Cider Apple Pt. 02 by skaterman2,skaterman2

Cider apple part 2

A little explanation before I go further. Not everyone can be hypnotized. When dad tried it on me, it didn’t work. That’s why Cider Apple doesn’t work on me. New people in this story is Aunt Florence, cousin Carmen and the twins Sofie and Liz Aunt Florence’s kids.

Amy, Beth, and Florence are at the spa with my mother. They won’t be back until this evening, so I’m relaxing by the pool with Carmen and the twins until they return.

The hot afternoon sun feels terrific, soaking into my skin as I mentally digest everything that’s happened over the past few days.

Last night, Beth and I kissed Amy goodnight and headed to the pool house. I told her that I was exhausted from all the sex, so she pouted a little but didn’t force the issue. We shared a few romantic kisses and fell into bed for some much-needed rest.

We slept, bodies entwined, sharing only a tiny bit of my giant bed. Periodically throughout the night, one of us would come half-awake and caress or nuzzle the other.

In the morning, I woke up alone with the sun streaming through the tall balcony windows. I could hear the muffled sounds of Amy and Beth talking and laughing coming from downstairs, but, feeling blissfully relaxed, I decided to stay where I was until they came in to wake me.

I hear the patio door open and close, followed by footsteps on the stairs. So, I close my eyes to pretend that I’m asleep and wait for them to come into the room.

I hear someone enter, and I can sense them kneeling beside the bed. Soft lips brush against my ear, and in a sing-song voice, Beth whispers:

“Wakey wakey hands off snakey.”

I quickly jump up to wrap her in my arms, and she squeals in surprise as I roughly wrestle her back into bed. I start tickling her, and our playful wrestling soon turns into passionate kissing and caressing.

Our bodies rub together, and my cock quickly starts growing when she pushes me away, stopping our fun before it even begins.

“Hold on. Hold on, Mark,” she says breathlessly. “Amy made me promise. No fooling around until she gets back. Andy’s driving her to his favorite Italian bakery in Boca; she’s picking up fresh-baked croissants for our breakfast. So, you’ll have to wait before ravaging me again.

“She suggested we have a nice hot soak in the bathtub while we’re waiting. She dropped off coffee and some of the twins’ special bath salts for us.”

“Sounds good to me,” I say. “You could use a bath. You’re stinky.”

“Look who’s talkin’,” she shoots back. “You’re stinky too. I’ll go fill the tub.”

The master bathroom, like everything in the pool house, is spacious and luxurious. Everything is in shades of black and grey marble, and the fixtures are a tastefully muted golden color. There are two basins in front of ceiling height mirrors and a separate vanity area. The shower has enough room and showerheads for a pro basketball team, including the coach, and the jacuzzi bathtub could easily accommodate four or five people. The toilet and bidet share a small private closet of their own, which I visit first while Beth fills the bath.

Beth opens the jar Amy delivered and pours the colorful crystals into the hot water. The rising steam fills the room with a fresh summery scent, and she slips out of her robe to gingerly climb into the luxurious bath.

“Come on in, you’re going to love this,” Beth says, sitting neck-deep in the cloudy pink water. “But don’t get your head wet; the bath crystals aren’t healthy for your hair or the sensitive skin on your face. And don’t get any in your eyes. It’ll sting.”

I climb in, settle down neck-deep, and ask, “So, what does it do?”

“After we soak, your skin will be soft and the smoothest it’s ever been,” she explains. “It will also tingle and be super sensitive for a while. It’s very sensual.”

I relax, and the soothing hot water does make my skin tingle. Beth tenderly shaves my face and then moves down to massage my feet while the water leeches away all of my cares. I’m happy to be pampered, especially after the many physical demands I’ve endured since returning home; all of this fucking is hard work. So, I close my eyes and enjoy the moment.

After a nice long hot soak and thorough foot massage, Amy returns and bends down to kiss us both.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” she says. “How long have you been marinating?”

“Almost an hour,” Beth replies. “I think that’s long enough.”

“Should be plenty,” Amy assures her while undressing herself.

“Let’s get in the shower and scrub him down, so we can get back in bed. We only have a couple of hours together before it’s time to leave for the spa,” Amy says while adjusting the temperature of the shower.

I climb out of the still-warm water, and the cool air gives me gooseflesh. The girls lead me to the shower, and I stand in the hot spray while they gently scrub my body with coarse sponges. It’s invigorating.

Beth was right; soaking in the bath salts has made my skin hypersensitive, and the gentle scrubbing is wickedly sensual. It feels like having your back scratched in just that perfect way, but all over your entire body. They don’t neglect a single spot.

They finish scrubbing me, so the girls start soaping each other, and I lend an enthusiastic hand. We wash and play, making copious amounts of soapy lather. My now extra-sensitive penis begins to swell from the slippery rubbing and the sight of Amy and Beth being so casually intimate.

Our sudsy group turns slightly, and the shower spray rinses the foam from the front of my body to expose my burgeoning erection.

My pubic hair is gone.

I do a double-take and spin around to rinse off more suds. Much to my surprise, I see that it’s not only my pubic hair that’s missing. It’s all of it. All of the hair below my collar bone has disappeared.

I’m a hairy guy. There’s a thatch of light blond fuzz covering most of my body. At least there was yesterday.

“OK, you two little sneaks, what gives?” I say, knowing they’re behind this.

“What?” Amy plays dumb.

“We don’t know what you’re talking about,” says Beth, smiling broadly.

“Sure, you don’t,” I say. “The twins’ special bath salts is also a hair remover, right?”

“A really good one; it did an awesome job,” Amy says, rubbing her hand across my hairless chest.

Beth is staring wide-eyed at my hairless crotch. “Jesus, Mark. Without the hair, your dick looks even huge-er, errr giant-er, um bigger,” she stumbles for the right word. “Your cock looks enormous.”

My cock does look pretty good without the hair. If I do say so myself. I feel like a porn star, but not in a sleazy way. Regardless, they pulled a fast one, and I won’t let them off the hook too easily.

“So, you trick me? lie to me?” I say, pretending to be angry. “Yesterday, you both said that you want me to be in charge and that you’ll honor any command that I give.

“How does lying to me fit in with that?”

Amy coyly says, “Well, we weren’t lying. Not really.”

“You removed all of my body hair without telling me. You tricked me,” I say. “How is that ‘not really’ lying?”

“We weren’t lying,” She repeats, looking genuinely sorry. “We were fibbing.”

“Please don’t be angry at us,” Beth pleads. “Amy’s right. We fibbed, but we didn’t lie.”

“This is something you two have cooked up together, isn’t it?” I say, smiling. “Go ahead. I can’t wait to hear this explanation. What’s the difference between fibbing and lying?”

Once again, Amy puts on her schoolteacher hat and explains, “When you lie, it takes something from the other person. You’ve stolen the truth. And, that’s not something you should do to someone that you love.

“When you fib, you do it to give something. You mislead only as part of doing something nice. It’s like wrapping a present. You fib about the contents by wrapping it so that the other person can be surprised. It’s to give them something nice, something unexpected, a pleasant surprise. That’s why we call it fibbing instead of lying.”

“If you tell us not to, we’ll never fib to you again,” she says. “But I hope that you don’t do that.”

“That would be boring. Please don’t make us stop,” Beth says with a pout. “We’d never be able to throw a surprise party for you or play any fun practical jokes. That would stink.”

“Relax, I’m not angry,” I say. “It’s just hair. It’ll grow back. But I like your definitions for fib and lie.”

“So, how’s this sound?” I continue. “You can fib as much as you want, but you can never lie. And I’ll do the same. I can think of a bunch of fun surprises and practical jokes for you two.

“Thank you, honey,” Beth says, giving me a wet and soapy hug.

“But there’s a catch,” I say. “One of you has to explain how turning me into a shaved ape is somehow giving me a pleasant surprise?”

Amy smiles and explains, “First, yesterday, when you went swimming to cool off.”

“She means when you went to jerk off in the ocean,” Beth interjects.

“I didn’t jerk off in the ocean,” I say once again.

“OK,” Amy continues. “When you were swimming. We girls came to a unanimous decision. We decided that you would look hotter without all of that fur.”

“So, the first surprise isn’t for you,” Beth says. “It’s for the twins. When they come here later, they’ll be surprised and turned-on when they see the new smooth and even sexier Mark.”

“Second,” Beth continues for Amy. “Your surprise hasn’t happened yet.”

“Getting de-haired isn’t the surprise?” I ask.

“Nope,” Amy says. “You’ll get your surprise in the bedroom. Making your whole body smooth and extra sensitive is only part of it.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” I ask, “Let’s get back in bed.

We quickly rinse off any remaining soap before heading into the bedroom.

I move to the middle of the bed while Beth draws the blackout curtains leaving the room dark, except for the flickering candles Amy is lighting. Beth turns on some smooth jazz, and Amy offers me a blindfold.

“What’s this for?” I ask.

“We’re going to have some fun,” says Amy with a cute little smile.

Beth crawls into bed beside me. “Now that we have you all smooth and extra sensitive,” she says. “We’re going to give you a kitten bath.”

“OK, a kitten bath,” I say a little warily. “I’ve never heard of that.”

“It’s something Amy invented,” Beth says. “Something wonderful.”

Amy helps me with the blindfold as she explains, “Beth and I take a bath together and soak away our body hair every week or so. Afterward, our skin is always soft, smooth, and super sensitive, just like yours is now.”

Beth interrupts, “So, one night, after our bath, Amy blindfolds me and licks every inch of my body. It was sexy-hot and thrilling. She called it a kitten bath because that’s how a mama cat bathes her kittens; with her mouth and tongue. Now, we take turns being the kitten every time we use the bath salts.”

“Today,” Amy says. “It’s your turn to be the kitten, and we’re both going to be your mama pussy cats. You’re going to love it, I promise.”

“Surprise!” Beth says. “What do you think of that?”

Only one response comes to mind. “Me…ow,” I purr.

“No peeking, now,” Amy says as she adjusts my blindfold. “Not knowing what’s getting kissed next or which of us is licking where is half the fun.”

I Lay back, and the girls shift around. One is near my head, the other is at my feet, and I can’t tell which is who. They both start kissing and gently tonguing my already tingly skin.

The girl at my head spreads kisses over my face. When she reaches my lips, I try to join her in a more passionate open-mouthed kiss, but she denies me and quickly moves on. She works her soft lips and tongue under my chin, around my ears, and down my throat to my collarbone, not missing a single spot.

Girl number two starts at the soles of my feet. She draws her tongue in long strokes, starting at my heels, then across my ticklish arches, finishing with the pads of my toes. She repeats this several times on each foot. Then she kisses each toe sucking them into her mouth one at a time. She bobs, sucks, nibbles, and tickles the tips with her tongue like they’re tiny little penises. I’ve never considered feet in a sexual way before, but I do now.

With the absence of sight, I focus on scent, sound, and touch. The fragrance of the candles, the soft jazz, and the gentle tongue caresses fill up my senses. I feel like I’m floating as they nibble and kiss all over my naked body.

Girl number one, now finished with my face and throat, pushes my arms above my head to access my armpits. She makes long strokes with her talented tongue against my newly hairless underarms, causing an involuntary shiver. Like the foot play, it’s strangely titillating and not something I’ve ever considered in the past. I don’t know if it’s the stimulation or the taboo nature that makes it so sexy, but not knowing this doesn’t make it any less arousing.

Girl number two bends my legs upward to access the backs of my knees and starts kissing and nipping at them with her teeth. It’s another new sensation in an area that I never thought of as sexy. It’s making my toes curl. And my dick grows.

My two lovers uncover sensitive spots and erogenous zones that I didn’t know I had, and I encourage them with soft moans. They continue their silent ministrations and never reveal who is licking where.

After scouring my armpits with her tongue, girl number one moves to my nipples. It feels like an arousing yet muted tickle that connects nipples to my groin. They quickly harden, and I’m reminded of yesterday at the beach and the twins’ special nipple cream.

Girl number two moves between my legs, carefully kissing her way up my sensitive inner thighs while her partner moves to swirl her tongue around inside my navel. It tickles, but in a sexy way, and, like my nipples, I feel a subtle connection between my bellybutton and my groin. It’s new, kinky, and a tremendous turn-on.

I have one girl kissing just above my genitals and the other just below when they both shift their attention to my hairless balls. I feel their faces come together side-by-side as each girl takes one of my testicles into her mouth and gently sucks while caressing my scrotum with her tongue.

Their ball-sucking continues for an unknowable amount of time. Then one girl slides her open mouth along my stiff shaft toward my awaiting cockhead. The other pushes my knees up for better access and moves her mouth to that sensitive area right behind my balls.

“Oh, please,” I beg. “Please, suck it. Suck my cock. I’m about to burst.”

Without hesitation, a warm, velvety mouth engulfs my pulsing cockhead and starts gently sucking and licking swirls around the sensitive glans.

A breathless throaty moan comes from deep inside my chest, and I gasp, “Oh my God, yes. Please, yes.”

Then, girl number two spreads my ass cheeks apart with her fingers and pushes her open suckling mouth onto my exposed asshole.

“Fuck! Christ! Holy fuck,” the shout tears out of me, and my body stiffens in an involuntary spasm. “Oh, yes. Baby. Fuck, yes.”

Nobody has ever kissed my asshole before, and this new sensation has me shaking.

She works her wet lips against the muscled ring and uses her tongue to lightly and quickly flick the sensitive center of my asshole. It’s like a passionate kiss between lovers, and it’s sending chills up my spine.

It feels like my cock has two heads, one at the front and another at the back. At one end, my lover’s mouth is sucking, determined to make me cum. At the other end, my other lover’s mouth is passionately kissing and tonguing my sensitive asshole.

“Oh, fuck. I’m cumming,” I gasp.

Girl number one freezes and holds her head motionless as I unload into her hungry mouth. Girl number two pushes her pointed tongue into my tight asshole and moans against my clutching sphincter. I can feel her nose pressed hard against my prostate with every pulsing pump, and it feels like I’m cumming from both ends of my cock. I nearly blackout from the ferocious ejaculation.

My orgasm leaves me completely drained. My body relaxes, and I lay still while catching my breath. The girls move into our usual position, me in the middle with their heads on each of my shoulders. Beth removes my blindfold, but I still don’t know which girl was doing what.

“How did you like your first kitten bath?” Amy asks.

“I don’t have words,” I say with a sigh. “So, which one was which? Who was sucking and who was, well, you know?”

“Who was sucking your dick, and who was eating your ass?” Beth says, being as direct as ever.

“Ya,” I reply.

Amy looks me in the eyes and asks, “Does it matter?”

“No, I guess not,” I say. “But, wow. Thank you both–my God. Let’s make kitten baths a regular part of our personal-hygiene regimen.”

“Cleanliness is next to godliness. That’s what the good book says,” Beth quips, smacking her lips.

“So, I guess this means that you’re OK with fibbing,” Amy says with a wink.

My sister and Beth are sensuality geniuses, and it makes me wonder where they’ve learned so much about sexual pleasure.

“How did you two learn all of this stuff?” I ask. “You must have had some pretty creative boyfriends.”

Amy says, “I’ve had a few boyfriends, but none that you could call creative. And, they always turned out to be real jerks in the end.”

“Once they found out about her submissive side, they used it to humiliate her,” Beth adds. “Total assholes.”

“It made me realize that you’re the only guy I can love. I owe them for that, I suppose,” Amy says. “It sounds odd, but I can trust you to dominate me without humiliation. I know that you will give me what I need but never hurt me.”

“How about you, Beth?” I ask.

“I’ve had some boyfriends and some one-night hookups,” she says. “Never anything serious. And, never more than an occasional blowjob. Before last night, I’d never even fucked a guy except for you.”

I’m surprised and shocked by this and ask, “I was your first? You were a virgin?”

“Yes,” she answers before slowly adding. “Well. No, not exactly.”

“How can you be ‘not exactly’ a virgin? Either you are, or you’re not,” I say. I can’t wait to hear her answer.

Amy explains, “She never fucked a guy before last night. You’re her first.”

“But,” Beth interrupts. “Amy’s fucked me loads of times. So, I was and wasn’t exactly a virgin.”

“So, Amy took your cherry?” I speak.

“Yep, I gave it to her the summer after high school,” she says. “And then last night, I gave it to you too. She’s the first person to ever fuck me, and you’re the first guy I’ve ever fucked.”

“I’m honored,” I say.

“Don’t be sugar,” Beth says. “The pleasure was all mine, and nothing could’ve made me happier.”

“So, you and Amy have been fucking for years,” I say. “How do you manage that when you don’t have penises?”

“We bought a strap-on dildo,” Amy says flatly, surprising me once again.

“We named him Little Mark. After you,” Adds Beth. “He’s in Amy’s nightstand. Should I go get him?”

“No, no thanks. Not right now,” I say. “I’m sure I’ll get to see Little Mark soon enough.”

“That’s why you never have to worry about us not getting enough sex,” Amy says. “We know that there’s two of us and only one of you. So, if we need more, well gladly take care of each other.”

“And you can watch,” Beth says, excited. “I’d love to suck your cock while Amy pounds me doggy style. Anytime you want. I’m getting wet again just thinking about it.”

“Me too,” says Amy.

“Me three,” I say, and we all laugh.

“So, where did two recent high school graduates buy a dildo,” I say. “Don’t tell me you went shopping at some seedy porn shop.”

“No, we used mail-order,” Amy says. “You know, ‘Delivered discretely in brown paper packaging to protect your privacy.’ I watched for the mailman every day until it got here. I was terrified that mom would see the package first and open it.”

‘OK. So, if you didn’t learn all of this sexy stuff from boyfriends,” I ask. “Then how did you become such accomplished sexual experts?”

“The internet,” says Beth.

“You got this creative and good at sex just from watching porn videos?” I say. “I don’t believe it.”

“Not porn videos,” Amy says. “Well, only at first. We got real our education from reading erotica.”

“Erotica?” I ask.

“It’s sexy stories,” Amy says. “People post them on the web for others to read. There’s one site that has millions of readers every month.”

“They have stories for every kink and perversion you can imagine,” Beth says. “Think of something that turns you on and search it. You’ll get hundreds of sexy jerk-off stories. Most of them are pretty explicit, and some are very creative and well written. It’s awesome.”

“So, people read these stories and masturbate?” I say, incredulous. “They sound like a bunch of freaks.”

“Maybe,” says Amy. “But you’re the guy who’s fucking his sister and her best friend and just had his asshole licked. Don’t judge, Mark. You know, glasshouses and all that.”

“You’re right,” I say. “I’ll have to check it out.”

“Lately,” says Amy sounding thoughtful. “It kinda’ feels like we’re living in one of those stories.”

“No doubt,” says Beth. “A super-hot one. I can’t wait to find out what happens next.”

“You can learn a lot from reading,” I say. “But nobody gets this good without real-world experience.”

“We practice,” Beth says. “A lot.”

“Almost every night for a couple of years,” adds Amy.

“Practice?” I say.

Beth continues, “We read the stories together, and when we find something that turns us on, we try it out on each other.”

“We use Little Mark and take turns being the guy,” Amy says. “Unless it’s a girl-girl story.”

“So, you better be ready. When it comes to kinky sex, we’re horny little experts,” Beth finishes.

Amy’s phone alarm sounds.

“Time to go, or mom might come looking for us,” she says. “We don’t want her to catch us in bed together. She would freak-out.”

“That would be fun to explain,” Beth says sarcastically.

“You should take a nap until the twins get here, Marky,” Amy says as they dress. “You might need it.”

The girls leave, and I close my eyes. Keeping up with two uninhibited always-horny women can take it out of a guy. In a few moments, I’m fast asleep.

“Mark,” a female voice calls from downstairs, waking me from my nap. I look at the clock, and it’s just past noon.

“Mark,” I hear it again, and this time I recognize Carmen’s voice coming from the bottom of the stairs.

“Hey, Carmen. I’ll be right down,” I answer, throw on a bathrobe, and head downstairs. “I was taking a nap.”

“Sorry if I woke you,” she says. “Late night?”

“Ya, a bit,” I say. “But, no worries. It’s about time for me to get moving, anyway.”

“I just stopped by to let you know that I’m out by the pool, and the twins will be here soon,” she says. “Oh, and there’s lunch if you’re hungry.”

“Thanks,” I say. “I’ll be out in about ten minutes.”

“Great,” she says. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

I splash some water on my face, throw on swim shorts, and in a few minutes, I head outside.

Carmen’s sitting on a lounger, sunning herself, and reading a paperback as I approach from behind. She’s wearing headphones and doesn’t appear to notice me.

Looking over her shoulder, I can see more as I get closer. She has a novel in one hand, and the other is inside the front of her bikini bottoms. It looks like she’s rubbing her pussy.

I shake my head and once again wonder what’s going on with this house. Why are all the girls around here so horny and uninhibited? Is it something in the water?

“Ahem,” I clear my throat, not wanting to startle her.

Carmen slowly turns her head, our eyes meet, and she smiles. She waits for a long moment before removing her hand from her pussy, and acts like getting caught masturbating is nothing remarkable.

Was I meant to see her rubbing herself? Did she want to be caught? I pretend not to notice, but we both know that I have.

“Hi, Mark,” she says, getting up from her chair. Once again, she greets me like an old friend despite our having met only yesterday. She kisses me full on the lips and hugs me tightly, pressing her lean body against mine. Usually, this would get a reaction from my dick, but It’s still recovering from my ‘kitten’ bath.

“Grab a chair,” she says. “There are sandwiches on the patio table and plenty of beer on ice. Or, I could mix you a drink if you want.”

“Thanks,” I say. “A beer sounds great, but I can help myself. You should relax.”

“That’s sweet,” she says. “But I don’t mind. I’m happy to do it. I enjoy looking after my friends.”

I open a beer, and just as I sit, the twins appear around the corner of the house. Once again, they’re toting multiple beach bags. It seems like they travel with luggage everywhere they go.

Carmen and I stand for the usual frenzy of hello hugs and kisses, and the twins engage in plenty of extra touching and sexy rubbing. I thoroughly enjoy myself, but my sleepy dick remains unresponsive.

Today, the sisters have chosen against matching outfits. Liz is wearing short-shorts and a halter top that’s giving off a sexy nineteen-seventies vibe, and Sofie’s in a loose summer dress, strappy sandals, and oversize sunglasses. As always, both girls are looking sharp and sexy.

“Hey Mark, can we use the pool house to change?” Sofie asks.

“Sure, pick any bedroom you want,” I say. “But you don’t have to ask. Mi casa, su casa.”

“Hey Liz,” Sofie teases. “Mark says his house is our house? Is he inviting us to move in with him?”

“Could be; it sounds like fun,” Liz giggles.

“Go on, you two,” I say. “Nobody is moving in with anybody, but you’re welcome to use the house to change or whatever anytime you want.”

“Party pooper,” Liz says and sticks her tongue out at me as the two hot redheads go inside to change.

It seems like a long time before the twins rejoin us by the pool. Today, they’re wearing a matched set of one-piece swimsuits in rich forest green that perfectly contrasts their dark red hair and fair complexions.

These more modest suits are very different from the barely-there string bikinis and thongs the sisters were wearing yesterday, but they look just as hot. The solid color and high-cut hips make their curvy silhouettes look sleek and sexy, and the deep necklines provide ample cleavage and accentuate the roundness of their magnificent breasts.

“Who needs sunscreen?” Sofie asks, holding up one of their ubiquitous lotion bottles.

“I’m good. I put some on before I came out,” I say.

“So, did we,” Sofie says.

Liz’s lower lip sticks out in a pout as she says, “Too bad. We wanted to get our hands on your new sexy hairless body.”

“So, you noticed?” I speak.

“Amy got you to try the bath salts,” says Sofie. “Didn’t she?”

“They tricked me,” I say. “And, I know that you two were in on it. So, remember, pay back’s a bitch.”

“C’mon, Mark,” Sofie says. “Isn’t your skin super smooth and tingly? Everyone who tries them always wants more. People love ’em.”

“That’s me,” chimes in Carmen. “No hair, no razor bumps, and no waxing. I love it.”

“It’s too bad that we can’t make enough to bring it to market,” Liz says. “The secret ingredient comes from a wild tropical plant that our botanist discovered. Our people are trying to work out how we can farm it commercially, but it’s not going well. For now, we can only make enough for our friends.”

“Well, I hope I’m on the friend’s list,” I say. “I like my new look and may want to keep it.”

“Don’t worry. You’re number one on my friend’s list,” Liz teases. “I mean my ‘friends that I want to get friendlier with’ list.”

“She means her ‘friend’s she wants to bone’ list,” Sofie says with a laugh and a wink.

“So many lists, so little time,” Liz says, wistfully.

“How about you, Carmen?” Sofie changes the subject. “Need some lotion?”

“Hell, yes,” Carmen responds. “I’ve been waiting for you to offer.”

I watched Carmen apply a healthy coating of sunscreen only minutes ago while the twins were inside changing, but I don’t comment. If she wants another coat, it’s fine with me. And so is watching while the twins give her their usual suntan oil massage.

“Don’t ever wait for us to offer; just ask,” Sofie says. “You know we love doing it.”

“Yep,” adds Liz. “Anytime you want, hon. We’re ready and willing.”

Carmen walks over, steps between the two sisters, and without any fanfare strips off her bikini top and bottom to stand between them completely naked. I’m surprised by this but know I shouldn’t be. The twins don’t show any reaction at all. The house custom of partial and even total nudity must include Carmen as well. And that’s fine with me.

As I’ve described, Carmen is tall and very slim with broad shoulders. Her exotic Native American features and androgynous physique give her the look of a high-fashion model. Her complexion is deep olive-brown, and her skin looks soft, smooth, and unmarked by any blemish, tan lines, or body hair. Seeing her nude for the first time is stunning, and my dick would usually respond immediately, but today it’s still recovering from overuse.

As usual, the twins start at the top and then work downward. They apply lotions to her hair, face, and neck as she stands between them. Then, they move down to her torso, and as Sofie treats Carmen’s shoulders and back, Liz rubs her taut belly and small A-cup breasts. Carmen’s nipples come to attention, and I’m pleased to see that even though they’re tiny, her nipples harden into dark little marbles when touched. Liz, of course, gives Carmen’s nipples extra attention.

Continuing, the twins slide their slippery hands below Carmen’s waistline. Sofie treats Carmen’s firm ass, but from this angle, I can’t tell if she includes Carmen’s ass-crack and asshole like she did for her sister yesterday.

In front, Liz’s hands travel inward from Carmen’s hips to her smooth little pussy. Liz coats it thoroughly, but the rubbing isn’t sexual, and neither girl seems shy about the intimate contact.

Once Carmen is wholly protected from sunburn, she picks up her discarded bikini and turns back to me.

“I hope you don’t mind, Mark,” she says, holding up the bits of cloth. “I never pass up an opportunity for some nude sun worship. I like the no tan-line look, and after seeing how much skin was on display yesterday, I assumed it would be OK.”

“It’s cool with me,” I say, trying to seem nonchalant. “But, don’t blame me when you catch me looking.”

“I’d blame you if you didn’t look,” she says with a smile and lays back down to enjoy the sun.

We relax, have a few beers, and soak in the midday heat. After about an hour, Liz asks, “Who wants to cool off in the pool?” We all enthusiastically agree and jump in. Carmen doesn’t bother putting her bathing suit back on.

We splash and play in the water and end up in a dunking contest with the three small girls trying to wrestle me off my feet. The twins engage in lots of aggressive sexual touching, but Carmen keeps it mostly G-rated. That is, aside from incidentally rubbing her nude young body against mine with every attack. Liz and Sofie repeatedly grab and squeeze my cock, balls, and ass from both outside and inside my swim shorts. Unfortunately, my sexual energy is still recovering, and my cock barely responds.

We calm down and enjoy a long cooling soak, and after a little while, Carmen says, “It’s getting late, and I have some errands to run before my aunt gets home from the spa. How about I grab some pizza on my way back, and we can eat dinner out here?”

We all agree and climb out of the pool. Carmen wraps her naked body in a big towel and leaves while the twins and I settle back down to enjoy some more sun.

The afternoon heat feels terrific, and I’m considering another nap.

I decide to make everyone happy and have sex with my two hot friends. It seems weird, but I guess it’s my new normal. My relationship with my sister and Beth is like nothing I’ve ever heard of before. So, ‘once more unto the breach…’, or ‘breaches,’ I guess.

“Well,” I say, getting up from my chair. “I’m headed in for a shower.” The twins’ faces show their disappointment.

“Hey, Liz,” I add. “Does your offer still stand? Do you still want to help me wash my back?”

Her face lights up, and Liz answers, “Hell, yes! It took you long enough to get the hint.”

Sofie is wearing an exaggerated frown when I turn to her and say, “Coming?”

“Hell, Hell, yes!” she replies with a big smile. “Did you think that you could keep me away?”

Hand in hand in hand, we head inside. The twins are practically skipping.

We’re barely through the pool house door before the twins strip off their bathing suits and start pulling at mine. I have to stop and let them finish before I trip with my shorts around my ankles.

They plaster their naked bodies against mine and use their hands, legs, tits, and mouths to rub and touch every part of my body. It’s like wrestling with two greasy huge-titted monkeys as I struggle up the stairs.

I’m still tired, but my cock is finally showing some signs of life.

I get us to the master bathroom and into the giant shower, where the twins wash me with thick, soapy lather. They start on my head and finish with my feet, just like yesterday at the beach. Unlike yesterday, they thoroughly wash my ass-crack, cock, and balls, giggling and laughing the entire time.

My cock is now fully recovered and rock hard.

Next, we work together, lathering up each twin in turn, and make ourselves into a mass of soapy wet slippery flesh.

They move around me, kissing and gently touching everywhere with neither ever getting in her sister’s way. They take turns fondling my cock and balls. And, I enjoy their round soapy tits as I stroke their soft voluptuous bodies.

“Remember when you noticed that our dimples aren’t identical?” Sofie asks.

“And, we told you there are other differences that aren’t as visible.” Liz finishes.

“I do,” I reply while wondering where they are going with this.

Liz moves to the shower bench and spreads her legs wide to show me that she has a vaginal piercing.

“Ta-da,” she says, gesturing toward her open pussy.

The piercing looks like a tiny golden dumbbell passing through the hood of her clitoris. She rubs and tugs on it, wearing a naughty grin.

“Sofie doesn’t have one of these,” she says. “I love playing with it. It feels amazing. Want to taste it?”

I don’t make her ask twice.

I kneel and get up close with Liz’s pussy for the first time. Her vulva is hairless, smooth, and plump. I can tell that she uses the bath-salts too. Her pussy lips are a muted dusky-rose color that suites her fair complexion, and the piercing is like a little gold spark nestled inside a soft-pink orchid-like vagina. Liz’s pussy is proof that there is a God, and he loves pretty things.

I spread her open using my thumbs and lower my mouth to her delicate parted lips. My first light touch makes her draw in a sharp breath.

“Oh, Mark,” she says as I start tickling her from cunt hole to clit using only the fluttering tip of my tongue. She tastes of soap and exquisite femininity, and I begin sucking and kissing more passionately.

Meanwhile, Sofie kneels to rub my back with her hand and my side with her beautiful soapy breasts. She leans in and starts whispering filthy encouragement from behind my right ear:

“Do you like my sister’s pussy? Does it taste nice? She loves having boys eat her little cunny. Can you feel her nasty little piercing with your tongue? Only a real slut would pierce her vagina. Go ahead, bite it. Pull it with your teeth. She loves it rough on her clit. My slutty twin has been so horny for you. And, so have I. You can do anything you want to us. Make us your identical twin fuck buddies. Would you like that, Mark?”

I take Liz’s piercing between my teeth and gently pull, making her moan. I start flicking her clit with my tongue, and her words breathlessly rush out, “Oh, Mark. Just like that. You’ve made me so horny. I’m almost there. Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”

I keep licking and push two fingers into her vagina.

“Fuck,” She says. “I’m cumming, Mark. Oh, baby, don’t stop. I’m cumming.”

Sofie joins in her sister’s excitement and says, “That’s it, Mark. Make her cum in your mouth. She needs it bad. All your teasing and playing hard to get has us crazy horny. Suck her, Mark. Suck her little cunt dry.”

Liz moans and convulses through her orgasm, and I keep on licking her clit until she pulls me away by the hair and says, “Enough! That’s enough. I’m too sensitive for any more.”

“Awesome!” Sofie shouts and raises her hand for high fives from us both. It’s like we just scored a touchdown or something.

I stand and get back under the shower. Liz immediately kneels and enthusiastically sucks me into her mouth. Sofie and I passionately kiss and stroke each other’s slippery bodies.

Liz pauses her blowjob briefly to say, “Wow, Sofie, this is the biggest cock we’ve ever sucked. I can’t wait to have it inside me.”

“I know,” says Sofie. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect, Mark.”

I touch Sofie’s tits and rub her ample ass before moving my hand around to her pussy while her sister continues sucking my cock. I finger fuck Sofie and rub her clit with my thumb, and once again, she starts whispering into my ear:

“Oh, that’s good. Keep going, just like that. You’ve got me so turned on that I’ll pop any minute.” She takes a moment to catch her breath and continues, “Is Liz sucking your cock good? Sucking cock is our thing; we’re the best. I can’t wait for my turn. Will you cum in my mouth, Mark? I want you to. I want you just to let go and give me your whole load to swallow. Would you like that?

With that, Liz stops sucking, stands to kiss me, and joins her sister in caressing my body.

“There’s one more difference between us, Mark,” she says. “Do you want Sofie to show you?”

Then Liz looks to her sister and asks, “Are you up for it? Can you handle it?”

“I think so,” Sofie replies nervously. “I’m sure as hell going to try.”

Sofie slides down my body and kneels to continue her sister’s fantastic blowjob. Liz keeps talking between kisses while we caress each other, and Sofie starts fingering herself without taking her mouth from my cock:

“Like Sofie said, giving great head is our specialty, and we love doing it. And we love doing it together. But there’s another difference that you should know. Sofie has a special talent that I haven’t mastered, and she wants to show you.”

With that, Sofie opens her mouth as wide as she can and swallows my whole cock in one swift push. No woman has ever managed to take it all with me fully hard, and I’m a little amazed. Her lips press tightly against my body, and her eyes are watering as she looks up into my face. She tries to smile around my cock without much success, but she deserves an ‘A’ for the effort.

She holds me all the way in and repeatedly swallows, massaging my dick with the walls of her throat. It feels incredible.

“Wow! You did it,” Liz says as her sister continues swallowing my cock. “I knew you could, Sha. Isn’t she amazing?” I answer with an enthusiastic grunt.

Sofie pulls back and gaps before saying, “This is the cock I was born to suck. Now give it to me, Mark. I’m not holding back, and you don’t either. Let’s make this a blowjob we’ll both never forget.”

She takes a deep breath, inhales me down to the root once again, and starts another squeezing swallowing throat massage. Then, she shifts to pumping the full length of my cock in and out of her mouth. She’s fucking me with her open throat while making slutty grunting, gurgling, and choking noises.

“She said it, give it to her, Mark,” Liz says. “Let her have it. Blow your load down her throat! Grab her head and fuck her hot mouth! Let go. Let it go, and cum!”

Grabbing the back of Sofie’s head, I face fuck the sluty little redhead.

I’ve never been this rough with a woman before, but the excitement has brought out the caveman in me. Sofie is choking and grunting. A gooey mix of Saliva and precum pours out of her mouth each time I allow her a gasping breath of air.

Her sister tweaks my nipples and continues her erotic rant, and I start cumming.

I’m in well past Sofie’s Adam’s apple when it hits me. The first blast is so deep that there’s no need for her to swallow. It pumps directly down into her belly. I hold my dick right there for two more heavy pumps before withdrawing. I leave just my cockhead inside her mouth and pour in the rest of my load. Tears run down her face as she chokes down my cum and frantically finger fucks herself. I squeeze my eyes shut and see bursts of red behind my closed eyelids.

She moans around my dick between swallows.

“She’s cumming, Mark,” Liz says. “She’s cumming while you fuck her face. Fuck, have you ever seen anything this hot?”

I answer with another grunt.

My orgasm slowly subsides with my balls completely drained. My poor overused dick starts to soften, and Sofie lets it slip from her mouth. Then, she swallows the last of my load with one giant gulp and pants to catch her breath.

We touch and nuzzle in a post-orgasmic haze while the soap and bodily fluids rinse off and down the shower drain.

“I’m sorry if I was too rough,” I softly say to Sofie. “I got caught up in the excitement.”

“Don’t worry, baby. So, did I,” she answers. “Besides, sometimes, when I’m with the right guy and super horny, I like it rough. This was one of those times, and you were perfect. Thank you.”

“You are perfect,” Liz agrees. “And we’re ready any time you want us. I’m sure we have some more sexy tricks up our sleeves.”

“I can think of a couple,” Says Sofie, giving me a sharp slap on the ass.

“We’d better get moving. Carmen should be back with the pizza any time now,” Liz says.

“Good, I’m starving,” I say.

“Me too,” Liz adds. “After all that, we need to rebuild our strength.”

“I just had a delightful appetizer, but I could do with a hot slice too,” Sofie says, and we all laugh.

Liz replies, “Remember, sister, next time it’s my turn to swallow the ‘delightful’ appetizer.”

We dress and return to the pool minutes before Carmen arrives with the pizza.

Soon, my belly is full, and I’m feeling relaxed, but I don’t think my dick will be poking its head out any time soon. I felt drained before the amazing shower blowjob, and I think it’ll take a good night’s sleep before I can work up another erection.

The women return from their day out, and the usual kissing and hugging hello ritual begins. I get a quick sisterly hug from Amy; we don’t want to raise any eyebrows. And a longer not so sisterly kiss from Beth. Then, Florence surprises me. She and I haven’t yet spent much time together, but she greets me like an old friend with a hug and kiss on the cheek. Her body feels rock-solid and muscular when I return her hug, and I can tell she works hard to stay in shape.

I’m also surprised by my mother. We always share a hug and kiss when saying hello, but this time it feels slightly different. She presses her body against mine and holds the hug a little longer than I expect. Then, rather than her usual smooch on the cheek, she gives me a quick peck on the lips.

“I’ve missed you,” she said, still holding our hug. “I’m so glad that you’ve moved back home. I love you so much, Markie.”

It looks like mom had a little too much wine at dinner and is feeling sentimental.

“I love you too, mom,” I reply. “And, I’m happy to be home. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.”

She kisses me again, but this time on the cheek, and moves to say hello to Carmen and the twins.

Mom and Florence say their goodnights and go inside to relax and chat over coffee, as they usually do. Amy and Beth join me, Carmen, and the twins at the table, and we open some more wine.

They tell us about the spa and dinner at the boat club. It sounds like a luxurious day of pampering and good food. The twins ask questions about the spa treatments, and Carmen focuses on the gourmet dinners. Then Amy and Beth start asking about my day.

“Did you get some extra sleep after we left this morning?” Amy asks me. “You looked exhausted.”

“Ya,” says Beth. “I hope you took a nap. You seemed drained.”

“I slept until around lunchtime, then I came out here to join Carmen,” I say. “He snuck up on me while I was reading and catching some sun,” Carmen accuses me with a smile. “Lurker much,” She adds with a wink in my direction. She doesn’t mention that I caught her masturbating, and the wink tells me that she didn’t mind.

“I wasn’t lurking. You were just very focused on what you were doing and didn’t notice me,” I reply and return Carmen’s wink.

“We did the usual sun and pool stuff for a few hours,” Sofie says.

“Then Carmen picked up pizzas, and you guys got home,” Liz quickly adds.

“Pretty uneventful,” I finish. “Just a regular day by the pool.”

We don’t mention that Liz showed me her pierced clit, I licked her pussy, and Sofie deepthroated me and swallowed my cum. A story for another time, I guess.

We chat about our day for a few more minutes. Then Amy clears her throat and says:

“I have to call a circle meeting.”

The other girls become quiet, and I ask, “What’s a circle meeting?”

“Remember what we told you about high school?” Beth says. “And how we would sit in a circle and help each other figure things out?

“That’s where we promised always to be honest with each other, never hide anything, and always have each other’s backs.

“We still sit in our circle whenever were together, but when one of us has something important to share, we call it a circle meeting. Then we all know it’s something serious.”

Amy adds, “A circle meeting is like a board meeting for our little sisterhood. Sometimes we even vote about stuff, but any one of us can veto at any time. If something isn’t good for all of us, then it’s not good enough for any of us.”

This circle meeting thing makes me uncomfortable. I know Amy plans to tell the twins about our relationship, and I can’t predict how they’ll react or if they will appreciate how important it is to keep our incest hidden. It makes me nervous, but I trust that Amy knows what she’s doing.

“OK, when do you want to do it?” Liz asks.

“Right now,” Amy says. “It’s big and shouldn’t wait for another day. I set the hot tub to heat up when I got here, and it should be ready. I thought we could grab more wine and do it in there.”

“OK, Mark. It looks like we need to entertain ourselves for a little while,” says Carmen. “How about a little reading?” She winks at me again.

“No, I’d like you both to join us,” Amy says. “I have two things to discuss, and they affect you both.”

The thought of joining them while Amy explains our incestuous relationship gives me a nervous knot in my stomach.

“Sure thing,” I say, not feeling sure about it at all.

I head over to the hot tub with a couple more wine bottles and an ice bucket full of beer. I’m wearing my bathing suit, and I expect the girls to go inside and change into theirs. Instead, they all follow me and start stripping off their clothes. Carmen’s naked first and climbs into the hot bubbly water with a sigh.

I start to follow her in when Beth stops me. “Hold up there, bucko,” she says with a smile. “No clothes in the hot tub.”

“What?” I speak.

“We never wear clothes in the hot tub,” Sofie says. “It’s barbaric.”

“It’s an unofficial circle rule,” says Liz as she drops her bathing suit on a chair and joins Carmen in the water.

Carmen’s the only one here who hasn’t seen me naked, but she certainly doesn’t have any problem with nudity. So, I drop my shorts and follow the ladies into the water.

We all settle in around the hot tub, and Amy starts her circle meeting:

“OK, everyone. Make sure your glasses are full,” Amy says. “And let’s get started.”

“The circle meeting is now in session,” Amy announces, trying to sound official. “I have two things I want us to talk about tonight, and the first concerns Carmen.”

Carmen looks surprised when Amy turns to her and says, “Carmen, sweety. I owe you an apology.”

Carmen starts to interrupt, but Amy shushes her and continues, “I know what you’re going to say, Car, but I do.

“You’ve been living here for over a year now, and we’ve all become very close. We trust you and love you dearly.

“About a month ago, the twins brought up the idea that we should ask you to join our circle, kind of officially. It might sound silly to you, but we take it seriously. We’ve never invited someone new into our little group or even considered the idea before.

“Beth agreed and wanted to ask you right away. And, it was the twins’ idea, so they were for it.

“But I vetoed the whole thing. And that’s why I need to apologize.

“I want to say that I’m sorry. And finally, explain to everyone why I said no.

“And, that brings us to the second thing I want to talk about tonight.

“I’ve been going through some monumental changes in my personal life. They’ve been building for a long time, and last month, when I found out that Mark was coming home, everything accelerated. It’s all come to a head over the past few days.

“I didn’t know how things were going to work out. I might end up super happy or broken-hearted. Either way, I knew that I would need my sisters’ love and support.

“That’s why I wasn’t ready to invite you into our circle. I didn’t want to risk changing the group and maybe messing up my support system when I might need it more than ever. It was selfish, and I hope you can forgive me.

“Worse yet, I’ve broken my promises to the circle. We’re supposed to share everything and never keep secrets, and I’ve been keeping a big one. I hope you’ll understand and be able to forgive me once I’ve explained why.

“I want to make amends. And, I want to include you too, Carmen. But I need to share something very private and personal. There’s a secret involved that, if it gets out, could ruin my life, Mark’s life, and my parents’ too. It can’t go outside our circle. Now, more than ever, I need all of my sisters, including you, Car.

“So, before I go on, I’d like to ask you to join our little group officially. If no one objects, I’d like to invite you to share the same promises we all made to each other years ago.

“Does anyone want to add anything?”

“We love you, Car,” Beth says. “Join our little cult. Drink the Cool-Aid.”

Liz immediately chimes in, “Beth, don’t tell her that. It’s not a cult. It’s more of a sisterhood.”

“It’s a team, or better yet a tribe,” says Sofie.

“Or, a coven,” Beth adds with a smile.

“So, Carmen, what do you think?” finishes Amy. “Will you be our sister?”

“Wow,” Carmen says tearfully. “I’m sorry that I’m crying. But I love you guys too, and I’m so happy right now.

“I don’t have any brothers or sisters. And, since my parents died, I’ve always felt so alone.

“My grandmother was great, and I love her for raising me. And, living here with aunt Florence, well, she’s been incredible. But, you’re the first real friends I’ve ever had. You’ve made me happier than I thought I could ever be.

“I’m sorry about your parents,” I interrupt. “I didn’t know.”

“Thanks, Mark. It was almost ten years ago when I was nine. Drunk driver,” Carmen says before continuing:

“It’s been great being your little tagalong; you’ve been so kind and loving. But I’ve been jealous of you guys and your special relationship.

“Your sisterhood is unique and beautiful. And, I don’t think any of this is silly. It’s as serious to me as it is to you. I love and trust you all, and I’m ready to commit to your circle, or sisterhood, or tribe, or whatever you want to call it.”

“So, all I can say is yes. Yes, please. What promises do you want me to make?” Carmen eagerly finishes.

“Awesome!” Beth shouts and moves across the hot tub to embrace Carmen. The twins and Amy quickly join their group hug. When they finish, Amy continues:

“We’ve never done this before. So, I’ve tried to sum up our promises to each other in just a few sentences.

“How’s this? We promise to share everything with our sisters without any hesitation, restraint, or jealousy. We will never be dishonest or keep secrets, and we’ll always trust and love one another. And, most of all, we will always have each other’s backs.”

“That’s perfect, Amy,” Beth says. “I promise.”

“I promise,” says Sofie.

“I promise too,” Liz says. “Good job, Amy.”

“And, so do I,” Amy solemnly adds. “What do you say, Carmen?”

“Oh my god, yes. I promise. I love you all so much!” Carmen says between blubbering. And another group hug ensues.

Even though the kisses and hugs aren’t sexual, watching the five beautiful and very naked women come together is like a horny teenager’s lesbian hot tub fantasy. Usually, I’d be rock hard right now. But, with the excessive fucking over the past few days, my dick barely raises its nose to test the air.

The girls move back to their seats, and Amy continues:

“OK. Now let’s talk about my big secret,” Amy says. “I hope you’ll understand why I’ve been so secretive and forgive me once you’ve heard what I have to say.”

“Don’t worry, honey. You know that whatever it is, we already forgive you,” Sofie says, and the others all nod in agreement. “So, go ahead. Out with it. The suspense is killing us.”

“OK,” says Amy. “But one more time. It’s the biggest secret we’ve ever had, and nobody else can know. If anyone finds out, it could break up our family.”

“Here goes.” Amy takes a deep breath and says, “I’m in love with Mark, and we’ve been having sex since he’s been home.” Her words rush out as if she’s trying to say it all before changing her mind.

“What?” Carmen gasps. “He’s your brother!”

The twins don’t speak for a moment while Amy’s confession sinks in, and Beth watches for their reaction. The bubbling hot tub is the only sound until Liz breaks their silence.

“Who didn’t see that coming?” says Liz, relieving the tension. “You’ve been in love with him since high school. Congrats on closing the deal.”

“Nice! I’m so happy for you both,” Sofie says. “It’s perfect. You love each other, and you can trust him not to hurt you and take advantage of your submissive side.” She turns to me. “You better not hurt her, Mark, or you’ll be answering to all of us.”

“Don’t worry, I know,” I say.

“OK, I’m new to this, but don’t any of you care that they’re committing incest?” Carmen asks with concern. “How about you, Beth. What do you think?”

“That’s the thing, Carmen,” Beth says. “Unless we think a sister is doing something dangerous or potentially harmful, and I don’t think that their loving each other is either of those, we’re committed to trust her judgment and accept her choices. We talk things out, of course, but in the end, we respect each other’s feelings.”

“But, before we go any further,” Beth adds. “You should all know that there’s more to this.”

“More,” Carmen says. “What’s more than incest?”

“Well,” Beth says, followed by a pause. “I’m fucking Mark too. And Amy, and both of them together. The three of us are kind of in a relationship.”

Beths admission causes another momentary silence.

“Wow,” says Sofie, sharing a glance with her sister.

“What sort of relationship?” Liz asks, worried that she and Sofie may have broken a boundary by having sex with Mark.

Beth answers, “Amy and I promised to be sexually exclusive and only have sex with Mark and each other. We also put Mark in charge. He calls the shots, and we’ll do anything he asks. In return, he promised to be our man. Love us, take care of us, and give us what we need to be happy. Amy and I made the rules, and Mark needed a lot of convincing. But we were both very persuasive, especially Amy.”

“Oh my God. We’re so sorry,” Sofie says, suddenly distressed. “We didn’t know.”

Liz adds, “We wouldn’t have done it if we knew you guys were in an exclusive relationship.”

“Done what?” asks Beth, not understanding their concern. “Why would you be sorry?”

“Well,” Liz slowly says. “This afternoon, we gave Mark one of our patented super-twin blowjobs.”

“Why didn’t you tell us that you guys are in an exclusive relationship, Mark,” asks Sofie. “We would have backed off.”

“Relax, you two. We know what happened in the shower,” Amy says. “Mark called us earlier, and it sounds like you two did a hell of a job.”

“He said it was awesome, by the way,” says Beth. “He was worried about getting it up after all the sex we’ve been having, so we had to encourage him to try, and it worked.”

“You’re not mad?” asks Sofie. “But you just told us you’re exclusive.”

“We are exclusive,” Beth says. “That is, Amy and I are exclusive. Mark can have sex with anyone he wants. That’s was our idea too. Mark’s our man, and the choices are his. We want him to be as happy and have as much pleasure as possible, and we’ll always do whatever it takes to make that happen.”

“So, we’re glad you guys hooked-up,” Amy says with a big grin. “You should fuck Mark as often as the three of you want.”

“His pleasure is our pleasure,” says Beth. “That’s our motto. So, fill your boots. But try to save some for us too. OK, Markie.”

“You guys are amazing,” says Carmen, finally finding her voice. “You don’t care what anybody thinks. You know what you want and go for it. I’ll never be that confident.”

“You’ll get there,” Liz says. And then softly adds as if speaking to herself, “I hope that I can get there too.”

“Now that your sisters are with you,” Sofie adds. “You can go after anything that you want, and we’ll all help any way we can. We got you.”

“Amy and Beth want Mark to be part of the relationship they’ve been having for years,” She goes on. “It makes them all happy and doesn’t hurt anyone, so they get our full support. We’re sisters, and that’s what we promised.”

Carmen grins and says, “OK, I’m starting to understand. But I’ll need a little time to get used to the incest stuff. It’s just not something that I’m used to. Sorry, Amy.”

“No worries,” Amy replies. “Sisters accept and respect each other’s feelings. That goes for your feelings too. We didn’t promise to think the same and agree on everything. We promised to love each other, share everything, and support each other. I think you’ll understand my feelings for Mark once you’ve seen us together for a while.”

“Am I expected to have sex with Mark too?” Carmen asks with some concern in her voice.

“Oh, no, honey,” Amy says. “That’s up to you and Mark. There aren’t any conditions on your sisterhood, uh sisterliness, em or whatever. You know what I mean. You’re our sister now. One-hundred percent. All you have to do is keep the promises, just like the rest of us.”

“Good,” Carmen says, “I feel like we five just got married, so I’m not ready for another new relationship right now, even with a hunk like Mark.

“And, aside from a little exhibitionism, I don’t have much sexual experience. Heck, I love showing off, but I’ve never even had sex before. I’m still a virgin. And, seeing him get into the hot tub was a little intimidating. You’re scary big, Mark.”

“Don’t worry,” says Beth, smiling. “If you and Mark ever do have sex, and that is one-hundred percent up to you, you’re going to love his giant cock. I promise.”

Carmen blushes but doesn’t reply.

“You’re an exhibitionist?” I speak. “Now, I get it.”

“She sure is,” says Beth.

Sofie adds, “She’s always the first to strip whenever we’re swimming or getting some sun.”

“And she loves flashing her tits at strangers when we’re out partying,” Liz says.

“What’s not to love,” says Carmen. “It’s exciting. I’ve been like this for a long time.”

“That explains your little game this afternoon,” I say to her. “I knew you set me up on purpose.”

“Guilty as charged,” says Carmen with a broad grin.

“What did you do this time, you little minx?” Beth asks.

Carmen shyly hesitates before answering, “I set it up so Mark would catch me with my hand in my pants when he came out of the house today. It was thrilling.”

“You pretended to masturbate so Mark would catch you?” Beth says. “That’s wicked.”

“Pretended?” Carmen answers with a sly smile. “Who pretends to masturbate when the real thing feels so good?”

“That’s why we love you,” says Beth. “You’re just like the rest of us.”

“Hold on,” says Sofie as if she’s just discovered something. “Does this mean that it’s OK for us to keep having sex with Mark? How about tonight? Can we have a sleepover, Mark? I want to finish what we started this afternoon?”

“Me too,” agrees Liz.

“Don’t look at me,” says Beth. “I’ve been here for two days, and I’m out of clothes. I’m sleeping at home tonight and grabbing some of my things before I come back tomorrow. Is it alright if I take over one of your empty guest rooms, Mark? I usually share Amy’s room, but It’ll be nice to have a place for more of my stuff.”

“Sure thing. Take whichever room you want.” I speak. “I was going to suggest it myself.”

“I can’t sleep with him tonight either,” Amy says with a pout. “We have to sneak around. We can’t risk letting the maids know our secret. They’ll tell mom, and she would freak out. Incest is not something mom could handle.”

“No doubt,” I agree.

“So, it looks like it’s up to you,” Liz says to me. “What do you say? Feel like sleeping with horny redheaded identical twins tonight?”

“You make a strong argument,” I say, scratching my chin and pretending that I need convincing.

“But don’t expect much in the sex department,” I say. “There are physical limits, you know. A guy can only have sex so many times in forty-eight hours, and I hit my limit in the shower with you two.”

The twins play innocent, and Sofie says, “Don’t worry about us. We’ll be on our best behavior.”

“Cross our hearts,” finishes Liz with a coy smile while drawing a cross between her lovely breasts as they bob and float in the bubbling water.

“OK. Then it’s settled,” says Beth. “I’m going to my own bed and Amy and Carmen are sleeping in their own beds. And the twins get the whole night to abuse Mark’s poor tired, not so little penis.”

“I hope you two can wait until the morning,” I say to the twins. “It’s embarrassing, but I don’t think I’ll be able to get hard again today.”

“Well, you better get up early if you want to fool around in the morning,” says Amy. “It’s yoga class with Florence poolside at nine o’clock, and she’s expecting all of us to be there.

“How about we take the boat out and go snorkeling after yoga?” Beth suggests. “I know a cool man-made reef I’d love to show you.”

Everyone heartily agrees, and Carmen says, “I’ll tell the boys to get the boat ready, and in the morning before yoga, I’ll load up some coolers.”

“I’ll help you,” says Amy.

“So I guess that’s it,” Amy continues. “Unless anyone wants to say something more, our meetings finished.”

“I’d like to say something if it’s OK,” says Carmen.

“Of course,” Amy says. “You never need permission to talk. We’re sisters now.”

“I know,” Carmen says. “And that’s what I want to say. We’re sisters now, and I’ve never had a sister, let alone four. You’ve made me so happy, and I love you all. And, I will always keep my promises and be the best sister I can be.”

“We promise too,” says Liz.

“We’ll always be the best sisters we can be for you, too,” Sofie says.

The girls have a final group hug, and each makes certain to give Carmen one more teary kiss goodnight.

We have another big day tomorrow, so our party breaks up, and we go our separate ways to get some rest.

The twins and I walk back to the pool house without bothering to dress. They drag me back into the shower to rinse the chlorine from our skin, they’re sticklers when it comes to skincare, and I’m pleasantly surprised when they don’t try to get me hard in the shower. I guess they accept that I need a little break from all this sex.

Back in my bedroom, it becomes clear that I’m mistaken. The sisters won’t wait for morning; they want to fool around now.

First, they make a sexy show of rubbing each other down with moisturizer, and then together, they rub me down too. Each twin tries to get me hard in turns by stroking my cock with the creamy lotion. You can’t blame them for trying, but I don’t think it’s going to work.

They finish with the moisturizer, and I lay on the bed with a twin on either side. They focus their attention on getting me hard. One twin strokes my cock while the other rubs my balls, and both kiss and lick my nipples. Then they switch tasks and work at it some more.

Frustrated that the rubbing alone isn’t helping, they change strategies and switch to using their mouths. One sister tongues my balls while the other licks my dick, and every so often, they switch. It’s very sexy to watch, but I’m just not getting hard. I’ve had too much sex over too short a time and need time to replenish my mojo.

Liz takes her mouth from my still semi-soft dick to watch her sister licking my balls. “It’s not working,” she says.

Sofie stops licking and looks at her sister from across my flaccid penis.

“I know, but I’m so horny,” says Sofie. “I’m dying to feel this monster inside of me. It’s been forever since either of us got some. But Mark needs to get some rest. Poor baby.”

“I know something that might make him hard,” Liz says in a conspiratorial whisper.

“Cool, I’ll try anything,” Answers Sofie.

Liz swallows hard and gives her sister a small smile. Then she leans forward and kisses Sofie fully on the lips.

Surprised by this, Sofie jerks back to stare wide-eyed at her sister. She silently studies Liz’s expression for a moment and whispers back, “Are you sure?”

“I am,” says Liz. “It feels right.”

Sofie seems to think about this for another moment before leaning in to return Liz’s kiss.

I watch their passion slowly build until they’re locked in an open mouth tongue-duel worthy of the finest lesbian porn. The sisters are kissing and moaning, and I’m starting to think that they’ve forgotten about me when, without breaking their lip-lock, they move downward to share my cock head between their open kissing mouths.

If Amy and Beth are right, this is the first time the twins have touched each other sexually. It’s the first time for them, and that makes the scene even hotter. My tired dick finally starts to thicken.

They kneel upright without breaking their passionate kiss. The sisters caress each other’s faces and bodies. They seem hungry for each other, and their energy swiftly grows. Liz crawls across my body, pushing Sofie backward onto the bed and lying on top of her twin. Their lips never part, and they each start touching and feeling the other’s big soft tits and hard pink nipples.

I’ve watched them smearing each other with suntan lotion and seen their sexy nipple cream regimen, but this isn’t the same. The twins are making love to each other. They’re both trying to make the other horny, and it’s making me horny too.

Liz breaks their kiss and gazes into Sofie’s eyes. “Ready for more?” she asks.

Sofie looks a little afraid, but she replies with a slight silent nod.

Liz responds with a brief smile and moves down to suck one of Sofie’s nipples while pinching and pulling the other with her free hand. Sofie gasps and runs her fingers through Liz’s thick red hair.

“That’s it, Liz. Just like that,” Sofie breaths. “My pussy tingles when you pinch my nipples.”

Liz gives her nipple another hard pinch causing another moan. Then, she starts trailing her hand down her sister’s body.

Sofie shivers as Liz lightly runs her fingertips over her ribs and down across her sensitive belly. The tickling makes her coo in delight. Liz strokes Sofie’s hip and then grasps her fleshy ass giving it a hard squeeze then a delicate pat. Sofie’s eyes are closed, and she’s quietly moaning from deep down inside her throat, so Liz knows she’s doing this right.

Sofie’s body stiffens in anticipation as Liz’s fingers reach their destination and touch her spread open sex. She gasps and withholds her indrawn breath while, for the first time, Liz explores the moist folds of her twin sister’s pussy.

I wonder if Sofie’s pussy feels the same as her own. Do identical twin sisters have identical pussies? Are the twins entirely alike, or do their pussies curve and fold each in their unique way. Is every pussy different? Are they like snowflakes or fingerprints with no two exactly alike? I can’t wait to compare them for myself.

Sofie speaks through tightly clenched teeth while slowly releasing her upheld breath, “Sar…” She pauses, “Sar! Don’t stop. I keep cumming. Mini-cums. One after another. Oh, my God. Liz.”

Liz moves to between her sister’s widespread thighs until Her face is inches from Sofie’s wide-open sex. She looks up and asks, “Are you ready for me? There’s no undoing this. We cross this line, and there’s no going back.”

“I don’t want to go back,” Sofie answers with bated breath. “Please, this is perfect. I love you, Liz.”

Liz plasters her mouth over Sofie’s waiting pussy without hesitation and sinks two outstretched fingers into her sister’s eager vagina. She frantically licks and sucks Sofie’s pussy like a cunt-starved lesbian nymphomaniac hungry for girl cum. Sofie’s eyes squeeze shut, and her face screws into an expression of pure sexual ecstasy.

Sofie guides Liz with her hands, holding her sister’s head as Liz’s tongue darts and slides over her swollen clit and pussy lips. Both girls moan with pleasure.

Suddenly, Sofie seems to remember that I’m here watching and opens her eyes to look my way.

“Oh, my God, Mark,” she says between panting breaths. “I can’t stop cumming. Move up here and put your cock in my mouth! I want to eat you while She eats me.”

I move to Sofie’s head and smear her lips with the big dollop of precum that’s leaking from my cockhead. Then I sink it into her waiting mouth. I roll my hips in a slowly advancing rhythm and fuck her face with short steady strokes. Her moans build along with my tempo, and I can tell that she likes it. I like it too.

I enjoy Sofie’s mouth and watch Liz licking her first pussy until Sofie spits out my saliva frosted dick to say, “OK, Mark. You’re plenty hard now. Move behind Liz and give it to her doggy. It’s her favorite. Fuck her while she licks my pussy.”

That’s a terrific idea. So, I kneel behind Liz and lift her fleshy hips to point her ass toward the ceiling. Her piercing flashes a hint of gold, and her little brown rosebud is on full display. I have full access to my new lover’s pussy, and I’ve forgotten any sexual fatigue I was feeling earlier. I can’t wait to bury myself in Liz for the first time.

“Fuck her good with that salami,” Sofie says between gasps. “She needs cock, Mark. So, give it to her hard.”

Another terrific idea.

Liz takes a break from her feast and looks back over her shoulder. There’s a thick layer of gooey girl-cum coating the lower half of her face, and she pants stuttering, “Yah, Mark. Your cock, n-now, n-n-need it now. Fuck me, baby. Hard!”

I wipe my cockhead along her pussy lips, and It comes away shiny and wet. She’s more than ready, so I push myself into her greedy hole. She moans into Sofie’s cunt as I sink into her right to the balls.

“Oh my God, Sofie! He’s stretching my pussy. It hurts so good. How did you get it down your throat?” She asks and hurriedly returns to her task, not waiting for Sofie’s answer.

I grasp Sara’s plump hips for leverage and start fucking her with long slow strokes. My fucking grows more urgent, and our bodies begin making meaty slap-slap-slapping sounds with every collision. The heady musk of female arousal flavors the moist air filling my nostrils, and I can taste it in every panting breath.

My orgasm rushes closer, and without warning, I slam myself against Liz with a roar and spew my load into her shuddering body.

“Fuuuck…,” I scream, filling her with all the cum I can still muster. A surprising amount after three days of near-constant sex.

Sofie’s eyes fly open, and she yells, “That’s it, Mark. Fill her up. Ooh, Liz, lick me! Lick me, lick me, lick me, I’m cumming too!”

Her mouth never breaks contact with Sofie’s pussy as Liz’s body stiffens in orgasm and her cunt gives me one last mighty squeeze.

Her final orgasm slowly recedes, and Liz collapses, panting between her sister’s outspread legs while my deflating cock slips out of her vagina. I drop down to lay beside Sofie, and she turns her head to share a tender, lover’s kiss.

Still panting to catch her breath, Liz crawls up her sister’s body. Sofie’s cum covers Liz’s face in a shiny glaze, and it mingles with our saliva as we have our first three-way kiss. We linger and enjoy this intimate and tender moment until Liz pulls away to look into Sofie’s eyes.

“Was that, OK? Did we go too far?” Liz asks her sister, sounding concerned. “Are we OK?”

“That’s silly. Of course, we’re OK. We’re wonderful,” Sofie reassures her. “I love you, Sar, and I wanted this as much as you, maybe more. Why didn’t we do this a long time ago?”

I can hear the relief in Liz’s voice when she answers, “Oh, thank God. I love you too, Sha. I’ve always wanted this to happen, but I think we waited because it never felt this right before now. Thank you, Mark.”

“You’re welcome,” I say, surprised by her gratitude. “But I didn’t do anything; that was all you guys.”

“We feel something special when we’re with you,” Sofie says, smiling. “I don’t think we could have done this without you here. You make us brave.”

“C’mon,” I say. “You two are plenty brave all on your own.”

“We’re not,” Liz continues. “And, Sofie’s right. You’re nothing like other guys. You make things seem possible. When we’re with you, we feel cared for, even loved, and it makes us bold.”

“We feel it even when you’re abusing us with that horse-dick of yours,” Sofie interjects with a giggle. “Oof!”

“Cut it out,” I say. “You’re making me blush.”

“It’s true,” Liz says. “So many guys have pressured us to have sex together, but only so they could watch. They always want the thrill of seeing twins doing it but don’t care about what we want. With you, it’s different.”

“You didn’t ask for a show,” Sofie adds. “You never even brought it up.”

“Also, seeing you with Amy today was inspiring,” Liz adds. “We’re like you. We love each other just like you and Amy do. You both helped us realize that sex with each other is natural, beautiful, and irresistible.”

“Tonight, was amazing, Mark,” adds Sofie. “I can’t wait for next time. There’re a thousand things I want us to try together.”

“There is going to be next time, right Mark?” Liz asks with a smile.

“Hell yes,” I say. “If I have any say, that is. But, for tonight, I’m spent. I’m going to clean up and crash. I can sleep in another room if you two want to be alone together.”

“No way,” the twins say together.

“We want you right here with us, lover boy,” says Liz.

“Any guy who gets to watch us ‘lezzie-out’ owes some major cuddling,” Sofie says.

With much-exaggerated nodding, Liz agrees.

“So, clean up, get your cute ass back in here, and cuddle,” she says.

I carefully extract myself and leave while the girls exchange small kisses and intimate murmured whispers.

I have a quick rinse in the shower and return to find the girls fast asleep and wrapped in each other’s arms. One of them is softly snoring, but I can’t tell which, and It’s adorable. I slip back into bed, being careful not to wake them, and fall asleep immediately.

Sunrise leaking through the curtains teases me awake. I’m feeling rested and refreshed. Judging by my morning wood, my dick has recovered too. The clock says that yoga class starts in less than an hour, and I don’t want to disappoint Florence by being late, so I had better get moving.

I roll over and see the twins awake and wrapped in an early morning sixty-nine session. They’re focused on each other and unaware that I’m watching. I briefly consider joining them, but we have a busy day, and I don’t want to be late for yoga. I decide to break up their party by playfully slapping Sofie on her exposed ass-cheek.

“C’mon, you two. Sun’s up, and we need to get going. Yoga in forty-five,” I say.

Sofie lifts her head from between Liz’s thighs and looks my way. “We’re almost there. Get in the shower, and we’ll meet you in five minutes,” she says breathlessly and returns her mouth to Liz’s pussy. I leave them to it.

The twins are all smiles and laughter when they join me in the shower. We playfully scrub each other, and Liz says it’s her turn to suck me, but there’s not enough time.

Dressed and ready for yoga, but before we leave the pool house, Liz says. “Mark, please don’t tell the others that Sofie and I have started having sex with each other.”

“Sure, of course not. It’s not anybody’s business if you don’t want to say,” I answer.

“It’s not that. Remember, we don’t keep secrets,” Sofie says. “We just want to surprise them. We want to see the looks on their faces.”

“We just haven’t figured out how we’re going to do it yet. Let us know if you have any good ideas,” Liz finishes, and we go outside to join the others by the pool.

Everyone is here, even the guys. John and Nate throw a wave our way and continue spreading spongy yoga mats on the hard cement. Beth, Jeanie, and Carmen scurry over for good morning kisses. And, my mother comes out through the patio doors, followed by Florence. It’s time for my first yoga class.

“Wow! Mom,” Jeanie exclaims. “That outfit’s smokin’ hot!”

I could not agree more. My mother is wearing a skin-tight one-piece all-black yoga outfit. It covers her from mid-calf to mid-forearm and up to a short snug collar. The cloth is thin and elastic, exposing every curve and minute feature from her breasts’ roundness and puffy nipples to the cleft of her ass and muscled thighs. It looks like a wetsuit that someone air-brushed onto her naked skin. Amy’s right; Mom is smokin’ hot.

I’ve never seen her wear anything this revealing and flat out sexy. Her usual style is more conservative. I’ve never even seen her in a two-piece bathing suit, let alone something like this.

“Double wow!” I add. “You look terrific.”

“Oh. Thank you, Markie,” she says with a smile. “I’m so glad you like it. Florence and I did some shopping this week, and she’s encouraging me to be proud of the hard work I’ve done to stay in shape and dress a little sexier. I hope I didn’t overdo it. It’s exciting for a girl to be appreciated, even if it’s only by her handsome son.”

“Way to go, Florence,” Amy says.

“No kidding, Annie,” says Beth. All of the girls call my mom Annie. “But you better always wear your wedding ring, or you’ll have to fight the men off with a stick.”

“Oh, shush,” replies mom. “I’ll leave the men to you young girls. But even an old girl like me likes to feel sexy sometimes.”

“Old, get out of here,” says Sofie. “You’ve got a rockin’ bod and need to show it off more often.”

All the girls are all wearing sexy and revealing workout clothes. It’s like they’re competing to see who can get me hard the fastest. If I didn’t know better, I would think that my mother and Florence are in on it too. I hope all of Florence’s fitness sessions have the same dress code. I’ll never miss a class.

“Florence teaches us a bunch of different exercise classes,” Amy says. “We get together once or twice a week for something.”

“That’s how we met,” my mother adds. “Florence was working part-time as a fitness trainer and part-time as a personal chef. I wanted someone to help me train, and the gym recommended her. We started having coffee together after my workouts, and now we’re best friends. She moved into the bungalows and started cooking and running the place a few years ago.”

“OK, let’s get started,” announces Florence.

I pick a yoga mat at the end of the front row when Carmen leans close and whispers, “Not this one, Mark. Move back a row, so you’re behind me. You know I like being watched. Don’t you want to steal a peek at my downward dog?”

I’m not sure what that is, but I’m happy to oblige. I move to the back row, where I can watch all of the women twist and bend. Sofie looks over her shoulder and winks. I think she overheard Carmen.

Yoga is fun, but I need a lot of personal instruction from Florence. It’s a surprisingly good workout, and I’m sweating and enjoying the views from the back row in no time.

After an hour, I’m feeling limber and energized as we roll up our mats. It’s time to take the boat out and go snorkeling. The girls go inside to change, but before I can follow them, my mother asks me to hold back for a moment so she can have a quick private word.

“Mark, there’s something important that I want to speak to you about,” she says.

“Sure, Mom. What is it?” I ask. There’s something about her manner that suddenly makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

“Not now,” she says, touching my arm. “It can wait until tonight when you get back from snorkeling. Bring Amy too; it involves you both.”

“Sure thing,” I say, now feeling very nervous. “But, at least tell me what it’s about, Amy’s going to ask.”

“OK,” she says. “But we’re not discussing this until tonight when we have more time, and your sister is with us. OK?”

“OK,” I reply.

“Well,” she says tentatively. “I know what’s been going on around here. So, the three of us need to have a talk.”

I feel my heart racing and the blood rushing in my ears, and I hope she doesn’t notice my sudden panic.

Oh my God. Mom knows about Amy and me. It’s like a punch in the stomach, and my knees feel weak. How could I let this happen? Now, I’ve ruined Amy’s life. And likely my parents’ lives too.

I fight to maintain my composure and say, “OK, we’ll come inside as soon as we get back.”

She gives me a quick peck on the cheek and says, “Now, have fun but be careful and I’ll see you both tonight.”

I make a hasty retreat and go to find Amy.

They say that all good things must come to an end, but I didn’t expect it to happen so fast.

The girls are already loading our gear and boarding the boat. I do my best to act naturally, but my mouth is dry, and my heart is beating like hummingbird wings.

The girls settle into the big deck chairs, and I pilot the boat through the intercostal waterway and out to the Atlantic Ocean.

Now, how do I tell Amy that Mom knows we’re committing incest?

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