Breaking In Her Naive Nephew

An adult stories – Breaking In Her Naive Nephew by Usually_Lurking,Usually_Lurking Disclaimer: This story features themes of incest, age gaps, forceful seduction, dubious consent, and worse. It follows much in the style of TheTalkMan, Voboy, en_extase, Wannabeboytoy, and other erotica authors who have inspired me over the years. I am pleased to take up the legacy of their perversion, and dedicate this first story in their honor.

Lexi swirls her drink, sitting alone on the edge of a patio in the heart of suburbia. Watching the family reunion with intensely mixed feelings.

Faced with her pick of the litter: bragging uncles by the grill, screaming cousins in the yard, and old women sharing church gossip in the shade… It was a pretty easy choice to just move a chair into the corner to suntan and wait it out.

She loved them. She really did. They were family. But… it was a lot easier to love them from a distance.

After moving to New York, spending years building a career in the city, having fun, and living her life, she flew home for this? To sleep in her old room upstairs, almost unchanged: cringing at the black paint and posters from her high school punk phase. Brushing off questions about husbands and grandkids from old relatives. It was embarrassing.

And it gets worse.

A cheer echoes from inside the house, and some uncle pokes his head out to yell, “Grace is here!”

“Oh… yay…” Lexi mutters to herself, glancing around for her exit strategy.

Her straight-laced older sister is such a sanctimonious bitch. Never misses a chance to show off that perfect white-bread family, or remind Lexi that she’s the black sheep. I mean, she’s not wrong, but how rude is that? Pretty standard for Grace; flat as a board and straight as an arrow.

If you listened to the press, she found true love in her high school sweetheart Keith and has been living in christian bliss ever since, with 5 perfect children. Unless, like Lexi, you weren’t feeling charitable and did the math. Her first-born son was a true miracle of the church, born 6 months after their wedding. Still, the family ate it right up.

Lexi couldn’t be more different. She was just too busy having fun to settle down, and everyone could see why. She was made for one thing, and she knew it.

The classic feminine figure, and it must have been a looong day when God made that hourglass. Proud, heavy breasts that strain her tight shirts to the breaking point. No plastic there. No bra, either, when she can get away without, and no shame when she gets excited and her nipples poke right through. A trim belly, soft and smooth and always on display, highlighted with a little jewel dangling from her belly button, leading into the flare of her wide hips. A bubble butt that’s been known to stop traffic in jeans, leggings, or, for special occasions like today, tight leather skirts.

It’s no accident that Lexi picked up the nickname “Sexy Lexi” at college parties, and she lives up to it every chance she gets. About the only thing she isn’t happy about is being 5′, and she makes up for it with high heels, platform sandals, hell, even boots in a pinch. Anything to get to eye-level.

She’s just about to kick off those platform sandals and make a sprint for the back fence when the screen door opens again. The squeal of rusty hinges bleeds into the squeal of the devil herself, “Aleeeeexis!”

Too late to escape, Lexi has a moment to set her drink down and get halfway up before her sister descends, pulling her into a stiff-as-a-board hug, familiar to everyone who should be close and really isn’t.

“It’s been forever, oh my God,” Grace gushes, before starting in on it, “how many years has it been? Aren’t we getting so old?!”

Lexi isn’t one to take this lying down, “Gracieeeee,” she draws it out, relishing the tiny frown she gets in return, “it’s been so long. How are you and Keith doing? More kids since last time?”

The tiny frown grows, as Grace narrows her eyes, glancing Lexi up and down, “Oh, you know, we just love each other so much… have you found anyone yet?”

“Oh, not quite. You know, just testing the goods.” Lexi grins as Grace scowls.

Grace opens her mouth, no doubt to say something they’d both regret, when fate intervenes. The door hinges squeak again, and Lexi suddenly doesn’t have any breath to spare for bickering.

A shirtless Adonis in pale blue board shorts steps out onto the patio. Tall. Broad-shouldered. Blue-eyed. Just ripped enough to see the edge of those smooth muscles all over. Lexi has his number before he even opens his mouth.

“Mom?” He asks generally, taking a second to spot them through the throngs of family.

Grace glances back at her sister with a sickening little smirk, before announcing “Of course, Clifton, come say hi to aunt Alexis!” and as he approaches, quieter, “She’s here alone, but we won’t hold it against her, will we!”

Holy shit, Lexi thinks to herself, resisting the urge to backhand her sister. This must be Grace’s eldest. She hadn’t seen him in years. Clifton, they named the poor kid -God, what a stupid name- but he’d been smart enough to latch onto the nickname Clif, and avoided the worst of the bullying.

Poor sheltered kid, she thinks. He’s got a body made for sex, and there’s no way he’s getting it with mommy dearest watching over him. Lexi can smell a virgin from a mile away, and this poor boy is probably still waiting on his first kiss.

For his part, Clif grimaces at the use of his full name, but meekly trots over. Until he gets a full view of aunt Alexis, and freezes like a deer in headlights. Holy fuck, he almost gasps. The last time he’d seen her, he was just a kid. She’d had the gall to take him out to a PG-13 movie, and his mom found out. That was the last time he’d spent with aunt Lexi. But had she always been this fucking hot? He’d been confused and angry at the men catcalling her as they’d walked to the theater when he was a kid, but it was making sense to him now.

Oblivious, Grace carries on, “Alexis, you know Clifton, of course, can you believe he’s in college now? Straight A’s in his first semester, and already on the varsity swim team! You know, I’m still not sure about that college, but…” she trails on, listing his various accomplishments, not-so-subtly peppering in her involvement in all of it. Completely missing the mutual eye-fucking that is keeping either of them from hearing a word she says.

“Yes, that’s wonderful,” Lexi cuts her sister off, reaching out, pulling Clif into a not-so-proper hug. “It’s so nice to see you again. We should catch up.”

It’s a tight hug. Tight enough for Clif to feel the hard nubs of Lexi’s nipples through her shirt, aided by an unnecessary little shimmy against his chest. Close enough to really smell her perfume -floral and sweet- and for her to feel the hint of a certain impressive something, as he tries to hug her while holding back his hips. Ignoring her sister completely, Lexi drops an arm across his lower back. Squeezing tight. Pressing his erection firmly into her taut tummy. Smiling to herself as he hisses a groan into her hair. Maybe today could be fun after all.

“It’s so wonderful to see you again Grace… have you seen Aunt Gertrude yet?” Lexi interrupts her sister as she releases Clif, “She wanted to talk to you, over there, I think.”

Clearly annoyed to have her monologue interrupted, Grace frowns before turning away. Clif turns to follow her, stopping short as Lexi catches his wrist.

“Come on, Cliffy…” she teases, “let’s catch up. You can show me those swimming moves!”

His breath catches as Lexi turns around. The view of her back is, if possible, even more impressive than the view of her front. Half of an intricate little heart tattoo peeks over the waistline of her swaying skirt, and her generous bubble butt goes bouncing side to side as she puts a little extra wiggle in her steps. By the time they approach the pool, Clif is pitching a tent you could see from space. No time to adjust, and not eager to explain himself when she turns around, he flings himself past her, straight into the cool water of the pool.


“Sooo… Cliffy… your mom tells me you’re quite an athlete.” Lexi teases, laying back in a chaise lounge by the far corner of the pool, her nephew leaning up on the edge of the pool beneath her. Trying to stay as close as possible, to sneak an eyeful, while still hiding his crotch from her. She’d met enough horny boys to know the game. She didn’t mind it. Hell, she kind of liked it.

Legs crossed, she lets one high-wedge sandal dangle from a perfect foot. Pretending she isn’t teasing him with her shiny, pedicured toes, each nail painted neon blue.

For his part, Clif is a rapt audience. Staring at Lexi’s perfect foot, watching her smooth stomach, catching glimpses of her tight shirt as her legs sway back and forth. He’s never been so conflicted.

It’s your aunt, sicko, he berates himself. But nothing could move him from this spot right now. Not even her teasing over his name. He’s blackened more than one eye for it, but from her, it’s almost like music. He can tell she doesn’t mean it. At least not the same way.

“Oh… I do alright,” he says humbly, “I just got lucky with a good tryout.”

Not a self-aggrandizing piece of shit? thinks Lexi, some apples do fall far from the tree.

“Oh, I don’t know about that…” Lexi says, “Maybe you can show me how fast you can swim? If you’re quick enough, I’m sure I could think up some sort of prize.”

A challenge is all Clif needs to hear, and he’s breaking records to show off for his cool aunt. Lexi watches him kick off, thrashing the surface as he races laps back and forth. However happy Grace is to claim the credit, the boy is fast as hell. He’s undoubtedly earned the spot on his college team. And as Lexi idly watches his strong back flexing, long legs working, she starts to think about all sorts of ways to get back at her bitchy sister.

After a half-dozen laps, Clif re-surfaces with a gasp, back at Lexi’s little corner of the pool. He clings to the edge for a minute, catching his breath, before looking back up.

“How was that, aunt Alexis?”

Lost in thought, she hadn’t even been pretending to keep time. But she can bullshit with the best of them. She glances back and forth from her phone’s lock screen, pretending to tap a button, “Fast, Cliffy. Very fast. I’m impressed.”

“Now, I think I promised a prize,” she continues, “didn’t I?” Rapt, Clif just nods along, watching that sandal bounce on her foot.

“Hmmmm… I think I know a good prize.” She says. Legs still crossed, Lexi shifts her weight down the chair, sliding further towards the pool. Letting her skirt hike up, just an inch. She pulls herself upright. Clacking her wedge sandals down to either side of the pool chair as she uncrosses her legs.

Clif freezes. Not even breathing, as Lexi grins down at him. Giving him a perfect view straight up her tight skirt, past her thick thighs to the narrow strip of her neon blue thong. He can feel her watching him, but he can’t tear his gaze away. She’s shaved perfectly smooth. The tissue-thin scrap of blue cloth barely concealing her puffy mound. Revealing a hint of her lips to each side. Just the edges of her perfect ass cheeks barely visible underneath, bisected by the tiny blue string.

“Your prize…” she leans forward and down, spreading her legs even further, stretching the tiny patch of her thong even tighter across her barely-hidden pussy, “is that you don’t have to call me aunt Alexis.”

Gently, she brushes a hand over his cheek, “Call me by my nickname.”

Her gentle hand becomes firm, catching his jaw. Raising his eyes to hers, “Call me Sexy Lexi.”


“Clifton! Mom wants you in the kitchen!”

They both jump together as his sister shouts from the gate to the pool. She isn’t even paying attention, but shatters the moment anyway. Clif snaps his gaze away, and by the time he’s composed himself, Lexi is lounging back in her chair again, legs crossed. Barely sparing a glance for him. As if nothing happened.

“Better go do what mommy says, Cliffy.” She teases.

He half-turns away, before getting bold, “OK… Sexy Lexi.” He smiles a big goofy grin, like a dog with a treat.

She watches him wade away, stopping to adjust himself before getting out of the pool. Adjusted or not, she can see the snake down his board shorts. Clearly he knows it too, because he wraps a towel around his waist before heading inside.

And she’s left to her thoughts.

He’s just a boy, she thinks, and then, he can learn.

He’s my nephew, she tells herself, and then, your sister’s prize.

It’s not right, she worries, and then, the fun things never are.

In the end, she listens to the voice that never steers her wrong.


“You know your aunt is trouble, Clifton.” Grace lectures, as Clif ties up the trash.

Count on her to bring me in just for this, he thinks, not that he’d ever say that out loud. Instead, he just mutters, “I know, mom. You told me.”

“I know you know. Now you listen to me. Don’t you be wasting your time around her. She’s a bad influence!” Grace follows him to the door as he takes the trash out, still haranguing, “Go spend time with your great aunt Gertrude. Now there’s a godly woman.”

Clif rolls his eyes as the door shuts behind him. Great aunt Gertrude is the least fun person here, and the competition isn’t close.

He tosses the trash, and glances back at the windows. Good. For once, his mom wasn’t checking up on him. So he just keeps walking, around the side of the house to the alley by the garage. If she wasn’t going to let him hang out with the one cool person there, there was no way he was going back in. Instead, he slides his phone out of his pocket, sitting on the edge of the low cinderblock wall. Better to be bored scrolling Insta than deal with great aunt Gertrude.

“Tough break, huh?” Clif almost jumps out of his skin. Looking up to see cool aunt Lexi, leaning against the side door to the garage.

“It’s okay… I heard your mom.” She says, walking over to sit next to him. Right next to him. So close their hips are touching, and just her heat, the feeling of her next to him, is electric.

“And that bit about me being a bad influence? Totally true.” His phone is completely forgotten, sitting on the wall next to him.

“In fact,” Lexi grins, lifting her hand to reveal a heavy glass bottle, half full of amber liquid, “she’s probably underselling it.”

“See, here’s a neat trick I learned when I was your age.” She holds the whisky bottle to the front of her skirt. Sliding it between her thighs. Clif’s breath catches as she shimmies, her hips make the most distracting little twist, and the plastic cap drops to the ground.

“Cheers!” She swirls the bottle between them and leans back, making eye contact as she takes a slug, before offering him the bottle.

“I’m…” he trails off. He was about to say I’m too young, and I don’t drink, but right now, that’s the last thing he wants to say to Sexy Lexi.

“I’m not gonna tell your mom, Cliffy,” she teases as he flushes and stutters, “you’re old enough to do anything you want.”

Reaching out, she takes hold of his hand, and wraps it around the bottle. Her touch sends a shiver through him, and he can feel his face flush. Slowly, she lifts his hand, and the bottle, to his lips, watching with an intent little smirk as he takes his first sip. His mouth fills with fire, and he almost chokes as it goes down rough, spluttering his next breath.

“Good boy, ” she croons, “the first time is the hardest… and the most fun. Now drink up for auntie.” She grins, still teasing. But as clueless as Clif is, even he can feel something in her tone shift. Something smooth but firm behind that instruction. His erection, already like iron, pulses in his shorts, but he doesn’t know why. He shifts, trying to ignore it, and hoping she doesn’t notice either.

They trade drinks in silence for a while, leaning shoulder to shoulder, passing the bottle back and forth. Listening to the shouting from the backyard.

“Aunt Lexi…”


“… thank you. For being cool. For not treating me like a little kid.”

“Oh… it’s ok. You’re getting older, Cliffy. You want to do adult things…” she says, and then winks.

“I grew up a bit like you, and I got in so much trouble at your age…” Lexi holds up a hand, counting on her fingers, “… first drink, first kiss, first… well, first of a lot of things.”

Clif blushes, putting it together, then raises the bottle, “Well, I’ve got my first drink at least.”

And then turns from pink to scarlet, realizing what he just admitted. Taking another sip to avoid making eye contact. Suddenly aware of the warm fuzziness coming over everything.

Clif hands the bottle back, “I should probably go in. My mom will be looking for me…”

“Oh…”, Lexi pretends a little frown, “I was hoping that maybe you could help me first?”

“Sure! What do you need?” Clif’s puppy dog enthusiasm is back in a second. Any excuse to avoid going to face great aunt Gertrude. Any excuse to spend more time with cool aunt Lexi.

Almost too easy, Lexi thinks to herself. “I’m having a problem with the bed upstairs, and you look strong enough… Follow me. And be quiet. We don’t need mom dropping in, do we?” She makes a soft little smirk on the last note, tossing the bottle aside with a clink and catching his hand. Smiling to herself as he not-so-subtly fixes his shorts when they stand up.

They creep in the garage door, hustling through the house. Her high wedge sandals clacking on the steps as she leads him to her room. She doesn’t strictly have to hold his hand going up the stairs, but it’s the easiest way for her to make sure his eyes stay glued to her thong, just barely visible under the hem of her skirt.

It’s all Clif can do to stay on his feet, watching Lexi lead the way. The pumping of her calves. Those thick thighs. The flashes of bright blue fabric up her skirt, and the barest tease of her ass, the bottom of her cheeks just barely hidden by the swaying hem. And then she stops.

No one is upstairs, but Clif doesn’t know that. And Lexi is too happy to push a little, pausing at the top of the stairs to mime looking in the hall. Bending at the waist.

Clif audibly gasps as Lexi leans forward into the hall, her skirt riding up to reveal the bottom half of her full, round ass. Each perfect cheek smooth and smackable, the narrow string of her thong barely splitting it, almost lost in the crack, widening to a swatch of blue fabric beneath to hide her pussy.

Barely able to keep the mischievous smile off her face, Lexi leans further forward. Holding Cliffy’s hand, pulling his whole body with her. Letting her skirt ride all the way up. She hears him take another half-step up the stairs, close enough to feel the heat of him behind her.

Clif, for his part, is about to faint. His face is inches from his hot aunt’s bubble butt, close enough to catch that thin blue string with his teeth, but trying desperately not to touch her. Close enough to clearly see the little damp patch on her thong. He leans forward almost involuntarily, catching the hint of a delicious, musky scent. Definitely not the floral perfume from earlier, but far, far better. A scent that turns his cock to a bar of iron in his shorts.

And then she’s stepping into the hall, tugging him with. He almost falls, pulling free of her hand at the last second to catch himself on the top step. He finds himself face to face with her perfect pedicured toes as she opens the door to her room.

“Shhhh…” Lexi hisses playfully. Unable to resist, she straightens her left foot, gently hooking the tip of her sandal under his chin. Flexing her ankle to lift his eyes to hers. Placing a playful finger over her lips, as she flicks her eyes to gesture him inside.


Trying to hide yet another raging erection, poor Clif is already poking at the bed as Lexi follows him into the room. Her platform sandals click on the floor as she steps in, merging with the click of the lock behind her as she leans back against the door. Still leaning, Lexi pauses to enjoy the show, taking in Clif’s broad, bare back, his tight ass in board shorts on full display as he leans over the bed. Just watching, as she slowly undoes the buckle on her skirt.

“Seems fine,” he finally mutters, “What’s wrong with it?”

He turns around, just in time for her skirt to hit the floor. For a moment, he’s stunned stupid by the sight of her thick legs on those high sandals, and his first real look at that neon blue thong, strings arching proud over her broad hips. Tiny patch barely covering her slit.

He just sputters as Lexi sashays forward, playfully pushing his shoulder to sit him back on the bed. In the same motion, she follows, daintily settling her knees on the bed to either side of him. Sitting her fat ass firmly in his lap. He groans just from the pressure, and she can feel him back, already stiff under her.

Clif is breathing heavy already. “Auntie…” he starts to mutter -probably about to ruin the moment- but a hard press of Lexi’s finger on his lips shuts him up nicely.

“Shhhhh… be quiet.” She murmurs, as she leans forward, laying her hands gently on his shoulders. Pressing forward. Sliding her soft, covered breasts over his chest as she tips him backward onto the bed.

“We don’t want anyone to hear…” Lexi whispers, with a teasing tone. Leaning in. Sliding her hands up his strong arms. Raising them out of the way, towards the bedpost. Letting their faces inch together, closer and closer. Smelling the whisky on his breath as his breathing deepens further. Enjoying the hunger in those blue eyes.

As Lexi leans down, almost touching Clif, she pauses. And watches his lips start to part. Feeling his chest shake under her from his ragged breathing. His chin tilting up, not quite high enough.

Silly boy, she thinks, so desperate for his first kiss. So pathetically eager. After an eternity, eye to eye, she finally begins to stoop. Bringing her face to his.

And turns aside at the last second, letting his warm lips brush her cheek as she whispers in his ear, “The problem with my bed, little Cliffy… is that it’s not rocking.”

A metallic click click click echoes in the room, as she tightens a pair of handcuffs on his wrists, looped behind the corner-post. Clif glances up, his face a mask of delicious puppy-dog confusion. Mood momentarily broken, he gives the cuffs a little rattle before looking back at her.

Lexi can see his eyes clearing, glancing around the room. Thinking about what they’re doing. About to open his silly little mouth. She cuts him off before he starts, clapping one soft, manicured hand over his lips. Even so, he tries to talk, muffled little sounds. Asking to slow things down, or reasoning with her, or maybe even begging her to let him go. Too late for that. But his hands are pulling against the cuffs, starting to rattle again.

We can’t be having all this noise, Lexi thinks to herself. Luckily, she knows a little trick to shut boys up.

Ignoring his protests, she starts flexing her hips. Grinding her soft, warm pussy up and down his lap. It only takes a few strokes, and Clif’s muffled protests turn to muffled moans. His arms relax as his eyes soften, and he starts to rock in time under Lexi, falling back under her spell.

She can feel him throbbing through the sheer gossamer of her thong, hot as coals and hard as iron. He’s panting again, and she can feel him straining, getting closer. And as fun as it would be to make him cream his trunks, Lexi has other plans. She slows down instead, lifting her hips away from him. Enjoying his muffled pleas into her palm, his eager flexing under her, as he tries to bring his hips up to hers. Hungry for more.

Still covering his mouth, Lexi shifts her hips up. Sliding up his body. Momentarily letting his chin catch in her cleavage, stretching that tight shirt. Trapping his face between her breasts. Pausing for a moment to let him breathe deep in her perfume, before continuing upward. She works her knees back and forth until she’s sitting upright, back arched. One hand over his mouth, the other on the bedpost. Knees resting over his elbows, legs spread, wedges pressing tight against his bare ribs to each side. Clif finds himself pinned to the bed, staring at the object of his desires. Sexy Lexi’s bright blue thong, front and center, mere inches over his face.

“Mmmmmm, I think it’s time for little Cliffy to pay me back for that drink…” she teases, working her hips to sway that bright blue thong back and forth. The thin string almost lost between her lips. The front already soaked with her arousal. So close, the smell of her pussy is overpowering, and Clif draws it in with each shuddering breath.

“Does that sound fun?” she taunts, “Do you want to be a good boy for Sexy Lexi?”

Half by reflex, he nods, glassy eyes following the hypnotic sway of her barely-covered pussy, his nostrils flaring as he drinks in her arousal. It’s a brand-new scent to him, but his body knows it, and Lexi can feel him trembling like a leaf under her thighs.

Slowly, she lets her hips stop swaying. Freezing. Just watching him, until he tears his gaze away from her crotch to meet her eyes. She matches his stare, giving him a show as she lets go of the bedpost, pulling her hand up to nibble the tip of one painted nail. Sliding it down to tug at the edge of her shirt, revealing the soft curve of one heavy breast. Letting her shirt snap back into place as she catches her hard nipple, showing clear through the thin cloth. Gasping as she rolls it between her fingertips. Slowly trailing her hand down her front, tracing the jewel dangling from her belly button. Bringing her hand and his gaze down to her crotch. Sliding her fingers down the front of her thong. She slips one perfect nail under the edge of it, lifting it the barest hint, and smiles to herself as his breath catches. Another finger slides under, and another. Lifting and stretching that little scrap of fabric. Pulling it aside to give Clif his first glimpse of real womanhood, shining and wet. Lexi splays her hand, gasping and arching her back as she spreads her lips between perfectly manicured nails. Exposing herself completely.

Beneath her, Clif is breathless, staring up at her smooth lips, still linked by a thin, glassy strand of moisture. The perfect pink between them, soft and wet. Feeling the furnace-heat radiating from her. If he had thought her scent was powerful before, it was nothing compared to now, and he’s completely intoxicated. Drowning in the smell of her, he forgets about the party. Their family. Anything outside this moment.

Looking down, Lexi can see his overwhelming thirst. His complete submission. And that familiar sense of power comes over her. The rush of control she gets every time they surrender, addictive as any drug. Grinning, she takes her hand off his mouth. She knows he won’t shout. Not anymore. And he’s about to need that mouth for something else.

“Good boy… now give your auntie a kiss.” she says, as she slides her knees apart. Dropping her hips. Pressing her glistening lips to his.

They groan together as Lexi settles onto his face, shifting her hips side to side as she gets comfortable. Still wearing that toothy grin, she reaches both hands down and twines them into Clif’s hair, not gently, but twisted into tight, painful grips. Handles. Holding him still as she begins working her hips. Already soaking wet, she presses her pussy over his face, letting his muffled moans fill the room. She rocks back and forth, harder and harder until the bedsprings start to squeak, and his face is slick, her lips gliding comfortably over the mess she’s made of him. Finally, she slows, and pauses. Her clit just under his nose. Her entrance over his mouth. Waiting for him to take a literal taste of what he’s been missing.

“Mmmmmm… be a good little bitch for me…” Lexi half-snarls, pressing her hole to his lips. Clif has never been one to take an insult lying down, but instead of anger, her casual insult sends a flush through him. His cock jumping in his shorts as a shiver runs through his whole body. Too horny to think, he obeys instead, opening his mouth. Licking tentatively, and then eagerly, taking in her delicious taste. Like skin, but warmer. Fruit, but deeper. Sweat, but sweeter.

“Goood boy…” Lexi groans as he obliges, feeling his lips part; his tongue darting out to take his first taste. She starts rocking again as he laps at her. Tentatively at first, and then harder. She grinds down against him, pulling cruelly on his hair and moaning her encouragement. Soon Clif’s mouth is open completely, his tongue all the way out, exploring her depths. It’s a good thing the shouting and yelling of the party outside is deafening, loud enough to echo through the whole house. It’s the only thing that could cover the moans, squeaking springs, and wet, rhythmic sounds of him french-kissing her slit.

“That’s it Cliffy, make out with auntie’s cunt.” she murmurs, crushing him between her thick thighs as she humps his face. A virgin he might be, but his sheer enthusiasm is starting to make her think there might be something to this.

Wallowing in pleasure, Lexi grinds away with her hips as she drifts off into thought. Comparing this fuck to the last few. How fun it was to tease her naive little nephew. How easy it was to get him into bed. How eager he was to put that cute mouth to work. Men were always so much trouble, and they only got worse with age. So proud. So disrespectful. All that time spent appeasing their ego. Dealing with the calls and the bitching, when they would act up and she dumped them. What a waste. Maybe what she needs is a boy… someone to serve her needs. Someone she could mold to her desires.

A world of potential opens up before her. A sheltered boy like Cliffy, he doesn’t even know what he wants in life. But Lexi, she could show him. Teach him. Each deep stroke of his tongue inside her, each time he gasps a hasty breath, is a reminder that she could make him do anything. Maybe even a subject for those fantasies, the ones too intense for a casual fling. Too dark for a dating app. All those unused toys she has at home.

Lexi’s hips speed up by reflex. So lost in thought that her approaching orgasm almost catches her by surprise.

“Unh… fuck… enjoying your first kiss?” she grunts out, gasping as he moans his approval from under her, and redoubles his efforts. Deepens his kisses, pressing hard with his tongue.

“You’re such a good little cunt muncher… God… aunt Lexi is going to cum on your face, OK?” she gasps. Lexi can feel him nod through her hands wrapped in his hair, and doubles her pace, grinding furiously against him. Dragging her pussy up and down, smothering him completely as she leans forward to press her clit down.

“Mmph,” Clif can hardly breathe, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to stop. The hard edges of Lexi’s wedge sandals dig into his ribs like spurs as she clenches her thighs. But in the pain, there’s pleasure, and Clif presses his face up against her, eagerly trying to suck harder, to force his tongue deeper.

Lexi can feel it building, a tidal wave inside her. The tightening of muscles. Sending lightning up her spine. And then she goes blank, as the wave peaks, and curls. She freezes in place, almost vibrating as she crushes her sex down on him.

“Fuck… fuck… FUCK… Cliffffyyy.” Lexi squeals, forgetting how to be quiet. Lost in the moment as the wave crashes. Her hole clamps down like a vice against his tongue, then pulses, as a sudden gush of fluid fills his mouth.

Half-suffocated, he drinks her like nectar, still kissing, licking, and sucking as the tide stems, and finally stops. She collapses in a heap on top of him, crushing him into the bed.

Completely pinned, Clif laps at her as she quivers out the last of her orgasm.

But sooner or later, he’s going to have to breathe. Lexi shows no signs of stirring, and finally, out of options, Clif flexes his shoulders, clearing just enough room to twist his head aside. Letting her soaked slit smear across the side of his face.

For a few minutes he just lays there, gasping heavy breaths past the crook of her hip. Feeling her pussy drip glassy strands onto his cheek and down his neck. Finally, head clearing, he tries to take stock. The room reeks of sweat and other things, and the corner of the mattress under his head is a sodden mess. His mouth is full of Lexi’s tangy taste, his upper chest covered in sweat, some his and some hers. His tongue is exhausted, his jaws aching a deep pain.

And he’s never felt so alive.

His aunt is still twitching on top of him. His cock is hard as stone, pointing straight up. He’s covered in her scent. Catching up on breath, he feels a sudden surge of passion, lowering his mouth to kiss her strong leg. Gently sucking his way up her smooth thigh. Nipping at the delicate flesh in the crook of her hip.

“Ohhhh fuck…” Lexi comes back to earth to the sensation of his gentle teasing. She half-gasps, half-grins down at him, “naughty boy…” she teases.

No energy left in her to push him further. No energy left to make him stop. She just leans against the bedframe and lets him play.

This is it. She decides. This is what I’ve been missing.

All those wasted hookups, when I could have been training a boy from scratch.

She looks down at Cliffy -her little toy- exhausted, covered in her juices, and still worshiping her. Her grin falls away, her eyes softening. From predatory lust to something new. Gentler. Possessive.

He looks up to see her staring at him, and tired or not, his grin lights up the room.


Downstairs, the party rages on. Water splashes. Kids scream and shout. Uncles bluster. Aunts chitchat. The grill is closed and the ice cream comes out.

Upstairs, it’s quiet. Except for the occasional rattle of a bedframe to the tune of a shiver. A hushed voice. Half-muffled moans. And the slow, rhythmic schlick, schlick, schlick of a hand full of lotion, lazily working its way up and down a rock hard, 8-inch cock.

“Shhhh, Cliffy, don’t be so noisy,” Lexi hisses in his ear, “we wouldn’t want any interruptions, would we?”

His board shorts are on the floor with her skirt. He’s sitting on the edge of her bed, her every steaming curve pressed up against his naked back, as she reaches around him to stroke her slick hand from his base to tip with agonizing slowness.

Her other arm is wrapped around his shoulder, palm clamped firmly over his mouth. Stifling his moans and groans as his body shakes and legs twitch. His arms would be shaking too, if they weren’t wrapped behind them both, his handcuffs occasionally rattling, pressing against Lexi’s lower back as his hands flex and grasp at nothing.

“Good boy… do you like it when auntie plays with your cock?” she teases, to groans of approval.

“What was that? Do you want me to stop?” her hand freezes, and Clif groans as her delicate fingers gently circle the tip of his penis. Blue-painted nails just barely resting against his inflamed red glans.

“Mpph!” Clif grunts as he jerks his hips up, desperate for more. For anything.

“Ohhhh, you wanted me to keep going? Okay.” Lexi tightens her hand to nearly a fist, an almost painful grip, and slowly draaags it to his base, pulling back on his foreskin and letting thick ripples of lotion squish out around her fingers.

Clif’s legs jerk and kick, his thighs flexing as his eyes roll back, and he moans almost a scream into Lexi’s hand. The veins of his cock almost visibly pulsing. Hovering on the agonizing edge of orgasm for the third time in as many minutes.

“Like that?” she grunts, “did that feel good? If I let you talk, will you be a good boy and beg for it?”

Slowly, carefully, she loosens her grip on his face. Peeling her hand off his mouth as he gasps a few quick breaths.

“Please Lexi, please, oh my God, I’ll do anything, just let me-” his babbling is interrupted as her hand comes back down, her index finger pressing gently to his lips.

“Mmmm. I love it when you act like a little slut…” she murmurs.

“You’ll do anything, hmmmm?” she continues, “well… there is one thing…” he gasps again as she draws her hand slowly back up his quivering, red-hot cock.


“I don’t know, baby… it’s pretty naughty. Maybe we should just stop.”

“I’ll do it, I promise! Just let me cum!” he gasps, his whole body almost vibrating with the tension of his pending orgasm.

Lexi smiles to herself behind his back, relishing the moment of absolute control. Her sister’s prize, literally in the palm of her hand. And now, to claim it -to claim him- for her own.

“I have this thing I like…” she murmurs, leaning in, gripping his length firmly in her hand. Feeling each pulse of warm blood through his cock. Feeling his ragged breathing against her arms. The sweat from his back soaking her thin shirt, coating her tits. The wet shirt leaving the hard buds of her nipples on full display.

“If you really want it… you have to call me Mommy.”

“What?” Clif wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it wasn’t that… Mommy… what did that even mean? His mind went to his own mom, Grace, and even here, now, that was almost enough to lose his erection.

She can feel it too. The flinch in his shoulders. No pulse in his cock when he said that. No kink in this boy. Just fear. But she can fix him. Lexi can show him what he’s been missing. The kind of Mommy a boy like him needs.

“You heard me, Cliffy,” she whispers harshly, “If you want it, you’ll call me Mommy, and you’ll fucking mean it.”

“I don’t know…” he hedges, “it’s kinda-”

“Oh, ok,” she mutters, “that’s fine. You don’t have to.”

And just like that, her soft, warm hand is gone. Leaving his cock bobbing in front of him like a bar of iron. Suddenly cold and lonely.

Lexi has a tissue out, wiping off the lotion. All business.

The handcuffs rattle as Clif suddenly tries to turn to face her, “Wait, you can’t just leave m-”

Just like that, her free hand claps back over his mouth, and she hisses, suddenly furious, “Oh I can’t, can I?”

“Let me tell you how this works, Cliffy,” her nails dig cruelly into his cheek as she turns his head, until her lips are right up against his ear, “You need to understand that you’re my little toy today, I can do whatever the fuck I want with you. Do you understand me?”

Suddenly scared, he nods.

“Good. Now. Cliffy… Do you want aunt Lexi to play with you?”

He nods again.

Slowly, her hand lets go of his mouth, “Good. Now be a good little bitch, and tell Sexy Lexi what you want.”

Clif has never been so conflicted in his life, but his little brain wins out, “I want to… I want to cum…”

He can almost feel Lexi raise her eyebrow. “… please, Mommy.”

“Ooooh, good boy,” she moans in his ear, and quick as a flash, her hand is back. No teasing this time, just firm, steady strokes as she brings him back to full hardness. And then further.

Schlick Schlick Schlick

No cruel grip this time, no teasing, just one of her fingers back over his lips. A reminder to quiet down, even as his legs shake and his chest heaves. He tries. He really does. Groaning and moaning through clenched lips.

Schlick Schlick Schlick

And then she starts talking, whispering terrible, filthy things in his ear, and any independent thought Clif had goes out the window.

“You’re being such a good, dirty boy for Mommy.”

Schlick Schlick Schlick

“Do you like it when Mommy strokes your big, thick cock?”

Schlick Schlick Schlick

“Are you going to cum, baby? Gonna blow a load all over Mommy’s bedroom?”

Schlick Schlick Schlick

“Are you going to make a mess in Mommy’s hand? Do it, Cliffy, cum for me… let it all out. Jizz all over Mommy’s sheets.”

And then, a sound neither of them expected… the thump thump thump of footsteps on the stairs. And they freeze. Barely breathing. Lexi’s slick hand holding Clif’s cock straight out. His chest heaving to the time of it throbbing in her hand. Neither moving so much as a muscle, lest the bed creak or the handcuffs clink.

knock knock knock

“Lexi, are you in there?” no mistaking that shrill voice, Grace, “Have you seen Clifton?”

Lexi takes Clif’s cock in a death-grip, holding him stock still, and slaps her hand back over his mouth before he has a chance to do something stupid. A shiver goes through them both; his from terror, and hers excitement. She can feel Clif’s cock starting to soften as he wiggles in her grasp, the fear winning out, and she fixes that with a few quick, gentle pumps to keep him distracted.

Now this… she couldn’t have expected it, but it was just so delicious. Her stupid, holier-than-thou skank of a sister, right outside the door where she was taking his prized son to third base. And she had no idea. Lexi couldn’t just let this moment pass.

Clif, for his part, is about to faint. He can’t move. Can hardly breathe. And Sexy Lexi’s hands, clamped on his mouth and cock, are hardly helping. All he can think is, I’m dead. I’m totally dead.

And then she starts fucking stroking him again. Soft and steady. As if his mom wasn’t about to kill them both.

schlick schlick schlick

Lexi, for her part, had mastered this sort of bullshit in her teens, and had used exactly this trick to good effect many times. She puts on a sudden, pitch-perfect imitation of a groggy voice, “Huh? Grace? I’m sorry… I was taking a nap. What did you need?”

schlick schlick schlick

The doorknob clicks and rattles, still locked, thank God, but it doesn’t keep Clif from literally shaking in Lexi’s hands. Her moving hands, as she picks up the pace. Lotion squishes and drips to the carpet as she tightens her grip, quickly, quietly working his slick cock, and Clif barely holds his renewed moans into her palm.

schlick schlick schlick

“Ugh. Whatever. Just tell me if you see him,” Grace snaps, “and come say hi to Aunt Gertrude before she leaves! She wanted to talk to you.”

schlick schlick schlick

I’m sure she fucking does Lexi thinks to herself, and then, out loud, “You bet! I’ll keep an eye out for Clifton…”

She begins furiously jerking his cock. schlick schlick schlick. Driving him straight to the edge, and farther, “… and when I get a hold of him, I’ll be sure to tell him to cum for Mommy.”

And with that, Lexi leans in for the kill, tugging hard as she catches Clif’s earlobe with her lips, sucking and kissing the tender flesh as his hips begin to jerk.

Outside the door, Grace scoffs, “Whatever, thanks I guess,” and then, under her breath, “bitch.” but no one inside is listening.

In Lexi’s room, only the palm of her firm hand keeps Clif from literally screaming his pleasure, “MMPH!” as his body shakes and spasms. The first rope of his cum jets like a fountain between Lexi’s thumb and forefinger, spraying across the room to splash against the door.

If Grace looked down, she’d see her son’s cum drip under the gap in the door. But she’s already turning away. Walking down the hall.

Back in the room, Lexi can’t hold her gasp of pleasure as Clif’s body bucks against her, his bare back rubbing across her nipples, his lower back grinding on her crotch as his hips flex. Another spray of cum, and another, splatter white across the dark carpet between the bed and the door. She licks her lips, staring, still jerking him, as a fourth and fifth gush over her sheets and bed frame, and finally, she feels the heat of his cum, as the last spurts of his potent sperm spill over her hand, mixing with the lotion and pooling between her fingers.

The smell of him fills the room, as Lexi slowly, gently, gives him a last few pumps. Working out the last lingering strands and puddles to completely cover her hand with her nephew’s virgin cum.

Clif just breathes, quivering, his eyes slowly coming back into focus as Lexi squirms against his back. As her mouth lets go of his earlobe, and her hot breath runs across it, sending a fresh shiver through him. As she finally lets go of his manhood, showing off her cum-covered hand in front of them before raising it to take a loooong lick up her wrist and palm. Collecting a tongue full of cum before swallowing with a nasty grin.

“Mmmmmm,” she moans, “Mommy loves your cum, baby boy…”

Her eyes harden, already hungry again, as she leans back in to whisper, “… Maybe next time you can feed it to me straight.”


The rest is a blur.

The clatter of the handcuffs falling to the stained carpet.

A dozen tissues ruined, cleaning the slick of cum and lotion off of them.

The scramble to get dressed, handing Sexy Lexi her skirt in exchange for a shockingly chaste peck on his cheek.

A less chaste slap on his ass, as Clif slips out the bedroom door.

Creeping down the stairs, slipping over the fence to the pool, and diving into the cool water. Washing off the stink of sex.

And then, zoning out in a pool chair. Just staring into the distance. Stunned.

The first time isn’t that great, his friends had assured him, just find some slut and get it over with.

What a bunch of fucking morons. Nothing could have prepared him for this.

He didn’t know it could be this way. What he’d missed. A few awkward sessions of heavy petting -almost kissing Stephanie under the bleachers- It was nothing next to her.

The image of Lexi was burned into his brain. Kneeling over his face in the afterglow, leaning against the bed frame. Barely stirring. Face angelic, limned by the light of the window.

Pool water. Whisky. But all he could taste on his lips was her.


“I have a favor to ask,” Grace began tentatively.

And I owe you big time, Lexi thought to herself. But out loud, she just said, “Hmm?”

It was quiet in the kitchen, as they scrubbed dishes. Leaving the aunts and uncles and cousins to stream out the door, shouting goodbyes and lingering on the lawn. It was a tradition for them… one of the few things they didn’t fight about. And even then, Lexi is having a surprisingly easy time letting her sister’s passive aggression roll right off her. Can’t imagine why.

“You know, Clifton is transferring schools over the summer…” Grace continues, “to Princeton.”

Lexi’s mind buzzes, but she plays it cool, “He really is that good, then?”

For once, Grace’s bragging might be justified, “He really is.”

“Good for you, and him… but what do you need from me?”

“Well… he’s never lived in the city. And you’re close… I have to know someone will keep him safe.”

Oh… OH!

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but… I’m surprised you’d ask. I didn’t think you were so happy about my… lifestyle.”

“Of course not!” Grace snaps, then catches herself, “I mean… You’re family. And I just need someone to check in once in a while. Just to… keep him focused.”

“Make sure he stays focused on school, and church,” Grace forgets herself again, and her voice becomes venomous, “Keep him away from all those little whores his age.”

“Of course. Don’t worry. I’ll be there when he needs me.” Lexi grins into the sink full of dishes, and then, to herself, he’ll only need one whore anyway.

“Thank you.”

They lapse into silence. Grace too awkward. And Lexi… well. She was too busy planning.


Clif felt stupid, looking around like a lost puppy dog. The sun was going down, and his family was already loading up the car. But where was she?

He shouldn’t feel so hurt, being ignored. It made sense, of course. It was a secret, idiot… but she hadn’t even said goodbye.

So he collected his shirt and sandals, and made his way across the lawn. Swatted his sister’s legs out of the way, and started climbing into the back seat.

“Clif! CLIF!” Lexi shouts from the doorway, “You forgot your phone!”

What?… then he remembered. He’d left it on the wall. How did she have it?

“One sec,” he says, to his mom’s scoff, and zips back across the lawn to the door.

Clif steps through the door, “Hey aunt Alexis, wher-mmph,” he grunts as her curves slam into him, pushing him back into the wall. Pinning him against it as she locks lips with him. Effortlessly shoving her tongue into his mouth. Still tasting faintly of whisky.

He moans into her kiss as her hand slips into his pocket, firmly grabbing his quickly-hardening cock through the barely-there mesh of his trunks. She gives it a squeeze for emphasis as she pulls free of their kiss, trailing a strand of saliva between their lips.

Her cheeks are flushed, but her eyes are intense, “You know better than to call me that, Cliffy. What do you call me?”

“… Mommy.”

“Good boy,” she says, and Clif gasps as she gives his hardon a few gentle pumps through his shorts, “now, mind your manners.”

“Lex-… Mommy… can I please have my phone?” he stutters.

“Of course, baby.” It appears like magic from her impressive cleavage, still warm.

He stands there holding it. Just staring at her. There’s so much he wants to say. Questions he wants to ask.

But Lexi just places one perfectly manicured blue nail over his lips, “shhh… be a good boy and run along. We wouldn’t want to keep anyone waiting.”


Back in the car, his parents are chattering. Or at least, his mom is. His dad might as well be a statue, far beyond caring about the latest family gossip painstakingly gathered from the aunts at the party. The first truly self-driving car Clif grins to himself.

*Bzzzt* his phone buzzes in his hand.

1 new text.

From “Mommy

I didn’t make a contact named… Clif has a moment of supreme confusion, before he puts the pieces together.


What? Clif thinks to himself, then, in the entryway…

Clif reaches into his board shorts, his fingers closing around a scrap of fabric. He pulls it out…

… and immediately shoves it right back in, as he flushes scarlet and glances around the car. But his dad was still driving. His mom still yammering. His sisters still glued to their phones.

A scrap of neon blue fabric. Hardly anything, except for a few strings. Still wet.






Mommy picture message


Mommy picture message


Mommy picture message

It was going to be a long summer. Clif couldn’t wait.


End of Chapter 1

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