Cousins Meet Again after 15 Years

An adult stories – Cousins Meet Again after 15 Years by Pervylouz,Pervylouz DISCLAIMER:

This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to persons living or dead are coincidental. All persons depicted in sexual acts are at least 18 years of age and consenting adults. This story involves incest between cousins. If that’s not your thing, then you should stop reading now. Otherwise, enjoy yourself.

I would like to give my deepest thanks to Dray26 for the input, kind words, and encouragement on my debut in fiction writing. Much appreciated.

This is a 3 part series I had a blast writing. I hope you enjoy yourselves.



Feelings? Right now Trent hated those, did he feel cheated? Nah, that wasn’t it, betrayed? He felt a little bit of that. Foolish? yeah, that’s the one! He had spent the whole morning trying to figure out how he felt and what to do. He hadn’t slept all night, hell, it had been all week! He was exhausted. He pondered for hours the source of his dread and after hours he finally concluded his relationship, or whatever this was, was over. He had been blessed in many things in his life, he could be called successful at twenty-eight yet his love life has never been so grim.

The oldest story in the book, Trent fell head over heels for a woman who didn’t love him back. This girl was his high school crush and before that, she had been the cute girl next door he admired from afar.

He had an infatuation with this girl, `Jean´. Tall, blonde, beautiful smile, athletic, the cheerleader type. They had been friends, but always on the platonic side. They even went to prom together but only because Jean’s boyfriend broke up with her just three days before the event to assist another school prom with another girl. She was crushed… Trent was there… always available.

Many of their friends went to college and drifted off, not him though, he would email her almost every week and she would respond but it was always him doing the reaching. It was obvious she wasn’t interested, now he could see it, not so much back then, you know what they say, hindsight is 20/20.

That all changed after college when he invited her to work on a side project he started with two friends during his last year at the university, she hadn’t found a job yet so she jumped right in.

The startup was rapidly growing for the first years and she was named Head of Human Resources. That’s when the secret romance started, but today it ended. Trent thought they were exclusive, even though their romance was kind of a secret (her idea). She felt it would not look good to be the boss’s girlfriend and head of Human Resources at the same time, for the `sake of appearances´ and all that. The `secret romance´ had gone on for a year and a half and Trent was ready for a more serious commitment, so she could step into a wife role, but she had other plans.

Jean wanted a career, to live life, enjoy freedom, and fuck everyone she felt like it. In the beginning, it was strictly professional even though Trent had a crush on her and she did notice, she confessed sometime later after they started dating. But apparently, he was obvious to the nuances of Jeans´ flirting. She had to be bolder she later told him. Like the time she had to expose herself to him in a meeting with the heads of departments. His office was big enough for his big luxurious mahogany desk and lounge space right in front, in the space between his desk and the double doors, where he would engage with workgroups and board members almost every day.

On this occasion, he had to take a call from his desk and Jean was seated on a lounge chair opposite him. Two directors were standing up to the side discussing logistics for the next Vnapsys expo in Chicago and Jean and Jonah, the head of marketing, were sitting next to each other discussing employee-related security at the expo. From that vantage point, Trent had a clear view of Jean´s amazing calves as they swayed together while her wasp waist twisted to the side so she could speak directly at Jonah. This was also a master move as her recently enlarged breasts stretched her one-size smaller button blouse, opening gaps that could be glimpsed on the side if she protruded her chest in a certain way allowing him an unobstructed view of her inner cleavage. This was turning on Trent so much that he lost the thread in his phone conversation with the Chicago expo organizers.

With each sway of her legs, the knees started separating slightly, or was it just his imagination? He looked up at her, but she appeared to be focused on the conversation, apparently oblivious to what the teasing was doing to him, but she wasn´t. With a dry mouth and a speeding heart, he dared a longer peek between her full muscular thighs, which were now parted enough to strain her tight skirt. He felt his cock twitch and shifted in the chair.

Just as her panties came into view they got up to say goodbye to her colleagues startling a hypnotized Trent out of his aroused stance. The meeting was over. He couldn´t get up with a massive erection which secretly amused Jean. She was having lots of fun toying with her boss. Trent waved goodbye and pretended to be busy on his call.

Jean stayed after everyone left to discuss employee performance reviews. As he hung up Jean approached and stood next to his chair to go over the files. This was no different from any other day yet it felt so different to Trent., the energy in the room was different (of course, he was horny as hell). Every move she made was slower and more intentional, her bending to point out information was more careless giving him plenty of glimpses. His saliva felt like bubblegum.

“Are you planning on touching me any time soon?” Jean whispered in his ear.


“Just do it.” With that, she spread her legs a little bit and bent over, resting her elbows on his desk. Even a dufus like him understood what she wanted. All he had to do is drop his arm from the armrest and start sliding his hand up her inner thigh. His breathing had stopped a while ago, and maybe his heart too.

The moment he made contact with her pussy, her hands contracted into fists wrinkling the performance sheets. Trent started stroking himself over his trousers.

“Wait, I wanna see you touch yourself,” Jean said. With that, she sat on the edge of his desk and straddled him now giving him a full view of her spread legs. Her skirt had ridden up to her waist. “Now take it out and show me how you jerk it!” she ordered.

He was now a robot, doing as she commanded. He started stroking himself and edging very quickly to his orgasm not caring about the mess he was about to make. She now laid down on the desk and slid her hand into her panties and started to play with herself first slow but then so quick that the panty was dancing all over the place. Just as he exploded the phone rang startling her, quickly getting up and fixing her skirt while panting. Trent was on another dimension for the last strokes and spurts

With a final whisper while he still had his eyes shut she said. “This was fun, let’s do this again sometime. And they did. Now the work meetings with Jean were the best part of his day and that lasted a year and a half until they were not.

Trent found out she was staying with Mark at the MIT convention where Vnapsys was showcasing their remote brain-controlled technology, `mindtechmagic´ he called it. Human Resources wasn’t supposed to be programmed to attend, yet she was there and staying in the same room as Mark.

Trent set the fancy box with the princess-cut diamond ring in the middle of the bed as he left the apartment.

Everything was happening too fast. Just a week before, Trent´s heart had been broken. It was too painful to bear, he only wanted a way out of the situation. So he thought of a convenient solution. He would relocate across the country and set up a branch office. It had been discussed among the co-founders and investors. Marriage and relocation were on Trent’s plans but the way things were panning the ´marriage´ thing was now out of the question.

He sent his relocation notification the day before and turned off his phone. She would be the first to know and he wasn’t ready to face her, not after he found out she was on a business trip with another one of the company founders. Mark had asked to cover for him for the week, and he had confided that he and Jean were to have a romantic weekend after the conference. Mark didn’t know Jean and Trent were a `couple´, he thought they were just lifelong friends. Jean never wanted to make her relationship with Trent known at the company, at least not yet according to her. Something about shame and merit. He guessed the same was happening with Mark. He felt played so now he needed to get away, at least for a while, and figure out how to deal with this emotionally and business-wise.

Seeing Jean every day was going to be too much. Some friends outside the company had told him of the dangers of dating a coworker but of course, he ignored them. He now understood the complexities involved in coworkers’ relationships. While it was not forbidden, he now knew why it was frowned upon.

He had been living in a hotel for the past week, he couldn’t stay in the same place, it was too painful, so he had already packed all he needed for his new life in New York. He still hadn’t figured out where he was going to live though, a hotel would do for the time being. As for the rest of his stuff, she could keep it, hell! Mark could have it all! He had everything that mattered to him anyway, the rest was just ‘stuff’.

In just a few hours he was boarding a plane to his new destination. He avoided the drama. He was more comfortable dealing with algorithms and code. Emotions were too overwhelming sometimes, that’s why he told no one at the office that he was leaving, just the co-founders and his assistant. He wanted it this way he needed it this way. They were obviously shocked and worried but after personally talking with each one of them he convinced them that he was alright and everything was taken care off, even Mark.


He woke up mid-flight, he didn’t remember falling asleep, he had been sleeping awful this past week, and for the first time he felt a little bit more relaxed, he started concentrating on the tasks at hand, He needed to start looking for a place to live, finding adequate space for an office, hiring a contractor, an architecture firm, get in touch with a Human Resources agency, setting up in a local bank, informing the head office at Palo Alto… Shit!! With everything going on, he forgot to tell his parents he was moving. A week ago he wasn’t ready to tell his parents that his relationship ended, he felt that was a conversation for later, but now he realized he had forgotten to tell his parents. They had just retired last year. After his mom got a tumor removed from her breast, they decided to move down to the Caribean, they were officially living the `expat life´ in Mexico.

As soon as he arrived at the hotel, he video-called his parents. This was going to be awkward.

“Hi Mom!, how are you?”

“Oh! Hi honey! I’m so glad you called, your dad is trying to fix the kitchen faucet for the third time! I’m just out on the deck sipping a margarita… you know ‘the Caribean torture’. But enough about us, how are you?

“Sorry to call you so early, I don’t usually call you in the morning on a weekday, but I forgot to let you know I moved to New York, we are expanding VNAPSYS to the east coast, the company is doing great, growing fast. Sorry, I didn`t let you know sooner but it`s been hectic these past few weeks, I’m going to be staying at a hotel for the time being, I’ll call you and give you my New York number as soon as I’m settled in.”

“Oh dear, that’s great, but don’t overdo it, remember to enjoy life as much as work, so you can have someone to share these moments. Speaking of which, how did Jean take it? Is she moving with you?”

“Um, mom… Jean and I …. (sigh) We broke up last week, I think it’s definite.”

“I’m sorry honey, I wish I was there with you, You know you are welcome here anytime if you need to talk, even if it’s just for a few days.”

“I know Mom… thanks, but I’m going to be busy for the next couple of months or a year while setting up the business here in New York.”

“So, if this was so sudden, do you know where are you going to live?”

“For now the hotel is going to be home, I’ll call a broker tomorrow morning and get things moving.”

“You could give your cousin Cindy a call.”


“Your cousin Cindy… the ballet dancer remember? She is the daughter of Aunt Carol, you met her when you were young, remember when we went to the tournament in Europe, we stayed at her house for a week?. She was studying to become a professional ballet dancer.”

“Oh… right!” Trent remembered now. Cindy was eleven when they met, two years younger than him, a dark-haired scrawny girl with a great smile and pale eyes. She seemed to take her dancing classes waaaay too seriously. Trent remembered her being too driven for an eleven-year-old, even by his standards as he considered himself gifted in the martial arts, he would compete internationally for tae Kwon do, karate, and even kickboxing.

“Are you sure?, wasn’t she going to go live in Russia or something.”

It had been fifteen years since they talked, and even then he had the feeling she didn’t like him so much. They acted like dogs and cats that whole week, he being `annoying´, she being `annoyed´, that memory brought a smile to his face.

“Oh! That was many years ago, I believe she quit the company she was dancing with and settled in New York. I heard she became an instructor. I’m going to call your aunt Carol and ask for her number. I’ll send it to you as soon as we get out of the pool later this evening.”

“Sounds great mom, maybe she knows a broker who can help me set up shop. She might be helpful, thanks. So I’ll talk to you soon, and please remember to wear the sunblock the doctor prescribed and say ‘hi’ to Dad for me.”

“Sure honey, will do. Don’t forget to eat, I know how you get when you are depressed.”

“Who said I’m depressed?”

“Oh honey, I can tell from miles away, just as I can tell it wasn’t your fault either, anyway, her loss, remember when a door shuts, a window opens.”

“Thank you, Mom, I’ll keep that in mind, anyway gotta go, I have a meeting.”

As he ended the call, moms words made it all too real. He felt a knot in his throat as tears started flowing from his eyes. For the first time in his adult life, Trent cried himself to sleep.


A soft buzz woke him up, a faint light illuminated his suite. How long had he been asleep? The shining light guided him to his phone. It was night already? He had been asleep for five hours. He considered going back to sleep but something in his stomach grumbled. He was starving. He checked his texts, he had three from work. His partners wanted to know how was his flight and arrival. None of them knew about his current emotional state since his relationship had been kept secret. It was her idea, he always suspected it was because it could be frowned upon, or maybe Jean saw it as an impediment to growth within the company, stupid reasons, stupid him, now he knew better.

Next was a text from his mother, attached to the text was a picture of her and dad with the caption ‘My ex-girlfriend brought religion into my life… I never believed in Hell before I met her´. Followed by another text “I don’t know what happened between you two, but it will pass, in the meantime, smile!”.

He loved her puns, she always knew how to make him laugh when he was feeling down.

The third text was Cindy´s phone number. It had been three hours since he received the message. Being 10 P.M., he figured it was too late to call her, he would do it in the morning. Right now food was the pressing issue. He decided to take a quick shower before going downstairs to eat something.

Trent liked to keep an athletic build, he did a couple sets of push-ups and sit-ups. `Finally! some endorphins!´ All of a sudden he started feeling a little better. `A quick workout and now a shower, then a bite to eat´ he rehearsed in his mind. Before jumping in the shower he set his phone on its charging base next to the sink, opened his Spotify, and put on some 90s rock and roll. `Steamy shower, exactly what he needed.´ Suddenly his phone rang.

“Siri answer.”

Trent was in the middle of washing his hair so he didn’t bother picking up the phone, he didn’t have to, he had done this many times, it was actually very efficient and somehow his creativity flowed better and his problem-solving skills sharpened when he was in the shower. Great for problem-solving and multitasking. He wondered who was working this late on a Friday night.

“Hi Trent, this is your cousin Cind… y, Oh my god! You are in the shower, I’m sorry, I’ll call back later. I’m sorry…”

“No wait Cindy, I actually was going to call you today but I overslept so I was planning on calling you tomorrow morning. I’m so glad you called actually.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to call you later, I seem to have caught you… in an inconvenient time.”

“Don’t worry Cindy, it’s just a shower, I do work calls like this all the time! I find it very efficient.”

“Really? You get paid for doing this?”

“Actually yes haha!… I wanted to talk to you because I`m relocating to New York as you might have heard already, I`m going to set up a branch office in the city, but the decision was taken on an impulse only a few days ago, so I was wondering if you knew a broker or some real estate agency you could recommend? I’m looking for a place to open an office with 5 to 10 employees and also a place for me to live. Even though the hotel is great for now. I got a suite on the 40th floor and I’m loving it, what a great view!”

Trent remembered the view from his suite. when he arrived the first thing he did was to open the curtains and admire the city from above.

“Yeah, no kidding… mmm, let me collect my thoughts, that shower is a little distracting. So I think I can help you with both of your needs actually `especially those dangling between your legs she thought´. (Focus!) Last year… (breathe Cindy)… I rented a place, a studio where I started giving some dance lessons and I just learned that some office space next door has been put on the market a couple of days ago. It’s a big open space and I’ve been dangling, sorry, dancing with the idea to lease it, but while the studio is growing I don’t need so much space, so it might be something we could hmm, share, business-wise if that is something you would be willing to consider.”

Trent was letting the shampoo sit on his hair for a little bit as he processed the information. He started soaping his body while he listened intently and considered the options. He soaped his groin as he was deep in thought. His dick reacted to de stimulus and started to get hard.

“So how big are we talking about?”


“I haven’t been able to take a gook look at it, but looks pretty big to me (jiggles) about 1000 square feet.”

“You are right, that’s more than enough for both of us.”

“I was thinking about taking a look tonight, so if you are up for it we could check it out together. I would just need to call the reception and let the concierge know, he’s got the keys.”

“That would be great Cindy, let me know the address and I’ll meet you there, I’ll just grab something to eat on the way and meet you there.”

“Calling you has gotten me a little hungry, do you mind if I join you?”

“Not at all, but are you sure? I already slept but you must be tired and it probably will take us at least a couple of hours, between pictures and back-and-forth calls with my partners. We could do this tomorrow. I know it’s late, I don’t want to impose ”

“Too late? This is New York City babe, we don’t sleep!”, saying it with an over accentuated New York accent. “So where are you staying?”

“At the TRYP by Wyndham in Times Square.”

“Great!, that’s nearby. There is a Shake Shack about halfway, a couple of blocks east. Meet you there?”

“Perfect! Trent yelled over the noise of the shower while he rinsed his whole body, meet you there, I can’t tell you how excited I am to start working.”

(Giggles again.) “Not as much as me, I can tell your hard worker, and if this pans out this is going to be a great relationship… I mean business relationship, see you in a few.”

Just as Trent was about to slide de shower door and step out Cindy ended the call and his music came on again.

When Trent was getting dressed and ready to leave his room, he tried to remember Cindy. The woman he just talked to sounded so much yet so little like the little girl he once knew. Suddenly he was looking forward to meeting her, she sounded smart and fun, and what a great way to start his new life in New York. He grabbed his coat and closed the door behind him.


Cindy was just discovering her entrepreneurial side, just a year ago she had decided to quit touring around Russia for good. She was in her prime but she was also tired of living like a nomad. It had been fun at first, touring so many countries, meeting people, and being admired by so many, but that excitement had worn off many years ago. She still loved dancing, but the environment was becoming toxic to her. The incident with one of the company benefactors was the last drop. She quit the next day, never looked back, and never regretted it. Yet she had made a name for herself that came with great connections, so when she decided to open a dancing studio in New York there was no shortage of clientele.

The studio was growing very fast, so fast that she had to quit being the main instructor to focus more on the administrative side of things, but she still managed to teach a couple classes. She especially loved guiding the kindergarten ballerinas, there was so much genuine joy even though some of the mothers managed to suck all the fun from the little ballerinas by the first year. The `overachiever´ moms.

Some days when work was low she would skip lunch and dance by herself when the studio was empty. She noticed her performance had diminished since she quit the company but she could care less, these little moments were for her and her alone. This evening she was dancing to some Taylor Swift when her phone rang. Strangely enough, it was her mom, she never called at this hour.

“Hi mom, is everything ok?”

“Hi Cin, yeah, everything´s fine, sorry to call you this late.”

“That’s ok Mom, I was just… enjoying flailing around like an awkward stork, as you usually call my dancing.”

“Well stop doing that and practice! You never know when you can get a call back to….”

“Anyway, what’s up Mom?”

She had to interrupt her mother, she loved her but they’d had this same conversation a hundred times. To her mom, the studio was only temporary, a distraction, a hobby, a phase, something to do for the time being, her mom couldn’t understand why she quit so suddenly, she didn’t know… Cindy didn’t want her to know! In her eyes, she was still that little girl with a gift for dancing. It was better this way.

“Well, I got a call from your aunt Meghan, remember your cousin Trent?”


She lied as she felt a rush of warmth creep up her cheeks. Trent had that effect on her, he was the first boy she noticed. She was very fond of those memories. The time he and his mom stayed with them for a week in France. Cindy and her mom moved to Paris to study at the Paris Opera Ballet School. He was there for a martial arts tournament. At first, she was annoyed having them around. He was obnoxious, his jokes were dumb and he smelled funny, after all, he was a boy and she wasn’t used to having one around. Cindy was an only daughter and her dad died in a construction accident when she was only five, that’s why her mom overturned her whole world into her daughter and ballet, and thanks to the insurance money they could afford to live modestly abroad.

She vividly remembered the moment she started crushing on Trent. His mother had invited them to the tournament finals where Trent was to fight a Korean kid, of course Cindy was reluctant, but her mom and aunt insisted. When the fight started she was surprised by the competitors’ movements, it was like a dance, like ballet except more violent. She couldn’t stop watching him, following his gaze as he analyzed his opponent, the power in his pose, the speed of his kicks, the grace in his movements, the first time she noticed more than just an annoying boy, it was her awakening, her first real blush. This was the first time she felt that rush of warmth travel through her body, the first time he caused her pulse to speed up. Yet it was all platonic.

For the next couple of days before they flew back to the States she was so confused, her senses were betraying her, even though she didn’t show it. His dumb jokes started to seem funny, he became interesting, and he even started to smell nice. Yet she didn’t know how to behave around him, she kept acting annoyed but she was more annoyed with herself. Why was she feeling this way? As she started to get used to his presence and even longed to be around him, they left. She was crushed, he was clueless. Her mother noticed

That’s the moment she started noticing other guys, that’s the moment she had the ‘talk’ with her mom about boys and sex. She had a couple of boyfriends after that, none that lasted more than a couple of months. None could compare, none gave her that sensual rush that Trent gave her. They were mostly dancers, guys from her school, after school, she dated guys from the company. The world of dancers was a bubble and the very few things she had in common with these boys were mostly the dancing. That’s probably why every single one of them cheated on her. There was a lot of promiscuity in the ballet world.

Her crush on her cousin seemed to have faded over the years, it was fifteen years ago for god’s sake! but now just hearing her mom mention his name tensed her body again. She felt like an eleven-year-old again, yet she managed to compose herself and hide her nervousness.

She was blushing, even though she could feel it, it was her mom who pointed it out.

“Do you still have a crush on him?”

“No Mom, it’s just… I’m surprised that’s all. It’s been ages since we last saw each other.”

“Well apparently he relocated due to work, but a woman was the real reason. Meg told me they broke up a week ago, so he just packed up and left. She said she was really surprised, they were getting pretty serious.

“Oh my god that’s awful, it must have really hurt him if he just took off like that.”

“Yes, losing someone you love can be devastating.”

Cindy felt the pain in her mothers’ words too. Twenty years later and she still missed her husband.

“Well I gave your number to your aunt to pass along to Trent, he must need a place to live and set up his office, see if you can help your cousin.”

“Ok Mom” – she tried to sound annoyed- “I’ll wait for his call.”

“And maybe you can introduce him to some of your dancer friends.”

“Byyyyeeee Mom!” Cindy interrupted her conversation again. She hated when her mom started meddling in other people’s lives.

The whole afternoon she was a nervous wreck. Why was she feeling so anxious? She hated this feeling, she hated being the girl that clings to the phone waiting for a guy to call, after all, she wasn’t eleven anymore. She was going to take the initiative this time. Yet she paced for a couple of minutes from the kitchen to her room nervously. She asked her mom for Trent`s number on the pretense that she was going to be busy later so she needed to call him right away.

`Why are you so nervous? he is just a guy, your cousin none less, he’s family! Call him already and you might just realize this stupid girl crush has faded away. Time to put it to rest. I`m not just gonna call, I’m going to Facetime him… here it goes´.

“Hi Trent, this is Cind…yyyy,”

She was surprised Trent’s face wasn’t on the screen when he answered. She seemed to be looking into a bathroom, apparently, the phone was aimed at the shower, and the shower appeared to be running. She couldn’t see clearly, the steam was fogging the glass door. Suddenly a silhouette moved. The silhouette was of a man, a tall man washing his hair.

“Oh my god! You are in the shower! I’m sorry, I’ll call back later, I’m sorry.”

She was accidentally peeping on his cousin. Her hormones hit her like dynamite, she suddenly felt like two hundred degrees rise from within, and yet she couldn’t look away, but she was about to hang up when Trent stopped her.

“No, wait! Cindy, I actually was going to call you today but I overslept so was planning on calling you tomorrow morning. I’m very glad you called, I felt it was too late to call tonight.”

Cindy quickly connected the dots and realized he had no idea this was a video call. She felt warmth between her legs. It felt so wrong, yet so hot! Unconsciously she started swaying on her chair rocking her hips very slowly using the kitchen chair as her own personal masseuse.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to call you later? I seem to have caught you at an inconvenient time.”

“Don`t worry Cindy, it`s just a shower, I do this all the time!”

She started feeling bolder and flirtier…

“Really? You get paid for doing this?” She thought about offering a dollar bill like the only time she went to a strip club for a bachelorette party, but she restrained herself biting her lower lip.

“Actually yes haha!… so I´m relocating to New York as you might have already heard, I`m going to set up a branch office here but the decision was taken only a few days ago, it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, so I was wondering if you knew a broker or some Real Estate agency you could recommend? I’m looking for a place to start with 5 to 10 employees and also a place for me to live. Even though the hotel is great for now, I got a suite on the 40th floor and I’m loving the view!”

Cindy was lost in her own view, the tall and toned body of her cousin, his arms raised scrubbing his head, the ‘V’ shape of his back, the small waist, the most voluminous butt she had ever seen and his manhood dangling and flopping between his legs to the rhythm of the scrubbing. She couldn’t believe she was enjoying this so much, her breathing was becoming heavier, the swaying of her hips was increasing, and she could hear the chair start to squeak. ‘What’s wrong with you Cindy? Get a hold of yourself!’.

“Yeah, no kidding… mmm, let me collect my thoughts, that shower is a little distracting. So I think I can help you with both of your needs actually `especially those dangling between your legs she thought´. (Focus!) Last year… (breathe Cindy)… I rented a place, a studio where I started giving some dance lessons and I just learned that some office space next door has been put on the market a couple of days ago. It’s a big open space and I’ve been dangling, sorry, dancing with the idea to lease it, but while the studio is growing I don’t need so much space, so it might be something we could hmm, share, business-wise if that is something you would be willing to consider.”

“So how big are we talking about?”

She couldn’t see his dick clearly because of the steam, just the blurry silhouette. She was enjoying her playful game.

I haven’t been able to take a gook look, but looks pretty big to me… (she was having a blast!) about 1000 square feet.

“You are right, that’s more than enough for both of us.”


“I was actually thinking about taking a look tonight, so if you are up for it we could check it out together. I would just need to call downstairs and let the concierge know, he’s got the keys.”

“That would be great Cindy, let me know the address and I’ll meet you there, I’ll just grab something to eat on the way and meet you there.”

Oh my god, it’s been too long since she felt this aroused.

“Actually the call has gotten me a little hungry, do you mind if I join you?”

“Not at all, but are you sure? I already slept but you must be tired and it probably will take us at least a couple of hours, between pictures and back-and-forth calls with my partners. We could do this tomorrow. I know it’s late, I don’t want to impose ”

“Too late? This is New York City babe! Saying it with an over-accentuated New York accent. So where are you staying?”

She was never this bold or imposing but she felt unusually drawn to him… again.

“At the TRYP by Wyndham by Times Square.”

“Great!, that’s actually close by. There is a Shake Shak a couple of blocks east, Meet you there?”

“Perfect!, Trent yelled over the noise of the shower while he rinsed his whole body, meet you there, I can’t tell you how excited I am to start working.”

Giggles again, not as much as me, I can tell you are a hard worker, and if it pans out, this is going to be a great relationship… business relationship (close one Cindy, too close), see you in a few. Seeing how Trent was about to exit the shower she panicked and ended the call.

What had just happened? She was almost panting, definitely soaked down below. The sudden realization that she would be meeting her lifelong crush just dawned on her. What was she going to wear? Shake Shack?? Too casual?. ‘Cindy, you are a moron.’

She forced herself to think of him as just family, a family member, but ‘what a member!’ Immediately thoughts of the shower inundated her mind. Get dressed Cindy… get… dressed, but first, she needed to call reception to get the keys.


This wasn’t the first time Trent was in New York, he had been here to meet with clients but it was usually only the meeting, maybe some dinner, and a flight back to San Francisco in the morning. Time was spent mostly in hotels and conference rooms. For the first time, he enjoyed walking and taking in the city sights. At night New York City was like a whole different place. San Francisco was no small city but New York had a certain vibrance to it, a very unique ambiance.

He was a little early for his dinner date with Cindy, Date? He shouldn’t be thinking of it as a date, it was just two cousins grabbing a bite. It was hard not to think of Cindy as an uptight little girl, she didn’t seem to be one, he hoped she wasn’t.

There was something about the nightlife, the lights, and the commotion that felt nostalgic, Trent’s mind drifted to Jean and how they used to go out on nights like this. The pain was still there lurking beneath the surface, eating away at his heart like a parasite. ‘God! how he wanted to get rid of her!’

He was already at the door. He decided to check his messages before going in, after all, he was five minutes early, and he liked being early. Product of his service years as a navy seal and his martial arts discipline.

Trent felt a poke on the small of his back tickling him, when he turned, he met two of the most beautiful deep blue eyes he had ever seen. His gaze froze, and his breathing stopped for a second. He was totally taken by surprise by those eyes immediately followed by a beautiful smile that seemed somewhat familiar, `why did he not remember those eyes?´.

“Hi, Trent! It’s been a long time, glad you see you again. You grew like a foot since I last saw you.”

Trent was still gawking at her, plain staring, he didn’t talk, he couldn’t talk. Her smile turned into a smirk but she couldn’t handle it, she looked away, nervous. “I hope this was ok, the Shake Shack I mean, although I think I overdressed.”

With that, Trent snapped out of it.

“Sorry Cindy, I… I’m just surprised, you’ve grown (‘Oh! My god, why was he talking like a caveman?’). “I mean I know you are not eleven anymore, I just… I don’t know what I was expecting, my brain wasn’t ready to see you all grown up.”

“Yeah! I know right, last week I tried my old tutu and it wouldn’t fit anymore, ‘aging’ what a bitch!”

With that, they both laughed, it was a good tension reliever.

“Yes-yes, this is place great, I’m starving.” Said Trent.

Cindy was wearing a black cocktail dress with a very classy V-neck and matching high heels as she nervously gripped a black purse with red accents.

“I’m sorry, I should have realized this is not San Francisco, I should have worn some slacks and shoes instead of jeans and sneakers, I feel so embarrassed right now.”

“Hey cousin, don’t sweat it, this is something I just threw on.” `Horny liar!!´

Well, tell you what, You are all dressed up, so is there a nice restaurant around here we could go to? My treat.

You are right, silly me! This is your first night in New York and I’m taking you to a Shake Shack? So stupid of me. Um, let me think… Mmmm, I know a perfect place, it’s just down the street and you know what? It will be MY treat.

A couple of minutes later they arrived at Keen’s Steak House.


Cindy walked anxiously down the street, wondering if she overdid it with the dress, it was supposed to be a casual meeting, but she couldn’t help fixing herself up to meet him. She wanted to look good, she wanted to feel good even though it wasn’t a date, and she wanted to make a good impression, especially if they would be leasing together.

While she loved the feeling of her satin panties as she briskly walked, she immediately regretted her choice of bra, she was getting used to their new volume. After leaving the company she had put on the missing few pounds that she was not allowed to gain at the company. She was expected to be very very slim, so now she had regained her natural weight and filled her curves. The gain was mostly in her breasts as she noticed that they were bouncing around more than usual as she quickly walked down the street to her meeting with Trent. The men also noticed and while some of them glanced more than usual, others bluntly leered at her figure as she walked by.

She had to cross her arms to feel safer, she hated the extra attention as she walked by herself, she couldn’t get there soon enough.

As she turned the corner, she saw Trent standing by the entrance staring at his phone with his back to her, his beautiful muscular back.

She crossed the street expecting him to spot her at any time. He was wearing sneakers, jeans, and a polo shirt. Now she felt stupid and overdressed, ‘of course, it was a casual meeting!’

When she was right behind him she playfully poked the small of his back and smiled as he turned around.

“Hi, Trent! It’s been a long time, glad you see you again. You grew like a foot since I last saw you”, – she said with a wide smile as she remembered the call earlier. Awkward… Trent wasn’t responding, he looked very surprised, had she changed that much? Of course she did, she was a child when they met.

‘Why was he staring directly at her?’ she felt vulnerable, as if he could see through her eyes, deep into her secrets, all the way into the deepest part of her soul. She felt emotionally bare, bare naked. She couldn’t take it anymore, she looked away as she blushed hoping he didn’t notice her nervousness.

“I hope this was ok, the Shake Shack I mean, although I think I overdressed.” She said, feeling stupid again.

“Sorry Cindy, I… I’m just surprised, you’ve grown.” -she noticed he was stuttering slightly as he tried to respond. “I mean I know you are not eleven anymore, I just… I don’t know what I was expecting, my brain wasn’t ready to see you all grown up.”

‘Oh, my god! He noticed me!’ She thought. She felt her vulnerability start to become desire. Calm down Cindy, he’s your cousin, your tall… strong… hot cousin. Stop crushing like a stupid little girl, you are a grown woman now!

“Yeah! I know right, last week I tried my old tutu and it wouldn’t fit anymore, ‘age’ what a bitch! ‘Oh, my god Cindy! You.. dumb! Her turn to be prehistoric. Mental facepalm.’

Surprisingly Trent laughed, what a great laugh, it seemed to come from genuine surprise, from really deep inside, like he hadn’t laughed in years. She laughed too, she couldn’t help it, his laugh was contagious.

Trent complained about his attire but to her he looked perfect, perfectly tight jeans and a polo, the sneakers… well he got a pass, after all, he was from San Francisco.

“I should have worn some slacks and shoes instead of jeans and sneakers, I feel so embarrassed right now.”

‘Oh Cindy don’t you dare, don’t you dare look down, don’t your dare look at his crotch, don’t stare now!’ Too late, she could feel her nipples turn to diamonds, the fabric of her bra was in peril of being pierced. She had to quickly cross her arms again, this time it wasn’t the men’s fault, well actually it was, one man’s.

“Hey cousin, don’t sweat it, this is something I just threw on.” ‘The pile of clothes thrown around her room said otherwise’.

“Well, tell you what, You are all dressed up, so is there a nice restaurant around here we could go to? My treat.”

“You are right, silly me! This is your first night in New York and I’m taking you to a Shake Shack? So stupid of me. Hmmm, let me think, I know a perfect place and it’s just down the street and you know what? It will be MY treat.”

So I’m I properly dressed for this place?

Yes silly, it’s just a steak house, I’m craving a bone right now… a T-bone she added. She saw another smile form on his face.

A couple of minutes later they arrived at Keen’s Steak House.


They were quickly seated at a table for two. Trent noticed some of the men in the restaurant were glancing their way, he wasn’t surprised, not at all. Cindy was stunning! beautiful in a very classy way, she couldn’t hide her ballerina posture, she had long dark hair tied in a high ponytail that showed her elegant frame. The dress flowed effortlessly accentuating her hourglass figure.

Cindy noticed too but she was a little more used to it, it’s something she learned to live with, especially during the last two years of touring Russia as a Prima Ballerina. Frequently dining in expensive restaurants with rich people, benefactors, contributors, investors, politicians, and sometimes even royalty, important people, important to `some´ people, not to her, she was never comfortable living in that circle of influence but it came with the territory. She just never thought it would cost her an important part of her soul. She briefly remembered the incident with one of the benefactors, she quickly pushed it aside but not before Trent felt the void that suddenly appeared in her eyes.

“What’s wrong Cindy, everything ok?”

“Yes, I just drifted somewhere unpleasant for a second. I’m fine.”

“Guy problems huh, or girls perhaps? He said in a playful tone.”

“Shut up!” -She said smiling as she gave him a little kick right in the shin.

“Aw… aw… I give up” as he raised his hands in surrender. I’m not messing with you anymore, you are all grown up and you are too much for me.”

“I know you are a kickboxing champion but I can kick your ass if I wanted to.”

“I bet”, -faking the pain as he dramatically kneaded his shin.

Suddenly they were behaving like fifteen years ago, like it was just yesterday that he would hide her slippers or knock the headphones off her head.

“Last year when I had just finished a tour in Kyiv, a couple of the main dancers were invited to a formal dinner with Russia´s influential people, a lot of the ballet company benefactors. Being the Prima Ballerina I was `required´ to attend. While it wasn’t a contractual obligation, it was more of a social one.”

She had to stop for a moment to catch her breath.

“I… I`ve never told anyone about this, not my friends, not my mentors, not even my mother.”

Trent suddenly sensed the tension was overwhelming for her as she looked away. He felt her pain and reached to hold her hand.

“I’m sorry I asked something so personal, it’s none of my business and you don’t have to talk about it”.

She quickly looked back at him feeling surprised yet safe in his eyes. Feeling a sense of courage that she hadn’t felt since that day.

“I feel like I can tell you though. So, later I was invited to a private party, again not that uncommon but at this one I was left alone with one of the main benefactors, he started telling me about how my sudden rise to being the main ballerina and my success was due to him and his connections at the ballet company. He said it’s been like that with all the previous prima ballerinas and I should be thankful and good to him. Then he… he… jumped on top of me and started to grope me, first over my clothes then then he put his hand between my… my legs.” Her chin started to quiver, her eyes filled with tears and her throat felt like sandpaper.

‘Why was she telling him this? She just met the guy a few minutes ago? Why was she feeling so safe and protected in his presence?.’

“Did he rape you?” He asked whispering.

“No no, thank god! I panicked and screamed like a maniac! I think that scared him off, I guess he wasn’t used to a woman not complying. So I ran home, and I told no one, I’m not sure if what he said about the other ballerinas was true, it still hunts me. Knowing and accepting this as a way of life? I didn’t sleep that night, it was the hardest decision I ever made but I knew I would never get used to whoring myself. So I quit the next day and came home. Took me a couple of days to get out of bed and a couple of weeks to start rebuilding my life, but here we are, looking at the bright side of things.” She forces herself to smile over the tears. “The new me.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through that, I’m so pissed right now. Sorry if I was such a dumbass by joking about your problems, this is a very serious matter.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s not your fault, it’s all water under the bridge” She said as she squeezed his hand.

“Thank you for listening, I feel like a load has been lifted off my chest.”

Trent instinctively glanced at her chest and Cindy caught it and strangely enough, she didn’t mind.

He let go of her hand as his face turned into a tomato, she had never seen him embarrassed like that, she thought it was cute.

“So shall we order?” Cindy changed the subject as she grabbed the menu.

They ordered their steaks and a bottle of wine and caught up with the past fifteen years of their lives.

“So, what’s going on with you in the love department, anyone missing you back home? Girl problems? Guy problems? She said with a smirk.”

“Touché. Actually, I’m here because my fiancée left me for one of my business partners.” He was surprised how blunt he was about it, he hadn’t even told anyone he was engaged. “It was also Jean’s idea not to tell anyone yet. She was seeing someone else while being in a relationship with me, when I confronted her about it, she said she loved me but she was confused. I loved her, and would have married her if she had chosen me instead right there and then.”

“Seeing someone else? She was cheating on you! She was your girlfriend when you proposed right, were you exclusive?”

“Well… yeah! We never had that conversation, I didn’t think we had to, we were seeing each together for the past two years. She said she was confused because ‘I took too long to pop the question, she wasn’t sure she believed in marriage, she wanted to think about it. I gave her six months to think about it.’

“What!? Look… I don’t know your situation and relationship, I certainly don’t know her either, but that seems too narcissistic on her part, to blame her behavior on you. The nerve on that woman!”

“Hey Cindy calm down, you are getting all riled up, you are getting me all riled up. Anyway grabbed my stuff bought a ticket to NY and here we are.” A tear formed on his right eye and she instinctively leaned forward and caught the tear with her thumb as she caressed his cheek.

They both froze, both of them with a surprised look like deer in the headlights. Blushing, she slowly sit back on her chair as she pretended to fix the hem of her dress while avoiding eye contact.

Trent felt like he was hit with a thousand bolts by her caress, in all the years he knew Jean he never felt something as intimate as he was feeling when Cindy delicately touched his face.

The waiter approached the table with their food and drinks.

“Sir… New York, medium rare. Mam… T-bone medium rare, the waiter said breaking the tension as he poured each a glass of wine.

When the waiter left they looked at each other and smiled as they enjoyed their steaks.


As they entered the office space Trent couldn’t help but be amazed by the view. The space was an open floor concept with windows overlooking the city, he could even see the tree tops of Central Park from this height.

“So, what do you think?”

“I love it, it’s better than I expected.”

Trent immediately started envisioning the spaces he required. “We could put a drywall over here, and cubicles over here, and the cafeteria here, and this corner would be perfect for a conference room.”

Cindy was enjoying so much how Trent was all excited about the place, his mind was going a million miles an hour, it was a sight to behold, like watching a puppy unleashed at the park, she felt like hugging him, but why?

“I’m sorry Cindy, I’m getting over my head here, I don’t even know your space and distribution requirements.”

“All I need is a couple of cubicles for administration purposes, so what you are proposing so far sounds great, I just don’t think I can afford all that just yet.”

“How about this, we can share the reception area. Don’t worry, the company will take care of the construction project, then you can have all this side of the space for office space.”

“Yes! That’s more than enough for us, we’ll have some space to grow also.”

“Then it’s settled, let me make a couple of phone calls and set it up.”

“Perfect, I’ll call the building manager and let him know we’ll take it. Do you mind if I wait for you in my apartment? I need to get rid of these shoes.”

“Go ahead, I’ll meet you there in a few minutes, I just have to talk to the board.”

“Great, it’s apartment 1206, right around the corner.”

She hurriedly went to the apartment to straighten up the place, quickly pick up the clothes she left laying around the apartment, wash a couple of dishes, and prepare a bottle of wine just in case. ´In case of what?´ she thought.

This was the first time she had a man over that wasn’t a parent of her students or one of her friends. She hadn’t dated anyone since the Russia incident, and yet she kept telling herself that she was ok.

Fifteen minutes went by, waiting had never been her forte.

“What the hell…” she mumbled to herself as she popped the cork and poured them both a glass of wine, a very full glass of wine.

“I hope you left some for me too,” Trent said as he walked into the apartment. “We are set, let’s celebrate!” As he approached her, she raised her arms in triumph, and he mistakenly took it as a ‘hug me’ sign. Trent put his arms around her waist and lifted her up to his chest and spun around a couple of times, all excited.

She never considered herself a short woman but her feet were dangling about a foot of the ground. She felt tiny and fragile in his arms yet very warm and secure.

Trent didn’t set her down right away and she wasn’t complaining either. They embraced for several seconds not making eye contact, just riding this feeling of belonging. His chin lightly rested on the top of her head, her mouth and nose caressing the skin between his pecks engulfing his perfume mixed in his own aroma. Their hearts racing, pounding their rib cages like drums before a battle.

Cindy slowly turned to Trent, her eyes half closed, trying to control the beating of her chest, and gave him a little peck on the lips, then pushed herself away from him. He reluctantly complied and set her down.

She had to stumble around to the other side of the counter, her legs trembling as she walked. She had to put some space between them or she would do something so forbidden it was considered taboo in most of the world.

“Ok! I feel like I have to address the elephant in the room, and I don’t mean the trunk that is trying to rip out of your pants” she said as she filled a glass with water and gulped half of it. Her mouth was so dry it felt coarse.

Trent looked down and noticed his constrained erection looking for a weakness in the fabric to break loose.

He awkwardly sat down on one of the bar stools next to the counter to hide his growing erection.

“Sooo… I’ve had a crush on you since I was eleven, I actually thought I was over it, but as you can see I am not, I’m sorry, I don’t want to make it uncomfortable for you. I really… really, want to share the lease with you. We are both adults and I hope this crush of mine doesn’t get in the way of business.

‘Business, that’s right! what were you thinking Trent? She just confided in you that she was assaulted, she is vulnerable and here you are flirting with her, your cousin. God! I hope she doesn’t think I’m taking advantage of her, of her situation for my own benefit!’. “Thank you for being honest with me and I’m sorry if my behavior has been confusing to you, I think it’s sweet and flattering you had a crush on me when we were younger. I’m an emotional mess right now and the last thing I want is to hurt you. You deserve better than that. You are totally right, we are both adults and you can count on me being a gentleman from now on, just business I promise.”

She bit her lip, exactly what she needed to hear but as far away as her heart wanted it to be. She was disappointed but she faked a smile and thanked him.

“Well it’s a little late for me, I’m still in San Francisco time, I better get back to the hotel, thanks for the lovely meal and for confiding in me. I’ll set up a meeting with an architect so we can go over the plans before proceeding with the construction project and I would love your input, would it be alright if I include you in the meeting?.”

“That sounds great.” -she said as Trent turned around to leave.”Hey Trent, thank you for not being weird about my little girl crush.”

“Don’t sweat it, cousin, like I said, I’m flattered. I’ll call you when I have more concrete news about the project.”

‘Cousin?’ the way he said it felt so distant, she felt like the bond that was born that evening suddenly died. She had ‘laid her bed’, now she had to sleep on it. You blew it, Cindy.´


Back in the hotel, Trent lay awake unable to sleep. He couldn’t get Cindy out of his head, the conversations they had that evening were the best he had ever had. Was he also crushing on his cousin? Crushes are normal when you are a kid, but now? What were his feelings for her? Why did he feel this way about her? She was a gorgeous woman, was it an infatuation? was it raw animal attraction? or was it deeper. Was he falling for her?

He tossed around the bed for a couple of hours and he was getting nowhere near to falling asleep. He knew what he had to do, like a teenager Trent grabbed his dick and started stroking it. He knew he had to release the tension and placate his brain, release his thoughts of Cindy, of her cousin. Images of her smile, of her tits, her ass. he imagined himself again in her apartment, approaching her from behind, grabbing her breast, lifting her dress and bending her over the kitchen counter, fucking her from behind as she fights to keep her balance. Her hips would be the perfect place to get a grip and pull her towards him as she moans his name.

Jesus… this was intense! He was nearing the tipping point very fast. His orgasm hits him like never before, the first spurt of cum reaching all the way up to his chest as the next ones hit lower and lower until it oozes on his pelvis. He cleans himself as his breathing returns to normal, finally ready to sleep.

Meanwhile, a couple of blocks away Cindy is touching herself thinking about Trent, imagining she was in the shower with him, she’s on her knees as she sucks his throbbing cock expertly. She is grabbing his butt cheeks, digging her nails into him as he grabs her by the hair and fucks her mouth. He lifts her with ease as he picks up a chair and slides her down his cock, first gently and slowly, only picking up pace as she starts yelling “fuck me Trent”, fuck me, cousin, fuck me hard.

Her orgasm tenses her entire body contorting her torso into an arch, lifting her butt off the bed as she drowns in waves of pleasure again and again until she collapses into the bed several seconds later, sweating and panting, as a tear runs down her cheek realizing how that will never be.


Cindy woke up and kept busy during the morning, she had some work to do before the evening classes, nothing urgent, but she didn’t want to dwell on last night. She hated the way it had ended, she basically told him to keep it in his pants when he was around her.

“So how was your meeting last night, with your cousin?”

The girl across from her desk asked, Cindy had told her she was expecting a call from Trent just as she was leaving yesterday. The topic that she had been avoiding all morning was back to haunt her.

“It was good yet, awful.”

“Why?” Sophie asked as she multitasked her emails away. She was a former ballet dancer like Cindy, like a big sister, but she retired three years before her. When she learned through Cindy`s social media that she was opening a school, she immediately contacted her and asked for a job interview. She was hired on the spot, and Cindy was aware of her work ethic, her honesty, and smartness. Se felt so lucky to have her join the academy.

“The business side of things was great, we are leasing the space next door, but personally it was…”

Sophie sensing distress in her voice stopped typing and turned to Cindy giving her complete focus.

“What happened exactly last night? Are you ok? Did he hurt you?”

“No-no!, it wasn’t like that, he is pretty great. Actually… I hurt myself.”

“He? Pretty great? What are you not telling me then?”

If Cindy could confide in someone it was Sophie, so she decided to come clean.

“Remember that crush I told you I had fifteen years ago?”

“Yeah, the `karate kid´, I remember.”

“Well, It’s him.”

“Oh my god girl,” Sophie said as she approached Cindy and sat down next to her.

“So… elaborate woman!”

“I think I might have kissed him.”


“Yes, yes… I screw up… I´M SCREWD UP!”

“Hang on honey… Let me get this straight, you met your childhood crush last night, he happens to be your cousin and you kissed him? Oh, my god woman, you are sooo baaad!”

“I know!, anyway I freaked out after the kiss and practically told him the lease was too important to screw up, so I asked him to forget about it.”

“Are you nuts? You finally found someone you like in years and you cockblock yourself?”

“I’m a mess!” Cindy started crying as Sophie got up and hugged her.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know he meant so much to you, I thought you were just horny.”

Cindy chuckled a little as she said “But I was!, I AM!!” The two girls laughed.

“So this isn’t too weird for you? me having the `hots´ for my cousin…

“I mean…It’s weird as hell! Just kidding! I think it’s more common than you think, I fooled around with a couple of my distant cousins while growing up. I think it’s so socially frowned upon, at least here in the West, that we end up avoiding it when we grow up. Not many keep the feeling alive. So tell me, is he cute?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe, he is a hunk.”

Suddenly her phone buzzed. “Speak of the devil”. It was cousin Trent.


When Trent woke up he was pitching a tent with the bed sheets so he went to the hotel gym to burn some of that `incestual longing´. He still couldn’t take his mind off of his cousin Cindy. After his shower and another jerk-off session, he left the hotel. He contacted the architect, the bank, the lawyer, and the contractor, yet he kept coming back to Cindy`s contact on his phone.

He wanted to see her again, he wanted to be with her, make her laugh again, he realized he was no longer thinking about Jean. Just a few hours with Cindy and already they could not compare, Cindy was so much… more!

After finishing his last call of the morning with his associates back in San Francisco, he abandoned any restraint and called Cindy.

Cindy picked up the phone, and Sophie lingered with her ear close to the device.

“Hi Trent, long time no see.”

“Too long, tell me about it.”

Cindy blushed, he was flirting with her. She could sense the feeling was mutual.

“How was your first night in New York?”

“After last night I could barely shut my eyes.”

By this time Sophie was excitedly jumping up and down next to Cindy.

“Me too. I was afraid I was the only one afflicted with tachycardia last night, I could barely sleep.”

“Well, I hope you are not too tired to have lunch with me.”

Cindy quickly glanced at Sophie who was grinning and nodding like a maniac.

“I… I think I can do that.”

She was nervous and Sophie wasn’t making it any easier as she was bouncing all around the office.

“What do you have in mind?”

How about we try again the ‘Shake and shag’, I mean Shack.

“Shaggadelic baby!” immediately regretting the words as they came out of her mouth, ‘You are so lame, Cindy’. Sophie had stopped jumping and was covering her own mouth with her hands, astonished her friend quoted Austin Powers while flirting.

Trent could not help but burst out laughing, Cindy was grabbing her forehead ashamed of herself, she was a ‘klutz’ when it came to flirting.

“So it’s a date then, see you at 1:00 pm?”

“Perfect, I`ll be there.”


It was noon and Trent was already feeling hungry and impatient. He figured he could treat her to lunch this time and surprise her by dropping by her apartment with the burgers.

He got the burgers, some fries, and a couple of ice creams. A few minutes later he was at the front door of the building with no way of going in. `Really smooth Trent, so much of a surprise, now you’ll have to call her’. As he was about to dial, a cute redhead opened the door walking out. When she saw him with the shake shack bags she asked “Are you Trent?”

“Yes, and you must be Cindy’s assistant. Nice to meet you.”

“Hi, I’m Sophie. Nice to meet you too. Go ahead, Cindy is upstairs, here, have my key, and let yourself in.”

“Are you sure? Thanks.”

“Yes, you can leave it on the counter, I have a spare key in case of emergencies and would you mind giving her a message from me.”

“Name it”

“Tell her she was right”. Cindy was right, he was a hunk in a nerdy kinda way. Tall, strong, not buff but very athletic with sharp eyes. `Those eyes are about to have a treat she thought. You can thank me later Cindy’.

“You got it. Nice to meet you too Sophie.”

Trent walked into the apartment and he called Cindy. There was no answer. He reached the kitchen and wondered if he was invading her privacy.

He heard some stomping coming from the dance floor. He walked over to the other side of the apartment. The dance floor was about the size of a tennis court with handrails all around. The wall that separated the dance area from the apartment was glass from floor to ceiling with a door on the near corner.

In the middle Cindy was dancing with her eyes closed as she listened to her AirPods gliding around the dance floor as she performed a choreography she seemed to have memorized by heart long ago.

Her hair was tied into a bun, she was wearing what appeared to be a black leotard with spaghetti strings on the shoulders and a black skirt. He kept waving every time she turned in his direction but her eyes were always shut, and the dance floor had very bright lights while the rest of the apartment was dimmed down.

Trent was mesmerized by Cindy’s performance. He had never been a fan of ballet but seeing her dance so passionately stirred feelings of joy and admiration for her craft. The precision of her movements, the energy that flowed like waves through her body, the power in her legs, her beautiful toned legs, her breast fighting to catch up with the rest of her body.

She froze in the last pose as the choreography seemed to come to an end, perfectly timed with the ending of the song, she stood up and opened her eyes.

Trent froze in place thinking he had been busted admiring her performance, but as she looked in his direction she didn’t seem to acknowledge his presence as he was standing right up to the glass, he realized the glass must be a one-way mirror. She couldn’t see him. He wondered if it was designed that way to avoid distractions and for the parents to be able to watch the class.

Cindy approached the mirror wall right where Trent was standing, but he didn’t move. Then she got her foot on the railing at a ninety-degree angle from the other leg and bent over until her head was resting on her knee and her hands were pulling on her toes stretching her tight muscles. Then she moved her foot from the railing to the mirror and started sliding it upward, her legs parting inch by inch until her leg was over her head not realizing she was full spread inches away from Trent.

Seeing her exposed like that was giving him another hard-on. He stared at the crotch of her garment, He realized she was not wearing a leotard, that was a tank top and a loose skirt and he was staring at her panties, fully stretched. He could see she was totally shaved as her labia were perfectly contouring the almost see-through fabric.

As she was repeating the process with the other leg she appeared to notice the food aroma.

“Sophie, is that you?” She leaned on the mirror wall and with her hands boxed her eyes to block the bright lights so she could see through the glass.

Trent startled and jumped back, tripping into a chair and falling backward, hitting his head on the floor with a thud. As he started to open his eyes Cindy was already next to him.

“Oh my god Trent, are you ok?”

She had run out of the dance room as soon as she heard the commotion of furniture being crushed and sprawled all over.

He fought through the pain as he stumbled to get up. “I was witnessing heaven and my thoughts brought me crashing down to earth.” He said with a dizzy voice.

“How did you get in?”

“I was going to call you at the entrance of the building but I met your assistant downstairs, she gave me her key and said to let myself in. By the way, she asked me to tell you that you are right or something like that, can’t think straight now.”

With a smirk, she said, “How long have you been here Mister?”

“A couple of minutes,” he said as he winced when he touched the back of his head.

“Why didn’t you knock and let me know you were here, we were supposed to meet at the restaurant, why didn´t you call me when you got in?” Cindy´s scare was wearing off, turning into concern.

“I didn’t call you because I wanted to surprise you, and I did `call for you´ when I entered but you didn’t answer, then I saw you dancing and was mesmerized.”

“So you helped yourself into a peep show?”

“I… I didn’t know you were gonna do that, you are very nimble by the way” he said as he felt his hand warm only to realize he was bleeding.

“Hang on, ill be right back, you are bleeding” The cross-examination was going to have to wait. She left for a minute and came back with a first aid kit… still blushing from his previous comment.

“Let me clean the wound and see if we’ll net to get you to a hospital for stitches.”

“I’m sure it’s not that bad, just give me that stapler over there.” He said as he pointed to the little desk in the corner where Sophie worked.

“Calm down tough guy” She helped him up and sat him on the unbroken chair. She walked over to his backside and started cleaning the wound with some gausse.

“I’m sorry for all this mess, I’ll get you some new chairs.”

“Nah! Don’t worry about it, they are pretty old and I have plenty”

While she was cleaning the wound she asked him.

“Where… where you standing by the glass the whole time?”

“Yeah, right next to it! Heaven, remember?”

She turned red and applied more pressure.

“Ouch!, I guess I deserved that.”

She smiled. “I’m having second thoughts about that stapler right now. Ok, lucky for you, the wound is small and shallow. I’ll close the wound with butterfly stitches, some gauze, and bandages and you’ll be `peeping´ again in no time.

`Busted´ He half smiled and a dimple appeared next to his mouth.

By the way, I don’t usually dance in plain clothes, even less with a skirt, but I had time to kill and the apartment was supposed to be empty after Sophie left.” She said with a shy voice and avoiding eye contact.

“I’m really sorry about that. After last night I needed to see you again and this morning I wanted to surprise you.”

“Thank you for the gesture but from now on chocolates or flowers will suffice.”

“Well, I didn’t bring flowers but I brought burgers, let’s eat, I need to recover some blood loss.”

“Well, I’m done with the bandage… mummy head.”

“I hope that’s not the last thing you wrap around my head.”

She tried to reply, but she was too shocked to respond, she couldn’t think of anything witty, she was left agape as Trent walked to the kitchen with a wide grin.


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