Dead Stick 3 by pars001

A literotic sexstories: Dead Stick 3 by pars001 ,

Tyrome continues to deal with his new job.

I was sitting at my desk when a small vision of Celina appeared in front of me, “the first three are here sir,” three folders appeared in front of me waving my hand over each I raised my eyebrows so, he was here, he was of age I guess.

“Seat them in the waiting room, for now.” I told her, I could see she was concerned but did as I asked. Within half an hour all 20 had appeared and were sitting in the room waiting for whatever they were expecting. As I walked in I saw they were disappointed, good they were about to learn the hard way not to judge too quickly. I heard several laugh and stand to walk out, many grumbling they thought they were being taught by a great, if not the greatest enforcer of all time. Smiling I let them get half way to the door feeling their feeble repulse spells between me and them. Suddenly all 20 were frozen in place, the look of shock on their faces was by far the best laugh I’d had all week.

“I am Tyrome Greenstick,” I told all of them, almost all their faces donned a horrified look, oh yeah they knew who I was. “This was your first lesson; NEVER think that your opponent is weak or powerless. Always assume you are going against another strong if not AS strong as you. This one thing can save your live more than anything you can do, now then, if you are through acting like idiots, we can go on with the rest of the day’s lesson.”

I started then out on drills to try and increase their power, I had to admit they were as low as I’d felt since I was in school. Shuddering that was a memory I did NOT want to go or even accidently wander down. I felt them start to get stronger not much hell that would have been a miracle but enough that I knew that I wasn’t dealing with a bunch of push overs. Good I thought the real work would start tomorrow, when we finished I saw they were sweating bullets, again good I thought ’bout time they got some real work.

“Alright,” I said calling it for the day, “back here again tomorrow, remember what I said, be aware of everything, ya never know when there might be another out for ya.” I watched them go, I sure hoped I didn’t get them all killed, though they had increased another 5%, a couple of drops though not much, were a couple of drops. I told Celina I’d see her tomorrow and headed out, I was only a block from the office when I felt a watcher tailing me. Now what I thought hadn’t anyone learned about me yet? What, did they think I was a newbie? I led my watcher on a merry chase, damn this ass was good, I hadn’t lost him yet, this one was of a quality like the council used. Stopping in an alley I awaited the watcher to catch me, sure enough he thought I had taken a short cut, I grabbed her as soon as she rounded the corner.

“I don’t know who sent you, nor do I care. I’m in a pretty foul mood right now and really don’t feel like fucking with you. Start talking and if I don’t like what I hear you’re done.” I growled.

“Damn Tyrome! Scare a girl to death!” Was the first thing out of her mouth looking closer I saw who it was.

“Cloe! What in the hell are you doing? I could have killed you!” I almost shouted then realized where we were.

“As if,” she smirked, “you’re strong I’ll give you that but I still have the edge on you.”

I smiled yeah she was right there, (another of those tight assed women, um, um) “Still thinking with your cock I see.” Reaching down she began to rapidly massage me through my pants. “I should’ve gotten more of this, damn it figures Cynthia’d get her claws into you first, along with various other body parts.” Sighing she pulled a scroll, “This is an official case, an odd one that has never been solved, hell should have given it to you 100 years ago, oh well live and learn.” Leaning close she whispered, “I’ll be by in the next few days, Cynthia won’t shut up about how much you filled her, I’m going to find out.” Poof with that she was gone faster than a bad memory. Damn it! Now she’d gone and worked me all up and I had nowhere to relieve it! Thinking there had to be someone, sighing I realized no, there was no one, hadn’t been in a while, not with Cynthia trying to drain me every second of the day.

Tyrome walked back home sticking the scroll in his pocket, god he was tired training these pups took a lot more than he thought. Entering his building he saw that none of his wards had been disturbed, opening his door to the empty apartment he sighed. It was going to take a little getting used to no one here when he got home, damn he thought I need to get laid. Waving his hand over the phone book he searched for the one woman for tonight. Damn!

Nothing that even half peeked his interest damn all I need is a piece of ass come on! All the women he’d screwed over the years and not a damn one could or would tonight, they were all in other, cities other dimensions, dead, (ugh not even going there) or just plain still pissed as hell at him. Opening the scroll with a sigh his eyes got wide when he started reading, then he started laughing, so hard in fact he fell off the bed.

he thought.

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