly. Shannon moved and did the same on the other side, and Kayla moaned, grabbing her breasts and squeezing them. “Ohhh.” Shannon then tentatively licked her left outer labia from bottom to top. Kayla’s hips bucked softly, and she moaned again, a bit louder, breathing quicker as she pinched her nipples through her shirt. “Ohhhhhhmmmm.”

Shannon then just rubbed her face on Kayla’s pussy, like a cat rubbing against a human’s face. Softly, sensually, the feeling was unlike anything Kayla had ever felt before. She was used to men with facial hair, so the softness of Shannon’s face rubbing against her pussy almost sent her over the edge. She began making soft whimpering noises that Shannon found adorably irresistible.

Shannon pulled back and flattened her tongue along Kayla’s slit, not spreading the lips and licking from bottom to top, thickening her tongue to a point at the top and dipping in to flick her clit once. Kayla’s hips bucked once, violently, as she gripped the arm of the chair and cried out. “OH, GOD!!”

Shannon relished Kayla’s flavor. Sweet cinnamon with a hint of musk. She suddenly felt Kayla’s hands cup her cheeks and pull her face up to look down at her. Shannon looked into the gorgeous sea-green eyes and smiled wickedly.

“If you don’t quit teasing me,” Kayla warned through gritted teeth, “I’m going to throw your ass on the floor and fuck you till you can’t see straight!”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” Shannon said and winked seductively, but she gave in to Kayla’s demand. She darted her tongue in Kayla’s opening and swirled it around as Kayla started softly grinding her hips on her face. She then licked Kayla’s valley from hole to clit, and, not touching the clit, circled the top and back down the valley to her hole once again. She repeated the figure-eight movements as Kayla’s hips were bucking against her face. The girl was moaning loudly now. “OHhh. Ohh god. Sooo goood. Yes! Lick my pussy. Just like that. OHhhmmm!”

Shannon kept repeating the same motion over and over, licking from hole to clit, still not touching it, up around it, and back down to the hole. “I need to cum.” Kayla begged, her breath ragged with desire. “Let me cum. Lick my clit. Suck it. Take it in your mouth and roll it around. OH, GOD! MMmmmmhhhh!!!”

Shannon did as she was ordered. She licked with a wide tongue from the hole to the clit and over it agonizingly slow. Kayla cried out. “OHHH FUUUCK!! OHHH GODDDD!!” Shannon took her clit in her mouth and rolled it around like it was a nipple as her hands moved up to squeeze Kayla’s breasts and tug at her nipples through her shirt. She noticed, absently, that her nipples were moist.

Kayla’s body went rigid as her orgasm blasted through her. “AAAAAHHHHH, FUCK, FUCK, YES!! OHHHHMMM.” Shannon felt warm liquid gush out onto her chin and down her shirt. She let go of Kayla’s clit and started lovingly licking her pussy as she came down from her orgasm. Kayla gripped Shannon’s hair on top of her head and suddenly pushed her head back away from her pussy. She was panting, trying to catch her breath.

Shannon grinned. “Now you want to get rough,” she teased. “I confess, I’m a bit disappointed you didn’t grip my hair earlier.” She offered her a coy wink.

Kayla released her. “Next time.” She panted. “Too much.”

Shannon raised an eyebrow. “Next time, huh?” she asked. “You liked it that much?”

“Fuck, yes!” Kayla laughed.

Shannon moved up to get right in front of Kayla’s face. “Have you ever tasted yourself?” she whispered.

Kayla took a deep breath. Her mouth went dry as she shook her head uncertainly. “No.”

“Would you like to?” Shannon asked as she cupped her cheeks. Without waiting for an answer, Shannon kissed her. Her tongue invaded Kayla’s mouth, and her eyes went wide as she tasted her own juices on Shannon’s tongue. She pulled back and looked deep into Shannon’s eyes before darting in again to lick her own juices off of Shannon’s chin, moving to her neck, savoring every drop as she cleaned the doctor. “You taste delicious!” Shannon said, breathing heavily with desire as Kayla licked her smooth skin, trailing her tongue up the front of her throat, up her chin, and darting it in her mouth again, kissing her passionately.

They pulled back from each other, and Kayla blushed profusely as they suddenly heard clapping from both behind Shannon on the couch and by the door. Kayla’s blush turned even more scarlet as she looked around Shannon’s head to see Felicity on the couch, watching them both, her hand going back between her legs and rubbing her crotch softly outside her panties. She winked.

“That was fuckin’ hot,” Felicity said. Kayla looked away and instantly regretted it when her gaze went to the door. Jasmine and Brittany both were standing there, Brittany a little worse for wear but still standing and being supported by Jasmine. Kayla covered her eyes in embarrassment but didn’t pull away from Shannon, holding her by the back of her neck.

“I concur,” Jasmine chimed in.

Brittany added, “If I hadn’t gotten my brains just literally fucked out, I think I might have rubbed one out to that.” She grinned weakly. Jasmine helped her, and they both walked to the couch next to the chair Kayla was in.

Shannon made no move to get up, kneeling there, her face buried in Kayla’s chest. Her breathing was ragged, and her body was jerking. Was she crying, laughing? Kayla looked down and gasped. She was masturbating!! Her body jerked back, and she hit the floor on her back, legs spread wide for all to see, hand in her panties, and vigorously rubbing herself like she was trying to warm up her hands. She suddenly cried out in pleasure as she came. “AAAHHH! AH! OH! FUCK! YES!” Her body vibrated on the floor as she orgasmed. Her pussy gushed juices, and her panties were so wet they were almost see-through.

The other four women stared at her with a mixture of shock and wonder as they took in the outline of her pussy through her now almost sheer panties. Shannon lay there a long moment, panting.

Felicity had a knowing smile as she gingerly continued rubbing herself. She wouldn’t cum, yet, but it felt good, regardless.

Jasmine stared at Shannon with evident desire.

Brittany stared, exhausted. She looked like she could barely keep her eyes open.

Kayla just sat there staring in shock. For her to masturbate so openly in front of all the others…If Shannon weren’t embarrassed, she’d be embarrassed for her. She quickly came to her senses and closed her legs, snatching her panties off the floor and pulling them on faster than she thought possible. She sat back in her chair, face beet-red, looking at the floor.

Eventually, Shannon sat up slowly. She moved to Kayla and, not wanting to embarrass the girl further, gave her a soft kiss on her knee before getting up and walking to the couch she shared with Felicity. She sat back down, placing the nurse’s head on her lap again as she composed herself.

“That…was amazing,” Jasmine said in wonder, breaking the silence. “The fact that you can do that so publicly. Well, it’s just the five of us here, but still.”

“You should tell them about New York,” Felicity said dreamily.

Shannon blushed slightly. “Maybe some other time. There are a couple of things we need to discuss; if you’re up for it, Brittany? Think you can stay awake for another few minutes?” Brittany nodded. “Good, first of all,” she hesitated, “it’s my turn next, and I’m not ashamed to admit I’m terrified. This will be the first time I’ve had anything other than my or Felicity’s fingers in me since my sophomore year of college, aside from the gyno. Don’t get me wrong; I’m fucking horny enough, still, to want this. I do want this. I’m just scared, which is why I’m asking any of you who want, or can, to join me.

“My reasoning is two-fold. First, as I said, I’m scared, and having anyone else there for moral support will help. Kayla has already volunteered, and I love her for it.” She looked at Kayla and smiled warmly as their eyes met.

“And the second?” Jasmine asked.

“I have a theory,” Shannon explained. “I believe the more pleasure we can give him, the longer he’ll stay asleep. And the longer he sleeps, the shorter the healing process, if that is what he needs.” She looked around the room. “Brittany, I’m assuming you’re automatically out. You look beat.” Brittany nodded. “Felicity has already stated that there’s no way she’s not going so that just leaves you, Jasmine. I know you’re next after me, and if this doesn’t work like I plan, you might have to take him on again two hours after I do.”

“I’ll go,” Jasmine said without hesitation. “I can hold his hand and let him finger me or something.” She blushed.

“That settles it then. Thank you,” she said, suddenly shy.

“Hey,” Jasmine started softly, “we’re here for you. For whatever reason, we’re all a family now; however that’s going to work.” She eyed Kayla, who just looked away, red-faced. Jasmine looked back to Shannon. “How did you come by this theory, though?”

“When I sucked him off in the hospital, it took about an hour for him to wake up. After he about broke you in half while fucking you, it took about two hours before he woke up and nailed Kayla and another two hours after her. Vaginal sex is much more pleasurable than oral, or so I’m told, so that’s what I’m basing this theory on.

“Which brings me to my next topic,” Shannon said. “When I talked to the CDC earlier today, they had more information on Rig’s bloodwork. They said that his strain of the virus has mutative properties. What that means, in a nutshell, is that his DNA could mutate. To what, God only knows.”

“What about us?” Brittany asked weakly, through half-lidded eyes.

“Tomorrow, Felicity and I will draw blood from everyone in the house and send it out to be tested.” Shannon looked nervous again for a moment. “I think we need to prepare ourselves for the real possibility of our DNA being mutated as well.”

They all looked back at her, eyebrows raised to their hairlines. Brittany’s fearful eyes shot open as all evidence of exhaustion dissipated. “I don’t want to be a zombie!” she cried. “I don’t want to die! I don’t want…” She trailed off as tears started streaming down her face, and she started crying. Jasmine took her in her arms and tried to comfort her.

“I’m not going to lie to you,” Shannon said as she looked around the room at each of the women in turn. “I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I do know this. We are strong women individually, but we are stronger together. We are here for each other. We need to band together and do whatever is necessary to protect each other, and our Master.” She suddenly looked confused.

Kayla scoffed. “Did you just say, Master?”

“I…did,” Shannon hesitated. “I don’t know where that came from, but it just feels…right.”

The others looked thoughtful for a few moments. Finally, Jasmine piped up. “I already call him Master. He is my Master, and I am his submissive. I live to serve and please him, and I will do whatever is necessary to achieve that.

“As such, what I know of him, he would agree with you, Shannon, that we need to band together. He would agree that we are stronger as a cohesive unit, and we need to be there for each other. Balk at submitting to him if you will,” she looked at Kayla, resting her gaze on the bartender briefly before moving on to the others, “no one is going to force you, especially him, but he is a kind, loving Master, and will put your needs above his own if you let him.

“My mother taught me the ways of submission. She also taught me not to take any crap off any man who wasn’t my Master.” The others laughed, even Kayla. “She told me that one day I would meet a man worthy of that submission. The thought just never occurred to me that he would be a man over twice my age, much less one she used to date. I love him deeply, despite having just met him. Is it the pull to him that causes me to love him? I don’t know, and I don’t care because I choose to love him, now, of my own free will. And I am terrified that I might lose him. So, if it takes him breaking me over and over to help him to heal, then I will do that without hesitation.

“As such, that devotion carries over to you, my sisters. Because you are now devoted to him for whatever reason, I am now devoted to you. I will do everything I can to protect you, regardless of how you feel about me.” She looked at Kayla again.

“About that,” Kayla said. “Since we are all sisters now, in this little cult, or whatever it is.” She chuckled dryly, trying to mask her embarrassment. No one corrected her. “We shouldn’t hide anything from each other. That being said, I owe you an apology, Jasmine. The truth is, I had it out for you from the beginning simply because you look exactly like his dead wife, Skylar. I felt threatened by you. I thought that he would turn me away because, in a sense, he had his wife back. A much younger and hotter version,” she blushed deeply, “but still.” Jasmine smiled warmly.

“When I got here today, I hadn’t planned on leaving. I love him, too. As I told Shannon earlier, I’ve loved him from the moment I met him. I was just scared that I would never be able to help him heal from losing Skylar. That’s why I left in the first place.

“I tried dating for a while. Most of the guys I dated were my age and, honestly, pretty immature. They only saw me as a hot piece of meat. The few that were good to me couldn’t handle my attitude. I eventually realized that I was comparing everyone I dated to Rig. So, I made the decision that I was going to beg him to take me back. Then I got here and saw the shit show that ensued, and I lashed out. As you all now know, I’m an asshole, and I know it. But I shouldn’t have treated you like I did, Jasmine.” She shrugged. “For that, I’m truly sorry.”

Jasmine got up and walked over to Kayla, sat down, and straddled the girl in her chair. Kayla started, unsure of what was happening. Jasmine wrapped her arms around Kayla’s neck, hugging her, pressing her body into her. Their small breasts mashed together, nipples touching. Kayla hesitantly wrapped her arms around Jasmine’s waist. They held each other for a long moment. Then, Jasmine sat back, released the bartender, and cupped her cheeks with soft fingers, raising her head to meet her eyes. Jasmine kissed her softly on the lips. No tongue, just a brief, sensual kiss. After breaking the kiss, Jasmine touched her forehead to Kayla’s. “You are forgiven,” she whispered softly, so only Kayla could hear.

Kayla nodded as tears rimmed her eyes but didn’t fall. Jasmine slid off of Kayla to the side and squeezed in the seat next to her, holding her close. Jasmine had a big smile on her face as she looked back at Shannon, while Kayla looked uncertain, bordering on uncomfortable.

“Anyone else need to get something off their chest?” Shannon asked. When no one spoke, Shannon suddenly sat up straight in her seat, looking at Kayla, almost knocking Felicity’s head off of her lap. “It’s not a cult. It’s a harem!!” She grinned almost excitedly.

“God fucking dammit!” Kayla exclaimed, facepalming and shaking her head. Jasmine and Felicity laughed heartily while Brittany began to snore. “She snores? Great,” Kayla remarked dryly.

“Hey, I don’t want to hear it, miss chainsaw,” Felicity responded. “Why do you think we put you in the bedroom and not the living room like us?” She motioned to herself and Brittany.

Kayla looked shocked. “I don’t snore,” she scoffed and looked around, confused.

Jasmine kissed her on the cheek as she grabbed her phone off the end table. “Sorry, love, but you do.” She brought up her videos and hit play. The sound from Kayla’s mouth as she was sleeping was loud enough to wake the dead. Even Brittany, who was sound asleep, stirred briefly on the couch before resuming her slumber.

“You videoed me!?” Kayla exclaimed. “What the fuck!?”

Jasmine giggled and shrugged her shoulders as she held close to Kayla. “I was planning on using it for revenge, but since we’ve made up, maybe I’ll just delete it now.” She looked at her mischievously. “Then again, maybe not.”

“You delete that right now!” Kayla demanded.

“Maybe.” Jasmine winked and pulled her phone away as Kayla grabbed for it. “I’m sure all my friends on Facebook would love to see this,” she teased.

Kayla went white as a ghost as she stopped breathing for a split second, and her eyes went wide. “You wouldn’t!” she whispered, terrified.

Jasmine laughed, ending the charade. “No, I wouldn’t.” She promptly deleted the video.

Kayla visibly relaxed into Jasmine as she sighed in relief. That is until she heard snoring from across the room. Her head snapped up to look over at Felicity, holding her phone out towards Kayla. “I would, though,” Felicity snickered.

Kayla facepalmed in embarrassment. “Fucking kill me now,” she said in defeat.

“Not a chance,” Shannon chimed in, smiling broadly, adding to the teasing. “You taste too good.” She winked.

Kayla went white in shock, then almost purple in embarrassment. “Oh, God.” She facepalmed again as she shrunk as far as she could in her chair.

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