Chapter Two – Tuesday – Heather

An adult stories – Chapter Two – Tuesday – Heather by deerfield920,deerfield920 A note from the author:

Thank you for taking a moment to stop in and read my content. I originally wrote this for myself with no intention to share. But I thought what the heck, did some hasty editing and posted. I am open to all comments, suggestion, ideas, etc. I hope to write other content as well as I get going.

Again thank you for stopping in my little corner of the ether.

be well

PS – sorry the postingg order got messed up. the Sunday submission got held up in review. I’ll try to the get the order fixed oe will figure out how to post as a series.


Heather wakes to a light kiss on her forehead. She rolls onto her back and looks up into his eyes.

“… good morning… sir…” she smiles sleepily.

“Good morning my sweet. I must go into the office early. Marco will bring you in when you are ready. And please scrub my words from your skin. I will provide you with new ones.”

“yes sir… ” Heather says instantly fully awake.


I purposely don’t give her any instructions for the morning. I want to see if she thinks of doing a service for me… like bringing me coffee or breakfast. My belief is she will… that she will want to.


Heather stretches long and sweet, having slept the best she has all week. No more nightmares troubled her sleep after his words to her. She jumps in the shower, thinking of her day, wondering what new words he will give her, where he will place them. A thrill runs up her spine as she scrubs at the words between her breasts, his mark, sad as she sees it disappear from her body, but excited for the mark he will make today. She wonders what he had to go into the office early for, and if he had time to get coffee. She wants his day to go well and decides that she should bring him some, to serve him in this small way. Plus, it gives her an excuse to stop at his office to start the day and receive his mark. Before long, she is standing in front of the mirror in the boho dress. The colors are vibrant and playful. Her long legs are highlighted in the dress and her braless breasts create nice pines under the thin fabric, capped with a faint outline of her erect nipples. Heather knows she will get looks today, but she knows who she belongs to. She reaches for the wonderful fun bangles Greta helped her with, slipping them onto her wrists, followed by the rings. Lastly, she pulls the necklace with the key over her head, tucking it under the dress, feeling it resting securely against her chest. She appraises herself in the mirror… fun, sexy… she smiles and pulls the dress to her left, exposing her entire shoulder. Her smile looks back at her from the mirror… flirty too.

“Coffee today Macro? Dark roast black right?” she asks Marco as they pull into Apollo.

“That’s very kind Heather, thank you.”

Heather walks into Apollo to a long line. She checks her watch, but she has time… and she smiles because he doesn’t care who might see her in his office. The line moves steadily, and she notices appreciative glances from a few of the men in the shop but they don’t trouble her. She feels sexy but confident in the short dress. Soon, she is mixing his coffee, hoping he will be surprised, hoping he didn’t stop to pick it up himself. She wants to be his good girl and help him start his day right. She hands Marco his coffee and soon they are pulling into the building.


I am waiting for them as they pull in, and open the door for Heather. She slides her long legs out and I can’t help myself, admiring her smooth skin exposed all the way to mid thigh as her dress slides up while she steps out. She smiles shyly, and I lean in, giving her a light kiss.

“Thank you for taking care of Heather, Marco. I won’t be needing you any further today, so why don’t you take a well deserved day off?”

“Thank you Patrick. My pleasure. Heather is no trouble at all.” he smiles, lifting his coffee before pulling away.

Taking her hand, we walk up the stairs together. Heather looks around as we walk, looking to see if anyone is watching, yet most people haven’t arrived this early. I escort her into my office and she sits in the chair opposite me as I take my seat. The boho dress is incredibly colorful and simple and sexy. The hem is short on her thighs as she sits, in complete contrast to the long loose sleeves. She has pulled the neckline to the side, exposing her left shoulder, creating a sexy yet demure look. She smiles shyly and smooths the dress on her thighs, clearly not entirely comfortable with a shorter dress and doesn’t cross her legs only her feet. I remind myself that I will need to help her gain her confidence and comfort in such things… her legs are too wonderful not to display them.

Smiling, I let her see my eyes appraising her, and she looks at me calmly, timid, but unflinching. I open my drawer and slide a small jewelry box to Heather. She smiles and opens it to find the pair of diamond stud earrings I gave her yesterday.

“Sir? I didn’t wear the diamond pendent. I wore the key…”

“That is perfect Heather. The diamonds will match this…” I add, sliding another black jewelry box to her.


Heather smiles again, opening the box, but her face changes to puzzlement. Inside is a gold ring, with about 6 inches of gold chain to each side. On each end is set a diamond the same as the chain she is wore yesterday, matching the studs in her ears. She looks at it curiously, not sure how to wear it.


“Open your legs for me Heather.”

Heather gasps, looking over her shoulder. While it’s early, she is completely unprepared for this command. She knows she must obey him and slowly opens her knees. The hem of her dress moves up her legs and she knows he can see the crotch of her blue and purple panties.


Heather opens her legs and I can see her panties, her large pussy lips pressing against the thin fabric. I feel a twitch in my pants and feel my cock stirring. She looks at me, clearly nervous, and I smile softly.

“It is designed as lower body jewelry. Pull one end through your panties, with the gold circle resting in the middle, allowing the two ends to dangle out each side.”

Heather slides forward in her chair, her legs apart, holding one of the diamonds, tucking it into the side of her panties. Her face reddens deeply as she pulls the crotch of her pantries out, until the diamond is out the other side. She slowly pulls on it and can feel the thin chain against her pussy lips. He watches her until the ring is centered in her pantries and she adjusts the crotch to cover her rapidly swelling lips. The sparkling diamonds hang from her panties, resting against the seat as she slides back.


“Sir, may I close my legs?”

“Yes, that is fine,” he says, his eyes watching as she moves her knees together.

Heather is still blushing as she brings her knees together and smooths her dress over her thighs, intrigued by this new jewelry. She remembers the diamond hanging between her breasts yesterday, bouncing off her boobs as she moved all day. She remembers the diamonds that hung from her nipples, swinging at the slightest movement, tantalizing her all day. While she sits, the diamonds beneath her skirt are silent, but she imagines if she walks, they will bounce off her thighs and be a constant reminder. A shiver passes through her.


I can see her mind wondering and figuring out the purpose of these new diamond dangles that lie between her thighs. Her sweet face shows she has figured it out quickly and that she is curious.

“Heather, please come and stand before me.”


Heather stands and moves around the desk, feeling the diamonds hitting gently against her thighs. She smiles slightly, enjoying the sensation, excitement for the day ahead growing. As she steps before him, Patrick turns his chair to face her. He pulls open his pencil drawer and finds the sharpie he used yesterday… to write on her… and she feels her breath catch…

“he is going to write on me again….!” she thinks, her mind screaming in anticipation.

“Heather, please pull your dress up for me…”

She trembles with barely contained excitement as she lifts her dress, exposing her thighs and the diamonds hanging against them, her panties, her lips swollen under the crotch, then more, until he nods. She looks out into the office slightly nervous, but her main emotion is unadulterated exhilaration!

“He is going to mark me again!”

“sir… rule four: I shall be marked as yours. These markings will be labels, or directly on my skin, or as an adornment, or other marking as you desire.” she breaths, whispering the words softly.

She feels his hands on her lower stomach, just above the line of her panties and closes her eyes, holding her breath, intoxicated and shivering. Gasping as she feels the pen on her flesh, she feels him writing… marking her. Heather feels a twinge between her legs and she knows he can feel her quivering.


I run my fingers slowly over her skin as I prepare to mark her. She shivers in eager anticipation and I smile. She wants to be marked. I will need to make sure to mark her each day going forward as it seems to be eliciting the reaction I want. Moving very slowly, I write my marking on her skin, just above the waist band of her thong. Feeling the heat from between her legs, I take a long, slow breath, not letting her know the affect she is starting to have on me. I must own her before letting her know that she will own me in turn. I finish writing, letting my fingers linger on her soft skin, trailing a finger from her hip, down along the front of her trembling thigh. Heather opens her eyes, looking down at me, her face flushed as I replace the pen into the drawer.

“Heather, you may lower your dress and sit again.”

“Yes sir…” she says breathlessly as her skirts fall back into place.


Heather sits and is dying inside. She knows he marked her and she desperately wants to see it. Yet she knows she can’t until he allows her to. Her nervous energy is off the charts as she smooths her dress on her legs again, laying her hands in her lap, feeling his mark as if it were burning through the thin fabric. Licking her lips, she struggles to remain calm, wanting to see it… needing to see it…

“sir…” she whispers… “may I look at your mark?”

Patrick smiles slightly at her question, but doesn’t answer right away. He simply watches her, his eyes locked on hers. He is intense and she can’t hold his gaze, looking down at her hands… and under her dress… the mark… his mark.


I smile as she asks, almost begging… but I won’t let her look… not yet… not for a while.

“Heather, I understand your desire to see how I have marked you, but I will not allow you to view it… for now.”

Heather’s disappointment is clear to see on her face and she looks down. A visible shiver runs through her.

“ok… sir… ” she whispers.

“Heather, I will allow you to see my mark soon enough. Now, be a good girl and return to your desk. Thank you for the coffee.”


Heather feels that tingle again at being called his good girl. She stands and smiles softly, knowing she desperately wants to see his mark, knowing she can’t… the distraction will be horrible. His control over the mark and revealing it to her has her off balance and uncertain… and she knows it is likely on purpose.

“sir… may I give you a kiss before I go?” she says, standing at her chair, not looking up.


I stand and step around my desk, coming to her, leaning in, holding her head, kissing her ever so lightly on the lips. I feel her melt, and she shivers again. I withdraw from her lips, and look into her eyes, holding her gaze for a long moment. Her crystal green eyes stare back.

“You belong to me.”


“I do belong to you, sir…”

Heather feels the shudder start in her clit and rocket out through her entire body. She is already in a heightened state and knows she urgently needs to gain control or she will lose herself. Taking a deep breath, she looks up into his eyes, then turns, heading out his door. She walks slowly away, feeling her body bordering on explosion.


I am very happy at her sexual capacity and eagerly look forward to continuing her transformation. I watch her as she moves down the stairs slowly, her hand carefully on the rail. I know the dangles are likely driving her mad and the rustling of her skirts on her legs a constant reminder of the mark which I have not allowed her to see. She knows it’s right there.

==== message ====

* no peeking my sweet. I will know if you do. Do not force me to discipline you

* yes sir

==== message ====

Heather reads and replies to his message as she reaches the bottom of the stairs. She is not far from her office, but, feeling the diamonds bouncing off her thighs as she walked down the stairs, knowing his mark is right there… she wants to look… to see it… but knows she can’t. Her pussy is not only damp, but wet, her clit pulsing, her stomach fluttering. Her lips are swollen and distended… she hopes her panties hold them in. He seems to know exactly how to push her, to excite her, to manipulate her… She wonders at how easily he has established control over her… and still, she wants more…

She reaches her desk and sits quickly. Placing her hands flat on her desk, closing her eyes, simply breathing. She struggles to push the image of his mark on her body away from her mind, yet, slowly, she regains herself. As the pulsing in her clit slows and her breathing returns to near normal, she opens her eyes. It might be a long and exhausting day she admits.


I return to work yet my mind is distracted like I’ve never experienced before. Her submissive nature and obedient desires are palpable. She wants to serve… she needs to serve… she is simply discovering it. Just the notion of me labeling her almost made her cum without any other stimulation. I knew when I first discovered her that I would enjoy transforming her, but she is exceeding my wildest dreams and desires. I simply have to allow it to happen.

“Don’t rush things Patrick… be patient,” I remind myself.


Heather tries to start her day, but is constantly distracted. The mere thought of his mark causes her to shudder, and she tries to push it from her mind. Getting water or going for a walk is sweet torture, the diamonds moving between her legs almost more than she can take. It is like he has lit her entire body on fire and she doesn’t have the ability to put it out. Yet, as the first hour or so of her morning passes, things calm… she calms. She pours herself over her email and other mundane work, pushing her mind away from her crazy and intense and wonderful reality. By mid morning, she is under control again, yet she knows, he can set her off again at any moment.

==== message ====

* Hello Heather. Are you doing better?

==== message ====

Heather almost laughs at his message. She was operating on the hopeful illusion that perhaps he didn’t know how much he had affected her this morning, but he knows… and now, she knows he knows.

==== message ====

* I’m great… sir.

* Excellent. Please open your bottom file drawer

* Yes sir

==== message ====

Heather feels excited that she will likely find a gift waiting for her. The small but slightly heavy box is carefully wrapped. She sets it on her desk and unwraps a small wooden box. Opening it, she finds two stainless steal balls in a velvet lining.

==== message ====

* Thank you sir. What are they?

* No questions. Do you remember where the tree from yesterday morning is?

==== message ====

Heather feels a thrill rush up her spine as she remembers standing before him, her breasts naked, her arms overhead… the feel of his lips on her nipples for the first time.

==== message ====

* Yes sir

* You are a good girl, Heather. Please go to the tree and bring the gift. You will find a note with further instructions once you get there

* Yes sir… now sir?

* Yes Heather.

==== message ====

From a spot on the first floor, I watch as she reaches the stairs. I still marvel at how she moves, elegant, graceful yet athletic and youthful. The dress swishes on her legs and her breasts bounce enticingly as she descends the steps. I wait for her to reach the second floor before heading out. Once outside, I move quickly to a spot near the tree. Everything is ready.


Heather walks quickly, the diamonds swinging wildly as she rushes along the path and she can hear them occasionally clack against each other. She slows, knowing she doesn’t want one of the diamonds to fall from the settings, but also, if anyone were to pass by… The walk seems terribly long, but soon, she reaches the side trail and follows it to the tree. A white envelop sits on a small table in the clearing.

==== note ====


I am glad you are here my sweet. Do you remember rule six?

First, set the balls on the table.

Second, remove your panties and the diamonds and set them on the table.

Three, stand with your back to the tree, your arms overhead grasping the branch.

Your Master,


==== note ====

Heather puts her hands to her face… take her panties off? stand with her hands over her head? Memories of yesterday come flooding back… this exact spot, exposing herself… but he was here with her… Patrick… she is alone now. She peeks around, and sees no one, hears no one… closing her eyes and taking a long and slow breath, she steadies herself. Setting the small box containing the balls on the table, she reaches under her dress and pulls her panties down her legs. They cling to her wet pussy and then they are free. She steps out of them and sets them on the table with the diamonds. With a deep breath, she moves to the tree, reaching up, twining her fingers around the branch overhead as she did yesterday, painfully aware of her skirt rising even higher on her thighs. And the affect is the same.

She stands against the tree, feeling excited and edgy and vulnerable. Her eyes search the woods for any sign of a person, or the sounds of someone on the path, but she is alone. Her heart is racing and her breath quick. A minute goes by and her pulse pounds in her body. Another minute passes and she yearns for him to come to her. She wonders where he is and shakes with needy tension. She can hardly contain herself as the time passes.

“where is he?” she thinks urgently.

She doesn’t see or hear him until he steps around the tree and she gasps in surprise.


I smile as she sees me, but she remains a good girl, keeping her hands overhead, holding the branch.

“Are you being a good girl Heather!”

“YES! I am your good girl Master! Rule Six: I will obey all your instructions provided verbally, written, text, messenger or otherwise. No questions. No hesitation.”

I regard her for a long minute, simply looking at her. She squirms and shifts, not from discomfort… but with need. With her arms overhead, her breasts are lifted, almost presenting themselves to me, and the heeled sandals accent her luscious legs the short dress exposes. She is quite literally appetizing to my eyes. I step to the table and pick up her warm and damp panties. Turning to face her, I hold them out, examining them, feeling her wetness on the crotch. Heather watches me intently, but I resist my urges to sample her, to smell her and taste her… that will come soon. After a moment, I set the panties back on the table and open the box, removing the two stainless steel balls. Flipping them in my hand, I let her hear the slight jangling sound they make. Without a word, I step before her, using my foot to force her feet further apart.


She watches in disbelief as he picks up her wet panties and runs his fingers along the wet crotch. He rubs his fingers together and she freezes as she thinks he will bring them to his face, but he doesn’t… he sets them aside, picking up the curious silver balls. Then he is before her and Heather gasps as he pushes her feet until she stands with her legs shoulder width apart. Her vulnerability escalates and she takes more long deep breaths. He reaches down and lifts her dress all the way to her hips, exposing her completely below the waist. She shivers and feels helpless… but she trusts him. He smiles and holds the balls up for her to see, letting her hear the light jingling… then lowers them.

“Patrick, what… what are you doing…?” she whispers excitedly as she feels his hand between her legs.


The heat of her pussy is intense as my hand comes near. I move the first ball against her and feel how incredibly wet she is, knowing the balls will slip inside her easily..


Heather feels the cold steel as he sets the first ball along her slit. His eyes stare into hers as he pushes at her, and she feels the ball sliding between her pussy lips. It spreads her open more and more until, remarkably, her pussy sucks the ball inside. She gasps loudly at the incredible sensation and she shudders.

“oh my god!!”


Heather stares at me as I push the ball against her, then, as her pussy consumes the ball, her green eyes going wide and she blinks rapidly several times. She gasps and opens her mouth rocking back and forth on her feet. I marvel at how her pussy pulled the ball in and my cock twitches. My mind wanders for a moment, imagining how incredibly tight she must be. With great struggle, I return myself to the present, knowing I must wait. I set the second ball against her, just holding it there for a moment.


Heather quivers in eager anticipation as he holds the second ball against her. The steel is cold against her hot flesh and her hips move slightly back and forth as her body yearns for him to push it inside her. She gasps again, waiting, wanting.

“please sir… please…”


I smile as she asks and I push the ball at her flesh very slowly. I want her to feel it, to feel it opening her and more importantly, to feel her body take it from me. Her pussy juices wet my fingers as her flesh gradually opens to the ball and again, her pussy sucks it inside. Heather gasps, her eyes fluttering.


Heather feels the second ball enter her body but it is the strange sensation of the balls hitting together inside her that rocks her world. A powerful spasm hits her and her eyes lose focus. She feels on the verge, quivering, teetering on the edge, but once they are inside, they remain still and her body settles slowly.

“sir… oh… they feel…” she whispers… “oh my god…”


I step back from her, very aware of her juices on my fingers. Looking down her body, I see the words I put on her skin above her small patch of light blond hair, her swollen pink lips glistening wetly, then slowly let her dress fall back into place.

“Heather, you will remain here until I’ve gone. Count to 200. Once you have counted, you are to put your panties and the diamonds back in place and return to your desk.”

“yes master…” she breaths, her eyes a bit glassy.

“… and Heather… you are not to orgasm. You belong to me. Do you understand?”

I smile as my words enter her mind. It is the first time I have commanded her orgasm. It won’t be the last.

“yes, master. I understand. I belong to you and will not orgasm,” she says airily and I know, even though she WILL struggle, she will obey… no matter what.


Heather watches as he disappears down the path, counting as he instructed. The balls feel incredibly large in her pussy but she tries not to focus on them, afraid to fail his last command. Time stops as she counts, and it seems like forever until she reaches 200. She lowers her arms and takes the two steps to the table. The balls bump against each other and the sensations are incredible.

”Heather, how are you going to walk like this?” she thinks, “much less control yourself…”

She tentatively pulls her panties up and slips the diamonds into place, carefully tucking her swollen pussy lips in. Standing straight, she takes a few steps along the path. The balls shift inside her and she clenches herself around them, contracting her pussy as much as she is able. Taking a couple more tentative steps, she finds, if she concentrates, she can keep the balls mainly still. The diamonds harass her thighs terribly, but she feels enough control to walk… slowly.


I watch as she emerges from the trail, walking slowly and a bit stiffly, but remarkably well considering. Other than her slow pace, no one would tell if they weren’t watching closely.

==== message ====

* Master? Could I have your permission to use the elevators? I fear the balls will fall out if I take the stairs

* I think you might be right Heather. And I would hate to see them bouncing down the stairs. It would be very noisy! LOL I will allow you to use the elevator

* Thank you sir!

==== message ====

Once back at her office, she slides her dress from under her and sits carefully, not wanting to ruin the wonderful garment. Since the moment he inserted the balls into her, Heather has been dripping and knows she will soak the thongs. She has never experienced anything like this. She is also physically tired… walking with her stomach and pussy clenched has been a surprising work out.

She tries to get back to her work, but her mind keeps reliving the day so far. His words, his mark is there, on her skin, under her dress, but she cannot look. He has not permitted her to… but she tingles just thinking about it. She wants to peek, desperately, yet she wants to be obedient. And the tree, standing there for him with her arms over her head, vulnerable… And the orbs, feeling him press the cold metal spheres to her pussy, feeling how they spread her open, and… the incredible sensation as her body literally pulled them inside. She doesn’t understand exactly what happened or how to describe it. They rattled inside her subtly as she walked and she doesn’t know how much further she could have walked, glad to be sitting once again.


I order lunch for us and wait for the time to pass, busy with business dealings and such. Yet, my mind keeps going back… her body literally took the balls out of my fingers, sucked them inside her. My cock twitches just at the thought of it, thinking of how she will feel once I allow myself to take her.

Soon. Soon.

==== message ====

* Hello Heather. How are you doing my dear?

* OMG sir! I haven’t left my desk since I got back. What are these things?

* They have many names… ben wa, kegel, orgasm balls… I could go on. It is a good research topic for you tonight.

* I will research them sir, thank you.

* Are you hungry Heather?

* Yes, thank you for asking Sir. I can go and pick something up, but I think I would need to remove the kegels

* No, I have taken the liberty of ordering lunch if you would join me in my office

* Thank you sir. Should I come now?

* Yes Heather, I have everything ready

==== message ====

Heather stands uncertainly, not sure how the the balls will move after a long time sitting. They shift a bit, but she is able to walk. As she climbs the stairs, the kegels shift differently and the subtle rattling is much more pronounced. She contracts her pussy as much as she can and while it’s a struggle, she makes it to the top of the stairs. Peeking around the area to see if anyone is nearby, she enters his office.

“Hello Master!”

“Hi Heather, ” he smiles, clearly glad to see her. “I have our lunch all ready.”

She pulls her chair up, the kegels settling as soon as she sits. Patrick lays out a pair of chicken Caesar salads, a small loaf of bread and water. They enjoy lunch quietly, and soon they are setting the remains aside. Heather slides her chair back and sits much as she did this morning, her legs together, feet crossed, her hands folded in her lap.


Heather fidgets as she sits before me and I take my time, feeling her anxiety. She is such a gorgeous and sexy woman and knowing what secrets the wonderful boho dress hides makes her even more so. My plans are set for the day and I know I can take my time here.

“Heather, have you behaved since we visited the tree?”

“Yes, sir… I’ve been a good girl.” she breaths, feeling the thrill of being his good girl.


“and…” she looks at me with a question in her eyes, then… “no… I have not orgasmed sir…”

“Good girl.” I smile. “I would like you to remove the kegels.”

“now…?” she says, adding… “sir…”

“Yes. Please.” I smile, watching her, testing her obedience.


“Rule Six: I will obey all your instructions provided verbally, written, text, messenger or otherwise. No questions. No hesitation.”

Heather takes a deep breath and slowly opens her legs. She knows he can see everything, her smooth thighs, the crotch of her panties… and soon more. Peeking around nervously, she reaches a hand under her dress and pulls her wet panties aside, placing her fingers along her pussy lips… She can feel the balls inside her, but she doesn’t know exactly how to do this. She shifts in her chair and tries contracting her muscles, but that only holds them tighter. She tries to relax, very aware of his eyes on her, watching her… and she starts to push… and slowly, she feels the balls moving down. Looking down between her legs, she sees the first start to emerge, the shiny steel ball covered in her juices. She feels it opening her slit and spreading her lips… until, after a few moments, it literally pops out of her and into her fingers. He smiles and places a hand over his mouth, suppressing a laugh and she smiles, giggling softly. Refocusing, she pushes again, feeling the second kegel at her entrance, again spreading her lips open before popping from her body and into her hand.


I watch in fascination as Heather’s body surrenders the two kegels. As the second emerges and slips into her hand, she slowly closes her legs, pushing her skirts back into place with her right hand, holding the two slippery balls in her left, not sure what to do.

“Heather, they will need to be washed carefully. Please do so now.”

“yes sir,” she says, standing, heading to the rest room.

In a few minutes, she returns, carefully concealing the balls in her hand. I slide the box over and she places them inside, looking at me to see if I want them back.

“I think you will want to keep them Heather, especially after researching them. Please shut the door.”


Heather wonders at his research comment as she closes the door and realizes he has also closed the blinds. Yet she sets both thoughts aside, desperately wanting to see his mark.

“sir…” she hesitates, wanting to ask me, but not sure she should. “I’ve been a good girl today… please, may I see your mark?”

“Perhaps. But, I have two requirements of you.”

“Rule Six: I will obey all your instructions provided verbally, written, text, messenger or otherwise. No questions. No hesitation.”

“Thank you Heather, but hear me out. First, I would like you to give me a gift.”

“Sir?” she hesitates… but she knows instinctively what he wants.

She slides up in her chair and reaches under her dress discretely and pulls the diamonds free, setting them on the desk in front of her. Sliding her hands up her thighs, she slips her fingers under the thongs, pulling them off her hips and down her legs, feeling them peel away from her wet lips as her hands reach her knees. Sliding back in her chair, she slips them down and off her legs. His eyes never leave hers as she sits straight, the wet panties in her left hand. He has received her panties before, at the library, what seems ages ago, but not like this… in person and incredibly intimate, giving them to him, placing them in his hand.


”Second, you are not allowed to orgasm, not until I specifically allow it. If you fail in this instruction, you will require discipline.”

She looks at me, not sure how to react. We have not talked of discipline yet but I want to see her reaction.

“Discipline…? What do you mean…” she says anxiously, nervous at what I might say.

“That is another question I would like you to research Heather. For this specific time, I would choose… perhaps spanking over my knee, or kneeling in a corner for a time, or performing a service to which we both agree.”


Heather consumes these options quickly. She doesn’t enjoy pain, and kneeling in a corner might not be too bad, but she senses, there might be something more to it than simply kneeling… and an agreed upon service…?

“Sir… I agreed to Rule Six. I signed the agreement and will do my best to obey… to be good.”

Heather reaches over his desk, holding her panties in her trembling hand. He holds his hand out and she sets the wet thongs in his palm, gasping slight as she does.


I know my timing needs to be perfect in these next moments.

“Heather, you may view my mark.”

I watch her carefully, knowing psychologically it’s unlikely she will be able to handle the emotionally and sexually charged moment she is about to experience. I’ve weighed testing her in this way but my mind is set. First, I wish to witness what I believe is about to happen. Second, I wish to introduce discipline into her experience, for I am fairly confident she will fail this test.


Taking a deep breath, Heather lifts her dress as discretely as she can, exposing her legs inch by inch, then her swollen lips, and then…

“Property of Patrick”

Her mind races at seeing his words, and she knows she does in fact belong to him. Heather experiences a mental break which triggers a very physical response. Her clit starts to jitter and she gasps looking up at him… and watches as he slowly brings his hand towards his face.

“oh no… he wouldn’t…. he can’t,” her minds shrieks!


I bring her panties towards my face and Heather closes her eyes.

“Heather. Look at me… now.”

She opens her sparkling eyes, holding her breath, knowing what is about to happen. With both hands cupping her still warm panties, I bring them to my nose and smell her, breathing in deeply, letting her hear me do it. I watch her face and she blinks, trying to control herself, struggling with her carnal reaction to me.


Heather feels a tremor start in her clit and radiate out through her entire body. Looking down, she sees his mark on her skin, right above her naked pussy…

“Property of Patrick”

She looks up… Patrick presses her panties to his face, breathing deeply, his eyes lustful and wanting… Her eyes flick back down along her body…

“Property of Patrick”

…and she hears him take another deep breath, knowing he is breathing in her scent, feeling her wetness on his face, knowing he has her panties pressed to… Suddenly, her hips jerk and her clit spasms… She knows he is testing her and she knows she is going to fail. Grabbing the arms of the chair, she slides her ass all the way back, pressing herself into the chair, her eyes wide…

“… sir… ~gasp~ …I can’t… ~gasp~


Heather sits rigidly, puffing and gasping softly at first, her eyes searching my face, trying to understand this strange command I have over her. She trembles visibly, her knees quake, her breasts jiggle freely under the dress. I lean forward, my elbows on my desk, transfixed by her. Her legs are open, her dress still gathered up by her hips. I can see her pink flesh, her lips engorged and glistening… her clit stiff and sticking out slightly. She squeezes her eyes shut and struggles for over a minute. I know the longer she fights to control it the more violent her eventual release will be. Her beautiful green eyes flutter open, staring at me wide-eyed…

“… I’m… ~gasp~ …sorry… ~gasp~ can’t…. ~gasp~ …stop…”


Heather leans forward as the explosion builds inside her. She stares at him but her eyes are unfocused and filled with flashing lights. She tries to breath, but her lungs won’t draw air. Her body starts to tremble and she feels it coming… and she knows she can’t stop it… the pressure swells… she drops her head forward, her hair hanging around her face…

“OH GOD!” she cries out!


Heather grasps the arms of the chair with white knuckles, her eyes wide. I can see it… the agony of ecstasy, she cannot fight it… it is coming for her. Tremors shake her body, her breasts jiggling and wobbling under the light dress, her knees quivering, her pussy lips large and wide open. Her head bows forward slightly, her blond hair spilling around her face. She cries out…. …and erupts!


The orgasm explodes inside her and her entire body spasms. Heather’s head slingshots back as her body arches, her hair flying. Her hips rock forward and her legs go taunt, stretched straight out before her, shaking wildly. As her body tenses from head to toe, the damn she has been holding back collapses… the release is tremendous.

“aahh… ~gasp~ …aahh ~gasp~ …aahh ~gasp~ …aahh… please…~gasp~ aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!”


I watch as Heather whips her head back, contorting herself back against the chair. Her legs go stiff, quivering and jerking. And there before my eyes, her body explodes… her vulva contracts… once… twice… and then, her entire pussy convulses. And to my amazement, her pussy spurts a glob of juice from her slit, spouting from between her lips and onto the chair. I can’t believe what I’m seeing. I’ve see a woman squirt… I’ve see a woman ejaculate… but never this. She tenses again, and I hear her sucking in air.

“mmmmmmmmmmm… ohhh ohhh ohhh… noo noo noo….”


Heather feels her entire body tense in an almost painful moment before the release… and then shuddering, quivering, shaking… her body convulses. She feels the eruption between her legs, a feeling unlike anything she has felt before, like her pussy is pushing itself inside out. And again, her body stops, an incredibly strong contraction gripping every inch of her body. She gasps loudly, her chest heaving, her breasts thrust up. And it happens again… A gush of her juices bubbles from her pussy, a blob bursting from her depths.


I watch as she expels a second spurt of cum and she shudders wildly, her legs and shoulders shaking. Her head falls back as she simply surrenders to the orgasm. My eyes watch entranced as her pussy continues contracting powerfully, a heavy flow of her liquid oozing out of her after the initial expulsions. The shaking slows, her legs settle and she pants, lifting her head slightly, her face contorted, her eyes glassy and far off. She licks her lips rapidly several times, sweat beading on her neck and upper chest. Unbelievably, she is ready to cum again… her brows furrow and her eyes find focus, looking at me… almost begging me… but I cannot help her where her body is taking her.


“sir… ~gasp~ …please… ~gasp~ … I can’t… ~gasp~ …… stop….”

Heather feels another eruption rising deep inside… and she wants it… but fears it… she is going somewhere her body has never gone before. Her orgasms the past week have been powerful and crazy, yet today, he is watching her… staring at her… she can feel his eyes on her… and on… her pussy.

“you’re a good girl Heather…”

She hears his words, and she is lost.

“OH…. OH… OH…!!!!!!!!!”

Heather arches again, stronger than before, her pelvis lifting from the chair. She clings to the arms hopelessly, trying to hold herself up as she feels it again, the strange discharge as her pussy spews her juices. She lets her head fall back again, unable to prevent the cataclysm of her orgasm.


Heather lifts her hips, her pussy lifting, directly in front of me as another contraction grips her vagina. And it happens again, her pussy spurts a glob of thick juice, her labia fluttering. Her body spasms again, her hips jerking as her pussy contracts again before releasing another expulsion of her juices. I lick my lips, completely enthralled by her, amazed at her awesome orgasmic display. She starts quivering uncontrollably and her hips collapse onto the chair. Her hands slide up under her breasts, grasping at her flesh through the thin dress, her fingers pinching at her nipples.

My cock twitches strongly in my pants as I simply watch her. Her pussy is absolutely drenched and I want to bury my face between her creamy, wet thighs, yet I can’t give in to my desire quite yet. She is a marvelous creature and I can’t believe how perfect she is. I feel as if my every desire, my every want is right in front of me.


Everything disappears for Heather, awash in the utter bliss and incredible storm raging inside her. The orgasms grow beyond her ability to contain them, and once released, completely consume her. She is vaguely aware of her hands on her breasts, pinching crazily at her erect nipples, vaguely aware of her pussy flooding the chair and her thighs, vaguely aware of… him. She writhes in pure ecstasy, her mind showered in sparks. She lays back, closing her eyes, simply shivering, completely spent, collapsing in the chair.

Heather remains awash in her orgasm for what seems forever. She is vaguely aware of random spasms firing in her body, shaking her shoulders or triggering one of her legs to shake. Her head lays back on the chair, and she gasps softly, her chest rising and falling as she sucks in air. She has expended so much energy during her release and her hands slide from her breasts, falling to her sides. Her body goes limp as the sudden cataclysm subsides almost as quickly.


I watch her, waiting patiently for her orgasmic display to subside, ready to help her if she loses consciousness or starts to slip from the chair. She looks completely wiped out from the sudden onslaught, her head laying back on the chair, her arms hang limp to her sides, her legs stretched out wide before her. Her dress is disheveled, the skirts up near her hips, exposing most of her lower body. I lick my lips and marvel at how her pussy continues to contract slowly as her juices continue to slide from between her thick pink lips. The chair is wet and her excess runs off the edge, dripping to the floor. My cock twitches, wanting to take her, right here, right now… but I wait. I have invested way too much to just throw my plans and designs away on impulse.

Heather lays in the chair motionless for several minutes, and I start to wonder if she didn’t in fact pass out. But slowly, she returns to the world. It starts with a long and slow sigh as she lifts her head with obvious effort. Her hair is tousled and there are beads of sweat on her forehead as her glassy eyes look at me. She grabs the arms of the chair and slowly pushes herself upright, giving me an embarrassed smile.

“… I’m sorry sir…” she says, looking down.


Heather returns from the blissful storm of her body and sits up slowly, taking great effort. She feels exhausted and spent, and completely embarrassed. Looking down, her legs are open, her pussy lips wide apart and bloated. Her orgasm has created a tremendous mess, her sweet liquid covering the seat of the chair, dripping from the edge, her slit glistening and wet as it continues to seep in the aftermath.

“Please don’t be embarrassed. Your body is beautiful and your orgasm was… incredible.”

Heather smiles shyly as he hands her a towel and wipes. The incredible orgasms, the amount of cum her body is releasing… she has never experienced anything like it before. She starts to clean up as he watches… yet, some how, she’s not embarrassed that he is watching… it feels… good that he is watching her.

“thank you sir…”


I watch as Heather gingerly uses the wipes on her tender pussy lips, then cleans her thighs. Standing tentatively, she turns and uses the towel to clean the chair and floor as best she can.

“I’m sorry sir… I know I wasn’t supposed to…”

I smile and reach across the desk, holding out my hands. Heather grins softly, placing her hands in mine.

“It was an unfair test, and I will take that into account when considering your punishment. But please don’t worry, my discipline will always fit the situation.”

“…thank you Sir.”


Heather wonders about her ‘punishment’, and finds herself tingling… she doesn’t want to admit it to herself, but thinking of being in his control so completely… to know she must be obedient or face his consequences…

“Why don’t you head back downstairs. Maybe, if you’re a good girl, we can go for a walk later.”

Heather shivers as he uses those words… ‘good girl’ … she wants to be his good girl more than anything… she wants him to take her for a walk.

“I am your good girl… I will be good this afternoon, Sir.”


Heather looks at me as she promises to be a good girl, her eyes steady and sure. I know she will be good. I stand and move around the desk, helping her stand. I kiss her hand, then lean in for a light kiss. I feel her trembling… and as our lips part, our eyes meet… we both want a longer kiss, more than a kiss… and we both know that we will, but not yet.

I take her hand and lead her to her office. Heather smiles brightly as people nearby notice us… she is happy and proud to be mine. I kiss her cheek lightly just inside her door as I turn to leave.


“Thank you… sir” she says, smiling sweetly, happy that he walked her back to her office.

After Patrick leaves, Heather as a steady flow of friends and colleagues asking her about him. She can’t help her large grin and can’t hide her happiness. But they don’t know the whole truth… that she is his, that she belongs to him. When things calm, she carefully peeks under her dress to see his words, his mark…

“Property of Patrick”

She IS his property. It was only a week ago she received his surprising note… and she could have simply tossed it away… but here she is, dressed sexy and provocative, hiding his secret mark under her dress, not wearing any under garments, having just orgasmed… powerfully… right in his office, right before his eyes… She shivers and smiles.


I call the Doctor, setting up dinner for tomorrow tonight. Next I call Sarah and make sure she selects a wonderful dress for Heather. Sitting back in my chair, I close my eyes, seeing her sitting across from me, her pussy pushing her juices in large globs between her large pink lips. My plans are going very well… and Heather is much more than I could have ever dreamed.


The afterglow of her orgasms feels wonderful as she tries getting back to work. She finds she is able to concentrate and focus, plowing through her work. Patrick has been this wonderful presence in her world and he has given her so much… wonderful gifts, belief and confidence in herself, protection and safety, and this strange freedom… it is just as he said in his first note… by giving herself to him, he is setting her free?

She wants to do something for him… but she doesn’t really know him. She blushes as she remembers what she has already given him today, and her clit jitters as she thinks of it… But she wants to give him something different, like the things he has given her. Yet, he seems to have everything.

==== message ====

* meet me at the rear doors for a walk?

* Yes sir!

==== message ====

I wait for her near the doors, staring out at the sunshine filtered through the trees. I hear her steps and turn… She is stunning… that’s all there is to it. Her long blond hair falls over her shoulders, her green eyes sparkle with life. Her dress is fun and sweet and sexy all at once, showing much of her long perfect legs, moving tantalizingly on her body which I know is bare beneath the thin colorful fabrics, and she again has the open neck pulled to the side, exposing her smooth, tanned shoulder. The fun and sweet bangles and large rings complete the perfect picture.

“Hello my sweet!” I smile, leaning in to kiss her cheek

“Hi Master!”

“Have you been a good girl so far this afternoon?”

“Yes sir! I’ve been a good girl for you!”


Heather shivers as she says the words, the effect of being his ‘good girl’ still triggering her. He opens the door for her and takes her hand as he leads her on the road around the wooded side of the building. The air is warm but the shade of the trees helps, with a light breeze stirring the air.

“I wonder Heather… would you like to have dinner with the Doctor and I tomorrow evening?”

Heather looks up at him, a large smile on her face.

“YES… Please….” she says… “…sir!” she adds, almost forgetting in her haste.

“I thought you might… and since you are being so good for me, I called Sarah to find a perfect dress for you.”

“Thank you sir! I love looking good for you!” she blushes, admitting that she does in fact like looking good… for him.


Heather walks with a new spring in her step… she likes that I have selected a dress for her… she likes dressing well for me… which pleases me a great deal. I can’t wait to see how she looks in Sarah’s selection… I suggested a little black dress, and I trust Sarah to pick exactly the right thing. We walk slow and quietly and I lead her up by the old house, circling around and into the gardens. As I lead her towards the arbor and trellis, she looks at me, her eyes excited, predicting something to come. Without a word, I guide her under the arbor, turning her to face me, taking and lifting her hands, putting them at a rail overhead, holding them there in one strong hand. Staring into her eyes, I pull my tie off and wrap it around her hands, tying her carefully, but securely.


Heather literally quivers as he takes her hands up over her head, and a strong shudder ripples through her as he pulls his tie off, using it to tie her hands. She gasps softly as he steps back from her, a satisfied look on his face. His eyes move over her body and she knows he like what he sees. She feels vulnerable as his eyes move up her legs, the hem resting near mid thigh. His eyes move up to her breasts, lifted high on her chest by her hands held over her head. She knows he likes her breasts, and her nipples stiffen through the thin dress. Her pussy reacts quickly as well, her lips swelling, moisture gathering quickly along her slit…

He pulls something from his pocket, holding his hand out to show her. It is a large smooth egg shaped pink stone with a silver chain, a blue sapphire is mounted at the end. With his free hand, he lifts her dress, and she gasps as his fingers touch her skin where his mark sits, right above her pussy.

“I like that you bear my mark Heather… and my key”


I see her eyes flutter a bit and she smiles. Slowly, I move my hand down, and she moves her feet apart for me… offering herself to my fingers. I lean in close to her, feeling her entire body shivering.

“you are such a good girl Heather.”

She gasps loudly and she trembles.

“yes sir… i am a good girl for you…”

My hand slides between her legs and I feel the heat and moisture there. My fingers open her thick lips and push the large egg against her… and again, as I do, her body slowly takes it, sucking it in.


Her body takes the egg from his fingers, sucking it in and she feels it… filling her, nestle inside her quivering body. It’s larger than the kegels, but feels entirely different. Her eyes look up at him… his eyes are dark and intense…

“Heather, it is critical that my gift remain where I have placed it until I ask you to return it to me. do you understand?”

“Yes sir…” she breaths.

“if you allow it to leave you before that time, you understand that you would need to be disciplined?”

“Yes, sir…”

Heather watches as he moves his hands up, touching her skin above the neck of the dress. Slowly, he draws her necklace up, pulling out the key. He holds it in his fingers, turning it over, looking at it, considering it… Then he looks into her eyes, pulling the dress away to allow the key to slide back along her skin, resting again on her chest just above her breasts. He wants her to keep it, to keep it safe, a sign, perhaps, that he is also hers.


Untying her hands, I stuff the tie into my pocket. Heather stands with her back to the wall, breathless, her eyes staring at me, her hands still held over her head. I take her hands and lower them, taking her right hand in mine as we continue our walk. At first, she walks gingerly, adjusting to the egg’s presence, but soon, she is matching my leisurely pace. We enter the building at the front and I lead her up the stairs, leaving her at the third floor, and heading back to my desk.


Heather feels out of control as he leads her away from the garden. She feels the orb moving inside her as she walks, the thin chain hanging from her pussy, the sapphire bumping lightly against her thighs. It makes no sound as it swings freely, teasing her, a constant reminder. He leads her back inside and her hand misses him as soon as he leaves her at the third floor.

She sits at her desk, and the afternoon crawls. Unable to get anything done, she finds her mind wandering. She wants his attention again… for him to be thinking about her. He has been strangely quiet since their early afternoon walk and as the end of day nears, she is getting restless… and she has to admit, lonely, and needy, and forgotten, and sad… almost pouty. Heather heads out for a walk around the building, trying to distract herself. She heads down the stairs, considering all that has happened. Yes, their relationship has been very sexual and she believes it will continue to be. A thrill passes up and down her spine as she thinks of what that means. Yet, there’s so much more to him. He is caring and he dotes on her like she has never known. He risked his life to save hers when he hardly knew her. She thinks back to his original note to her… he called it a “life decision.” and perhaps she is starting to understand where he is taking her… and she smiles.


I notice her heading out for a walk and move to the second floor, standing near the windows in a quiet spot where I can see the road winding behind the building through the trees. I watch for her, seeing her walking along the road, the breeze catching her dress, fluttering it around her legs. While the large egg seems innocuous, it hides a secret she does not anticipate.


She heads around the back of the building, feeling the egg inside her… the jewel bumping between her legs as she walks. The air is warm but the breeze is pleasant as she follows the winding road around the back of the building. She is very aware that she doesn’t have panties as the wind pulls at the short dress. Suddenly, the egg bursts to life and she almost collapses to the ground, gasping out loud. She moves quickly to the stone bench along the road and sits, her knees together, her feet canted out, her hands holding onto the edge of the bench tightly. Then just as suddenly as it appeared, it’s gone. She waits a full five minutes before she even thinks about moving. Standing uncertainly, she looks up at the building and sees him standing at the window, smiling, waving slightly. She laughs and heads back into the building, smiling… he IS thinking about her.


At the end of the work day, I walk down to Heather’s office.

‘Hello sir!” she smiles, standing and coming around her desk to give me a light kiss.

“Hi Heather! Are you ready to go?”

“Yes sir!” she says as she gathers her things.

I take her hand and lead her down to the garage, simply enjoying her presence next to me. She has brought a vibrancy to my life that I have long missed. And she is a goddess… my goddess. Many women have thrown themselves at me in my past, lured by my power and money. Yet, I have never wanted any of the those lovely creatures… I’ve always wanted something more. And now that I am so close, I find myself excited unlike I have felt before.

I open the door for her and help her into the front seat of the sleek black Aston Martin Vanquish. The low seat combined with her long legs causes her dress to slide up her thighs and she smiles sweetly as she catches my eyes peeking, pushing the hem back in place in a very lady-like gesture. I laugh softly before popping the convertible top and driving us out.


“Sir…? May I ask a question?”

“Yes, Heather. Anything.”

“You don’t really work here do you?” she asks as I whisk us along the long curving drive way before pulling out onto the busy streets.

“No. I contacted a friend on the board and acquired the space for my use. I requested privacy and discretion and kept my purpose to myself. I have long been a strong supporter of the hospital.”


Heather waits for his answer as they slow for a light. He turns to look at her, his dark eyes both playful and intense.

“you…” is his one word reply.


I knew she would ask this question at some point. The condo, having Marco as a driver, all the things wealth has provided me, that I am sharing with her, and certainly the Aston Martin is above hospital pay. She watches me as I drive, her long blond hair flying in the breeze, her hands resting on her legs as the wind tugs at her dress. I wait for another question, but it doesn’t come.


“you…” is all he says.

Heather watches him as he drives, but he doesn’t look over as he navigates the traffic. She waits for more of an answer, but after a minute she figures there isn’t more. He is wealthy… his condo, the gifts, this car… and he could have an office anywhere… yet he choose to sit in a small, dated spot in an old building… for her? She doesn’t understand it… yet all she knows is how he has changed her life in just a handful days… and she wants more. She smiles as her hair flies in her face, laughing.

“Sir, could I put my hair up, the wind is wonderful, but I can’t see…” she laughs.

“Yes, please… that is fine.”


Heather pulls one of the black ties I had given her and gathers her hair up. As she slips her hair into a pony tail, the wind catches her dress and the skirt billows up, exposing her legs and much more. She squeals and presses her legs together, her hands moving down quickly to gather her dress. Looking out at traffic, she sighs as there is no one near that might have caught a glimpse. She looks back at me and giggles like a school girl and I laugh…

“Do you want to drive?” I smile

“oh my god… YES!” she squeals, “…sir” she adds.

I pull into a shopping plaza and get out, walking around the car to open her door. I extend my hand and she places hers in mine and I smile, pleased that she is naturally allowing me to control her in this small way. As I help her from the low seat, she demurely smooths her dress, trying to be modest in the short skirts. I walk her around to the driver’s seat and as she settles into the seat, I close the door. Soon, she is taking us out into traffic again, smiling widely.


Heather feels exhilarated driving the expensive car, shocked and delighted he trusts her with it. She peeks at him a few times and he is just staring at her, a slight smirk on his face.


“I am just admiring you… ” he says… “you are absolutely gorgeous Heather.”

Heather blushes hotly, now very aware of how her dress has moved up her legs, threatening to expose her body to him… But, if she has to admit, she wants him to look… to see her. The air rushes through her hair and she pulls the hair tie out, letting her hair fly in the air. She has never felt so… free… but also extremely aware of his dominance of her, of his mark on her body… knowing that she is free… and his at the same time.


We arrive at the condo and I walk into the kitchen, Heather behind me.

“I have to jump on a call. Please gather some drinks and snacks and bring them in when you are ready.”

“yes sir…”

I want her to become accustomed to serving in all ways, including domestic things like this. I also have not included any specific instructions on what to bring me. First, to see if she will ask. Second, to see if she has been paying attention. As I turn to leave, she asks…

“Sir, are there any particular things you would enjoy?”

“Yes, thank you Heather. Water for sure, maybe some fruit? Just light things.”


Heather wanders the kitchen, gathering some bottles and fruit from the fridge, searching for a serving tray, etc. She is very aware of the yoni nestled in her body and the sapphire between her legs. Once she has everything together, she walks into his office. Patrick smiles at her while on his call and presses a button, sliding the doors closed. She hands him a glass of ice water, remembering he seems to prefer iced water over just from the bottle… and no straw. She also places a strawberry, some pineapple, a few grapes and blueberries on a plate, sliding it across for him. Again, he smiles.


Heather pours the water and hands me the fruit plate. She is paying attention, observing how I like to drink water, what fruit I have eaten. She has even brought bottled juice, orange, cranberry… and pineapple.


Heather watches him on the phone, fascinated at the business conversation. She blushes hotly as he stares, quite literally undressing her with his eyes. She turns slightly, lifting her foot behind herself, putting her hands to her face in mock insult and he smiles. She is not sure what to do, then her mind goes back to the Agreement. With the doors closed, she steps around the desk and sees the small black kneeling pad there beside him. She lowers herself beside him, sitting back on her heels, setting her hands on her thighs. The feeling of kneeling beside him is strange, yet she likes it. Looking up at him, she simply waits for his call to end. He smiles down at her, winks and stroke her hair. A shiver runs through her before he withdraws his hand and returns to his call.

She loves his touch and his attention… craves it. She inches a bit closer to him and without asking, leans towards him, letting her head rest against his leg. His hand falls to her head and she closes her eyes, simply enjoying his hand on her. After a few minutes, his fingers play in her hair absently while he talks. She sighs deeply, letting out a long slow breath. She feels at home.


I feel her head against me as I continue my call. I smile, completely distracted from my work, letting my hand fall to her head. Focusing back on my business, I realize as she sighs, that I am playing in her hair… it is exactly what I am seeking… to have her presence and companionship in every simple way. I wrap up my call and Heather sits up as I turn my chair to her.

“You are being a very good girl Heather. Thank you for the snacks!” I say, downing a pineapple juice.

“you’re welcome Sir,” she says quietly, her eyes soft and expectant.

I hold my hand out and Heather places hers in mine. I help her to her feet and show her to the plain wood table to the right. Her laptop and other items are all set up there for her. Heather moves to the chair, sitting.

“Sir, I assume you would like me to continue my research?”

“Yes, Heather. I have more things to attend to, should keep me busy for the next hour or more.”

“Sir, other than the kegel balls and discipline, do you have other topics you would like me to review?”

“Yes, like the kegel balls, a yoni egg is also a good topic. If you have more time after those, you may use the time as you wish.”

“thank you sir!”


Heather feels the ‘yoni’ egg inside her as she leans in to the laptop, quickly looking up the kegel balls. She has never heard of them before and wishes to learn as much as she can. She is surprised at their typical non-sexual use. Her sexual experience is limited for someone her age, and she finds it somewhat embarrassing, yet, she now wonders how she ‘feels’ to a man. Is she tight? Is she pleasurable? The thought of him inside her makes her shudder and she wants him to enjoy her… to feel great pleasure in it. She determines that she should start using them at least ever other day.

Next, she starts looking at the different punishments in this BDSM world. Many look painful or humiliating, yet she wonders if those are things he is interested in at all. She wants to be obedient and therefore not require punishment, yet she knows she can’t be perfect and will likely make mistakes and require… discipline. She takes her note pad and starts writing those punishments that seem to make sense to her… that resonate. Spankings and things of that nature make sense she thinks, although she doesn’t enjoy pain… perhaps that’s the point, she smiles. Bondage also seems to fit… but she knows how she reacted to the simple things he has done so far, so perhaps those wouldn’t fit as a punishment, still, she adds it to her list. Taking things away from her also makes sense. She thinks about the things she has enjoyed the most so far…. the pool, lunches, morning coffee, anything spending time with him… it’s mainly him she laughs. She wonders about sexual consequences, but so far, she doesn’t know where things are heading, but when she thinks of anything sexual with him, she is exhilarated and can’t imagine something sexual that would be a punishment… except perhaps not having it? Him lecturing her doesn’t seem his style, but perhaps her writing something could work, like writing what she did wrong or performing the thing she did wrong correctly over and over? Chores make sense, but she’s not sure if this is something he wants her doing… but chores can be a great variety of things. She reads about collaring and likes how that sounds so denial of the things of their ‘relationship’ would probably work… she is so intoxicated with it all so far, so removal or slowing of things would definitely be a punishment. There is a great deal written about humiliation, like degrading things in public. She would be absolutely mortified, but again, she doesn’t see that as something he would want… perhaps performing some service or other in public but not intended as humiliation. As she reads more, many of the things are not sexual, but some are and she trembles thinking of it. After a long while, she sits back, looking at her list. She thinks that it looks pretty good.

– spanking – open hand, paddle, whips

– bondage – kneeling, being tied,

– privilege removal – TV, the pool, personal contact, sex

– A daily devotion – writing or activity


– denial of things representing our bond

– Not allowed to talk or touch or see?

– Public services – non sexual… or sexual


I watch her out of the corner of my eye most of the next hour. She leans in, reading and searching intently. I smile. She is very interested in the new life that I am introducing her to. After a while, she slides her chair in, leaning back to be more comfortable, clicking away, reading… She crosses her perfect legs and her dress creeps up her thighs. I let my eyes devour her for a minute, thinking of what waits for me between them. I pull the control from my pocket and spin it up quickly.

“oh my gosh!!” Heather gasps, her hands grabbing the chair beside her legs.

She looks over at me and I smile devilishly. I can see her trembling a little bit and she licks her lips, her green eyes staring at me. I click the control and it’s gone. Heather gasps again, looking at me, giggling softly.

“sir, you’re distracting me!” she teases. “I have important things I am studying.”

I smile and return to my work. I want her to tease and be playful in our relationship. I also want her to know my control, that in any moment, at any time, she is mine.


Heather watches him for a few more moments as he turns back to his work, breathing slowly, surprised at how quickly her body responded to the sudden stimulation. Her nipples and clit are fully erect and throbbing, pulsing, even from the short burst. After a few minutes to settle herself, she returns to her studies. Having spent a while on the two topics and believing she has learned what she can for today, she sits back, glancing over at him, wondering what to look into next. She thinks back to the Agreement and pulls it up on her laptop, reviewing what it holds. She stops on Rule Eight.

Rule Eight: Master’s comfort and pleasure shall be girl’s top priority. To this end, girl will provide comfort and sexual services as requested by Master, or girl may request to provide services. girl will study and learn more about such techniques to continually improve the quality of these services.

Heather wants to please him, and bring him comfort and pleasure. She looks up different ways a submissive girl (as she is now starting to think of herself as) can please her Master. She reads and watches videos and in a short time, finds herself drawn to a single topic which seems to represent complete servitude in her mind: Cock Worship.


I look up from my work and Heather is looking at me. Her green eyes are intent on me, but distant at the same time. I smile and in a moment, she blinks, giggling, like I caught her at mischief. She blushes and I laugh, returning to my things. I didn’t want to use the entire evening for work, but find that I must in order to conclude a particularly important business matter. Yet, I am glad to see her so enthralled in her research.


As she dives deeper, Heather is intrigued by the thought of actually worshiping or adoring a cock. In her past, she has always thought of them as very male, necessary and in truth, sort of gross and disgusting. The thought of admiring one has never occurred to her. But, now… looking over at Patrick, she thinks she is starting to understand. She has seen him only briefly, and has felt him. But she wants more. It is intensely sexual, but it’s more. Never before has she thought of another man as she thinks of him… yes, he’s handsome and intriguing and all, but it’s all of him… powerful yet kind, intense yet caring, formal yet free.

She wanders through several articles but knows what she wants to learn… she wants to learn how to pleasure a penis… his penis. So she dives in, watching videos, and tutorials and reading things like Tantric massage, edging, frenelum, etc… In a matter of moments, she finds herself very wet, enough so she needs to pull her dress out from under herself, not wanting to stain it. And soon, she is deep into her research, completely absorbed.



She startles as I stand, walking toward her. She flushes and closes her laptop as I walk over.

“Heather, you know that I may review all that you are doing on this or any other device?”

“Yes sir…” she says, chastened, looking down.


She looks up at me and I lean in, giving her a light kiss.

“Tell me what you were doing…”

Heather squirms, looking embarrassed and flushed… she fidgets in her chair. I crouch down, looking up at her. She is obviously uncomfortable telling me.

“You have to decide if you trust me or not.”


Heather fidgets as he squats next to her, but it’s his words that shake her from her unease.

“sir, I was researching ideas and methods of pleasure…”

She turns in her chair, her eyes misting a bit…

“sir… I am… not greatly experienced… and I don’t want… I fear that I will disappoint you.”

I smile softly at her, taking her hand and lifting her to stand with me. Taking her hands in mind, I look into her eyes, holding her gaze.

“Then we will learn together. I am not afraid and I don’t want you to be either.”

Heather wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him close, laughing.


“Heather, I have more to do here, likely for another 45 minutes. Please run upstairs, I have a note and something for you there”

“Yes sir!” she squeals like a school girl.

Heather runs upstairs and quickly opens his note.

==== note ====


As time moves ahead, I believe this life I am showing you will be your reality. I know it’s what I want. And I think it’s what you want if you are honest with yourself. You are a beautiful creature Heather. You are sexy and desirable and EVERYTHING I want in a woman. And that goes way beyond skin deep. But I am a victim of my baser instincts as we all are. To that end, when we are able to spend time together, I want you to be sexy… and desirable.

Rule Three: You will dress as instructed. If clothing is provided to you, you will wear those things and only those things as provided. If clothing is not provided to you, you are free to wear what you wish, but always with my desires and preferences in mind.

Going forward, when we are able to spend time together in the evenings, I want you to present yourself to me… sexy… and hot… and arousing. I lust for you. And I like that lust to be stirred. You are not an object Heather, and I will NEVER treat you that way, so please forgive me if i want the sexy, hot, arousing woman that you are.

As Rule Three states, you are to dress yourself to please me. I ask you to do that for me going forward when we are afforded time together as tonight. And since we will be entirely in private, you may take liberties. Yet, I don’t want you to be simply naked, that would be unimaginative. You may use the Mercantile Bank card to acquire whatever you wish.

Yet, I promised not to burden you with these decisions, so when you cannot decide, simply put on one of my dress shirts which are hung in your closet. I have seen you in one a couple times and for me, this simple, basic look is incredibly sexy. Please put one on for me… and as always, you are to wear only what I provide, nothing more, nothing less. You may keep whatever jewelry you choose to wear. When you are dressed, please return to me in the office.


Heather tingles as she reads his words… he is her master. She quickly pulls the boho dress over her head and hangs it carefully in the closet. She has really enjoyed it and thinks he likes it too and she knows she will wear it again for him. Hanging in the closet are four or five white dress shirts, slightly wrinkled, obviously worn… by him. Heather pulls one from its hanger and pulls it over her head. It fits her loosely… Patrick is much larger than she is… Stepping in front of the mirror, she rolls the sleeves up, and slowly buttons the front, but only to the middle of her chest. The key resting between her breasts can be seen peeking out of the narrow gap in the white cotton, the shirt tails come to her thigh. She turns slightly, liking how the light fabric hangs on her ass, not tight, but… sexy. She folds the collar down around her neck and smiles at the ‘hot and arousing’ woman looking back at her. She removes all the other jewelry… bangles, rings, earrings, all except the key.. and yoni.

With no panties, or bra, or shoes… knowing how revealed she is, she pads to the top of the stairs, very aware of the sapphire swinging just beneath the shirt. Peering down, hoping Marco or Maria don’t see her, she moves quietly down the stairs, and seeing no one, rushes through the hall and great room, knocking lightly on the office doors. They quickly slide open and she steps in.


“Hello my sweet!” I smile as she steps quickly into the office.

Heather is a dream… the shirt hanging loosely on her smaller frame, and while it covers most of her secrets from its over sized fit, it doesn’t hide them all. The shirt tails hanging high on her thigh, revealing most of her long, thin, perfect legs… tanned and smooth… flawless. Her breasts move under the shirt, a faint hint of her erect nipple poking through. And the open buttons provide a wonderful game of peekaboo with her cleavage. And I can’t wait for her to choose other outfits to wear in our alone time. Heather beams and comes around the desk as I close the doors. She kneels again beside me and I reach my hand out. Heather presses her cheek into my palm, wanting my touch. After a moment, I lower her head and let it rest on my leg as she did earlier. I return to my work, again letting my hand rest on her head, my fingers playing in her wonderful blond hair.


Heather rests against him, enjoying the simple feeling of his hands in her hair. She loses track of time and before she knows, he is gently caressing her cheek, calling her name.

“Heather, I would love a drink my sweet. If you would, there’s a bar in the corner. Two fingers of Midleton, one large cube.”

Heather moves to the bar, selecting a short crystal rocks glass, opening the small fridge. She places a large round cube in the glass, trying to be quiet. Finding the Midleton, she pours the brown liquid over the cube. She walks back to him, setting the glass on the desk beside his work, kneeling again. And she finds in this simple act of service, that she is being a good girl for him, taking care of him.


“thank you my sweet. You are a good girl.”

I take a sip and answer my phone as Heather kneels again. Peeking down at her, I admire her wonderful cleavage revealed by the shirt. Her skin is heavenly… tanned and smooth, without a single blemish. Her nipples are stiff and poke through the thin white fabric, but not obscenely… and I find it… her… alluring, tempting and magnificent.


Heather watches him sip at the drink, scrolling through the graphs and other information on his screen. He jots some notes here and there on a legal pad, continuing his conversation. She doesn’t follow the business speak, so she just watches.

Kneeling there beside him, she feels… exposed… vulnerable… yet safe and exactly where she belongs. The shirt is comfortable, displaying most of her legs and she is certain he is enjoying what he can see from the buttons she has left open. Her nipples are rock hard and poking through the thin fabric, and she’s sure he has noticed… she wants him to notice… he likes her breasts. Kneeling like she is, she would normally be embarrassed but she feels…. proud… happy that her appearance pleases him… happy that he wants her near him.


I end my call and check my watch. Time to address her discipline. I turn my chair and look down at her, and she knows… she is to be disciplined.

“Heather, please stand.”


Heather stands slowly, uncertainly, suddenly afraid. She trembles and awaits her fate. Patrick pushes his chair back and simply looks at her. She stands before him confused, not sure what he wants until he pats his knee.

‘He is going to spank me… ‘ her mind screams.


I wait for her to comprehend what I am asking knowing she will remember the video I asked her to watch at the library… a young woman, standing before her Master, his hand tapping his leg signaling her to bend over his knee. The realization crosses her face like a shadow and slowly, reluctantly, Heather lowers herself over my lap. As her body settles onto me, I pull the shirt over her ass exposing her bare skin. Her body jerks at I lay my hand on her bare skin.

“Heather, please explain to me why you are being disciplined?”


“sir… ” she whispers as a tremor moves through her body. “I… I failed your command today.”

“What command Heather?”

“I failed… ” she takes a gulp of air… “I orgasmed when I was not supposed to…”

“Yes my sweet. You are to remain silent. If you fail, I will only need to increase your discipline. Do you understand?”


“yes sir…” she whispers

Heather’s mind swims. He is going to spank her… on her naked ass… over his knee. She doesn’t want to feel the pain she knows is coming, yet she knows she agreed to discipline… agreed that she was disobedient…


The sound shocks her even as the pain seers her ass… and she gasps, putting her hand to her mouth, trying to keep silent.



My hand strikes her firm perfect ass again. Heather gasps again and her body trembles.


My hand raises from her behind and her skin is beginning to turn red. I really dislike disciplining her, but know I must.



Heather trembles as his hand smacks her skin, and she fights off the pain, knowing she requires his discipline. She closes her eyes as his hand leaves her ass. With another jolt of pain, another sudden slap on her skin.


She gasps, feeling her skin burn.


Heather gasps louder and hopes he doesn’t consider this another failure on her part.



I raise my hand again, bringing it down onto her.


Heather jerks in my lap and I hold my hand on her for a few brief seconds to steady her.



Heather bites her lip, determined to endure the pain increasing with each passing strike. She hangs her head, focused and hardening herself to his spanks.


His hand hits her shaking ass again and she gasps, her strength starting to melt before the pain. Bracing for another spank she holds her breath but his hand does not rise. Instead his hand slowly starts to caress her tormented skin. It’s over. She sighs and shivers.

“I’m sorry sir…” she whispers.

He reaches to a drawer and pulls out a small tube. In a moment Heather feels cool relief as he massages the ointment into her skin.


“I apologize my sweet. Discipline is a necessary part of your training. And as your Master I will do better to present tasks and duties for you to be successful. I do not relish disciplining you, especially in this manner. Yet, you needed to experience it… as did I.”

I pull the shirt down over her red ass and help her to stand. She looks at me, her eyes glistening but solid. I pull her to sit in my lap and I touch her face lightly. She smiles weakly and melts into me, her head tucked into my neck. I hold her for a long while, letting her calm after the abuse of her ass. She needs to realize that discipline is necessary but that I don’t enjoy it and want her to be obedient, not requiring such things. After a long while, simply enjoying her in my arms, I put my fingers under her chin, lifting her face to mine.

“Are you my good girl Heather?”


Heather hears his words, his question and answers immediately.

“Yes! I AM your good girl sir…” she says, her eyes sparkling.

He smiles and helps her to her feet, and moves her towards the corner to the right of the door. Taking her hands in his, he guides her back a step and raises her hands to an iron bar overhead. Heather wraps her fingers around the cold metal as she knows he wants.


Heather’s green eyes watch me as I take a step back.

“Heather, you are to hold onto the bar and count to 1000 quietly. This will allow you to contemplate and reflect on your discipline. Once complete, you are to tell me you are ready. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir…”


“Good girl.”

Heather feels the thrill of being his good girl as he retreats to his desk. She watches him return to his work and begins to count.

“…1… 2… 3….”


I sit at the desk, trying hard to ignore her standing as my captive in the corner, her arms overhead, lifting the hem of the shift, revealing much of her long, luscious legs, lifting her firm breasts, her nipples hard.


Heather continues to count…

“123… 124… 125…” she says softly, becoming embarrassed… and perhaps now she understands why she must count aloud… so he can hear her, but so she can hear herself as well.

She tries not to think about counting, and her mind remembers his words… contemplate and reflect on her discipline. He gave her an impossible task, one he knew she would fail, simply so she could experience his discipline… her punishment. Her ass still stings from the spanking, and yet it was only 10 times. She shudders to think of experiencing more… thinking back to some of the videos she saw… of girls being caned or whipped or worse… of how their skin looked, how it must have hurt… she doesn’t want anything like that… ever. That is what he wants her to know… to feel… and in so doing, she will be obedient. She knows it. He knows it.


I stand and move to the bar, pouring another little bit of the Midelton. Heather watches me, still counting softly.

“492… 493… 494…” I can hear her numbers faintly.

I return to my chair and open the drawer, pulling out the remote. I contemplate a low pulse, but instead jolt her with a high speed from the egg forgotten inside her.


“ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Heather gasps loudly.

The egg, almost entirely forgotten, suddenly erupts inside her and she gasps, gripping the bar over her head tightly. She completely forgets about counting as her body responds… her nipples suddenly erect, her clit throbbing, her pussy lips instantly swelling and opening. In a mere few seconds, her juices start to flow and she presses her knees together, trying to find a way to slow the incessant stimulation. She knows she needs to keep counting but struggles…

“… 508… 509… ~gasp~ 510…”

Her body’s response continues to escalate and she starts to wonder if she will be able to resist for long. Her clits is starting to spasm and she feels wetness along her upper things. Patrick leans back in his chair, a sardonic smile on his face.


I watch her struggling against the sensations I know are moving through her body. I sip at my drink, simply watching her squirm, her legs bending together as she holds herself, hanging onto the bar overhead. Her eyes are wide as she looks over at me, pleading to give her relief… or release.


” 587… ~gasp~ 588… ~gasp~ 589…”

She body starts to tremble and she fights not to orgasm… he told her earlier she is not allowed to orgasm without permission… should she ask him permission? She feels embarrassment flush her face along with the continued vibrations cascading out from the egg. Just when she thinks her body is going to go beyond her control, it’s gone. She takes a deep breath, her entire body trembling, regaining herself slowly.


I struggle to focus on my work, but in actuality, all I can think of is what’s to come once she is done counting. I had researched Heather for many weeks, finding more and more evidence that she would be an excellent choice before I ever left my fateful note on her desk. Yet it was her carefully concealed beauty that drew me in completely. Late at night, for many weeks, I reviewed reports and any information my agents could dig up… but it was the fleeting sightings in the office, the infrequent times our paths crossed that consumed me. I have contemplated her… her scent, her skin, her eyes, her taste… and soon, I will have my taste.


Heather continues her count nervously watching Patrick working, relieved that he hasn’t fired the egg inside her again.

“850… 851… 852…”

Suddenly, the egg jumps to life, stronger than before causing her hips jerk. Heather gasps, holding onto the bar for support… and just as suddenly as it started, it’s gone, leaving her gasping.

“862… ~gasp~ 863… 864…”

Another jolt jars her body, the strong vibrations shooting out from her pussy. Her clit throbs and her nipples become instantly rock hard… and again, it’s gone…

“876… ~gasp~ 877… ~gasp~ 878…”

Heather looks at Patrick but he doesn’t seem to be paying any attention, and yet, the egg assaults her pussy again. Heather’s legs tremble as her clit convulses. She feels her lips swelling more and more, wetness gathering between… but again, in moments, the egg goes silent.

” ~gasp~ 883… ~gasp~ 884… please sir… ~gasp~ 885…”

After a brief respite, the vibe again erupts to an impossible speed and power. She gasps loudly and her knees buckle. Holding herself up by her hands, her clit spasms and her pussy starts to convulse…

“oh no… please…” she whispers… “900… please no… sir… ~gasp~ 901… no… please… ~gasp~ 902…”

The vibrations continue and Heather closes her eyes, desperately trying to hold back orgasm… but she is helpless against his control… helpless as her legs tremble, writhing, hanging on… at his mercy.


I hear her pleas and know she is on the verge. I want her there, on the edge, wanting and desperate. I hear her gasping, struggling to continue her count, but I don’t want her to release quite yet. I shut the vibe down again and smile as she tries to regain herself.

” ~gasp~ 923… ~gasp~ 924… 925… ~gasp~”

I finally turn and watch. Heather’s sparkling eyes stare back, slightly glassy, uncertain what’s to come… will I take her over the edge or let her hang. I know my answer, but she does not…


Heather’s body desperately wants release, but she knows she can’t give in… that she can’t orgasm again without permission… She can still feel the sting of his hand on her ass, can still hear the sound of it in her ears.

“979… 980… 981…”

As she nears the end of her count, Patrick stands and approaches her.

“998… 999… 1000. ” she whispers as he steps close. “I am finished counting sir…” she hesitates, embarrassed, but wanting… “sir… please… may I cum… for you.”


Heather’s gorgeous green eyes are filled with need, desire and… submissiveness. I can see her body shivering, needing, but her eyes tell me all… she wants my permission… knows she must have it. With this power over her, I keep her on the edge, exactly where I want her. I lean in to give her a kiss, and she leans towards me, wanting my lips… but I only kiss her lightly, fleeting.

“Not yet my sweet… it is not yet time…” I smile softly.

Heather’s eyes show her disappointment and she draws a long, deep breath, trying to calm herself. I return to my chair and push it back from the desk, as Heather watches me, her eyes steady but wonder what is coming next.

“Heather, lower your hands and come to me…”


Heather feels a quiver run through her as she walks towards him and somehow, she knows… something is about to happen. She hardly notices her juices wet on her upper thighs, as she approaches him, walking slowly. Stepping around his desk, she kneels before him.

“Rule Two: You are mine. You shall consider yourself my property. You belong to me and only me. Your mind, body and spirit are mine.”

Heather listens as he states rule two… and she knows what is to come… yesterday he claimed her breasts… the memory of it washing powerfully through her body. Today, he will claim more of her.


“If it is your desire to continue this journey, to continue your obedience and submission to me, I require you to willingly and purposely give your pussy to me.”

I watch her carefully as my words sink in.

“Do you wish to give your pussy to me?”


Heather hears him and his blunt words shock her

“Do you wish to give your pussy to me?

Heather blinks, stunned. She has known in her mind, especially after feeling his mouth on her breasts yesterday, that he would wish to claim more of her… yet, she is unprepared for his direct request.


Heather looks at me, digesting my words. She blinks once, twice… three times, and looks down, gathering herself. I have made my desires of her body clear from the very start yet I give her time, allowing her to decide her fate. Slowly, she lifts her eyes to me, looking back at me, resolving herself to this choice.


Heather has known since this started that she would be in this moment. She has shied away from relationships since her college days, ever since the embarrassment she suffered when with the handful of guys she has known. Her shameful, large pussy lips have made her hesitant… and as a result, she has kept herself distant from relationships, and developed a shy personality… to protect herself. Patrick has seen them, has said he loves how she looks. He will see her… he will see them… up close… and she shivers with nerves. Her fears well up, threatening to overwhelm her mind. She closes her eyes, struggling within herself. He excites her, has ignited her passion, has drawn out her confidence… she has been his goddess. She is his goddess.

“Rule Two: I am yours. I shall consider myself your property. I belong to you and only to you. My mind, body and spirit are yours.”


She stands and moves in front of me, her eyes uncertain, her hands at her sides… her nerves and inhibitions holding her back. I stand and she backs against the desk, apprehensive and hesitant. I grab her by the hips and lift her easily. Heather takes a gulp of air, shivering as I set her on the desk. Her eyes are a mix of anxiety and eagerness as I sit, letting my eyes move up her body before settling on her eyes.


Heather feels her lungs stop as he grabs her by the hips and sets her effortlessly on the desk before him. A rush washes through her as she considers his strength. He sits and she watches as he takes in her body, lust filling his eyes and she can see his desire, feel it as his eyes move over her. Finally, he settles his gaze on her eyes and her entire body tingles… desperately wanting him to be pleased by her… and she knows what he wants to see.

A shiver runs up her spine. She wants to be his good girl… she needs to be his good girl. She knows she must give herself to him in this moment… or return to her world as it was before… flat… boring… lonely… Heather takes a deep breath and slowly opens her legs, fighting her insecurities. Never before in her life has she wanted someone to like her as much as she does in this moment. Patrick has seen her before, knows of her shameful large pussy lips, has said that he loves how she looks, but all her embarrassed moments, feeling small and ugly come flooding back to her.


I see the change in her eyes… and understand that she fights her demons still. My hope is her desires to please and submit will push her past this nervous moment. I hear her draw a deep breath and slowly let it out. She will be a good girl… my good girl.

Slowly, she opens her legs, the shirt drawing up along her thighs. My prize… her pussy… remains shadowy and difficult to see. I lick my lips… let her see me do it… I want her to know my desires for her… to understand my desires… to feel my desires. Heather’s eyes are riveted on me as she reaches down, slowly drawing the shirt up. Inch by inch, she shows me her smooth thighs, the wetness along the inner side. Then, finally, she lifts the shift dress up to her waist and I know I will remember this sight forever.

Her pussy… is spectacular! Her flesh is pink and wet, her large lips fully engorged and distended between her smooth thighs. The sapphire sparkles laying on the desk before her, the chain disappearing between her lips, attached to the egg still inside her. I can see her trembling, and her lips quivering ever so slightly, tantalizing me, inviting me. Heather is wet, her juices gathering along her slit, her inner thighs shiny with her excess. My cock twitches and my lust wants me to release myself and sink into her, but I know I must control myself.


‘Please like them… please like me…’ Heather thinks.

Patrick’s eyes devour her naked, wet, swollen, flesh… it’s almost palpable. Heather quivers as she tries to sit still, desperate for him to like her, desperate for him to touch her, desperate for him to take her. She closes her eyes, unable to bear the moment. He is looking at her, appraising her, deciding if he wants her… and her embarrassing and ugly lips. The seconds pass like an eternity for her.

“Heather… please look at me…” he says softly.


She opens her eyes and they are wet and she seems on the verge of tears.

“yes sir…” she says in a terrified whisper.

Heather needs validation from me, to give her confidence that what she has long considered a horrible disfigured part of her, is indeed desirable. I hold her eyes with mine, trying to convey both my intense desire for her flesh but also a soft understanding. With a few words, I can dispel all her fears and restore her belief in herself.

“Heather, my sweet girl. You are beautiful. They… are beautiful… and sexy… and gorgeous… Please, show me more?!!!”


“Oh! Thank you! THANK YOU SIR!” Heather squeals!

She leaps off the desk and into his arms, embracing him, burying her face into his neck. She is completely overwhelmed in the moment, and sobs and shakes, relief washing through her. Heather’s eyes tear with joy, the years of fear and self-loathing evaporating in his words, in this moment. He thinks she is beautiful and gorgeous, thinks it is beautiful and gorgeous.

His hands move to her face and he holds her face close to his, staring earnestly into her eyes.

“Heather… NEVER… EVER… think for one moment… EVER… that you are anything but beautiful… and gorgeous… and sexy… and incredibly desirable… EVER.” he says softly… gently… yet intensely, and Heather knows in this moment, she can set her fears aside.


I pull her face to mine and kiss her softly, slowly… and with as much warm intensity as I can. Heather leans into my kiss, moaning under her breath. After several long, sweet moments, I pull away from the incredibly gratifying kiss.


Heather suddenly sits up in my lap, her smile dazzling and bright… happy. She leans in, kissing me hard for several seconds, then she starts laughing.

“I’m sorry Sir… for crying like such a baby… ” she smiles and giggles, wiping at her eyes.


I kiss her cheek, tasting her tears, smiling as she laughs again. Leaning in close, I whisper in her ear.

“Heather… please show me more. I want to see all of you!”


Heather hears his words, and her elation and relief transforms into gratitude and desire… gratitude for the kindness he has shown her, desire to be his, desire to submit. She stands, looking down at him with purpose, knowing what he wants, wanting to give it to him. She backs to the desk and hops up lightly, her legs together.

“Sir…?” she says, looking steadily at him, beckoning him to slide his chair closer with a small, sexy smile.

Patrick moves closer, his eyes lustful and wanting. Heather reaches out, taking his hands, drawing him in, placing his hands on her legs just above the knees. She holds his hands there, her hands resting on his. Slowly, she start to open her legs, opening herself for him, giving herself to him.

“… I am yours sir…” she says quietly.


Heather stares down at me, her big green eyes filled with purpose and desire. She sets my hands on her legs… and her skin is impossibly smooth and soft and fuels my lust, my cock stirring quickly. I have admired her long, luscious legs, from the moment I first saw her at the fund raiser, the simple khaki shorts offering a glimpse of their pure perfection. And now she sits before me, offering herself to me, opening her legs for me, her skin satiny smooth under my touch. She holds her hands on mine, looking down at me, feeling my desires, knowing she needs to give herself to me.

“… show me,” I say softly to her.

She doesn’t tremble. She doesn’t flinch. She is steady and sure. With slow purpose, she begins drawing the shirt up her long legs, exposing them to me slowly. Her skin is flawless, tanned, and silky as she reveals more and more to me. I lock my eyes onto hers as she gathers her shirt at her waist, not yet looking at what I truly desire. Heather holds my gaze for a long moment, then looks down. My eyes follow… her fingers tracing over my words, caressing my label on her skin, sitting just above the small bit of soft blond pubic hair.

Property of Patrick


“I am your property sir… master…” she whispers. “…Patrick.”

The words leave her lips but she feels like they are coming from an entirely different person. His eyes stare at her fingers as they trace over his mark… his words. She is his and she wants him to know she is his. That she is here for his pleasure.

With her legs open to him, she takes her left hand, moving it over her stomach, and over the small patch of pubic hair. As her fingers pass lightly over her erect clit, she opens herself for him, parting her swollen lips, letting him see all of her. She is very wet and her juices have already started to run down onto the leather surface beneath her. Spreading her bloated folds open for him, she raises her eyes. Patrick is staring, feasting on her flesh… and Heather smiles, shivering, happy like she’s never been before, wanting his eyes on her.


Heather looks into my eyes and I return her stare, her deep green eyes breathtaking, sparkling… happy. Her smile is soon replaced by want and desire and she looks down. I follow her eyes and then her hand moves down between her open legs. Her fingers slide along her pink lips, opening herself for me, showing me her flesh… proudly, happily, lustfully. I let my eyes devour her pussy, her fingers holding herself open, her juices slowly running down the chain and onto my desk where the sapphire sits in a small pool. I stare at her pink flesh held open for me, licking my lips, wanting her desperately, my cock stirring, pulsing eagerly.

“Heather, please remove the egg.”


“yes sir…”

Heather leans back, placing her hands on the desk behind her, contracting her pussy, feeling the large egg inside her, filling her. She likes how it feels, likes how it makes her feel. She looks down at him, his eyes watching her pussy, and slowly starts to push, moving the egg as slowly as she can.

As she pushes, she feels it, coaxing it down, nearing her entrance, starting to open her. The large smooth orb begins to emerge and she watches his eyes, knows he sees it there embedded in her pink flesh. Her clit starts to jitter slowly as the stretching at her entrance is strangely and intensely pleasurable.


I watch as the smooth orb emerges slowly from her body, tantalizing and inviting. Her body reluctantly surrenders the hard egg and my cock twitches as it opens her fully… then suddenly, pops out of her, hitting the desk with a thump, rolling to the side against her right thigh. Heather remains silent for a moment, then smiles and giggles playfully, a sweet yet lustful smile on her face. I pick up the egg and set it aside.

Sliding my chair forward, I position myself between her legs, looking up at her. Heather’s eyes are wide open, staring at me, not sure what I am doing, but wanting whatever it is. I place my hands on her legs again, near the knees and she gasps out loud, her entire body shuddering at my touch. My hands slide up her legs very very slowly and I thoroughly enjoy and savor each inch of her silky smooth skin. I pause as I reach her wetness about halfway up, letting my fingers play, reveling in her. Heather stares down at me, shivering, waiting, wanting.


Heather tries to remain calm and still, but with each inch his hands move up, her excitement and yearning grows. Quivering as his fingers reach the wetness, she takes long, slow breaths, struggling to control herself. He pauses, his fingers playing in her wetness, sliding back and forth on her slippery skin, yet all she wants is for his hands to continue up… to slide higher on her thighs… to touch her. She is breathless as she surrenders herself to his hands, her clit throbbing eagerly, and she lets out a long, slow audible sigh. Patrick looks up, his eyes intense and heated.


My hands move up her thighs, and I avoid getting anywhere close to her pussy. I can feel the desires quivering in her body, she wants me to touch her, to validate my words, to validate that she is desirable and beautiful, yet I stay carefully away. Instead, I push her shirt up, moving my hands together along her lower stomach, letting my fingers play along the words I have written on her, letting her feel my touch. My fingers brush lightly along her silky smooth skin, tantalizing her, teasing her.

“Heather, look at my mark… ”


“yes sir…” she whispers quietly, concealing her tremendous excitement.

Heather’s eyes have been watching his hands, shivering as his fingers move on her stomach, on her skin. And she knows he feels her shivers, the tremors emanating from deep within. Her eyes see his mark, see his fingers playing along it, along her skin.

Property of Patrick

“Tell me…”

Heather reads his words, his mark… … and the words catch in her suddenly dry throat. She has never wanted to surrender to a man before and now, all she wants is to submit to him… to give herself to him. She wants him to take what she offers and make her his.

“sir… I belong to you.”


“what belongs to me?”

Heather blushes hotly, her natural shyness coming to the surface in a rush of crimson and heat. She hesitates, but knows what I want from her… that I need her to say it.

“my pussy belongs to you sir…” she whispers barely audible.

I hear her whisper and glance up as my fingers caress the label I have placed on her skin, just above her warm and moist pussy.

“Yes. You ARE mine Heather. You are my good girl…”


Heather shudders as he calls her a good girl and she longs for him to take what is his… to take her… to take her pussy. Yet, to her disappointment, he backs away, his hot fingers sliding down her legs, removing his touch. He sits up, his dark eyes on hers. She feels the lust there, the heat and intensity.

“Feed yourself to me…”

A spasm shakes her erect clit as she hears his words.

“oh my god!” her mind cries… “he wants to taste me?”

Heather has never experienced a hunger and thirst for her body like his. As an incredible shiver washes over her, she sits up and slowly slides her hands along her hips, her fingers moving in until she touches her wet, swollen pussy lips. Pulling herself open for him, she shows him her pink inner flesh, her wetness flowing. Using her right hand, she holds herself open and with her left, slides her fingers from the bottom of her slit all the way to her clit, feeling her juices, gathering them… for him. Tentatively, she holds out her trembling fingers, her sweet honey clinging to them… offering herself to him… for him to taste her…


I watch and wait eagerly as she opens herself for me. I watch and wait as she runs her fingers along her creamy slit, gathering her juices for me. I watch and wait as she holds her fingers out for me. I open my lips and wait, making her bring her hand to me… to feed me. I can see her hand shaking as she reaches out… slowly, tentatively… her trembling fingers moving closer and closer as I open my mouth for her.

… and then… Heather’s fingers touch my lips… and… I close my mouth on them… and taste her sweet nectar. She is warm and creamy and sweet and I suck at her fingers voraciously, not able to get enough of her. Heather’s eye blink several times in rapid succession and she holds her breath.


She feels his hot breath on her wet, trembling fingers and then… she feeds him… Patrick closes his lips on her offering and suckles at her, tasting her. His dark, passionate eyes lock onto hers as he feeds his hunger, consuming her nectar feverishly!


A spasm rockets out from Heather’s clit and the orgasm explodes from her so rapidly, so powerfully, she is completely unprepared!

“HOLY CHRI…? ” she gasps, her hips bucking powerfully, not able to continue.

Heather arches back as her body releases the sudden orgasmic storm. Bright lights explode behind her eyes and she falls back, laying on the desk, her body seizing with intense pleasure. She senses more than knows as her body releases of a heavy blurp of her juices.


Heather orgasms so quickly, and so powerfully… and it’s awesome to behold. She arches back, ripping her fingers from my mouth and crashes back onto the desk before me, crying out as her hips buck wildly. Her vulva contracts and her swollen lips quiver as a heavy blurp of her juices oozes from inside, running down onto the desk. I am still amazed at her incredible wetness and orgasm capacity. It’s like I’ve awakened a buried sexual goddess. I have long desired this moment… to know her essence. I move my hands to her hips, holding her and lower my face towards her.


Heather is briefly lost in the spectacularly quick orgasm but her eyes go wide as she feels his breath on her. His eyes look up at her as his face moves between her legs

“sir…?” she gasps, her eyes wide.

“you belong to me Heather… and so does your pussy…”

And suddenly, Patrick puts his lips to her clit, suckling at her hyper-sensitive button. The staggering sensations of his lips combined with his declaration destroy her. Heather explodes violently.



I cannot contain my hunger and desire of her. My hands grab her hips and I press my face between her smooth thighs. She cries out again, gasping, and her hips start jerking wildly. I hold her hips as best I can, pressing my face between her legs, pressing my lips to her pussy. Suddenly, she cums again, explosively, her pussy ejaculating another thick goblet of her nectar directly at me. I lose myself in the moment, devouring her like a wild animal, sucking and licking and slurping!

Heather’s hips buck uncontrollably as she explodes and I lock my lips to her clit, sucking it gently yet insistently, not letting her go. She brings her hands to her head, her body rocking and writhing, her long legs squeezing my head. She starts quaking powerfully, her entire body shuddering…


I have witnessed her orgasms but not this close. It’s simply remarkable. I release her clit and run my tongue from the bottom of her swollen slit to her erect clit, wanting to taste her. Heather gasps, cumming again, a surge of her nectar erupting directly onto my face and I drink of her sweet, creamy juice.


Heather feels his hot breath… and his face… and his mouth… and she is lost! Her entire body starts to quiver intensely and thrash crazily. She feels the storm building irresistibly, quickly… rapturously! Her hips buck but his strong hands hold her as she erupts, her body providing him with what he wants, what he desires… and he takes all she has to offer!

She feels his lips against her flesh… feels his tongue snaking over her pussy… hears his mouth slurping at her… knows he is drinking her… completely…. utterly… thoroughly. Her back arches in ecstasy and she lifts her legs over his shoulders, pulling him in desperately. Her head hangs over the edge of the desk and she gasps and whimpers and moans as the beast between her tender thighs devours her.



Heather’s body feeds my incredible thirst and I take it all. I drink her, eat her, consume her. Somewhere deep in my mind, I marvel at her orgasms, the sheer volume of her juices. I feel her dripping from my chin, filling my mouth, on her thighs and my cheeks. My tongue slithers along her slit, wanting it all, my lips seek her clit, wanting more… and she gives it to me.

Her orgasms crash one after the other so fast and so quickly they seem one long cataclysm! She thrashes on my desk, knocking anything near to the floor… papers, pens, a cup, my phone… yet none of it matters… only her, her flesh, her honey. I am drunk on her and know only that I want more… need more! I am vaguely aware of my grunts and growling as I release the animal inside. Her body convulses wildly and I hold on to her, my hands gripping her hips, not letting her escape me!


Heather has never known carnal desires and pure lust like she does in this moment. Patrick presses his face between her legs, his mouth and lips and tongue attacking her spasming pussy, drinking the juices pouring from her body, taking her, possessing her. She completely loses control, powerful spasms ripping through her, and another thick blob ejaculates from her slit. She can hear him… his mouth slurping at her fleshy folds, his lips sucking at her thrumming clit, his tongue swirling on her tender fleshy clit.

“oh my god! no… I can’t… please!!” she cries out desperately!

She pants and gasps and her vision begins to fade along the edges. Her fingers grasp at the air desperately, her arms flailing, her legs shaking violently as Patrick holds her hips strongly, keeping his carnal feast exactly where his hungry mouth wants it. His lips pull at her beleaguered clit, sending explosive shock waves rocketing through out her body… she is out of control and she knows she cannot fight it. She succumbs to his lust, her hips bucking up off the desk, thrusting her pelvis up at him… and he continues to lay waste to her pussy.


I lose myself completely in my desires, drinking, sucking, eating… pressing my face hard against her, taking more and more from her, wanting all she can give! My face is drenched yet I am not sated. I want to consume her, drink every part of her. Her sweet taste intoxicates me and I know nothing more in these moments other than her pussy and her wonderful nectar.

After sucking and slurping and licking and pulling at her flesh for unknown minutes, Heather cries out in utter orgasmic torment before collapsing and going limp. She lay not moving on the desk as I gather the continuing flow of her juices from between her bloated pussy lips. I’m vaguely aware of her occasional gasping breaths and low moans as my only indication that she has not passed out entirely, yet she lays in a sweet twilight, awash in the remnants of her cataclysm.

Finally, I pull back, licking my lips, amazed at the carnage before me. The shirt is ripped open, disheveled on her body, the buttons laying here and there, her legs splayed open, one ankle on my shoulder, the other shivering still, spread wide to the side. Her pussy is gaping, pulsing, seeping as the after affects continue. My desk is drenched, a pool of her juices spreading to either side and beneath her ass, dripping off the edge to the floor.


Heather does not know anything for a long while, her mind buried by the avalanche of climax she has just endured. She begins returning to the world and realizes she is now upstairs in her room, laying under the warm blankets.

“Hello my sweet!”

She turns to see Patrick, freshly showered, walking into the room from the bathroom, a towel in his hands.

“Hello…. what happened?” she smiles, propping herself up on her elbows, the blankets perched precariously along her breasts, threatening to fall away.

“Heather, you are amazing,” he laughs. “You were almost unconscious and the desk was not a good place to recover.”

Patrick smiles and sits beside her on the bed, bending in, giving her a warm kiss.


“I cleaned you up a bit, but thought letting you rest was the best idea. Why don’t you have a nice hot shower and I’ll finish cleaning things up…”

Heather blushes hotly, feeling the soaked towel beneath her body, knowing the incredibly mess she must have created in his office.

“I’m so sorry sir…” she whispers. “I’m so embarrassed and ashamed… having someone like me probably isn’t what you expected or want…”

“Heather… my sweet… shut up!” I laugh, pushing her down, giving her another kiss. “You are spectacular!”


Heather laughs and sits up, slipping from the bed and walking a bit unsteadily towards the shower. Patrick slaps her bare cheek lightly, playfully and she giggles sweetly.

“Are you hungry my sweet?”

“No sir… but, could I have some water?” she calls from the shower as the hot water cascades over her body, refreshing her, cleansing her.

Patrick hands a bottle around the open walk in corner, and Heather takes it greedily, drinking half the bottle in a few moments. He laughs and leaves her to her shower, his whistling fading as he leaves the room. Heather giggles to herself as she washes, her legs and crotch a complete mess. In a few minutes, she is cleaned up, refreshed and walks naked into the bedroom to get more water. Patrick has stripped the bed and removed the towel… she hears him downstairs. Heather slips into a white terry cloth robe and heads downstairs.


Heather moves down the stairs slowly as I enter the hall from the laundry. She is as lovely as she has ever been in the fluffy robe with her wet hair, bare feet and sweet smile. I guide her into the kitchen and provide some fruit and other snacks, sitting with her at the counter, simply watching her. She eats several bites of melon quickly, drinks another bottle of water before biting into a strawberry. the juice drips off the berry and two lucky drops fall on her upper chest, disappearing beneath the robe.

“Not again!” she squeals lightly… “You must be buying booby trapped berries!”

She pulls open the robe and dabs at her chest with a paper towel… and I simply watch… amazed at this creature who has stormed into my life.


Heather knows he is watching her and takes her time, teasing him lightly as she chases the strawberry juice down between her breasts. She feels wonderful in the wake of her incredible orgasms, but wants him to feel the same joy.

“Sir… I feel… well… completely spoiled… and happy… and exhausted…” she laughs… “but, if you are seeking a submissive girl, isn’t it you who should be enjoying all the orgasms?”

She reaches out a tentative hand, placing it on his arm, an inviting gesture, and she smiles shyly. His pleasure should be most important, yet she feels like it is completely secondary so far. He smiles at her, nodding…


“Yes, you have a point, yet, domination and submission are not all of life… it is a lifestyle. And for my part, I want to learn more of you, to know you, all of you. What I wish for might seem dramatic and perhaps magical from your perspective. I understand. My world can seem that way to people who do not know me well. Yet, what I am doing will alter my life completely if I’m completely honest with you. And I dream for it… that you will alter my world… and I believe you will.

Heather smiles at my words, her hand still on my arm. But it is her incredible liquid green eyes that captivate me.

“Yes… my sexual desires are strong. And yes, I hope that you will be the one to satisfy them completely…”

Heather blushes crimson, looking down… yet only for a moment or two… then her eyes lift to mine, steady and sure.

“but please trust me my sweet… it is not yet time… it is coming soon. But I have waited a LONG time for you… to find you… I do not wish to rush. We have time. Let me enjoy things as I have long planned and dreamed…?”


Heather moves her hand lightly down to cover his hand, and she senses the shy and quiet boy buried deep inside this seemingly sure and confident man.

“yes… sir… I will wait.”

“Thank you Heather, ” he smiles softly.


“Heather, I know you slept better last night. And I have had a complete security system and better locks installed at your apartment. Do you feel you are ok to return home?”

Heather ponders my question for a moment her eyes searching mine.

“Yes, I will be ok. I LOVE staying here with you, but understand that perhaps I shouldn’t move in with you so fast.” she smiles brightly, completely slaying me.

“I thoroughly enjoy your company too Heather. And it is my intention to have you with me at all times very soon. But, for now… for tonight… let’s have you sleep in your own world again. I hope that it will give you time to reflect and think. While I would keep you here until the end of days, it might be a little quick considering where we started only a week ago.”

“yes sir.” she says, and her face tells me she understands.

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