Devious Darla by FRB

Introduction: Darla wants to change her husband, improve him. , DEVIOUS DARLA AND DR. BURDIZZO

“Are you all comfy dear?” Asked Darla of her husband.
He mumbled something that could probably be translated as: “What the fuck is going on?” The mumbling as due to the gag in his mouth, and the questions was due to the fact that he was trussed up hand and foot, and spread-eagled. Though he couldn’t see his feed were bound to a short length of two by four, which kept his legs spread open for the whole world could see his genitals.
“I know you have a gag in your mouth, I put a little something extra in your after dinner decaf tonight so you would co-operate with me in what I have planned.”
Once again Darla’s husband stared at his red haired wife with no comprehension as to what was going on.
“Dear you deserve and explanation, you probably are not going to like it very much, unfortunately there isn’t much you can do about bound and gagged as you are. In a little while I am going to introduce you to Dr. Burdizzo, he is part of an old custom that dates backs 2000 years, the Dr. is going to perform a little modification on you that will make the new lifestyle I am into of no interest to you. Now I will remove the gag is your promise not to yell. Promise?”
Darla’s husband nodded in the affirmative.
“What the fuck are you up to Darla? Croaked out her husband when the gag was removed.
“Sweetheart you promised, now be quiet or you will wake the boys.” Said Darla referring to their two teenage sons.
“Okay, what the fuck are you up to? In a quieter voice.
“Well for sometime now I have had a problem, and I didn’t quite know how to handle it, and from somewhere the idea came to me that my problem would be solved by castrating you.”
“Your nuts, you can’t do that.” Shouting again.
“Shush, you will wake the boys. Of course I am not going to do it, Dr. Burdizzo is going to perform your castration, this nice Italian gentleman is going to relieve you of your nuts.”
“Nuts, that’s what you are nuts!”
“Your shouting dear, one more shout and the gag goes back on.” Darla scolded him.
“I’ll be quieter, but you can’t do that.”
“Look whose talking, your tied to a two by four with your legs spread, you can’t move, so of course I can do anything I want, and when you meet Dr. Burdizzo, he is going to get rid of your gonads for me, so I can live in peace.”
“Come on Darla, untie me let me up, you could go to jail for this.” Said a husband who was beginning to get scared.
“Jail, no I don’t think so, you would have to remember what happened, and I have found a way to make sure you don’t remember a thing. Now when Dr. Burdizzo castrates you he will do it without a painkiller, but afterwards when you are begging for relief from the pain I will give you something to erase the pain and your memory. You will have a little period of adjustment, but after that you won’t notice a thing. You will be like a horse or a bull that has been cut, you will just go on about your life.”
“Darla, I am begging you, I don’t know what you’re thinking, or what caused this, but we can work this out.”
“Well dear you caused it.”
“I caused it?”
“Yes, you had been after me for years to try a three way with another woman. I was disgusted with the idea, but you kept after me and after me, till finally I gave in. That was your fault, when that double gaited slut you brought home sat on my face and I tasted her pussy it was all over. Dear you awakened the inner lesbian in me, you cured me of ever wanting a cock again.”
“You are joking of course, you a lesbian, a homosexual, a queer, for god sakes Darla, you have two sons.”
“Yes I do, but as you have said many times you can’t knock em up with spit.”
“Let me up, enough jokes now, this is a joke isn’t it?” Asked Darla’s husband as he squirmed for some room in the ropes.
“No joke dear, in a few minutes you will get to meet Dr. Burdizzo, and he will fix your little problem causers. This will be just like you are a captured prisoner in ancient Roman. The Romans came up with a way to castrate large numbers of prisoners, without the risk of surgery. Very clever wasn’t it?”
“Yes very, now let me up.”
“I will let you up dear, in a day or so, after you are castrated. This is all your fault, you know, I have been sneaking around to gay bars, picking up girls and women. They are all fascinated by my red hair, and love my little red haired pussy; I like to have them bury their face in it, while I bury my face in their cunts. This is something you don’t understand, or perhaps you do. But the smell of women is more exciting; I must have a man’s nose. But no man is ever going to stick his dirty thing in me again, not when there are nice soft lips out there that want to lick and suck on me.”
“Look Darla, we can work something out, a divorce, alimony, I don’t care if your are having an affair with the Olympic Woman’s track team, just let me up.”
“No I thought of that and that won’t work, you do make a lot of money, but not enough for two households, then there is the matter of custody, I always wanted girls, not a couple of smelly boys. Without your balls, you will be happy to baby-sit them and go to whatever shape ball they are playing while I am being fucked by some six foot bull dyke.”
“You wouldn’t harm the boys would you?” Asked the husband that was now approaching panic city.
“I might improve them, but harm them no, I am the mother and would only do what is best for them.”
“That doesn’t sound right, promise me you won’t harm the boys.”
“Silly, what would could you do if I said something different, by the time you can move again it would be all over with. Be thankful that I am merely having Dr. Burdizzo castrate you, and am not sitting here holding a pillow over your face and sitting on it.”
“Yes I guess I should be thankful for small favors such as that. CUT THE CLOWNING AROUND DARLA, AND LET ME UP.”
“Gag time dear.” Giggled Darla as she re-gagged her husband. “Can’t have you waking the boys now can we.” Darla carefully gagged her husband. “That was a pretty good line, the whole Olympic Women’s track team. Have to consider that one. You have to admit honey that your sex life hasn’t been good since the three way last year. The best you have gotten from me is a hand job, no penetration. You must be getting it wet at the office. The slut and I have met several times since then at a motel and once right here in this bedroom while you were away. I told the boys she was a cousin and we had girl talk”
The husband’s eyes got wide again.
“She assured me she hadn’t been with you since, but that you were sniffing someone else’s bicycle seat in the office.”
“Nmmmm.” Said the husband, trying to indicate there was no truth in this rumor.
“Well you have to admit you don’t deserve to keep your nuts. A man can loose his wife to another man for a variety of reasons, more money, more caring in addition to better sex. But to loose your wife to women, you aren’t a man at all, you will be much better off without your balls. You can live in the spare bedroom, and it won’t bother you at all when I have some good looking young girl in this bed and she starts screaming when I fist her.”
The husband started to struggle against the bonds, his blood pressure rose, and a vessel burst in his eye, but Darla had done a good job, and with the gag he couldn’t get much air and was soon exhausted.
“That’s not very productive dear, you’re going to give yourself a stroke. Now its time for you to meet Dr. Burdizzo.” Darla held up a bright shiny castration clamp she had purchased at the local farm store. “Da da, here he is direct from Italy, Dr. Burdizzo.”
The husband did not exactly comprehend; he had expected a third party, not a pair of deformed pliers. Then Darla had always had the habit of imbuing inanimate objects with spirits.
“This is Dr. Burdizzo dear, see the little jaws clamp down on the cords that hold your balls and crush them, your balls will turn from ripe plump grapes to little withered raisins, and you won’t remember what happened.” Darla played with the burdizzo, opening and closing the jaws.
Darla’s husband cringed, his cock shrunk and his scrotum pulled up tight as a drumhead to his body.
“Oh no your trying to hide them from Dr. Burdizzo, well I have something that will make them come out.” Darla turned on the bedroom TV set and moved it so that it was clearly visible by her husband. “This is a little tape I made, just so you could see for yourself what I like.”
The tape rolled, it was poor quality, but he could discern his bedroom. Then Darla entered with a woman. They sat on the bed and chatted, the sound was poor so the conversation was lost. Darla was running her hands on the woman’s leg and breast. It was then that the husband recognized the woman, it was his next-door neighbors wife, Connie. Darla went about the business of seducing the woman, soon they were kissing, then Connie’s panties came off, Darla pushed her back onto the bed and knelt between her legs and made love to the woman with her mouth and fingers. Despite himself Darla’s husband got an erection, what man can resist a good lesbian film.
“I see that got your attention, time to visit Dr. Burdizzo dear.” Her husband rolled his head from side to side as Darla worked his scrotum loose and place the cord of the right testicle in the jaws. “Here goes the first one.” She slowly pressed down on the handles, her husband screamed into the gag and arched his back. “Oh my that is such a satisfying thing. I don’t know if it is a sound or feeling, but the cords resist, then there is a little crunch, I think I wet myself. Now for the other one dear, and the doctor will leave.” Darla completed her husband’s castration by crushing the cord on his left testicle.
The husband writhed in pain, his face red and covered in sweat.
“Well your certainly not like the old Roman prisoners that faced their fate stoically. Now I am going to removed the gag, and give you a pain killer.” Said Darla as she opened a pill bottle by the bed. Removing the gag: “Open wide dear.”
With the gag out all the husband did was moan.
“Open wide and the pill will stop the pain.”
“Why?” Croaked the husband.
“Because I can dear, because I can, now take your pill.” She forced the pill into his mouth, than poured the contents of a small glass into his mouth to wash it down. The contents were incredibly bitter. “The pill was ryphonol the date rape drug so popular with the kids, and the second was midazolam. The latter stops short term memories, the former long term, so you won’t remember a thing about tonight. Say nighty, nighty night you’re going out for about three days.”
Soon the husband’s pain receded, and he began to dream, marvelous dreams of beautiful women doing all sorts of wonderful things to him. Of course this was another side effect of the drugs. As he drifted, Darla placed an ice pack on his destroyed balls, and then an adult diaper. She planned to keep him out for about three days; by that time the pain and memories would be gone.
She grinned to herself as she gathered up the drugs and Dr. Burdizzo. Humming a song-less tune she walked down the hall to her sons rooms. “They will be much better off it they are like their father.” Darla said to herself.
The boys had a night-light in their room, which was enough for her to work by.
“Boys wake up, your father had a problem and a doctor came to fix his problem, Dr Burdizzo fixed him really well. Now the doctor is afraid you may have the same problem so he is going to fix you too, take these pills dear, then the Dr Burdizzo will come in and fix your little problems.” Read 75616 times | Rated 58 % | (216 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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    , 30 comments 25Report  2014-01-15 08:07:04 bym chcial miec tak zacisniente burdizzo667572866 anonymous readerReport  2010-06-02 14:57:50 I hope you fucking get assraped to death, you perverted scum. 25

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