As always constructive criticism is welcome however, I will moderate and delete spiteful comments that are made simply because the story or the way the characters behave doesn’t agree with your views.
Remember it is just a story.
Please enjoy.
Check Out Girl — part 3
Liam immediately realised that there was no way he was getting laid that night. Maddison was completely comatose in the back of the taxi, laying slumped against him, and never even stirred during the thirty-minute drive home.
He was so wrapped up in his thoughts about what had happened at the company party that he never really paid any attention to the fact that pretty much all of his girlfriend’s long legs were on display. Sprawled out on the back seat her dress had ridden up around the top of her thighs exposing her black lacey thong.
Arriving back outside the flat the driver pulled over and waited as he struggled to get his girlfriend out of the rear seat, needing to wake her to have any chance of getting her up the stairs.
“Wake up Maddison. I need to get you to bed.”
“No… le me slee.” She complained, her words slurred as he tried to force her to come to, “Lee me own.”
“Wake up Madd’s… you need to help me get you upstairs.”
“Go way.”
Virtually dragging her out of the car he finally became aware that she was giving the cab driver a glorious view up her dress but there wasn’t much he could do about it.
Getting her onto her feet Liam wrapped an arm about her waist and started into the apartment block. Somehow, she managed to help putting one foot in front of the other as he guided her up the two flights of stairs to his front door.
Once they were inside, he had to put her to bed. Partially undressing her, leaving her in just her panties, before pulling the duvet up over her as she lay unmoving, snoring softly.
Sighing resignedly, he stripped off and after visiting the bathroom he slid into bed next to her. Lying awake for a while he stared at the ceiling trying to make some sense of what had happened until, eventually, he drifted off himself.
The Sunday started out no better.
He woke just before ten to a cloudy overcast sort of morning with his girlfriend still unconscious, laying next to him breathing gently. For a few minutes he lay there studying her, watching her modest breasts rise and fall while quietly thinking back over the previous evening.
‘Why hadn’t he intervened? Why had it aroused him so much? Was he some sort of pervert?‘ A multitude of different questions went through Liam’s head, none of which he had an answer to.
Feeling more than a little annoyed with Maddison as well as himself he carefully extricated himself from the bed and left her to sleep. All of his plans for a sexy weekend with his girlfriend now well and truly ruined by her getting totally legless at her company party.
Closing the door quietly behind him he made his way to the kitchen, via the bathroom, and set the coffee brewing.
Sitting with a cappuccino Liam reflected back on the events of the previous evening yet again.
He had never seen Maddison like that. He knew she drank for sure but usually only in moderation. However, last night she had consumed countless gin and tonic’s and had seemed completely unaware of what she was doing. He couldn’t help but consider just how much of it she would remember, if she recalled anything at all.
What was worse though was his own reaction to her activities.
He had enjoyed her flashing her thighs and panties to the cab driver; the first time had been accidental but the second had been quite deliberate and even more stimulating. It made him wonder if she was something of a latent exhibitionist.
Later in the evening though he knew he should have intervened and stopped her but he hadn’t. Instead, he had found himself getting turned on by her actions on the dancefloor. Then later, when Henry had been fingering her, he had found himself more aroused than he would have ever thought possible.
‘Was he some sort of kinky pervert for becoming stimulated by it? Did it mean he didn’t love her? Was she completely unaware of what she was doing?’
Sitting and slowly sipping his first coffee of the day Liam gazed blankly out of the first-floor window at the faint rays of morning sunshine that had started to break through the clouds.
There were just too many questions that he needed an answer to.
Waiting for his girlfriend to wake up Liam put it out of his mind for the moment and took a shower before throwing on some old clothes hoping she would be up by the time he was done.
However, he had to wait a while longer and it was close to midday when Maddi eventually stumbled out of the bedroom, still dressed in just her panties.
Complaining loudly about her hangover she made her way straight to the bathroom almost oblivious to her boyfriend’s presence.
“Do you have any aspirin babe?” he heard her yell.
“Top shelf of the cupboard.”
“Yeah, thanks…. got them.”
A minute or two later Maddison reappeared looking pale “I’m sorry babe I feel like shit, I’m going back to bed.”
And with that the door closed and he was alone again.
It was just after half past two when Maddison sheepishly reappeared, this time wearing one of her boyfriend’s old t-shirts that hung on her like a baggy mini dress. Despite the fact it hid her figure completely it was short enough to show off her shapely legs.
Liam was sitting on the sofa watching an old movie on tv when she dropped onto the couch next to him. She could tell from his expression he was thoroughly annoyed with her so, curling her feet up under her bottom, she put her head on his shoulder and snuggled against him.
“I’m really sorry babe. I know I’ve completely fucked up our week-end. Do you forgive me?”
“Yeah, you have pretty much.” he responded somewhat coldly, keeping his eyes focused on the television despite the fact he wasn’t actually watching it.
“Was I really that bad?” biting her lower lip contritely Maddison looked up into his eyes, her own pretty hazel ones surrounded by a ring of smudged make-up.
Turning to look at her for the first time he could see the nervousness in her expression “You were off your face Madd’s. Totally. Both you and your friend Stacey.”
Maddison gazed up him her lower lip trembling penitently “I’m really, really sorry, forgive me?”
“I suppose so.” Shrugging he turned back to the movie that he hadn’t been watching “Anyhow it’s done now.”
“Did… did I do… anything I… I shouldn’t have.” Her voice was little more than a whisper.
“You truly don’t remember?”
Shaking her head her tousled unbrushed hair swayed around her shoulders as she blushed “I know I flashed my thong at the taxi driver and I remember having a couple of drinks…. and dancing a bit naughtily with Stace.”
“Twice. You showed the cab driver your knickers twice.” Liam reminded her.
Maddi giggled “And you really enjoyed it as I recall. But I don’t recollect too much after that.”