Cool Aunt Trish

An adult stories – Cool Aunt Trish by djrip,djrip “And just where do you think you’re going to stay, on this tour of schools? I swear, we’re not made of money–”

“Mom! Mom, I know, okay? I just thought Aunt Trish lives up that way…”

Ben’s mother was glaring at him now. He kept talking, just, slower.

“…I could visit a few campuses from there…”

Her foot was tapping rapidly.

“…see some of the dorms…”

“I haven’t spoken to my sister in over a year, Ben.”

“I know, Mom.”

“Not since mojito-gate.”

“I know.”

“So just who is going to arrange this excursion?”

“Well…” The glare intensified. He figured he’d better just spit it out and hope for the best. “I kinda emailed her already and she wrote back and said I should come visit.”

“I can’t believe you! Going behind my back like that… Well at least I don’t have to talk to her this way. Come for a visit. Ha! You know she’s barely any older than you?”

“I know, Mom.”

“Well, eight years, I suppose. But still. As if she could be responsible enough to take care of you…”

“I am an adult now, Mom. I can take care of myself.”

“Of course dear.” She shook her head. “You mind her when you’re there, you hear me? You may be eighteen but she’s still your aunt and you’re staying under her roof.”

“Yes Mom.”


Ben’s mom texted her sister that they were there and kicked him out of the car by the sidewalk. At least they were talking again, he thought. A little. He shouldered his backpack as the car pulled away, and walked over to the barred door. He hit the buzzer and heard a familiar voice as the lock clicked open.

“Come on up bud.”

That voice brought back a flood of memories. She hadn’t been on friendly terms with Mom in some time, but before that, she used to visit constantly. Aunt Trish. She’d always been the cool aunt. In some ways more like a sister than an aunt. She’d been in high school when he was in elementary. In college when he was in jr. high. She was an independent young woman out on her own while he was in high school, and through all these stages, she always had a smile for him, always made him feel included in her more exciting, more adult life.

She was on the third floor and there was no elevator. Ben took the steps a couple at a time and then counted off the doors in the empty corridor until he saw the one he wanted had been left ajar. He nudged it open and went in, slipping his backpack off his shoulder.

“Ha!” she cried, slamming into him. Already off balance because of the backpack, he spiraled down, laughing. Trish tumbled down, too. She was on top of him, just for a second. She had on a halter top, one of those where it looked like a bandana was just tied in front with a couple of strings around the neck and back. So when she fell on him it hardly seemed like she had any top on at all; he felt her breasts bounce against him through the thin fabric draped loosely over them. Then she was pulling him up by one hand, her old familiar grin in place.

“She just dropped you and took off, huh?”


“Figures.” She sat cross-legged on the couch. Her long legs were distracting in the cutoff jean shorts she was wearing. Ben blinked and refocused higher up, on her twinkling eyes.

“It’s been a while,” she said. “You sure are getting big.”

“I guess…”

“Wanna watch some Netflix?”

“Yeah sure.”

“Netflix and chill,” she said with a smirk.

“Heh, yeah, I–”

“I got us some TV dinners,” she said, hopping up. The freezer opened and then Ben heard the microwave running for a minute.

“Here you go,” she said, handing one off to him.

“Thanks, Aunt Trish.”

“You’re all grown up now, Ben. You can just call me Trish if you want.”

“Okay. Trish.” He smiled. “I still like to think of you as my cool aunt, though.”

She looked at him for a moment, faintly amused. “That does have a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Cool Aunt Trish.”

Ben forced a chuckle. She was so pretty. He didn’t want to let slip what else he thought of her as–his hot aunt. Sitting here now, all alone with her, was kind of stressful. He was trying not to look down at her bare, tanned shoulders with just that flimsy bit of string around her neck. And certainly not the square of thin fabric dangling loosely over her chest, or the mounds created in that fabric by the features of her anatomy underneath. Quite pointy mounds, actually.

He licked his lips, and turned his focus to the tray of food in his lap. Trish sat down close enough for the skin of her thigh to touch his jeans, and ate her frozen dinner next to him while they watched a comedy special. Soon they were both laughing so much their faces hurt and he forgot about the awkwardness he’d been feeling around her. She was just cool Aunt Trish, like old times.

“Let me take these to the kitchen,” she said, grabbing his tray before he could object.

As she walked out he again found himself looking at her. From behind she almost appeared to be naked; her slender back was uncovered except by a string tied in the middle, her dark hair hiding the other string around her neck and dangling down her bare back silkily, and her shorts were very short. Wisps of white thread from the cut denim fluttered over the bottoms of her partially exposed ass cheeks as her long legs carried her away. He swallowed, feeling nervous again, and focused his attention on the TV.

He heard water running for a minute. Then a little banging around before she came back in, her breasts bouncing noticeably beneath that barely-there top. She looked like she had no idea she might be having an effect on him. She just flounced back onto the sofa beside him with a little wooden box in her hands and flipped it open on her lap, revealing rolling papers and a plastic baggie full of green plant matter. It had to be weed, he thought.

“Here,” she said, casually handing him the bag. “Break some of this up for me.”

“Oh, uh, sure,” he said, uncertain. Or, certain, that his mom would never approve of this. He didn’t really know what he was doing. His fingers fumbled around as he brought out a pungent nugget and started crumbling it, leaning over her lap to let the pieces fall in the box as she fiddled with a rolling paper. His eyes kept straying toward her bare thighs. He felt a drop of sweat roll down his neck.

She glanced at him with a sly smile. “Have you ever done this before, Ben?”

“I–” He looked up, suddenly tongue tied. He didn’t want her to think he was still just a kid, after all. “I’ve smoked a little bit,” he said.

“Yeah? One of your friends give you a puff?”

He’d had precisely one drag from the joint his buddy passed around at a party after their graduation. Perceptive, this aunt of his. “I mean, um…”

She laughed softly. “Don’t worry bud. I got you.” She swept his pile of crumbled herb into her folded paper and deftly rolled it up, licking up and down one side. Ben watched her, fascinated. Something about the way the tip of her tongue slid along the edge was just so appealing to watch. Then she held it between her lips and got it lit with a couple of draws before holding it out to him.

Her fingers touched his when he took it from her. He just held it for a second. Then he took a drag and handed it back, trying to hold in a cough. Her fingers brushed his again. He watched as her lips pursed around the joint. His scalp felt warm and tingly.

“You’re doing great. Here you go.” She held it out, a tendril of smoke rising from one end.

“Thanks, you too,” he said. Stupid, he thought; why’d he blurt that out. But she just smiled at him. She leaned toward him and her empty hand rested on his knee. He grinned and took the joint, feeling a dumb thrill when she touched his fingertips once more. In fact he could have sworn she lightly stroked his finger as she made the handoff.

“What do you think about the place?” she asked, as he filled his lungs.

“It’s–” He coughed out a cloud of smoke, doubling over, until his throat felt raw. “It’s rad,” he croaked. “Really cool.”

She giggled, smacking him on the back. “You like it that much, do you?”

By the time he got his breath back she’d taken one last hit and left the butt smoldering in a lid on the table. Ben’s eyes were feeling heavy, now. And that warm tingling spread from his scalp down over his face and neck. He noticed her watching him with a little smile as his head nodded up and down. No way was he going to pass out immediately after his first time sharing a joint with his cool Aunt Trish.

He wasn’t really following the comedy routine anymore, but tried to focus on it and force a laugh here and there. She was laughing too, wiping water from her eyes a few times even, but she kept glancing his way. His eyes kept sliding off the TV; he could barely manage to keep them both pointed at one thing. He felt her hand rubbing soothing circles on his shoulder as they slowly, inexorably fell shut.

There was a green tapestry hanging on the wall behind the couch. Ben was watching it for a while, moving subtly in the nearly still air, before he quite realized what he was looking at. Morning light came in through the window. He shifted, under his cover. He felt the blanket and the couch all along the length of his body.

He was naked.

He ran his hands over his bare skin, looking around. There. His clothes were draped over the armrest by his feet. Was Trish up? His hand bumped into his morning erection and he groaned softly, trying to see if she was around. He pushed it between his legs until it softened enough to hang downward.

The coast seemed clear so he quickly sat up and tugged on his underwear and pants, forcing his cock awkwardly into them. He was just getting them buttoned up when the bedroom door opened, before he could get to his shirt.

“Morning sleepy head,” Aunt Trish said cheerfully. She strolled in casually, bustling around the room wearing a t-shirt and little white panties. Ben’s mouth fell open for a second.



“Nothing,” he said, forcing his eyes off of her ass, where the thin material of her panties ran up her perky cheeks and the elastic made shallow furrows in her skin, and her thighs moved and flexed as she walked around, picking up a few things.

“Oh, this?” she asked, looking down at herself with a chuckle. She was facing him. There was a small cleft in the fabric stretched over her vagina, where it hugged the mounds of her pussy lips. He tore his gaze away from that and found her face looking at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Come on, it’s not like you’re sleeping in all your clothes.” She waved at his bare chest.

“Wha–” he sputtered, “I didn’t–” He pointed at her. “You–”

She laughed. “Yeah, I did it. I put you to bed plenty of times when you were little, why shouldn’t I do it now when you pass out, you poor baby?”

“Aunt Trish! I’m…”

“All grown up now?”

He nodded miserably.

“Aww I’m just kidding buddy,” she said with a grin, sitting down by him. “I know you are. That’s why I knew you didn’t need any dumb pajamas or anything.” She had an arm around his shoulders. It was warm against his skin. She gave his shoulder a little squeeze. “A man doesn’t need that kind of shit, right?”

He shook his head. “No, of course not.”

“Good. Coffee?” she asked, getting up.

“Um, yeah,” he answered. He’d had it a few times before. His eyes drifted back down toward her petite panty-clad bottom as she went into the kitchen, where he could still see her fiddling with the coffee maker. She loaded a K-cup and stood with one hip cocked as she waited for the mug to fill. Ben was still watching her when she turned around, and quickly forced his eyes up to her face.


He nodded, and couldn’t help but keep watching as she got some out, bending over just a little, it seemed, as she poured it in his cup, and then brought it over to him. He licked his lips. She was serving him, in her tight little shirt and her tiny white panties.

Ben took the warm coffee, feeling very conflicted about the glances he was continuing to steal of her barely covered pussy, her breasts swinging under the soft, thin fabric of her nightshirt, as she leaned over to hand it to him. His cock had been a bit firm when he’d forced it down into his pants earlier; now it was trying to grow harder, bent awkwardly beneath the denim.

“Here you go, big boy,” she said with a smile. And, was that a glance down? His erection stiffened even more, pushing out. He saw it make his pants move in his peripheral vision.

“Thanks Au–uh, Trish.”

She was already walking back to make her own cup. He couldn’t stop staring at her ass. And her long, shapely legs. The small space between the tops of her thighs, where he could see the shape of her labia pushing out through her panties, at times, depending on how she turned. Or her pert little bottom, jiggling slightly as she stepped. The hem of her shirt lifting up above her curvy hips as she reached into a cabinet.

She came back in with her own cup, catching his gaze with a smirk. He jerked his eyes away from her ass, embarrassed. But she just sat by him and put her bare feet up on the edge of the table while she sipped on her coffee. Her naked legs were lightly tanned, her dimpled knees moving against each other a little as she shifted on the seat.

He took a drink. His cock was starting to throb.

“So whatcha doin’ today, buddy?” She was looking at him over the rim of her cup.

“I was, uh, gonna visit a couple of schools, take the campus tours…”

“How are you going to get around?”

“Uber, I guess.” He took a drink to cover his glance at her chest, where her breasts were stretching her nightshirt out, and her nipples were poking into the thin fabric.

“Mm.” Her eyes were steady on him. He felt a thin layer of sweat break out across his scalp. She drank her coffee, her warm hip touching his bare skin above his jeans.

“Hey, you wanna ride?” she asked.

Ben felt almost giddy at the thought of spending all day with her. “That’d, yeah. That’d help a lot, Aunt Trish.”

“Trish.” She grinned at him, putting a hand on his leg.

“Yeah, right. Trish.”

“I’ll just go change.” She gave his thigh a quick squeeze, tugging on the denim that was so tightly tented over his straining cock, giving him a sudden jolt. “And give you a chance to, uh. Finish getting dressed.” She winked at him.

He stared after her as she walked back into her room, cock aching dully in his pants.

She went on the tours with him, and looked young enough that everyone they ran into seemed to assume they were both prospective students. Ben couldn’t be sure, after all she was always fun, she had always made him feel special. But she seemed flirty. She held his hand on a group walk through campus. She leaned against him sometimes when the group stopped for the guide to talk about a sight. That got his heart thumping in his throat.

She drove him to three schools, and then they had a lunch of burgers and fries in the car, parked under old trees at the last of the campuses, flipping through radio stations and finding something about every song that came on to get them giggling. She threw a fry at him, and soon all the fries were scattered throughout the car.

“You want to cut it short today?” asked Trish, sucking on the straw in her milkshake. “Head back soon?”

“Well, I–”

“We could catch a movie or something.”

His breath caught. Like a date, he thought. Not really, of course. Just, it felt kind of like one.

“That sounds fun,” he said, trying maybe a little too hard to come off sounding casual about it.

“Well don’t let me bother you,” she pouted.

“No, yeah,” he said quickly, “it sounds great. More than great. I’d love to…”

“Okay!” she chirped, face lighting up.

Soon they were seated in the back of a theater, settling in with their snacks and drinks. “I like the back,” she’d insisted. She put the popcorn between Ben’s knees, whispering, “Hold on to this for us, okay?”

“Sure, Trish,” he said, adjusting in his seat as she got the bucket situated, her hands on the sides brushing the tops of his legs a little. She twisted it back and forth for a second, pushing down, and he felt her hand through his jeans on his upper thigh, so close to his penis that it twitched in response. He gulped, hoping she hadn’t noticed that.

“There we are,” she said, smiling at him. “Don’t have to reach far to share, now.” She leaned over, her bare shoulder touching his arm, as she slipped a hand into the tub between his legs.

“Yeah,” he agreed, starting to sweat. His cock was slowly getting harder in his underwear. And his legs were held apart by the popcorn so he couldn’t do much to control it. He shook his head, just slightly. His cock shouldn’t be getting hard for his aunt. His cool, hot Aunt Trish.

“Everything okay?” she asked, turning from the screen. She paused with her hand in the bucket to look at him. He could sense her, inches from his growing erection. He was glad it was so dark in the theater; his cock was lengthening, pushing stiffly into the material of his underpants and jeans. It must be making a bulge there by now.

He felt his erection make contact with the smooth cylinder of the popcorn tub.

“Uh, of course,” he said, a bit breathily. He tried to shift away but he was up against the back of the chair. There was nowhere to go.

“Okay, bud,” Trish said with a grin, resuming her dig into the popcorn. She accidentally nudged and pushed on the bucket as she grabbed a handful, making it press on the swollen head of his cock, now straining into the space under his jeans up along one leg. He struggled not to groan, instead letting out a quiet, controlled breath as he felt warm pre-cum begin to seep up his shaft and trickle from his opening, onto the skin of one thigh.

I can just focus on the movie, he thought, desperately. It’ll go away if I do that.

But every few minutes his sexy aunt would reach in between his legs for some more popcorn, bumping the tub and making his cock pulse and ache in its confinement. He began to lose track of the film, finding himself instead watching her, as well as he could, from the side of his eye, in her white tank top that did nothing to hide her deep cleavage, nor really to obscure the nipples that now pressed out against the cotton in the cold theater. He soon began to just hope for her to reach out again, to hope that she would take her time digging into the bucket, and…

“Aren’t you going to have any?” she asked suddenly, glancing over.

“Oh, I, ah–”

“Why don’t you just hold onto that drink. Let me take care of this for you.” She brought up a piece of popcorn and playfully tapped it on his lips. “Open up,” she whispered in his ear, leaning on his shoulder. He could feel her breasts, full and soft, pressing warmly around his arm through her thin top.

He opened his mouth to let her feed him, and his cock throbbed in its denim prison as she placed the popcorn on his tongue, brushing his lower lip with her fingers. He felt terrible, anxiously awaiting every nudge and movement of her hand between his legs as she continued to feed him periodically as the movie went on. Pre-cum ran down his inner thigh in a steady stream, soaking into his jeans. He hoped it wouldn’t soak all the way through to smear the bucket, and resolved to be the one to throw it away later. He hoped she wouldn’t run out of popcorn and stop.

As it turned out, they’d gotten just about the right amount. The credits had just begun to roll when she reached in for a last bite and her hand instead encountered the side of the empty tub. That thin layer of waxy paper was the only thing between her fingers and his erection, hard and straining against his pants, leaking copiously into the denim. He gasped as quietly as he could manage, as she nudged his cock almost directly through the cardboard.

“Oh, I guess that’s it,” she said, flashing him a smile, hand still in the bucket. She swiped a finger around the inside, making his erection jump, and a fresh flow of warm pre-cum seep from his opening, before bringing the buttery digit to her mouth. “Mmm,” she grinned.

“Yeah,” Ben agreed, mind racing. He’d have to stand up soon. He wasn’t sure what to do.

“Okay, I guess we should get going,” she said, starting to get up.

“Oh I, uh, wanted to check out the credits for a sec.” He flailed for an excuse. “Might have a teaser for the sequel…”

“Heh, alright. I’ll get the car; meet me out front in a minute.” She stood to leave. Ben was about to let out the breath he’d been holding, when she snatched the empty popcorn tub from between his legs. “I’ll throw this away for us. Oh, something got on it…”

He sat, frozen, staring, as she touched a shiny spot on the outside of the bucket, and examined her fingertips, pressing them against her thumb a couple of times. Was that a strand of his semen stretching between her thumb and finger? He swallowed nervously, glad the lights were still low enough to hide the redness he felt spreading over his face.

“Hm.” She touched her finger to her tongue, tasting it. “Not butter. Kinda sticky, whatever it is. See ya out there.”

Ben spent the rest of the evening trying to keep his mind off that image of his aunt unwittingly sampling his semen. His cock kept jumping to attention, triggered by things like Trish brushing past him in the apartment, or asking him what he thought of the movie, which reminded him of only one thing. He couldn’t even remember the movie, really. And then he would spend the next fifteen minutes trying to think of something–anything–else, to get it to calm down. By the time they finished dinner he could feel dribbles of pre-cum cooling on his skin all down one leg, and his cock was throbbing in his pants.

She put on the TV, but started streaming music instead of watching anything. “Come on, get up,” she urged him, grinning, grabbing his hands.


“Come dance with me!”

“Okay Trish,” he said, and couldn’t help laughing with her as they started to move around the apartment. The pure fun of it was almost enough to make him forget his constant arousal. Almost.

She was twisting her hips and bumping into his in time with the beat. Her back curved sinuously under her tank top. Her breasts were hardly obscured as they swung from side to side, and bounced and jiggled. Her flowery shorts were small enough to allow a glimpse of the curves of her soft bottom cheeks, quivering just a bit as she twirled around him.

After a few fun songs and lots of giggling, a slow one came on. She held out her hand, and Ben took it, unsure what to do next.

“You’re going to be on your own in college, soon,” she said, her fingers laying across his palm. “Maybe I need to show you how to really dance with a girl.”

“I don’t know…” Ben shrugged. “I think I can handle it…”

“That’s what I’m worried about.” He arched an eyebrow at her quizzically. “Never mind. Just come in closer.”

“Ah…” He felt a trickle of sweat run down his back. She was so close already, in his arms. Anywhere his eyes tried to go, she was there. His erection had been held at bay for a while by the carefree dancing, but this… This was different. It was raging hard in no time, pressing out against his pants, throbbing insistently.

“Come on.” She pulled him in, fingers electric in his hand. She ran her nails lightly over his palm. “Your stomach should touch the girl’s when you dance like this.”

She drew him in closer, smiling up at him. When did he get taller than her? He looked down into her eyes as the two of them slowly turned. Her free hand was on his shoulder. He did feel her stomach press softly against his.

“You hold my waist, Ben,” she said, and he let his hands land on her, on her hip, on her back. She leaned against him, and laid her head on his shoulder, making his breath catch in his throat. Her skin was damp, hot, on his fingertips. His cock was so hard, straining and pulsing, pressing into the softness he felt all along his body. She had to feel it.

“That’s it,” she whispered, tickling his ear. “Just like this.”

His hands roamed her body as they snuggled together, tracing her spine under her tank top, exploring along the top of her shorts. His shaft twitched against her upper thigh. He felt her breath on his neck, and his own pulse in his throat.

Then the song ended. Trish stepped back, looking at him. Her lower lip was caught between her teeth for a second, he thought, before something seemed to catch her attention down on the floor.

“I, ah, think maybe I should turn in soon,” he said after an awkward moment, forcing a yawn for good measure.

“Alright. I guess I’ll let you get some sleep.” She leaned over, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek, then punched his shoulder with a smirk. His erection was pushing hard into his underwear. “See you in the morning, bud.”

He spread out his blanket on the couch as she was making her way from the room. He watched her walk away, ass swaying in her little flowery shorts under that thin tank top, and waited until she disappeared into her room before starting to get undressed. He laid his shirt and then his pants in a neat stack on the arm of the sofa, but decided to keep his boxers on this time.

With another glance at his aunt’s door, still slightly open with a bit of light coming out, he got under the cover and tried to relax. He allowed himself to get his still hard cock unpinned, at long last, pointing it up toward his belly button and letting the head extend past his waistband. It was wet with pre-cum, and slowly dripping. He refused to jerk off with Trish in the other room; what if she heard him? He’d die of embarrassment.

He couldn’t believe how horny he was, thinking about her. His aunt. It was so wrong. If she knew, she’d… Well he wasn’t sure what she’d do, but he didn’t want to find out. He just lay there, hands trembling at his sides, and closed his eyes, letting his cock softly throb and dribble warm fluid onto his stomach.

He might have fallen asleep for a while, or maybe he was just drifting with his thoughts, but a low sound caught his attention. The apartment had gotten very dark and still, but sitting up he could see a faint light coming from the open door to Trish’s room.

His erection had subsided a bit, finally. It was only a little swollen, now. But he had to pee. Quietly, he slipped off the sofa and padded toward the hall in his boxers.

As he got closer, he began to hear a few words. He made out his aunt’s hushed voice, and slowed near the door, peering in. Then he stopped, eyes widening, laying a hand lightly on the wall by the doorframe.

Trish was there. She was on the phone, had it pinned between her ear and a shoulder, speaking occasionally. Her hands were busy with other things. Her tank top was pushed up over her tits. They were big and round, full and soft. She had a handful of one, squeezing, rolling her hard nipple between thumb and fingers.

Ben could hardly breathe as his eyes wandered down the rest of her uncovered body. Her toned stomach was pale and smooth in the moonlight from the window. Her hips were naked, no elastic distorting their natural curvature. Her vulva was bare. No panties, and also no hair at all. Her skin there was gleaming white. Her pussy lips were puffy, swollen. Shiny. She was idly sliding a couple of glistening fingers between her labia, and circling her unhooded clit, spreading her juices all over as she talked quietly on the phone.

She looked up, and locked eyes with him. He was frozen in place. He wanted to run, to disappear, but she was looking right at him. Her eyes held him where he was, in the doorway, staring at her. She didn’t stop what she was doing; her fingers continued to move wetly in her slit as he watched.

“Nothing,” she said breathily into the phone. “Just my socks.”

Ben’s eyes moved down at that, following the creamy expanse of her long, naked legs. She was indeed still wearing her little ankle socks. And he saw her panties caught haphazardly on one foot. Her shorts lay discarded on the floor.

“Yeah I’m close,” she whispered, moving her fingers more quickly. But, not really that much more quickly. She moaned softly into the phone, gazing into Ben’s eyes with a conspiratorial expression. His head was swimming. The way she was looking at him made him feel… invited. He stepped inside the room.

“Okay baby,” she said, in something closer to her usual voice. “I do have to get some sleep tonight. Okay, yeah. You too. Bye.”

She tossed her phone on the bed, and then crossed her arms beneath her breasts, regarding Ben with an inscrutable look. His heart was pounding. She made no move to cover herself; her panties were still pooled around her foot and her tank top rested lightly atop her bare tits, squeezed together and propped up impressively by the position of her arms. Also it seemed she was a little out of breath, so her breasts were best described as heaving. He felt his cock pushing out against the thin material of his boxers, and watched her eyes drop, deliberately, slowly.

“Hey bud,” she said casually.

“Hey… Trish,” he said. His erection was straining, now, seeping. All the pent up tensions from earlier in the day were resurging, stronger than ever. His shaft throbbed, bowed inside his underwear.

“I guess you saw some of that, huh?”

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, embarrassed.

“No need to apologize. It was just an accident, right?”

He looked up. “Of course!”

“So no big deal.” Her arms were uncrossed, now, hanging at her sides. Her whole body open to him like there was no reason for it not to be. He stared as her tits swung easily with her movements. “Do you feel awkward about it? Want to talk?”

He chewed his lower lip for a second. “Who was that on the phone?”

“Just some guy I let have my number. Nobody.”

“But you were… you know…”

“Touching myself?”

He nodded.

‘It wasn’t because of him. I was already doing it when he called. I just wanted to.”

“Oh.” Ben swallowed. “Do you… do you still… want to?”

“Kinda.” She grinned at him. “Do you want me to, you little perv?”

‘I, yeah. Yeah, I really do.”

“Well I’m not going to just do that, you know, by myself. It’s weird.” She fixed her eyes on his. “You have to do it too.”

He felt lightheaded. A warm surge of pre-cum bloomed on the fabric of his boxers where the head of his cock pressed into them. “Are you serious?”

“Of course I am. You think I want to be the only one? While you just stand there looking at me?”

Ben chuckled nervously. “Mom did say to mind you while I’m here.”

“Oh did she.” Trish smiled, fixing him with a predatory gaze. “Then, show me your cock.”

He took a breath. This felt crazy. Ben tucked his thumbs into his boxers and eased them down, exposing his thick shaft. Trish was watching closely as his full erection was slowly revealed. He got past the swollen head and it sprang free, surging to new levels of hardness, pulsing upward as they both looked on.

“Oh, my,” she breathed. “You have gotten to be a big boy, haven’t you?”


“Take it in your hand, Ben,” she said, moving her own fingers toward her still slick pussy.


She was lightly stroking her outer labia, so to start off he just ran his fingers along his shaft, making his cock bounce and twitch in the air. There was a bead of cloudy fluid growing at his opening. He made a little circle around the end of his erection with one fingertip, smearing the pre-cum there.

“That’s it,” she purred. “Spread it over the head of your cock.”

She dipped a finger into her slit, and pulled it out slick with glistening juices, dragging them over her clit. She spread her lips, breathing heavy. He closed his hand around his shaft without taking his eyes off her pussy, and began to slide it up and down. He pumped in a steady rhythm, as her digits slipped in and out of her wet opening, making her nectar flow over her folds and down her inner thigh. He groaned, squeezing harder. His balls were churning.

“Are you getting close?” she asked, breathlessly. “Are you going to cum for me?”

“Oh god,” he groaned, tingling from root to tip, as his balls simmered and pre-cum flowed freely. His hand slid over his shaft and the ridges of his cock head with ease on a layer of warm seminal fluid. He was making sounds, obscene wet sounds as his hand flew up and down his length. He was panting. “Yes,” he croaked. He looked around desperately.

“You think I want to clean these sheets?” she said. “You can go on me.” She reclined on the edge of the bed, one arm behind her head. “Just let those ropes of cum shoot all over me,” she whispered, moving her fingertips in small, frantic circles around her clit as she lay below him. Ben was trembling, on the edge of orgasm. He stepped close, until his naked legs were up against her bare, warm skin. His cock was vibrating. He felt his balls touch her stomach, and erupted.

A thick snake of creamy semen plopped heavily onto her belly, lying low across her hips like a garter belt. A second spurt arced over her stomach and pooled in her navel as he pumped his shaft with more abandon, letting the cum fly carelessly over his aunt’s exposed body. He spattered her tits, gooey clumps hanging from her hard nipples and dripping slowly down the slopes of her breasts. She was crying out with her own release, fingers a blur between her legs as his semen rained down over her.

Finally the deluge came to an end, as Ben’s cock lay at rest upon her belly, dribbling thin fluid onto her skin. He wished he could sear the image before him into his mind for ever. His beautiful aunt Trish, absolutely drenched in cum. His cum. Oozing down over the lips of her pussy before his eyes. Flowing into the crevices around her clit. She began to run her hands up and down her stomach, spreading the semen over herself like lotion. Up over her tits, down to her pussy, rubbing it into her opening with her fingers.

“Wow,” she laughed. “What a load! You must have really needed that, huh?”

“I–” He didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t believe he’d just coated her in semen. He felt like he was dreaming.

“It’s alright,” she said, taking his hand. “I needed it, too. Why don’t you come on up here with me.”


He climbed up in the bed with her, watching as she continued to rub his cum over herself. She was glistening from thighs to throat. She lay on top of the covers as it absorbed into her skin, gazing at Ben.

“Let’s get some sleep.” She slipped an arm around him. His spent cock nestled wetly along her hip as he snuggled in close. So much confusion filled his mind. It was surpassed only by his exhilaration at the feel of her warm body, smaller than his, wriggling sensually in his arms, skin against skin. Her nipple pressed firmly into his palm as he gave her breast a gentle squeeze. He pushed his racing thoughts aside for tomorrow, and began to drift off.

He was slightly surprised to wake up in his aunt’s bed the next morning. Then his memory of the previous night came crashing back. He sat up, looking around. Trish must have cleaned up a bit already; her shorts and his boxers were both missing from the floor.

His mind was racing. He and his aunt had masturbated together. He had cum all over her. And now she was gone. Probably left the bed as early as she could, disgusted by what he’d done to her. He felt sick, worrying about what she must think of him now.

He realized he never actually went to the bathroom after he got up in the night, and now it really couldn’t wait any longer. Making his way out to the hall, he nervously held his hands over his semi-flaccid penis. He didn’t see Trish. Or his boxers anywhere. Or, glancing at the couch, his other clothes, where they had been stacked. He had more in his backpack, but that was hanging on a peg in the kitchen and he wasn’t ready to try sneaking out there in the nude. He slipped quickly into the bathroom and was able to take care of one problem, at least.

Then he thought he might wrap a towel around his waist, but didn’t find any on the wall. He was starting to wonder what the hell was going on, when the door swung open and in came Trish with a folded stack of them. Ben’s chin dropped nearly to the floor. She was still naked. More naked than she’d been before, actually. Her tank top and ankle socks were gone. There was no fabric anywhere around, save the armful of towels she was carrying, her rosy breasts resting perkily atop the fluffy stack.

“Hi Ben,” she said cheerfully. “Just taking care of some laundry,” she went on, easing past him into the small room to hang one up by the shower. His cock was still thick and heavy with pent-up arousal. As she passed by her pert bottom brushed against him, and his penis felt each soft round cheek, and the delicious valley between them. His reaction was immediate. He began to swell and rise.

“Oh god,” he murmured under his breath.

Trish was opening a cabinet under the sink. She leaned down with the remaining towels and began to rummage around in there, bent over with her legs just barely parted. Ben couldn’t help but stare. It was all he could do not to drool. Her cheeks pulled apart just enough for her tight little rosebud to peak through, while her puffy labia pouted below, a thin sheen of dewy moisture decorating her pink inner lips.

Ben’s cock was standing straight out, as hard as he thought he’d ever felt it. It pulsed up and down as he watched his aunt’s ass flex with her efforts below. A warm sensation crawled up his urethra, gathering in the head until a bead of thick cloudy pre-cum began to grow from his opening, and cling precipitously to the tip of his engorged erection as it bobbed and twitched, tingling, in the air.

“There we are,” said Trish, backing up so she could stand. She bumped into him, her delicate ass pressing into his throbbing cock. “Ooh,” she said, glancing over her shoulder at him, but not making any effort to move away.

“Aunt Trish,” he said, moving his hands to her hips, holding her tighter against him. “You’re naked.”

“So are you, Ben.”

“You did something with all my clothes.” She was standing up, now, leaning into him. His hands moved up her ribs, closing on her breasts. He squeezed one of her nipples, hard as it was rapidly becoming, between his thumb and fingers, rolling it gently. “Why?” he managed, amid a low groan.

“Like I said,” she breathed, pushing back against his straining cock, “I was just doing the laundry.” She reached behind, curling cool fingers around his feverish shaft, stroking him up and down. She turned to face him without letting go, meeting his gaze as she tightened her grip on his erection. Her tits were crushed against his chest as he slid his hands over her arms, and down her back, clutching her ass.

Her face was so close to his. She looked into his eyes as he got closer, seeming to hold her breath. Her lips parted as he slowed his approach. He kissed her, softly laying his lips upon hers. She seemed to pause for a second, and then melt into him, her lips slipping against his with wet abandon, and then her tongue making an urgent appearance. He met it with his own, two tongues dancing together in a close embrace, first inside his mouth, and then hers.

Ben’s heart was racing. His aching cock was driven into the soft skin of her stomach, dragging against her as she moved in his arms, squirming and wriggling. Her hands ran over him as well, nails prickling lightly around his nipples, his stomach. The base of his shaft, making him jerk and tremble.

“Besides,” she whispered, “I thought we could spend all day like this.” She trailed a nail down the length of his cock. “Naked together.”

He gaped at her. “Au–” She raised an eyebrow at him, and he started again. “Trish, I don’t know if we should be doing this…”

“Do you even know what to do with a naked woman for a whole day, Ben?” she asked sweetly. “I don’t think so, not yet anyway. But I’ll show you. You can get some practice in so you’ll be ready for college.”

He swallowed. His cock felt hot and full. The engorged head was dripping, leaving pre-cum all over her stomach. She pushed close and he felt the wet heat of her pussy on his upper thigh.

“Besides, you’re supposed to be minding me, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Aunt Trish.” It felt right to call her that, when he was talking about minding her. She seemed to think so, too, if the grin she gave him was any sign.

“So, why don’t you get a nice hot shower started for us?”

Ben nodded, feeling excitement at the idea, and turned to pull back the curtain and work the knobs.

“Now you’re going to wash off all this semen you’ve covered me with,” she said to him sternly as they waited for the water to warm up.

“I’m sorry, Trish.” His cock felt like an iron bar jutting out into the air.

“You’d better be, you pervy nephew.” Her smile was crooked as she stepped into the tub, and held out her hand. “Come in here and wash your cum off your auntie.”

He took her hand, her fingers small and moist on his palm, and followed her into the shower, closing the curtain behind them. Trish’s hair lay dark and wet across her face and down her shoulders like thick vines. Droplets of water streamed over her breasts, her stomach. Her pussy.

“You can start at the top and work your way down,” she instructed, handing him a bottle of body wash. Ben smiled, beginning to really feel a lot more right about what they were doing. He got some liquid soap in his palm and rubbed his hands together.

“Ready, Trish?”

“Go ahead, buddy.”

Ben reached out, taking his aunt’s left breast in both soapy hands. His palms slid over her pliant flesh easily. He kneaded her tit with his thumbs, pushing first one and then the other over her hard nipple, and then pinching it gently, feeling the pebbly bumps all around her areola. A small shudder passed through her.

“Like this?” he asked her, looking down at her upturned face.

She nodded. “Don’t forget the other one, Ben.”

His cock was so hard he thought it might burst. It was bumping into her slippery thighs, and her pussy, and low on her abdomen, as they moved around. Pre-cum dribbled from his tip in a long, clear strand, tangling with her legs below. He stepped closer, pushing into her stomach firmly, and leaned in as he began to work her other breast. She parted her lips as she gazed up at him, and he closed the distance. They kissed. And then they were making out, soapy hands roaming each other’s bodies.

“Wait,” she gasped, pushing him back, blinking water from her eyes. “There’s still so much of your cum down here.” She looked at her pussy.

“Let me get that for you, Trish.”

He sank onto his knees, until his face was inches from her wet vulva. Even with the shower water running over her, he could see the slickness of her own juices, and smell her tangy arousal.

“Here?” he asked, looking at her as he ran his soapy hands up her thighs, and over her hips, and onto her stomach, in long, slow arcs.

“You’re getting warmer,” she whispered, as he lathered her navel, and her smooth mound, and spread the foamy suds between her slippery thighs, sliding his hands up to work the soap in around the crease where each leg met her pubic area. She was breathing heavier, watching him. He felt her slick lips, moving his fingertips under her, and the tight little knot behind them. He soaped her bottom cheeks with one hand while palming her vulva with the other, moving in little circles centered on her clit, which he could feel beginning to swell.

“Oh god,” she sighed, “Right there… You’re burning up…”

Ben shifted to let the water rinse over her, sweeping the soap down her shiny legs. He brought one hand up between her thighs, stroking between her labia with his thumb, and leaned in, slowly, until his lips touched hers. He heard a soft gasp as he placed a lingering kiss there, suckling gently first on one pouty lip, and then the other, before teasing them apart with the tip of his tongue, and tasting her honeyed nectar.

She cried out and twitched as he found her hooded clit with his tongue, feeling her delicate folds and the rapidly hardening pearl underneath as he licked her. “Ah, ah,” she panted. “Oh m–oh fuck, Ben, ahh…” The words trailed off, becoming just a series of animalistic sounds as he made out with her pussy more and more thoroughly, sinking into her deeply, tasting her flowing juices. His thumb pressed on her perineum, alternately rubbing at her twitching sphincter and slipping shallowly into her quivering canal.

Her hands flew to his shoulders and the strength seemed to leave her legs as she slumped down, trembling and gulping for air, putting her weight on him. He kept his mouth in place, maintaining his pace, licking her gently and firmly, as her shaking got more and more intense. Finally she let out a keening shriek and he was bathed in a wave of warm wetness that overfilled his mouth and spilled down his chin as he drank from her reverently.

She collapsed into his arms, only slowly standing back up with his steady hands for support. “Oh god,” she said quietly, resting her head on his shoulder. Ben felt absolutely overwhelmed by what he’d done to her. His heart was thumping in his chest as he held her close, hot water streaming over the both of them. His cock pressed into her like a steel rod.

“That was so fucking hot, Trish,” he said breathlessly, staring at her dazed face. She blinked and her eyes seemed to regain focus.

“Well you really… phew.” She took a fresh breath. “You really cleaned up the cum. Good job, buddy.”

“It was my pleasure,” he assured her.

“Let’s dry off,” she said, stepping unsteadily from the tub as Ben turned off the water. She handed him a towel, but he began using it on her instead of himself, drying her body with the fluffy cloth with both hands while gazing into her eyes. She smiled, the other towel in her hands forgotten for the moment.

“Mm, that’s nice,” she murmured.

“There you go,” Ben said, standing up after rubbing each of her legs.

“Let me do you now.” She returned the favor, rubbing him dry from his chest and shoulders to his hips, and up and down his legs. He took in the sight of her, kneeling there, exposed and vulnerable, as she worked the towel over his naked body. His erection touched her as she bustled about, her face bumping into it, her cheek. Her chin. She looked up at him, nudging into his throbbing, aching cock with her nose and lips. A thin stream of pre-cum was flowing steadily from his opening, dribbling onto her smiling face.

“Oh fuck, Trish,” he groaned, balls seething by her chin as she moved beneath him.

“What’s the matter?” she asked sweetly, her lips moist and warm against the underside of his thick shaft as she spoke. She shifted to slurp one of his testicles into her mouth, bathing it in warm saliva as she suckled. He pulsed and twitched on her face, releasing a thicker dollop of cloudy fluid just below her eyebrow that slowly began to seep toward the corner of her eye. “Cat got your tongue?” she teased, lips pressed needily into his scrotum, the vibrations of her voice running through him.

He felt like he might go over the edge at any moment. Pre-cum was flowing down his length in an unbroken stream, smearing her face where he touched her, tingling at the contact with soft lips or warm, wet tongue. She giggled as his cock lurched up, spearing the air above her eyes with involuntary spasms, and made sure not to touch him at all at that crucial moment. He thought he might cum just from the feel of her breath on his shaft for a second.

“Come on,” she said, laying her cool fingers lightly on his erection, once it had calmed down a bit. He fluttered helplessly in her gentle grip as she curled around him. “Let’s go to my room.”

She led him by the cock out into the hall, and through her bedroom door. “I was thinking we might just spend most of the day right here,” she said, hopping up on the bed.

It was so hard to think. His blood had all gone to one place. Trish knew it all too well. She was pushing him down onto the bed, still holding him, fingertips electric around the head of his cock. He was throbbing, aching. Straining upward, drooling clear fluid. She laid her head down on Ben’s hip, looking at his towering erection with an open mouth. She swiped her tongue up one side, then the other, glazing him in wet warmth. He shivered and felt his cock jerk and flex upon her tongue. She caught him with her lips, sucking him in as he bucked and twitched beneath her.

“Oh fuc–” he gasped, as she looked up at him, cheeks hollowing out around him as she increased her suction. He was breathing hard. He could feel her licking his opening, and making swallowing motions. After a few seconds she released him with a loud pop.

“Does it feel good?” she asked, slapping his cock meat on her cheek with a series of wet smacks.

“Oh fuck, Trish,” he groaned, thrusting his hips desperately. She held him in her hands, caressing him with her lips and tongue, moving along with him so his thrusts did nothing–she was always touching his cock, always stroking, teasing, but not letting him set the pace. She circled her fingers around the root of his shaft, squeezing him tightly, pointing him straight up, and took him into her mouth, slowly, softly. She swallowed him down in a series of rhythmic contractions, eyes watering as her lips approached the base of his cock. He felt her throat massaging his cock head, squeezing his shaft. She tried to drink him in more deeply, blinking at him, swallowing around his girth.

She pulled back, revealing about half of his swollen shaft, shiny with her saliva, and plunged back down again, making his hips buck and his erection quiver inside her. He was overtaken with a spasming convulsion, feeling a thick surge of semen gush through him. He flexed between her lips, unloading one heavy serving after another, and she moaned as he flooded her throat, swallowing, swallowing, as he came and came.

She held him, suckling gently, until there was no more and he began to soften in her mouth, before stretching out alongside him. She fondled his flaccid penis affectionately and nuzzled into his neck. He turned on his side to face her and their lips met softly for a few moments. The taste of his fresh seed was everywhere in her mouth. He drew her closer and kissed her more deeply.

After some time they pulled apart enough to regard one another. “I could make out with you all day,” he whispered, stroking her still damp hair.

She bit her lip, and looked down. “You could do more than that,” she breathed, meeting his eyes again.

“I liked making you feel good, Aunt Trish,” he said. “I’d like to do that again, if you don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind, Ben.” She rolled onto her back, pulling her knees up, then letting them fall apart on the bed, her feet still almost touching. Her vulva lay open and exposed, lips parted to reveal pink inner flesh and steamy wetness. “I don’t mind at all.”

Ben lowered himself down, crawling between her legs and settling into the soft bedding. He touched her gingerly, feeling the heat and juices there with his fingers. A trickle ran down between her ass cheeks as he stroked her. His fingers were coated in slickness.

“Your pussy looks so delicious,” he murmured, almost to himself, as his lips approached. He spoke the last couple of words into her vulva, lips moving against her, making her quiver. She responded with a soft moan as he pressed his tongue gently but firmly into her flesh, tasting her. He licked her with broad strokes, breaking away to place lingering kisses on the delicate skin around her opening, her inner thighs, her prickly mound, before always returning to her lips, and her gaping slit. Nectar began to run down his chin as he slowly feasted.

“Oh fuck,” she groaned, rolling her hips. He followed as she rose up off the bed, bringing an arm around to hold up her bottom. He scooted in closer with his knees, and gradually she curled her back until her legs were up near her tits, her ass in the air, cradled in his arm. He was dragging his tongue over her asshole as well as her pussy on each pass, now, and dipping into her folds, fucking her with his tongue as he strummed her clit with his other thumb. “Oh g–ah–fuc–” she mumbled incoherently, trembling.

Ben’s spent cock was rapidly returning to attention as he slurped on her labia and suckled at the swollen pearl between them, gulping at the flow of honeyed juices streaming from her canal. He couldn’t get enough of her. She cried out and he held steady on her, applying soft suction, until she quieted. Then he continued his insistent licking, making her twitch and buck beneath him once more.

“Christ, Ben,” she gasped, as he slipped a couple of fingers into her, feeling her inner muscles clench and ripple. “Oh fuck…”

He kept going with his mouth, and found a spongy spot inside her to circle with his fingertips, until her ever increasing agitation was replaced with a sudden full-body freeze, nothing moving but the quivering walls of her vagina around his fingers, legs squeezing tightly around his head, and then a gushing of steamy cream from her opening rinsed his face and filled his palm.

She was panting, tits heaving, as her legs parted to release him and he rested his head on her abdomen, her vulva hot and wet on his cheek, looking up at her with his shiny face. “Did I do good, Trish?”

“Get up here,” she managed, between wild breaths, “and fuck me.”

He crawled up her sweat slick body, cock hard and drooling along her thighs, her abdomen. He settled down onto her as he neared her breasts. “Not yet,” he said, stomach resting on hers, as he lowered his mouth to her soft orbs. He kissed her, and teased her nipples with licks and nibbles, and closed his lips over one hardening nub to slowly suckle, pinching the other one between thumb and fingers, squeezing her tit.

“Mmm,” she moaned, reaching under him to run her fingers over her clit as he reached her neck and kissed across her throat. He felt her hand close around him, rubbing her drippy pussy with his swollen cock head. “You’re so hard, Ben. So big.” She squirmed beneath him, legs coming up around his hips. Her ankles crossed behind him. “I want to feel you fill me up.”

He groaned into her ear as she swiped his cock up and down her slit, her moist lips caressing him. It was all he could do not to just push forward, just slide in, deeply penetrating her hot flesh. His tip was already engulfed in her wet warmth.

“Wait,” he whispered. He couldn’t quite bear to pull out, so he just held fast where he was for a moment. “Wait, Trish. Are you sure about this?”

She looked up at him, holding him closer in her arms. She shifted her hips, just barely sliding against him. “I’m so fucking sure,” she assured him, drawing him down for a lingering kiss. After a few seconds their lips parted. Her pussy was feverish and quivering around the head of his cock.

“I just have to know… Why? You’re so fucking amazing… But, why are you doing all this… with me?”

“Don’t you get it, Ben?” She looked at him intensely. He just shook his head. “Don’t you know how–” She stopped, took a breath. She rolled her hips, dragging her pussy lips along his shaft, making him shudder. “Okay, bud. At first, I just wanted to tease you a little. Play around a bit. It was kind of fun messing with you.”

“This is a lot more than teasing, Aunt Trish.” His shaft was slowly sinking into her, stretching her opening. He couldn’t help it.

“Maybe I had your mother on my mind, to begin with,” she admitted. “It was fun to see you get flustered. And to think about her smug face, while you were stumbling over your feet because of me.”

Ben’s face hardened at that, somewhat. He felt himself slide in further, her vaginal walls sheathing the full length of his erection. “What’s the problem between you two?” he growled, leaning on her, grinding the root of his cock into her clit. “You know I love mom.”

“Oh fu–” she gasped, taking his girth and tightening her legs around him. “I love her too! She’s my sister… Don’t you think I love her?”

“Then what are we doing?” he demanded, pounding into her with a series of wet slapping sounds as he spoke. “What is… this?”

“God, you really don’t get it, do you?” she panted, clenching her vaginal muscles around his throbbing member. “Don’t you know how goddamn hot you are? How beautiful that fucking cock of yours is?” There was a sheen of sweat all over her, as she worked her hips to meet his forceful thrusts. She stared up at him, legs gripping his waist, tits shaking with his impacts. “I… I just lost control, buddy.”

“I guess I can understand that,” he grunted, pummeling her pussy with long strokes, straining to hold back his orgasm a few seconds more. “You always did do whatever you want, didn’t you?”

“You can, too, Ben.” She was gasping for breath beneath him, eyes rolling back in her head as he thumbed her clit in tight little circles while her pussy spasmed and gulped at his steely shaft. “You can, too…”

“Fuck,” he groaned, getting his knees under her ass, bottoming out inside her tight passage as she convulsed on his erection, thrashing in his arms, drenching him in slick heat. His balls drew up, boiling over, and his cock pulsed and flooded her canal with wave after wave of warm, thick cum. He ground into her as he came, clutching at a shoulder and one tit. She let out an urgent cry at nearly the same moment, legs clamped around him, apparently climaxing one more time at the sensation of his semen filling her.

He collapsed upon her, holding her sweaty body close, even as she clung to him fiercely from below. “Fuck,” he breathed, utterly spent. He managed to raise his head slightly, focusing on her eyes with some difficulty. “I want you to make up with mom,” he whispered. “Please?”

She looked up at him and nodded, tightening her pelvic muscles upon his diminishing erection, still inside her. “Of course I’ll make up with her. I want to, too. Besides, I’ll have to if I’m going to visit when you’re home from school, won’t I?”

Ben got a fluttery feeling in his stomach at the thought of that. “I love you, Aunt Trish.”

“I love you, too, buddy.” She smirked at him. “Now, I’m getting hungry. Break for pizza?”

“Pizza sounds great to me.”

“Should I be the one to flash the delivery guy, or did you want to do it?”


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