Coffee, Confession, Exploration

An adult stories – Coffee, Confession, Exploration by Angel497,Angel497 For some guys look at a woman and it is their ass that excites them. For some guys, they can look at a woman and the first thing that excites them is their breasts. For other guys it’s the legs. For me it is the feet. It has always been their feet.

There have been partners in my life that did not understand my obsession with their feet. I have had a few partners that would indulge me and let me dabble in sucking their toes or allow me to slide myself against the underside or bottom of their soft soles. But most women that I have been with have little to no experience with the pleasure a man can get from women’s feet or with really pleasing a man with their feet.

It wasn’t until I was in my early thirties before I had a great experience. My usual routine on a Saturday morning was to go to the local cafe and treat myself to a good cup of coffee. After spending a week drinking coffee, made from coffee grounds bought prepackaged and aged on the shelf for who knows how long and made, by me, at home, I deserve to splurge on a good cup of coffee on a Saturday morning. It was a treat to myself.

Being that the weather was finally starting to warm up, women were starting to go out in sandals or flip flops to my delight. I entertained myself as I spent my time waiting in line to place my order or wait for the order to be made by checking out the feet and toes of the women in the cafe.

As the temps became warmer, more feet would become available for my viewing pleasure. One pair in particular was of a woman a few years older than I. I began to notice over the course of several weeks that we would be in the cafe at the same time every Saturday morning and each time, her feet would be in cute sandals. Above everyone else, her feet were the cutest.

I would, weekly, find myself lingering too long gazing at her lovely feet and toes. My mind would wander with possibilities, fantasies and scenarios.

One day, in the middle of summer, I saw her sitting across from me in the cafe. Her one leg crossed over the other and her sandal of her one foot dangling, exposing the underside of her foot. The creamy, soft looking sole with all its wrinkles visible.

I watched her foot flex and toes wiggle. I was trying hard to steal glances without being obvious. Her beautiful feet were amazing, mesmerizing, alluring and sexy. Oh, how I was drawn to them.

I looked up and noticed that she was looking at me with just a trace of a smile. I tried to play it off nonchalantly and gave her a gentle smile and a polite nod of my head as a gesture of acknowledgement. She smiled wider as she wiggled her foot again, almost waving it at me before uncrossing her legs and slid her foot back into her sandal and stood to leave. She walked past me, smiled at me again and out the door she went.

I sat there and waited a few minutes as I savored the memory of her feet just moments before. I then finished my coffee and waited for my body to calm down before standing and leaving the cafe myself.

The following Saturday found me again at the cafe, standing in line to place my order. I saw the same woman ahead of me in the line. She turned and looked back at me and I noticed a smile grow across her face. I politely smiled back and nodded my head acknowledging her. She turned back forward and that allowed me to turn my attention to the floor and get a look at her feet. Again, she did not disappoint. On display were those beautiful, sexy feet in her slip on sandals.

I placed and received my order and looked for a table and found the cafe remarkably full. The only spot available was a table next to the woman with the amazing feet. Taking a deep breath to compose and center myself, I walked over and took the table next to her. I tried to sit in a spot at that table where I could see her feet and yet not make it look so obvious that I was trying to stare at those sexy feet.

She turned her head towards me and we began some small talk but the whole time, out of the corner of my eye I could see that she was moving her feet and wiggling her toes. I kept, or at least tried to keep, my eyes upward, fighting against every urge I had not to look down.

We introduced ourselves to each other, learned that we lived close to each other, well, close enough as we both walked here to the cafe every Saturday morning.

The cafe was loud and she slid closer to me so that we could hear each other better as we talked. But this moved her feet out of my view. I was disappointed but I held it together and kept my composure and my attention on her.

We continued to talk and at one point she leaned closer to me so she could ask me without anyone close overhearing if I was disappointed that I could not see her feet because of how we were sitting. Her question caught me off guard and she noticed my surprise.

She stated that she noticed me staring at her feet the past few weeks and she was curious if I was one of those foot fetish guys.

I felt my face turning red from embarrassment. There was an awkward pause between us as I gathered my courage. I responded to her that her feet are very cute and sexy. And yes, I have a thing for feet, I admitted.

She moved and positioned herself and her body so I could see her feet again between our tables. She asked me to tell her more as she is curious.

I explained to her that I found her feet to have a great shape and it looks like she takes care of them as they look soft and amazing.

She said she wanted to know more about my fascination and asked if I wanted to leave the cafe and take a walk as we talked.

I nodded my head as we both got up and left the cafe. We started to walk down the street and said nothing at first to each other until we were walking alone away from the earshot of anyone else close by.

Walking together she asked me what is it all about and what is the allure or attraction?

Taking a few steps to gather my thoughts and taking a deep breath I confided that they make me want to touch and massage and feel and stroke.

She then asked me if that is that all and do I want to do anything else with them? Like kiss them or suck on toes?


I took a moment to compose my thoughts, before admitting that yes, I want to kiss them. Yes, I like to suck on the toes and kiss and lick along the soles of the feet. I could feel my face turn red from my admission. I don’t know why I was confessing such intimate details but she was so easy to talk to.

I continued to share with her that I am not into humiliation. I don’t want to be one of those submissive guys that are forced to suck toes or have feet forced into my face. It is more of a pleasure thing. I want to please a woman through her feet and have her please me too through the use of her feet.

She stopped walking and turned to me asking me to explain the last part, using the feet to please me.

I took another deep breath and tried to construct in my mind how to address this.

I answered her and told her that sometimes I like to have a woman use her feet on me, to run her feet and toes over and I motion my hands over my crotch area.

She looked blankly at me. I could not tell if she was messing with me or seriously unaware of what I was trying to communicate.

She was direct and blunt in asking if I want a woman to use her feet on your penis. She just came right out and said it.

A yes is all I could muster to her bold question.

She started walking again and I followed her. We walked in silence for a block.

She announced that we were close to her home and thanked me for walking with her. She said that she learned a lot during our conversation and had a lot to think about. Taking the cue, I thanked her for the walk and talk and walked off.

As I walked home, I thought to myself, what did she mean a lot to think about?

I had never put myself out there like that before. Why now? She was so easy to talk to.

The following Saturday found me at the cafe again and standing in line, ordering my coffee as usual. I looked around, scanned the cafe and she was nowhere to be found. Had our conversation and walk scared her? Was she not going to show because I freaked her out?

I found an empty table and sat to enjoy my coffee. I was scrolling through my phone when I heard a familiar feminine voice ask if she could sit with me. My heart skipped a beat. She was here. I didn’t scare her off or freak her out. She was here!

I stood and invited her to sit.

We made some small talk before she sat back in her chair and lifted her leg over her knee showing off one of her feet from under the table. She flexed her foot and wiggled her toes.

“Did you notice my feet today? I went for a pedicure yesterday”

I started my hand out, I wanted to touch her dangling foot, feel it in my hand but I hesitated.

She sensed my hesitation and slid her foot down my shin and over the top of my foot before I could not feel it anymore touching me.

I let out a breath. I said to her that I noticed her feet when she announced her presence and before she sat down I noticed her newly painted toes. I complimented how pretty they were and this delighted her.

She shared that she could not stop thinking about our walk last week and my confessions. She thanked me for being open and candid and it made her spend time the past week looking up and researching on the internet things about the foot fetish. She said she came across some very interesting things and some very freaky things.

I gave a genuine laugh out loud. I agreed that there are some very freaky things out there but I then asked her what she found interesting?

She was shy at first, slowly drinking out of her cup, formulating the words that she was going to say. When she did speak she admitted that she had never had anyone pay attention to her feet in the way that she saw in her research. She had never had her toes sucked on or kissed. And no one has ever kissed her foot in any way. Nor had she ever considered using her feet sexually on a guy.

I asked her if she would be interested in experiencing a foot rub and kissing of her feet and toes. I offered to her that she was under no pressure and that it would not involve any sex in any way. I just offered her the experience and her first time having her feet lovingly worshiped. She hesitated for just a moment before inviting me back to her place.

Once back at her place, she offered me something to drink, which I politely refused. She paced nervously before finally asking how we get started.

I instructed her to sit on her sofa and I sat down on the floor in front of her. I gently rub my hands along her calves and shins. Her skin, so soft and smooth under my touch. I then gently raised a foot off the floor and slid her sandal off her foot.

I take her foot in both my hands and caress the entire foot. I slide my thumbs along the underside of her foot firmly and into the soles massaging. I tell her how beautiful and sexy her feet are throughout my caressing. This goes on for a few moments before I place a soft kiss on the top of her foot and move to repeat on the other foot.

I look up at her and notice how her nervousness has dissipated and how she is beginning to be at ease. With one hand I hold her leg at the calf and the other hand on the heel of her foot I lift it to my mouth and I look right up at her as I place small little kisses on the tip of each toe.

Her eyes watch me with every movement I make on her feet and toes. She lets out a little gasp when I place her big toe into my mouth and suck it in. My tongue swirls around it and when I start moving it in and out of my mouth like a tiny penis her eyes widen and she lets out a low moan.

I suck and lick each of her toes which leads her to lean back into the sofa and enjoy the sensations I am giving her. Each toe glistens from my oral treatment.

I give the soles of her feet long glides of my tongue. I give kisses to her ankles and shins. I am going all out for her very first time having someone give attention to her feet.

After about an hour she sits up and stops me telling me how much she has enjoyed how good I made her feel and thanks me for introducing her to this new experience.

I stand up and I thank her for allowing me to indulge in my fetish and being her first. At that she giggles but opens the door to the possibility of future opportunities by saying that she hopes it won’t be her last.

I take my leave and head home where I lay back on my bed, remove my shorts and play back in my head the morning with her while stroking myself. I was so damn aroused and excited that It did not take me long to erupt. In fact, I got off several times over the next few days replaying that morning.

That following Saturday, as usual, I headed off to the coffee shop and was happy to see that she was already there and sitting at a table. I picked up my coffee and she waved me over to join her. Before I sat down I did get to see that she was again showing off her beautiful feet in her sandals.

We started off with small talk about our week and weather and all the while I could not help but to let my mind wonder if I will get another chance to enjoy her feet today. She finally brought up our adventure from last Saturday and she apologized for sending me off as abruptly as she did. I told her there was no need to apologize.

She leaned forward over the table towards me and in a low voice she confessed to me that the reason that she needed me to leave was that she was so aroused from it and that she was embarrassed if I found out or knew at that moment.

It was my turn to lean forward and confess to her that I was also very excited and aroused by it. She then surprised me when she asked if I masturbated after I got home. I could feel myself blushing but I admitted that I did and for a few days after.

She then let me know that after I left she too masturbated. I am not going to lie, I got instantly aroused right there at our table.

We sat there silently for a moment or so before she asked if I wanted to go back to her place and I agreed but this time when we got to her place she was not nervous and apprehensive as before. She went right to the sofa and sat back as I assumed my position at her feet.

Again, I lifted each foot and slid each sandal off before massaging and caressing the whole foot. I kiss each toe at the tip before sucking into my mouth and swirling my tongue around them. Sometimes sucking two or three toes into my mouth and slipping my tongue between them. As I am enjoying her feet I can hear soft little moans coming from her. I look up and I see her chest rising and falling to her rapid breathing. I see that her eyes are closed and she is enjoying the sensations.

I place the foot that is in my hands softly on the floor and pick up her other one to give attention to and then I feel her beautiful foot on my thigh. She lifted her freshly adored foot and rested it on my bare thigh. It feels amazing, warm, soft and occasionally she scrunches her toes.

I am aroused, so very aroused. My shorts suddenly feel 3 sizes too small.

And then like last week, she stands up and thanks me and tells me that she will see me next Saturday. I could not get home fast enough. The moment I was through the door I dropped my shorts and started stroking quickly before cumming very, very intensely. And the thought of her doing the same thing the moment I was out the door, masturbating vigorously, added to my excitement.

The week could not go by fast enough but Saturday morning had arrived and I was at my favorite coffee shop waiting for her to join me. And even though I arrived early it was not long before she showed up.

She came right to the table, like on a mission, and I was worried something was wrong. There was no hello or any other greeting from her. She just demanded my phone. I handed it over to her and she started typing her phone number into it. Then she called herself so she had my number.

Satisfied, she dropped into the chair and stated that she spent the entire week thinking about me and that she was so frustrated that she had no way of contacting me. She also shared that she came to the coffee shop nearly every evening hoping that I would be here too so we can swap numbers.

I stood up and offered to get her coffee but instead she grabbed my hand and led me out of the cafe and to her place. As we walked there she confided that I was all that she thought about all week and how our chance meeting and discussion, which turned into making love to her feet, has driven her crazy and wanting and needing more of me.

We reached her place and the moment we were inside she turned and kissed me. I took her into an embrace and returned her deeply passionate kiss.

She broke our kiss and led me to her sofa and kicked off her sandals. I kneeled down on the floor where she lifted her foot and placed her toes against my lips. Eagerly I began to worship them.

She then started telling me about how sexy I make her feel and how turned on she gets from me kissing and sucking and enjoying her feet. She tells me that she had no idea how incredible I make her feel and how I drive her wild. Of course this just arouses me equally. It makes me want to devour her feet and toes even more. As she is saying all these things I am moaning against each toe between my lips.

She removes her foot from my mouth and drops it onto my leg and places her other foot against my face. I take a turn with this foot as the toes on her other foot scrunch and flex against the bare skin of my thigh.

She moves her foot along my thigh. Her soft, warm and slightly wet foot slides from my knee to just under the fabric of my shorts. Again, I am feeling like my shorts are two sizes too small.

I am sucking and bobbing on her big toe when she asks me if I want to try something different. She said that it was something that she saw while she was doing her research. I nod my head as I am still working her toes as she states that she wants to use her feet on me. She quickly says that she is not ready to do anything else with me nor is she going to get naked or anything like that but if I am willing, she will get me off using her feet.

I nearly explode right there in my shorts. I am speechless and I just nod. She suggests that I lay down on the floor and remove my shorts as she scoots herself to the edge of the sofa. I slide my shorts down my legs exposing myself to her. She smiles when she sees my dick.

She places one foot on my hip close to my penis and the other she moves up to my face. She begins to tell me that in the video she watched, the guy got the woman’s foot nice and wet. I took the hint and started to glide my tongue along the underside of her foot. Long wet licks. Once she was satisfied with the care I gave her foot she placed it right onto my cock and slid along it.

She took her time to teasingly work her feet up and down the shaft. She tried different methods and techniques. She used her toes like fingers and grasped my cock as best as she could to stroke and jerk me off. It was amazing and heavenly.

I was moaning with such pleasure.

She softly used her toes on my nuts and would take my dick between both feet and stroke me. I warned her that I was close which just made her increase the pace of her stroking. It did not take me long before I involuntarily arched my back, lifted off the floor and began to cum hard. She held my cock up between her feet as I shot my load up in the air where it landed on my hips and stomach and of course on her feet.

As I was coming down from my orgasmic high, she released the hold she had on my penis but kept her feet on me. I looked down at her cum covered feet and toes and the puddle of cum she was resting them in. They looked gorgeous and sexy. She told me that was the most amazing thing she had experienced.

Now we had the issue of clean up to contend with. Without moving her feet, she reached for the tissues she had on the end table which helped remove the bigger elements of cum from her and I. Once I knew I wouldn’t leave a trail of cum from the sofa to the bathroom I made my way to the bathroom to clean up the rest of my cum mess and get dressed.

I returned to the sofa with a warm wet washcloth and washed each foot and toe. I thanked her repeatedly and she thanked me as well. Once her feet were cum free she leaned down to kiss me and asked me to leave. I think I know why she needed me to leave.

I had barely made it home before my phone went off with a text alert. It was her apologizing for hastily making me leave but she needed to masturbate so bad. I returned her text saying that I understand completely and that she did not need to apologize and I thanked her once more.

I did not hear back from her for the rest of the day. It wasn’t until Monday afternoon before I got a text from her simply saying that she was thinking of me. It took me a while to think of a return text that did not sound too mushy or cheesy. So I texted back saying that I was thinking about her too.

That evening I decided to call her and we talked for hours about anything and everything. We were really getting to know more about each other. Before we knew it it was late into the night. We had been talking for hours. But before we called it a night I asked her out on a real date. We arranged to meet for dinner on Friday night and that I would pick her up.

Friday finally arrived and I was on my way to pick her up. I arrived with flowers in hand and she opened the door wearing a beautiful red cocktail dress with her feet in open toed high heels that accentuated her long legs. I leaned in and kissed her cheek and she responded by taking a hold of my cheeks and pulling my face into hers for a proper kiss.

At dinner we talked and laughed and talked some more and we held hands across the table. We had an amazing time in each other’s company. After dinner we walked around town, hand in hand, before heading back to my car. At the car, before opening her door for her, I leaned in and kissed her, deeply, tenderly, lovingly.

On the ride back to her place we continued to hold hands until we arrived and then I walked her to her door giving her a good night kiss. I turned to leave and she grasped my hand asking where I was going and wasn’t I coming in.

I explained that I didn’t want to assume and was trying to be gentlemanly to which she said she appreciated but she wanted to continue our evening and the good time we were having. She led me into her place and we sat on the sofa to kiss and make out.

She stated that she needed to get out of her high heels. I took that as my cue and slid down to the floor. I lifted her foot to remove each shoe and could now see up her dress to where I could just get a peek at her black panties.

I massaged and rubbed her feet, kissing her knees and shins. She leaned back on the sofa, closing her eyes and letting out soft little moans as I caressed and kissed each delicate toe. Her leaning back also allowed her dress to move up her legs and also allowed her legs to open where I received a great view of her panties. I couldn’t help but to wonder what was hidden behind those panties.

I slid my hands along her calf and shin, eventually moving them higher up past the knee and then lower thigh. I massaged her thigh slowly going higher and eventually under the fabric of her dress.

I was no longer doing anything with her feet. Instead I was rubbing her thighs and my hands were ever so close to her panties. I leaned my head in to kiss her knee. I planted soft little kisses delicately along her inner thigh. Her legs gradually opened wider for me.

My kisses now were high up her thigh. Her dress was now pushed up her legs nearly at her hips. My hands on either side of her legs and I looked up at her. Her eyes closed and mouth slightly open. I boldly moved my head forward and began to kiss along her panties.

I watched her as she let out a small gasp that turned into pleasurable moans as I kissed her through her panties. Her hand drifted down to my head and she grasped a handful of my hair. I could smell her arousal and it was intoxicating.

My hands slid up her hips and I hooked my fingers into the waistband of her panties as she lifted her hips and allowed me to remove them. It was then that I got my first real view of her beautiful pussy. I kissed each side of her lips. I kissed along her mound and took my time.

I looked up at her and I could see that she was cupping her breasts. I used my thumbs to open her lips and kissed along her slit before gliding my tongue right up the center which caused her to arch her back and push her hips towards me.

I swirled my tongue around her pussy. I lapped up her juices and let my mouth provide her pleasure. I moved up to her clit and circled it with my tongue and flicked at the little nub. I felt her hand on the back of my head and held it against her as her hips rocked and bucked against my tongue.

Her moans were getting louder mixed with words like oh god, oh yeah and mmmm. I slipped a finger inside her and curled it upwards and stroked and it did not take long before her legs squeezed against my head, her body stiffened and announced that she had just cum.

She released my head and pulled me up, giving my face a quick wipe before kissing me deeply. She then grabs my hand and pulls me to her bedroom and kisses me again while working to remove my shirt and pants.

I unzip her dress, letting it fall to the floor. She looks glorious standing there completely naked. I can’t keep my eyes off of her as I remove the last remaining articles of clothing I am wearing. We move to her bed and she lays back. I move over her kissing her neck and shoulders as she reaches down between us and guides me into her.

Slowly I go, enjoying every sensation and every centimeter of her womanly depths. She feels amazing and I take my time slowly and lovingly moving in and out of her. We kiss. We make love.

She wraps her legs around me and pulls me deeper into her. I can feel myself getting close. Even at this slow pace I am ready to pop. I lean down to her ear and softly tell her that I am close and she tells me to cum and she is ready for it.

I kiss her once more as I cum.

After coming down from my orgasm, I move to pull out of her and she stops me telling me that she is not yet ready for me to pull out. She strokes my back and we kiss lovingly as I soften and eventually slip out of her.

Who knew that a chance encounter at a coffee shop and a confession would have led to this.


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