Casino Sex, behind closed doors by BethanyBDSM,BethanyBDSM

Alicia knelt in front of her and removed the shoe without speaking. She then took the other shoe when it was offered to her.

“Good girl.” the blonde winked as she stood and unzipped her short skirt. When the skirt slipped to the floor the kneeling woman gasped seeing the white lace panties covering the blonde’s cleanshaven sex.

Beth stepped out of the skirt and dropped her black blouse on top of it before turning to walk toward the bathroom. She tossed her bra on the bed as Alicia took in the view of her amazing ass until it disappeared into the bathroom.

“Grab me a towel out of the top drawer of the dresser the TV is sitting on.” she said over her shoulder as she turned on the shower and stepped in.

Alicia stood in front of the shower with the towel as she watched the most erotic thing she had ever seen. The stunning blonde bathed her thin tan body completely ignoring Alicia on the other side of the glass door.

Thoughts of being a sex object as well as being humiliated had Alicia damp but seeing the hottest woman in her life naked and lathering her body up with soap made Alicia absolutely wet.

Beth stepped out of the shower raising her hands above her head as she said, “Dry me off like a good girl. See how hard my nipples are in this cool air?”

The older woman, with no hesitation, stepped forward and used the soft towel to dry her superior. While she was kneeling to dry the legs and feet Beth bent forward and grabbed the back of her shirt puling it up to her shoulders.

“It’s time for this to come off.” she said in a husky whisper. Alicia dropped the towel and raised her arms allowing the shirt to be pulled off. Beth immediately tossed the shirt onto the floor and grabbed the bra clasp on the kneeling woman’s back.

Seconds later with the bra now on the floor she said, “Stand up and let me see those melons.”

Things were moving fast for Alicia but she had never been so turned on and wanted to make Beth happy. Anything Beth wanted her to do is all Alicia wanted to do. She would do anything to please her new boss. And hopefully that would involve having sex with the stunningly beautiful woman.

Alicia rose to her feet, nervous and topless, standing in front of Beth. The reaction was immediate. Beth reached out and grabbed her massive breasts.

“Wow! These are AMAZING!” Beth said ignoring the small fleshy belly under them that was spilling out over the top of Alicia’s tight pants.

The younger woman pushed the huge globes together, “This flawless porcelain white skin and these eraser size nipples.” she said giving the nipples a tug between her thumb and forefinger.

“Your outfits from now on will be low cut and with thinner bras underneath so we can all see those nipples when they are hard. Mmmmmm, can’t wait to see you dressed like a slut serving strangers their perverted pleasures along with their drinks.” she winked.

“We can discuss clothes more tomorrow. Now it’s time to let you do what you have been looking forward to doing all day.” she said walking past Alicia back into the bedroom.

“Didn’t you say you were looking forward to pleasing me this morning?” she giggled as she climbed up onto the bed spreading her legs provocatively.

“Don’t be shy. You can leave your pants on. Just crawl up here and use your mouth to pleasure me like a good pleaser should.”

Alicia was relieved to keep her pants on as her panties were soaked and no doubt fragrant at this point. She licked her lips as she crawled between the open thighs to kiss the lewdly displayed sex.

Her tongue made long slow strokes up and down the length of the moist hairless crotch. The smell of Beth’s excitement filling her nose as she kissed the clit and started working in earnest to please her.

Beth ran her fingers through the submissive woman’s hair. Taking a firm grasp when they reached the back of her head. Rotating her hips while pulling the older women’s head into her needy pussy.

She let out a breathless whisper, “OH My God. So good. Do your job. Don’t stop. You never stop until you have satisfifed. MMmmmmmmm, you are going to be such a gooooooood submissive slut for us.”

The next thirty minutes were a blur for Alicia. Beth having three orgasms on her face before pushing her away and suggesting she get a shower. As the warm shower water ran over her body she couldn’t help but recall the line over and over.

“you are going to be such a good submissve slut for us.” what did that mean? Beth and her husband? Or Beth and Veronica? Or people she hadn’t even met yet?

Her fingers danced across her clit as she ran the possibilities through her mind. The current situation with all of the possibilities were intoxicating. Her fingers were working their magic she was so close she started to bite her bottom lip.

“Ugh Hmm.” boomed a voice from just a couple of feet away. Alicia’s eyes shot open, startled by the interruption.

“We don’t allow submissives to orgasm by their own hand. You are only allowed to orgasm during physical sex with an actual person. Or with your fingers or a toy when given express permission by one of us. That usually only happens if one of us wants to watch you masturbate for our entertainment.”

Alicia removed her fingers from her crotch. Confusion and excitement had her mind racing as she turned off the water and silently stepped out of the shower.

Beth was pleased with Alicia’s reaction. No questions, just simply obeyed when told to dry off and come to bed. “You can sleep in my bed tonight so you won’t be tempted to masturbate.” Beth had told her.

The next morning was Starbucks drive through on the way to shopping for Alicia’s new outfits.

Beth knew the salesgirl who looked to be in her mid 20s. “We’ll try a 34 D cup in the material my girls normally wear. And some matching thongs.” Beth instructed the girl who immediately jumped into action.

“My bra is a 36 D.” Alicia whispered.

“Not anymore it’s not. Yes, the underwire will hurt a little and the clasp may even dig into your back some. But those melons are going to be riding high and tight to produce a shit ton of cleavage for the world to enjoy.” came the curt reply.

“Nobody will know what color eyes you have. I can promise you that.” Beth said with a wink.

Eight deep cut V neck black dresses, Six bras, eight thongs and 3 pairs of shoes. Two comfortable flat pair and one pair of 4 inch heels.

“These are for special occasions if you ever earn any.” Beth commented as she handed them to the salesgirl.

After shopping they drove to a high end apartment complex.

“This is Veronica’s place. She is here for lunch and we needed somewhere for you to get properly dressed.” Beth said as she parked the car.

In the elevator Beth looked Alicia in the eyes and said, “Last night you were perfect. I told Veronica that on the phone earlier and she suggested we stop here to let you get dressed for her. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that. Most women get a week under me before seeing her again. But you were so perfect last night.”

“This is her show. She is the top of the food chain. I like you a lot and hope Veronica agrees to keep you in our club. But pleasing her is a must if you want this job. This could be an exciting new life for you. Sex object and sex slave. I KNOW you have those types of fantasies after last night.”

Alicia’s head was spinning again. She had never been this horny in her life. But was she ok being a sex slave? She was secretly looking forward to being a sex object. And last night was incredible even though she got nothing in return. Does not being allowed an orgasm when you have sex with someone make you a sex slave?

Thousands of thoughts scrambled through her head as they walked down the hall. Was she a sex slave? After all her asshole ex-husband used her for sex. The only foreplay being him ramming his cock down her throat. Gagging on his cock always made her wet allowing him to fuck her easily after just a few short minutes in her mouth. He took anal whenever he wanted it. Never asking her opinion, simply sliding his wet cock right up her asshole.

It was true that it turned her on to be used sexually. Even right now her pussy was soaked just thinking these thoughts. These thoughts were pushed to the back of her mind as they entered the opulent apartment.

Moments later she was standing naked in front of the two women. Veronica approached her and fondled her breast before tugging and twisting her nipples slightly.

“You were right. A nice firm set of tits for a 40 year old. But these nipples make them perfect. In the right dress the whole world can see when she is excited.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Beth giggled. “If you don’t need me here I will head back. I don’t need her back until 3:00pm so you have plenty of time.” she continued.

“Very well. She will be in your office at 3.” Veronica said to Beth before leaning close to Alicia’s ear. “We can smell your excitement, slut.” she whispered.

“Are you a lesbian?”

“No. No Ma’am. Last night was my first time.”

“So you would say a cock in your pussy is your current preference for sexual gratification?”

“Um, I guess. I haven’t had sex in awhile.”

“Is that why you are obviously so horny? Or should we blame Beth for your current state of arousal?” Veronica said with a smirk.

“Never mind those questions. Would you like to have an orgasm today?”

“Well, um, I um”

“Out with it, slut. Yes or no?”

“Yes. Yes please.”

“That’s better. However submissive sluts never get without giving first. So come give me some.” Veronica said as she slipped her dress off and sat on the couch spreading her legs.

Alicia drank in the view of the sexy tan legs and the pussy with the neatly trimmed patch of hair just above it. She instinctively fell to her knees and crawled between the open legs. Instantly using what she learned the night before to pleasure the wet pussy. The familiar feeling of fingers tangling in her hair came next.

Veronica gripped her head tightly rubbing her wanting pussy on the kneeling woman’s face. She was pleased with the eagerness of the inexperienced tongue lapping at her sex.

“That’s a good slut. Keep that tongue moving. Giving pleasure is your purpose in life. Right there, right there…… ooohhhhhhhh, yeeeesssssss.”

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