Dating a Porn Actress Pt. 09

An adult stories – Dating a Porn Actress Pt. 09 by MidwestConnection,MidwestConnection “So what do you think of this location?” Christy asked.

This was one of a thousand questions Christy was asking me concerning our future wedding. Most of the time I would nod my head yes without a whole lot of discussion. In the back of my mind I was thinking why don’t we just go to Vegas and get married. But Christy had other ideas. Originally she wanted a small wedding here in L.A., but now it had morphed into something a lot bigger.

In my opinion, this wedding is something for Christy, Emily, and Lisa to work on. It’s not that I don’t care, but I’m not a detail person. So what if it’s a chocolate or a vanilla cake. Christy and I had long talks about the wedding. At first she thought I was being dismissive, but once I explained to her my thoughts, she was a lot more understanding about my position. Yet even while planning a wedding, there was a whole lot more going on.

Christy and I went ring shopping. Not surprisingly, she picked it out without any input from me.. She knows what she wants, and she is very much the dominant one in our relationship. Yet before we get married, I wanted to take her to Chicago to meet my Mom, and the rest of my family. I talk to my mom often, yet not so much to my brother and sister. We all have our own lives. They both have kids and are very much settled.

We arranged to go to Chicago in July. I was a bit nervous. I knew everyone in my family would love Christy and Emily, but I wasn’t sure how to handle Christy and mine’s career choice if it were to come up, which I thought there may be a possibility. I talked to Christy about it a lot. We could lie about it, but a little internet searching and it wouldn’t take someone long to find out that Christy owned Delmark, and what exactly Delmark does. Also, I was now working for Delmark, and my name was associated with the company too.

The three of us decided to play down our work lives while visiting Chicago. It worked out wonderfully. No one in my family was any wiser. My brother, sister, and their spouses were stunned by Emily and Christy’s beauty, but they never once put two and two together. We stayed in a hotel, so during our trip we mainly chit chatted, and went out to dinner. It was a special time reconnecting with my siblings, their spouses, and their kids. Because I had lived in Denver for so long, we weren’t nearly as close as we probably should be.

My mom is getting up there in years, but still lives on her own. I know she was impressed with Christy and Emily, and she was very happy to see me too. I told her that we’d get her to L.A. for the wedding next year. That made her very happy. My Mom is a very independent person, and I’m very much like her in so many ways. We stayed in Chicago for a week. I’m proud that my family seemed to accept Christy and Emily, but I do wonder if they ever found out exactly what we were up to in L.A., if they would have a change of heart.

We were staying at a nice hotel, and because it was hot, we invited everyone to the hotel to go swimming. Luckily both Christy and Emily brought very conservative swimsuits. Yet as conservative as Christy’s suit was, you could still tell she had a nice set of boobs. I wonder if anyone in my family noticed?

Of course, staying with Emily and Christy in a hotel room, something was bound to happen. Christy and I shared a bed, and Emily had her own. On our second night in Chicago, I received a blowjob from Christy and Emily, and I eventually had sex with both of them that night. It was a fun time for all of us in Chicago.

The flight back to L.A. was even eventful. Christy and I sat next to each other, while Emily sat in a seat across the aisle from us. Next to her seat sat a very pretty woman. Emily talked to her throughout the flight. Emily kept looking at Christy and me, smiling like she was up to something. It turns out that Emily had traded information with the young woman, and that she might call Emily within the next few days while visiting L.A.

So Christy had made her big return to acting. Actually, it was a small scene, and one of many that were probably shot that same day throughout the U.S. But Christy enjoyed it. Kind of surprisingly, it didn’t bother me watching her get it on with another guy, and even a young one at that. A week after shooting the scene, she got a call from the director asking her to take part in another shoot. A kind of “part II” to the first scene.

During that time, Christy received a copy of the final edit of the first shoot. It was good. The production wasn’t 100%, but it was good enough. Christy looked wonderful. Her makeup, hair, and clothes were perfect. And so was her acting. Even though the lines were improvised, the whole “aunt/nephew” dialog was pretty convincing. Brad and Danny made Christy look and appear special. Christy really appreciated their efforts. Because of the care they took in making her look good, she willingly agreed to a second shoot.

Yet this time I didn’t accompany her to the hotel where they were shooting the scene. It was the same crew, so I was comfortable with Christy going by herself. Christy was a bit coy when I asked her about the shoot. She said she wanted to surprise me when she received the edited copy. Sure enough, about a week later she pulled it up on the computer.

Again she was playing the “aunt” character, and it was more or less the same scenario as the first one, except that she was more forceful in her acting, and in her fucking. Just watching her fuck on a computer got me so hard. In the first shoot, especially compared to the second shoot, you could see some nervousness in Christy. Definitely not this time.

Even though she was happy with her performance, she said this was the last time she was going to work with Brad and Danny. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy herself, she just wanted to do something different. Maybe work with a different director.

The wedding plans continued along even though there was no date. And there was no date because there was no location yet. Christy is usually right on top of things, and gets things done in a hurry, but the wedding plans were taking longer than expected. I wouldn’t be surprised if I was told we were going to Vegas to get married just to avoid all the headaches of planning a large wedding..

Since she had a lot of work to do at Delmark, Christy wasn’t exactly looking for work in front of the camera. She was just going to see what would come her way, and participate in something if it interested her. Yet after the first two shoots, it wasn’t long before word got out, and she started receiving calls about doing more shoots.

Two nights after we returned from Chicago, she got a call from Dustin and Cindy. They were the couple Christy had sex with at their house, and without my “permission.” The whole thing had really upset her, but I had totally gotten over it. Their company, RNT, shot a lot of porn, and they used Delmark girls. This kind of put Christy in a tough spot. She didn’t think she could really say no to their offer because they hired so many Delmark clients.

It’s not like their offer was bad to begin with. The problem for Christy is that she’d have to work directly for them, and who knows what that may lead to. I don’t think she was wanting to have sex with them in any capacity after what happened last time. Yet none of what went down was their fault per se.. It wasn’t a power play on their part at all. They just thought she was hot and wanted to have sex with her. I think in the back of her mind she thinks she cheated on me with them, and therefore she wanted to distance herself from them. Yet I knew it was no one’s fault. I didn’t feel hurt in any way by the so-called “affair.”

Working with Cindy and Dustin was going to put Christy on an entirely new level in the porn business. The two scenes she shot with Danny and Brad were small- time compared to working with Cindy and Dustin. Their movies, and the actors who star in them get nominated for awards. If all went well, or bad depending on how one looked at it, Christy could find herself becoming a famous porn star very quickly. Did she want to be “famous?” Would her new notoriety hurt Delmark in any way? Or could it actually help Delmark?

Dustin and Cindy didn’t want to pressure Christy, but they said there might be a perfect part for her in a production that was going to shoot a month from now. Once hearing the details, Christy was excited about it. She wanted to work with the other actors who were already casted, and she told them that she’d get back to them later in the week once she decided if she was going to do it or not.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t tell her exactly what to do. There might be other parts for her in the future with RNT if she didn’t accept this one, but then again maybe not. One reason she was excited about the offer was because all of RNT’s productions were top-notch. Not that Danny and Brad didn’t try, but her two scenes were shot in a hotel with limited means. This was a big decision for Christy. Working with RNT was more than getting your toes wet.

Meanwhile, while she was working on wedding/making porn plans, Emily received a call from the girl she met on the flight back from Chicago. It turns out her name is Allison, and she’s from Chicago. She was on the flight to visit so she could visit a friend who lives in L.A. Emily told her exactly what she did for a living, and asked Allison if she had any interest in the adult business.

Emily told her to look at the Delmark website, and to give her a call if she had any questions. It turns out that Allison not only looked at the website, but also filled out the preliminary information on the site. Because she was in L.A. for a short time, Emily wanted to meet with her before she flew back home to Chicago.

It was around noon when Emily, Allison, and her friend Liz introduced themselves to me while I was doing a light cleaning in the pool area. Both Allison and Liz were hot. They were dressed to impress too. Both of them were in their early twenties. Of course I remembered Allison from the flight.

Allison was wearing a blouse that showed some cleavage while wearing some very short shorts. Liz was wearing shorts too, but not nearly as revealing as Allison’s. She too had a bit of cleavage, and both were heavy on the makeup. After a brief introduction, Emily took them both to the office so they could get started with the interview.

Unfortunately, a lot of women flake out after filling out the preliminary information on the Delmark website. It’s understandable. It’s a big decision to show the world your ability to fuck and to get guys off on camera, whether in a movie or camming. Hence, girls aren’t usually brought to the Delmark office unless they’ve truly committed to becoming an actress. That’s why being able to work the phone after the preliminary forms are filled out is so important. It’s at that point a girl will actually decide to do it or not.

Emily, Amanda, and especially Christy are excellent at getting girls to commit via the phone. By the time they make it to the Delmark offices, or finalize the contracts, they’re already “all in.” Yet sometimes they do back out at the last minute. We don’t like it, but it’s a free country, and if they don’t think it’s for them, that’s ok.

Because of Allison’s and LIz’s demeanor, I presumed that Allison was really serious about it. But I was surprised to learn that both of them were thinking about becoming Delmark clients.

I didn’t see them leave the wing to head home after their interview with Emily and Amanda. After they left, Emily texted me to come to the office.

When I walked into the wing, Emily and Amanda filled me in on what happened. Apparently, Emily was talking to Allison about Delmark, and what would be expected. Liz was listening in on the conversation, and at some point she decided that she’d like to be an actress and be represented by Delmark. It was a double score for Emily.

Emily directed me to her computer to show me some photos that she took of both Liz and Allison. They both looked beautiful. Yet what was more beautiful was seeing Emily so elated at signing not just one, but two girls to Delmark. All because of a flight from Chicago to L.A. For Emily, not only was she proud of herself, but she knew her Mom would be proud of her too.

“Alright Brian,” Christy said. “I have to get an answer to Dustin and Cindy at RNT.”

“Like I said earlier Christy, I can’t make that decision for you. I could go either way with it. If you go to work for RNT, there could be some real consequences for you. Good and bad. I know Emily thinks it’s ok, and of course Lisa is a no, but it comes down to you.” I replied.

“Damn, I don’t know Brian. Plus with the wedding and everything. I want to, but there’s a voice inside my head saying this may not be the right time.”

“Ok Christy, here’s an idea. It’s going to sound stupid, but flip a quarter. If it’s heads, you tell them yes,if it’s tails, you tell them no.”

Christy looked at me like I was an idiot, then turned around and opened her purse. I couldn’t believe it. She was making a major career and life decision relying on a flip of a coin. We were both laughing as she flipped the quarter. Afterwards, she picked up her phone and was suddenly waiting for someone to pick it up.

“Hello Cindy? This is Christy. I’m fine, thanks for asking. I want to let you know that I’m in. I want to do it. As a matter of fact, I can’t wait.”

This may sound strange, but I was happy for Christy because I know this decision made her so happy. I gave her a congratulatory hug. A hug to celebrate her decision to fuck a guy on video. In actuality, this was her chance to possibly fulfill a dream. A dream that she had never told me in so many words. A dream to be a famous porn actress. Oh boy! (By the way, I never actually saw the results of the coin toss)


There are a couple of great things about the porn business. Obviously there’s some bad things too, but one of the great things for the actors and actresses is that they can make good money really quickly. And because of camming, striping, and video, there is a lot of work out there for someone who is willing to shed their clothes.

And the mission of Delmark is to make that happen. In the case of Allison and Liz, that’s exactly what occurred. Allison was only in L.A. for the week, and she made the most of it. Three days after visiting with Emily, Allison shot her first scene with a producer friend of Christy’s. Both Emily and Liz were there on set to watch her perform. Emily was very excited about Allison’s performance. She invited Liz and Allison over to the house that evening to celebrate.

Luckily we found a delicious Chinese take-out place nearby, hence me, Christy, Emily, Lisa, Allison, and Liz sat around the living room eating, chatting about Allison and Liz’s experiences from earlier today. Emily is so much like her Mom. She can make friends so easily, which she had done with Liz and Allison.

“I know I signed up,” commented Liz with a smile. “But after watching Ally today, I’m not sure I could do it. It’s a lot more real when seeing it in person than watching it on a computer.”

“Oh come on Liz,” said Allison. “Like I said earlier, it was fun. That was the best job I’ve ever had.” Her comment made us all laugh.

“Seriously, ” she continued. “It really was fun. I’m not going to lie. I was nervous at first, but everyone was so cool and nice. I think I was more embarrassed doing it in front of you and Emily than anything else.”

“We said we’d go to the other room,” interjected Emily. “You were a real pro, especially this being your first time.”

“This was her first time in front of a camera!” exclaimed Liz. “This definitely wasn’t her first time.” We all caught the inside joke. I guess I’m stereotyping, but Liz and Allison, despite their age, had definitely been around the block.

We continued discussing everything that went down today with Liz, Allison, and Emily. Maybe it was because of the day’s excitement that Christy and Lisa weren’t saying much. Of course I knew that Christy had told Lisa about going to work for RNT. Their discussion may have still been lingering, hence why Lisa and Christy were so quiet during dinner.

Lisa of course is Christy’s best friend. And Lisa wasn’t excited about Christy getting in front of the camera again at this point in her life. And now that she was going to work for RNT, which could possibly bring a lot of exposure, I believe Lisa was even less enthusiastic about Christy working in front of the camera.

I wish I could say after dinner we all got naked and started fucking, but that wasn’t the case. We all chatted for a while, but Lisa, Liz, and Allison were all gone by nine. Usually when Lisa leaves the house, she always gives Christy a hug and a kiss, but this time she left with a quick goodbye. I knew something was wrong.

“So what’s up?” I asked Christy after Emily went to her room, leaving Christy and me alone in the kitchen.

“What do you mean?” replied Christy.

“You and Lisa had an argument, didn’t you?”

Christy stood there for about five seconds just staring at me before her eyes began to well up with tears. I walked over and gave her a hug.

After she calmed down a bit, she said “Brian, she doesn’t want me to work for Dustin and Cindy. Especially after what happened between me and them that night. Plus she doesn’t like the idea of me shooting porn altogether. I’m not exactly sure what’s her problem. I don’t know why she seems to hate Cindy and Dustin so much. Plus, she’s fine with anyone else fucking on film, so why not me?”

We made some more small talk before heading to bed. As I was getting ready to fall asleep, I had an epiphany. I turned to Christy to explain what I was thinking.

“Hey, I think I know what it is with Lisa.”

“Oh, really? Go ahead,” Christy replied..

“So hear me out. As you know, Lisa and I are really close. Don’t take this wrong, but if I wasn’t dating you, I’d be dating her.” Christy smiled when I said that.

“Lisa and I usually talk about everything. But I got to thinking that she hasn’t talked to me about you, Dustin, or Cindy. And she hasn’t said anything to me about you acting again. You know what I think this whole thing with Lisa might be about?”

Christy laid next to me in bed silently, waiting for an answer.

“I wonder if she’s afraid that by you shooting porn again, and especially with RNT, that it might screw up our relationship, which could possibly affect my relationship with her?”

Christy began to nod her head as I continued.

“You have to remember, Lisa’s had several failed relationships. And I’m sure her porn career had some part to play in it. And I know that infidelity definitely played a part too. I bet she’s afraid that what you’re doing might break us apart.”

Right then Christy gave me a smile, then a kiss. I could see the stress right at that moment drain out of her face.

“Oh my God Brian, you’re right.” she said. “But what I don’t get is she knows we’re getting married. She has to know that you love me, and that I love you.”

“You’re right,” I replied. “But maybe she needs to hear it from the both of us? That we’re both cool with your decision about you getting back in front of the camera, and that there are no hard feelings about your interlude with Dustin and Cindy.”

“You do realize that you’re not only marrying me, but you’re also marrying Lisa and Emily to a certain extent?” I didn’t even answer. I was all for it.

We both fell asleep knowing that tomorrow we were going to have a sit-down conversation with Lisa.


After work, Christy and I drove over in the Corvette to Lisa’s. She greeted Christy and me with a hug, and we immediately went to her kitchen table to have a talk. Wouldn’t you know it? I was totally correct when it came to what Lisa was concerned about.

She said she was pissed at Christy for going behind my back with Dustin and Cindy. She continued by saying that infidelity amongst a host of other issues had ended both of her marriages. Lisa made a point to Christy to mention how special I was, and that she loved me as much as she loved Christy.

I knew Lisa and I were tight, but it was nice to hear just the same. Christy was in complete agreement with Lisa, and mentioned to her that she and I were on the same page concerning her reentry into making porn, and the Dusty/Cindy affair. I completely sided with Christy.

It was great to hash things out. I couldn’t ask for a better friend than Lisa. Plus I got to have sex with her occasionally. Who could ask for more?

We got up from the table, joined in a quasi group hug, then were packing up to leave to go to dinner. Right then the doorbell rang. Much to my surprise and delight, it was Nick and Jennifer, Lisa’s neighbors. They were at the house warming party we threw last summer. To Lisa’s, Christy’s, and my amazement, the conservative couple took off their clothes and got in the pool. At the time, and even today, all three of us were stunned.

“We saw your car Christy, so we thought we’d stop by and say hi,” Jennifer said smiling. “It’s so great to see you and Brian again. How’ve you both been?”

“Fine,” replied Christy. “We just stopped by to take Lisa out to dinner.”

“Hey, you wouldn’t mind if Nick and I joined you guys would you? We just got off work, and we’re starving.”

“Sure, I guess,” stated Christy while staring at Lisa and me, looking a bit perplexed.

“Can’t wait. Nick and I can meet you at the restaurant in a bit. I need to go home and change clothes.”

“Fine,” said Christy. “Meet us at the one off Rosecrans, at Pioneer.”

“Oh, we’ve been to that one. It’s good. We’ll see you shortly.” With that they said goodbye and headed back across the street.

As soon as Lisa, Christy, and I got into Lisa’s car to head over, we immediately started talking about Jennifer and Nick.

“I think I’ve said hi to them maybe a half dozen times since the pool party, but we’ve never brought it up,” exclaimed Lisa.

“They just don’t seem like the type to get into a pool with a bunch of strangers without clothes,” replied Christy. “Besides that one couple fucking on the recliner, those two may have been one of the biggest surprises from the party,” she continued.

“Do they have any idea what we do Lisa? I know I’ve never told them. I guess we’ll have to watch what we say at dinner. This should be fun,” Christy said sarcastically.

“It’s ok Christy. Calm down,” Lisa exclaimed with a smile on her face. “No, I have not told them. They don’t even know exactly where I work. It’s no big deal. They’re cool. Let them find out. Who knows, this might be a fun night.”

Lisa continued by saying, “Gee Christy, all they have to do is an internet search. Maybe they already have. Once you do that movie for RNT, it won’t take much searching on the net to find you.”

Lisa was right. Once Christy makes that movie, she’ll definitely lose her anonymity. Even though she uses the name Tiffany Lauden, thanks to the net, it’s easy to cross reference names.

If Christy was nervous or worried, she never showed it. I’m curious to hear if they ask Christy what she does for a living, and if she’s going to say she’s a consultant, the owner of Delmark, or an adult actress? I guess it depends on how many margaritas she has in her. If she says adult actress, that’s going to make for an interesting situation.

I know Nick is in his upper thirties, and I assume Jennifer is around the same age. They both work for energy companies in L.A., and I’m pretty sure they make really good money. Yet they just don’t advertise it. I’m not sure why they don’t have kids. The subject never came up the few times Nick and I hung out together in his garage. Being their neighbor, Lisa is much closer to both of them. It was because of her that they were invited to the housewarming party in the first place.

They’d be considered your typical D.I.N.K.’s couple, but both of them are very nice and pleasant. Before the party, I would definitely think of them as introverts, but after removing their clothes to swim, I was a bit confused, and so were Christy and Lisa. We would never have expected them to do that kind of thing. Nick is a native of L.A., and I’m not even sure where Jennifer grew up.

Both of them would be thought of maybe as plain looking. Jennifer is attractive with her fairly short curly hair and white skin. She smiles a lot, and her body looks fine with

clothes, and even better without them. It was a nice surprise. Nick is close to 6′ with a medium build. He’s not fat, but he certainly doesn’t work out.

Christy, Lisa, and I had just ordered drinks when Nick and Jennifer arrived.. They seemed to be excited to eat dinner with us. And I soon found out why. They were both ecstatic about what they saw at the party.

While all of us were talking, and eating chips and salsa, a door was opened when I said the last time that I saw the two of them was at the party. They both instantly smiled when I mentioned the party.

“I can’t believe we got into the pool,” said Jennifer. “Nick talked me into it. It did look like fun, plus it was warm outside. By the way, what about that couple who were having sex? I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was so….”

“Hot?” Christy exclaimed, finishing Jennifer’s thoughts.

Jennifer’s smile even got bigger when Christy responded. She continued smiling while recounting what she saw and did at the party. I, along with Nick, was enjoying listening to Jennifer recount the night’s events. She, being more outspoken between the two, continued with her questions.

“Who was the younger girl who was hanging out with your daughter? She looked like a wild child. I think she was having sex in the pool with that really good looking guy.”

After a little thought, Lisa spoke up and said “Oh, you probably mean Karina and Wally. Yeah, I saw them too. You’re right, she’s definitely wild. And he is so good looking. Plus he’s a really nice guy.”

“How do you know all these people?” Jennifer asked while looking at all three of us. She ran her eyes back and forth between Lisa, Christy, and me, waiting for an answer.

Right then the server came with our dinner. We took a brief break from our conversation with Nick and Jennifer while we each took our first bites of food.

Lisa mentioned how delicious her dinner tasted when Jennifer asked again how we knew everyone at the party.

“Mostly from work, I guess,” said Christy.

“Where do you work?” asked Jennifer.

Jennifer and Nick both had a look of curiosity on their faces as Christy, Lisa, and I began to laugh. I could tell by Christy’s demeanor that she was probably going to tell them the truth, when all of the sudden, Lisa chimed in.

“Christy owns a company called Delmark, and Brian works for her. It’s a talent agency, plus she also does some part time acting in her spare time.”

Oh shit I thought. Christy’s eyes got really big when looking directly at Lisa. Lisa was on her way to rat Christy out. Lisa again was about to say something when Jennifer, totally innocent like, asked Christy if she had ever acted in something that she’d be familiar with.

Now Nick and Jennifer looked really puzzled when the three of us started laughing uproariously. Christy stopped laughing long enough to tell Jennifer and Nick she probably didn’t think so, but that she had recently done a little acting, and had a big part coming up in a movie that was soon to be made.

“That’s so exciting!” quipped Jennifer. “What’s the name of the movie?”

Again, we were all still laughing.

“Go ahead Christy, tell them the name of the movie,” a laughing Lisa said.

“I don’t think there’s a title for it yet, Lisa. You know a lot of times the actors don’t even know the name of the movie until it comes out,”.

“Really?” said Nick. “That seems kind of weird.” Christy knew she had been caught in a lie.

At this point, neither Jennifer or Nick had a clue as to what was so funny, or the type of movie we were referring to was a porno.

“What’s it about?” Jennifer, always inquisitive, wanted to know.

“That’s a great question?” Christy said while pressing her lips, trying to quell her laughing.

“Christy, will you have to do anything physical for the movie?” Lisa wanted to know.

Christy gave Lisa that “you bitch” kind of look. It was so funny because Jennifer and Nick couldn’t figure it out.

“Not EXACTLY Lisa. Nothing like all the physical things you used to perform when you were an actress.” exclaimed Christy.

Oh crap. Lisa and Christy are going at it now.

“You were an actress Lisa?” asked Jennifer. “That is so exciting. I had no idea. You never told me that. Were you ever on a TV show or in a movie?”

Now both Lisa and Christy were looking at each other like they were both about ready to go at it. I should have kept my mouth shut, but I couldn’t help it when I said, “Tell Nick and Jennifer about the movies both of you were in together. I know they’d love to hear about it.”

While Nick and Jennifer were both smiling, waiting for an answer, Lisa and Christy turned their angry looks on me. The margaritas were having an effect.

“That was SO long ago Brian, they don’t want to hear about that,” said Lisa.

“Yeah we do. Tell us,” demanded Jennifer.

“Sure they do Lisa,” I said.

“Alright. You’re an asshole by the way Brian. I love you, but you are such an ass at times,” said Lisa.

Lisa started to speak quietly, forcing Jennifer and Nick to lean over the table so they could hear her.

“So when Christy and I were younger, and I mean much younger, we came out to L.A. to become actresses. And sure enough, we did. Just not conventional actresses if you know what I mean?

Lisa was waiting for Jennifer and Nick to catch on to the sarcasm, which they didn’t appear they were necessarily catching. Seeing their puzzled looks, Christy finally said “Lisa and I started acting in adult movies. We both quit after several years, but I just started acting again a few months ago.”

There was complete silence on Nick and Jennifer’s part. They were like deer caught in headlights. Both of them remained speechless for what seemed to be minutes. Their smiles had turned to a look of shock.

Christy continued by saying “some of the people who were at the party are actors too. My company Delmark represents them. My main job is acting as an agent for them, helping them find work acting. Right now I’m just doing some acting for fun.”

Jennifer’s and Nick’s brains were still trying to comprehend what they had just been told.

“Can you believe it?” said Lisa. “Here she is, 51 years old, and she’s getting back into acting. She’s been so successful building Delmark, but she’s acting for the fun of it. I don’t get it. Who in the hell acts for the fun of it? I know you’re beautiful, but……”

No more than two hours ago, Lisa, Christy, and I had a sit down talking about this very thing. I guess Lisa was still a bit upset.

“Are you acting in porn movies Christy?” asked Jennifer.

Christy just nodded her head.

“Oh my God!” exclaimed Jennifer. “That explains so much.”

“Explains what?” asked Christy.

“All those naked people in the pool. The fact that they’re porn stars.” Jennifer looked proud of herself, like she had just solved a lingering mystery.

“You two aren’t porn stars, yet you both got in the pool without your clothes. And you liked it. I know you had fun. At least I don’t think you’re porn stars.” Christy said sharply.

“Absolutely not!” exclaimed Jennifer.

The laughter at the table kind of fizzled out, except for Nick. I didn’t know what was so funny to him at the time.

“You don’t have a problem with porn actors do you Jennifer?” asked Christy.

“No, no, of course not. I just never would have imagined that both you and Lisa were porn stars. We’ve known Lisa for years, and we had no idea. We thought she worked in marketing. But now that I think of it, I don’t even know what company she works for.” Jennifer sat quietly waiting for Lisa to respond.

“I work for Insag marketing. We do marketing mainly for the adult movie industry. I’m out of the business, but still in the business, if you know what I mean?”

“This is just so weird,” said Nick. “We had no idea about any of this. Brian, I can’t believe you never told me.”

There was definitely an odd mood around the table. I wasn’t sure exactly how to read what Jennifer and Nick were thinking. Yet Christy took the bull by the horns.

“You two don’t have a problem with it?” asked Christy. She was looking directly at Jennifer when asking the question.

Jennifer, sensing that she might have offended Christy, immediately said, “Oh no! Of course not. It’s fine. It’s just not what I had expected. I thought you and Brian were consultants or something. I never would have dreamed that you and Lisa were actresses. Especially in porn. It’s not that you’re not pretty. You’re beautiful. I just never knew it.”

This whole time, Lisa, Nick, and I were eating our food. Christy and Jennifer were having some kind of Mexican standoff with the way they were looking at each other. Christy wanted to make sure Jennifer wasn’t going to unfairly judge her and Lisa, or any other porn people. Often people demean porn and the actors even though they themselves watch porn.

After a few seconds of a stare down between Christy and Jennifer, Jennifer strangely asked, “Does it ever hurt?” I wasn’t even sure what she meant by the question, but Christy knew exactly. As a matter of fact, she didn’t even answer it. Christy and Lisa have told me several times over the years that once people find out you’re in the porn business, they start asking questions, and some of the most strange one’s at that.

I think Christy wanted to set Jennifer straight even though she wasn’t disrespectful in the slightest. And Christy knew that. Christy started filling both Jennifer and Nick in all details about porn. How much they get paid, diseases, testing, and where they get the actors. All the standard information everyone wants to know. But Christy also told them how much fun it is to act in a porn movie, how much she loved the business side of it, and all the great people she’s met along the way.

Christy enlightened them throughout the rest of dinner. I’ve heard Christy give this little speech before, but this was the first time I had heard her give it since she started acting again. Maybe because she began acting again after so many years, she seemed to have more passion about the business. I was proud of her for it.

To Jennifer and Nick’s credit, they never brought up the negative connotations that are linked to the porn business. When people do bring up the things that are wrong in porn, Christy will just nod her head. She won’t get into a debate about it. For the entire time I’ve known her, she mostly always speaks highly of the business.

After Christy was done giving them the scoop, she really got their attention when she asked the both of them if they like to watch porn.

For most people this can be a real embarrassing question. And most people probably lie about it, but to Nick and Jennifer’s credit, they both nodded their heads, and Jennifer said they had a long time ago when they were dating.

“Well then, you should start watching it again,” Christy said smiling. “Who knows, you might even catch my next movie?”

That line got my attention. It’s weird to think that someone I’m friends with could be watching my future wife fucking on their TV set or computer.

“If you’d like, both of you can stop over at Lisa’s after we’re done here, and we can watch some of our old videos?” asked Christy.

Lisa I don’t think really wanted to do a movie night with Jennifer and Nick, but before she could say anything, both Nick and Jennifer excitedly said yes.


Usually when Christy or Lisa shows one of their porn movies to someone, it generally leads to some kind of action in the living room. At least that’s been my experience.

Watching porn makes people excited, and when the actors are right there in the room, it definitely adds a twist to the whole situation. Yet tonight was a bit different.

We sat around Lisa’s living room with drinks in hand, watching the old videos. I knew Lisa was embarrassed at first because after all these were her neighbors. But after hearing Jennifer say “Oh my God!,” and Nick saying “Holy shit!” about a thousand times, the evening finally came to an end.

Jennifer and Nick are so polite, and were so thankful for letting them watch the movies. They were complimentary on Lisa’s and Christy’s looks when they were younger, and how much they both seemed to enjoy acting. I was hoping to maybe see Jennifer act on her excitement that evening, but she never did. I’m sure the videos were making her horny, but nothing sexually happened. Soon they were both headed home back across the street.

Since Christy had moved back to L.AI think Lisa has come to terms with her own porn acting from the past. There’s a part of Lisa who’d like to disassociate herself with her former porn life because she blames it in part for her failed relationships. But everyone who’s seen her act is so complimentary of her. They really enjoy her. And now because of Christy’s and her love for the porn business, Lisa has realized that porn has been, and can be, a lot of fun. Not only to watch, but also to make. I’d be shocked if Lisa ever got in front of the camera again, but then again, maybe not.


Lisa, Christy, and Emily finally settled on a venue and a date. I wasn’t even consulted. It’s fine with me. Just tell me where to stand. Of course I was going to have to provide a list of people I wanted to invite, but it was a small list. Only my Mom, my siblings, and their kids. Also a few friends I had made during my time in Colorado. Now if any of these people would actually show up, that’s another story. Since the wedding was going to be in L.A,, I didn’t really expect anyone to make it.

In the meantime, Christy was working hard at Delmark, and constantly thinking about shooting for RNT. I think she was a bit nervous. But she calmed her nerves by working out and watching what she ate. She wanted to be in the best shape possible.

I didn’t go with Christy when she left the house early in the afternoon to start shooting for RNT. She left with a bag packed with some clothes and personal items. She returned home later that evening tired, but excited. I soon found out why.

“Brian, it was so much fun.” Christy explained.. “I mean the sex was a blast, but so was everyone else. I can’t wait for you to meet everyone and to see what we shot. Everything was state of the art. Plus I think I did a great job. At least Dustin and Cindy seemed to think so. Also, I got to meet Susan Shankly for the first time. She’s a legend, and so nice. She was in the porn business long before I was first in it. She still looks amazing, and has a great body. I wasn’t in a scene with her, but I watched her fuck this guy. She’s still got it. Susan’s great. Maybe someday she and I will get to do something together. I’ll have to mention it to Brad.”

That last statement told me that Christy wasn’t planning to stop acting anytime soon.

Christy continued to fill me in on all the details. She was scheduled to go back to the same house to film another scene. I could tell she was excited about what took place today, but also about shooting in the next few days. In my mind, I was wondering if she was tired, or even if her pussy was sore from the day’s activities.

When telling me about a porn shoot, Christy never says something like “he pounded my pussy for hours, ” or “I nearly choked to death sucking his cock.” I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, because it does. I’ve seen her videos, Even her recent shoots with Danny were very physical. Let’s just say he pounded the fuck out of her on both shoots. And I’m sure the one today with RNT wasn’t any different. The porn viewer likes to see people going hard at it, and especially the women. And I know first hand Christy can do it. Christy doesn’t typically talk about the intimate details of what took place. The video’s say it all.

I guess it’s no different than when a lawyer talks about a case. He or she might say I went to court today, but they really don’t get into the intricacies of the case. Fucking some guy on video isn’t really any different. They all have a job to do I guess.

Christy has only fucked two other guys when I wasn’t there in person. Once with Dustin and Cindy, and once with Danny while shooting a scene. Today would make number three, and two days from now could make number four or five, and who knows, maybe six, seven, and eight. It doesn’t take long in the porn business before a guy or a girl has fucked a lot of people. Christy never told me what she wasn’t willing to do on video sexually speaking. I assumed it’d be like her younger years where there wasn’t apparently anything off limits. Knowing her like I do, if it feels safe and sexy, she’d probably do it.

Going to sleep with her in the evening after she put in a day’s work fucking is a bit surreal. Would she want to have sex the same evening? Would I want to have sex with her? Even after a couple of years together, and her having sex with other men whether for fun or pay, she’s still so incredibly sexy to me. She’s such a unique and powerful woman. She can be soft and gentle, but hardcore in an instant. Despite her career choice, I wanted to marry her more with each passing day.

“Will you Brian?”

“Will I what?” as we were getting into bed.

Christy just smiled, and I knew what she wanted. I never thought once about what she may have experienced earlier in the day. Maybe she took a royal pounding, or maybe she just ate pussy? She never told me what happened on set today. She wanted it to be a surprise. All I knew is she was horny right now, and that she wanted me and my cock. I wasn’t going to disappoint her.

Maybe it was a small voice in my head telling me that I needed to be a better lover to her right now then anything she might have experienced earlier in the day. We fucked at a medium pace. I’d pull my dick out of her pussy and she’d lean up and suck her honey off my cock. I was very aroused, so it didn’t take me long to finish. I came in her pussy. She looked very satisfied and content. While drifting off to sleep, I wondered if she may have had an easy day sexually speaking, hence why she was able to take my cock later in the evening. But I’d soon find out in the coming weeks that she in fact had a very rough day fucking. And it just wasn’t her pussy and mouth that had to be sore. I knew it already, but the shoot today and the awesome fuck tonight just confirmed that Christy is a total sex addict. She just loves to fuck.

The next morning Christy woke up like nothing had happened the day before. She went to work at Delmark as usual, and in two more days she was again on the set with RNT, doing who knows what. The evening after the second shoot for RNT, Christy told me how great Dustin and Cindy, plus their crew were to work with. She was excited when she said there was a rewrite, and that she did get to work with Susan Shankly. She pulled up Susan on the internet. We went to a porn site, and oh my goodness. Susan Shankly it turns out has made a million videos. I looked her up on Wiki, and she has appeared in over 250 movies from what I can tell. She has been fucking since the early eighties. I looked at her recent pictures, and she’s still a very attractive woman. There’s definitely been some plastic surgery, but she’s held up great. Christy told me she was a delight to work with, which either means she’s nice, has a great pussy, or both.

While getting ready for bed that night, Christy said she wanted to show me something. I waited for her to reach into her purse and show me the two checks she had received from RNT. Holy shit!. It was a lot of money, especially for what she had to do for it. Fucking is fun for Christy, so I don’t think she looks at it as work necessarily. Christy was already making a lot of money at Delmark. Plus she was paying me and Emily a great salary too. Yet the money she made acting wasn’t anything to laugh at. I can see why people get into the business. Especially women. Depending on what they’re willing to do, and how big of a name they are, they can make a ton of money.

Now if Christy, or Tiffany, was famous, or was a high demand actress, she’d make a great living even without Delmark. I’d very soon find out that she is willing to do just about anything sexually, which would garner her good money. But will Tiffany Lauden become a household porn name?

Because of her great looks, her acting chops, availability, enthusiasm, and her willingness to do anything sexually, stardom might actually happen. But shooting just a handful of videos wasn’t going to do it. Like Susan Shankly, she was going have to have a lot more content. Was she willing to do it, and did I want her to do it?



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