Daughter Dearest

An adult stories – Daughter Dearest by BlueEyedWonderGuy,BlueEyedWonderGuy Julie couldn’t believe her eyes.

But there it was, right in front of them.

At first, those soft, brown and green tinted doe eyes couldn’t even blink. Her mouth was slightly open and crooked ajar. She was frozen. She couldn’t breathe. And finally, she swallowed the lump in her throat and lightly inhaled.

Was she really looking at a naked selfie of herself on her father’s laptop?

Her FATHER’S laptop.

The first question that hammered her with confusion was how the hell it even got on there. It was on her phone, and her phone only. She didn’t even have her own laptop or computer. That was why she had gone into her father’s office to use his, so she could work on a report for her history course.

But she never expected to find something like THIS on it.

It was the only self-taken naked photo of herself she currently had, as she wasn’t in the habit of taking those regularly, or at all, for that matter. She wasn’t like any of those other early-20s bimbos passing by her in the halls at her local community college who probably took seven a day and made themselves unwitting nameless internet stars on some cheap selfie porn site due to the moronic guys who got off by nefariously uploading them without their permission or knowledge.

It was a spontaneous act of feeling and promoting her sexiness that she had done for a guy she was barely seeing months back and no longer even talked to. It wasn’t even that memorable of a photo, sure to be disregarded in the quality ranks of a Playboy or Hustler pose. She simply snapped a full frontal, full body shot of herself standing at the full length mirror hinged on her bedroom closet door.

She didn’t even remember she still had the damn thing on her phone until that moment, as it became buried within months of other more practical and interesting shots she snapped through the eyes of her daily life.

She thought she deleted it, but after pulling her phone from her pocket and scrolling through folders, there it still was, in all of its naked glorification verification.

She knew the “who” and “what”. It was the “how”, “when”, and more prominent “WHY” that sparked her confused Nancy Drew driven brain presently being bombarded with mass hysteria.

He had to transfer it directly from her phone. There was no other way. She wasn’t tech-savvy, so she didn’t understand all that “cloud” uploading and hacking stuff, but for all she knew, every photo she took, every thing she did on that phone got automatically saved in some kind of backup he could have easily accessed through her network, since he was the primary account holder of both their phones.

The thought of him taking her phone at some point while she was indisposed in the bathroom, or outside, or doing something for an extended period caused her to be washed over with a wave of violated paranoia.

Again, unlike her mindless female peers, her phone was never attached to the hip. She used her fair share of it, even for stupid videos and the like whenever she was bored, but she could breathe perfectly fine without it for five minutes, leaving it in plain site on the kitchen counter.

So he could have swiped it at anytime, for any AMOUNT of time that it took to discover the photo and copy it onto his laptop.

She was a blender of emotions. Confusion. Anger. Surprise. What probably upset her most was that they had such a great, trusting relationship together, even stronger since her mother had left them seven years earlier. So she wondered what caused him to even take her phone in the first place.

Julie considered herself a headstrong, rational person, always trying to put herself in other people’s shoes to better understand their motives. He was, after all, her father, and fathers tend to worry for their daughters.

She was a mature twenty-years-old. More mature than most, due to having to harden her bones when her neglectful mother bailed.

But that was something he should have done when she was a teenager, and he never came off as overprotective or investigative. She never caught him in her room, snooping for a diary of confessions or hidden drugs which she never partook in. He always respected her boundaries and gave her considerate personal space.

So WHAT THE HELL was her bare naked ass doing on his laptop in a folder titled “SPANK BANK”?

She knew what that term meant. She wasn’t stupid. But the silly naivety she felt she was always cursed with as her personality downfall caused her to open the folder anyway.

Maybe it was a strange or funny code for something work-related. But that notion was kicked out the window upon grazing her eyes across the two dozen or so nude photos of women, some probably adult film stars and some selfies like hers he had probably found on the ‘net.

She tried to stay calm. Maybe he copied it and was readying to present it as some kind of lecture for safety. A “don’t tempt the wolves out in the woods” kind of warning to keep his former princess in line, going the whole nine yards to transfer it onto his laptop in a more profoundly effective tactic to show and scare her into not doing promiscuous things like that.

Maybe he accidentally tossed it in the wrong folder. Simple but embarrassing mistake.

Julie ran a hand through her soft, straight dirty blonde hair and then brought it to her mouth.

She wished her curiosity never opened the folder.

Because all she could muster up in thought was that her father was masturbating to a naked picture of her. He was jacking off to her… thinking about her… sexually.

She had made the illustrious spank bank hall of fame folder.

The pompous and prissy Disney princess angel of herself popping up on her right shoulder tried to sing that maybe he hadn’t done anything with it yet; that maybe it was a harmless mistake or worst case scenario some weird but harmless perverted curiosity of interest and nothing more.

Yet the scantily-clad Victoria’s Secret lingerie devil version of herself on her left shoulder was shouting that it was his new favorite picture to beat off with and he was shooting endless ropes of cum from his dick while moaning out her name to himself.

Julie closed the photo file and subsequent folder before turning the laptop off and firmly shutting it. She sat there for a full three minutes in blank thought and silence. She was glad he wasn’t presently home. It would be awkward passing by him in the kitchen or some place with this newfound knowledge of discovery.

Of course, this didn’t make the elephant in the room vanish for her. What the hell was she going to do? How could she even be around him from now on knowing this?

Any simple meal at the table, or movie viewing in the living room, or car ride would be plagued thick with awkwardness from then on, and solely on her side only, considering he would be clueless on her unearthly uncovering.

Should she confront him? Should it be in outraged anger? She couldn’t even remember the last time she had been mad at him for anything. They were practically best friends, considering she always distanced herself from having any serious ones her own age.

Julie left the office and went up to her bedroom. There was no way she could concentrate on accomplishing any of her school report, but it wasn’t due for two weeks, so no big deal.

She watched some TV and floundered around a little on social media for a few hours, but couldn’t shake her mixed feelings on the whole discovery. She figured maybe the best thing to do was confront him.

She figured she could maybe eventually brush it off and forget about it over time, but it was really bugging and gnawing at her, and she knew it wasn’t going to subside.

Not unless she confronted him. As cumbersome and uncomfortable as it would be, at least it would be over with. Like ripping off a Band Aid. Besides, even if his motives were truly of a sexual nature, he would probably do his best to cover it up with bumbling excuses or a masking ignorance of innocence.

It didn’t matter. She just wanted to confront him.

She heard him come home not long after, shuffling around downstairs in the kitchen for a bit, but she hesitated in rushing down there. She didn’t want to come off like some insanely crazy accuser fifteen seconds after he got in from a long day at work, no matter how justified she may have been in anyone else’s mind for doing so.

So she hung out in her room for a while longer. She figured he would probably pop into in there anyway, like he often did, to see how she was doing, but his footsteps signaled a trail up the stairs that led straight to his own room instead.

Maybe later, she figured, when he was settled in and she was more calm.

She got caught up in a movie on TV which did ease her tensions a bit but eventually she nodded off to sleep in her bed, and when she awoke it was a good two hours or so later into the evening. She yawned and stretched, rubbing her eyes and getting up. It was now or never.

The TV in her father’s room was on, and the door was slightly closed over, with a slim crack open. She took a deep breath in the hallway, centering herself. She could handle this. She was a big girl.

“Daddy?” she softly called out as she craned her neck to look through the open door crack.

There was no response. Just the sound of the TV. She softly pushed her way forward but sharply stopped seeing movement through the tall mirror tucked in the corner of the room, reflecting the adjacent bathroom within.

Her father was moving around in there, and she was just about to open her mouth to call out for him again when she saw him slightly turn in the mirror’s reflection.

He was drying his hair with a dark green towel facing away, revealing his bare backside and rear end as Julie slightly gasped. He pulled the towel off his head and turned to unintentionally face the direction of the mirror, and that’s when she caught a glimpse of his hanging penis, slightly swinging in his swaying body motion.

She was frozen in place like a deer caught in the headlights. She couldn’t pull herself away. Maybe it was the sudden shock. But she watched as he wiped a post-shower wetness from his chest with the towel, then lowered it to rub his groin as the penis flopped up, down and all around with the towel’s movement before it ventured lower to dry his legs.

He was clearly unaware of her presence within the slim crack of the open doorframe; consumed with finishing up.

Julie snapped herself out of it. She blinked and revved to life, quietly grabbing the doorknob and pulling the door back to its more closed state as she turned and lightly patted her feet across the carpeted hallway back to the her room. She closed the door behind and leaned against it, covering her face with her hands in embarrassment.

Did. That. Just. Fucking. Happen.

It was almost like adding insult to injury. Mere hours after making the ground-shaking discovery that her own father had potentially been ogling and who-knows-what-else over a picture of her nude body, she had to accidentally soak in a naked eyeful of him herself.

What were the odds?

It was almost laughable, and she did curl a quick grin. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had seen him naked. But that was just her luck…going to confront him about her own personal boobage being digitally showcased on his laptop and instead practically walking dead-smack into a visual brick wall of his naked ass and dick.

God, that thing was HUGE!

Okay, maybe not HUGE, but it certainly had some length and thickness to it. Did it look that way the last time she had seen it with younger and more novice eyes? Maybe her mind was embellishing because of the shock of the situation.

Why was she still thinking of her father’s dick, anyway? She tried to shake it from her vision, but suddenly it were as if her feelings on that day’s earlier odd situation had done a complete reversal and she had forgotten all about it, because there was a slight tingling buzz reverberating through her body enough to make her hands barely shake in excitement.

“Holy shit. I just totally saw my father’s penis,” she kept thinking to herself.

It was like she forgot about her own naked photo altogether.

In the hour that followed, he still hadn’t come to check in on her. She figured he could’ve while she was sleeping, before taking his shower, but it was nothing out of the ordinary. She had gone back to watching TV, but the on-screen dramatizations were like white noise against all the thoughts racing through her head.

It was a small charge of electric excitement she had not experienced before. Her pre-set brain barriers were trying to emphasize to her that it wasn’t sexual excitement, that it was merely excitement due to surprise for something not often seen and never thought about.

But it was like seeing something forbidden. She couldn’t help but feel like it was a turn on for that reason alone.

And then she began to flip the mental coin. Was that what it was like for him, looking at her naked photo? Just an excitement emerging from a taboo notion that he was seeing something he wasn’t allowed to see? Something that wasn’t considered normal or conventional?

Then she began to weigh his motives, and a sense of possible understanding began to eek and melt away her insecurities about the photo discovery. His unfaithful wife left him seven years ago, and he’s barely made an attempt to date. Not that he was socially awkward or ugly.

On the contrary, he was very likeably outgoing and the friend or two Julie had shown his picture to had commented on what a DILF he was (Dad I’d Like to Fuck) for such a young-looking and fit man at forty-five. Which obviously Julie thought was gross at the time.

But maybe it was evident that he was perfectly content with his spunky daughter being the only female presence that truly mattered in his life, so perhaps he didn’t find it necessary to venture into the dating world.

And of course being a man, he had sexual needs and urges that may have been better satisfied mentally at the thought of who he was most comfortable with, and that sure as hell wasn’t going to be his selfish-bitch-of-an-ex-wife.

Maybe it didn’t point to him being some kind of twisted incest-driven freak. Maybe she was just his mental security blanket from having to get hurt in a relationship again.

Julie was no psychologist, but it seemed feasible. After all, wasn’t he the most important man in HER life? Perhaps that’s why she hadn’t felt the need much to date, aside from putting him and school at the forefront of importance in her life. That’s why she stayed local for college and lived at home.

A small burst of energy flared between Julie’s legs, like a match had been struck and the flame blown out just as quickly. She felt a tinge of wetness.

Holy fuck.

Did she just get a little wet thinking about… her father?

No. No, no, no. She was just over excited, that’s all. A natural bodily reaction. Her body didn’t know it was her father’s genitalia she was staring at, even though her mind and heart knew. It was just biology.

That led to her wondering about how his cock must get hard thinking about her with her photo, and it was as if any negative or concerned complications about her discovery had dissipated. It was almost… flattering. Flattering thinking how someone, even her own father, could appreciate her naked body and beauty so much that it would instill insurmountable physical pleasure.

Any thoughts of how long he had her photo were now being replaced with thoughts of how many times he had cum looking at it. It suddenly made her feel special.

And it wasn’t a sense of sympathy for him, either, like she was sad he had to resort to that instead of seeking out pussy his own age (and not of his own blood). She didn’t feel sorry for him in some pathetic way. She almost felt… proud. Proud he was appreciating her in that kind of way. And she didn’t want him to feel ashamed.

Maybe that’s what compelled her to make her next move.

Part of her thought she was crazy; that she was losing her grip on reality because of the two things that happened that day, but mostly it was the newfound sense of excitement flowing through her like she was some kind of reinvigorated power station of possible delight.

Julie walked into the hallway toward the bathroom. She could still hear the TV on in her father’s bedroom. She beelined into the bathroom and closed the door, proceeding to strip naked and twist the knobs for the shower.

That innocent angel on her shoulder was once again figuratively assuring her that a cold shower would set her mechanics straight, while that sparky devil on the other shoulder was urging her to fuck the horniness out of her buzzing cunt with her fingers.

She did pitter-patter the top of her shortly grassed pussy a few times while the hot steamy water sprayed on her naked frame from above, but she held back in regards to what she had planned.

Minutes later, after stepping out of the shower and drying her hair just enough so that it still looked a bit stringy and wet, she wrapped a towel around her waist and walked back into the hallway, eyeballing her father’s door as she playfully bit her lower lip. If he wanted to see her naked… he was damn well going to see her naked.

THAT’S how she was going to confront him about the photo. She would get to the bottom of all this the most directly effective way… by showing HER naked bottom.

She was excited, but she was sane. She was in control. She was ready. She knocked her knuckles against the door and slowly pushed it open, peeking inside.

“Dad?” she called out.

Her father, dressed in a tee-shirt and boxers, turned his head to see her and sat up in his bed, bringing his body back to life after it had clearly been vegging out for a bit.

“Honey,” he mumbled. “Hey. Saw you were asleep earlier. Didn’t wanna wake you. How’s it going?”

“Good. Fine,” Julie replied, coming more into the room and stopping at the door. She crossed her arms and would be lying if she said she wasn’t even a little nervous. It was certainly showing on her face. “I was wondering if… I could, like, talk to you about something?”

He rubbed his face and turned the volume of the TV down, tossing the remote aside.

“Sure, what’s up?”

Her eyes trailed along the floor, almost as if purposely keeping them off him. “I, uh… I, um…” she fumbled with her words.

“Jules? You okay, baby? What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“Yeah, but I mean, not to me, I mean, yes to me, kind of, just something I wanted to bring up,” she said.

He shuffled himself a little forward on the bed with some concern. She took a breath and stepped over, gently sitting on the edge of the bed in the towel before him while keeping her eyes away. “I just wanted you to know that I, um, I found it,” she finally stated.

“Found what?” he wondered, bending his eyebrows in confusion.

This time, Julie veered her eyes over and locked them into his. “I found IT,” she repeated more directly.

He shrugged. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, baby.”

“The photo.”

“What photo?”

“You know what photo. The photo of me. On your laptop.”

He gave a shaky grin. “I’ve got a bunch of photos of you on there, Jules, You’ll have to be more specific.”

“Is the naked selfie of me specific enough?” she flatly challenged.

He didn’t respond at first. He mustered a somewhat confused shape on his face, slowly shaking his head. “I really don’t…”

Julie reached out and touched his leg. “You don’t have to make excuses,” she calmly assured him. “I’m not mad or anything. I thought I might be at first, but I’ve gotten over it, pretty quickly.”

“Listen, hun, there might be pictures on there I don’t know about from getting some off your phone. You remember a while back when I had to try to fix that volume issue on it? I transferred some from our trip to the mountains and…”

“Daddy,” she firmly halted him further. “I told you, you don’t have to make excuses. When a picture of your naked daughter with her ta-tas hanging out is in some kind of jerk-off folder, it’s pretty clear.”

He took a deep breath, embarrassingly scratching the side of his head as he looked away.

“I want you to know that it’s okay. That I’m not freaked out over it anymore or anything. I’m sure you’re not the only father in history who has whacked off thinking about his daughter. I’m sure it’s… natural. You’re single and haven’t dated in a long time, and I’m the only girl in your life, and you just… responded that way.”

“Jeez,” he murmured, placing a hand on his forehead. “You must think I’m the biggest creep perv.”

“No, I don’t.”

“You know I would never do anything to hurt you or make you uncomfortable.”

“I know,” she nodded.

“It’s just been hard,” he said, scoffing at what he just said with a smirk. “I mean, not hard that way. You know what I mean. Difficult. Dating. It’s not easy hooking up at my age. All the women at this point are married or psychos.”

“Well, you should try. Maybe you should do an online dating app thing,” she suggested.

“I appreciate the thought, honey, but I’m not looking to commit to anything serious right now.”

“So what is it? Just sex, then?” she wondered. “You can use those dating apps for no-strings-attached stuff if you just want to get laid.”

“Not to sound pessimistic, but easier said than done. I’m just not suave like that.”

Julie then gave a shrug. “Well, what about a prostitute?”

He chuckled.

“I’m serious, dad. There’s nothing wrong with having to pay for it if it’s what’s best for your situation. I’m not talking about some two-dollar titty-tart gutter slut downtown. I mean like one of those classy escorts. Even if it’s just a one-time thing to get you back on-balance. You’re stressed all the time from work, and from lugging my silly butt around by yourself after all this time.”

“I’ll be fine, sweetie,” he passively assured her with a forced smile.

“No. I want to help you,” she insisted, taking his hands in hers. “I’ve thought about this over the last few hours.”

“Thought about what?”

She gave him a long, solid stare. “I want you to see me.”

“See you? What do you… what do you mean?”

Julie pulled her hands away and grabbed the top of her towel, starting to pull it apart. “I want you to see me,” she told him.

He instinctively threw his hands forward onto the towel and stopped her from going further. “What? Baby, no! I… that isn’t necessary! I don’t need to. I don’t think that would be appropriate.”

She gently pushed his hands away, keeping her eyes locked onto him the entire time as she resumed her fingers finding where the towel was crossed within itself. “I’m comfortable with my body, and I’m comfortable with you seeing it. Maybe it will help get it out of your system or something.”

He didn’t make any further attempts to derail her intentions. Maybe he figured it was useless to resist. He knew how stubborn she was. So he simply sat and watched with studying eyes as Julie pulled the towel open and casually let it drop to her feet on the floor in a crumpled damp pile.

He swallowed and looked away at first, but his eyesight casually coasted back to her, meeting her waiting gaze and slowly descending to her chest, where her round, perky breasts sat protruding out, looking so soft… so plush… so perfect.

“You’ve got a really nice body,” he softly complemented with an innocent tone.

“Touch me,” she urged.

He got choked up in his response. “Looking is one thing, but I don’t think I should. That’s just… not too appropriate.”

“Just touch a boob,” she insisted. “When was the last time you felt the softness of a breast? It’s been YEARS, daddy. I’m not gonna go running to the cops and I’m not gonna think any differently of you. I’m doing this FOR you.”

“I understand that, and I thank you, but I don’t want this little thing to turn into something awkward between us down the line. You’re too important to me.”

“There’s nothing awkward about nudity. There’s nothing awkward about the nude female body, or the nude male body, for that matter.”

“Unless the blood inside is the same,” he flatly joked.

“It’s just blood. Who cares,” she said with the roll of her eyes. “I don’t see the big deal people make with seeing family members naked, as long as they’re adults, and we’re both adults.”

“You’re a young adult,” he corrected, “and I don’t think you’re thinking straight.”

“Straight like an older adult masturbating his penis to a naked photo of his daughter?” she shot back.

He sighed. She had him there.

“I want to help jerk it off for you,” she continued.

His body frame shot up more stiff. “What?! No. Just, no! Jules, this has gone too far!”

“I wanna see you cum. I want to see cum shooting out of you because of me.”

“This is nuts,” he mumbled, shaking his head.

“No,” she blurted, reaching out and laying the palm of her right hand against the crotch of his boxer shorts. “THESE are nuts, and they’re full. You need this, daddy. I wanna help.”

His breathing was a little labored as he tried to mentally grasp the situation, looking back at her. She perked her eyebrows and smoothly began to run the tips of her fingers along his bare leg, piercing her eyes into his. “Will you show me your penis?”

He hesitated. But it was obvious from the shape of his boxers, which were slowly turning into a pup tent, that it was exciting him. She took charge and reached for the boxers, carefully sliding them down. He went to reach out but stopped. She tucked a hand under the top so she could get them over that obstructing “shape”.

And his hard dick sprung back as she removed the boxers. He covered and unbelievably rubbed his face, then took a breath or two before pulling his shirt off, now fully naked on the bed.

Naked, with his beautiful naked daughter.

Was this really happening?

He thought he was in a dream. He had conjured his fantasy scenario many times since discovering the photo of her, but now it was really happening, and it felt… natural. It felt good, and right. Never in a million years did he think it would ever happen.

Julie reached out and gripped his growing cock, smoothing her hand up and down as he gasped. “Touch me,” she whispered.

He didn’t hesitate this time. He reached out and cupped his hands around her circular breasts, thumbing the nipples and feeling the smoothness of her skin. They weren’t huge, and they weren’t small, but they had some weight to them, some perfect balance to the rest of her body.

“Oh my God, you’ve already got pre-cum leaking,” Julie then said under her breath in a hushed manner to herself as if surprised.

She climbed forward and dipped her head down, and before he knew it, his dick was in her mouth. He let out a moan, not just because of the pleasure, but because of her assertiveness. He set his head back against the bedframe, closing his eyes.

She began to carefully and meticulously suck, letting her tongue run along the length of his shaft. He opened his eyes and looked down to see her eyes peering up at him. He let out a groan.

He couldn’t remember the last time he saw a woman looking up at him as she sucked him. It was erotic, and women knew it. His girl knew what she was doing.

She sucked and let it out of her mouth with a POP, flicking her tongue under the head like a seductive garden snake, then patting it up and down the entire length with little tiny soft kisses.

“Oh my Godddd,” he moaned.

She started stroking him with one hand, evenly and rhythmically while using the other to cup and balance his balls as he placed a caring hand against her face. She craned her head so she could kiss it.

“Have you done anything like this before, with guys?” he then asked, the pleasure feeling so good that it made the simple words tough to get out.

“Yes,” she replied, stroking his cock.

“Have you had… sex?”

“Yes,” she simply repeated.

He relaxed with the pleasure that was now flowing through his entire body.

“Is that what you want?” she directly and calmly asked. “To have sex with me?”

“We can’t,” he grimaced. “We shouldn’t even be doing THIS.”

“We can,” she affirmed. “We can because we have the parts. You have a penis and I have a vagina. It’s as simple as that.”

“You’re my daughter,” he moaned.

“We love each other,” she then noted. “And I want to make you feel good. That’s what people who love each other do. Doesn’t matter who they are to each other.”

Her delicate hand was jerking faster. He wanted to thrust his hips into it harder.

“I’ll do whatever you want to do or not want to do,” she sweetly suggested. “I can just suck and jerk you off and you can shoot your cum out onto my boobs. Or we can just rub our bodies together. Or lay together and hold each other.”

“I want you,” he confirmed, voice shaking.

She released her grip and shuffled a little across the bed on her knees, repositioning herself and laying on her back, where she invitingly spread her bare legs open a bit, running her hands up along her inner thighs.

“I want to make this simple for you, daddy. I want you to stop thinking, stop worrying and stop debating, and I want you to lay on top of me and just slide your dick into my vagina.”

He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. His breaths gave shortened shakes. And like a ravenous animal, he sprung forward with a quick crawl, kissing her stomach all the way up to her breasts, where he tongued and sucked on her nipples. She purred with pleasure.

He positioned her ready body over her. Her eyes looked down, where she saw his cock pointing and throbbing. “Fuck, that looks sooo hot,” she groaned with an almost unbearable whine.

“I haven’t had sex since your mother,” he admitted, almost with a hint of shame.

She touched her feathery fingers to his jawline. “Oh my God. You poor thing. It’s okay,” she whispered. “Just do what feels natural. If you need to cum, just cum.”

“I should put on a condom,” he figured, tugging his dick to keep it alive.

“It’ll be fine,” she assured him. “I’m on the pill, anyway.”


“I’m not having sex. It’s mostly to help with my cramps,” she explained. “Sorry to gross out the mood.”

“There’s nothing gross about you,” he muttered, kissing her forehead. “You’re so beautiful. Even more breathtaking than your mother.”

She gave a warm smile. “Is that why you jerk off to me?”


“Mmm,” she cooed as he waved his hardened dick over the top of her sweet spot, like he was honing in on a target.

He used a hand to help guide himself to her entry and let his natural stiffness do the rest, pushing inside between the envelopes of her soft pussy as his rod disappeared within. She huffed a moan and wrapped her arms around his back in an effort to pull him closer.

“Oh, daddy!” she softly cried.

He grunted. Her insides were delicate and smooth, fully wet and ready for him as the muscles clamped around his cock and squeezed. She was still tight. She clearly hadn’t had sex all that much. “Is this really fucking happening?” he moaned.

“Yes, daddy,” she responded. “You’re really inside me. You’re inside my pussy.”

He began to smoothly thrust and pump, hooking his arms underneath her. Their lips met with a connecting kiss.

“Ugggh,” he let out a manly groan, reacting to her reflexive cunt muscles massaging his member in a way he never felt before with any other woman.

“Fuck, your dick feels so goddamn good,” she said, reaching back and squeezing his bare bottom. “I never thought it could be this good.”

“Oh baby,” he huffed.

“Oh daddy, yes, fuck me, daddy,” she begged. She wanted to call him that. She made sure to, because it wasn’t weird at all. It felt good, and she knew he was feeling good hearing it. “Daddyyyy,” she moaned.

He licked her breasts and put his nose to her chest, inhaling her feminine fragrance deeply. “Your tits smell so good after a shower,” he commented, smelling them again.

He pumped into her and sniffed her neck, and the aroma was putting him into high octane heat which made him slam into her faster with wet, naked slapping sounds. “Oh, that’s so hot. You’re so kinky, daddy. I want you to smell my pussy,” she commanded with a groan, pushing him off a little.

He slipped out of her and shuffled down, touching his nose against the slit of her warm vagina. Her mother never let him do anything like that. He smelled the wanting sex drive pumping out of her, nuzzling his nose and giving her some heavy licks and sucks before she crawled back and got to her knees, directing him to sit up against the backboard.

She placed her hands on his shoulders and hiked herself up, settling down on his crotch as his hard straight dick perfectly slid up into her cunt.

She began to grind, using one hand to run back through her damp hair. “Do I feel as good as mom?” she wondered.


She moved back and forth, looking down and directing his attention likewise. “Look. Look down there, daddy. See it? Isn’t it so beautiful? Isn’t it so perfect?”

“Feels so f-f-f-ucking good,” he shakily moaned.

She started bouncing. Her tits were jiggling. His daughter’s boobs were bouncing. It was the hottest thing he had ever seen. The bed creaked as its backboard thumped against the wall over and over.

“I’m sweating. You’re making me sweat,” she noted, gliding a hand back through her hair again. He saw her mounded chest glistening and sparkling with light beads of perspiration. He wasted no time buying his face into it. He wanted her sweat. He wanted her smell. He wanted everything about her, raw and unfiltered.

“I don’t know how much longer I can hold it, honey,” he mentioned. “I’ve been too out of practice.”

She moaned. It was sexy hearing that, knowing that she was going to make her father cum. That her body was being used to help satisfy the most primal urge in a man’s DNA.

Her head was no longer clogged with trivial thoughts like earlier. She should have been screaming to herself that this was lunacy at the highest level, but it just felt too good. She didn’t care. She didn’t want to stop.

Sex felt good. She had already established that years ago in her life. But this was different. This was BETTER. This was more powerful than any hot and luscious intercourse she could ever remotely wish or dream up.

She didn’t even give a damn if the entire nation knew about it. She was beaming with a sense of self satisfaction and decree that made her proud to be his daughter.

Hell, her mother could have even walked into the room at that moment and Julie would have completely held no qualms over what she was doing. Julie would have simply looked over her shoulder back at the horrendous shock iced onto her mother’s aged face and given one of her smooth bare ass cheeks a slap before bringing the hand back up to give that bitch the middle finger.

Almost like silently saying, “I’m giving him what you failed to give him and there’s nothing you can do about it. And I’d shoot daggers with my eyes to you but I can barely keep them open because he’s banging me so good.”

Was her mother’s abandonment issues causing her to do this? Was she fucking her father just to spite her? No, she was convinced that wasn’t the reason, but it sure was a nice little bonus that sizzled a hot flare of turned on excitement inside her pulsating pussy.

All that mattered to her in the world at that moment was making sure his dick exploded.

“Cum inside me,” she murmured, pulling close to him. “Shoot your fucking jizz up into my cunt, daddy. Unload all your angst and stress into me. I’m here for you.”

Her buttocks smacked and bounced against his legs. Her tits were flopping. He gave a more heavy groan. Was he really going to do it? Was he going to commit the most forbidden of all taboos and shoot his cum into his daughter’s body?

Was he really going to let the ropes and streams of his semen go deep into her young vagina? They had already gone this far. It was senseless to stop in shame now. It was just feeling too damn good to do anything else otherwise.

And she was correct before. Their minds could be cast aside, but their bodies were simply engaging upon the most natural and simple act of biology. He was a man. And she was a woman now. His woman.

Maybe that was the moment he realized his princess had now grown up into a glorious and righteous young queen. She had a perfect college body. She had breasts. She had tiny little hairs on a properly well kept pussy. Her ass was firm and fully crafted. And her eyes read into him like an older seasoned soul of worldly knowledge that strongly told him, “I am a woman. Hear me roar. Take me into your core and I’ll nurture you like a true woman should.”

She was indeed a woman. And a woman’s body craved a man’s cum. He wouldn’t deny her that biological privilege.

“Cum, daddy! I want your cum! I love you so much!” she called out, bouncing on top of him as her eyes tilted back and sweat rolled off the hills of her chest.

“I love you, too,” he barely managed to groan, pulling her naked smooth body closer as his hands flatly pressed against her bare sweat-shined back.

He felt the first burst, and his cock released within her, spewing a long, soothing rope of semen deep into her muscles as a moan bellowed from his throat chamber. She tightened her arms around him, his head buried in her neck as he felt her desperate pussy massage and milk the next two smooth waves from his hard dick.

She shook and quivered, her mouth hanging open. “Yes! Yes! My fucking pussy’s cumming,” she barked as she looked down. “Oh, G-G-God, you’re making m-m-my pussy cum, daddy.” She rode him in a glossy stride, accepting it all as naturally and elegantly as she could.

He felt his cock convulse and spasm, sputtering out a few last short shots. She topped it off with a heavy “unnggh,” humping into him and slowly winding down to a slow dreamlike motion.

They sat catching their breath. Julie smiled and nuzzled her nose into his face, fluttering his cheeks everywhere with little kisses before giving him a big one on the lips. She unlocked and looked into his eyes, running a hand back through his hair. “I love you,” she softly stated, catching her breath.

“Love you too,” he answered.

She kissed his lips again and rested her head against his shoulder, lightly panting. “How did it feel cumming inside me?”

“Amazing. Indescribable. I just… I can’t believe we… I can’t believe I…”

“Just filled your naked daughter’s pussy with your cum?” she finished. “You needed to. Your penis needed it. And it’s never gonna get neglected again, understand?”

He smiled and kissed her lips. “Yeah,” he agreed. “Are you feeling okay about… all this? About what just happened?”

She wrapped her arms around his neck for a long hug. “Let’s not talk right now. Let’s not worry about that. Just stay inside me like this, daddy. Stay connected and protect me, and I’ll protect you. We’re a team, and that’s all that matters in the end.”

“Always,” he assured her.

Julie smiled and they nuzzled their noses together. She clicked her lips onto his and wrapped herself against him more closely.

The next day, despite wanting to keep it as a sentimental souvenir for how their lives had changed, he comfortably deleted her nude photo from his laptop. In fact, his entire “spank bank” folder found its way into the recycle bin.

Who needs photos when you have the real thing?


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